CHAPTER 24 Difficulties and Pitfalls of Apoptosis in Analysis Zbigniew Darzynkiewicz,* El~bieta Bedner, t and Frank Traganos* *Brander Cancer Research Institute New York Medical College Hawthorne, New York 10532 CDepartment of Pathology Pomeranian School of Medicine Szczecin, Poland I. Introduction II. Apoptotic Index May Not Be Correlated with Incidence of Cell Death III. Difficulties in Estimating Frequency of Apoptosis by Analysis of DNA Fragmentation IV. The Lack of Evidence Is Not Evidence for the Lack of Apoptosis V. Misclassification of Apoptotic Bodies or Nuclear Fragments as Single Apoptotic Cells VI. Apoptosis versus Necrosis versus "Necrotic Stage" of Apoptosis VII. Selective Loss of Apoptotic Cells during Sample Preparation VIII. Live Cells Engulfing Apoptotic Bodies Masquerade as Apoptotic Cells IX. The Problems with Commerical Kits and Reagents X. Cell Morphology Is Still the Gold Standard for Identification of Apoptotic Cells XI. Laser Scanning Cytometry: Have Your Cake and Eat It Too References I. Introduction There has been an explosive growth of interest in mechanisms associated with cell death, in particular cell death by apoptosis (for reviews, see Dragovich et al., 1998; Kerr et al., 1994; Kroemer, 1998; Meier and Evan, 1998; Nufiez et al., 1998; Reed, 1998; Vaux and Korsmeyer, 1999). Analysis of cell death is now commonplace not only in field of cell and molecular biology but also in oncology, immunology, embryology, endocrinology, hematology, neurology, and other dis- METHODS IN (:ELL BIOLOGY, VOL. 63 Copyright © 2001 by Academic Press All nghts of~cproduction m any forn/ reserved 527 0(Iq1-679X/01 $35 0(I

Difficulties and Pitfalls in Analysis of Apoptosis · cytometry in the analysis of apoptosis were described previously (Darzynkiewicz et al., 1998). The most common errors in measurement

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Page 1: Difficulties and Pitfalls in Analysis of Apoptosis · cytometry in the analysis of apoptosis were described previously (Darzynkiewicz et al., 1998). The most common errors in measurement

C H A P T E R 24

Difficulties and Pitfalls of Apoptosis

in Analysis

Z b i g n i e w D a r z y n k i e w i c z , * El~bie ta B e d n e r , t and Frank Traganos* *Brander Cancer Research Institute New York Medical College Hawthorne, New York 10532

CDepartment of Pathology Pomeranian School of Medicine Szczecin, Poland

I. Introduction II. Apoptotic Index May Not Be Correlated with Incidence of Cell Death

III. Difficulties in Estimating Frequency of Apoptosis by Analysis of DNA Fragmentation IV. The Lack of Evidence Is Not Evidence for the Lack of Apoptosis V. Misclassification of Apoptotic Bodies or Nuclear Fragments as Single Apoptotic Cells

VI. Apoptosis versus Necrosis versus "Necrotic Stage" of Apoptosis VII. Selective Loss of Apoptotic Cells during Sample Preparation

VIII. Live Cells Engulfing Apoptotic Bodies Masquerade as Apoptotic Cells IX. The Problems with Commerical Kits and Reagents X. Cell Morphology Is Still the Gold Standard for Identification of Apoptotic Cells

XI. Laser Scanning Cytometry: Have Your Cake and Eat It Too References

I. I n t r o d u c t i o n

There has been an explosive growth of interest in mechanisms associated with cell death, in particular cell death by apoptosis (for reviews, see Dragovich et al., 1998; Kerr et al., 1994; Kroemer, 1998; Meier and Evan, 1998; Nufiez et al., 1998; Reed, 1998; Vaux and Korsmeyer, 1999). Analysis of cell death is now commonplace not only in field of cell and molecular biology but also in oncology, immunology, embryology, endocrinology, hematology, neurology, and other dis-

METHODS IN (:ELL BIOLOGY, VOL. 63 Copyright © 2001 by Academic Press All nghts of~cproduction m any forn/ reserved 527 0(Iq1-679X/01 $35 0(I

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ciplines. Flow cytometry has become the preferred methodology for analysis of apoptosis both in the research environment as well as in clinical settings (for reviews, see Darzynkiewicz et al., 1992, 1997a,b; Ormerod, 1998). It offers the possibility of rapid, accurate, and unbiased analysis of large populations of indi- vidual cells. The most attractive feature of cytometry is that it provides the possibility of measuring several cell attributes simultaneously in a large number of individual cells. Such a measurement directly reveals correlations between the attributes measured within the same cells. This feature is of particular value in studies of the mechanisms of cell death and regulatory pathways predisposing to, or protecting the cell from, death. In this application cytometry is primarily used to measure immunocytochemically labeled cell constituents that play a role in the regulation of apoptosis. Members of Bax/Bcl-2 protein family, caspases, the protooncogenes c - m y c and ras, or products of tumor suppressor genes p53 and pRB are most frequently measured (Meier and Evan, 1998; Reed, 1998). By virtue of their close association with the early (and perhaps still reversible) stages of apoptosis, changes in mitochondrial metabolism, particularly in mito- chondrial electrochemical transmembrane potential (A~m), and the presence of reactive oxygen intermediates (ROIs) are also frequently studied by cytometry (Kroemer, 1998; Zamzani et al., 1998).

