THE WASHINGTON TIMES SATURDAY JUNE 12 1909 0 c- o14f d r r k J i BLISS IS ARRESTED Hero of Tar and Feather Episode Caught inN New York Francis 13 Bliss who wax the central figure in a eeatoftar episode about a year age and who walked Into head- quarters a few weeks later and told a story about being given knockout drops and robbed is under arrest In New York on a charge of embezzlement preferred by his former business part ner George W Albracht of this city Bliss was given a hearing before a United Commissioner this morn ing and will probably be brought to Washington the first of next week Bliss was formerly a member of the firm of Bliss Albrecht bookbinders- He left the city some time ago and is accused of taking about 5300 of the companys money wjth him Detective Burlingame was detailed on the case and finally traced him to New York where he was placed under arrest yes terday Bliss it will be remembered was given- a coat of tar in the basement of a house- in Kenyon street between Thirteenth- and Fourteenth streets northwest by three men last July The real facts in the case were never made public but it was said that the coat of tar was administered because of Bliss alleged attentions to the wife of one of the trio Bliss next stepped in front of the police spotlight when he claimed that he was given knockout drops In a saloon in E street northwest and robbed- of a gold watch SCHREIBER WINS DEBATERS MEDAL George Vashington Students Argue That Capital Punishment Should Be Abolished Friends of Ernest O SchraI8er 1310 George Washington University are Him today on having been declared the best debater in the Eno sinian Society Mr Schrelbor with NorrIs Bowen class of J911 took the affirmative side of the question That capital punish ment should be abolished Joseph purl and James W Berry were on the nega tive side The judges H C Davis Dr H S Hodgklns and D B Klinger gave to Mr Schreiber the gold medal signifying first place among the universitys de- baters Mr Berry was given honorable mention The winners took the position that capital punishment is barbarous ex- cessively cruel does not reform crimi nals and violates the commandments of God Mr Schreiber said that capital punishment does not deter criminal so much as would the specter of flue Gudes American Beauties- are regal representatives of Americas finest Roses 1214 F Advt Popular Excursion Sunday June 13 Baltimore Ohio R R 100 round trip to Harpers and Martinsburg to Berkeley Springs and 260 to Cum berland train leaves Union Station at 815 a m returning same day Advt Very Attractive room House In Mt Pleasant Side Yard Located near 17th and tt Park road on lot nearly g 40 front by 100 feet H deep South front This Is an exception T and the outlOOk is beautiful For particulars consult j FISHER inc I 738 I5th Street N W f Phone Main 6OO After S p m Phone Main 674 y Downtown section near 14th and R Sts nw 6 large rooms and porcelain bath bay window brick lot 20x95 to paved alley heated by furnace REASONABLE TERMS Thos J Fisher Co Inc 738 15th Street N W- BAHDLE HIGHLANDS OF us SITE HOUSE R j iJe UiEh ar 1s U same distant from Capita r upant circle and building ue trnn ITS to 1000 easy payment p B REALTY CCr U and Pa av W FOR EMBEZZLEMENT 135 ummm II mawm1 mmuUUUU- t I 7500 I furs B- ti B ft B- if H i ft i Ii I ally desirable fi h- it H ti THOS O CO gn H it n m I II mmm I mmm I amn- iiHI HrHH I- I Exceptional i i I 1f i f 1 4 1 f J- t t t t t j- H4H H1f the as Lots Sttee con- gratulating im- prisonment N N N- M N N N neighbor- hood N R N j Opportunity 1 4250 t 1a cal lrol ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + + + + + + + ± ± RATS SET UP A HOME IN AN AUTO TOOL BOX Eleven Rodents Ride Around With Collector George W Baum While He Gathers the Found They Are Fat Saucy and Gay MailWhen DIokory dlckory scat This mail man found a rat He looked again And found there were ten Dlckory dlckory scat From the Revised Mother Goose Of course everyone remembers that It was a mouse that was responsible for that memorable ballad about Dlckory and knows full well