Department of Psychology Faculty of Health and Life Sciences DIPLOMA IN PROFESSIONAL STUDIES – COUNSELLING Placement Handbook 2016-17

DIPLOMA IN PROFESSIONAL STUDIES COUNSELLING · to the Diploma in Professional Studies–Counselling course; our trainees placements are integral to their professional training and

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Department of Psychology Faculty of Health and Life Sciences


Placement Handbook


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CONTENTS ____________________________________________________________ Welcome................................................................................................... 3 Teaching Team .......................................................................................... 4 Core tutors…………………………………………………………………………………………………4 Placement Coordinator ................................................................................ 4 Personal Tutors ............................................................................................ 4 Structure of the Programme……………………………………………………………………. Core theoretical model………………………………………………………………………………6 Programme requirements…………………………………………………………………………..

Placement information: Setting up the placement………………………………………………………………………. Criteria for Placement Suitability ................................................................... Pre-placement meetings ................................................................................ Accountability for the counselling work……………………………………………………… Ethical Framework…………………………………………………………………………………….. Full Disclosure of Trainee Status .................................................................... Students' readiness to commence work with clients………………………………….. Client assessment……………………………………………………………………….. Professional suitability……………………………………………………………………

Health and Safety ........................................................................................... Equal Opportunities ....................................................................................... Dual relationships……………………………………………………………………………………….. Session recording………………………………………………………………………...

Placement and Course Communication ......................................................... Completing the documentation…………………………………………………………………. Supervision Supervisor Qualifications……………………………………………………………………………. Supervision contract and hours ......................................................................

Private Supervision ......................................................................................... University Group Case Discussion .................................................................. Training, networking and support for supervisors ..........................................

Assessment and Evaluation Trainees' professional logs………………………………………………………………………….. The supervisor’s Report ................................................................................. Client Log and Client Notes ............................................................................

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Counselling Supervision Log ........................................................................... APPENDICES ...............................................................................................

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Placement Providers

The members of the teaching team would like to thank you for your contribution to the Diploma in Professional Studies–Counselling course; our trainees’ placements are integral to their professional training and thus to the success of our programme. We wish to foster regular and positive contact between our team and your organisation and hope that supervising and managing our students will be a positive experience. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us if you have any suggestions about how we can better prepare our students for their placements, ways in which we might improve the planning and delivery of our programme, or any other suggestions. We view our contact with you as central to our ongoing efforts to maintain professional standards on our programme. To this end the placement handbook aims to clarify the responsibilities and expectations from all parties, including our ongoing commitment to support you. Futher information about the Diploma in Professional Studies - Counselling can be found in the Programme Handook, but we would be happy to discuss any queries you may have about the programme with you.


This handbook has been produced to support and guide you in all aspects of your placement experience and includes all of the paperwork you will need for your professional log – we hope that you find it helpful but would be happy to receive feedback on how it could be improved. The teaching team are available to support you in the placement process. However, you are responsible for sourcing your own placement. You can do this by identifying areas of interest, seeking out placements proactively, making contact with service providers, and making initial checks that the placement meets the programme requirements detailed here. This work will consume a significant amount of your time and energy, and requires sustained attention throughout your training.

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Programme Leader: Wayne Gardner: 0117 32 2175 [email protected] Core tutors: Liz Maliphant: 0117 32 81384 [email protected] Alison Rouse: 0117 32 87508 [email protected] Andy Halewood: 0117 32 83889 [email protected] Placement coordinator: Christine Ramsey-Wade: 0117 32 82193 [email protected]

Key Roles:

Placement Coordinator

The placement coordinator provides monthly newsletters regarding placement recruitment and maintains a database of counselling placements. She also helps to organise the annual UWE Placement Fair as well as other networking event for students.

Personal Tutors

Personal tutors are members of the core teaching team who offer ongoing support to trainees throughout the programme as well as providing an advocacy role for trainees where necessary. The personal tutor will hold interim and end of year appraisals, in which performance in all aspects of the programme are discussed with the trainee; these appraisals are meant to be supportive rather than evaluative.

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The two year programme runs for one day per week for 30 weeks over the academic year. Trainees attend classes at the university for one full day a week – 9.30am to 6.00pm - during term time. The Award of the DPS – Counselling is accredited with the BACP.