Another, even more frequent application of cytometry is in the identification and quantitation of apoptotic cells. Their identification is generally based on a particular cytochemical or molecular change that is characteristic, and hopefully unique, for apoptosis. Numerous methods have been developed for identification of apoptotic cells. Some methods rely on the detection of apoptosis-associated changes in the distribution of plasma membrane phospholipids or altered trans- port function of the membrane (Fadok et al., 1992; Koopman et al., 1994). Others are based on endonucleolytic DNA degradation that results in loss of fragmented DNA from the cell; apoptotic cells are then recognized by their fractional DNA content (Nicoletti et al., 1991; Umansky et aL, 1981). When DNA extraction is prevented by fixation with formaldehyde, the in situ presence of DNA strand breaks in apoptotic cells can be detected by their labeling with fluorochrome- conjugated nucleotides in a reaction utilizing exogenous terminal deoxynucleo- tidyltransferase (TdT) (Gorczyca et al., 1992, 1993a,b; Li and Darzynkiewicz, 1995; Li et aL, 1996). The apoptosis associated changes in cell size and granularity can be detected by analysis of laser light scattered by the cell in the forward and side directions (Ormerod et al., 1995). Activation of the apoptosis-associated proteases, caspases (Nufiez et al., 1998; see Chapter 22 of this volume), the increased sensitivity of DNA in situ to denaturation (single-strandedness) (Hotz et al., 1992), or the appearance of apoptosis-associated antigens (Koester et al., 1998) provide still other markers of apoptotic cells used in cytometry. A variety of reagent kits to detect apoptosis based on markers listed above are being offered by many vendors.

Several method chapters and protocols on the use of cytometry to identify apoptotic cells have been published (Darzynkiewicz and Li, 1996; Darzynkiewicz

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et al., 1994, 1997a,b; see Chapter 22, this volume). Many of the commercially available reagent kits include detailed protocols and instructions for use. How- ever, most of these chapters and protocols fail to adequately address certain problems and difficulties that are often encountered in the analysis of apoptosis. The common pitfalls and inappropriate uses of the methodology are apparent from reviewing the literature. Some of these problems are generic to most of the methods: they generally pertain to data interpretation, in particular how the frequency of apoptotic cells (apoptotic index) relates to the incidence of cell death in cultures or in tissue. Other problems are specific to particular methods or cell systems. Certain issues associated with the inappropriate use of flow cytometry in the analysis of apoptosis were described previously (Darzynkiewicz et al., 1998). The most common errors in measurement of apoptosis as well as the frequent mistakes in the analysis and interpretation of the data have been updated and are discussed in this chapter.

II. Apoptotic Index May Not Be Correlated with Incidence of Cell Death

It is often assumed that the frequency of apoptotic cells (apoptotic index, AI), in vivo or in cultures, is a reflection of "how many" cells underwent apoptosis, for example, as a result of the treatment or over a given time interval. Thus, for example, when a particular drug is administered to a culture and several hours later the percentage of apoptotic cells is higher in this culture than in a culture treated with another drug, an assumption is often made that the first drug was more effective in inducing apoptosis or in cell kill. Likewise, the increased AI in vivo, in the tissue, is often interpreted as reflecting the increased cell death incidence in this tissue. This is not always a correct assumption because apoptosis is a kinetic event. The entire apoptotic process, from the initiation to the total disintegration of the cell, is of short and variable duration. The time window during which individual apoptotic cells demonstrate their characteristic features (markers) that allow them to be recognizable varies depending on (1) the method used, (2) the cell type, and/or (3) the nature of the inducer of apoptosis. Thus, for example, variable estimates of the AI in the same cell population are expected when different methods, differing in the width of the time window through which they recognize apoptosis, are used. Furthermore, some inducers may slow down or accelerate the apoptotic process. This may occur if the rate of either formation and/or shedding of apoptotic bodies, endonucleolysis, or proteolysis is affected by the inducer or by the growth conditions (e.g., temperature, pH). Thus, when the duration of apoptosis is shortened the frequency of apoptotic cells (AI) is diminished even if the incidence of cell death remains the same. Conversely, prolongation of apoptosis in absence of any change in incidence of cell death manifests by the increase in AI. Protease inhibitors, for example, including inhibitors of serine proteases, delay nuclear fragmentation and prolong the pro-

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cess of apoptosis (Hara et al., 1996). Induction of apoptosis in their presence, therefore, is expected to be reflected by the increased AI compared to parallel cultures with the same incidence of cell death but where apoptosis is of shorter duration.

The duration of apoptosis is also different in different cell types and tissues, as well as in vivo and in vitro. Cells of hematopoietic tumor lines (e.g., such as HL-60 cells) in vitro, when triggered by D N A damage, for example, by DNA topoisomerase inhibitors, progress through the entire process of apoptosis rap- idly; the cells disintegrate totally within 4 to 6 hr after the treatment. The same treatment of MCF-7 breast carcinoma cells triggers apoptosis after a 24-hr delay and leads to an apoptotic process that is of much longer duration (Del Bino et al., 1999). Apoptosis in vivo, within tissues, appears to be rapid, with the remains of apoptotic cells completely removed from the tissue in a short time. This is evidenced by the fact that under conditions of homeostasis the AI is often similar to the mitotic index (e.g., 1-2%). Because the duration of mitosis is approximately 1 hr, the duration of apoptosis must be similarly short. It is quite possible, however, that the rate of removal of the remains of apoptotic cells by neighboring cells and by macrophages also varies depending on the tissue type.

