Die Ausbruch Frage The July Crisis, 1914 Fritz Fischer

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Die Ausbruch Frage The July Crisis, 1914 Fritz Fischer The Road to War Austria-Hungarys annexation of Bosnia- Herzegovina. Balkan Wars I & 2 Powder-Keg of Europe Serbian nationalism and Greater Serbia. Assassination of Franz Ferdinand and Sophie, June 28, 1914 by Gavrilo Princip. Link to alliance systems Princip, Franz Ferdinand and Sopie The JULY Crisis Austria-Hungary wants to punish the perpetrators and to assert control over the Balkans. Germany issues blank check to Austria. It would support Austria even if Russia mobilizes to Serbia. Risk of provoking general warGermany would have to launch von Schlieffen Plan. Fritz Fischer Germany wanted war in 1914best chance to win. Chancellor Theobald Bethmann-Holweg wanted to create a Mitteleuropa (September Program) and even a rival empire to Britains in Africa. Primat der Innenpolitik Dark Sonderweg Hew Strachan, To ArmsVol. 1 of making many books there is no end... (Ecc. 12:12) Michael S. Nieberg Terence Zuber Sean McMeekin And this just gets us through 2011! The Guns of August Austria invaded Serbia. (July 28, 1914) Russia mobilized against Austria (July 29, 1914) Germany launches von Schlieffen Plan. (July 30, 1914) France mobilized (August 1, 1914) Britain tries mediation, but declares war (August 4, 1914) Extinguishing the Lamps The lamps are going out all over Europe; we will not see them lit again in our lifetimeSir Edward Grey.