Digi pack

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How does it make you feel?

After viewing this Digi pack, it has encouraged me to listen to his songs. It has also made me feel excited due to the fact he has added on his lyrics onto the album. This allowed me to identify his songs and if I wanted I would have access to the lyrics to sing along with it. In addition to this is an appeal to its target audience which is ‘Teenagers’ it is also highly aspirational as boys would want to be like him. It would also attract girls as they may be jay Sean’s fans. Jay Sean songs are in the R&B or pop genre. The typography used is san serif this also makes him look ‘Confident’ and shows that the masculine features, similarly it shows a dominant figure to the audience.

What does it tell you about the artist band?

By looking at this Album cover it attracts its target audience due to the mise-en-scene used. Furthermore looking at Jay Sean makes me more excited to listen to the music which is in the album. Also by looking at Jay Sean’s album it can straight away tell me that it is aimed at young people due to the fact Jay Sean is a young artist.

After viewing this Album cover ‘Jay Sean- my own way’ you can immediately identify that the genre is pop/R&B and is aimed at a young audience due to the fact of the image which is included on the case. In addition to this the album cover uses a serif typography which portrays that the music could be mainly romantic which is aimed at a female audience more than a male audience.

Who do you think is the target audience?

This Album cover is aimed at teenagers and young adults, aged 14+, I can identify this straight away due to the dress code and how the artists sings his songs. Furthermore jay Sean also sings love songs within this album such as ‘Stay’ this illustrates that it is aimed at teenagers as they would mostly be falling in love at this age. Furthermore it aspires certain individuals to be like Jay Sean and dress like him. It would also make the target audience gratified as they would see what they want to see; therefore they would be more satisfied. In addition to this mostly young teenagers and adults listen to music, as you wouldn’t get old people listening to pop/R&B music. Within Jays Sean’s video he uses Andrew Goodwin’s theory as he follows an illustrative video- this is because the images on the video match his lyrics.