In conclusion, an observed increase in AI, for example, as a result of a particular treatment, may indicate that indeed the incidence of cells dying by apoptosis was increased by the treatment. As discussed, however, it may also indicate that the same number of cells were dying but that the duration of apoptosis was prolonged. A combination of both, namely, increased incidence of apoptosis and prolongation of this process, could occur as well. Unfortunately, no methods yet exist to arrest cells in apoptosis and therefore to obtain a cumulative estimate of the rate of cell entrance to apoptosis. Such an approach is available, for example, for mitosis, which can be arrested by microtubule poisons, and the rate of cell entrance to mitosis can be calculated to obtain a quantitative estimate of the cell birth rate (Darzynkiewicz el al., 1986). Perhaps the apoptotic process can be arrested by some inhibitors of caspases, which would then allow one to measure the rate of cell entrance to apoptosis or the cell death rate. Nevertheless, the percentage of apoptotic cells in a cell population as presently estimated by any given method (AI) is not a measure of the incidence of cells dying by apoptosis.

To estimate the incidence of cell death, for example, as a result of t reatment with chemical or physical agent, the absolute number (not the percentage) of live cells should be measured in the treated culture and compared with the appropriate untreated control. A correction should also be made to account for the rate of cell proliferation. The latter may be obtained from the classic cell growth curves, when the number of live cells is plotted against the time in culture. Alternatively, it may be obtained from rate of cell entrance to mitosis in a stathmokinetic experiment by arresting cells in mitosis (Darzynkiewicz et al., 1986). The observed deficit in the actual number of live cells from the expected number of live cells estimated based on the rate of cell birth provides an estimate

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of the cumulative cell loss (death) during the measured time interval. Indirectly, the cell proliferation rate can be inferred from the percentage of cells incorporat- ing bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) or from the mitotic index, under the assumption that the treatment which induces apoptosis does not affect the duration of any particular phase of the cell cycle. The estimate of apoptosis (by detection of cells with DNA strand breaks) may be combined with analysis of BrdU incorporation and cell cycle position, by flow or laser scanning cytometry (Li et al., 1996). This methodology, which reveals AI and the fraction of cells replicating DNA in the same sample, may be particularly useful in evaluating the proliferative potential of tumors.

III. Difficulties in Estimating Frequency of Apoptosis by Analysis of DNA Fragmentation

A common misconception in analysis of apoptosis is that the amount of frag- mented (low MW, "extractable") DNA detected in cultures, tissue, or cell ex- tracts, etc., is proportional to the frequency of apoptosis. Many methods were developed to estimate the amount of fragmented DNA, and numerous reagent kits are being sold for that purpose. They include direct quantitative colorimetric analysis of "soluble" DNA, densitometry of "DNA ladders" on gels, and immu- nochemical assessment of nucleosomes. Some of these approaches are advertised by the vendors as quantitative, in the sense that they are intended to provide information regarding the frequency of apoptosis in cell populations. Such claims are grossly incorrect. Namely, the amount of fragmented (low MW) DNA that can be extracted from a single apoptotic cell varies over a wide range depending on the stage of apoptosis. Although early during apoptosis only a small fraction of DNA is degraded, when apoptosis is more advanced nearly all DNA is frag- mented. Thus, the amount of low MW DNA that is extracted from a single apoptotic cell varies manyfold depending on the stage of apoptosis. As a result, the total content of low MW DNA extracted from the cell population, or the ratio of the low to high MW fraction, does not provide information about the frequency of apoptotic cells (apoptotic index), even in relative terms, for example, for comparison of cell populations. For this reason biochemical methods based on analysis of fragmented DNA cannot be used to quantitatively estimate the frequency of apoptosis.

DNA "laddering" observed during electrophoresis provides evidence of in- ternucleosomal DNA cleavage that is considered one of the hallmarks of apop- tosis (Arends et al., 1990). Analysis of DNA fragmentation by gel electrophoresis to detect such laddering is thus a valuable method to demonstrate the apoptotic mode of cell death. It should not be used, however, as a means to quantitate the frequency of apoptosis.

In some cell systems apoptosis may occur without internucleosomal DNA cleavage; the products of DNA fragmentation are large DNA sections that cannot

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be easily extracted from the cell (Oberhammer et aL, 1993). Obviously, in these systems apoptosis cannot be revealed by the presence of DNA laddering on gels or by analysis of low MW products. These instances are discussed in the next section of this chapter.

IV. The Lack o f Evidence Is N o t Evidence for the Lack o f Apoptosis

There are numerous publications describing cell death that resembles apoptosis which lacks, however, one or more characteristic apoptotic features ("atypical apoptosis") (e.g., Cohen et al., 1992; Collins et al., 1992; Ormerod et al., 1994; Zakeri et al., 1993; Zamai et al., 1996). Thus, for example, apoptosis-associated DNA endonucleolysis frequently terminates after generating 50- to 300-kb breaks and does not proceed to generate internucleosomal-sized DNA fragments (Ober- hammer et al., 1993). Such cells contain relatively few in si tu DNA strand breaks compared with classic apoptosis. Methods based on detection of DNA laddering on gels will fail to identify apoptosis in such situations, lit should be noted, however, that the 50- to 300-kb fragments can be detected by pulsed field electro- phoresis (Oberhammer et al., 1993).] Because of the paucity of DNA strand breaks under such circumstances, it is also difficult to identify such cells by the DNA strand break TdT-mediated dUTP-biotin nick end labeling (TUNEL) assay (Del Bino et al., 1999).