Students are required to be in placement for the duration of their training. The aim of the placement is to provide students with the opportunity to apply and develop theoretical knowledge and practical counselling skills in work with clients in order to enhance their personal and professional competence as counsellors. Students are expected to complete 40 hours of client work in their first year of training and a minimum of 120 hours of supervised face-to-face client work, excluding missed sessions, over the course of the two year programme. Appropriately supervised hours accrued over the summer period between years may also be counted. The training is designed and delivered with individual adult clients in mind however placements working with children are also permitted, although only a percentage of these hours can be counted. Core theoretical model The teaching team share the view that the therapeutic relationship is the most significant factor in psychotherapeutic change and the core theoretical approach of the programme is relational. Students are introduced to person centred, psychodynamic and gestalt models and ways of working and encouraged to consider the commonalities and key areas of divergence between these approaches and to develop their own integrative model over the course of their training. Other key themes introduced at the start of the course include ethical issues, research and issues of difference. Students are challenged to explore their own values and prejudices (supported by personal development groups and therapy) and to explore the theme of difference from the point of view of relationship and to consider a client’s relationship with their wider environment. Programme requirements Trainees are required to:

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i be in personal one to one relational/integrative therapy on a weekly basis for the period of the course. A minimum of 30 weekly sessions per academic year is required

ii practise in a setting (or settings) that enable a minimum of 120 hours of

counselling experience to have been successfully completed by the end of Year 2.

iii maintain a professional log of all supervised client work. iv maintain a personal record which monitors their own self-development

during training.

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PLACEMENT INFORMATION _____________________________________________________________ Setting up the placement Students are primary responsible for identifyine and negaotiating a suitable counselling placement, although the teaching team and placement coordinator offer support in achieving an appropriate placement where possible. A register of suitable placements is held by the placement coordinator and we welcome the opportunity to discuss further placement possibilities with organisations. In all instances the programme team takes responsibility for approving placements as appropriate. Trainees are expected to make initial contact with a potential placement provider, and are encouraged to approach the placement with the same preparation that they would in applying for employment. That is, the super placement should expect that the trainee will provide a CV that provides information about academic qualifications, work experience, and any clinical experience in a voluntary or paid capacity. Criteria for appropriate placements Placement settings are evaluated in terms of the quality of the learning experience offered and student safety. Paramount importance is placed on ensuring the safety of both clients and students. Students are not permitted to use private practice, online counselling or telephone counselling as placement settings. The programme aims to prepare students to work with individual adult clients with presenting problems in the mild-moderate range (e.g. anxiety, stress, relationship difficulties, moderate depression, bereavement) and students are required to negotiate placement opportunities that allow them to gain experience in these domains. They key criteria used to determine the suitability of placements is as follows:

Placement providers must be reputable counselling agencies with established administrative and organisational systems, policies and support structures for counselling staff and trainee counsellors.

The counselling that students undertake in the placement must be clearly contracted, formal, face to face counselling.

Placement providers are expected to give due consideration to the appropriate selection of clients for students in order to provide a good

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match between the presenting issue and the students level of experience and competence. Pre- assessment of clients is desirable but we appreciate that this may pose difficulties for some agencies.

Placement agencies are required to meet appropriate Health and Safety criteria. This is assessed by completion of Appendix A: Code of Practice -Health and Safety of Students on Placement. Students should never be expected to work alone or unsupported while on placement.

Pre-Placement Meetings

The trainee and placement provider should arrange to meet prior to commencement of the placement to agree and set down goals for the placement and arrangements for supervision, and for the supervisor to explain the model of supervision he or she will be using. The trainee should also discuss with the placement provider their expectations regarding their learning while on placement, in particular those learning outcomes identified by the university as outlined in the relevant Module Specifications. (See Programme Handbook). The trainee may also wish to flag up areas in which they have a particular interest in developing or extending their competence. Trainee counsellors should also have opportunities to participate in the life of the organisation and to gain experience in other aspects of work relevant to their training. Once a placement has been negotiated the agreement between the counselling student, the placement provider, the supervisor and the university should be confirmed by completing the Four Way Agreement.(Appendix C) Accountability for the counselling work Placement agencies hold clinical responsibility for client work and need to have established procedures in place for monitoring the effectiveness of the students work and the assessment of risk. The role of the university is to provide learning and training opportunities which prepare students for practice. In addition, placement agencies should have appropriate levels of indemnity insurance to cover the work of students on placement.

Ethical Framework

Trainees undertaking the Diploma in Professional Studies – Counselling are required to understand and work with the Ethical Framework of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy.

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Full Disclosure of Trainee Status

BACP requires that all service users are fully aware that they are working with a counsellor in training, whose work is supervised by accredited professionals. There are many means by which this can be done, whether in leaflets, on websites, and/or in assessments; individual placement providers can implement this according to their own policies and procedures. Students’ readiness to commence work with clients At the start of the programme, the student’s readiness to enter practice is evaluated by tutors and reviewed at weekly staff meetings. The course team expects that each placement agency will conduct its own assessment of student readiness and may require students to undertake specific in-house training before engaging in client work. Fitness to practice is kept under review throughout the course.

