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Dirty money javier sanchez

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Dirty money

The story “dirty money” talks about how people do horrible thinks to get money, they

sheet, lie and even kill just for filling their pockets. Hopefully, there is the other side of the

coin that is the good people, those ones who do not sell their integrity for some dirty

money; tainted with the blood and life of other people, the other species and the earth. In

this story the good guy manages to save the day, but sometimes the greedy people get

their way.

In our society if people do not have money, they are not going to have the needed for

their survival such us home, insurance, food, academic education, and so on. It is not bad

to have possessions; they help us to have a better life, but the problem starts when

people get greedy, thus they want everything just for them, and every day they want

more. It is a fact that money is power, so if people have a lot of money, therefore they are

going to have a lot of power; well this is a cruel true, and this is why many people around

the world are willing to do anything for getting power, for this reason, they are capable of

doing the most despicable things, for example, they destroy thousands of hectares of

forest, kill millions of animals, contaminate a big amount of habitats, they even kill many

other people, and all this to make their companies bigger and bigger.

Fortunately, there are plenty of people ready to halt greedy people and their aggressions.

Good people do not sell their soul; they do not fall in corruption and they are willing to

defend their home, town, people; in general, their world. This kind of people is really hard

to find, but they are the only hope for this decaying world.

Finally, money is temptation, and it is easy to fall at its feet, but everybody needs to react

and think about the damage he or she could make just for getting power, and money is

not everything in life. This world does not belong to a few; it belongs to every single living

thing, so people cannot violate their rights just for money.