Apoptosis is often induced by agents that are inhibitors of a particular enzyme or metabolic pathway that is associated with apoptosis. Identification of apoptotic cells based on activity of this enzyme or analysis of the pathway involved will be unsuccessful. For example, apoptosis can be induced by certain protease inhibitors (Hara et al., 1996). Because these inhibitors (perhaps by inhibiting proteolysis of nuclear lamin) prevent nuclear fragmentation, this feature (nuclear fragmentation) cannot be used as a marker distinguishing apoptotic cells.

Application of more than one method, each based on a different principle (i.e., detecting a different cellular feature of apoptosis), offers a better chance of detecting atypical apoptosis than does any single method. As mentioned, if DNA in apoptotic cells is fragmented to 50- to 300-kb sections it is not extractable, and such cells cannot be identified as apoptotic either by the method based on analysis of DNA content or DNA laddering during electrophoresis. It is likely, however, that such apoptotic cells can be recognized based on their reduced F- actin stainability with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-phalloidin (Endersen et al., 1995), by their reactivity with a fluorochromed annexin V (Koopman et al., 1994), by the drop in mitochondrial transmembrane potential detected by transmembrane potential-sensing flourochrome probes (Cossarizza et al., 1994; Zamzani et al., 1998), or by other markers.

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V. Misclassification of Apoptotic Bodies or Nuclear Fragments as Single Apoptotic Cells

Identification of apoptotic cells often relies on cellular DNA content measure- ments by flow cytometry. It was initially observed that following cell fixation in ethanol and staining of their DNA, apoptotic cells were recognized by virtue of their lower stainability compared to G1 cells (Umansky et al., 1981). On the DNA content frequency histograms they occupied a position between the origin of the DNA coordinate and the G1 peak ("sub-G1" cells). Their decreased DNA stainability was explained as partially due to the extraction of fragmented, low MW DNA during the staining procedure (Darzynkiewicz et al., 1992; Gong et al., 1994). To optimize the distinction between intact G~ and apoptotic cells, the extent of DNA extraction can be enhanced by using buffers of higher molar strength prior to fixation (Gong et al., 1994). The apoptotic (sub-G1) cells can thus be distinguished based on their fractional DNA content, which may partly be due to DNA extraction during the staining procedure but may also reflect DNA loss due to shedding of apoptotic bodies, or even to changes in chromatin structure (condensation) that make DNA less accessible to the fluorochrome.

The major problem with this methodology stems from the fact that, com- monly, the analysis is performed on cells that were subjected to treatment with a detergent or hypotonic solution instead of fixation. Such treatment lyses the plasma membrane and gives rise to the following artifacts. (1) Because the nucleus of an apoptotic cell is fragmented, numerous individual chromatin fragments are present in a single cell. On cell lysis, each individual chromatin fragment, having a fractional DNA content, is separately released and, when measured, is erroneously identified as a single apoptotic cell. Therefore, the percentage of objects represented by the sub-G1 peak significantly overestimates the actual AI. (2) Similar problems arise when, for instance, chromosomes are released from lysed mitotic cells. Both individual chromosomes as well as chromosome aggregates having a fractional DNA content may mistakenly be identified as apoptotic cells. This problem is exacerbated when apoptosis is induced by agents that increase the proportion of mitotic cells, for example, taxol or other microtubule poisons. (3) Often, following cell irradiation or treatment of cells with DNA damaging drugs, micronuclei are formed. Their number depends on the degree of DNA damage and duration of treatment. Having a fractional DNA content, micronuclei may also be erroneously identified as apoptotic cells.

A gentle permeabilization of the cell with a detergent but in the presence of exogenous proteins such as serum or serum albumin prevents lysis of the plasma membrane. It was shown that the presence of 1% (w/v) albumin or 10% (v/v) serum protects cells from lysis (e.g., induced by 0.1% Triton X-100) without

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affecting their permeabilization by detergent. In fact, this method is used for simultaneous analysis of DNA and RNA as well as for detection of apoptotic cells characterized by reduced DNA content (Darzynkiewicz, 1994). However, apoptotic or nonapoptotic cells suspended in saline containing detergent and serum proteins remain very fragile, and pipetting, vortexing, or even shaking the tube containing the suspension causes their lysis and release of the cell constit- uents into solution.

Logarithmic amplification of the fluorescence signal is frequently used to mea- sure and display cellular DNA content in the methods that employ detergents to quantitate apoptosis. A logarithmic scale allows one to measure and record events with 1 or even 0.1% of the DNA content of intact, nonapoptotic cells. The majority of such objects cannot be individual apoptotic cells. In the case of cell lysis by detergents, as discussed earlier, these objects represent nuclear fragments, individual apoptotic bodies, individual chromosomes, chromosome aggregates, micronuclei, or contaminating bacteria.