Client Assessment

We would expect that clients referred to trainee counsellors on placement would be assessed first by a senior accredited member of staff. We would also expect that clients would be suitably matched to trainees based on the level of complexity and risk. Naturally, trainees develop considerably over the course of the programme, and a trainee nearing qualification may seek to gain experience in assessments or working with highly complex clients. Nonetheless, it is our view that students at the start of their training should not be expected to have the expertise to accurately assess incoming clients. It will always be expected that, regardless of the level of complexity, all placements will have robust clinical risk management policies and procedures in place, and that all trainees will be provided with training in these procedures before they commence working with clients. Professional Suitability Policy The University’s Professional Suitability Policy is aimed at ensuring competent safe practice whilst students are in training.

Health and Safety

We ask that a Health and Safety checklist is signed as a way of ensuring that there are appropriate arrangements to ensure the health and safety of the trainee. Trainees will be informed of the necessity of identifying and abiding by workplace health and safety policy from the commencement of their placement.

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The placement provider has a responsibility to give the trainee a Health and Safety induction upon arrival. Workplace health and safety induction should include:

Covering the workplace ‘Health and Safety Policy’

Familiarisation with the workplace ‘Risk Assessment Procedure’

Familiarisation with any ‘Approved Codes of Practice’

Information on any special security/access arrangements or precautions

Training in local panic alarm system, if applicable

Information on any workplace policy regarding lone working

Training on agency policies which support placement students with special needs, such as disability or pregnancy

A health and safety induction checklist is included in the Appendices. (Appendix A) Equal Opportunities All placement providers must have equality and diversity policies in relation to students, together with an indication of how these will be implemented and monitored. Placement providers should also have in place robust policies to encourage service user and carer involvement in the planning and evaluation of support provided, to ensure that therapy meets their needs and goals.

Dual Relationships

It is also important, particularly where the trainee is also an employee of the organisation, to ensure that boundaries between the trainee’s clinical and other work are clearly defined. If there is any potential for any role conflict between the trainee’s clinical work and other roles, this needs to be addressed at the first opportunity by the trainee, placement supervisor and placement coordinator.

Session Recording

As part of their assessment on the DPS - Counselling trainees are required to provide an audio recording of a client session for their Final Viva. It is useful if students can also bring sections of recorded sessions to the University Group Supervision Sessions where appropriate in order to support them with the development of their counselling practice. It is hoped that placement providers and supervisors will recognise the value of such training exercises and will support trainees in regularly recording sessions with their clients. We encourage trainees to think carefully about client

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suitability and the process of gaining informed consent, and to consult their supervisors about this as appropriate. Consent must be sought for each separate use for which client information may be employed (i.e. recording, use in presentations, use in written reports, etc); thus, consent will need to be sought from each client in some form. Where an organisation has concerns about the taping of client sessions, we would value the opportunity to discuss this with the placement supervisor or manager. However, we appreciate that for certain client groups recording would not be appropriate. When the placement provider and supervisor approve the recording of sessions, trainees are instructed to obtain informed written agreement from each client to tape sessions. See Appendix for example. Placement and Course Communication We ask all placement providers to share any relevant information regarding trainees’ progress as required. Ethical practice, appropriate supervision, health and safety issues as well as clinical competence are critical issues for client’s safety, trainees’ safety and for the good standing of the placement organisation. It is essential that both the course and the placement are fully informed regarding these matters so that we are able to support the trainee and communicate with the placement in any difficulties at the earliest possible opportunity. Please inform the course team via the Programme Leader immediately should any concerns arise so that we can work together to resolve any issues that need addressing.

We actively promote a climate of openness and transparency between the students, placements and the university, and we encourage ongoing communication where needed between trainees, placement managers and/or placement supervisors, and course supervisors, and personal tutors, particularly where there are matters of concern either for the trainee, course supervisor or placement supervisor. Completing the necessary documentation Once a placement has been agreed it is important to complete the necessary documentation which constitutes the written agreement between the placement agency, the student, the supervisor and the counselling programme. The documents are all included in the appendices of this handbook and are available individually on Blackboard.

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Supervisor qualifications Normally, supervisors will work within the organisation providing the placement. They will adhere to BACP’s regulations and requirements in providing Counselling Supervision. Supervisors will be experienced practitioners and preferably will have undertaken training in Counselling Supervision. Supervisors will be a member of a professional body and will adhere to an Ethical Framework. Placement Supervisors will be asked to state their qualifications as part of the Placement and Supervision Form. See Appendix.

