Diabetic e-Book (Version 4)

Diabetic e-Book · the diabetes. Our modern day diet causes our bodies to be too acidic, which are a benefactor to most ailments. The Goal By rectifying any Insulin Related ailment

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Page 1: Diabetic e-Book · the diabetes. Our modern day diet causes our bodies to be too acidic, which are a benefactor to most ailments. The Goal By rectifying any Insulin Related ailment

Diabetic e-Book (Version 4)

Page 2: Diabetic e-Book · the diabetes. Our modern day diet causes our bodies to be too acidic, which are a benefactor to most ailments. The Goal By rectifying any Insulin Related ailment

Type 2 Diabetes

Did you know that you don’t have to be diabetic all your life? You can reverse Type-2 Diabetes with....

1. A Healthy Diet

....correct nutrition can help to normalise blood glucose and pH levels in the body

2. Regular Exercise

...to increase your daily energy output and stimulate the cells to be insulin sensitive again

....is the most effective way to build muscle, burn fat, lose weight, get in shape and reverse Type-2 Diabetes.

Step 1: 7-Day Damage Control Program

To start with a good, healthy, nutrition program is not easy, unless you have a program to dictate your day-

to-day actions. We suggest the FREE 7-day damage control program to rectify blood sugar, insulin and pH

levels in the body.

This program is also meant to help with detoxification.

It is not advisable to eliminate carbohydrates in total, but for the first 7-days you have to reduce the ―carbs‖

to get your insulin and blood sugar levels back to normal.

Step 2: 14-Day Healthy Weight Loss Diet

The second part of the plan is actually a lifestyle, which promises to give you plenty of energy while improving

your all over health and to reverse Type-2 Diabetes.

You can swap the menus and recipes to suit your lifestyle.

Step 3: Repeat step 1 & 2 START

UNDERSTAND Before you can rectify the problem, you need to understand insulin.

Blood Sugar related problems like...

High Blood Sugar (Hyperglycemia) Low Blood Sugar (Hypoglycemia) Cravings Overweight / Obesity

Insulin Resistance (Pre-Diabetes) PCOS Candida Diabetes Type-2 Hyper activity

...are not diseases, but SYMPTOMS of Poor Insulin Management.

To manage Insulin properly, one has to understand how blood sugar and insulin work. When a healthy person eat a piece of bread, potato, chips or any high carbohydrate food it goes into the stomach and into the small intestine where it is broken down into glucose. Glucose is what the body need as fuel. The glucose goes through the walls of the small intestines and into the blood where it is called ―blood glucose‖. This is what is measured in a blood test. Glucose in itself however cannot be dealt with by the body without insulin.

Insulin is a hormone released by the pancreas, and it transports the glucose to the cells until all the glucose in the blood is stored. The energy in the cells is burned as fuel until the next time you eat. This process is repeated over and over from meal to meal. The problem, however, is that we consume way too many carbohydrates (flour products – bread, cookies, muffins

and starches - potatoes, rice, pasta, etc.), which causes our blood sugar to fluctuate too much between meals.

Our bodies adapt to a high carbohydrate intake so that whenever we eat, the pancreas releases more insulin than necessary. This results in too much Insulin in the blood.

Page 3: Diabetic e-Book · the diabetes. Our modern day diet causes our bodies to be too acidic, which are a benefactor to most ailments. The Goal By rectifying any Insulin Related ailment

Insulin left in the blood does the following: 1. It causes sugar and carbohydrate cravings. 2. It also causes Low Blood Sugar (Hypoglycemia), because it drives the blood sugar levels too low. Our brains

need a certain amount of glucose to function and when the levels are too low, we cannot function properly.

We cannot think normally, cannot concentrate, and feel tired, irritable or sleepy, because the brain is not fed properly.

3. The presence of insulin in the blood completely prevents you from burning fat.

This is one of the major issues why the body cannot burn fat. When insulin is left in the blood we do not have any energy coming from the blood. As there is no sugar to burn as fuel, the body cannot access the cells where energy is stored as fat. The cells cannot release energy while the insulin is trying to force more energy into the cells.

What is Insulin Resistance (Pre-Diabetes) then? As said, the main function of insulin is to open up the cells so that glucose can be stored. However, as there is too much insulin in the blood, the cells get tired to be bathed in insulin all the time and become resistant. The next time the insulin wants to store glucose, the cells refuse it, causing the sugar and insulin to stay in the blood.

Causes of Insulin Resistance:

1. Glucose starts to back up in the blood stream. The body can manage this for a certain time, by turning the glucose into fat. This is however not a natural pathway, but a forced one.

2. Fat buildup in the blood causes hi triglycerides.

3. Metabolic Syndrome, which has a number of different symptoms, such as hormonal problems, like...

a) Low Estrogen and Low Testosterone, which causes women to get bald and men to grow breasts and beer bellies.

b) Estrogen also causes weight gain, which develop fat cells. c) Fat cells manufacture their own estrogen, which causes weight gain – a vicious circle.

To summarize... Insulin in the blood prevents access to burn fat as fuel

Glucose backing up in the blood stream and the body converts the glucose to fat Estrogen levels cause fat gain by creating extra fat cells

Most people have Hypoglycemia and Insulin Resistance and others just have Insulin Resistance. This progression is normally the front runner of type 2 Diabetes, where the buildup of glucose in the blood forces the pancreas to produce more insulin until the pancreas cannot cope anymore.

Therefore, all insulin and blood sugar related symptoms like Type 2 Diabetes, Insulin Resistance, PCOS, Candida, Obesity, etc. can be reversed, but it is a long process which does not happen overnight.

To balance the pH Levels of the body is also very important for successful weight loss and to reverse Type-2 Diabetes. The more alkaline our bodies are, the easier we will burn fat and easier we will rectify the diabetes.

Our modern day diet causes our bodies to be too acidic, which are a benefactor to most ailments.

The Goal By rectifying any Insulin Related ailment and getting your body more alkaline, you will gradually reverse Type-2 Diabetes. (Weight Loss is a side effect if you are overweight. Reversing the diabetes will also help to stop you losing

weight, if you are losing weight too quickly due to this problem) There are 4 basic and very simple steps towards achieving this goal.

1. Nutrition – To eat and drink food which cannot stimulate insulin production. This means raw, ordinary food – no heavily processed, non sugary, food, which will also help your body to become alkaline.

2. Never to go Hungry – it is important to carry snacks with you, because hunger is one of the major

culprits, causing us to eat ―wrong‖ food when our blood sugar levels drop too low. 3. Exercise – is non-negotiable. By doing any form of exercise, the excess sugar in the blood will be

burned; blood circulation will be improved and the cells will be stimulated to respond to insulin and glucose again.

A brisk walk for 30 to 45 minutes per day, every day will be sufficient. However, you can do any other form of exercise, as long as you do something to burn sugar and fat. See the different exercises at the end of this book as well as the ―Walk off Weight‖ section on the Manna Website.

4. Sleep – is very important, as enough sleep will help to restore your bodily functions.

Page 4: Diabetic e-Book · the diabetes. Our modern day diet causes our bodies to be too acidic, which are a benefactor to most ailments. The Goal By rectifying any Insulin Related ailment

Portion Size Adjust portion size to suit your body frame requirements. Why the 7-Day Damage Control Program?

Treating Insulin Resistance, PCOS, Overweight & Obesity, Type-2 Diabetes, ADHD, hyper and hypoglycemia

with medication alone, is only treating the symptoms of poor insulin management.

One has to understand the function of insulin in the human body.

The main objective is to get your insulin and blood sugar levels back to normal

The – 7 day damage control program is designed to start repairing the damage done over years of poor insulin

management and to detoxify your body from accumulated toxins, trapped in the fat cells.

If you are serious about reversing Type-2 Diabetes and Insulin Resistance, then you have to follow the next steps carefully.

1. Read and understand the function of insulin on the Manna website. 2. Fix The Problem – learn and try to understand nutrition, exercise and get enough sleep. 3. Complete the questionnaire to see which metabolic type you are. Start!

Note: This is a Program to detoxify; correct insulin & blood sugar levels, balance pH and lose weight on your way

to perfect health.

All drinks, food and recipes quoted in the program are very low in carbohydrates in order to get the pancreas

releasing as little insulin as possible.

After the 7-day program you can change the recipes to suit your lifestyle. Golden RULE: Never get hungry!

Not all recipes serves 1, please see recipe serving sizes. Scale menu values up or down to suit your requirements.


Start your day with a cup of hot/cold water with fresh lemon juice squeezed into it, or herbal tea, without sugar or milk. Please stay away from coffee and sugar for the duration of the Program. Drink fresh water and herbal teas throughout the day. NO sugar or artificial sweeteners!

Water is just as important as the right food in order to control blood sugar levels. Whenever you feel hungry or when you crave for certain foods, it might be that your body requires moisture instead of food. Drink water and herbal teas as and when you feel like it – Note: too much can wash out essential nutrients.