that he ran up a clock and down again but then few people know the story of George Baum 804 H street southwest a mail collector at the Washington whose experience was with eleven rats which ran up his automobile toolbag and didnt run down again at all In spite of the big clock in the Postoffice tower passing ten every twelve hours Baum who buzzes about collecting mall most of the day doesnt bother much with his tool box being a good mechanician and not having to make many repairs Not very long ago how- ever he had occasion to delve Into that box of tool and therein found the eleven rats young fat saucy and gay as W floe ¬ young and irresponsible rodents should beHow the eleven got within the bag Mr Baum does not know How they lived ho suspects only ProbabU the old rat wise in his generation learned to know when Mr Baum WH not about and than scuttled up the tool box and fed the young At present however our Baum ii driving a toolbox in which there art many tools but which Is not a Also he is humming songs about Dlckory dock and other persons famous in song CUT NEARLY FATAL WILMINGTON Tune 12 Taken suddenly 111 while sharpening a largo knife at the plant of J E Rhoads Sons David Ley abort sixtyfive years of 810 Union street on the knife and as a result nearly bled to death An artery In his left arm was cut Baltimore and Return 125 Baltimore- and Ohio R R Every Saturday and Sunday All trains ways bout days except Royal limited Of- fices 1417 G st and 619 Penna Ave toe menag- erie Del City ¬ Low Priced Houses Convenient to Cars Schools and Churches Decidedly the Best Homes Offered in Washington for the Prices Quoted Delightful Loca- tions SQBL 4750 Near 17th and Columbia Road Attractive brick dwellings covered porches front and rear hotwater hat tile bath cabinet mantels attractive dec cellars rOB SAZE 5650 A threestory nineroom brick and stena dwelling On Newton street near 18th Firstclass condition A very attractive home f One of those pretty twostery houses on the north side of Monroe street near 16th Tiled bath dry collar elaborate a met mantels covered porch An idetfl home Oa Park road new two stories an4 lar hotwater heat covered large lot One of tbe most complete shall bowses ever offered on the heights SOB SALE 4250 The beet bargain in a well constructed louse that we have ever offend Built to sell for 8000 The present owner secured the house In an exchange and can afford to sell for 5 60 Near 16th awl Park road Put together like a piece of flee furniture Hotwater heat tiled bath covered 0 feet wide high ceilings A firstclass Investment FOB New Souse on Washington Heights Two stories and collar hardwood floors hotwater porches very expensive deeeiiions com- plete in detail A lowprleed louse in a neighborhood rOB SAXiiE 4500 One of the beet constructed new horses near Mth street Howater heat entire house trimmed out select hardwood Goodsized lot rOB BASE 55200 Hear Pottrteenth said Harvard Streets- A threestory tanroom briek and stone dwelling reduced from 7000 An oppor- tunlty to secure a bargain POB 54450 A Slew Souse South of Columbia Road Two stories and cellar four rooms deep on each floor hotwater heat let IS feet deep The house was built by the owner for his home Finished in oak double floors expensive gas fixtures and rOB tbreeetory house f reams on each one of floors Built k y Wishtegt Bs most reliable builder Lot 31 by m ft POB BJE 535011 A New House on Washington Heights Near the French embassy Twe Monies and cellar furnace heat covered perch large rear let rOE SAIiX 5250 Many persons think this the feet two story house they have ever on llth street near Irving fleecing Sot water heat The decorations cost over JI09 This property must be seen to be appre- ciated SEND FOR MST OF HOUSES ON THB HEIGHTS PROM J6060 to 116600 WE HAVE THE BEST POE 8AX3 3750 Near the Government PrinjKnff Once Reduced from CMO must be soul to an estate lot IS feet wide welt built rOB SAXiE 4150 A well constructed brick dwelling op Rhode Island west of 9th st 31 feet trout and Mde alley rOB SAXE 4OOO Brick dwelling and