Directions MCO

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Driving directions from Orlando International Airport (MCO)

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Page 2: Directions MCO

Driving from Orlando International Airport (MCO) Via.the 417 (Toll Road) also known as The Central Flor ida Greeneway. Exit ing at Celebration, ex it 2, then on to192at Kissimmee to Highway 27 and Heron Vil la at High Grove Resort Do not use a Satnav unti l you get to Exi t 2 off the 417. Satnav takes you through Orlando and you hit traff ic and hold ups !. Follow these s imple direct ions from Orlando airport.

At MCO, as you leave the mu lt i - story car park w ith your renta l . Ask for s i l ence in the car . Have your co-p i lot r ide v isua l shotgun to your r ight for you. Have some Tol l money ready, noth ing b igger than a $20.

Note that th is inte rna l road is ' two way' w i th a th in lane on your le f t coming towards you. Speed in here is 5 mi les per hour , that 's very s low.

Honour any STOP s igns you see. I t is against the law to not stop at a STOP sign.

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Keep your speed down, watch that s ign, i t says 20mph

A s ign on the r ight prev iews the Nor th Ex i t .

There is one for the South Ex i t on the le f t bu t i t is h idden behind 3 pa lm trees.

The red t r iangle says, Y IELD. S low r ight down and prepare to stop. Stra in your neck to see to your r igh t and beh ind you fo r t r af f ic . Coming f rom the r ight is t raf f i c f rom the Arr iva ls curb a rea . Th is may inc lude busses and shut t le veh ic les. They w i l l know where they are and may we l l ' f loor i t ' as they come a round the co rner . By the t ime they get to you they cou ld be moving at some speed . Watch out move on. . .

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Your f i rs t targe t - to ge t r igh t , across two lanes, to go under the s igns ahead.

As you merge r ight into the lanes, move over to the r ight lane and you wi l l be l ined up to go under the r igh t lane South Exi t s ign . Green s igns are local to the a i rport


The R ight Lane S ign shows the symbol of The Centra l F lor ida Greeneway, SR-417. As th is i s the 'Non Ma in' ex i t f rom the a i rport , the s igns a re less business l i ke and f r iend l ier . The f i rs t one te l ls you exac t l y what you need to know and where you are head ing by going th is way .

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Just before SR-417 (To l l 417) (a lso known as the Centra l F lor ida Greeneway) get in the r ight hand lane. Turn r igh t onto entrance s l ip road . Head South for Tampa / D isney Wor ld

C o n t i n u e t o E x i t # 2 C e l e b r a t i o n

E X I T N O W . E X I T N O W . E X I T N O W Use th is Ex i t# 2, Ce lebrat ion Ave. for K iss immee Highway 192 and onward to Highway 27 and High Grove Resort

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The Tol l P laza at Celebrat ion Ave. is un-manned. 50 cents w i l l get you through.

Above is the junc t ion at SR-417 o f f r amp and Ce leb rat ion Ave .

Turn Right here, US Hwy 192 is .5 of a mile.

Continue for half a mile and turn LEFT as below

Ce l e b r a t i o n A ve . m e e t s Us Hw y 1 9 2 a t a ' T ' j u n c t i o n . Across i s the ex i t f rom a shopp ing area so i t 's norma l ly not busy. Two lanes fo r the Le f t turn . P ick the r ight lane (shown here ) and you w i l l be in the r ight lane o f the centre lanes on the 192 Across the Junct ion you w i l l see the v iew below (Shoneys g iant s ign )

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Keep in centre lane where there are three/four lanes as the r ight hand lanes tend to go into Disney.

When you pass a Publix (2nd Publix ) and a Hess Garage on your r ight you have about 600 yds to the end of 192 and the sl ip/ junction of Highway 27.

(The red roofs behind the palm trees are High Grove homes) Take the exit out to the r ight go ing towards Clermont (north). Continue 300 yrds f i lter ing over to the centre lane and do a U turn at the traff ic l ights. These l ights are Cagans Crossings / Walmart.

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Come back 200 yrds and you wi l l see Devenney’s Ir ish Pub on your r ight and the High Grove entrance sign. Turn r ight and proceed to the gates where you enter the code given in the keypad.

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The clubhouse is in front of you when you come through the gates.

Turn r ight and fol low the loop round for 200 yards and Heron Vil la is on your left opposite Car ibbean Breeze the road off to the r ight.

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You have arr ived…..Enjoy your stay at Heron Vil la.