Development of Improved Techniques for Design of UWB and Multi-band Compact Planar Antennas and Filters with Performance Enhancement By: Azzeddin Naghar Supervisors: Ana Vázquez Alejos and Otman Aghzout International Doctorate Mention Academic Year: 2016/2017 Azzeddin Naghar Doctoral Dissertation 2016/2017

Development of Improved Techniques ... - Universidade de Vigo

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Development of Improved Techniques for Design of UWB and

Multi-band Compact Planar Antennas and Filters with Performance


By: Azzeddin Naghar


Ana Vázquez Alejos and Otman Aghzout

International Doctorate Mention

Academic Year: 2016/2017



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l Diss






International Doctoral School

Author: Azzeddin Naghar

Doctoral Dissertation

Development of Improved

Techniques for Design of UWB and

Multi-band Compact Planar Antennas

and Filters with Performance



Ana Vázquez Alejos and Otman Aghzout

International Doctorate Mention


International Doctoral School

Doctoral dissertation

Development of Improved Techniques for Design

of UWB and Multi-band Compact Planar Antennas

and Filters with Performance Enhancement

By: Azzeddin Naghar

Supervised by:

Ana Vázquez Alejos

Department of Signal Theory and Communications

Higher Technical School of Telecommunications Engineering

University of Vigo, Vigo, Spain

Otman Aghzout

Department of Telecommunications, National School of Applied

Science ENSATe

Abdelmalek Essaâdi University, Tetouan, Morocco

International Doctorate Mention

Academic Year: 2016/2017

Ana Vazquez Alejos, profesora titular de la Universidad de Vigo, Vigo, España,

en el Departamento de Teoría de señal y Comunicaciones


Otman Aghzout, profesor titular de la Universidad Abdelmalek Essaâdi,

Tetouan, Marruecos, en el Departamento de Telecomunicaciones, Escuela Nacional de

Ciencias Aplicadas


Que la memoria titulada Development of Improved Techniques for Design of

UWB and Multi-band Compact Planar Antennas and Filters with Performance

Enhancement, ha sido realizada por D. Azzeddin Naghar bajo su dirección en el

Departamento de Teoría de señal y Comunicaciones de la Universidad de Vigo, y

constituye la Tesis por compendio de artículos que presenta para optar al grado de

International Doctor por la Universidad de Vigo.

Vigo, 2016/2017

Dr. D. Ana Vazquez Alejos Dr. D. Otman Aghzout

Director de la Tesis Director de la Tesis

To my mother, my father, my wife,

my brothers, my sister and my niece

To family and friends who believe in me



Due to advancements in mobile radio communication technology intended to provide

high-data rates with frequency bandwidths not previously considered, there is an increase

in the demand of small size, low cost, multiband and high-performance ultra-wideband

antennas and filters. With a view to address these demands, this Thesis aims to propose

advanced antenna and filter design techniques leading to achieve excellent performance

devices applicable to multi-frequency and UWB systems. The set of techniques herein

described develops outstanding performance to meet the challenge of designing Multi-

Band/Ultra-Wideband (MB/UWB) bandpass filters and band-stop filters, as well as for

embedding the notch operation in UWB planar monopole antennas.

This Thesis starts with a block of content dedicated to investigating the parameters

involved in the process of designing parallel coupled line microstrip (PCLM) bandpass

filters. The first outcome is the development of a calculation tool that solves some

limitations presented by the commercial simulators available both in the market and in

the state of the art. This adhoc design tool facilitates the calculation of the optimal

parameters required to design N-order parallel coupled band pass filters with very low

cost of time and computational load and high accuracy in the performance checked by

experiment validation. The tool then facilitates an optimized filter design, and the main

feature is the ability to control the dimension of the gap space located between adjacent


Based on this preliminary result, a further research step consisted of properly

setting a realistic or null spacing between adjacent coupled lines of the filter design

optimized by the design tool. This design technique attempts to solve manufacturing

problems by proposing a simple microstrip planar filter structure. By disregarding the gap

or sizing it to implementable values, it suppresses the influence of the imprecision

inherent to the microstrip planar manufacturing process. The design approach yields

highly efficient MB and UWB bandpass filters that demonstrates a good overall

performance with simple structure easy to manufacture. The control of the gap size offers

a good control of selected bands and in addition, it reduces the second harmonic response

for MB bandpass filters. Moreover, by incorporating other resonators like stubs or

metamaterial particles, we demonstrated an enhancement of selectivity and rejection for

designed MB and UWB bandpass filters.


In a second part, this Thesis discusses the techniques investigated to obtain band

suppression feature in ultra-wideband (UWB) microstrip planar antenna designs that

prevents interference problems due to existing nearby communication systems within

UWB operating frequency. This second block of content starts presenting the design and

analysis of a dual band-notched monopole antenna, in which the method proposed to

obtain band-notched function consists of embedding two opposite U-shaped slots within

the radiating element. The key of innovation achieved with this method is the good control

of rejected narrow bands along with supplementary advantages of antenna small size, flat

frequency response and omnidirectional radiation pattern. Additionally, the applicability

of the developed techniques is considered and thereby it has been possible to analyze the

influence of the impairments introduced by the frequency dispersive propagation on the

UWB antenna design for body-based applications.

A second technique, valid to embed notching features in a microstrip UWB

antenna, consists of the use of single split ring resonator (SRR) placed on the backside of

the printed monopole to create the notch filtering function and thereby suppress the

interference problem. In this case, the capacitive coupling between the ground plane and

the loaded single SRR determines the properties of the band-stop filtering that widens the

impedance bandwidth and improves the rejection level of the antenna characteristics.

Furthermore, by etching a single SRR-slot in the radiating patch, the UWB antenna

exhibits dual-frequency notch performance without affecting the first rejected band.

Attained results of good omnidirectional pattern, acceptable and stable gain along with a

low profile make this antenna design idea a good candidate for UWB systems needed of

single- or multi-frequency notch filtering.

Keyword: RF filters, Antennas, UWB Systems, Multi-frequency, Notch Function, design

technique, Tool Calculation, Coupled lines, Numerical Validation, Experiment




El desarrollo de tecnologías de comunicación inalámbrica con características de banda

ancha y alta velocidad de transmisión datos crece rápidamente, y para dichas tecnologías

la integración entre componentes se ha convertido en un tema muy importante. En

cualquier sistema de comunicaciones inalámbricas, la antena es un componente esencial

para recibir y transmitir señales, mientras que el filtro paso-banda (BPF) es otro

componente crucial para seleccionar señales en la banda requerida y rechazar las señales

no deseadas. La mayor parte de la investigación se ha centrado en la obtención de

componentes electrónicos y RF miniaturizados de baja potencia, aunque otros aspectos

relacionados con el diseño y la fabricación de antenas eficientes, miniaturizadas y

fácilmente integrables no han recibido la misma atención. Esta negligencia se extiende

también a las antenas y, en general, a todos los componentes de microondas distribuidos

pasivos, tales como resonadores, filtros y acopladores.

En términos de diseño de filtro, las características de operación de banda múltiple

(MB) y de banda ultra ancha (UWB) es un objetivo común para los sistemas de

comunicación inalámbrica actuales y, al mismo tiempo, lograr filtros paso-banda se ha

convertido en una exigencia para tales sistemas. Los requisitos impuestos al diseño de

estos circuitos obliga a afrontar nuevos retos entre los que se incluyen la obtención de un

buen rendimiento general, características de micro-paquete, de bajo coste y de uso fácil,

han sido el objetivo paralelo de la miniaturización de filtros paso-banda [1, 2]. Los filtros

paso-banda basados en líneas paralelas acopladas han sido ampliamente utilizados en

sistemas de microondas, debido a su buen rendimiento, estructura simple, bajo coste y

facilidad de integración con otros dispositivos [3, 4].

La estructura del filtro consiste en un conjunto de líneas microstrip de circuito

abierto acopladas. El espacio de acoplamiento o separación entre los resonadores

corresponde a los inversores de admitancia, en el circuito equivalente paso bajo. Las

impedancias características pares e impares de los resonadores de media onda acoplados

en paralelo se calculan usando inversores de admitancia. Estas impedancias de modo par

e impar se utilizan para calcular las dimensiones físicas del filtro, tal como se describe en

[5-7], ajustando adecuadamente las dimensiones del espacio de acoplamiento.

El objetivo principal de esta Tesis es el desarrollo de técnicas avanzadas

adecuadas para el diseño, la optimización, el ajuste fino y la realización práctica de filtros


de microondas y antenas previstos con características de operación MB y de UWB.

Aunque la discusión en esta Tesis se centra solamente en dos tipos de componentes, filtros

y antenas, las técnicas desarrolladas pueden ser aplicadas a otros componentes resonantes

de microondas con las modificaciones convenientes.

Además de requerir filtros paso-banda MB y UWB operativos, la necesidad de

lograr una estructura de banco de filtros compacta ha impulsado el desarrollo de técnicas

de diseño para BPFs MB capaces de reducir la complejidad y el costo de los sistemas

front-end. En los circuitos planares, los filtros MB compactos pueden implementarse

usando diferentes enfoques básicos: mediante SIRs conectados a tierra por líneas

acopladas [8], resonadores de bucle abierto cargados con stubs [9], ranuras en el plano de

masa junto con stubs abiertos [10], o resonadores embebidos [11].

También es necesario considerar los requisitos estandarizados que se deben

cumplir en el diseño de un filtro paso-banda que cubra la banda de frecuencias UWB

definida por la Comisión Federal de Comunicaciones de Estados Unidos (FCC), que se

extiende de 3.1 a 10.6 GHz [12]. Entre estos requisitos podemos mencionar: cumplir con

la máscara de potencia impuesta al espectro UWB por la regulación FCC; bajas pérdidas

de inserción (<0.5 dB); bajo nivel de rizado en la banda de paso (<0.5 dB); variación

media del retardo de grupo (<0.2 ns); inserción de ceros de transmisión por encima y por

debajo de la banda de paso para alcanzar alta pendientes de atenuación fuera de banda [2,

13]. Se pueden encontrar en la literatura científica diversas aproximaciones para

implementar filtros UWB que cumplan estos requisitos regulatorios [14 - 16].

Otro factor que limita el diseño de filtros MB/UWB es la existencia de los

parásitos en la respuesta en frecuencia del filtro, principalmente debido a la presencia del

segundo armónico que emerge si se usan los diseños convencionales mencionados

anteriormente. Una respuesta en frecuencia con armónicos no deseados da lugar a una

característica de banda de paso asimétrica que degrada las propiedades de la banda

superior del filtro [17]. Recientemente, se han obtenido diversas técnicas [18 - 20] que

comparten la idea de modificar la estructura básica del filtro microstrip por algunos

medios, entre los que podemos mencionar: el uso de recubrimiento dieléctrico, inserción

de cortes en el plano de masa, uso de estructuras PBG, eliminación de sustrato, diseño de

ranuras periódicas, o el uso de técnicas de línea ondulada, y filtros que emplean formas



Otro de los principales temas de interés de esta Tesis se refiere al diseño de antenas

UWB miniaturizadas que requieren integrar propiedades de filtrado de banda. Este

problema de diseño no es nuevo, y se convierte en uno de los principales factores que

afectan al progreso de la tecnología UWB. Como resultado, la literatura que aborda este

tema se ha extendido mucho en los últimos años [21- 24]. Las antenas UWB deben ser

eléctricamente pequeñas y económicas pero sin comprometer el rendimiento de la

operación. Un diagrama de radiación omnidireccional es preferible por ser adecuado para

redes ad hoc dotadas de orientación azimutal arbitraria impredecible. Sin embargo, sobre

la banda de frecuencias designada para UWB, existen algunas bandas estrechas que

correspondan a otros sistemas de comunicación, como WiMAX que opera en la banda de

3.3 a 3.7 GHz, WLAN que opera en la banda de 5.15 - 5.825 GHz, y la banda C que opera

a 7.2 GHz destinada a sistemas de comunicaciones satelitales. Estas comunicaciones de

banda estrecha pueden causar interferencia con un sistema UWB. Para solucionar este

problema es deseable diseñar antenas con integración de un filtro de rechazo de banda

centrado en estas bandas de frecuencia y capaz de minimizar una potencial interferencia.