To exclude objects with a minimal DNA content that may not be apoptotic cells from analysis, it is advisable during fluorescence measurement to set the threshold of DNA detection at a constant level, for example, at 1/10th or 1/20th the fluorescence value of intact G1 cells. This would eliminate all particles with a DNA content less than 10 or 5% of that of G1 cells from the analysis. Although the AI may then be underestimated, the underestimate is constant and introduces less error than would occur if all objects with a fractional DNA content were counted. In essence, there is little reason to use a logarithmic scale to measure DNA content because a linear scale provides better assurance that objects with a minimal DNA content are not included in the analysis.

Difficulties in identification of apoptotic cells by this methodology may also occur when G2/M or late S phase cells undergo apoptosis, and the extraction of low MW DNA from them is insufficient to shift them to a position below the G1 peak. On DNA frequency histograms, such cells may overlap with the non- apoptotic G~ cells. Likewise, when cells grow at two DNA ploidy levels, the apoptotic cells of a higher DNA ploidy despite the loss of DNA may still overlap in DNA content with the nonapoptotic cells of lower DNA ploidy. As mentioned, a more extensive DNA extraction, which is provided using high molarity buffers and improves separation of apoptotic cells on DNA frequency histograms (Gong et al., 1994), may be useful in such situations.

The method of identification of apoptotic cells on the basis of their fractional DNA content, even if it is based on analysis of fixed cells (i.e., is devoid of artifacts of cell lysis discussed earlier), is not very specific. Mechanically damaged cells, in particular cell fragments that may remain in suspension, for example, after isolation of cells from the tissue, will have fractional DNA content and be indistinguishable from apoptoptic cells. Likewise, late necrotic cells are also characterized by loss of DNA and therefore may have similar DNA stainability as apoptotic cells on DNA histograms.

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VI . A p o p t o s i s v e r s u s N e c r o s i s v e r s u s " N e c r o t i c S t a g e "

o f A p o p t o s i s

There are many differences between typical apoptotic and necrotic cells (Arends et al., 1990; Kerr et al., 1972; Majno and Joris, 1995), and they have provided a basis for development of numerous markers and methods that can discriminate between these two modes of cell death (Darzynkiewicz et al., 1992, 1997a,b). The major difference stems from the early loss of integrity of the plasma membrane during necrosis. This event results in a loss of the ability of the cell to exclude many fluorochromes. In contrast, the plasma mambrane and membrane transport functions remain, to a large extent, preserved during the early stages of apoptosis. The permeability of a cell to prodidium iodide (PI), or its ability to retain some fluorescent probes such as products of enzyme activity, is the most common marker distinguishing apoptosis from necrosis. Thus, for example, a combination of fluorochrome-conjugated annexin V with PI was proposed to distinguish live cells (unstainable with both dyes) from apoptotic cells (stainable with annexin V but unstainable with PI) from necrotic cells (stainable with both dyes) (Koopman et al., 1994) (Fig. 1). The fluorochrome- conjugated annexin V binds to phosphatidylserine, the phospholipid of the plasma membrane that is inaccessible to this conjugate in live cells but becomes exposed on the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane and, therefore, accessible

HL-60 CTRL HL-60 CPT 3h

u f -


If. G.

. I L . . . . . . , * * .


Annexin V - RTC Fluorescence

/ / / /

Fig. 1 Discrimination between nonapoptotic, early apoptotic, and late apoptotic ("necrotic stage" of apoptosis) or necrotic cells following staining with annexin V-FITC conjugate and PI, and fluores- cence measurement by laser scanning cytometry (LSC). The cells in quadrant 1 are live; they exclude PI and do not bind annexin V-FITC. They predominate in HL-60 untreated (control) cultures. The cells in quadrant 2 are early apoptotic; they bind annexin V-FITC but still exclude PI. The cells in quadrant 3 are late apoptotic (or necrotic) and they bind both PI and annexin V-FITC. The quadrant 2 and 3 cells are more frequent in the camptothecin-treated sample (CPT). The possibility of observing the morphology of the cells selected based on their fluorescence, as offered by LSC, helps to confirm the identity of apoptotic cells. (See color plates.)

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during apoptosis (Fadok et aL, 1992; Koopman et aL, 1994). Although this ap- proach works well in many instances, it has limitations and possible pitfalls, as follows:

1. Late stage apoptotic cells resemble necrotic cells to such an extent that, to define them, the term "apoptotic necrosis" was proposed (Majno and Joris, 1995). This is a consequence of the fact that the integrity of the plasma membrane of late apoptotic cells is compromised, which makes the membrane leaky and permeable to charged cationic dyes such as PI. Thus, since the ability of such cells to exclude these dyes is lost, the discrimination between late apoptosis and necrosis cannot be accomplished by methods based on the use of plasma membrane permeability probes or annexin V.

2. The permeability and asymmetry of plasma membrane phospholipids (ac- cessibility of phosphatidylserine) may change, for example, as a result of pro- longed treatment with proteolytic enzymes (trypsinization), mechanical damage (e.g., cell removal from flasks by a rubber policeman, cell isolation from solid tumors, or even repeated centrifugations), electroporation, or treatment with some drugs.