two ftOf 1 and cellar on a lettered street between 14th and l th well rented rOB SALE 525oT A oigfetMwn brick dwelling four rooms a floor stable lot SO by fit near th and 0 sU rOB SAIE 045OO Store and Dwelling Mt lea ont Price 458 renting for a month west of 14th formerly held at HMO pres- ent owner took In trade la the tones for sunder so low FOB SAM 5000 Near 6th and Maryland Ave Two story eight rooms hotwater heat lot 18 by 1 to an alley rOB SAZE 54500 On the Heights K r ear line 6 tiled bath HOTWATBR HEAT Let in y Beady sew well built A wench better home than can be purchased fur HG09 er J6M9 m teas desirable location rOB 8AZiS 4000 House and Brick Stable Central Northwest Rents 52850 Good brick house with cellar Brick stable West of lith and south of R Kimclass cleancut investment POE BAilT 53500 Near 7th and M H W Brick house 6 rooms nice front and back yards Can be bought for Me Under rental to good tenants 1880 A vonven lent downtown location SAL orations dry FOB SALE4850 POE SALE J500 eel t SALE5750- A heat every SALE leg SALE5650- A seen deep It I ill has new pol- ished bigho ass fs paper the Pa set settle ave two etary eve > resets and ¬ > ¬ > ¬ ¬ > iOB SAIE Only 5500 ifew Near Dupont Circle- A J56000 neighborhood Cozy homes Hotwater heat Covered porches The owner of a number of building lots has erected these pretty modern houses to sell at actual cost simply to ispose of his ground Within a square from these houses ground has sold at J5 and 8 a foot Buy one for investment rOB SAiB 55000 A Most Desirable Situation- Pa ave overlooking Washington Circle A threettory house with cellar and under rental for years at 35 per month The property has the appearance- of being an 3000 or 9000 house Con sideriBg the location there is no better to be bought at the price POB SAiE 55250 An Unusual Bargain A 7100 house- A corner Near Conn ave and S 18 rooms and bath Four rooms en tbe first floor An economical furnace The purchaser of this housit saves 17Sf buying at this time when owner Is obliged to sell FOR SAJdE 54500 A Jstory Sroom house in on a lettered street between 2orth Capital and 1st sts FROJir ioS good condition nice large rear lot rOB SALE 6OOO New Corner On the Heights Went of 13th St One of the beat construe r 4 and most complete new houses in the city thrtk walls select wood 8 rooms OR a 2fWrt tiled bath HOTWATER KE1T two covered porches over 2000 sq ft In let price JSOOO rOB SALE 4250 BRICK HOUSE AND BRICK STABLE CHOICE LOCATION ON CAPITOL HILL CONVENIENT TO UNION STATION- An attractive sixroom brick residence with cellar The lot is 116 feet deep t paved aMey price 43oQ would be considered low without the liable which is a twostory brick POE SAXE 4850 A Capitol Hill Bargain JUST OFF EAST CAPITOL ST West of 9th A threestory house Furnace heat Owner leaving city has put a price which to about 1000 less than the real worth oC this property in crder to make an Immediate sale rOB SALE 5S75O A Corner House in wcorgetown A THRBBSTORY HOUSE FURNACE HEAT Located in one of the choicest in this section i Attractive home M feet wide FOB SAZiE S4000 Another Georgetown Bargain A modern threestory house Parlor reception hall pan try and kitchen on the first floor porcelain sink in kitchen modern bathroom furnace heat handsomely decorated throughout party wall lot 18x50 The location is first class on n sQuare built up by new at- tractive houses FOB each Now renting 849 each Near 14th and W ate N W An excellent chance to purchase four small brick houses in fine condition Own- er is now making certain Improvements for which tenants have agred to pay rental One of the best renting sections in the city Seldom wilt a tenant move out of one of these Jjousesr Thire are probably no steadier renters in the dty Pam SAJE 4750 Brand New Mt Pleasant HOTWATER HEAT very expensive mantels and gas fixtures PARQUET FLOORS beautiful decorations entire house trimmed in solid oak LARGE tSAR LOTS rOB SAiE 2500 Investment On Eleventh St N W South of U Price 3669 Rents 1809 6 18x86 to alley rOB SAIiE Bodnced to 4850 In Bloomingdale