Diferentes configuraciones encontradas en la literatura científica proponen el uso

de antenas impresas planas monopolo con elemento radiante y/o plano de masa

modificado, con el fin de lograr una característica de rechazo de bandas de frecuencia

[25-31]. Se puede obtener simple, doble o triple rechazo de banda de frecuencias

utilizando elementos parásitos [25, 26], insertando estructuras parásitas en forma de

varilla (rod-shaped) [27], utilizando un pequeño parche resonante [28], insertando una

ranura en la línea de alimentación, o bien integrando diferentes formas de ranuras tanto

en el parche de radiación como en el plano de masa [29-31]. Otros diseños incluyen

resonadores de anillo partido (SRR), o su estructura complementaria (CSRR), como

ranura conformada y/o conductor conformado, para producir la necesaria característica

de filtrado o eliminación de bandas de frecuencia [32-43].

Como se ha mencionado anteriormente, sobre la base de un filtro de tipo PCML,

la Tesis propone el diseño de filtros paso-banda MB y UWB mediante el ajuste del

espaciamiento entre resonadores acoplados con valor pequeño o nulo, como una técnica

para lograr la miniaturización del filtro. Además de las características MB y UWB, las

técnicas de diseño de filtros descritas en esta Tesis lograron minimizar los segundos

armónicos en la respuesta en frecuencia de los filtros MB, además de ofrecer un control

satisfactorio sobre la selección de la banda de frecuencia de operación requerida. Para el


caso de los filtros UWB, se demostró por primera vez que estos requisitos de diseño

pueden lograrse considerando una separación nula entre todos los resonadores adyacentes

del filtro. Sin embargo, todavía era necesario resolver la limitación del diseño en términos

de rechazo de señal. En nuestro caso, incorporamos stubs en corto-circuito con el objetivo

de mejorar la selectividad del filtro y eliminar la transmisión a baja frecuencia. Por lo

demás, es posible mejorar todos los filtros propuestos en términos de selectividad,

rechazo en las frecuencias fuera de banda y supresión de espurios, añadiendo otros

resonadores como stubs o partículas metamateriales CSRR [44].

Después de haber alcanzado con éxito nuevas técnicas para diseño miniaturizado

de filtros, la investigación desarrollada en esta Tesis pudo abordar la integración de filtros

en el diseño de antenas UWB con el fin de proporcionar operación de rechazo de banda.

Como se ha mencionado anteriormente, una de las cuestiones clave en un sistema de

comunicación UWB es el diseño de una antena compacta que proporcione características

de banda ancha para cubrir toda la banda de operación UWB definida por el FCC. Debido

a sus atractivas propiedades de banda ancha, estructura simple y diagrama de radiación

omnidireccional, las antenas monopolo planas [45-47] se han utilizado como posibles

candidatos para aplicaciones UWB. Por lo tanto, en esta investigación se han considerado

como punto de partida el diseño y análisis de antenas UWB monopolo microstrip planas.

Se han realizado diferentes estudios sobre la integración de la función de filtrado notch

en dichas antenas.

En esta Tesis se han logrado diseños de antena con características de rechazo de

de una o dos o incluso múltiple banda de frecuencia. La primera de las técnicas propuestas

se basa en incluir una ranura en forma de U para lograr la supresión de radiación en la

banda a eliminar, mientras que en una segunda configuración propuesta se propone

colocar un único conductor parásito SRR en el plano de masa. En esta última

configuración, la operación de filtrado notch se debe al acoplamiento electromagnético

entre el parche y el conductor parásito. Ambas técnicas de rechazo de banda ofrecen

rechazos de banda estrechos o anchos y un control de las bandas rechazadas por medio

de un procedimiento de diseño simple. Las configuraciones propuestas han obtenido

beneficios adicionales, como un adecuado diagrama de radiación omnidireccional,

ganancia de antena estable, bajo perfil y bajo coste de fabricación. Todas las técnicas de

diseño de antenas y filtros propuestas se han ajustado y evaluado mediante un proceso


que incluye cálculos teóricos, simulación EM, modelado de circuitos equivalentes,

análisis de distribución de corriente y validación experimental.

El objetivo general de esta Tesis doctoral fue aportar conocimientos en el campo

de los filtros RF y antenas microstrip mediante el desarrollo de soluciones eficientes para

diseñar y mejorar filtros paso-banda y antenas MB/UWB. Además, se han logrado

soluciones para combinar una antena de microondas y un filtro en un solo dispositivo que

produce conjuntamente radiación y funciones de filtrado. Se cumple el objetivo de diseñar

dispositivos de antena UWB con una selectividad de frecuencia mejorada para eliminar

las señales no deseadas y reducir la posible incidencia de comunicaciones interferentes.

A continuación, listamos en detalle los objetivos principales de esta Tesis:

I. Desarrollo de una herramienta de simulación especificada para el diseño y el

cálculo de parámetros para filtros paso-banda con líneas paralelas acopladas

(PCLM) para la tecnología plana microstrip deseada. Los resultados de la

simulación electromagnética y de las medidas demuestran la validez de esta

herramienta, como está indicado en los ejemplos fabricados de filtros paso-banda,

descritos en los artículos publicados.

II. Diseño de filtros compactos BPFs de líneas acopladas, estableciendo un espaciado

pequeño/nulo entre resonadores adyacentes. Esta técnica permite la obtención de

filtros multi-banda para cualquier especificación de diseño como se puede mejorar

estos filtros en términos de selectividad entre las bandas cubiertas y el rechazo en

las frecuencias fuera de la banda, cargando otros resonadores, como CSRRs y

stubs. Además se demuestra que esta técnica permite la supresión de la señal

espuria para diseños de filtros MB.

III. Diseño de filtros paso-banda UWB reduciendo el espacio entre resonadores

adyacentes del filtro. Esta configuración puede ser mejorada al establecer un

espacio nulo con cortocircuitos stubs para mejorar la selectividad del filtro.

IV. Proponer eficientes técnicas del filtrado notch para las antenas UWB impresas

planas monopolo con resultado de mejora comparando con técnicas de la

literatura. Nuevas configuraciones basadas en stubs, SSRR y CSRR han sido

presentadas como técnicas de rechazo de banda, eliminando las interferencias

entre las antenas UWB diseñadas y los sistemas interferentes de banda estrecha.

V. Fabricación de prototipos reales de antenas y filtros, considerando la tolerancia de

fabricación, las pérdidas de material y el procedimiento de medición.


VI. Analizar de los resultados experimentales para obtener una comparación entre la

teórica, la simulación electromagnética, el modelo de circuito equivalente y los

resultados de medición para validar las técnicas de diseño de antenas y filtros


VII. Basado en las técnicas detalladas, también se presentó en esta Tesis otros

importantes trabajos de investigación relacionados con aplicaciones de

microondas, satélite, detección de cáncer de mama, cuerpo humano, para todas las

propuestas de diseño de filtros y antenas.

Durante el período de Tesis, la primera etapa de cálculos teóricos fue llevada a

cabo usando el software MATLAB. Asimismo, también se empleó el software CST MW

de simulación electromagnética con el objetivo de validar los resultados teóricos basados

en Matlab y lograr una aproximación más precisa al incluir el efecto de la conectorización

del filtro fabricado, las pérdidas del material dieléctrico empleado y los defectos de

fabricación. Para cada diseño de filtro se ha proporcionado el modelo de circuito

equivalente y el análisis de distribución de corriente. Sin embargo, un prototipo real con

resultados de medición experimentales es necesario para completar el procedimiento de

diseño y evaluar la bondad de las técnicas de diseño descritas. Por esta razón, utilizamos

la impresora de circuitos LPKF ProtoMat H100 para aplicaciones de RF y MW disponible

en nuestro laboratorio colaborando con el centro de investigación AtlantTIC de la

Universidad de Vigo.

Después de fabricar los prototipos reales, procedimos a realizar las mediciones

para probar la validez de los resultados de simulacion. Se utilizó el analizador vectorial

de redes ZVA67 (10 MHz-67 GHz) y la cámara anecoica rectangular para medir los

parámetros de dispersión-S, el diagrama de radiación y la ganancia. Las tolerancias de

fabricación y calibración fueron estudiadas y mejoradas para obtener los prototipos reales

con medidas adecuadas, en comparación con las simulaciones propuestas. Una vez que

se analizan los datos experimentales y se consigue un mejor ajuste entre los valores

medidos y las simulaciones teóricas, pasamos a preparar artículos científicos y

académicos para su publicación en revistas y conferencias internacionales.

A lo largo de esta Tesis, se logró la publicación de los siguientes artículos de

revista con revisión por pares, y artículos revisados en conferencias internacionales: [J1-

J9] y [CA1-CA14]; Sin embargo las publicaciones del compendio se limitan a los

artículos [J1-J6]. Estos trabajos se dividen en cuatro bloques.


En el primer bloque de publicaciones se trata del cálculo teórico de los filtros RF.

En este caso, se desarrolló una herramienta para el cálculo de los parámetros de diseño

de los filtros paso banda de tipo PCML, basado en el enfoque de la teoría de la línea de

transmisión y de acuerdo con la literatura existente: [CA13], [CA14]. El segundo bloque

se refiere a los documentos relacionados con las técnicas de diseño de filtros paso-banda

MBy UWB: [J2], [J3], [J5], [J7], [CA3], [CA6], [CA8]. En el tercer bloque se presentan

los artículos publicados sobre las técnicas de diseño de banda eliminada para la

implementación sobre antenas UWB monopolo microstrip: [J1], [J6], [J8], [J9], [CA1],

[CA2], [CA5], [CA7]. Finalmente, se han detallado los artículos asociados a las

aplicaciones UWB - microondas, satélite, cuerpo humano y detección de cáncer de mama

– que consideran las técnicas de diseño de filtros y antenas logradas en esta Tesis: [J4],

[CA4], [CA9]-[CA12]. Además, se publicó también un artículo de conferencia nacional


Con mayor detalle, la organización del contenido de esta Tesis es la siguiente. La

parte introductoria, primer Capítulo, presenta los temas de investigación del trabajo

científico en el que se basa esta tesis, discutiendo sus conceptos y relevancia y

comparándolos con el trabajo relacionado ya existente. La parte introductoria se cierra

con una lista de trabajos publicados, además de artículos que forman parte del compendio

como publicaciones adicionales.