Tip: Keep a bottle of purified water at hand - sip as often as possible.

Fat Fighting Foods

Brightly coloured, non-starchy vegetables (Organic)

Brightly coloured Fruit (organic where possible)

Omega-3 Fish oil (fresh fatty fish)

Garlic & Onions (raw & uncooked)

Lean organic protein (chicken breasts, fish)

Nuts in moderation (high fat content)

Olives & Olive Oil

Hot spices & Ginger

Fat Causing Foods

Sugar and any food with refined sugar

Wheat products (bread, pasta, cakes, biscuits and pies)

Salty food or processed food (tinned and packaged)

Soft drinks (carbonated drinks)

Caffeine and alcohol

Starchy vegetables (butternut, potatoes)

Cheese and dairy products

Page 5: Diabetic e-Book · the diabetes. Our modern day diet causes our bodies to be too acidic, which are a benefactor to most ailments. The Goal By rectifying any Insulin Related ailment

NOTE: If you are on Diabetic Medication, please monitor your blood glucose levels very carefully, because

it can drop too low. If it drops too low, you need to adjust your diabetic medication with the help from

your health practitioner.

Detoxification Regimen Warning

Most people are low in minerals such as: calcium, magnesium, sulfur, phosphor, sodium, iron. In order to detoxify, you need alkaline minerals. An important role of calcium is to aid in detoxification. It is an alkaline mineral and will "catch" the toxic acids that your body releases.

If the acids can't be "bound" because your body lacks (alkaline) minerals, the chance is high that you will feel seriously ill during your detox, that your body refuses to release the toxins (you won't be able to lose weight, since acids and toxins are often stored in your body fat), or that your body re-absorbs the released toxins again. Alkalize

Therefore, it's crucial that - before or during your detox - you get plenty of green vegetable juice, like....

Carrot Juice

Ingredients 500g large carrots (washed and peeled) ½ lemons (peeled) 1 apple Directions

Put all ingredients in your juicer. (A centrifuge juicer is easiest for carrots.) Mix. Drink immediately.

Peel the carrot for taste (otherwise it tastes too earthy). If you don’t have a juicer, finely grate the carrots and other ingredients. Health benefits of carrot juice: It provides Vitamin A, B Vitamins, Vitamin E and many minerals (including calcium).

Use this Salad dressing whenever you need a dressing over food.

Salad Dressing: (Italian Style)

Mix 250ml virgin olive oil, 80ml Lemon juice, salt & freshly ground black pepper to taste. Pour into a bottle which

can be sealed and stored in the fridge. Shake well before use.

What to Expect: You may get headaches; feel bloated, tired and emotional during the first few days of the

program. This is normal when your body detoxify. Other possible reactions are frequent urination, diarrhea, skin rash, joint pain and even cold and flu symptoms.

The program will help to re-balance (1) blood sugar levels, (2) Insulin Levels, (3) Serotonin levels for a ―feel good mood‖, (4) enhance energy levels and appetite. After the re-balancing process, your body will be ready to take healthy living to the next level.

Page 6: Diabetic e-Book · the diabetes. Our modern day diet causes our bodies to be too acidic, which are a benefactor to most ailments. The Goal By rectifying any Insulin Related ailment

Tomato Juice

Juice the tomatoes in a juicer, but a high speed blender will also work. Strain the juice through a sieve. Ingredients 3 cups chopped tomatoes 1 stalk celery 1 cucumber ½ teaspoon coarse sea salt

Pepper Cayenne pepper Directions Juice the tomatoes, celery, and cucumber in your juicer or blender. Add salt, pepper and cayenne pepper to taste. (If you like you can also add a ¼ onion, fresh oregano, basil and red bell pepper)

Make sure that you drink enough pure water during the process and that you get enough rest.

Try to detoxify over the weekend (you can start on Friday morning)

7-Day Damage Control - Daily Regimen

1. have 1 glass of water (with or without lemon juice) after waking up in the morning

2. 1 Glass of water 30 minutes before each meal

3. drink 300 ml freshly extracted juice blend at least once, but try for 3 times daily

4. use olive oil only in salads, but rather use canola oil to cook with (use suggested salad dressing)

5. Eliminate coffee, soft drinks and alcohol for the duration of the program. Drink only herbal teas and

water when thirsty

6. Get enough sunlight exposure every day, because it is the best way to get vitamin D

7. Exercise – Plan your day to get at least 30 to 45 minutes of good exercise of choice

8. try to complete your evening meal by 7 pm, but not later than 8 pm

9. evening snacks are optional, and should only be taken if you feel you need them

10. Sleep – 6 to 8 hours sleep per night is crucial to revitalize your body. If you don’t get enough

sleep, you tend to crave carbohydrates the next day.

11. Try to stick to the program. Plan ahead if you have a hectic lifestyle and you know that you might

fail. It is your health that we are talking about and nobody else can do it except you!

Page 7: Diabetic e-Book · the diabetes. Our modern day diet causes our bodies to be too acidic, which are a benefactor to most ailments. The Goal By rectifying any Insulin Related ailment


Day 1 of 7(Detoxifying process)

Early Morning

1st Drink 1 glass of water after waking up in the morning

2nd Prepare your Carrot or tomato Juice blend and immediately drink 300ml of the blend

3rd Breakfast

Bowl of fruit salad with flax seed ½ cup Paw Paw - diced

½ cup Apple – diced ½ cup berries of choice 2 fresh dates (Optional)

2 heaped table spoons of flax seed Mix and enjoy (Use any fruit in season – see the Acid Alkaline chart at the end of this book)

Mid Morning Snack Drink a second glass of the Carrot or Tomato Juice Blend Lunch

A Bowl (1 to 1½ cup) of cooked brown rice with Raw vegetable mixture (example: chopped tomato, onion, cucumber, cabbage leaves, broccoli – choose any preferred vegetables). You can even have this in your lunch box at work.

Sprinkle with freshly squeezed orange or lemon juice with finely chopped chives or whole basil leaves. Use only coarse sea salt and freshly ground black pepper.

Mid afternoon Snack

300ml Carrot juice or

300ml Tomato juice

Page 8: Diabetic e-Book · the diabetes. Our modern day diet causes our bodies to be too acidic, which are a benefactor to most ailments. The Goal By rectifying any Insulin Related ailment

Dinner Fresh Vegetable Soup

Enjoy 1 to 1½ Cup per person


2 large carrots

1 small baby marrows (zucchini)

1 celery stalk

1 cup of broccoli

3 stalks of asparagus (if in season or tinned)

1 yellow onion

1 L of water

4-5 tsp of yeast-free vegetable broth

1 tsp fresh basil

2 tsp sea salt to taste


Put water in pot, add the vegetable broth as well as the onion and bring to boil. Meanwhile, chop the zucchini, the

broccoli and the asparagus, and shred the carrots and the celery stalk in a food processor.

Once the water is boiling, please turn off the stove as we do not want to boil the vegetables. Just put them all in the

hot water and wait until the vegetables reach desired tenderness. Allow to cool slightly, then put all ingredients into

blender and mix until you get a thick, smooth consistency.


Drink enough purified fresh water throughout the day

Take a brisk walk for 30 to 45 minutes – see walking program at exercise section (whenever you

have time during the day or before dinner)

Take a nice relaxing bath or hot shower

Sleep early (for at least 8 hours)

Page 9: Diabetic e-Book · the diabetes. Our modern day diet causes our bodies to be too acidic, which are a benefactor to most ailments. The Goal By rectifying any Insulin Related ailment

Day 2 of 7 (Detoxifying process)

Early Morning

1st Drink 1 glass of water after waking up in the morning

2nd Prepare your Carrot or tomato Juice blend and immediately drink 300ml of the blend

3rd Breakfast

Bowl of fruit salad with flax seed

½ cup Paw Paw - diced ½ cup Apple – diced ½ cup berries of choice 2 heaped table spoons of flax seed 1 banana 1 cup fat & sugar free yogurt

Mix everything in blender and enjoy (Use any fruit in season – see the Acid Alkaline chart at the end of this book) Mid Morning Snack Drink a second glass of the Carrot Juice Blend Lunch

Tuna and salad mini wraps (eat 1 to 2 Mini Wraps for lunch)

For a little lunch inspiration, make these colorful wraps for the family.


8 Ingredients 200g can tuna in spring water, drained 125g plain yoghurt 1 tablespoon chopped fresh chives

1 tablespoon chopped fresh basil leaves 1 small celery stalk, finely chopped 2 sheets whole wheat wraps (Low GI) 40g mixed lettuce leaves 1 small tomato, finely chopped


Combine tuna, yoghurt, chives, basil and celery in a bowl. Season with pepper.

Place 1 wrap sheet on a flat surface. Arrange half the lettuce along 1 short end, leaving a 2cm border. Top with half the tuna mixture and half the tomato. Roll up wrap sheet to enclose filling. Cut into quarters. Repeat with remaining wrap sheets, lettuce, tuna mixture and tomato. Serve.

