Disadvantages of Soft Drinks i.e. Cold Soda Water Drinks

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  • 8/17/2019 Disadvantages of Soft Drinks i.e. Cold Soda Water Drinks


    “Health is wealth”


    about the disadvantages of softdrinks/soda drinks

    WARNINGS: Warnings about the dangers of soft drink consumption came to us asearly as 1942 when the American Medical Association's (AMA !ouncil on "ood and

     #utrition made the following noble statement$

    %"rom the health point of &iew it is desirable especially to ha&e restriction of such use

    of sugar as is represented by consumption of sweetened carbonated be&erages and

    forms of candy etc which are of low nutritional &alue he !ouncil belie&es it would be in the interest of the public health for all practical means to be taken to limit

    consumption of sugar

    !"t# $alories: Many of the foods and be&erages Americans eat and drink contain

    empty calories !alories from solid fats and)or added sugars etc Added sugars add

    calories to the food but few or no nutrients "or this reason* the calories from added

    sugars in a food are often called empty calories

  • 8/17/2019 Disadvantages of Soft Drinks i.e. Cold Soda Water Drinks


    !arbon dio+ide gas dissol&ed in water at a low concentration (,2-1,.

    creates carbonic acid (/2!0

    according to the following reaction$

    /20(l !0

    2(g /



    he acid gi&es carbonated water a slightly tart fla&or he p/ le&el between to 4 is

    appro+imately in between apple uice and orange uice in acidity* but much lessacidic than the acid in the stomach he human body robustly maintains p/

    e3uilibrium &ia acid-base homeostasis  and will not be affected by consumption of

     plain carbonated water 5f an alkaline salt* such as sodium bicarbonate is added to the

    water its acidity is reduced

    he amount of a gas like carbon dio+ide that can be dissol&ed in water is described

     by /enry's 6aw Water is chilled* optimally to ust abo&e free7ing* in order to permit

    the ma+imum amount of carbon dio+ide to dissol&e in it /igher gas pressure and

    lower temperature cause more gas to dissol&e in the li3uid When the temperature is

    raised or the pressure is reduced (as happens when a container of carbonated water is

    opened* carbon dio+ide comes out of solution* in the form of bubbles his is known

    as effer&escence

  • 8/17/2019 Disadvantages of Soft Drinks i.e. Cold Soda Water Drinks


    %he &isadvantages of Soft &rinks

    he calories from the be&erages are empty calories with no nutritional

    &alue An occasional soda is going to harm you like drinking too much

    may lead to weight gain and health

    Americans consume more than 1 billion gallons of soda a year*

    according to the 8ni&ersity of e+as /ealth cience !enter at yler

    odas typically contain carbonation* sugar or fructose* phosphoric acid*

    sodium and e+cess empty calories 8nfortunately* sodas are often a

    substitute for water and other healthier fluids !onsuming soda yields

    many disad&antages* including dehydration* high:sugar intake* weight

    gain and calcium depletion&eh#dration

    About si+ty percent of your body weight is comprised of water as per

    medical researches ;ou lose water when you sweat* urinate and breathe

    "or the body to continue functioning properly* you must replace the lost

    water with ingested fluids odas are often consumed in the place ofwater or other hydrating fluids Many sodas contain caffeine* which acts

    as a diuretic ((chiefly of drugs causing increased passing of urine*

    increasing urination and lea&ing the body with less a&ailable fluid to

    carry out important functions Additionall#' so!e diet soda water

    $ontain signifi$ant a!ounts of sodiu!' whi$h !a# draw water fro!the $ells and "ro!ote deh#dration(

  • 8/17/2019 Disadvantages of Soft Drinks i.e. Cold Soda Water Drinks


    High Sugar )ontent: Many soft drinks contain significant 3uantities of sugar 0ne 12:

    ounce ser&ing of cola* for e+ample* includes 9 grams* or tablespoons* of sugar

    !onsuming such large 3uantities of sugar ele&ates your blood glucose le&els and may

    increase your risk for cardio&ascular disease Additionally* many sodas contain high

    fructose corn syrup (/"! as their primary sugar ingredient /"! may stress the

     pancreas and lead to fluctuating blood sugar le&els !onsuming sugary sodas day after

    day can contribute to the onset of non:insulin dependent diabetes* or type 2 diabetes