El segundo capítulo consiste en la reimpresión de artículos publicados en revistas

internacionales con revisión por pares, relacionadas con las técnicas de diseño de filtros

de paso banda MB y UWB. Sobre la base del tipo de filtro PCML, el primer trabajo

proporciona diseños de filtro paso de banda MB y UWB, estableciendo un acoplamiento

pequeño entre los resonadores adyacentes [J3]. Esta técnica combina más ventajas, como

la obtención de filtros paso-banda MB y UWB que proporcionan gran ancho de banda

fraccional, baja pérdida de inserción dentro de la banda de paso, planicidad de retardo de

grupo y tamaño de apertura compacto. También se demuestra que la técnica descrita

ofrece una miniaturización de los filtros paso-banda, eliminando el segundo espurio no

deseado para los diseños MB. Esta propiedad se evaluó mediante la validación teórica y

experimental, según el trabajo presentado en [J5].

Para el filtro UWB de paso banda, podemos aproximar sus respuestas

considerando la separación nula entre líneas acopladas. Sin embargo, observamos una

degradación del rendimiento del filtro en términos de selectividad y rechazo. A


continuación, se incorporan dos stubs simétricos para mejorar el rechazo en las

frecuencias fuera de banda y la eliminación de la transmisión en la banda de frecuencias

más baja, como se detalla en el tercer documento [J2]. Estos diseños se pueden combinar

con otros resonadores, como los resonadores de anillo dividido complementarios para

mejorar las respuestas en frecuencia de los filtros de paso banda MB y UWB

desarrollados [CA6] y [CA8].

Estos diseños se basan en la herramienta de cálculo desarrollada en [CA14]. Esta

herramienta permite estimar tanto los parámetros requeridos para el diseño del filtro de

paso banda PCML y la respuesta eléctrica, que se obtiene mediante el circuito equivalente

de este tipo de filtros. Basándose en el enfoque de la teoría de la línea de transmisión

(TLTA), la calculadora propuesta es una buena solución para simplificar los parámetros

de diseño de este tipo de filtros dado que todas las fórmulas requeridas para el diseño

PCML se programan usando expresiones matemáticas de forma cerrada y el concepto de

matriz de acoplamiento. Esta herramienta facilita la comprensión de la teoría de los filtros

PCML mientras calcula los parámetros del diseño del filtro para cualquier tecnología.

El tercer capítulo contiene los resultados y la discusión de las técnicas de rechazo

de banda propuestas para las antenas monopolo UWB. Como primer diseño, grabamos a

dos resonadores en ranura de forma de U, en el parche de radiación de la antena monopolo

UWB diseñada [J6], para obtener la función de filtrado. Alcanzamos la supresión de la

radiación a 3.375-3.945 GHz para WiMAX y 5.425-6.150 GHz para WLAN y

HYPERLAN/2. Esta técnica ofrece un alto rendimiento de la operación de rechazo en

términos de rechazo y control de frecuencia notch, con beneficios en términos de

respuesta de frecuencia plana y diagrama de radiación omnidireccional en el plano H.

La segunda técnica descrita en [J1] consiste en la introducción de un conductor

parásito basado en un único resonador de anillo partido SRR con una simple ranura SRR

como se describe en [J6]. El resonador conductor SRR rechaza la interferencia debida a

las comunicaciones de corto alcance dedicadas (DSRC) y a los sistemas inalámbricos de

red de área local (WLAN) que operan en el rango de 5.15 a 5.925 GHz. Sin embargo, la

ranura SRR elimina la interferencia de banda ancha (7.25-8.4 GHz) correspondiente a las

señales de enlace ascendente y descendente de los sistemas de comunicación por satélite

de banda X. Esta técnica ofrece un rechazo estrecho o de banda ancha, dependiendo del

acoplamiento capacitivo entre el conductor parásito SRR cargado y el plano de masa

parcial. Esta propiedad proporciona un buen control de la banda eliminada para rechazar


uno o múltiples sistemas de comunicación inalámbrica de banda estrecha que pueden

interferir con el sistema UWB. Además, podemos integrar fácilmente más resonadores

para expandir la capacidad MB o UWB, por ejemplo mediante el uso de una ranura SRR

para producir doble y triple notch o rechazos de frecuencia. Por último, se analizó la

influencia en el diseño de antenas UWB de los efectos que aparecen debido a la

propagación dispersiva para aplicaciones basadas en el cuerpo, como se indica en [J4].

Finalmente, la última parte de esta Tesis redacta las conclusiones y proporciona

una breve vista general sobre otros trabajos de investigación en curso y la posible

continuación del trabajo descrito en esta Tesis.

Debido a que la Tesis está presentada por compendio de artículos, el contenido

de algunos de los resultados obtenidos no se incluyó en este manuscrito. En la

investigación de esta Tesis se obtiene también el diseño, análisis y aplicaciones de líneas

microstrip cargadas con resonadores complementarios (CSRR) acoplados eléctricamente

y conectados mediante una línea microstrip ranurada. Típicamente, la línea cargada con

un elemento CSRR impreso por debajo de la tira conductora proporciona una banda de

parada en la proximidad de la resonancia del CSRR. Sin embargo, al cargar dos CSRR

separados lejos del centro de la línea ranurada, dicha resonancia no está presente. A

continuación, mediante la inclusión de una línea microstrip para conectar estos elementos

CSRR, es posible implementar líneas de transmisión de metamateriales de doble o

múltiples epsilon-negativos (ENG), válidas para proporcionar múltiples resonancias. Esta

propiedad permite diseñar filtros paso-bajo [CA3] y filtros paso-banda MB [J7] con

amplio rechazo de banda. Además, esta estructura de filtrado ofrece una gran capacidad

de miniaturización del tamaño del filtro.

De acuerdo con los documentos [J8], [J9], se propone además una técnica para

mejorar las prestaciones de la propiedad de filtrado para antenas UWB monopolo usando

la resonancia dinámica de una partícula CSRR embebida. Este método ofrece mejores

resultados con filtros integrados de banda ancha en comparación con el uso convencional

de los elementos CSRR y las partículas de resonador espiral complementario (CSR)

basadas en su resonancia cuasi-estática, y también respecto a diseños presentados en la

literatura que usan múltiples resonadores con frecuencias de resonancia próximas.

Combinando este método con el uso de un conductor parásito en forma de SRR, se logra

una antena UWB de doble frecuencia de filtrado notch, logrando así un rechazo de dos

bandas de frecuencia independientes.


En cuanto al bloque de contenidos relacionado con el diseño del filtro, las

técnicas presentadas en esta Tesis proporcionan las siguientes ventajas principales con

respecto al estado del arte:

Procedimiento de diseño simple, con bajo perfil y fácil de fabricar.

Diseño de filtros paso banda MB para cualquier banda de frecuencia


Diseño de filtros banda ancha y UWB con buen control de la banda


Capacidad de miniaturización.

Función de integración.

Inclusión de otros métodos complementarios para mejorar el rendimiento

de los filtros de paso de banda MB y UWB optimizados en términos de

selectividad y rechazo en las frecuencias fuera de banda.

Supresión de los segundos armónicos para filtros paso banda MB.

Desde el punto de vista del diseño de la antena, las técnicas presentadas

proporcionan las siguientes ventajas principales con respecto al estado del arte:

Buen control de la frecuencia central del rechazo de la banda.

Simple, fácil de fabricar y de bajo costo de diseño.

Diagrama omnidireccional y con relativa ganancia estable.

Mejora del rendimiento del filtrado notch.

Alta configurabilidad para producir características de rechazo de banda

estrecho o de banda ancha.

El valor de esta Tesis en términos de novedad y de relevancia en el campo, está

corroborado por la aceptación de las publicaciones internacionales listadas y las

mencionadas comunicaciones aceptadas en conferencias internacionales, a través de un

proceso de revisión científica establecido por revisión de pares.



Abstract .............................................................................................................................. i

Resumen .......................................................................................................................... iii

List of Figures ............................................................................................................... xvii

List of Tables ................................................................................................................. xxi

Chapter 1: General Introduction ....................................................................................... 1

1.1. Motivation and Background .............................................................................. 3

1.2. Thesis Objectives and Methodology .................................................................. 6

1.2.1. Overall: ....................................................................................................... 6

1.2.2. Specifics Thesis objectives: ........................................................................ 6

1.3. List of publications ............................................................................................ 8

Journal Articles ......................................................................................................... 9

Conference Articles ................................................................................................. 10

1.4. Thesis Outline .................................................................................................. 12

Chapter 2: Design Techniques for MB/UWB Bandpass Filters ..................................... 17

2.1. Design of Compact Multi-band and UWB Bandpass Filters Based on Coupled

Half Wave Resonators with Reduced Coupling Gap .................................................. 19

2.1.1. Introduction .............................................................................................. 19

2.1.2. Two-pole Chebyshev bandpass filter design ............................................ 22 Filter specifications ........................................................................... 22 Initial step: two-pole Chebyshev BPF design ................................... 22 Optimization: two-pole Chebyshev BPF design ............................... 23 Filter structure modification for multi-frequency and UWB

performance ......................................................................................................... 24 Influence of coupling gap on the filter FBW .................................... 26 Group delay ....................................................................................... 27

2.1.3. Three-pole Chebyshev band pass filter design ......................................... 28

2.1.4. Comparison with other band pass filter design techniques ...................... 32

2.1.5. Conclusions .............................................................................................. 34

2.2. Design of Compact Multi-band Bandpass Filter with Suppression of Second

Harmonic Spurious by Coupling Gap Reduction ....................................................... 35

2.2.1. Introduction .............................................................................................. 35

2.2.2. Theoretical analysis of multi-band filter design ....................................... 37

xiv Influence of the small coupling gap on the multiband feature of the

filter response ...................................................................................................... 37 Influence of the small coupling gap on the second harmonic spurious

suppression .......................................................................................................... 40

2.2.3. Design example: tri-band parallel-coupled microstrip bandpass filter with

spurious response suppression ................................................................................ 41 Parallel coupled microstrip bandpass filter at 3.2 GHz: basic design 41 Extension of the filter response to tri-band feature ........................... 44 Second harmonic suppression: ground plane apertures insertion ..... 47 Analysis of band center frequency and bandwidth control ............... 49

2.2.4. Conclusions .............................................................................................. 50

2.3. Synthesis Design of Bandpass Filter for UWB Applications with Improved

Selectivity ................................................................................................................... 52

3.1.1. Introduction .............................................................................................. 52

3.1.2. UWB bandpass filter: design and results .................................................. 53 Edge-coupled bandpass filter for UWB applications ........................ 53 Modified UWB bandpass filter with selectivity enhancement.......... 55 Results and discussion ....................................................................... 57

3.1.3. Conclusions .............................................................................................. 60

Chapter 3: Band-stop Techniques for UWB Monopole Antenna Design ...................... 61

3.1. Compact Microstrip Omnidirectional Ultra-wideband Antenna with Dual

Broadband Nested U-shaped Slots and Flat Frequency Response ............................. 63

3.1.1. Introduction .............................................................................................. 63

3.1.2. Antenna design ......................................................................................... 64

3.1.3. Measurement results ................................................................................. 65

3.1.4. Time domain analysis ............................................................................... 67

3.1.5. Conclusions .............................................................................................. 69

3.2. A Simple UWB Tapered Monopole Antenna with Dual Wideband-Notched

Performance by Using Single SRR-Slot and Single SRR-Shaped Conductor Backed

Plane ………………………………………………………………………………...70

3.2.1. Introduction .............................................................................................. 70

3.2.2. Antenna configuration .............................................................................. 71

3.2.3. Measurement results ................................................................................. 73 UWB tapered monopole antenna ...................................................... 73

xv UWB tapered monopole antenna with single band-notch ................. 73 Dual band-notched UWB tapered monopole antenna ....................... 74