Page 10: Diabetic e-Book · the diabetes. Our modern day diet causes our bodies to be too acidic, which are a benefactor to most ailments. The Goal By rectifying any Insulin Related ailment

Mid afternoon Snack 300ml Carrot juice or 300ml Tomato juice


Chicken breast fillets filled with coriander, almond and chilli

Ingredients (serves 6)

1 bunch fresh coriander

1 garlic clove, roughly chopped 1 teaspoon salt

2/3 cup blanched almonds juice of 1 lemon 2 small red chillies, deseeded, roughly chopped (see note) 1/3 cup olive oil 6 chicken breasts, on the bone, skin intact


Preheat oven to 200°C. Line a baking tray with baking paper.

Wash coriander well and pat dry. Roughly chop leaves and roots. Place into the bowl of a food processor. Add garlic, salt, almonds, lemon juice and chillies. Process until finely chopped. With the food processor running, slowly pour oil down feed tube to form a thick paste.

Gently lift skin from chicken flesh. Spread coriander paste between skin and flesh. Smooth skin over paste. Place onto

oven tray. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes or until golden and cooked through. Serve immediately with the Warm Vegetable Platter.


Note: For a hotter chilli paste, don't remove the chilli seeds.


Drink enough purified fresh water throughout the day

Take a brisk walk for 30 to 45 minutes – see walking program at exercise section (whenever you

have time during the day or before dinner)

Take a nice relaxing bath or hot shower

Sleep early (for at least 8 hours)

Page 11: Diabetic e-Book · the diabetes. Our modern day diet causes our bodies to be too acidic, which are a benefactor to most ailments. The Goal By rectifying any Insulin Related ailment

Day 3 of 7 (Detoxifying process)

Early Morning

1st Drink 1 glass of water after waking up in the morning

2nd Prepare your Carrot or tomato Juice blend and immediately drink 300ml of the blend

3rd Breakfast

Bowl of fruit salad with flax seed & Yogurt

½ cup Paw Paw - diced ½ cup Apple – diced ½ cup berries of choice 2 heaped table spoons of flax seed ½ Cup plain, unsweetened yogurt Mix and enjoy

(Use any fruit in season – see the Acid Alkaline chart at the end of this book) Mid Morning Snack Drink a second glass of the Carrot Juice Blend

Lunch Sweet chilli chicken wrap

Pack a wrap for the work or school Ingredients (serves 1) ½ cup shredded Roast Chicken breasts

1 tbs sweet chilli sauce shredded lettuce

½ carrot, coarsely grated 1 sheet whole wheat wrap (Low GI) Method Combine chicken and sweet chilli sauce. Place the chicken mixture, shredded lettuce and carrot, coarsely grated, along the centre of wrap sheet. Roll up firmly to enclose filling.

Mid afternoon Snack 300ml Carrot juice or 300ml Tomato juice

Page 12: Diabetic e-Book · the diabetes. Our modern day diet causes our bodies to be too acidic, which are a benefactor to most ailments. The Goal By rectifying any Insulin Related ailment

Dinner Stuffed Avocado

Ingredients for 1 person

1 Avocado, ripe!!

½ tomato

1 tsp. minced onions

1 tbsp. fresh basil

1 tsp. oregano

1 tbsp. fresh lime juice

4 tbsp. cold pressed extra virgin olive oil

Some sea salt and pepper


Cut avocado in half and remove seed. Then season both halves with salt and pepper. Now mix the chopped tomato,

the minced onion, the lime juice as well as the olive oil and place it in the avocado pit holes. Last but not least,

sprinkle basil and oregano on top and serve with a spoon.

Evening Snack 1 Cup of Chamomile Tea

Note: Drink enough purified fresh water throughout the day

Take a brisk walk for 30 to 45 minutes – see walking program at exercise section (whenever you

have time during the day or before dinner)

Take a nice relaxing bath or hot shower

Sleep early (for at least 8 hours)

Page 13: Diabetic e-Book · the diabetes. Our modern day diet causes our bodies to be too acidic, which are a benefactor to most ailments. The Goal By rectifying any Insulin Related ailment

DAY 4 of 7

1st Drink 1 glass of water after waking up in the morning

2nd Prepare your Carrot or tomato Juice blend and immediately drink 300ml of the blend

3rd Breakfast


3 tbsp uncooked oatmeal 1 tbsp raisins

2 tbsp walnuts (you can add sesame, seeds, pine nuts, sunflower seeds) 1 tbsp flax seeds 1 pinch cinnamon 1 apple, sliced

3 strawberries, sliced 1 pear, sliced more fruits or berries Directions: Place oatmeal in the bowl; pour ¼ cup boiling water and leave to soak for 5 minutes. Add fruits, berries, nuts, flax seeds, cinnamon.


Nuts & Seeds (not more than 25g) with small Fruit of choice – keep this handy at all times Or 300ml (50/50) fresh Carrot and orange juice


Avocado on Rice Cakes

2 Rice Cakes with Avocado Spread – no extra fat needed. Top with finely chopped spring onions and black pepper and a slice of tomato. Sprinkle a bit of *salad dressing on it.

Snack Nuts & Seeds (not more than 25g) with small Fruit of choice – keep this handy at all times or 300ml (50/50) fresh Carrot and orange juice

2 Manna Blood Sugar Support Tablets with each meal, helps to prevent insulin spikes

2 Manna Blood Sugar Support Tablets with each meal, helps to prevent insulin spikes

Page 14: Diabetic e-Book · the diabetes. Our modern day diet causes our bodies to be too acidic, which are a benefactor to most ailments. The Goal By rectifying any Insulin Related ailment


Mexican chicken salad

Ingredients (serves 4) 1 lettuce, leaves separated 300g (3 cups) coarsely chopped Roast Chicken breast, skin removed 400g can red kidney beans, rinsed, drained

125g can corn kernels, drained 1 small English cucumber, trimmed, coarsely chopped ½ red bell pepper (―green pepper‖), seeded, coarsely chopped

½ avocado, peeled, stone removed, coarsely chopped - (only if available) 1 tomato, coarsely chopped ¼ red onion, finely chopped 1 cup fresh coriander leaves

1 tbs taco seasoning (or Mexican all spice) 60ml (¼ cup) fresh lime juice 2 tsp honey

Method Combine the lettuce, chicken, beans, corn, cucumber, capsicum, avocado, tomato, onion and coriander in a bowl. Combine the seasoning, lime juice and honey in a small bowl. Drizzle over the salad and toss gently to combine. Season with salt and pepper. Divide salad among serving plates.

Evening Snack

1 Cup of Chamomile Tea


Drink enough purified fresh water throughout the day

Take a brisk walk for 30 to 45 minutes – see walking program at exercise section (whenever you

have time during the day or before dinner)

Take a nice relaxing bath or hot shower

Sleep early (for at least 8 hours)

Page 15: Diabetic e-Book · the diabetes. Our modern day diet causes our bodies to be too acidic, which are a benefactor to most ailments. The Goal By rectifying any Insulin Related ailment

DAY 5 of 7

1st Drink 1 glass of water after waking up in the morning

2nd Prepare your Carrot or tomato Juice blend and immediately drink 300ml of the blend

3rd Breakfast

Bowl of fruit salad with flax seed

½ cup Paw Paw - diced ½ cup Apple – diced ½ cup berries of choice 2 heaped table spoons of flax seed 1 banana 1 cup fat & sugar free yogurt

Mix everything in blender and enjoy (Use any fruit in season – see the Acid Alkaline chart at the end of this book)


Nuts & Seeds (not more than 25g) with small Fruit of choice Or

300ml (50/50) fresh Carrot and orange juice Lunch

A Bowl (1 to 1½ cup) of cooked brown rice with Raw vegetable mixture (example: chopped tomato, onion, cucumber, cabbage leaves, broccoli – choose any preferred vegetables). You can even have this in your lunch box at work.

Sprinkle with freshly squeezed orange or lemon juice with finely chopped chives or whole basil leaves. Use only coarse sea salt and freshly ground black pepper.


Nuts & seeds (not more than 25g) with small Fruit of choice – keep this handy at all times

Or 300ml *Tomato Juice Blend

2 Manna Blood Sugar Support Tablets with each meal, helps to prevent insulin spikes

2 Manna Blood Sugar Support Tablets with each meal, helps to prevent insulin spikes

Page 16: Diabetic e-Book · the diabetes. Our modern day diet causes our bodies to be too acidic, which are a benefactor to most ailments. The Goal By rectifying any Insulin Related ailment


Chicken stir-fry

Ingredients (serves 4)

1½ tablespoons canola oil

500g chicken breast stir-fry strips

2 garlic cloves, crushed

3cm piece ginger, peeled, finely grated

4 green onions, cut diagonally into 3cm lengths

1 Red (―green pepper‖) Bell Pepper, deseeded and thinly sliced into strips

1/3 cup unsalted roasted cashew nuts

1/2 cup basil leaves, torn

steamed basmati rice, to serve

Black Pepper and sea salt to taste


Heat a wok or deep pan, over high heat until hot. Add 2 teaspoons oil. Swirl to coat. Add half the chicken.