    Weight Gain: Weight gain results when you consume more calories than your body

     burns A 12:ounce ser&ing of cola contains 14, calories* often called %empty calories%

     because they pro&ide no nutritional &alue minutes at ? miles per

    hour to burn off the calories in one can of cola* according to the calorie:e+penditure

    analysis pro&ided by the Mayo !linic 8A 5f these calories are not burned* you may

    gain more than 12 pounds in one year Additionally* sweet:fla&ored sodas may disrupt

    appetite signals and promote cra&ings for other sugary foods)al$iu! &e"letion: !alcium is an essential mineral for strong bones and teeth

    !onsuming high amounts of phosphoric acid* a common ingredient in sodas* can

    deplete the calcium from your bones and decrease calcium absorption Among women*

    this may lead to poor bone de&elopment or osteoporosis* a condition characteri7ed by

     brittle and weak bones

  • 8/17/2019 Disadvantages of Soft Drinks i.e. Cold Soda Water Drinks


    Re"la$ing )al$iu!

    5f you allow carbonated be&erages to replace calcium:containing drinks like milk* they

    can deplete your body's calcium le&els Milk* with its high amount of calcium* as well

    as other fortified calcium drinks* supports bone health 5n addition to sugar* the sodium

    in carbonated be&erages makes them an unhealthy choice

    5t may be simply that the soda is displacing healthier drinks in your diet 5f you're

    gu77ling a @epsi with dinner (or breakfast you're probably not drinking the glass of

    milk or fortified orange uice that nutritionists recommend

    @hosphoric acid* a maor component in most sodas* may be to blamed to cause one of

    the reason of calcium loss in the body !a 2 /@04  !a(@042  2 /@hosphoric acid* which is uni3ue to colas When the body breaks down this / @04compound* the acidity (or concentration of free hydrogen ions of the blood increases

    o neutrali7e acidity* hydrogen ions bind with minerals* including calcium and

    magnesium 5f theyBre not a&ailable in the blood* says ucker* Cthe body draws calciumfrom bonesD he real risk is for those who drink cola e&ery day*D

  • 8/17/2019 Disadvantages of Soft Drinks i.e. Cold Soda Water Drinks



  • 8/17/2019 Disadvantages of Soft Drinks i.e. Cold Soda Water Drinks



     Gout is a condition in which your body has too much uric acid* causing your oints to

     become swollen and inflamed An analysis of data from the #urses' /ealth tudy*

     published in 2,1, in the CFournal of the American Medical Association*D which

    followed almost I,*,,, women for 22 years* reported that women who drank one

    sugary be&erage a day had a significantly increased risk of gout compared to those who

    rarely drank sugary be&erages

    Worsening irritable bowel "roble!s

    !arbonated water may increase irritable bowel problem symptoms of bloating and gas

    due to the release of carbon dio+ide in the digesti&e tract

  • 8/17/2019 Disadvantages of Soft Drinks i.e. Cold Soda Water Drinks


    +ew ,enefits of Soft &rinks-


    oft drink consumption has increased substantially o&er the last ?, years and it has been

    established that using large amounts of soft drinks regularly can be detrimental to your health 5f

    used in moderation soft drinks can ha&e some beneficial effects on your body)affeine ,enefits: !affeine is a stimulant that is found in soft drinks 5t large amounts can ha&e

    detrimental effects on your health but it also has numerous benefits !affeine stimulates your

    central ner&ous system* helps breakdown fatty acids in your li&er* boost your mood and alle&iate

    headaches @eople who regularly ingest caffeine are less likely to de&elop @arkinson's disease*

    colon cancer* gallstones* and cirrhosis of the li&er 

    Sodiu! ,enefits odium is another product found in soft drinks odium is an important mineralfound in almost all natural foods odium helps your body retain water* helps a&oid and treat

    muscle cramps* keeps electrolyte balance* pre&ents the effects of aging of your skin and pre&ents

    your the drop of your blood pressure

    *oints to )onsider

     Regardless of the few benefits that soft drinks !a# deliver' #ou need to be aware of the

    risks that go along with their $onsu!"tion( A re"ort in the Nove!ber 012 issue of the3A!eri$an 4ournal of *ubli$ Health3 states that the average "erson drinks 11 gallons of

    soft drink "er #ear( With that $onsu!"tion $o!es the in$reased risk of e5$ess weight'

    obesit# and diabetes( %here is an even greater risk of health "roble!s if #ou drink diet soft

    drinks' a$$ording to the Se"te!ber 01 issue of the 34ournal of General Internal

    6edi$ine(3 If #ou drink diet soda #ou not onl# run the risk of obesit# and diabetes' but #ou

    also in$rease #our $han$es of develo"ing heart disease and having a heart atta$k or stroke(If ou still wish to $onsu!e soft drinks' do so in !oderation(