South of T7 St Formerly held at 800 Just the plan most desired too First floor four arse rooms Second floor four large rooms and tiled bath CELLAR AND ATTIC Lot 18 wide owner having purchased a house on the heights at a very low can afford- to dispose of her former home at this sat rtfle flgure This is probably one of the host values that have been offered in this rOB SALE 3650 Wear 7th and Florida Ave Right on Car Line Owner will accept 3650 having been compelled to leave dty FRONTS ON TWO STREETS- Lot 17 wide VALUABLE FOR BUSINESS Easy terms can be arranged Houses I fur- nace l The NOm SALE1250 rooms tot TIM Located feet douse b < stair- ways neighbor- hoods In- creased Jot deelrabia section ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + STONE S FAIRFAX 1342 New York Avenue 1t- I 4250 said tfefi fih wotild not attempt to duplicates this nom a- tpltfPioOf 3 By Buying l ir- V y j j a S Money EamifH- X VX vast volume of business conducted this building operation 110 n 4 5 of an expensive Jiome at a moderate price that then ib Be 1 Selling on an Average ol One a W That Is Conclusive Proof of Great Value 3 750 LOCATION rif rorm rly VBrlghtwood Ave Two SQuares South of Park Road i The most remarkable feature of this offer is that this is the very first time iii of home building that a home of this price has ever been offered that has not 4rt finish and construction so as to make the moderate price possible NOTABLE FEATURES Six very large Beautiful tiled bath Parquet floors in entrance hall parlor M3 dining room Hardwood trim throughout the entire home Hardwood Furnace heat Hotwater heat if desired at Actual builders cost Water heater attachment to furnace Your own selection of decorations mantels and gas fixtures Massive colonial porches rear bay win- dows and porchcc Now you have a selection of five different architectural designs This home has never been equaled for the money and never will be unless some building organization powerful enough to undertake equally large operation r The money we save you in the price of this home guarantees TERMS Gash Balance 2950 Monthly TO INSPECT Take 9th street cars transfer temporarily at Florida ave nw11 to corner of or 11th street cars to corner of Kenyon st nw and Walk one and onehalf squares east this is not a suburb but a valuable tract of ground in the city and located just Sdltnnbia Heights where houses sell for 8000 and 10000 Sn Sample House 3223 Georgia Ave Now V Qpen- W S Shannon Luchs 713 14th St N fc 1V V vOf Cr zoos 3OB OKEEX JiSTO WJULTJ8 BX 2r V i kc 71 J oXT dI J fs tl nn 0 i1 t U li tg J Sl t i fulIGftSf- f 1 4 1 c j- r L i r i 75 0 y J- ifi j t ii i 1 oi r i 500 m f I r r t 1 blt il1- qi r l I p caUSes Rly Ave and Lam fitst NW I fqry J rooms ray an your Jn lu ingkll l t Lamo t ova I 6 c d J u u I t I t4 A y r- Y I eo vi I ce Saved r f i1llders have arace less t f Save Money f Z r I Its Thee in louses ertnita the reproduction > Day cr r or Georgia J the been neglected n r d a success 300 n erest- r f r 1 front Re- member east of 1 r e ¬ > > > < > > > < > > > > = < ° DESIRABLE HOME- s J y S- AT COLLEGE PARK MD Amid beautiful surroundings and agreeable npjgnbors can be bought for 33500 Well built comfortable country home every modern convenience eight rooms bath rnd large hall hot water heat cool and dry cellar entire house attic slate roof accessible by steam electric and finest driving road COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF Stefan B 0 18 minutes eta trip Electric City Sub 40 minutes 18 eta B T Boulevard Wash to Balto Easy Drive Geo H Calvert College ParkMd I t- oI 1Lr j A i w 6 It 1A e 9 e r t l t under do < < I i H qTj i tYT i 1j 11 11 t 1 i 3650 louse for 3050 I- I Modern to the Minute I rooms porcelain bath furnace Small Cash Payment and then only f i 15 Monthly f- t Tennessee Ave t i- t 14th to D 5t5 NE f t 4 T- r WUHge Gibbs f Exclusive Agents t- t 603 and 605 13tb St N W tt 1 jeZituthsatt- ol1 U1 l1XiIt kiJrllJl 11 1 111 1 1 111 t 1113 t 1 J 11 t- y p L t F Six fine heat a a- i L tt DanieL r w 5 + + + + + + + + + +

