Difference Between Account and Report Writing

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  • 8/13/2019 Difference Between Account and Report Writing


    difference between account and report writing.

    An account is not a specific exam response genre, though its good classroom

    practice for building up the skills of chronological ordering and informative semi-

    formal style and is less intimidating than a report because its either a personalviewpoint or pre-supposes a personal interest in the subject matter, like a school

    trip. Its a description which may contain narrative. A formal report, which is one of

    the possible exam response genres, is impersonal and involves evaluation and

    drawing a conclusion, as well as the ordering of factual information, such as

    recommending someone or something to someone in an official position.

    Both reports and accounts can be written in the first person, if that is the relevant

    persona who witnessed the event or has a recommendation to make, though

    objectivity of style may be the overall register required.

    In paper 2, Reading Paper- Comprehension questions- There are certain candidates

    who use their own words in answering comprehension questions and some pick the

    same sentences from the text. What is the main difference in the marking criteria

    between the two?

    Own words, provided they are an accurate paraphrase, are always rewarded over

    lifting of language from the text, as this is what gives evidence of true

    comprehension. Sometimes, however, there is no sensible synonym for an individualword or way of paraphrasing an idea concisely enough, especially if it is technical.

    I want to know about the corr ect format for a report. Do students begin wi th their

    introduction or do they have to fol low some pattern. I have tr ied to access the

    resources but I havent been able to get anything on this. Can you please guide me

    on this?

    Secondly are the students penal ized on bad hand wr iting?

    Poor handwriting is not penalised. It is often, however, a mask for poor spelling,

    which may be.

    he style of narrative writing is dictated by the genre. It may include dialogue, or first

    person narration, which should sound realistic and this may include idioms, though

    not slang, jargon or swearing. It is a good idea if it includes at least some complex

  • 8/13/2019 Difference Between Account and Report Writing


    sentences, though a range and variety of sentence structures, to match the stage of the

    narrative, is desirable. A full range of precise and ambitious vocabulary is another

    element being assessed, as is accuracy, obviously. Pace and structure are important

    too. Handling the climax and the ending, and getting reader attention with an

    engaging opening, are other narrative skills. There are a lot of things for candidates to

    think about, which is why planning is essential.The best thing is to follow the mark scheme and the advice given in examiner reports.

    No exam question invites a purely informal response, since the purpose of an English

    Language exam at this level is to assess the suitability of a candidate to follow a

    course of higher education in an English-speaking institution.

    Theres nothing wrong with ideas stolen from films well, good films anyway. One

    cant expect 16 yr olds writing under exam conditions to come up with original ideas,

    even if there were any left! The important thing is that there should be enough detail

    to make it sound original, and the awful cliches of And then I woke up or And Ifound myself in hospital should be avoided, and first person narratives shouldnt end

    with And then I died. And gory horror, and blood and guts, and green aliens should

    not come into it.

    Irrelevance is another matter, as this may be a warning sign of a preprepared

    composition which is not focused on the actual question.

    Please see the mark scheme on the site, which says that some relevance is required

    even for an E band mark. But obviously accuracy is also taken into account and a

    balanced mark is given. Unlike IGCSE, content and style are in the same mark

    scheme and not assessed separately.