Supervision contract and hours

Trainees must present ALL client cases for supervision. BACP’s requirements are that supervision of a trainee’s counselling practice occurs fortnightly and with a minimum of one and a half hours contact time per month. A mixture of one to one and group supervision monthly is the ideal. Private Supervision There may be occasion where a suitable placement is available but it is not possible to provide full supervisory contact for the trainee. In such circumstances, and in agreement with the placement coordinator and the placement manager, arrangements may be made for private supervision from suitably qualified practitioners. Fees for private supervision are to be agreed by the supervisor and the trainee and responsibility for payment of these fees rests either with the trainee or the placement, by arrangement. University group supervision As part of their university training, students participate in group supervision sessions led by a member of the core teaching team, who is experienced as a supervisor. Supervision offers experience for the students in addition to the supervision that is acquired on placement. Students gain additional practice in presenting, formulating, receiving and offering feedback from others, etc. University supervision is not meant to replace Agency Supervision but acts as an additional support and resource for students. There is also an assessment component. Client care and management rest solely with the placement supervisor. Classroom supervisors and placement supervisors may, on occasion, and with the knowledge of the student, wish to discuss issues relating to supervision. Such opportunities are welcomed and encouraged by the

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core teaching team, particularly where there are matters of concern for the placement supervisor. Training, networking and support for placement supervisors In recognition of the investment of placement providers in the development of our trainees, we seek to offer regular opportunities to support placement supervisors in developing your supervision practice. We hold annual placement fairs which incorporate a CPD lecture and an annual meeting between placement providers and the programme team. Where possible, we will also provide access to supervision training workshops for placement supervisors as well. Please contact the placement coordinator for information on upcoming events. In addition, we are piloting a scheme whereby placement supervisors listed on our database can become members of UWE Libraries. After registering in person by providing two forms of ID as well as proof of employment by the placement organisation, members under this scheme can borrow up to 5 books from any UWE library, issue holds, use reference materials, photocopiers and small study group spaces, and access a wide range of databases from either our Glenside Library in Bristol or the Alexandra Warehouse in Gloucester. For more information on the scheme or to register, go to: http://www1.uwe.ac.uk/library/visitingthelibrary/notbasedatuwe/healthcareprofessionals.aspx .

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Trainee’s Professional Logs Trainees document their ongoing supervised counselling practice work in their Log Forms, which are evolving Portfolios of Evidence pertaining to their personal and professional development, for assessment and evaluation purposes. These contain copies of all the relevant paperwork (placement contracts, supervisor’s qualifications, client logs etc) required to evidence their counselling practice. The Log forms are referred to within this document. In the Appendices you will find copies of the relevant forms that placement supervisors or supervisees will be asked to complete. The Log Forms are reviewed at the end of each year

The supervisor’s report

Supervisors are requested to complete and sign a Placement Supervisor’s Report at the end of Year 1 and Year 2. This provides invaluable feedback for the student and for the course tutors. Supervisor’s do not have responsibility for passing or failing students, but we do request that supervisors discuss any concerns they may have with the core teaching team. We ask supervisors to comment in discussion with the students – Strengths, Areas for Development and any concerns. The supervisor’s report form can be found in the appendices (Appendix D)

Client log and client notes

Trainees are required to keep records of the hours spent with clients during each placement. These should be appropriately anonymised to protect client identity, and should provide very brief notes on the type of approach employed, the process of the session, and matters taken to supervision. The form of these brief notes should be agreed with the placement supervisor in line with agency policy on record keeping. The Client Logs form part of the Portfolio of Evidence provided by the trainee at the end of year Appraisal. Supervisors are asked to sign the Client Log as being an accurate record of the hours spent in client contact. A copy of the Client Log is included in the appendices (Appendix H)

Counselling supervision log

The supervision Log records the supervision received on placement and in the University. Separate logs are kept for each supervisory situation. It is the trainee’s responsibility to maintain accurate and up to date records of their supervision.

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Supervisors are requested to sign the logs as being an accurate record of the supervision. A copy of the Supervision Log is included in the appendices (Appendix G).

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APPENDICES _____________________________________________________________ Appendix A: Code of Practice: Health and Safety Appendix B: Client’s Consent to Use Material for Training Purposes Appendix C: Four Way Agreement Appendix D: Supervisor’s report Appendix E: Personal therapist form Appendix F: Counselling placement form Appendix G: Log of counselling supervision Appendix H: Log of professional practice

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Code of Practice

Health and Safety of Students on Placement The placement component of the programme in Counselling is an integral part of our trainees’ development. We see the provision of trainee placements as very much a partnership between the workplace, trainee and University. Legislation places the primary responsibility for the health and safety of students on placement with their employing Company who sets the health and safety environment. The University does retain some degree of responsibility for the trainee and to that end we want to be assured that Companies providing placement employment for its students are in compliance with the fundamentals of health and safety regulation. You need to be aware that the level of experience of trainees will vary. While we attend briefly to safety and ethical issues within the course, some trainees may not have direct experience of these issues. Accordingly they will need to be made aware of their vulnerability to workplace risks. We would be grateful if you could acknowledge compliance with the following requirements of health and safety regulation. Can you ensure that your company is/has/will: 1. Registered with the Health & Safety Executive or the Local Authority.

2. A written Health & Safety Policy.

3. Employers Liability Insurance that acknowledges placement students and / or accompanying placement tutor as employees.