Stir-fry for 2 to 3 minutes or until browned. Transfer to a bowl. Repeat with 2 teaspoons oil and remaining

chicken strips.

Add remaining 2 teaspoons oil to wok or pan. Swirl to coat. Add garlic, ginger, onions and pepper. Stir-fry

for 30 seconds.

Return chicken to wok or pan. Stir-fry for 1 minute or until combined. Stir through cashews and basil.

Serve on basmati rice.

Evening Snack

1 Cup of Chamomile Tea

Note: Drink enough purified fresh water throughout the day

Take a brisk walk for 30 to 45 minutes – see walking program at exercise section (whenever you

have time during the day or before dinner)

Take a nice relaxing bath or hot shower

Sleep early (for at least 8 hours)

Page 17: Diabetic e-Book · the diabetes. Our modern day diet causes our bodies to be too acidic, which are a benefactor to most ailments. The Goal By rectifying any Insulin Related ailment

Day 6 of 7

1st Drink 1 glass of water after waking up in the morning

2nd Prepare your Carrot or tomato Juice blend and immediately drink 300ml of the blend

3rd Breakfast

Wake-Up and Go - Breakfast Smoothie

½ Banana

1 Cup Bulgarian Plain Yogurt Handful Porridge or rolled Oats ½ Apple Handful Blueberries 1 Cup Pure Orange Juice Handful Mixed Nuts

Tablespoon Honey Snack Nuts & Seeds (not more than 25g) with small Fruit of choice – keep this handy at all times Lunch

Fresh Garden Vegetable Salad

Ingredients 1 head lettuce 2 tomatoes, chopped

1 Avocado, sliced 2 carrots, shredded 1 red bell pepper, diced

1 green bell pepper, diced 1 small cucumber, diced 1 red onion, thinly sliced

1 table spoon of flax seed Directions Put all vegetables in a big bowl and mix together. Pour *Salad Dressing over the salad and add some sea salt if required. Serve and enjoy!

Snack Nuts & Seeds (not more than 25g) with small Fruit of choice – keep this handy at all times

Or 300ml *Carrot juice blend

2 Manna Blood Sugar Support Tablets with each meal, helps to prevent insulin spikes

2 Manna Blood Sugar Support Tablets with each meal, helps to prevent insulin spikes

Page 18: Diabetic e-Book · the diabetes. Our modern day diet causes our bodies to be too acidic, which are a benefactor to most ailments. The Goal By rectifying any Insulin Related ailment


Greek Lentils Soup (Soupa fakes)

This ―Soupa Fakes‖ is a very simple, but great-tasting lentils soup from Greek. The Greek spices (such as bay leaves)

and the garlic add a distinctive taste to this soup. You can also add fresh thyme, rosemary or mint if you like. By the way, lentils are not only alkaline, but also a great source of fiber, foliate and magnesium.

Ingredients for 4 persons

½ pound small lentils 2 big ripe tomatoes

1 carrot ½ stalk of leek 1 onion 3-4 cloves of garlic 2 tbsp. of cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil 1 tbsp. fresh lime or lemon juice

1 bay leaf ½ tsp. oregano Pinch of sea salt and pepper to taste

Directions 1. Rinse and drain lentils. Then soak in a bowl of water over night.

2. Next day, rinse and drain lentils again. Then bring to boil for approx. 5 minutes. Drain lentils and put aside.

3. Puree tomatoes, finely chop onion and garlic and cut carrot and leek into very fine slices. 4. Pour 4 cups of water into a big pot. Add the tomatoes, onions, garlic, carrots, leek and the bay leave and bring to boil. 5. Then add the lentils, reduce the heat and simmer partially covered for at least 1 hour. Add some more water if required. 5. Finally, add the olive oil and the lime/lemon juice and season with salt, pepper and oregano. 6. ENJOY!!

Evening Snack 1 Cup of Chamomile Tea

Note: Drink enough purified fresh water throughout the day

Take a brisk walk for 30 to 45 minutes – see walking program at exercise section (whenever you

have time during the day or before dinner)

Take a nice relaxing bath or hot shower

Sleep early (for at least 8 hours)

2 Manna Blood Sugar Support Tablets with each meal, helps to prevent insulin spikes

Page 19: Diabetic e-Book · the diabetes. Our modern day diet causes our bodies to be too acidic, which are a benefactor to most ailments. The Goal By rectifying any Insulin Related ailment

DAY 7 of 7

1st Drink 1 glass of water after waking up in the morning

2nd Prepare your Carrot or tomato Juice blend and immediately drink 300ml of the blend

3rd Breakfast


1 cup paw paw - diced 1 small apple – diced

1 cup berries of choice 125g nuts of choice 2 tbsp plain yogurt Method: Mix everything in a blender or food processor – drink immediately

Snack Nuts & Seeds (not more than 25g) & small fruit of choice – keep this handy at all times OR Carrot or Tomato Juice Blend


Quick & Easy Salad

When preparing a salad with ripe avocados, its creamy texture can substitute the salad

dressing. Avocados are also great health food: the help to prevent and treat prostate and breast cancers, and can be

used to lower the cholesterol level in the blood. So enjoy this healthy alkaline salad!

Ingredients for 2 person’s

2 ripe medium-sized avocados 200g carrots 200g broccoli ½ cup scallions (green onions) 1 pinch of sea salt

Your favorite fresh herbs 2 table spoons of Flax Seed Directions Dice the avocados, chop the broccoli, scallions and herbs and shred the carrots. Put all veggies in a salad bowl, mix well and taste with salt. Sprinkle some *Salad dressing if you like.

Snack Nuts & Seeds (not more than 25g) with small Fruit of choice – keep this handy at all times

2 Manna Blood Sugar Support Tablets with each meal, helps to prevent insulin spikes

2 Manna Blood Sugar Support Tablets with each meal, helps to prevent insulin spikes

Page 20: Diabetic e-Book · the diabetes. Our modern day diet causes our bodies to be too acidic, which are a benefactor to most ailments. The Goal By rectifying any Insulin Related ailment


Vegetable Pasta with Tomato-Pepper Sauce

Ingredients for 4 servings 500g vegetable or spelt pasta 300g tomatoes ½ cup sun dried tomatoes 1 small red bell pepper 1 small zucchini(baby marrow) 1 onion

2 garlic cloves 1 chili 5 fresh basil leaves 2-3 tbsp. cold-pressed olive oil Sea salt and pepper to taste Directions

Cook vegetable or spelt pasta according to directions. Cut tomatoes, bell pepper and baby marrow in cubes and finely chop the onion, the garlic and the chili. Heat olive oil in pan, adding onion, pepper, chili and garlic, and fry for a couple of minutes. Then add the tomatoes and zucchini and cook for approx. 5-10 minutes. Last but not least, add the basil and taste with pepper and salt. Put pasta on plate, top with sauce and garnish if desired. And finally - enjoy your delicious pasta!


Drink enough purified fresh water throughout the day

Take a brisk walk for 30 to 45 minutes – see walking program at exercise section (whenever you

have time during the day or before dinner)

Take a nice relaxing bath or hot shower

Sleep early (for at least 8 hours)

Note: The first 3 days did not include any meat, because we want to detox, reduce insulin, balance blood sugar and the pH of the body.

Page 21: Diabetic e-Book · the diabetes. Our modern day diet causes our bodies to be too acidic, which are a benefactor to most ailments. The Goal By rectifying any Insulin Related ailment

14-Day Regimen

1. Drink 1 glass of water after waking up in the morning

2. Always have a mixture of nuts (not peanuts) and seeds at hand, but before you snack, drink a

glass of pure water, because your body might be asking for water instead of food.

3. 1 Glass of water 30 minutes before each meal

4. take supplements (as suggested below) with breakfast

5. use olive oil only to over salads (use suggested salad dressing) and canola oil for cooking

6. Eliminate coffee, soft drinks and alcohol for the duration of the program. Drink only herb tea and

water when thirsty

7. Get enough sunlight exposure every day, because it is the best way to get vitamin D

8. Exercise – Plan your day to get at least 30 to 45 minutes of good exercise of choice (see exercises

at the end of this book)

9. try to complete your evening meal by 7 pm, but not later than 8 pm

10. evening snacks are optional, and should only be taken if you feel you need them

11. Sleep – 6 to 8 hours sleep per night is crucial to revitalize your body. If you don’t get enough

sleep, you tend to crave for carbohydrates the next day.

12. Try to stick to the program. Plan ahead if you have a hectic lifestyle and you know that you might

fail. It is your health that we are talking about and nobody else can do it except you!