3. Many flow cytometric methods designed to quantify the frequency of apop- totic or necrotic cells are based on the differences between live versus apoptotic versus necrotic cells in the permeability of their plasma membrane to different fluorochromes such as PI, 7-aminoactinomycin D (7-AAD), or Hoechst dyes. It should be stressed, however, that plasma membrane permeability may vary depending on the cell type and on many other factors, unrelated to apoptosis or necrosis. The assumption, therefore, that live cells maximally exclude a particu- lar dye, early apoptotic cells are somewhat leaky, while late apoptotic or necrotic cells are totally permeable to the dye, and that these differences are large enough to identify these cells, is not universally applicable.

It is particularly difficult to discriminate between apoptotic and necrotic cells in suspensions from solid tumors. Necrotic areas form in tumors as a result of massive local cell death, for example, due to poor accessibility to oxygen and growth factors when tumors grow in size and their local vascularization becomes inadequate. Needle aspirate samples or cell suspensions from the resected tumors may contain many cells from the necrotic areas. Such cells are indistinguishable from late apoptotic cells by many markers. Because the AI in solid tumors, representing spontaneous or treatment induced apoptosis, should not include cells from the necrotic areas, one has to carefully eliminate such cells from analysis. Because incubation of cells with trypsin and DNase I selectively and totally digests all cells whose plasma membrane integrity is compromised, that is, primarily necrotic cells (Darzynkiewicz et aL, 1994), such a procedure may be used to remove necrotic cells from suspensions. It should be noted, however, that late apoptotic cells have somewhat permeable plasma membranes and are expected to also be sensitive to this treatment.

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VII. Selective Loss of Apoptotic Cells during Sample Preparation

Relatively early during apoptosis cells will detach from the surface of culture flasks and float in the medium. Thus, the standard procedure of discarding the medium, followed by trypsinization or EDTA treatment of the attached cells and their collection, results in selective loss of apoptotic cells that are discarded with the medium. Such loss may vary from flask to flask depending on how the culture is handled, for example, the degree of mixing or shaking, efficiency in discarding the old medium. Surprisingly, cell trypsinization and discarding the medium is still occasionally reported by some authors. Needless to say, such an approach cannot be used for quantitative analysis of apoptosis. To estimate the frequency of apoptotic cells in adherent cultures, it is essential to collect floating cells, pool them with the trypsinized ones, and measure them as a single sample. It should be stressed that trypsinization, especially if prolonged, results in diges- tion of cells with a compromised plasma membrane. Thus, collection of cells from cultures by trypsinization is expected to cause selective loss of late apoptotic and necrotic cells.

Similarly, density gradient separation of cells (e.g., using Ficoll-Hypaque or Percoll solutions) may result in selective loss of dying and dead cells. This is due to the fact that early during apoptosis the cells become dehydrated, have condensed nuclei and cytoplasm, and therefore have a higher density compared to nonapoptotic cells. Knowledge of any selective loss of dead cells in cell populations purified by such an approach is essential when one is study- ing apoptosis.

Repeated centrifugations lead to cell loss by at least two mechanisms. One involves electrostatic cell attachment to the tubes and may be selective to a particular cell type. Thus, for example, preferential loss of monocytes and granu- locytes was observed during repeated centrifugation of white blood cells, while lymphocytes remained in suspension (Bedner et al., 1997). Cell loss is of particular concern when hypocellular samples (<5 x 104 cells) are processed. In such a situation carrier cells in excess (e.g., chick erythrocytes) may be added to preclude disappearance of" the cells of interest through centrifugations. The second mecha- nism of cell loss involves preferential disintegration of fragile cells. Because apoptotic cells, especially at late stages of apoptosis, are very fragile, they may selectively be lost from samples that require centrifugation or are repeatedly vortexed, pipetted, etc. Addition of serum or bovine serum albumin to cell suspensions, shortened centrifugation time, and decreased gravity force all may have a protective effect against cell breakage by mechanical factors. Apoptotic cells may also preferentially disintegrate in biomass cultures that require constant cell mixing.

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VII I . L ive Cel ls E n g u l f i n g A p o p t o t i c Bodies Masquerade as A p o p t o t i c Cel ls

Exposure of phosphatidylserine on the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane that occurs during apoptosis (Fadok et al., 1992) makes such ceils and their fragments (apoptotic bodies) attractive to neighboring cells, which phagocytize them. In addition to professional phagocytes, cells of fibroblast or epithelial lineage also have the ability to engulf apoptotic bodies. It is frequently observed, especially in solid tumors, that the cytoplasm of both nontumor as well as tumor cells located in the neighborhood of apoptotic cells contains inclusions typical of apoptotic bodies. The remains of apoptotic cells engulfed by neighboring cells contain altered plasma membranes, fragmented DNA, and other constituents with attributes characteristic of apoptosis. Thus, if the distinction is based on any of these attributes, the live, nonapoptotic cells that phagocytized apoptotic bodies cannot be distinguished from genuine apoptotic cells by flow cytometry (Fig. 2).