dI BLISS ARRESTED RATS SET A HOME IN AN AUTO …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1909-06-12/ed-1/seq-12.pdfFOR SAJdE 54500 A Jstory Sroom house in on a lettered street between

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rr k J i


Hero of Tar and FeatherEpisode Caught inN

New York

Francis 13 Bliss who wax the centralfigure in a eeatoftar episode about ayear age and who walked Into head-quarters a few weeks later and told astory about being given knockoutdrops and robbed is under arrest InNew York on a charge of embezzlementpreferred by his former business partner George W Albracht of this cityBliss was given a hearing before aUnited Commissioner this morning and will probably be brought toWashington the first of next week

Bliss was formerly a member of thefirm of Bliss Albrecht bookbinders-He left the city some time ago and isaccused of taking about 5300 of thecompanys money wjth him DetectiveBurlingame was detailed on the caseand finally traced him to New Yorkwhere he was placed under arrest yesterday

Bliss it will be remembered was given-a coat of tar in the basement of a house-in Kenyon street between Thirteenth-and Fourteenth streets northwest bythree men last July

The real facts in the case were nevermade public but it was said that thecoat of tar was administered becauseof Bliss alleged attentions to the wifeof one of the trio

Bliss next stepped in front of thepolice spotlight when he claimed thathe was given knockout drops In asaloon in E street northwest and robbed-of a gold watch



George Vashington Students Argue

That Capital Punishment

Should Be Abolished

Friends of Ernest O SchraI8er 1310George Washington University are

Him today on having beendeclared the best debater in the Enosinian Society

Mr Schrelbor with NorrIs Bowenclass of J911 took the affirmative sideof the question That capital punishment should be abolished Joseph purland James W Berry were on the negative side

The judges H C Davis Dr H SHodgklns and D B Klinger gave toMr Schreiber the gold medal signifyingfirst place among the universitys de-baters Mr Berry was given honorablemention

The winners took the position thatcapital punishment is barbarous ex-cessively cruel does not reform criminals and violates the commandments ofGod Mr Schreiber said that capitalpunishment does not deter criminal somuch as would the specter of flue

Gudes American Beauties-are regal representatives of Americasfinest Roses 1214 F Advt

Popular Excursion Sunday June 13Baltimore Ohio R R 100 round tripto Harpers and Martinsburgto Berkeley Springs and 260 to Cumberland train leaves UnionStation at 815 a m returning same day


Very Attractiveroom House In

Mt PleasantSide YardLocated near 17th and

tt Park road on lot nearlyg 40 front by 100 feetH deep South front

This Is an exceptionT

and the outlOOk isbeautiful

For particulars consult

j FISHER inc

I 738 I5th Street N W

f Phone Main 6OO

After S p m Phone Main 674 y

Downtown section near14th and R Sts nw 6large rooms and porcelainbath bay window bricklot 20x95 to paved alleyheated by furnace