3.2.4. Conclusions .............................................................................................. 79

3.3. Influence of Impairments due to Dispersive Propagation on the Antenna Design

for Body-based Applications ...................................................................................... 80

3.3.1. Introduction .............................................................................................. 80

3.3.2. Formulation of dispersive propagation ..................................................... 82 Radio channel characterization for a dispersive medium.................. 82 Optimal transmitting waveform design ............................................. 83 Anti-dispersive filtering .................................................................... 84 Antenna design .................................................................................. 85

3.3.3. Simulation results ..................................................................................... 87

3.3.4. Conclusions .............................................................................................. 88

Chapter 4: Conclusions ................................................................................................... 91

and Future Works ........................................................................................................... 91

4.1. Conclusions ...................................................................................................... 93

4.2. Research in Progress ........................................................................................ 95

4.2.1. Inter Coupled Complementary Split Ring Resonators for the

Implementation Enhanced Frequency Selective Devices in Planar Technology .... 95

4.2.2. Excitation of Quasi-static and Dynamic Resonances of Complementary

Split Ring Resonators to Enhance Frequency Selectivity in UWB Antenna Devices


4.2.3. Hybrid Dynamic Resonance Response of CSRR and SSRR Resonators for

Radiation Enhancement in Planar Circuit Configurations ...................................... 96

4.3. Further works ................................................................................................... 97

References ...................................................................................................................... 98

Acknowledgment .......................................................................................................... 109

Acronyms ................................................................................................................... 1111

Participation in R&D Projects .................................................................................... 1122

Research stays ............................................................................................................ 1122

Courses Attended ........................................................................................................ 1122

Compendium Journal Papers ...................................................................................... 1133



List of Figures

Figure 1: General layout of a parallel coupled microstrip line BPF; (a) Microstrip

transmission line, (b) General structure of parallel coupled band pass filter ................. 21

Figure 2: Optimal electrical response of two-pole and three-pole PCML bandpass

filters ............................................................................................................................... 23

Figure 3: S-parameters of band pass filter for several space gap values S1,3. (a) Multiband

filter (b) UWB filter ........................................................................................................ 25

Figure 4: Electrical response of dual-band bandpass filter............................................. 25

Figure 5: Electrical response of the implemented UWB bandpass filter ....................... 26

Figure 6: Photograph of fabricated filters. (a) Dual band bandpass filter, (b) UWB

bandpass filter for N=2, (c) Tri-band bandpass filter, (d) UWB bandpass filter for

N=3 ................................................................................................................................. 29

Figure 7: Calculated filter frequency response for different values of S2,

S1-3=0.088 mm ................................................................................................................ 29

Figure 8: Calculated group delay: for different values of S1–3 of the multiband (MB) two-

pole BPF (Section, for two-pole UWB filter (Section and for three-pole

UWB filter (Section 2.1.3) ............................................................................................. 31

Figure 9: Electrical response of tri-band bandpass filter ................................................ 31

Figure 10: Electrical response of UWB bandpass filter ................................................. 31

Figure 11: General structure of parallel-coupled microstrip filter ................................. 38

Figure 12: S11 and S21 parameters of the initial design of the parallel-coupled microstrip

bandpass filter ................................................................................................................. 43

Figure 13: S11 and S21 parameters of the optimized bandpass filter ............................... 43

Figure 14: Photographs of the fabricated filters: (a) initial basic design and (b) optimized

basic design .................................................................................................................... 43

Figure 15: S11 and S21 parameters of bandpass filter for several coupling gap values

(S1–4) ............................................................................................................................... 45

Figure 16: S11 and S21 parameters of bandpass filter for several coupling gap values

(S2–3) ............................................................................................................................... 45

Figure 17: Simulated and measured frequency responses of the tri-band parallel-coupled

microstrip bandpass filter ............................................................................................... 45

Figure 18: Photograph of the fabricated tri-band bandpass filter with reduced coupling

gap: (a) top layer and (b) bottom layer ........................................................................... 46

Figure 19: Simulated, measured, and calculated frequency responses of the tri-band BPF

with reduced coupling gap .............................................................................................. 46


Figure 20: Layout: (a) coupled microstrip lines and (b) ground plane apertures ........... 48

Figure 21: S11 and S21 parameters of the tri-band bandpass filter with and without ground

plane apertures ................................................................................................................ 48

Figure 22: Photograph of the fabricated tri-band bandpass filter with ground plane

apertures: (a) top view and (b) bottom view................................................................... 49

Figure 23: Comparison of simulated and measured S21 for single-band filter, triple-band

filter without apertures, and triple-band filter with apertures ......................................... 49

Figure 24: Effect of extremity resonator length (L1) variation on the tri-band filter

response proposed in section .............................................................................. 51

Figure 25: Effect of coupling gap (S1–4) reduction on the tri-band filter response proposed

in Section (without apertures). ........................................................................... 51

Figure 26: Parameter calculation tool of the parallel coupled line bandpass filter at

6.85 GHz ......................................................................................................................... 54

Figure 27: UWB three-pole PCML bandpass filter: (a) Electrical response for presented

cases. (b) Equivalent circuit model ................................................................................ 54

Figure 28: Modified UWB bandpass filter without stubs, (a) layout (b) fabricated

prototype ......................................................................................................................... 56

Figure 29: Electrical response of the modified UWB bandpass filter without stubs ..... 56

Figure 30: Modified UWB bandpass filter with stubs: (a) filter layout, (b) photograph of

fabricated prototype ........................................................................................................ 57

Figure 31: (a) Insertion loss of the UWB bandpass filter for all proposed cases. (b)

Schematic of distributed elements corresponding to the filter design with stubs .......... 58

Figure 32: Group delay of UWB bandpass filter designs ............................................... 58

Figure 33: UWB antenna with dual band-notched characteristics: (a) Geometry of the

antenna with detail of ground plane. (b) Photo of the fabricated prototypes. ................ 65

Figure 34: Comparison of simulated and measured VSWR .......................................... 66

Figure 35: Radiation pattern for double notched antenna design: (a) E-plane at 3.5 GHz,

6 GHz and 9 GHz. (b) H-plane at 3.5 GHz, 6 GHz and 9 GHz ..................................... 66

Figure 36: Antenna gain comparison ............................................................................. 67

Figure 37: Rectangular pulse transmitted by each of three antennas with detection of the

brillouin precursor formation ......................................................................................... 69

Figure 38: Schematic of the proposed antenna design: (a) radiator tapered element; (b)

modified ground plane; (c) rectangular CSRR-shaped slot; (d) rectangular SRR-shaped

parasitic conductor .......................................................................................................... 72

Figure 39: Configuration of the antennas used for our study: top and bottom layers .... 72

Figure 40: Simulated and measured VSWR for antenna#1 ............................................ 75


Figure 41: Simulated VSWR for antenna#2 with different values of Lt. ....................... 75

Figure 42: Simulated VSWR of antenna#2 for different values of Ds with

Lt = 22.3 mm .................................................................................................................. 75

Figure 43: Simulated VSWR for antenna#2 with different values of d1. Lt=22.3,

Ds=0.8 (mm) ................................................................................................................... 76

Figure 44: Simulated and measured VSWR of the proposed UWB antenna with single

frequency notch .............................................................................................................. 76

Figure 45: Simulated and measured VSWR of the proposed dual bad-notched UWB

antenna ............................................................................................................................ 76

Figure 46: Simulated surface current distribution of the dual band-notched case

(antenna#3): (a) at 5.5 GHz, and (b) at 7.85 GHz .......................................................... 77

Figure 47: Simulated and measured radiation patterns of the proposed antenna#3 case for

E- and H-planes. (a) 4.5 GHz, (b) 6.5 GHz, (c) 9.5 GHz ............................................... 78

Figure 48: Peak gain for the three cases of UWB tapered antennas ............................... 79

Figure 49: Photograph of prototyped antennas: (a) Top later (b) bottom layer. Left:

Antenna1. Center: Antenna 2. Right: Antenna 3 ............................................................ 79

Figure 50: Illustration of the Brillouin precursor formation (in red) once a properly

configured input signal (in blue) propagates through the human body .......................... 82

Figure 51: Theoretical evolution of a rectangular pulse after propagating through different

distances within a layer of tissue N1: at input (z=0), z=1∙zd, z=5∙zd and z=9∙zd, with

zd=e-α, and α the propagation constant of the tissue in Np .............................................. 84

Figure 52: Broadband horn antenna sketches: (a) side view, (b) bottom view, (c) feed

detail (side), (d) feed detail (back), (e) feed detail (bottom), (f) built prototype ............ 86

Figure 53: UWB antenna: geometry of the antenna with detail of ground plane and picture

of the fabricated prototype with a SMA connector ........................................................ 88



List of Tables

Table 1: Calculated FBW for different values of the coupling gaps S1–3 and S2 ............ 29

Table 2: Variation of the calculated FBW in percentage with the small coupling gap

values .............................................................................................................................. 59

Table 3: Variation of correlation factor in percentage with the transmitted pulse shape and

setting ............................................................................................................................. 68

Table 4: Variation of correlation factor in percentage ................................................... 88



Chapter 1: General Introduction



1.1. Motivation and Background

The development of high data rate ultra-wideband wireless communication technologies

grows rapidly, and therefore integration among components has become a significant

issue. In any wireless communications system, the antenna is an essential component for

receiving and transmitting signals, while the bandpass filter (BPF) is another crucial

component for selecting signals in the required band and rejecting the unwanted signals.

Most of research has focused on obtaining low-power miniaturized electronic and RF

components, although other aspects related to design and fabrication of efficient,

miniaturized, and easily integrable antennas have not received the same attention. This

neglect extends also to antennas and, in general, to all passive distributed microwave

components, such as resonators, filters and couplers.

The main scope of this Thesis is to pursue the development of advanced

techniques suitable for design, optimization, fine-tuning and practical realization of

microwave filters and antennas provided of multi-frequency and ultra-wideband

operation features. Although the discussion in this Thesis is only focused on two types of

components, filters and antennas, the developed techniques can be applied to other

resonant microwave components with the convenient modifications.

In terms of filter design, obtaining multi-band (MB) and/or ultra-wideband

(UWB) operation feature is a common design target for UWB wireless communication

systems, and among others balanced BPFs is a very preferred choice for such systems.

The design requirements of these components, however, face new challenges among

which are included an overall good performance, features of micro-package, low cost and

easy to use have been the parallel aim of miniaturization of bandpass filters [1,2].

Bandpass filters based on parallel-coupled lines have been widely used in

microwave systems, due to their good performance, simple structure, low cost and ease

of integration with other devices [3,4]. The filter structure consists of a set of open

circuited coupled microstrip lines. The coupling gap or spacing between the resonators

corresponds to the admittance inverters, in the low-pass model circuit. Even and odd-

mode characteristic impedances of parallel coupled half-wave resonators are computed

using admittance inverters. These even- and odd- mode impedances are then used to

compute physical dimensions of the filter, as described in [5-7], by properly setting the

coupling gap dimensions.


Besides requiring MB and UWB operating bandpass filters, the requirement of a

compact filter bank structure has led to the development of design techniques for MB

BPFs able to reduce the complexity and cost of the front end systems. In planar circuitry,

compact MB filters can be implemented using different basic approaches: by means of

grounded SIRs with coupled lines [8], stub-loaded open-loop resonators [9], defected

ground structures along with open stubs [10], and assembled resonators [11].