IX. The P r o b l e m s wi th C o m m e r c i a l Kits and R e a g e n t s

A large number of commercial kits designed to detect apoptosis have become available, and reagent companies are racing to introduce new kits, often advertis- ing them as "unique apoptosis detection kits." Some of these kits have solid experimental foundations and have been repeatedly tested on a variety of cell


5G00 ¢)

| '10

DNA Content

Fig. 2 Discrimination between genuine and false positive apoptotic cells by LSC. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were obtained from a leukemia patient during chemotherapy (Gorczyca et al., 1993a). DNA strand breaks were labeled with fluoresceinated dUTP using exogenous terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase as described (Gorczyca et al., 1992; 1993a). Genuine apoptotic cells are characterized by morphology typical of apoptosis. However, the nonapoptotic ceils resembling monocytes, which contain cytoplasmic inclusions stainable with PI and having DNA strand breaks, also are present in this sample. These ceils (false positive) most likely represent monocytes that phagocytized apoptotic bodies. By flow cytometry, which does not allow morphological identification, such cells are mistakenly classified as apoptotic. (See color plates.)

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systems. Other kits, however, especially those advertised by vendors who do not fully explain the principle of detection of apoptosis on which the kit is based, and do not list its chemical composition, may not be universally applicable. It is not uncommon for a kit to be introduced after being tested on one or two cell lines using a single agent to trigger apoptosis (generally, classic apoptosis of either a T cell leukemia line treated with the Fas ligand or HL-60 cells treated with a DNA topoisomerase inhibitor).

Before application of any new kit, it is advisable to confirm that at least three to four independent laboratories have already successfully used it on different cell types. Furthermore, it is good practice to initially use the new kit in parallel with a well-established methodology, in a few experiments. This would allow one, by comparison of the apoptotic indices, to estimate the time window of detection of apoptosis by the new method and its sensitivity, compared to the one that is already established and accepted in the field.

One potential pitfall in using commercial kits has been described by Bedner et al. (1999a). The problem pertains an erroneous identification of live nonapop- totic eosinophils as apoptotic cells. This misclassification was due to the fact that there are trace amounts of unconjugated FITC in most commercially available reagents and kits (e.g., FITC-conjugated dUTP, FITC-conjugated avidin, FITC- conjugated primary or secondary antibodies). This FITC reacts avidly with gran- ule proteins of eosinophils, labeling them very strongly. Thus, all the methods of identification of apoptotic cells that rely on the use of FITC-conjugated re- agents and permeabilized cells are expected to nonspecifically label eosinophils, which then can be erroneously classified as apoptotic cells by flow cytometry (Bedner et al., 1999a).

X. Cell Morphology Is Still the Gold Standard for Identification of Apoptotic Cells

Apoptosis was originally defined as a specific mode of cell death based on very characteristic changes in cell morphology (Kerr et al., 1972) (Fig. 3). The characteristic morphological features of apoptosis and necrosis are listed in Table I. Although individual features of apoptosis may serve as markers for detection and analysis of the proportion of apoptotic cells in the cell populations studied by flow cytometry or other quantitative methods, the mode of cell death should always be identified by inspection of cells by light or electron microscopy. There- fore, when quantitative analysis is done by flow cytometry, it is essential to confirm the mode of cell death on the basis of morphological criteria. Furthermore, if there is any ambiguity regarding the mechanism of cell death, the morphological changes should be the deciding attribute in resolving the uncertainty.

It should be stressed that optimal preparations for light microscopy require cytospining of live cells following by their fixation and staining on slides. The cells are then flat and their morphology is easy to assess. On the other hand,

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Table I M o r p h o l o g i c a l Criteria for Identification o f A p o p t o s i s o r N e c r o s i s


Apoptosis Necrosis

Reduced cell size, convoluted cell shape Plasma membrane undulations (blebbing/budding) Chromatin condensation (DNA hyperchromicity) Loss of the structural features of the nucleus

(smooth appearance) Nuclear fragmentation (karyorrhexis) Presence of apoptotic bodies Dilatation of the endoplasmic reticulum Relatively unchanged cell organelles Shedding of apoptotic bodies Phagocytosis of the cell remnants Cell detachment from tissue culture flasks

Cell and nuclear swelling Patchy chromatin condensation Swelling of mitochondria Vacuolization in cytoplasm Plasma membrane rupture (ghostlike cells) Dissolution of nuclear chromatin

(karyolysis) Attraction of inflammatory cells

when the cells are initially fixed and stained in suspension, then transferred to slides and analyzed under the microscope, their morphology is obscured by the unfavorable geometry: the cells are spherical and thick and require confocal microscopy to reveal details such as early signs of apoptotic chromatin conden- sation.

Differential staining of cellular DNA and protein of cells on slides with 4,6- diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) and sulforhodamine 101, respectively, is rapid and simple and provides very good morphological resolution of apoptosis and necrosis (Darzynkiewicz et al., 1997a). A combined cell illumination with ultravio- let (UV) light (to excite the DNA fluorochrome, e.g., DAPI) and light transmis- sion microscopy utilizing interference contrast (Nomarski illumination) is our favorite method of cell visualization to identify apoptotic cells (Fig. 3). Other DNA fluorochromes, such as PI, 7-AAD, or acridine orange (AO), can be used as well.

XI. Laser S c a n n i n g Cytometry: Have Y o u r Cake and Eat It T o o

As mentioned earlier, characteristic changes in cell morphology provided the deciding criteria for identification of apoptotic cells. Quantitation of AI by micros-

Fig. 3 Morphology of apoptotic cells from U937 cultures treated with tumor necrosis factor a (TNF-cQ, cytocentrifuged, fixed in formaldehyde, and stained with 4, 6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) (A) or 7-AAD (B), as revealed by their examination by fluorescence microscopy combined with interference contrast (Nomarski) illumination. Photographs were taken with a Nikon Microphot- FXA, with a 40x objective. (See color plates.)

