Di year experimentación sonora

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1. Hacks, DIY (do it yourself), DIT (do it together), realtime data, circuit bending, hardware hacking, mods, bents, artware, webapps, low-fi, live coding, msica, sonido. Una charla para Campus Party donde se compartir una seleccin de piezas, autores y proyectos significativos de singular inventiva y diversin. Presentado por jjjolll (Laura Balboa), quien tiene una gran aficin por los contenidos, los caracteres, la informacin, los datos, la modificacin, los errores, el esparcimiento, el audio, la imagen, el cdigo y el arte electrnico en el mejor lugar dnde es posible devorarlos en tiempo record: la internet.Resources http://www.nicolascollins.com/hackingtutorials.htm http://makezine.com/ http://www.bentfestival.org/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Do_it_yourself http://sites.google.com/site/tallerdeaudio/http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070820092753AA25pmJ http://www.ehow.com/how_2085139_make-underarm-noises.htmlhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Do_it_yourself Do it yourself (or DIY) is a term used to describe building, modifying, or repairing of something without the aid of experts or professionals. The phrase "do it yourself" came into common usage in the 1950s in reference to home improvement projects which people might choose to complete independently.In recent years, the term DIY has taken on a broader meaning that covers a wide range of skill sets. DIY is associated with the international alternative rock, punk rock, and indie rock music scenes; indymedia networks, pirate radio stations, and the zine community. In this context, DIY is related to the Arts and Crafts movement, in that it offers an alternative to modern consumer culture's emphasis on relying on others to satisfy needs. What is circuit bending? Corto circuito de bajo voltaje Interrupcin de flujos elctricos en juguetes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6Pbyg_kcEk >>vimeoLucky Dragons http://www.hawksandsparrows.org/mp3/blunt.mp3 audio sample http://www.youtube.com/lukeydargons#p/a/u/2/DY-_ydbaLeo