There are also standardized requirements to be accomplished in the design of an

UWB bandpass filter covering the frequency band defined by the U.S. Federal

Communication Commission (FCC), which extends from 3.1 to 10.6 GHz [12]. Among

these requirements we can mention: meet the FCC spectrum musk regulation; low

insertion loss (<0.5 dB); low ripples (<0.5 dB); mild group delay variation (<0.2 ns);

transmission zeros above and below the passband which means good attenuation slopes

of the skirts selectivity [2,13]. Various approaches to implement UWB filters can be

found through literature [14-16].

Another factor limiting the design of MB/UWB filters is the existence of spurious

within the filter response, mainly due to the presence of the second harmonic that emerges

if aforementioned conventional designs are used. A response with undesired harmonics

gives rise to asymmetric passband feature that degrades the upper band properties of the

filter [17]. Recently, diverse techniques have been reported and the set of approaches

share the idea of modifying the structure of the microstrip filter by some means, among

which we can mention: the use of dielectric overlay, ground apertures insertion, by

considering PBG structures, substrate suppression, periodic grooves design, or use of

wiggly line techniques and filters using fractal shapes [18–20].

Another major concern focus of this Thesis relates to the design of miniaturized

UWB monopole antennas with embedded filtering properties. This design issue is not

new, and it becomes one of the major factors affecting the progress of UWB technology.

As a result, the literature addressing this subject has been studied much in recent years

[21-24]. UWB antennas must be electrically small and inexpensive without

compromising the operation performance. An omnidirectional radiation pattern is

preferable in order to be well suited for ad hoc networks with unpredictable arbitrary

azimuthal orientation. However, over the designated frequency band, there exist some

narrow bands designated for other communication systems, such as WiMAX operating

in the 3.3 - 3.7 GHz band, WLAN operating in the 5.15 - 5.825 GHz band, and C-band


satellite communication systems at 7.2 GHz. Those systems may cause interference with

the UWB system. To solve this problem, it is desirable to design antennas with embedded

band notched characteristic centered at these frequency bands and able to minimize

potential interference occurrence.

Different configurations found in the scientific literature propose the use of planar

monopole printed antennas with modified radiator and/or ground plane in order to achieve

a frequency notch characteristic [25-31]. Single, dual or triple notched frequencies can be

obtained by using parasitic elements [25], [26], inserting rod-shaped parasitic structures

[27], utilizing a small resonant patch [28], embedding a slot in the feed line, or cutting

different shapes of slots in both the radiation patch and the ground plane [29-31]. Other

designs include split ring resonators (SRR), and its complementary structure (CSRR), as

shaped-slot and/or shaped-conductor, to produce a desired frequency notch filtering

property [32-43].

As aforementioned, on the basis of PCML filter type, the Thesis proposes

designing MB and UWB bandpass filters by setting small/null spacing between coupled

resonators as a technique to achieve miniaturization. Besides the MB and UWB features,

the filter design techniques described in this dissertation reduced the second harmonics

for MB filters as well as offer a satisfactory control of the selected operating frequency

band. For the case of UWB filters, it was first proved that these design requirements could

be approximated by considering null gapping for all adjacent filter resonators. However

it was still necessary to solve the design limitation in terms of signal rejection. In our

case, we incorporated short-circuited stubs with the aim to improve the filter selectivity

and eliminate the transmission at low frequency. Moreover, all proposed filters can be

performed in terms of the selectivity, and rejection in the out-of-band frequencies and

spurious suppression, by adding other resonators such as stubs or CSRR metamaterial

particles [44].

Having successfully introduced novel miniaturized techniques for filter design,

concerns related to the integration of filters in the design of UWB antennas to achieve to

notch operation may now be addressed. As mentioned early, one of key issues in ultra-

wideband (UWB) communication system is the design of a compact antenna providing

wideband characteristics over the whole operating band. Because of their attractive

features of wide bandwidth, simple structure, and omnidirectional radiation pattern,

planar monopole antennas [45–47] have been used as possible candidates for UWB


applications. Thus, UWB printed monopole antenna design and analysis are considered

in this research.

Different studies have been undertaken covering the aspects notch filtering

function embedded in antennas. In this Thesis we carried out investigations to achieve

single, dual and even multi-band notched-band characteristics. The first of the proposed

techniques is based on loading a U-shaped slot for radiation suppression, whilst in a

second proposed configuration consists of placing a single SRR-shaped parasitic

conductor in the ground plane. In this last configuration, the notch filtering operation is

due to the electromagnetic coupling between the patch and parasitic conductor. Both

band-stop techniques offer narrow/wideband rejections and control of rejected bands by

means of a simple design procedure. More benefits of good omnidirectional radiation

pattern, stable gain, low profile and low fabrication cost, are obtained.

In this Thesis, all of the proposed antenna and filter design techniques have been

evaluated by means of theoretical calculation, EM simulation, equivalent circuit

modelling, current distribution analysis and experimental validation.

1.2. Thesis Objectives and Methodology

1.2.1. Overall:

The overall aim of this PhD Thesis was to add knowledge in the field of RF filters and

microstrip antennas by developing efficient solutions to design and improve MB and

UWB bandpass filters and antennas. Moreover, it offers solutions to combine a

microwave antenna and filter into a single device that yields the radiation and filtering

functions together. This latter solution meets the objective of designing UWB antenna

devices with enhanced frequency selectivity to remove the undesired signals and reduce

the possible interference incidence.

1.2.2. Specifics Thesis objectives:

Following, we list in detail the main objectives of this Thesis:

I. Development of a specific simulation tool for design and calculation of

parameters for Parallel Coupled Microstrip Line (PCML) bandpass filters (BPFs)

for the desired planar technology. This tool is validated by electromagnetic


simulation and measurement results thoroughly indicated in the fabricated

bandpass filter examples described in the published papers.

II. Design of compact multi-band PCML BPFs by setting small/null spacing between

adjacent resonators. This technique allows obtaining multi-band bandpass filters

for any design specifications and can improved in terms of selectivity between

covered band and rejection in the out-of-band frequencies by loading other

resonators, like CSRRs and stubs. Moreover it is demonstrated that this technique

allows the spurious suppression for MB filter designs.

III. Using very small gap between coupled lines allows also the design of UWB

PCML compact bandpass filters. This configuration can be approximated by

applying null gapping and combined with short-circuited stubs in order to improve

the filter selectivity.

IV. Propose efficient notch filtering operation techniques for UWB planar monopole

printed antennas, resulting in an improvement over the techniques found in the

literature. Novel configurations are presented using open stubs, SSRR and CSRR

as stop-band techniques, eliminating the interference between designed UWB

antennas and the co-existing interfering narrow band systems.

V. Fabrication of actual antenna and filter prototypes that contemplates the

fabrication tolerance, material losses and measurement procedure.

VI. Analysis of experimental results to obtain a comparison among theoretical

calculation, electromagnetic simulation, equivalent circuit model and

measurement results is proposed for antenna and filter design techniques.

VII. Based on the detailed techniques, it is also presented in this Thesis other important

research works related to microwave, satellite, body-based, breast cancer

detection applications, for all design proposals of filters and antennas and for

UWB as per FCC.

From a scientific perspective, the value of this Thesis in terms of novelty and

relevance of the field is attested by the acceptance of the appended international papers

and the referred international conference proceedings through an established scientific

reviewing process.

During the Thesis period, the first-step theoretical calculations were implemented

using MATLAB software. However we had to use CST MW software for electromagnetic

simulation in order to validate the Matlab-based theoretical results and achieve more


accurate approximation including RF connector, material losses and fabrication effects.

The equivalent circuit modelling and current distribution analysis has always been

provided for all designs. Therefore, an actual prototype with measurement results are both

necessary to complete the design procedure and evaluate the goodness of the described

design techniques. For this reason, we used the LPKF ProtoMat H100 circuit board plotter

for RF and MW applications, available in our Radio System Group and the AtlantTIC

research center of the University of Vigo.

After manufacturing the actual prototypes, we proceeded to perform the

measurements to prove the validity of the simulated results. We used the Vector Network

Analyzer ZVA67 (10 MHz-67 GHz) and the rectangular anechoic chamber to measure

the S-scattering parameters, the radiation pattern, and the gain if required.

The fabrication tolerances and the calibration concept were studied and performed

to obtain the real prototypes with good measurement results, compared to the proposed


Once experimental data are analyzed, and a better agreement between

measurement and simulations is achieved, we moved on to write and submit scientific

and academic papers for publication in international journals and conferences.

1.3. List of publications

During the presented Thesis, we accomplished the publication of the following peer-

review journal papers and international reviewed conference papers: [J1-J9] and [CA1-

CA14]. These works are divided in the following four sections:

Filter design theory and calculations

This block of publications concerns the theoretical calculation of RF filters. In this case,

we developed a tool for calculation of the design parameters of PCML bandpass type of

filters, based on the transmission line theory approach and according to existing literature.

[CA13], [CA14]

MB and UWB bandpass filter design techniques

In this second block, it is listed the papers related to the design techniques of multi-band

and UWB bandpass filters. [J2], [J3], [J5], [J7], [CA3], [CA6], [CA8]


Stop-band techniques for UWB monopole antennas

We present in this section, the published papers regarding the band-stop design

techniques for implementing UWB microstrip monopole antennas. [J1], [J6], [J8], [J9],

[CA1], [CA2], [CA5], [CA7].


The articles associated to UWB applications ‒ microwave, satellite, body-based, and

breast cancer detection ‒, are listed in this block concerning both filter and antenna design

techniques. [J4], [CA4], [CA9]-[CA12]

Journal Articles

[J1] Azzeddin Naghar, Francisco Falcone, Ana Vazquez Alejos, Otman Aghzout and

David Alvarez, “A Simple UWB Tapered Monopole Antenna with Dual Wideband-

Notched Performance by Using Single SRR-Slot and Single SRR-Shaped Conductor-

Backed Plane”, The Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society ACES, vol. 31,

no. 9, pp. 1048-1055, September 2016.

[J2] Azzeddin Naghar, Otman Aghzout, Ana Vazquez Alejos and Francisco Falcone

, “Synthesis Design of Bandpass Filter for UWB Applications with Improved

Selectivity”, Applied Computational Electromagnetics Journal ACES, vol. 31, no. 1,

pp. 08–13, January 2016

[J3] Azzeddin Naghar, Otman Aghzout, Ana Vazquez Alejos, Manuel Garcıa

Sanchez and Mohamed Essaaidi, “Design of compact multi-band and UWB band pass

filters based on coupled half wave resonators with reduced coupling gap”, IET

Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, vol. 9, no. 15, pp. 1786-1792, December


[J4] Ana Vazquez Alejos, Muhammad Dawood, Erik Aguirre, Francisco Falcone,

David Alvarez Outerelo, Azzeddin Naghar and Otman Agzhout., “Influence of

impairments due to dispersive propagation on the antenna design for body-based

applications”, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications JEMWA, vol. 29,

no. 17, pp. 2355-2364, December 2015.

[J5] Azzeddin Naghar, Otman Aghzout, Ana Vazquez Alejos, Manuel Garcıa

Sanchez and Mohamed Essaaidi, “Design of compact multi-band bandpass filter with

suppression of second harmonic spurious by coupling gap reduction”, Journal of


Electromagnetic Waves and Applications JEMWA, vol. 29, no. 14, pp. 1813-1828,

August 2015.

