+ Diet Therapy for Autism Spectrum Disorders Leanne Pearce Latest update August 2014

Diet Therapy for Autism Spectrum Disorders...Gut & Psychology Syndrome groups together Autism, learning disabilities, dyspraxia, ADD, ADHD, Dyslexia and behavioural disorders. Also

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Diet Therapy for Autism Spectrum Disorders Leanne Pearce Latest update August 2014

+Why Diet? ASD kids often have a variety of GI Issues:

Do you recognize any of these symptoms in your child?

  – Reflux

  – Diarrhea

  – Constipation

  – Fecal Loading (beware of ‘sneaky poos’ or fecal incontinence)

  – Bloating

  – Stomach Pain

  – Night time wakening

  – Maldigestion

  – Malabsorption

  – Intestinal Permeability (leaky gut)

  – Irritable Bowel Syndrome

  – Crohns Disease

  – Ulcerative Colitis

+Possible Causes of GI Issues   Intestinal Damage From Heavy Metals

  Viral Vaccine Damage

  History of Antibiotic Use Leading to Yeast and Microbial Overgrowth ( see latest research into Clostridium bolteae bacteria).

  Lack of Good Bacteria

  Immune System Dysfunction

  Food Allergies/Sensitivities

All of these can contribute to Inflammation and Increased Intestinal Permeability

+Types of Dietary Treatment

  GFCF – Gluten and Casein Free Diet

  GAPS – Gut & Psychology Syndrome (Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride)

  BEDROK (Body Ecology Diet Recovering Our Kids - Donna Gates)

  SCD - Specific Carbohydrate Diet

  Feingold Diet / Failsafe Diet:

  Additive, artificial colour, flavour & preservative-free diets

  Low Salicylate, Amine & Glutamate

  Low Phenol Diet

  Sara’s Diet (Lutein Free)

  Yeast-free / Anti Candida Diet

  Food Elimination / Allergy Rotation Diets

  ER4YT – Eat Right 4 Your Type (Blood type diet)

  LOD - Low Oxalate Diet

+Gluten & Casein Free Diet  Eliminates gluten & casein in line with research suggesting

opioid effect on brain chemistry.

 Has had limited success for some as it doesn’t address all aspects of a complete diet therapy program.

 Doesn’t address gastrointestinal healing or nutritional support.

 Doesn’t address other food intolerances eg salicylates, phenolic compounds, sulphites, food additives.

 Often over compensates with excessive amounts of simple carbohydrates. i.e. Large amounts of GFCF products = high processed carbohydrates = sugar.

+Bedrock Diet   Body Ecology Diet (Recovering Our Kids)

  Aimed at restoring and maintaining “inner ecology”.

  Based on premise of a systemic Candida overgrowth.

  Starts with a GFCF diet and eliminates sugars and bad fats.

  eat and drink (every day) foods that are fermented or cultured

  Introduces raw saturated fats such as raw butter and cream, antifungal coconut oil, cod liver oil and seed oils.

  Raw egg yokes to help nourish the brain.

  Fermented coconut water (cultured using Kefir)


+ Specific Carbohydrate Diet   Eliminates specific dietary sugars and starches (complex carbohydrates) known to feed intestinal bacteria and yeast.

+GAPS Diet

 Gut & Psychology Syndrome groups together Autism, learning disabilities, dyspraxia, ADD, ADHD, Dyslexia and behavioural disorders. Also depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia & OCD as having an underlying disorder of the gut.

 Compromised immune systems As a result, possible adverse reactions to vaccination.

 Essential or beneficial gut flora vs opportunistic flora

 Neurotoxins produced by opportunistic flora absorbed through the damaged gut wall.

Gut & Psychology Syndrome - Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride

MD, MMedSci(neurology), MMedSci (nutrition)

+Elimination Diet - RPAH

  Eliminates all foods, toiletries, medications, vitamins and mineral supplements that contain salycilates, amines and glutamates.

  Strengths:   reduces natural chemicals, additives & preservatives in processed

foods and some fresh foods.

  Weaknesses:   doesn’t allow for current research findings into leaky gut and the

effects of undigested casein & gluten proteins – opiate effect on brain chemistry.