4. Public Liability Insurance cover

5. Advised the appropriate insurers of the proposed placements, as appropriate.

6. Carried out risk assessments of the work activities that the trainee will participate in or be affected by, to identify, minimise and / or eradicate possible risks to the trainee.

7. Provide the trainee at induction with health and safety information and instruction; and then further training as appropriate to the work they will do.

8. First aid facilities will be supplied if the trainee requires them

9. Ensure the trainee is supervised appropriate to the level of health and safety risk.

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10. Inform the university if the student suffers an accident at work of a severity that warrants a RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases & Dangerous Occurrences Regulations, 1995) report.

Please sign and return a copy of this form to the trainee. If you need clarification or wish to discuss the above, please contact the Programme Manager.

Placement Provider’s Signature: Position: Date: Personal Tutor’s Signature: Position: Date:

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Client’s Consent to Use Material for Training Purposes

I am a counsellor in training at the University of the West of England. As part of my training and further professional development, I am requesting your consent to do the following:

Record our sessions for supervision purposes,

Write about my work with you and/or

Make a verbal presentation about my work with you for examination. You are not obliged to agree to this. If you do so, please be assured that all identifying information about you will be removed from the material, and the recording will only be heard by teaching professionals on the programme or external examiners attached to the programme, all of whom are professionally bound to keep your material confidential. Any recording of your sessions or written anonymised material about you will be kept securely and destroyed after the programme examination period is completed.

Please be assured that you are under no obligation to agree to have your material discussed, written about or recorded, and that saying no to this will not affect your counselling in any way at all. If you do agree, you can change your mind at any time without this decision affecting your counselling.

I agree to the following: (please tick)

That my therapy sessions can be audio-recorded That anonymised written material about me can be used for assessment and examination purposes

That my therapist may use anonymised information about me as part of an oral presentation for assessment and examination purposes

That excerpts from my therapy sessions can be played in my therapist's confidential supervision meetings

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I understand that:

My name and other identifying material will not be included in any written material

That after the examination period any material about me will be destroyed

I may withdraw my consent at any time to any of the above without this decision affecting my treatment.


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Guidelines for Supervisors, Students, Placement Manager and Course Tutors involved in student practice placements. SECTION 1: READINESS TO BEGIN CLINICAL PRACTICE ________________________________________________________________ Students entering into the Four - Way Agreement are considered ready for practice by the course team. Readiness for practice is assessed on:

Academic ability/critical thinking

Fundamental counselling skills, primarily the ability to work in a empathic way

Personal development and awareness of self, others and impact on others

Successful completion of a 100 hour course in counselling skills

These skills and qualities are assessed through a rigorous interview and application procedure. Students continue to practice counselling skills in skills practice sessions during the first year of study and their work is monitored in weekly supervision throughout the programme. SECTION 2: COURSE REQUIREMENTS ________________________________________________________________

1. All students are required to abide by the BACP Ethical Framework.

2. Students must be in one to one therapy with an accredited therapist on a weekly basis for the duration of the course – a minimum of 30 weekly sessions per academic year. Signed evidence will be required at the end of each academic year – see Appendix E Personal therapist form.

3. Students will be working to specific counselling contracts of 50/60 mins. within a

reputable counselling agency. They will normally see a maximum of 3 clients per week at the beginning of their placement, which may increase to 4 by the end of the first academic year and a maximum of 6 by the end of the second academic year as the student becomes more skilled. This increase is with the agreement of their supervisor, course tutors and subject to the policies of the placement.

4. The student has to complete 120 hours of counselling (not including missed

sessions) over the two years of the course. Clients must be at least 16 years old.

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If students want to work with children from 11-15 years old, the BACP requires that a BACP training module on working with children be completed. This stand-alone module will be offered at UWE over the summer break at an additional cost.

5. Students should have the experience of making, maintaining and terminating

contracts with clients

6. Counselling in private practice, online counselling, email counselling and telephone counselling is not acceptable for the course.

7. Students will work with clients primarily in a way that reflects the

relational/integrative framework of the course, though specific approaches of the agency can be used if compatible with this.

8. Students are required to audio record counselling sessions for assessment

purposes and client material will be shared with a small number of peers, course tutors and external examiners. Students must obtain their client’s written consent to use their material for training purposes. (Appendix B). It is the agency’s responsibility to ensure that students obtain consent.

9. It is important that the particular needs of students, in relation to case load, kind

of client and appropriate managerial and other support are fully recognised and taken into account by the agency and supervisor. Pre-assessment of clients as being suitable for trainees is desirable, although we appreciate that this may not always be possible.

10. Students must pass all assignments before progressing into year two.

11. Students must maintain a professional log of all supervised client work to be presented at the end of each year of training and a personal record which monitors their own self development.

12. Students must achieve 80% attendance on each year of the course.

13. Some students will not have completed the course by the September exam

board at the end of their second year. They may still have assignments outstanding or may have insufficient counselling practice hours. The course supports these students by providing tutorials until such time as the student had completed the course.