Peter Knauth
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copy or by classic image analysis techniques, however, was cumbersome and slow, and selection of cells for visual inspection was biased. Flow cytometry provided rapid and unbiased analyses but did not allow for morphological identi- fication of the measured cell. Although the cells could be electronically sorted for their identification, cell sorters are expensive, the procedure is time- consuming and cumbersome, and there are many technical problems involved in recovering apoptotic cells for morphological analysis following sorting.

A new instrument, the laser scanning cytometer (LSC), satisfies both require- ments for analysis of apoptosis: rapidity of the measurements and the possibility of morphological examination of the selected cells. The LSC is a microscope- based cytofluorometer that combines advantages of flow and image cytometry (Kamentsky and Kamentsky, 1991; see Chapter 3 of this volume). The fluores- cence of individual cells can be measured rapidly, with sensitivity and accuracy comparable to those of flow cytometry. Cell staining and measurement on slides eliminates cell loss, which inevitably occurs during the repeated centrifugations necessary for sample preparation for flow cytometry. Since the spatial x - y coordi- nates of each cell on the slide are recorded, these cells can be relocated after the initial LSC measurement, for example, for visual microscopy after staining with another dye to carry out additional image analysis. Furthermore, because the geometry of the cells cytocentrifuged or smeared on the slide is more favorable for morphometric analysis than is the case for cells in suspension, more information on cell morphology can be obtained by laser scanning than by flow cytometry. Advantages and limitations of the LSC for analysis of apoptosis have been reviewed (Bedner et al., 1999b; Li and Darzynkiewicz, 1999; Darzynkiewicz et al., 1999).

Two attributes of LSC make it an instrument of choice for analysis of apoptosis. As mentioned, the first attribute is the possibility of morphological examination of the cells of interest. Thus, several thousand cells can be measured per sample, with rates approaching 100 cells/sec, to quantify the frequency of apoptotic cells identified on the basis of a particular marker. Morphology of the presumed apop- totic cells can then be discerned following their relocation and microscopic exami- nation, as shown in Fig. 4. This attribute of the LSC made it possible, for example, to identify the false positive apoptotic cells in bone marrow of leukemia patients undergoing chemotherapy. The latter, showing the presence of DNA strand breaks (TUNEL positive), were actually nonapoptotic monocytes and macrophages that engulfed apoptotic bodies, the products of disintegration of apoptotic cells (Bedner et al., 1998, 1999b) (Fig. 2). Flow cytometry, of course, was unable to discriminate between the genuine apoptotic cells and the false positive ones. The LSC thus allows one to quantify the frequency of apoptotic cells at rates approaching those of flow cytometry, and it also allows one to confirm the accuracy of classification based on the gold standard of apoptosis, morphology.

The second attribute that is unique to the LSC and of great value in analysis of apoptosis relates to the possibility of repeated measurements of the same set of cells and integration (merging) of the results of all sequential measurements into a single file (Kamentsky and Kamentsky, 1991). Multivariate analysis of

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¢- h.,

< z e~

HL-60 CPT 4h

0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i b' DNA Content

// // Fig. 4 Morphological identification of apoptotic cells detected based on the presence of DNA strand breaks, after relocation, by LSC. HL-60 cells treated with 0.15/zM CPT for 4 hr were subjected to DNA strand break labeling with FITC-conjugated digoxigenin antibody (Gorczyca et al., 1992) and counterstained with PI. Note nuclear fragmentation and yellow fluorescence (due to colocalization and spectral overlap of FITC and PI) of the nuclear fragments. (See color plates.)

the integrated data reveals correlations between measured cell features. This capability of the LSC was employed to combine analysis of functional features of live cells with cell attributes that can be probed only after fixation (Li and Darzynkiewicz, 1999; Li et al., 2000). Specifically, the functional changes that occur during apoptosis, dissipation of the mitochondrial transmembrane potential (A~m; Petit et al., 1995; Zamzani et aL, 1998), and oxidative stress (increase in ROIs; Hedley and McCulloch, 1996; Sheng-Tanner et al., 1998) were correlated with the attributes measured in fixed cells, the cell cycle position, and the presence of DNA strand breaks. The cells were first measured when alive to assess their A~m or ROIs, and then the cells were fixed and subjected to analysis of DNA content and/or presence of DNA strand breaks. The results of both measurements were integrated into a single file for multivariate analysis. It was possible, there- fore, to reveal the status of DNA fragmentation or cell cycle position of the same cell whose A~m or ROI level was measured. This approach appears to be of particular utility in mapping sequences of intracellular events that include both functional and structural changes. It is currently used in our laboratory to map the sequences and correlate the following: the decrease in intracellular pH; rise in Ca2+; ROIs; changes in reduced glutathione; exposure of phosphatidylser- ine on the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane; activation of caspases; dissipa- tion of A'ttm; translocation of Bax to, and leakage of cytochrome c from, mitochon- dria; nuclear translocation of nuclear factor (NF-KB); chromatin condensation; and DNA fragmentation, events that occur during apoptosis (Li et al., 2000)•

Acknowledgmen t s

Work was supported by the National Cancer Institute (Grant RO1 CA 28 704), by the Chemother- apy Foundation, and by "This Close" for Cancer Research Foundation.

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