The 7-day damage control Program is to rectify the imbalances in your body. This is also a program

to boost your immune system.

We suggest only a few supplements, but is necessary to excel in this program.

1. Fish Oil Capsules – (not cod liver oil, but pharmaceutical grade fish oil capsules) 2 /day

2. If you suffer from Candida – The Manna Candida Support is one of the best on the market, to

kill the Candida fungus.

3. Manna Blood Sugar Support Tablets – to assist in blood sugar control. It helps to reduce the

GI of anything you eat by up to 43%. Take this with every meal on both programs.

4. If you have a pH problem and you know that your body is too acidic, the Manna pH Balance is

a fantastic product to rectify the acid (gout and Arthritis) in a matter of days.

5. Blood Circulation is one of the biggest problems of our time. The Manna Blood Circulation

Support helps to dissolve accumulated plaque in the arteries and enhance blood flow.

6. Manna Fat Burner is excellent to promote fat burning. If you take the Fat Burner, you don’t

need to use the Manna Blood Sugar Support, because it also assists in blood sugar control.

7. Manna Low GI Meal Replacement Shakes. You can replace 1 to 2 meals per day with a

Manna Shake (take a small fruit with the shake for a complete meal.

Take the Manna supplements as indicated on the labels.

Page 22: Diabetic e-Book · the diabetes. Our modern day diet causes our bodies to be too acidic, which are a benefactor to most ailments. The Goal By rectifying any Insulin Related ailment

DAY 8 to 21 you can choose between the following recipes

Breakfast Options

Breakfast - Option A

Breakfast Wrap (1 serving) Ingredients: 1 large whole wheat tortilla (Low GI)

½ Green Pepper – thinly sliced ½ Cup shredded lettuce 2 tablespoons sharp cheddar cheese, shredded

1 tablespoon fresh basil, shredded 2 tablespoons humus (see humus recipe below) ¼ cup chopped tomato, seeds removed Salt Freshly ground black pepper Method: Spread humus on tortilla, sprinkle lettuce and add the rest of the veggies. Sprinkle with cheese, basil and tomato.

Season with salt and pepper. Roll up wrap, cut in half and serve. (Take 2 Manna Blood Sugar Support Tablets per meal)

Hummus is one of the more popular Middle Eastern dips. Served with fresh or toasted pita bread, hummus makes for a great snack or appetizer. Tahini is an important part of the hummus recipe and cannot be substituted. However, it can be omitted. Total Prep Time: 10 minutes

Humus Ingredients: 1 (±450g) can of chickpeas ¼ cup liquid from can of chickpeas 3-5 tablespoons lemon juice (depending on taste) 1½ tablespoons Tahini (see recipe below) 2 cloves garlic, crushed

½ teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons olive oil

Preparation: Drain chickpeas and set aside liquid from can. Combine remaining ingredients in blender or food processor. Add ¼ cup of liquid from chickpeas. Blend for 3-5 minutes on low until thoroughly mixed and smooth. Place in serving bowl, and create a shallow well in the center of the hummus.

Add a small amount (1-2 tablespoons) of olive oil in the well. Garnish with parsley (optional). Serve immediately with fresh, warm or toasted pita bread, or cover and refrigerate. Tahini (How to prepare) Prep Time: 5 minutes (Cook Time: 10 minutes) Total Time: 15 minutes Ingredients:

5 cups sesame seeds 1 1/2 cups olive oil or vegetable oil Preparation:

Preheat oven to 180°C. Toast sesame seeds for 5-10 minutes, tossing the seeds frequently with a spatula. Do not allow to brown. Cool for 20 minutes. Pour sesame seeds into food processor and add oil. Blend for 2 minutes. Check for consistency. The goal is a thick, yet pourable texture. Add more oil and blend until desired consistency.

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Breakfast - Option B Spiced Oats with Fruit (1 serving)


1 cup oats (preferably old-fashioned, not quick cooking) ½ banana, sliced 2 tablespoons raisins ¼ teaspoon cinnamon Pinch nutmeg 2 tablespoons low fat plain Bulgarian yogurt Method:

Cook oats according to package instructions. Stir in banana, raisins and spices. Serve topped with yogurt. (Take 2 Manna Blood Sugar Support Tablets per meal) Breakfast - Option C Berry Muesli with Almonds (2 to 3 servings)


1 cup rolled or original old style oats (not quick oats) ¼ cup ground flax seed ¼ cup wheat germ ¼ cup dried cranberries (or berries of choice) ¼ teaspoon cinnamon 1½ to 2 cups low fat milk

¼ cup slivered almonds, toasted ¼ cup low fat plain Bulgarian yogurt Method: Combine oats, flax seed, wheat germ, berries and cinnamon. Cover with milk. Refrigerate for three hours or overnight, adding more milk as needed. Spoon into bowls and serve topped with slivered almonds and yogurt. (Take 2 Manna Blood Sugar Support Tablets per meal)

Breakfast - Option D

Health Delight - Smoothie 1 Banana 2 Passion Fruits ½ Cup Skimmed Milk ½ Cup Bulgarian Plain Yogurt

1 Teaspoon Cinnamon 1 Tablespoon Flax Oil Blend everything together in blender and enjoy! (Take 2 Manna Blood Sugar Support Tablets per meal) Breakfast - Option E (serves 1) Omelette roll-ups

Quick and easy, these breakfast omelette wraps are a tasty low-kilojoule option.

Ingredients (serves 2) 2 sheets whole wheat wraps (Low GI) 2 eggs oil spray 40g (½ cup) coarsely grated cheddar. 40g (½ cup) alfalfa sprouts 2-3 quartered grape tomatoes

Method Place wrap sheet on a clean work surface. Lightly whisk eggs in a jug. Spray a small frying pan lightly with oil spray

and place over high heat. Pour half the egg into the hot pan and cook for 1 minute, then turn over and sprinkle with grated cheddar. Cook for 30 seconds or until set. Place on one of the wrap. Repeat with remaining egg and wrap sheets. Top the omelet’s with alfalfa sprouts and a few quartered grape tomatoes. Roll up to enclose filling. Serve immediately.

(Take 2 Manna Blood Sugar Support Tablets per meal)

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Lunch Option - A

Summer Crunch Delight (serves 1) Ingredients:

1 cup shredded cabbage ½ cup sweet corn 2 carrots, sliced 2 stalks celery, cut into sticks 5 cherry tomatoes Haricot (white creamy) beans seasoned with spring onions and freshly ground pepper, mixed herbs, toasted sunflower seeds, crushed toasted almonds

3 Whole wheat crackers Method: Add cabbage to salad bowl. Lightly steam sweet corn and carrots. Cool and add to bowl, along with celery sticks and cherry tomatoes.

Soak beans and cook according to directions. Season with sautéed spring onions and freshly ground pepper. Cool and

add to bowl. Sprinkle top with chopped mixed herbs, sunflower seeds and almonds. (Take 2 Manna Blood Sugar Support Tablets per meal)

Lunch Option B Chicken Waldorf (Serves 4)

Ingredients 1/3 cup reduced-fat mayonnaise 2 tablespoons lemon juice 2 cups chopped cooked skinless chicken 6 celery stalks, trimmed, chopped

2 granny smith apples, cored, chopped 2 tablespoons chopped pecan nuts (optional) Method Combine mayonnaise and lemon juice in a bowl. Add chicken, celery and apple. Toss to combine. Spoon salad into 4 airtight containers. Refrigerate. Sprinkle with pecan nuts (if using) just before serving. Notes

Complete lunchbox: Pack with wholegrain crisp bread or bread and plain low-fat yoghurt.

(Take 2 Manna Blood Sugar Support Tablets per meal)

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Lunch Option C

Sweet chilli chicken wrap (serves 1)

Ingredients ½ cup shredded Roast Chicken 1 tbs sweet chilli sauce shredded lettuce ½ carrot, coarsely grated

1 sheet whole wheat wrap (Low GI)

Method Combine chicken and sweet chilli sauce. Place the chicken mixture, shredded lettuce and carrot, coarsely grated, along the centre of wrap sheet. Roll up firmly to enclose filling.

(Take 2 Manna Blood Sugar Support Tablets per meal) Lunch Option: D Tuna & corn

Combine canned tuna with corn, rice and cherry tomatoes, and you'll have this high-energy meal together in no time. Ingredients (serves 4) 150g (¾ cup) basmati rice 1 cup frozen whole kernel corn

2 x 185g cans Tuna in spring water 1 x 250g punnet cherry tomatoes, halved ½ cup chopped fresh dill 1 tbs finely grated lemon rind

60ml (¼ cup) fresh lemon juice 1 tbs olive oil

Method Cook the rice in a saucepan of boiling water following packet directions or until cooked. Drain. Meanwhile, cook the corn in a saucepan of boiling water for 8 minutes or until tender. Drain. Combine the rice, corn, tuna, reserved oil, tomato, dill and lemon rind in a large bowl. Season lemon juice with salt and pepper. Pour the lemon mixture over the rice salad and toss until well combined. Leave in refrigerator overnight or you can eat it ASAP.