14. These students must continue to receive supervision at the same frequency and

ratio to client sessions as in Years 1 and 2. SECTION 3: REQUIREMENTS OF THE AGENCY ________________________________________________________________

1. The agency provides the student with the opportunity to work as a trainee therapist and to offer therapy to suitable clients.

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2. The University, as a Registered Body, completes a DBS check for each student.

3. The placement should not commence before the Four Way Agreement is signed by all parties.

4. The agency is working to relevant British Association for Counselling &

Psychotherapy Ethical Framework or comparable practice.

5. The agency supports students to work in a way that reflects the relational/integrative orientation of the course.

6. The agency will provide the student with clients who are suitable for trainee

therapists. Pre-assessment of clients as being suitable for trainees is desirable.

7. The agency will not require students to work more than three consecutive client sessions

8. The agency will allow students to use audio recordings and transcripts from their

client sessions and to use these for their course. Responsibility for gaining permission to audio record clients and to use client material for training purposes lies with the trainee. Excerpts from audio recordings will be used for assignments and also in group supervision. Students will ensure that they safeguard the anonymity of clients and gain consent to record their sessions.

9. The agency has a complaints procedure for clients.

10. The agency ensures that necessary insurance (public liability and professional

indemnity) is in place.

11. The student should be given an induction into the Health and Safety procedures of the agency upon their arrival. This should cover procedures to be followed during an emergency, first aid facilities, location of emergency exits and toilets, and any particular hazards to be aware of within the agency.

12. Whilst the course will equip students to work with a diverse range of clients with a

variety of presenting difficulties it remains the responsibility of the agency to provide students with any knowledge and skills which are specific to their particular client group.

13. The student will abide by the procedures and act in accordance with the ethos of

the agency.

14. The agency has ultimate clinical responsibility for the counselling under its auspices.

15. It is essential that trainees have a ‘named person’ who takes responsibility for their management within the agency. This person will be the point of contact between the agency and the course and can offer managerial and other supervisory support, for example on ethical dilemmas, such as the limits of confidentiality that arise in respect of the reporting of abuse, medical and/or psychiatric consultation, work in multidisciplinary management and with clients

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who may present material which is suggestive of a danger to themselves and others.

16. Towards the end of each year the supervisor will complete a report based on the

student’s performance in the agency during that year. This will be shared with the student and with course tutors.

17. If an agency has not taken students on placement before, it will be important to

clarify mutual requirements and expectations, not least the nature of the four way relationship between student, agency, supervisor and course tutor. Course tutors and the placement manager will meet to clarify these.

18. The supervisor should sign off a client log provided by the student recording

hours of counselling undertaken with clients and cancelled client sessions. SECTION 4: THE SUPERVISOR ________________________________________________________________

1. Supervision will be in accordance with the BACP Ethical Framework.

2. The supervisory relationship will be confidential, with the usual exceptions (see sections 5b and 5c)

3. The student must be supervised by someone who is an accredited therapist.

4. The student will have supervision which meets BACP and course requirements,

i.e. one hour every fortnight, and a ratio of not more than 8 client hours, including missed sessions, to one hour of supervision.

5. All cases must be supervised.

6. Students should discuss all new clients with their supervisor and it is ultimately

the supervisor’s decision as to whether or not it is safe for the student to begin or continue working with any particular client. (See Section 6 Note 2 on Assessment of Suitability of Clients for Trainee Therapists).

7. The supervisor should arrange the provision of access to alternative consultative

resources (locum) during breaks.

8. Supervision will support the integration of relational theory as taught on the course into the trainee’s clinical work.

9. The supervision must be clinical/training supervision, not managerial supervision,

and the two roles must not be shared by the same person.

10. At the end of each year the supervisor will write a report identifying the student’s strengths and areas for future development. It is the student’s responsibility to

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initiate this. The statement will be passed to course tutors.

11. It is the responsibility of the supervisor to inform the Programme Leader if s/he becomes the subject of any complaints procedure.

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SECTION 5: MANAGING DIFFICULTIES ________________________________________________________________ 5.a Between Agency, Student and Course Tutor

1. If a student shares with tutors discontents/concerns about the agency, tutors will discuss the matter with the student with the intention of clarifying the issue and inviting the student to discuss her/his concern with the Placement Manager.

2. If the student shares with the Placement Manager concerns about the course the

Placement Manager will discuss the matter with the student with the intention of clarifying the issue and inviting the student to discuss her/his concerns with tutors.

3. If the agency has concerns about a Course Tutor and/or the course they should

raise the matter with the Programme Leader at UWE.

4. If the agency has concerns about anything related to the course itself they should raise the matter with the Programme Leader. If it is an issue that does not concern a particular student (e.g. course assessment or client guidelines) then student(s) need not be informed (though the agency may decide to tell the student of their intention).