  Doesn’t provide gastro-intestinal support & healing through reduction of sugars and yeast to treat bacteria & yeast infections.

  Doesn’t allow for probiotic or other nutritional supplements to correct imbalances.


 independent information about the effects of food on behaviour, health and learning ability in both children and adults.

 support for families using a low-chemical elimination diet free of additives, low in salicylates, amines and flavour enhancers (FAILSAFE) for health, behaviour and learning problems.


  Fed Up by Sue Dengate

  Fed Up with ADHD by Sue Dengate

+Failsafe – avoid these additives from www.fedup.com.au

Avoid these additives




155, natural colour 160b (annatto)


Sorbates 200-203

Benzoates 210-213

Sulphites 220-228

Nitrates, nitrites 249-252

Propionates 280-283

Avoid these additives


Gallates 310-312


Glutamates incl. MSG 620-625

Ribonucleotides 627,631,635

Hydroloysed Vegetable Protein (HVP)


+Low Oxolate

 Often overlooked in a diet for salycilate intolerance.

 Some foods that are high in oxolates incl.  Golden delicious apples  Bananas  Chocolate  Buckwheat, millet, amaranth, quinoa, brown rice  Almonds, cashews  Leafy greens


+No Sulphite

  Sulphites are a common food sensitivity.

  They are found in a number of food additives, processed foods and some fresh foods.

  AVOID   food colours 102-155   preservatives 220-224   beverages containing sugar or corn syrup   fruit juices.   dried fruit.   Fresh grapes, onions, garlic, chives, leeks,

asparagus, cabbage, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, turnips, eggs.

+No Phenol

 Occur naturally in almost all foods. They add aroma, colour and flavour.

 Can cause physical, mental and emotional disturbances by exerting toxic effects in individuals who are unable to process them effectively.

 Symptoms include: - night waking, night sweats, dark circles, irritability, inappropriate laughter, self-injurious behaviour.

 AVOID apples, bananas, oranges, grapes, tomatoes, lentils, chickpeas, chocolate, vanillin

+So where do I begin?

 The best diet therapy program is the one that works for your child and for your family. It takes commitment and compliance from all members of the family.

 The most successful programs have been the ones that work towards ‘healing’ the digestive system and gut wall.

 It also needs to be tailored for each individual child.

+Warning signs

Does your child display any of the following?

 Intolerance to cows milk and or breast milk;  Abnormal bowel function (diarrhoea or constipation);  Recurring ear infections and/or regular antibiotic use;  Night sweats;  Dark circles under eyes;  Self-restricting diet choices;  Flushed red cheeks and ears;  Hyperactivity and/or poor attention;  Irritability;  Sleeplessness and or night waking;  Night terrors.  Self stimulatory behaviour.

Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist

+Stage 1 - Clean up the diet

  Eliminate gluten, casein and other problematic foods

  Eliminate or reduce processed foods

  Introduce nutrient rich foods eg. fresh fruit & vegetables, good quality proteins every day.

  Reduce sugars, carbohydrates, colours, flavours & preservatives.

  Avoid simply substituting gluten free carbohydrates for carbohydrates containing gluten.

+Stage 2 – Supplementation for Gastro-intestinal support & healing

  Introduce a good quality probiotic. –   Biokult (Gaps website)



  Biocueticals - Ulta Biotic 45.

  Essential fatty acids – Omega 3

  Digestive enzymes

  Vitamins, minerals and amino acids (where needed – seek advice of professional)

+Stage 3 – Detoxify your life

  Look seriously at the chemicals and pollution in your environment.   Consider heavy metal toxicity (aluminium, arsenic, cadmium, lead

& mercury)

  Chemicals used in manufacture of toys, clothing and footwear.

  Aluminium and non-stick cookwear

  Plastic drinking bottles and food containers

  Cleaning products, new carpets, bedding & furniture.

  Personal care products – shampoo, deodorants, bubble bath, soap

  Exhaust fumes

  Coppers logs in the garden or at the playground

  Garden & household pesticides

  Vaccinations contain aluminium and/or mercury, some contain live virus

+Essential Fatty Acids

  Balance Omega 3 & Omega 6 fatty acids – these play a crucial role in brain function.