(Take 2 Manna Blood Sugar Support Tablets per meal)

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Lunch Option: E

Spicy Chicken(serves 1) Ingredients 1 cup broccoli florets 1 carrot, sliced ½ red ―green‖ pepper, sliced

½ yellow ―green‖ pepper, sliced

½ cup onion, sliced 1 teaspoon coconut oil 1 Chicken breast Roast sweet potato sticks Combine vegetables with coconut oil and roast until cooked but still slightly firm.

Season boneless, skinless chicken breast with salt, pepper and garlic powder. Roast or grill until done, about 20 minutes, checking for doneness. Cool and slice. Combine sauce ingredients and drizzle over chicken and vegetables. (2 Manna Blood Sugar Support tablets per meal) Lunch Option: F

Cajun Chicken Delight (serves 1)

Ingredients 2 handfuls lettuce

1 carrot, shredded 6 celery sticks 1 beet (cooked) 1 orange pepper

Cajun chicken breast strips 2 tablespoons hummus 3 Whole wheat crackers

Rinse and dry lettuce. Peel and dice beet. Lightly steam and slice pepper into strips. Arrange on plate. Coat skinless, boneless chicken breast with Cajun spices and roast until done, about 20 minutes. Cool, slice and put on top of lettuce and diced beet. Combine mustard, olive oil and vinegar. Drizzle on top. Serve hummus separately, with celery sticks. See first Breakfast Option for Hummus recipe. (2 Manna Blood Sugar Support tablets per meal)

Sauce 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce ½ tablespoon olive oil ¼ teaspoon Tabasco sauce

1 clove garlic, pressed freshly ground black pepper


1 teaspoon whole grain mustard 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 teaspoon red wine vinegar

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Lunch Option: G Tuna Surprise


1 tin tuna in brine 2 handfuls mixed greens 2 medium tomatoes ½ cup fresh peas ½ cup chopped red onion

½ cup shredded red cabbage Flat leaf parsley, olive oil, curry powder

100g Whole wheat noodles Rinse and thoroughly dry greens. Slice tomatoes and drain well. Place over greens. Steam peas; cool and add. Scatter chopped onion and shredded cabbage on top. Season with salt and freshly ground pepper, then add shredded tuna on top and mix slightly. Garnish with parsley. Blend olive oil and curry powder, and drizzle over top. Mix noodles with rest of bowl.

(2 Manna Blood Sugar Support tablets per meal) Lunch Option: H Tuna Salad

Ingredients 1 cup shredded red cabbage 2 cups red, yellow and green peppers, sliced ½ cup sliced cucumber

½ cup red onion, sliced

1 medium tomato, quartered 1 tin tuna in brine Balsamic vinegar, olive oil, chopped flat leaf parsley 1 Slice whole grain bread Combine cabbage and peppers in bowl, and toss. Add cucumber, onion and tomato in layers. Drain tuna well and add to bowl. Sprinkle with vinegar, oil and parsley.

(2 Manna Blood Sugar Support tablets per meal)

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Dinner Options

Salads Avocado Tomato Salad


2 Avocados 4 mid-sized or 6 small tomatoes 2 scallions / green onions 2 tbsp lemon juice

2 tbsp olive oil extra virgin 1 small garlic clove, finely chopped or crushed Sea salt, fresh pepper METHOD:

1. Put garlic and oil in a bowl, add lemon juice and stir well 2. Cut scallions into fine rings and put them into the bowl, too.

3. Now season with salt and pepper, stir again and put aside. 4. Cut avocado into strips and tomatoes into bite-sized pieces and arrange on a plate. 5. At last pour dressing over salad.

(Take 2 Manna Blood Sugar Support Tablets per meal)

Roman Salad

INGREDIENTS (2 SERVINGS) 4 lettuce hearts or leaves of red / green salad 2 tomatoes, diced

1 red & 1 yellow ―green‖ pepper, cut into long & fine strips 1 white or red onion, chopped 1 garlic clove, crushed 1½ tbsp olive oil 2 tsp lemon juice Rock or sea SALT and freshly ground pepper METHOD:

1. Put garlic and oil into a salad bowl, mix and put aside a few minutes. 2. Then add onion, tomato pieces, lemon juice, pepper and salt, mix well and put aside again. 3. Arrange the salad on your salad plates, and place the bell pepper strips on top of them. 4. Now distribute the tomato mix evenly over each plate.

(Take 2 Manna Blood Sugar Support Tablets per meal)

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Coleslaw with Avocado Dressing

INGREDIENTS (2 BIG SERVINGS) 2 cups fresh green or red cabbage 2 mid-sized carrots 1 tomato

1 small red onion

2 tbsp parsley, chopped ½ Avocado 3 tbsp olive oil extra virgin 4 tbsp lemon juice Sea salt, pepper and cayenne pepper to taste


1. Shred cabbage and carrots. Finely chop tomato, onion and parsley and put everything in a big bowl. 2. For the dressing, blend avocado, olive oil and lemon juice and pour over the salad. 3. Mix well; add salt, pepper and cayenne pepper to taste.

(Take 2 Manna Blood Sugar Support Tablets per meal)

Whole Food Recipes Sea Dream (serves 1)


2 Cups snipped lettuce

2 carrots ½ sweet potato ½ cup peas 5 spears asparagus 1 Hake Fillet (± 200gram) Crushed garlic, olive oil, capers, Kalamata olives 100g Couscous -cooked with snipped chives

Rinse, dry and snipped lettuce. Put in bowl. Steam carrots, sweet potato and peas. Cool and dice. Add to bowl. (Note: Asparagus will be cooked with hake). Season hake with salt and lemon pepper. Place on oven-proof pan coated with cooking spray. Toss trimmed asparagus spears with ½ teaspoon olive oil and place around hake. Cook until done, checking on asparagus to avoid overcooking.

Cool and place asparagus and hake broken into pieces in bowl. Add crushed garlic to 1 tablespoon olive oil. Sprinkle over above ingredients with capers and olives. Serve on bed of couscous (2 Manna Blood Sugar Support tablets per meal)

Page 30: Diabetic e-Book · the diabetes. Our modern day diet causes our bodies to be too acidic, which are a benefactor to most ailments. The Goal By rectifying any Insulin Related ailment

Broccoli-Bell Pepper Stir Fry

INGREDIENTS (2 SERVINGS): 500g broccoli 250g young string beans or snow peas 1 red bell pepper 1 mid-size white onion 2 garlic cloves

2-3 tbsp whole almonds 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

Sea salt & pepper METHOD:

1. Soak almonds in water, preferably over night and in alkaline water. 2. Cut broccoli, bell pepper and string beans (or snow beans) in bite-size pieces and steam the vegetables for as

long as the beans become dark-green in color approx.6 minutes)

3. Dice onion and garlic and braise with olive oil in a pan until onions are glazed. 4. Add bell pepper to the pan, heat up another 3 minutes. Then add broccoli and beans. Stir well. 5. Now add almonds (you can cut lemon in smaller pieces if you want), stir another minute, season with salt and

pepper and enjoy! (Take 2 Manna Blood Sugar Support Tablets per meal)

Brown Rice Stir-Fry

INGREDIENTS (4 SERVINGS): 1 cup brown rice 3 ―green‖ peppers (red, green, yellow) 4 garlic cloves

1 mid-sized white onion 2 fresh tomatoes 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil 55g grated coconut 1 tsp chili powder Lime juice, salt, pepper

METHOD: 1. Cook rice following package instructions. 2. Dice onion and garlic and braise with olive oil in a pan until onions are glazed. 3. Cut green pepper and tomatoes into bite-size pieces, put in the pan and braise another 4 minutes. 4. When rice is ready add it to the vegetables along with grated coconut. 5. Lower the heat, cook another 5 minutes (while frequently stirring) and season with lemon juice, chili powder,

salt and pepper. Enjoy!

(Take 2 Manna Blood Sugar Support Tablets per meal)

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Veggie Burgers

INGREDIENTS (8-10 BURGERS): 225g sunflower seeds

1 mid-size carrot

1 stem celery 3 scallions / green onions 1 red ―green‖ pepper 2 tbsp chopped parsley ½ tsp chili powder 1 tsp sea salt, and pepper and Tabasco to season

METHOD: 1. Soak sunflower seeds in water for at least 4 hours, and then pour off water. 2. Cut carrots, celery, scallions and bell pepper into small pieces and blend everything well (including sunflower

seeds, parsley and spices) — the longer you blend, the easier the veggie—burgers can be formed. 3. Form 8 to 10 burgers using your hands. 4. After forming the burgers, put them into the pre-heated oven and bake at 200°C for approx. 25 minutes (until

brown on the outside).