Thos J Fisher Co Inc

738 15th Street N W-



R j iJe UiEh ar 1s U same distant fromCapita r upant circle and building

ue trnn ITS to 1000 easy paymentp B REALTY CCr U and Pa av W



ummm II mawm1 mmuUUUU-t

I 7500 Ifurs B-


ft B-


ft iIi

Ially desirable

fi h-

it H

ti THOS O CO gn



m I II mmm I mmm I amn-iiHI HrHH I-

I Exceptional i

i I1f



4 1


t tt t


H4H H1f

theas Lots
















cal lrol













+ +



+ +




Eleven Rodents Ride Around With Collector George

W Baum While He Gathers theFound They Are Fat Saucy and Gay


DIokory dlckory scatThis mail man found a ratHe looked againAnd found there were tenDlckory dlckory scat

From the Revised Mother GooseOf course everyone remembers that It

was a mouse that was responsible forthat memorable ballad about Dlckory

and knows full well that he ran up aclock and down again but then fewpeople know the story of GeorgeBaum 804 H street southwest a mailcollector at the Washingtonwhose experience was with eleven ratswhich ran up his automobile toolbagand didnt run down again at all Inspite of the big clock in the Postofficetower passing ten every twelve hours

Baum who buzzes about collectingmall most of the day doesnt bothermuch with his tool box being a goodmechanician and not having to makemany repairs Not very long ago how-ever he had occasion to delve Into thatbox of tool and therein found the elevenrats young fat saucy and gay as




young and irresponsible rodents should

beHow the eleven got within thebag Mr Baum does not know Howthey lived ho suspects only ProbabUthe old rat wise in his generationlearned to know when Mr Baum WHnot about and than scuttled up thetool box and fed the young

At present however our Baum iidriving a toolbox in which there artmany tools but which Is not a

Also he is humming songs aboutDlckory dock and other persons famousin song


suddenly 111 while sharpening a largoknife at the plant of J E RhoadsSons David Ley abort sixtyfive yearsof 810 Union street on the knifeand as a result nearly bled to deathAn artery In his left arm was cut

Baltimore and Return 125 Baltimore-and Ohio R R Every Saturday andSunday All trains ways boutdays except Royal limited Of-fices 1417 G st and 619 Penna Ave




City ¬

Low Priced Houses

Convenient to Cars Schools

and Churches Decidedly the Best

Homes Offered in Washington

for the Prices Quoted

Delightful Loca-


SQBL 4750Near 17th and Columbia Road

Attractive brick dwellings coveredporches front and rear hotwater hattile bath cabinet mantels attractive dec


rOB SAZE 5650A threestory nineroom brick and stena

dwelling On Newton street near 18thFirstclass condition A very attractivehome f

One of those pretty twostery houseson the north side of Monroe street near16th Tiled bath dry collar elaborate amet mantels covered porch An idetflhome

Oa Park road new two stories an4lar hotwater heat covered largelot One of tbe most complete shall bowsesever offered on the heights

SOB SALE 4250The beet bargain in a well constructed

louse that we have ever offendBuilt to sell for 8000 The present ownersecured the house In an exchange and canafford to sell for 5 60 Near 16th awlPark road Put together like a piece offlee furniture Hotwater heat tiled bathcovered 0 feet wide high ceilingsA firstclass Investment

FOBNew Souse on Washington HeightsTwo stories and collar hardwood

floors hotwaterporches very expensive deeeiiions com-plete in detail A lowprleed lousein a neighborhood

rOB SAXiiE 4500One of the beet constructed new horses

near Mth street Howater heat entirehouse trimmed out select hardwoodGoodsized lot

rOB BASE 55200Hear Pottrteenth said Harvard Streets-

A threestory tanroom briek and stonedwelling reduced from 7000 An oppor-tunlty to secure a bargain

POB 54450A Slew Souse South of Columbia Road

Two stories and cellar four rooms deepon each floor hotwater heat let IS feetdeep The house was built by the ownerfor his home Finished in oak doublefloors expensive gas fixtures and

rOBtbreeetory house f reams on each

one of floors Built ky Wishtegt Bsmost reliable builder Lot 31 by m ft

POB BJE 535011A New House on Washington Heights

Near the French embassy Twe Moniesand cellar furnace heat covered perchlarge rear let

rOE SAIiX 5250Many persons think this the feet two

story house they have ever on llthstreet near Irving fleecing Sotwater heat The decorations cost over JI09This property must be seen to be appre-ciatedSEND FOR MST OF HOUSES ON THB