[J6] Azzeddin Naghar, Ana Vazquez Alejos, Otman Aghzout, Mohammad Essaaidi,

“Compact microstrip omnidirectional ultrawideband antenna with dual broad band

nested U-shaped slots and flat frequency response”, Microwave and Optical

Technology Letters MOTL, vol. 57, no. 12, pp. 2854-2856, September 2015.

[J7] Azzeddin Naghar, Ana Vazquez Alejos, Francisco Falcone and Otman Aghzout,

“Inter Coupled Complementary Split Ring Resonators for the Implementation

Enhanced Frequency Selective Devices in Planar Technology”, Current Applied

Physics, Physics, Chemistry and Materials Science (Under review)

[J8] Azzeddin Naghar, Ana Vazquez Alejos, Francisco Falcone and Otman Aghzout,

“Excitation of Quasi-static and Dynamic Resonances of Complementary Split Ring

Resonators to Enhance Frequency Selectivity in Ultra-wideband Antenna Devices”,

Waves in Random and Complex Media WRCM (Under review).

[J9] Azzeddin Naghar, Ana Vazquez Alejos, Francisco Falcone and Otman Aghzout,

“Hybrid Dynamic Resonance Response of CSRR and SSRR Resonators for Radiation

Enhancement in Planar Circuit Configurations”, Applied Physics-A APYA Materials

Science & Processing (Under review).

Conference Articles

[CA1] Azzeddin Naghar, Ana Vazquez Alejos, Francisco Falcone and Otman

Aghzout, “Improvement of Notch Performances for UWB Monopole Antennas

Using CSRR and SSRR”, IEEE International Conference on Multimedia

Computing and Systems ICMCS, September 29 -October 1, Marrakech, Morocco,


[CA2] Azzeddin Naghar, Ana Vazquez Alejos, Otman Aghzout and Francisco

Falcone, “UWB Tapered Microstrip Antenna with Wideband Notch Using single

Split Ring Resonators Shaped Parasitic Conductor”, IEEE International

Symposium on Antennas and Propagation APS/URSI, June 26 - July 1, Puerto

Rico, US, 2016.

[CA3] Azzeddin Naghar, Ana Vazquez Alejos, Otman Aghzout and Francisco

Falcone, “Low Pass Filter Design with Wide Rejection Based on Array of

Modified CSRRs Configuration”, IEEE International Symposium on Antennas

and Propagation APS/URSI, June 26 - July 1, Puerto Rico, US, 2016.


[CA4] Ibtissam Amadouch, Azzeddin Naghar, Otman Aghzout, Ana Vazquez

Alejos and Francisco Falcone, “Enhanced Accuracy of Breast Cancer Detection

Based on UWB Compact Slotted Monopole Antenna”, IEEE International

Conference on Electrical and information Technologies ICEIT, May 4-7, Tangier,

Morocco, 2016.

[CA5] Azzeddin Naghar, Ana Vazquez Alejos, Francisco Falcone and Otman

Aghzout, “Synthesis Design of Single Notched-band UWB Antenna Using the

CSRR Dynamic resonance”, IEEE European Conference on Antennas and

Propagation EuCAP, April 11-15, Davos, Switzerland, 2016.

[CA6] Azzeddin Naghar, Ana Vazquez Alejos, Francisco Falcone and Otman

Aghzout, “Compact CSRR-loaded UWB bandpass filter with improved

selectivity”, Symposium Nacional de la Union Cientifica Internacional de Radio

URSI, Pamplona, Spain, September 2-4, 2015.

[CA7] Azzeddin Naghar, Otman Aghzout, Ana Vazquez Alejos, Manuel Garcıa

Sanchez and Francisco Falcone, “Single Notched-band UWB Antenna for WLAN

Environment Using Complementary Split Ring Resonators CSRR and Spiral

Resonator CSR”, IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation

APS/URSI, July 19-25,Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 2015.

[CA8] Azzeddin Naghar, Otman Aghzout, Ana Vazquez Alejos, Manuel Garcıa

Sanchez and Francisco Falcone, “Selectivity Improvement in Dual-Band

Bandpass Filter by Coupled Complementary Split Ring Resonators”, IEEE

International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation APS/URSI, July 19-25,

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 2015.

[CA9] Azzeddin Naghar, Otman Aghzout, Ana Vazquez Alejos, Manuel Garcıa

Sanchez and Francisco Falcone, “Stacked CPW-fed Antenna for Satellite

Applications with Gain Enhancement”, IEEE International Symposium on

Antennas and Propagation APS/URSI, July 19-25,Vancouver, British Columbia,

Canada, 2015.

[CA10] Azzeddin Naghar, Otman Aghzout, Ana Vazquez Alejos, Manuel Garcıa

Sanchez and Francisco Falcone, “C-band Parallel Coupled Bandpass Filter with

Harmonic Suppression Using Open Stub and CSRRs”, IEEE European

Conference on Antennas and Propagation EuCAP, April 12-17, Lisbon,

Portugal, 2015.


[CA11] Azzeddin Naghar, Otman Aghzout, Ana Vazquez Alejos, Manuel Garcıa

Sanchez, Francisco Falcone and Mohammed Essaaidi, “Ultra-Wideband and tri-

band Antennas for satellite applications at C-, X-, and Ku bands”, IEEE

Mediterranean Microwave Symposium MMS, December 12-14, Marrakech,

Morocco, 2014.

[CA12] Hafssaa Latioui, Otman Aghzout, Azzeddin Naghar, Ana Alejos, Manuel

Garcia Sanchez and Mohamed Essaaidi, “Experimental Verification of a new

Analytical Procedure to Design a Compact Bandpass Filters for ISM and WiMAX

Applications”, IEEE Mediterranean Microwave Symposium MMS, December 12-

14, Marrakech, Morocco, 2014.

[CA13] Hafssaa Latioui, Otman Aghzout, Azzeddin Naghar, Ana Alejos, Manuel

Garcia Sanchez and Mohamed Essaaidi, “A Simple Graphical Calculator Based

on a New Synthesis Formulas to Design a Bandpass filters for Wireless

Applications”, IEEE Mediterranean Microwave Symposium MMS, December 12-

14, Marrakech, Morocco, 2014.

[CA14] Azzeddin Naghar, Otman Aghzout, Ana Vazquez Alejos, Manuel Garcıa

Sanchez and Mohammed Essaaidi, “Development of a Calculator for Edge and

Parallel Coupled Microstrip Band Pass Filters”, IEEE International Symposium

on Antennas and Propagation APS-URSI, July 6-12, Memphis, USA, 2014

1.4. Thesis Outline

The primary objective of this Thesis is to introduce efficient miniaturization techniques

suitable to design filters and antennas for multi-frequency and ultra-wideband

communication systems. This task has been divided into two main parts. The first part

addresses issues related to the design and fabrication of miniaturized microstrip bandpass

filters. A great amount of effort is focused to different aspects of this task, resulting in the

definition of multi-band and UWB design techniques aimed for enhancing the filter

selectivity, along with widening the rejection and suppression of spurious frequencies.

The second part addresses the design techniques of UWB planar monopole antennas with

integrated resonators for embedding the filtering operation. In more detail, the outline of

this Thesis is as follows.

The introductory part, first Chapter, presents the research topics of the scientific

work this Thesis is based on, discussing their concepts and relevance and comparing them


to related existing work. The introductory part closes with a list of published works, both

those papers which are part of the compendium as additional publications.

The second Chapter consists of the reprint of papers published in international

peer-review journals related to the design techniques of MB and UWB bandpass filters.

On the basis of PCML filter type, the first work provides MB and UWB bandpass filter

designs, by setting small coupling between the adjacent resonators [J3]. This technique

combines more advantages, such as obtaining MB and UWB bandpass filters providing

large fractional bandwidth, low insertion loss within the passband, group delay flatness,

and compact aperture size. Also demonstrated is that the described technique offers

miniaturization of MB bandpass filters, eliminating the undesired second spurious. This

property is evaluated through theoretical and experiment validation, according to the

second paper [J5]. For UWB bandpass filter, we can approximate its responses by

considering null spacing between coupled lines. However we observe a degradation of

the filter performance in terms of selectivity and rejection. Then two symmetrical stubs

are incorporated for improvement of rejection in the out-of-band frequencies and

elimination of the transmission at lower frequency band, as detailed in the third paper

[J2]. These designs can be combined with other resonators, like the complementary split

ring resonators to improve the frequency responses of the developed MB and UWB

bandpass filters [CA6], [CA8].

These designs are based on the calculation tool developed in [CA14]. This

calculator allows estimating both the parameters required for the design of PCML

bandpass filter and the electrical response, which is obtained by means of the equivalent

circuit of this type of filters. Based on the transmission line theory approach (TLTA), the

calculator herein proposed is a good solution to simplify the design parameters of this

type of filters given that all formulas required for the PCML BPF design are programmed

using close-form mathematic expressions and a coupling matrix concept. This tool

facilitates the understanding of the theory of PCML filters while calculates the filter

parameters design for any technology.

The third Chapter contains the results and discussion of the proposed band stop

techniques for UWB monopole antennas. As a first design, we etched the two opposite

U-shaped slot resonators in the radiating patch of the designed UWB monopole antenna

[J6], to yield the filtering function. We achieved the suppression of radiation at 3.375–

3.945 GHz for WiMAX and 5.425–6.150 GHz for WLAN and HYPERLAN/2. This


technique offers high performance of the notch operation in term of rejection and control

of frequency notches, with benefits in terms of flat-frequency response and

omnidirectional radiation pattern in the H-plane.

The second technique described in [J1], consists of introducing a single split ring

resonator SRR-shaped parasitic conductor with single SRR-slot as described in [J6] The

SRR-shaped rejects the interference due to the dedicated short-range communications

(DSRC) and wireless local area network (WLAN) systems that operate within the range

from 5.15 to 5.925 GHz. However the SRR-slot eliminates the wideband interference

(7.25-8.4 GHz) corresponding to the uplink and downlink signals of the X-band satellite

communication systems. This technique offers narrow or wideband rejection, depending

on the capacitive coupling between the loaded SRR-shaped parasitic conductor and the

partial ground plane. This property provides a good control of the stop band to reject one

or multiple narrowband wireless communication systems which might interfere the UWB

system. In addition, we can easily integrate more resonators to expand the MB or UWB

capacity, for example a SRR-slot to yield dual and triple frequency notches. Finally, we

analyzed the influence of impairments appearing due to the occurrence of dispersive

propagation on the design of UWB antennas for body based applications, as indicated in


Finally, the last part of this dissertation elaborates on conclusions and provides a

brief overview over other research works in progress and the possible continuation of the

work introduced in this Thesis.

Because the dissertation is presented by compendium of journal publications, the

content of some achieved results are not reported in this manuscript. A design, analysis,

and applications of microstrip lines loaded with pairs of electrically coupled

complementary split-ring resonators (CSRRs) connecting by a slot line, is yielded during

this thesis. Typically, the line with a single CSRR etched beneath the conductor strip

provides a stop band in the vicinity of the CSRR resonance. However by loading two

separated CSRRs far of the center, that resonance is not present. Then by etching a slot

line to connect these CSRRs elements, it is possible to implement single dual or multi

epsilon-negative (ENG) metamaterial transmission lines, valid to leads multiple

resonance dips. This property allows designing LFP with wide rejection [CA3] and high

selectivity multi-band bandpass filter with wide rejection [J7]. Moreover this filtering

structure offers a large miniaturization capability without increasing the filter size.