5. Let them cool down in the fridge.

(Take 2 Manna Blood Sugar Support Tablets per meal)

Veggie Risotto INGREDIENTS (4 SERVINGS) 225g fresh broccoli, cut to florets 225g brown or whole grain rice

1 cup green peas 1 mid-size baby marrow, cut to pieces 1 stem leek / field garlic, cut to slices 3 garlic cloves, crushed 2 tbsp chopped parsley

4 tbsp yeast free vegetable broth

2½ cups water 4 tbsp lemon juice 1 tbsp olive oil extra virgin Sea salt, pepper and cayenne pepper or chili to taste METHOD:

1. Put oil in a pan and cook leek and garlic for 4-5 minutes, stir a few times (meanwhile pre-heat oven to 220°C).

2. Add rice and vegetable broth (+ water) and bring to the boil, boil it for 5 minutes. 3. Add lemon juice. 4. Now put content of the pan into a casserole dish and cover it well with aluminum foil. Put in the pre-

heated oven and leave for 30 minutes. 5. Now take the casserole out (close the door of the oven), remove the aluminum foil and add parsley,

broccoli, baby marrow and peas. Mix well. Again cover the casserole dish with aluminum foil and put it

in the oven for another 15 minutes.

6. Take out and serve hot. Enjoy! (Take 2 Manna Blood Sugar Support Tablets per meal)

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5 tomatoes 1 big baby marrow 1 big eggplant fruit 1 green pepper (bell pepper)

1 big white onion 2 garlic cloves ¾ cup water 1 tsp yeast free vegetable broth 2 tbsp cold pressed extra virgin olive oil 2 tsp herbs de province (or basil, oregano, rosemary, lavender, thyme etc.) 1 tsp sea salt

Fresh pepper, cayenne pepper METHOD:

1. First prepare the vegetables: get rid of the seeds of the bell pepper and cut it into small pieces. Cut baby marrow in slices, the onion in half rings and the eggplant into cubes. Chop garlic.

2. Heat up olive oil in a pan or wok and braise onion and garlic lightly for a few minutes.

3. Then add eggplant, baby marrow and bell pepper and braise another 8-10 minutes, stir. 4. Meanwhile put the tomatoes in a pot, pour some hot water over them and wait 1 minute. Take

them out, skin & dice them and add to the pan. 5. Now mix hot water with vegetable broth and pour over vegetables. Stir well, add herbs, season with salt,

pepper and cayenne pepper and let it cook for another 3 minutes. 6. Enjoy hot!

(Take 2 Manna Blood Sugar Support Tablets per meal)

Italian Pasta

INGREDIENTS: (2 SERVINGS) 140g spelt pasta 1 eggplant 5 mid-sized tomatoes 1 scallion/green onion, cut into rings

2 garlic cloves, chopped

1 mid-sized white onion, diced 2 tsp yeast free, vegetable broth I hand full fresh basil, chopped 2 tbsp parsley, chopped Salt, pepper, cayenne pepper, oregano to taste

METHOD: 1. Braise onion, garlic and green onion lightly in a pan with some oil, until the onions become

glazed. 2. Dice tomatoes and eggplant (meanwhile heat up water and cook pasta) and put eggplant in the pan (en

medium heat), cook for 3 minutes, and then add tomatoes. Stir well. 3. Now add parsley and basil.

4. Pour 150ml water and vegetable broth in the pan and stir a few minutes. 5. Season with salt, pepper, cayenne pepper and oregano.

6. Refresh pasta and serve with tomato-eggplant sauce. (Take 2 Manna Blood Sugar Support Tablets per meal)

Page 33: Diabetic e-Book · the diabetes. Our modern day diet causes our bodies to be too acidic, which are a benefactor to most ailments. The Goal By rectifying any Insulin Related ailment

Vegetable Fajitas with Feta Cheese (Makes four servings)

Ingredients: 1 red ―green‖ pepper, sliced into strips 1 yellow or orange ―green‖ pepper, sliced into strips 1 green pepper, sliced into strips 2 medium onions, sliced 2 medium baby marrow, sliced

250g mushrooms, sliced 1 small sweet potato, diced (about 1 cup) 4 tablespoons olive oil ½ teaspoon cumin

½ teaspoon chili powder Salt Freshly ground black pepper

1 cup crumbled Feta cheese Cilantro (fresh coriander leaves), chopped (optional) 4 whole wheat soft-shell tortillas Method: Preheat over to 220°C. Toss all vegetables with oil and spices. Season with salt and pepper. Spread vegetables

evenly, in one layer, on baking sheet. Roast, stirring occasionally, until cooked through (about 30 minutes, depending on size of vegetables). Heat cast iron skillet and warm tortilla shells individually, if desired (or put shells on stove top near oven vent). Serve vegetables with tortillas, topped with Feta and Cilantro, if desired.

(Take 2 Manna Blood Sugar Support Tablets per meal)

Page 34: Diabetic e-Book · the diabetes. Our modern day diet causes our bodies to be too acidic, which are a benefactor to most ailments. The Goal By rectifying any Insulin Related ailment

Supplementation Meal Replacement Shakes Our Low GI Manna Shakes are designed to replace 1 to 2 meals per day after the 7 day damage control program.

Supplements with meals

Manna Blood Sugar Support is essential for successful weight loss, because the product helps to reduce the GI of

any meal by up to 43%. Blood Sugar Control also helps to eliminate cravings.

Manna Fat Burner

The different ingredients in the Fat Burner help to boost metabolism and increase fat burning activity.

Manna pH Balance

To get the pH of your body back to normal is absolutely crucial for successful weight loss. The Manna pH Balance will

assist you in rectifying these levels fast and effective. Our bodies tend to be acidic due to modern diets, process and

sugary foods.

See the Manna website for more details: www.mannaplus.com or www.mannasa.co.za

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Walking is the least daunting form of exercise. It's cheap; it's easy on the knees and requires no sporty

coordination. Learn how to walk for fun, for good health, for fitness and for weight loss. Here is an eight-

week program that can be customised to suit different body types and lifestyles. Now there's no excuse

not to get moving!

Walking for fitness and health, you should walk for 30-60 minutes most days of the week.

If you are an absolute beginner who is not already walking for up to 30 minutes, use the walking

advice in the Absolute Beginners Tutorialbelow to guide how long you should walk to build up

your endurance. You should also seek medical advice before beginning an exercise and nutrition program.

Walking Technique

This section will get you putting one foot in front of the other. Walking technique for the street, track, or

treadmill is the same. You want to walk with good posture, using arm and foot motion that will propel you forward with good power and no wasted effort.


How you hold your body is important to walking comfortably and easily. With good posture, you will be able to breathe easier and you will avoid back pain.

Stand up straight.

Think of being a tall and straight. Do not arch your back.

Do not lean forward or lean back. Leaning puts strain on the back muscles.

Eyes forward, not looking down, rather 20 feet ahead.

Chin up (parallel to the ground). This reduces strain on neck and back.

Shrug once and let your shoulders fall and relax, your shoulders slightly back.

Suck in your stomach. Tuck in your behind and rotate your hip forward slightly. This will keep you from arching your back.


Arm motion can lend power to your walking, burning 5-10% more calories and acting as a balance to your leg motion.

Bend your elbow 90 degrees.

Hands should be loose in a partially closed curl, never clenched.

Clenching your fists can raise your blood pressure and should be avoided.

With each step, the arm opposite your forward foot comes straight forward, not diagonally.

As the foot goes back, the opposite arm comes straight back.

Keep your elbows close to your body - don't "chicken wing."

2. Exercise: Most Effective Weight Loss Exercises

Page 36: Diabetic e-Book · the diabetes. Our modern day diet causes our bodies to be too acidic, which are a benefactor to most ailments. The Goal By rectifying any Insulin Related ailment

Your forward hand should not cross the centre point of your body.

Your hand when coming forward should be kept low, not higher than your breastbone.

Many poor examples of arm motion are seen with walkers pumping their arms up high in the air,

this does not help propel you.

If at first you find adding arm motion tiring, do it for 5 to 10 minutes at a time and then let your arms rest.

Taking a Step

The walking step is a rolling motion.

Strike the ground first with your heel.

Roll through the step from heel to toe.

Push off with your toe.

Bring the back leg forward to strike again with the heel.

Flexible shoes will ensure you are able to roll through the step.

If your feet are slapping down rather than rolling through the step, your shoes are most likely too

stiff. At first, your shin muscles may tire and be sore until they are strengthened.

Walking Stride

When practicing a good walking stride, the first key is to avoid overstriding, which is taking longer steps to

increase speed. Overstriding is inefficient and it is potentially harmful.

Take more, smaller steps rather than lengthening your stride. Your stride should be longer behind your

body, where your toe is pushing off, rather than out in front of your body. This is because your forward

leg has no power, while your back leg is what is driving you forward. You want to get the full power out of

the push from the back leg, with the foot rolling through the step from heel to toe. Fast walkers train

themselves to increase the number of steps they take per second and to get full use out of the back part

of the stride.