5. If the agency has concerns about a student that cannot be adequately addressed

through discussion with the student (e.g. concerns about the student’s development, competence, unprofessional conduct or non-compliance with these guidelines) then these concerns should be communicated to tutors and the student’s supervisor. Whenever possible, the student should be informed of the intention to discuss the matter with tutors and supervisors. A student does not have the right to veto such communication.

6. If course tutors have a concern about the agency they should raise the matter

with the agency. If the issue does not directly concern a particular student (e.g. about how client records are stored) then the student need not be informed, though tutors may tell the student of their intention. If the issue does involve a particular student (e.g. the belief that a student is being asked to work with inappropriate clients) then, whenever possible, the student will be informed of the intention to discuss the matter.

7. If after discussion with the agency the course tutors believe that the agency is not

meeting the requirements for training placements for the course, the programme team reserves the right to remove the placement from its list of approved placements.

8. If tutors have concerns about a student that are relevant to the agency (e.g.

failing all or some of the assignments at the end of year one or two, or concern over clinical practice then the tutors will inform the agency and the supervisor of the situation. Whenever possible the student will be informed first.

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5.b Between Agency, Supervisor and Course Tutor

1. If the agency has concerns about the supervisor, the issue(s) may first be raised via the student with the supervisor. If this course of action seems inappropriate or unacceptable, or if the initial discussion between student and supervisor does not resolve the matter, the agency should contact the supervisor directly. If this second course of action seems inappropriate or unacceptable, or if the initial discussion between agency and supervisor does not resolve the matter, the agency should contact the course tutors, who will seek to arrange a meeting between the relevant parties (normally a representative from the agency and the course and the supervisor). Whenever possible, the student (s) involved would be informed of the agency’s intention to contact the supervisor and/or course tutors.

2. If the supervisor has concerns about the agency, the issues(s) may first be raised

via the student with the agency. If this course of action seems inappropriate or unacceptable, or if the initial discussion between student and agency does not resolve the matter, the supervisor should contact the agency directly. If this second course of action seems inappropriate or unacceptable, or if the initial discussion between agency and supervisor does not resolve the matter, the agency should contact the course tutors, who will seek to arrange a meeting between the relevant parties (normally the agency, supervisor and course tutors). Whenever possible, the student(s) will be informed of the agency’s intention to contact the supervisor and/or course tutors.

3. If course tutors have a concern about the supervisor they should raise the matter

with the supervisor. If after discussion with the supervisor the course tutors believe that the supervisor is not meeting the requirements for course supervisors, the programme team reserves the right to ??????

5.c Between Supervisor, Student and Course Tutor

1. If the supervisor has concerns about a student that cannot be adequately addressed through discussion with the student (e.g. concern about the student’s competence, or unprofessional conduct) then these concerns should be communicated to tutors who may seek to arrange a three way meeting between the student, supervisor and course tutors. The supervisor may charge the student a fee for attending this three way meeting. If the supervisor believes that these concerns are such that clients may be placed at risk then s/he may also communicate these concerns to the agency.

2. Whenever possible the student should be informed of the intention to discuss the

matter with tutors and the agency. A student does not have the right to veto such communication between the supervisor, course and agency.

3. If the student has serious concerns about the supervisor the student should raise

these concerns with tutors and the agency. Whenever possible the student should discuss the concerns first with the supervisor. Supervisors do not have the right to veto such communication.

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SECTION 6: NOTES ________________________________________________________________ Note 1: Clinical Responsibility For the purpose of this agreement the term clinical responsibility involves defining and implementing good professional practice in counselling. This includes, for example, written procedures and clear lines of communication that are to be followed on a day-to-day basis (e.g. keeping of records, confidentiality, security for counsellor and clients etc.) and in emergency situations (e.g. procedures to be followed if the counsellor has serious concerns for the client or others). Clinical responsibility would also include appropriate and adequate arrangements for psychiatric and medical consultation and referral. The student should be introduced to the elements of good practice by the agency before s/he begins counselling. Note 2: Assessment of Suitability of Clients for Trainee Counsellors The responsibility for assessing the suitability of clients for students is shared between agency and supervisor; agency pre-assessment of clients as being suitable for students is desirable. Students should discuss all new clients with their supervisor and it is ultimately the supervisor’s decision as to whether or not it is safe for the student to begin or continue working with any particular client. We are not seeking to be prescriptive about which clients the student can work with but suggest the following clients are likely to be unsuitable for student trainee counsellors especially in their first year of training:

Clients who are actively suicidal or who have tried to kill themselves recently

Clients at serious risk of other kinds of self- harm

Clients who are out of touch with reality or have acute or long term mental illness

Clients who are addicted to alcohol or non-prescribed drugs

Clients who are struggling to contain/ unable to contain powerful feelings

(especially violence to self or other)

We also suggest that agency and supervisor bear the following questions in mind when assessing the suitability of clients for students:

What issues is the student not yet in a position to work with? Either because of

personal issues or experience/competency.