In addition and according to the papers [J8], [J9], a technique to improve the

performances of notch property for UWB monopole antennas by using the dynamic

resonance of the etched CSRR, is proposed. This method offers better results with

wideband filtering property compared to the conventional CSRR and complementary

spiral resonator (CSR) particles configuration based on their quasi-static resonance, and

also respect to designs presented in the literature using multiple resonators with closed

resonance frequencies. Combining this method with the single SRR-shaped parasitic

conductor, a dual frequency notch UWB monopole antenna is achieved, so yielding

independently dual wideband rejection



Chapter 2: Design Techniques

for MB/UWB Bandpass Filters



2.1. Design of Compact Multi-band and UWB Bandpass Filters Based on

Coupled Half Wave Resonators with Reduced Coupling Gap

In this part we propose a technique to design compact multi-band and UWB bandpass

filters based on coupled half wave resonators. The proposed design consists of the

modification of a conventional parallel coupled (edge-coupled) Chebyshev bandpass

filter structure by setting a very small or null coupling gap between the resonators. Then,

based on an initial classical Chebyshev bandpass filter design, we demonstrated that a

multi-band response is achieved by applying a null coupling between the resonators of

the center sections jointly with a very small spacing between resonators of the extremity

sections. This spacing determines the performances of selected frequency bands. An

ultrawideband response is accomplished by applying null spacing between all the

adjacent resonators.

This technique can be considered as a good solution to reduce the filter sizes, and

gives a great control on the selection of the desired frequency bands, and it also alleviates

the fabrication accuracy requirements. We analyzed the effect of the separation distance

between the coupled lines on both the fractional bandwidth and group velocity of the filter

response. The effect of the order assumed for the initial Chebyshev filter was also


As an illustration of the proposed technique, we designed and measured a dual

band and a tri-band filter for the frequencies covering the WiMAX/WLAN/X system

bands. The designed ultra-wideband bandpass filters demonstrated an excellent

performance, with a fractional bandwidth covering the 40% and 100% of the FCC

bandwidth respectively considering as an initial design second and third order parallel

couple microstrip bandpass Chebyshev filters. The overall performance results show

good agreement between simulations and measurements. The proposed technique

alleviates the fabrication accuracy requirements. The designs show an optimal

improvement in terms of group velocity flatness.

2.1.1. Introduction

With the rapid development of wireless communications in recent years, a demand for

passive circuits has quickly increased, such as bandpass filters (BPFs). Multi-band (MB)

and ultra-wideband (UWB) operation is common target for today’s wireless

communication systems, and then balanced BPFs are highly desired for such systems.


The design requirements of these circuits face new challenges among which are included

an overall good performance, wide bandwidth operation feature, high frequency

selectivity, compact size and the use of a microstrip line configuration. There are also

standardized requirements to be accomplished in the design of an UWB band pass filter

covering the frequency band defined by the U.S. Federal Communication Commission

(FCC) that extends from 3.1 to 10.6 GHz [12]. Among these requirements we can

mention: meet the FCC spectrum musk regulation; low insertion loss (less than 0.5 dB);

low ripples (less than 0.5 dB); mild group delay variation (less than 0.2 ns); transmission

zeros above and below the passband which means good attenuation slopes of the skirts

selectivity [2,13].

Various approaches to implement MB and UWB filters have been designed and

analyzed through literature [3,5,16],[48-50]. Among other microstrip line centered

configurations, bandpass filters based on parallel-coupled stepped-impedance resonators

(SIRs) have been widely used in microwave systems, due to their good performance,

simple structure, low cost and ease of integration with other devices.

A general layout of a parallel coupled microstrip BPF is shown in Figure 1. The

filter structure consists of a set of open circuited coupled microstrip lines. The coupling

gaps correspond to the admittance inverters in the low-pass prototype circuit. Even- and

odd- mode characteristic impedances of parallel-coupled half-wave resonators are

computed using admittance inverters. These even- and odd- mode impedances are then

used to compute physical dimensions of the filter, as described in [51,52]. The

expressions for the coupled line parameters, such as space-gap between lines, line widths

and lengths, can be found in classical microwave books [3,5].

Sometimes the dimensions resulting from the design process of a SIR filter turn

the fabrication process into a challenge [50]. In order to solve this problem, an option [53]

has been increasing some of those critical filter dimensions. As a result, the minimum

dimension of the coupling gaps between the adjacent SIRs needed to be enlarged, which

alleviates the requirement on fabrication precision. The effect of this choice is the need

to increase the filter order to achieve the aimed UWB feature, and consequently enlarging

the physical size of the filter. However, it has been proposed in [53,54] that by using a

very small coupling gap the filtering structure results particularly convenient for

implementing filters with a wider bandwidth. This paper proposes a simple technique to

design MB and UWB bandpass filters based on parallel coupled microstrip lines.


Figure 1: General layout of a parallel coupled microstrip line BPF; (a) Microstrip transmission line, (b)

General structure of parallel coupled band pass filter

The proposed methodology consists of the following steps: (i) a classical

Chebyshev filter is synthesized on the desired passband; (ii) the initial filter design is

optimized by means of an ad-hoc tool in order to improve loss and rejection values; (iii)

by properly setting a very small or null spacing between adjacent coupled lines of the

optimized filter design, a MB or UWB filter response is obtained.

As an illustration, the described technique has been applied to a two order and a

three order parallel coupled microstrip bandpass filter. By properly setting the resonators

coupling gaps, it was obtained dual- and tri-band filters for the desired frequency bands.

With a suitable configuration, UWB filters resulted covering 40% and 100% of the FCC

band for the two- and three-order filters, respectively. For the MB design, the band

rejection performance is controllable via the coupling gap value.

This work is organized as follows. In Section, we detail the basic design

of a two-pole parallel coupled band pass filter centered at 5.78 GHz. In Section,

we optimize the previous design with an optimization tool [51,52]. In Section, we

show the dual-band and UWB responses obtained by applying small or null coupling gap.

In Section, we introduce the theoretical analysis to explain the variable effect of


the spacing between coupled lines on the fractional bandwidth of the filter response. In

Section we describe the effect of the coupling gap reduction on the group velocity.

In Section 2.1.3, the same technique is applied to approach the tri-band and UWB versions

of a three-pole band pass filter in order to discuss the advantage of increasing the filter


An ample comparison is offered in Section 2.1.4 regarding the performance results

of this work. Conclusions are elaborated in Section 2.1.5.

2.1.2. Two-pole Chebyshev bandpass filter design

In this section we describe and validate our synthesis theory. The design goal is fabricate

and measure one two-pole MB filter with two bands corresponding to WLAN/WiMAX

frequency bands, and one UWB filter that achieves the greatest possible fractional

bandwidth to cover the FCC specifications. Filter specifications

The design requirements for the initial two order Chebyshev filter are a center frequency

of 5.78 GHz, bandwidth of 125 MHz and passband insertion loss ripple of 0.1 dB,

corresponding to WiMAX systems. The substrate ARLON AD1000x having a

permittivity of 10.2, a substrate thickness of 1.27 mm, and a metallic strip thickness of 35

µm. The implementation requires two microstrip layer. Initial step: two-pole Chebyshev BPF design

The first step of the proposed methodology consists of the classical design of a Chebyshev

parallel coupled band pass filter centered at 5.78 GHz with a bandwidth of 12.5%, order

of N=2 and pass band ripple of 0.1 dB, using dielectric substrate of Arlon AD1000x. This

design required three sections with even- and odd mode characteristic impedances of

eΩ, Ω (section 1,3), and eΩ, Ω (section 2).

The initial physical dimension values – space gap (S), width (W) and length (L) of

each stage – were obtained using the transmission line theory approach developed in [53].

These values will become the input for the optimization design tool used subsequently in



Figure 2: Optimal electrical response of two-pole and three-pole PCML bandpass filters Optimization: two-pole Chebyshev BPF design

The filter designed in the initial step can be optimized to improve the MB feature of the

filter response, the insertion loss, the rejection between bands and the stopband. The

optimal filter design was accomplished by using a previously developed parameter

optimization tool [51,52], which adjusts the physical dimension values for an optimized

fitting of the S-parameters, insertion and return loss. Once obtained the optimized design,

the simulation of its electrical response was performed with the electromagnetic simulator

software CST. The theoretical analysis regarding the design to understand details such as

the control resonant frequency of each band tool, the number of the poles for each pass

band, and the rejection between bands can be found in [51–54].

Figure 2 shows the electrical response of the two-poles (N = 2) optimized filter. It

is observed that the center frequency of the designed filter was fitted to 5.78 GHz and

also the desired bandwidth of 125 MHz was obtained. The corresponding insertion loss

of the optimized design is <1 dB, with return loss of −33.95 dB in the centered frequency,

which indicates that the required initial performance was accomplished. The number of

bands of the filter is related to the order of the filter; however, nor the MB or UWB feature

of the initial filter is not remarkable. Then, the following step of the proposed technique

will consist of enhancing the aimed frequency response, MB or UWB. The physical

dimension values of the optimized design, as per Figure 2, are: S1,3=0.555 mm,

W1,3=1.346 mm and L1,3=4.513 mm, for sections 1 and 3; S2=1.655 mm, W2=1.657 mm

and L2=4.466 mm for section 2.

24 Filter structure modification for multi-frequency and UWB performance

Taking as initial design the filter of Section, we reduced the spacing between

adjacent resonators, S1-3 and S2, to obtain MB and UWB parallel coupled microstrip band

pass versions of the filter. By using a very small coupling, S→0, the filtering structure

results particularly convenient for implementing filters with a wider bandwidth as can be

found in the work given by [53,55].

By means of the CST software we tested the effect of different values of the

spacing gaps in terms of bandwidth, return loss and frequency resonances. The S-

parameters S11 and S21 for three different small values of spacing S for quarter-wavelength

coupled Sections 1 and 3 (S1–3), and the spacing of Section 2 (S2) are plotted in Figures

3a and 3b to show the MB and UWB cases with their corresponding coupling gaps. For

the MB case showed in Figure 3a, it is observed that both the multi-frequency feature and

the discrimination between bands are more significant when S1-3 increases and S2

decreases. For the UWB case, shown in Figure 3b, the wide bandwidth feature arises out

by using very small values of S1-3 more than diminishing the value of S2 which also must

be small. So, if S1-3 decreases or S2 increases, the resulting bandwidth is larger. It is to be

noted that the rejection between bands is better when S1-3 increases, while it degrades if

S2 decreases resulting into a bandwidth increase.

Despite the advantages, small coupling gaps values might result not

implementable due to the fabrication precision limits. Then, a null value of S2 alleviates

the fabrication requirements simultaneously enhancing the MB filter response once S1−3

is properly set. For the same reason, we set to null the coupling gap S1−3 and, additionally,

we must choose a convenient value for S2 that balances the fabrication accuracy and the

UWB response performance. Yet again, a null value for S2 has proven to be the best


Based on this analysis, the outcome simulation of the S-parameters S11 and S21 for

the dual band filter are illustrated in Figure 4 for different values of S1−3 with null values

of S2. The MB measurement results of the built filter prototype are also shown in Figure

4. In Figure5, we presented the resulting simulated and measured UWB filter responses

with null value of coupling gap S1−3 and S2.