Start out at a slow, easy pace for each walking session.

Allow your muscles to warm up before you stretch, add speed or hills.

Warm up for 5 minutes at this easy pace.

Stretching Routine

Stretching will add flexibility and can make your walking more comfortable.

Warm up for 5 minutes at an easy walking pace before stretching, never stretch cold muscles or you risk

tearing them.

Incorporate mobility exercises designed to take a muscle and joint through its range of motion. You will

start at the top of your body and work your way down.Find an upright pole or fence or wall that will support you for leaning into on some stretches.

Cool Down

For the final 5-10 minutes of your walk, finish with an easy walking pace. At the end of your walk you may want to repeat the stretches you did after your warm-up.

Walking Schedule

You've decided to start walking, you've learned how to walk, and now for:

Schedule: How far and how often to walk.

Page 37: Diabetic e-Book · the diabetes. Our modern day diet causes our bodies to be too acidic, which are a benefactor to most ailments. The Goal By rectifying any Insulin Related ailment

The Absolute Beginner Schedule

Health goals: Walking a half hour a day or 3 hours per week is associated with a decreased risk of heart

disease. Walking 7 hours a week is associated with a decreased risk of breast cancer and Type II diabetes.

For this reason, I recommend that you build up to walking an hour a day, most days of the week.

Track your walks: Keeping records will keep you on track.

Build a Habit: Walk at least 5 days a week, even if some days you must decrease your time, in order to

build your new healthy habit. Increase the time you spend walking each week before working on speed.

Week 1: Start with a daily 15 minute walk at an easy pace.

Walk five days the first week. We want to build a habit, so consistency is important. Spread out your rest

days, such as making day 3 a rest day and day 6 a rest day.

Weekly total goal: 60 - 75 minutes.

Week 2: Add 5 minutes a day so you are walking 20 minutes, 5 days a week. Or you may wish to extend

yourself more on some days, followed by a rest day.

Weekly total goal: 75 - 100 minutes.

Week 3: Add 5 minutes a day so you are walking 25 minutes, 5 days a week.

Weekly total goal: 100 - 125 minutes.

Week 4: Add 5 minutes a day to walk 30 minutes, 5 days a week.

Weekly total goal: 125 - 150 minutes.

Snags: If you find any week to be difficult, repeat that week rather than adding more time, until you are

able to progress comfortably.

Graduate: Once you are able to walk 30 minutes at a time comfortably, progress to the next level.

High Intensity Walking

If you are ready for the next level, then interval walking is by far the better way to burn fat.

How it works – When you walk, you walk as fast as you can for 30 seconds and then at normal pace for 90

seconds. Repeat this method for at least 8 intervals. You will surely feel the difference.

The best part about interval training is that you burn up to 19 times more fat than normal.

Weight Loss Tips:

1. Determine your Ideal Weight with the Manna Weight Tables from the weight Loss section on the

Manna website.

2. Try to understand the Glycemic Index (GI), why you need to eat low GI food and how it can

help you with weight loss. See the GI/GL principle on the Manna website.

3. Try not to lose more than 1.5kg per week, because your body has to adjust and your organs

have to cope with the toxic waste from fat excretion.

Page 38: Diabetic e-Book · the diabetes. Our modern day diet causes our bodies to be too acidic, which are a benefactor to most ailments. The Goal By rectifying any Insulin Related ailment

This chart is intended only as a general guide to alkalizing and acidifying foods.




Beet Greens Beets Broccoli Cabbage Carrot Cauliflower Celery

Chard Greens Chlorella Collard Greens Cucumber Dandelions Dulce

Edible Flowers Eggplant Fermented Veggies Garlic Green Beans Green Peas Kale


Lettuce Mushrooms Mustard Greens Nightshade Veggies Onions Parsnips (high glycemic)

Peas Peppers Pumpkin Radishes Rutabaga Sea Veggies

Spinach, green Spirulina

Sprouts Sweet Potatoes Tomatoes Watercress Wheat Grass

Wild Greens ALKALIZING ORIENTAL VEGETABLES Daikon Dandelion Root Kombu Maitake

Nori Reishi

Shitake Umeboshi Wakame



Olives Winter Squash ACIDIFYING FRUITS Blueberries Canned or Glazed Fruits Cranberries

Currants Plums** Prunes** ACIDIFYING GRAINS, GRAIN PRODUCTS Amaranth

Barley Bran, oat Bran, wheat Bread Corn Cornstarch Crackers, soda

Flour, wheat

Flour, white Hemp Seed Flour Kamut Macaroni Noodles Oatmeal

Oats (rolled) Quinoa Rice (all) Rice Cakes Rye Spaghetti

Spelt Wheat Germ

Wheat ACIDIFYING BEANS & LEGUMES Almond Milk Black Beans

Chick Peas Green Peas Kidney Beans Lentils Pinto Beans Red Beans Rice Milk

Soy Beans Soy Milk



Page 39: Diabetic e-Book · the diabetes. Our modern day diet causes our bodies to be too acidic, which are a benefactor to most ailments. The Goal By rectifying any Insulin Related ailment

Apple Apricot Avocado

Banana (high glycemic) Berries Blackberries Cantaloupe

Cherries, sour Coconut, fresh Currants Dates, dried Figs, dried Grapes Grapefruit

Honeydew Melon Lemon Lime

Muskmelons Nectarine Orange Peach

Pear Pineapple Raisins Raspberries Rhubarb Strawberries

Tangerine Tomato Tropical Fruits Umeboshi Plums


Almonds Chestnuts Millet Tempeh (fermented) Tofu (fermented) Whey Protein Powder


Chili Pepper Cinnamon

Curry Ginger Herbs (all) Miso Mustard Sea Salt Tamari

ALKALIZING OTHER Alkaline Antioxidant Water Apple Cider Vinegar Bee Pollen

Fresh Fruit Juice Green Juices

Lecithin Granules Mineral Water Molasses, blackstrap Probiotic Cultures

Cheese, Processed Ice Cream Ice Milk


Peanut Butter Peanuts Pecans Tahini Walnuts ACIDIFYING ANIMAL PROTEIN

Bacon Beef Carp

Clams Cod Corned Beef Fish

Haddock Lamb Lobster Mussels Organ Meats Oyster

Pike Pork Rabbit Salmon

Sardines Sausage Scallops

Shellfish Shrimp Tuna Turkey Veal Venison

ACIDIFYING FATS & OILS Avocado Oil Butter Canola Oil

Corn Oil Flax Oil

Hemp Seed Oil Lard Olive Oil Safflower Oil Sesame Oil Sunflower Oil

ACIDIFYING SWEETENERS Fructose Corn Syrup Sugar Agave Syrup

Artificial Sweeteners

ACIDIFYING ALCOHOL Beer Hard Liquor Spirits

Page 40: Diabetic e-Book · the diabetes. Our modern day diet causes our bodies to be too acidic, which are a benefactor to most ailments. The Goal By rectifying any Insulin Related ailment

Soured Dairy Products Veggie Juices

ALKALIZING MINERALS Calcium: pH 12 Cesium: pH 14 Magnesium: pH 9

Potassium: pH 14 Sodium: pH 14 Although it might seem that citrus fruits would have an acidifying effect on the body, the citric acid they contain actually has an alkalinizing effect in the system.

Note that a food's acid or alkaline forming tendency in the body has nothing to do with the actual pH of the

food itself. For example, lemons are very acidic, however the end products they produce after digestion and assimilation are very alkaline so, lemons are alkaline forming in the body. Likewise, meat will test alkaline

before digestion, but it leaves very acidic residue in the body so, like nearly all animal products, meat is very acid forming.


Ketchup Cocoa Coffee Mustard

Pepper Soft Drinks Vinegar ACIDIFYING DRUGS & CHEMICALS Aspirin Chemicals

Drugs, Medicinal Drugs, Psychedelic Herbicides


Beer: pH 2.5 Coca-Cola: pH 2 Coffee: pH 4 ** These foods leave an alkaline ash but have an

acidifying effect on the body.

UNKNOWN: There are several versions of the Acidic and Alkaline Food chart to be found in different books and on the Internet.

The following foods are sometimes attributed to the Acidic side of the chart and sometimes to the Alkaline side. Remember, you don't need to adhere strictly to the Alkaline side of the chart, just make sure a good percentage of the foods you eat come from that side.

Brazil Nuts

Brussel Sprouts Buckwheat Cashews Chicken Corn Cottage Cheese Eggs

Flax Seeds Green Tea Herbal Tea

Honey Kombucha Lima Beans

Maple Syrup

Milk Nuts Organic Milk (unpasteurized) Potatoes, white Pumpkin Seeds Quinoa Sauerkraut

Soy Products Sprouted Seeds Squashes

Sunflower Seeds Tomatoes Yogurt

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease; research is ongoing.