Does the presenting issue fit the time the trainee has available?

It is useful to recognise that students may require a great deal of support/help starting with clients during their first year of training. Students at UWE are not trained to work with young people. Consequently, it is expected that clients will be aged 18 years or over. However, if the agency considers the student to be qualified through other routes (e.g. trained teacher) then up to 20 of the required client hours could be completed with clients under 14-16 years of age.

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It remains the responsibility of the agency to provide students with any knowledge and skills which are specific to this particular client group.

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Diploma in Professional Studies – Counselling


Students should submit a copy of this completed form prior to commencing Placement. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that this agreement is completed and signed by themselves, their Supervisor, Placement Manager and Course Tutor and that all parties have a copy for their own records.

Student name: Email: Telephone no:

Placement: Address:

Placement Manager Name: Email: Telephone number:

Supervisor Name: Email: Telephone number:

Course tutor Name: Email: Telephone number:

Placement Start Date

Agreed Working Hours

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1. Student

I agree to undertake a practice placement with the aforementioned agency and to abide by the terms of the Four Way Contract. I understand that the university may be required to share personal details concerning my training (for example attendance or completion details) with my Placement Manager. Name:__________________________________________________________________ Signature:_______________________________________________Date:____________

2. Placement Manager

I agree to provide a practice placement to the aforementioned student and to abide by the terms of the Four Way Contract. Name:__________________________________________________________________ Signature:_______________________________________________Date:____________

3. Supervisor

I agree to provide clinical supervision to the aforementioned student during their practice placement and to abide by the terms of the Four Way Agreement. Name:__________________________________________________________________ Signature:_______________________________________________Date:____________

4. Course Tutor

I agree to facilitate the aforementioned student’s practice placement and to abide by the terms of the Four Way Agreement.

Name:__________________________________________________________________ Signature:_______________________________________________Date:____________

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Diploma in Professional Studies – Counselling SUPERVISOR’S REPORT

Student’s Name

Supervisor’s Name


Student’s strengths: Student’s current developing area/areas for future development: Concerns (if any): Overall assessment of student’s integration of theory into practice (related to developmental level):

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Please complete for students finishing 1st year of diploma

Supervisor supports continuing training:

Please comment if ‘No’

Yes / No

OR Please complete for students finishing 2nd year of diploma

Supervisor supports student receiving Diploma

Please comment, if ‘No’

Yes / No

Supervisor’s signature Date:


Supervisee’s signature

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Diploma in Professional Studies – Counselling PERSONAL THERAPIST FORM

Student name: ______________________________________________________________________ I certify that I am in weekly therapy/counselling with: ______________________________________________________________________ Accredited Status / Organisational Membership Number:_______________________________________________________________ From (date started): ____________________________To:_______________________________________ Trainee’s signature:___________________________________Date:_________________ Counsellor’s Signature____________________________________Date:_________________ N.B THIS FORM IS TO BE COMPLETED AND HANDED IN AT THE BEGINNING AND THE END OF BOTH YEARS.

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Diploma in Professional Studies – Counselling COUNSELLING PLACEMENT FORM

Trainee Name __________________ Placement/Agency Name ____________ Address ____________ ____________

General description (drug & alcohol, bereavement counselling:

___________ ________

____________ ___

Telephone Number ________________

Supervisor’s Name ________________

Supervisor’s Qualifications ______________________________________________________________________

Accredited Status / Organisational Membership Number:_______________________________________________________________

Telephone Number __________________________ ____________

Counselling Placement Certification

I certify that the above named student is on placement at the above named agency

From (date started) ____________

Supervisor signature Date:

Student signature Date:

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UWE CONFIRMATION OF PLACEMENT (2 of 2 pages) The Placement has been discussed and agreed as suitable by the Core Tutors. Placement ___________________________________________________________ Tutor Name __________________________________________________________ Tutor Signature _______________________________________________________ Student Name ________________________________________________________ Student Signature ______________________________Date ___________________ N.B. If you have more than one Placement you will need to complete a form for each placement.

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Diploma in Professional Studies – Counselling LOG OF COUNSELLING SUPERVISION

Student’s Name : ……………………………………………………………….. Supervisor’s Name : …………………………………………………………….

Date Length of session

No. in group Individual Supervisor

Student’s signature.........................................................Date…………………………... Supervisor’s signature ..…………………………………..Date…………………………...

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Diploma in Professional Studies – Counselling LOG OF PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE

Student’s Name : …………………………………………………………

Date Session no

Length (mins)

Ref M/F Age Main concerns of session

Student’s signature ……………………………………………………….Date……………… Supervisor’s signature …………………………………………………….Date ……………..

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