POE 8AX3 3750Near the Government PrinjKnff Once

Reduced from CMO must be soul toan estate lot IS feet wide welt built

rOB SAXiE 4150A well constructed brick dwelling op Rhode

Island west of 9th st 31 feet troutand Mde alley

rOB SAXE 4OOOBrick dwelling and two ftOf

1 and cellar on a lettered street between14th and l th well rented

rOB SALE 525oTA oigfetMwn brick dwelling

four rooms a floor stable lot SO byfit near th and 0 sU

rOB SAIE 045OOStore and Dwelling Mt lea ont

Price 458 renting for a monthwest of 14th formerly held at HMO pres-ent owner took In trade la the tones forsunder so low

FOB SAM 5000Near 6th and Maryland Ave

Two story eight rooms hotwater heatlot 18 by 1 to an alley

rOB SAZE 54500On the Heights

K r ear line6 tiled bath


Beady sew well built A wench betterhome than can be purchased fur HG09 erJ6M9 m teas desirable location

rOB 8AZiS 4000House and Brick Stable

Central Northwest Rents 52850Good brick house with cellar

Brick stableWest of lith and south of RKimclass cleancut investment

POE BAilT 53500Near 7th and M H W

Brick house 6 rooms nice front and backyards Can be bought for Me Underrental to good tenants 1880 A vonvenlent downtown location


orations dry


POE SALE J500eel
















bigho ass




Pa set



two etaryeve


resets and








iOB SAIE Only 5500ifew Near Dupont Circle-

A J56000 neighborhoodCozy homes

Hotwater heatCovered porches

The owner of a number of building lotshas erected these pretty modern houses tosell at actual cost simply to ispose of hisground Within a square from thesehouses ground has sold at J5 and 8 a foot

Buy one for investment

rOB SAiB 55000A Most Desirable Situation-

Pa ave overlooking Washington CircleA threettory house with cellar and

under rental for years at 35 permonth The property has the appearance-of being an 3000 or 9000 house ConsideriBg the location there is no better

to be bought at the price

POB SAiE 55250An Unusual Bargain

A 7100 house-A corner

Near Conn ave and S18 rooms and bath

Four rooms en tbe first floorAn economical furnace

The purchaser of this housit saves 17Sfbuying at this time when owner Is

obliged to sell

FOR SAJdE 54500A Jstory Sroom house in

on a lettered street between 2orth Capitaland 1st sts FROJir ioS goodcondition nice large rear lot

rOB SALE 6OOONew Corner On the Heights

Went of 13th StOne of the beat construe r 4 and most

complete new houses in the city thrtkwalls select wood 8 rooms OR a 2fWrttiled bath HOTWATER KE1T two

covered porches over 2000 sq ftIn let price JSOOO



with cellar The lot is 116 feet deep tpaved aMey price 43oQ would beconsidered low without the liable whichis a twostory brick

POE SAXE 4850A Capitol Hill Bargain


A threestory houseFurnace heat

Owner leaving city has put a pricewhich to about 1000 less than the realworth oC this property in crder to makean Immediate sale

rOB SALE 5S75OA Corner House in wcorgetown


Located in one of the choicestin this section iAttractive home M feet wide

FOB SAZiE S4000Another Georgetown Bargain

A modern threestory houseParlor reception hall pan

try and kitchen on the first floor porcelainsink in kitchen modern bathroom furnaceheat handsomely decorated throughoutparty wall lot 18x50 The location is firstclass on n sQuare built up by new at-tractive houses