  Obtained from   Eggs : especially from chickens that are free range   Oily fish : salmon, tuna, herring, mackerel, sardines

  Lack of omega 3 has been linked to behavioural disorders, depression, aggression.

+Recent studies on Omega 3

 Study – “Children of the 90’s” Bristol Uni.  Studied 14,000 women & children.  Mothers who ate oily fish in pregnancy had

children who had better vision, better language & higher IQ in comprehension skills.

 Study – 300 children  ½ placebo / ½ omega 3 supplements  40% of omega 3 group responded to

supplements showing improved concentration, attention to detail and improvements in reading, spelling & handwriting.

+Omega 3 / Omega 6 balance

 Over consumption of Omega 6 fats appears to limit effectiveness of Omega 3

  Limit Omega 6 fats in our diets found in:  Chocolate, chips, biscuits, cakes, corn oil,

safflower, sesame, soy, sunflower oils

 Supplement with Omega 3  2 major components

  DHA: docasahexaenoic acid is a major building block of the brain, the nervous system and eyes.

  EPA: eicosapentaenoic acid is believed to reduce inflammation, decrease blood pressure, calm hyperactive states and improve immune function.

+Essential Vitamins

 Vitamin C  Studies of high dose vitamin C have shown

significant improvement on various outcome measures with dosage as high as 115mg/kg per day (RDI for children 30-40mg)

 Involved in the production of neuro-transmitters such as serotonin and dopamine.

 Antibacterial and antiviral actions and helps detoxify the body of heavy metals, drugs and toxic substances.

 Found in citrus fruits, kiwi fruit, tomatoes, cabbage, cauliflower and capsicum

+Essential Vitamins

 Zinc  Needed for the production of energy, wound

healing, bone development and growth. Also involved in immune function and hormone production.

 Used extensively in the biomedical treatment protocols for autism & PDD.

 Some practitioners recommending a dosage being between 20-50mg per day.

  Always consult a qualified practitioner when using any supplement.

+Worthwhile reading

  Autism & Attention Deficit Disorders – Understanding and Managing Diet Therapy for your Child JA Salmon/LF -Pearce

  Children with Starving Brains – A medical treatment guide for Autism Spectrum Disorder Dr Jaquelyn McCandless

  Autism: Effective Bio-medical treatments – Have we done everything we can for this child? Sydney Baker M.D., Jon Pangborn Ph.D

  Breaking the Vicious Cycle – Intestinal Health through diet. Elaine Gottschall B.A., M.Sc.

  Gut & Psychology Syndrome Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride MD, MMedSci(neurology), MMedSci (nutrition)

  The Body Ecology Diet - Recovering your health and rebuilding your immunity Donna Gates & Linda Schatz

+Points to keep in mind…

  Commit to a minimum three month trial

  Research and know WHY you are doing it – (needed to bolster arguments with grandparents, teachers, DOCTORS) and to help maintain YOUR commitment when things get rough

  Talk with other families and/or find an experienced practitioner.

  Clean out the fridge and pantry – children can’t eat what isn’t there

  Shop for appropriate ingredients – have a well stocked fridge and pantry.

  Try out recipes and find a few foods your child will eat BEFORE removing the other foods

  Cook in bulk & freeze

  Stand by for the tantrums and stand firm!

  Once your child begins to feel well again they will be more inclined to try new foods.

+Points to keep in mind…

  It is common to see regression during the first few days. Stay the course, and let your child know that you mean business!

  Ensure that anyone who is in contact with your child knows NOT to give them inappropriate food. This will undo all your good work. especially Preschools and grandparents (watch out for Playdough! – I have known some children to eat it)

  May need to use sugar, rice, potatoes, and other starchy foods to achieve this transition, but they will need to be reduced or even removed later on. Less carbs is best.

  Even if your child is living on only a few foods at this stage, don’t worry - after the withdrawal you will be able to expand their food choices and make it more nutritious.

+ Having a diagnosis of Autism does not mean your child has to live a life of poor health.

All parents have a responsibility to do everything they can to raise a child that is happy and healthy regardless of diagnosis.

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