FOB eachNow renting 849 each

Near 14th and W ate N WAn excellent chance to purchase four

small brick houses in fine condition Own-er is now making certain Improvementsfor which tenants have agred to pay

rental One of the best rentingsections in the city Seldom wilt a tenantmove out of one of these Jjousesr Thireare probably no steadier renters in thedty

Pam SAJE 4750Brand New Mt Pleasant

HOTWATER HEAT very expensivemantels and gas fixtures PARQUETFLOORS beautiful decorations entirehouse trimmed in solid oak LARGEtSAR LOTS

rOB SAiE 2500Investment On Eleventh St N W

South of UPrice 3669 Rents 18096 18x86 to alley

rOB SAIiE Bodnced to 4850In Bloomingdale South of T7 St

Formerly held at 800Just the plan most desired tooFirst floor four arse rooms

Second floor four large rooms and tiled bathCELLAR AND ATTIC

Lot 18 wideowner having purchased a house on

the heights at a very low can afford-to dispose of her former home at this satrtfle flgure This is probably one of thehost values that have been offered in this

rOB SALE 3650Wear 7th and Florida Ave

Right on Car LineOwner will accept 3650 having been

compelled to leave dtyFRONTS ON TWO STREETS-

Lot 17 wideVALUABLE FOR BUSINESSEasy terms can be arranged



















deelrabia section







STONE S FAIRFAX1342 New York Avenue




said tfefi fih wotild not attempt to duplicates this nom a-tpltfPioOf

3 By Buying l ir-V y j j

a S Money EamifH-X VX

vast volume of business conducted this building operation 110 n 45 of an expensive Jiome at a moderate price that then ib Be

1 Selling on an Average ol One aW That Is Conclusive Proof of Great Value


rif rorm rlyVBrlghtwood Ave

Two SQuares South of Park Road

i The most remarkable feature of this offer is that this is the very first time iiiof home building that a home of this price has ever been offered that has not 4rtfinish and construction so as to make the moderate price possible

NOTABLE FEATURESSix very large Beautiful tiled bath Parquet floors in entrance hall parlor M3

dining room Hardwood trim throughout the entire home Hardwood Furnace heatHotwater heat if desired at Actual builders cost Water heater attachment to furnace Yourown selection of decorations mantels and gas fixtures Massive colonial porches rear bay win-

dows and porchcc Now you have a selection of five different architectural designsThis home has never been equaled for the money and never will be unless some building

organization powerful enough to undertake equally large operation rThe money we save you in the price of this home guarantees


Gash Balance 2950 Monthly


Take 9th street cars transfer temporarily at Florida ave nw11 to corner ofor 11th street cars to corner of Kenyon st nw and Walk one and onehalf squares east

this is not a suburb but a valuable tract of ground in the city and located justSdltnnbia Heights where houses sell for 8000 and 10000

Sn Sample House 3223 Georgia Ave NowV



Shannon Luchs 713 14th St N fc 1VV vOf


kc 71 J oXTdI


fs tl nn 0 i1 t U li tg J Sl t i fulIGftSf-f 1





r L i ri 750y J-ifi j t ii i 1


r i 500mfI




qi r

lI p



Ave and Lam fitst NW

I fqry





Jn lu ingkll l t

Lamo t



6 c d Ju u

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AT COLLEGE PARK MDAmid beautiful surroundings and agreeable npjgnbors can be bought for

33500Well built comfortable country home every modern convenience eight

rooms bath rnd large hall hot water heat cool and dry cellarentire house attic slate roof accessible by steam electric and

finest driving road


18 minuteseta trip

Electric City Sub40 minutes

18 eta B T

BoulevardWash to Balto

Easy Drive

Geo H Calvert College ParkMd



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I i H qTj i tYT i 1j 11 11 t1i

3650 louse for 3050I-

I Modern to the MinuteIrooms porcelain bath furnace

Small Cash Payment and then onlyf i

15 Monthly f-

t Tennessee Avet


t 14th to D 5t5 N E ft 4


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f Exclusive Agents t-

t 603 and 605 13tb St N Wtt

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