For dual band filter, the corresponding geometrical parameters are: S1,3=0.15 mm,

W1,3=1.18 mm, L1,3=5.513 mm, S2=0 mm, W2=1.945 mm, L2=5.466. For UWB filter, they

are: S1,3=0 mm, W1,3=1.18 mm, L1,3=4.513 mm, S2=0 mm, W2=1.945 mm, L2=4.466.




Figure 3: S-parameters of band pass filter for several space gap values S1,3. (a) Multiband filter (b) UWB


Figure 4: Electrical response of dual-band bandpass filter


Figure 5: Electrical response of the implemented UWB bandpass filter

Figure 6a and Figure 6b illustrates the photograph of the fabricated 2-pole filter

prototypes. For the MB case seen in Figure 4, it can be observed that the measured results

show good agreement with the simulation outcomes, with the center frequencies for the

dual band filters at 3.4 GHz and 5.5 GHz covering WLAN and WiMAX bands, according

to the design requirement. From Figure 4, it is noticed that the rejection performance is

controllable via the coupling gap value: the passband bandwidth decreases with

enhancement of rejection between bands, when S1-3 increases. The insertion loss of the

first and second resonance frequency are -0.49 dB and -0.34 dB, respectively. The return

loss is better than -25 dB at both center frequencies. The MB filter has a compact size of

24 mm as total length.

The UWB filter, plotted in Figure 5 demonstrates an operation bandwidth

extended from 3.18 GHz to 6.62 GHz. This response represents a 40% of the amount of

bandwidth defined by the FCC requirements. Within the passband, the measured insertion

loss of the filter is less than 0.35dB ‒ in which 0.16 dB is contributed by the loss due to

the material simulated at 5.00 GHz [50] ‒ whereas the return loss is larger than 10 dB. Influence of coupling gap on the filter FBW

Closed form expressions for modelling the frequency-dependency of even- and odd-

mode characteristics of parallel coupled microstrip line were developed by Hammerstad,

Kirschning and Jansen [53,54], to explain the variation of the calculated fractional

bandwidth (FBW) for several values of coupling gap. For the filter designed in Section

27, Table 1 shows the variation of the FBW for different values of the coupling gaps

S1-3 and S2. The fractional bandwidth was achieved by calculating ABCD and S matrixes

indicated in [52]. It can be observed that by decreasing the values of both coupling gaps,

S1-3 and S2, the even impedance characteristic Z0e increases and its related value for odd-

mode Z0o decreases, so leading to a larger value of FBW. Therefore, by properly

decreasing the coupling gap values we can achieve a UWB response. Furthermore, the

combination of parallel coupled resonators and small coupling gap becomes a technique

that offers a great control to select a preferred working bandwidth: the length of each

resonator section allows the shifting of the center frequency and thus the bandwidth can

be re-allocated.

With the aim of achieving a MB response, we observed the effect of modifying

the coupling gap values S1–3 and S2 on the frequency response. For the case with FBW of

41.52 % (S1–3 = 0.088 mm and S2 = 0.163 mm), the analysis is done by increasing the

value of the coupling gap S1–3 or decreasing S2, while the other gap value remains

constant, a dual band response shows up and the bandwidth increases. Figure 7 shows the

theoretically calculated frequency responses of the filter for different values of S2, while

the other gap value remains constant. This figure demonstrates the analysis previously

presented regarding the coupling gap effect on the filter response to yield the MB and

UWB features (the same behavior is observed for calculated S1–3).

Frequency dispersion effect can be studied from [56,57] that mostly affects to the

even-modes. Closed-form expressions for modelling the frequency-dependency of the

even- and odd-mode characteristics of parallel coupled microstrip line were developed by

Hammerstad, Kirschning and Jansen [53,54]. Thus, by considering a small coupling gap,

we increase the gap capacitance Cgd, subsequently decreasing the odd mode phase

velocity Vp,o. A lower phase velocity implies a larger attenuative medium that is translated

into a larger attenuation that will be greater the higher the frequency is. Group delay

In Figure 8 we plotted the simulated group delay for the two-pole filter designed in

Section, before the space gap modification. We used the same values of S1–3 used

in Figure 3, with S2 constant and equal to 1.655 mm, to plot the effect of the space gap

variation. The group delay of this filter significantly improves as S1–3 decreases achieving

the better performance for the case of S1–3 = 0.1 mm for which the group delay varies


between 0.3 and 0.6 ns. Even when group delay flatness is not required for MB filter, it

is undoubtedly an additional advantage of the proposed approach. One of the requisites

established by the FCC regulations for the UWB devices is a mild group delay variation,

<0.2 ns, through the whole passband. The measured group delay of the UWB filter is also

plotted in Figure 8. Within the passband of the UWB filter, the measured group delay is

flat with the value of 0.24 + 0.01 ns. From the comparison between the frequency

response of the UWB filter and the FCC’s specifications for indoor/outdoor applications,

as aforementioned in Section 2.1.1, we can make some conclusions: (i) the filter presents

a low insertion loss under 0.35 dB; (ii) the group delay of this filter is flat with the value

of 0.24 + 0.01 ns within the passband; (iii) the filter has a compact size of 27 mm as total


We conclude that the technique based on small coupling gap values herein

described allows obtaining both UWB and N-order MB parallel coupled BPFs for any

frequency band and filter order. In the following Section 2.1.3, we applied this technique

based on the small gapping effect to a 3-order parallel coupled band pass filter to obtain

one tri-band bandpass filter and one UWB band pass filters covering the FCC band

extending from 3.1 to 10.6 GHz.

2.1.3. Three-pole Chebyshev band pass filter design

As a second step to illustrate additional details of the synthesis theory and the advantage

of increasing the filter order, we have implemented as initial design a Δ = 10% bandwidth

Chebyshev BPF with centre frequency of 5.78 GHz, with order N = 3 and ripple of 0.1.

The classical design requires eΩ, Ω for sections 1 and 4, and

eΩ, Ω for sections 2.1.2 and 2.1.3. The resulting S-parameters of

this initial three poles (N = 3) filter are also presented in Figure 2. It is observed that the

simulation performance shows a very good agreement with the design specifications. The

center frequency has been fitted to 5.78 GHz with a bandwidth of about 10%. The

corresponding insertion loss of the optimal results is <1 dB with −41.46 dB of return loss

in the desired frequency of 5.78 GHz.

The geometrical parameters values of this optimized filter design obtained as

indicated in Section, are: S1,4 =0.608 mm, W1,4 = 1.375 mm, L1,4 = 4.351 mm for

Sections 1 and 4; S2,3 = 1.911 mm, W2,3 = 1.684 mm, L2,3 = 4.30 mm for Sections 2 and 3.


(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 6: Photograph of fabricated filters. (a) Dual band bandpass filter, (b) UWB bandpass filter for

N=2, (c) Tri-band bandpass filter, (d) UWB bandpass filter for N=3

Table 1: Calculated FBW for different values of the coupling gaps S1–3 and S2

Coupling gap

(S1,3; S2)


Sections (1-3; 2)


Sections (1-3; 2)



0.43; 1.47 63.94; 50.07 34.83; 39.48 6.92

0.145; 0.469 80.96; 62.79 30.75; 35.19 17.3

0.106; 0263 88.17; 70.91 29.96; 32.82 31.14

0.088; 0.163 93.9; 78.8 29.77; 31.1 41.52

Figure 7: Calculated filter frequency response for different values of S2, S1-3=0.088 mm


Similarly to the technique described in Section, we studied the effect of

spacing between each symmetrical section to obtain MB and UWB responses. The

performances of the measured and simulated electrical responses of the resulting tri-band

and UWB filters are shown in Figs. 9 and 10, respectively.

Figure 9 shows the tri-band response for several values of the gap S14, taking S23

spacing as null gaping. A relative good agreement between measurement and simulations

for the fabricated case, even that some deviations are present due to the fabrication

tolerances, unideal experimental conditions (not precise simulation of the connectors,

cables, adapters…), and dispersion of the substrate characteristics with respect to the

manufacturer’s datasheet. Furthermore, the rejection between bands and the impedance

bandwidth of selected frequency pass bands result controllable by the S1–3 value.

According to the measured case outcomes shown in Figure 9, three narrow bands were

formed with resonant frequencies centered at 3.2, 5.78 GHz and 8 GHz covering

WiMAX, WLANs and ITU X frequency band (from 7.0 to 11.2 GHz). The corresponding

insertion loss and return loss for the tri-band band pass filter were respectively (−0.82,

−20 dB) at 3.2 GHz, (−0.17, −49.16 dB) at 5.78 GHz and (−0.17, −42.53 dB) at 8 GHz.

It is observed an enhancement of the rejection band in the tri-band response, when S1–4

increases, similarly to the dual-band analysis presented in Section

From Figure 10, it is apparent that the fabricated filter covers the entire UWB band

defined by FCC (3.1–10.6 GHz) and goes beyond 10.6 GHz, with an insertion loss less

than −1 dB within the passband and an even better return less than −40 dB.

The measured group delay of the UWB filter with order N = 3 is also plotted in

Figure 8. Within the passband of the UWB filter, the measured group delay is flat with

the value of 0.23 + 0.005 ns. The physical dimension values of this three-pole Chebyshev

parallel coupled line bandpass filter are: S1,4=0.15 mm, W1,4=0.98 mm, L1,4=4.151 mm,

S2,3=0 mm, W2,3=1.31 mm, L2,3=4.605 mm for the tri-band filter; and S1,4=0 mm,

W1,4=0.98 mm, L1,4=2.85 mm, S2,3=0 mm, W2,3=1.31 mm, L2,3=3.34 for the UWB case.

Figs. 7c and d illustrates a photograph of fabricated filters. The MB filter has a

compact size of 27 mm as total length, and 24 mm for the UWB case.

We concluded that by setting very small coupling between adjacent resonators in

the geometry of parallel coupled bandpass filter, we can easily approach the desired multi-

frequency and UWB responses.


Figure 8: Calculated group delay: for different values of S1–3 of the multiband (MB) two-pole BPF

(Section, for two-pole UWB filter (Section and for three-pole UWB filter (Section 2.1.3)

Figure 9: Electrical response of tri-band bandpass filter

Figure 10: Electrical response of UWB bandpass filter


By comparison with the few references to a similar technique found in literature

[58,59], the present synthesis theory incorporates several advantages, such as obtaining

MB and UWB band pass filters providing large FBW, low insertion loss within the

passband, delay group flatness, and compact aperture size without complicating the filter

structure. In addition, the present technique can be generally used to obtain the MB and

UWB performance for any specified frequency band, filter order and using any dielectric

substrate. However, we should indicate that increasing the filter order does not provide

better response features and it would only increase the filter size with complication in

controlling the desired frequency pass bands, due to the presence of an important number

of sections that consequently yields enlarging the value of critical coupling gaps. It would

also require a significant precision in the manufacturing process, even more in the MB

cases to accurately control the desired center frequency and impedance bandwidth.

2.1.4. Comparison with other band pass filter design techniques

Many references found in literature describe works done related to MB and UWB filter

design theory. However, among them we can check the limited use of the gap reduction

technique. Therefore, it is not only possible to make a valid comparison if we consider

works done following different synthesis approaches. For such comparison, we decided

to consider only techniques based on parallel coupled microstrip designs. Following we

divided the comparison between classical techniques, and other approaches. First, we

compared our synthesis approach proposed in this paper with classical techniques. Hence,

we started focusing on references that work with Chebyshev filter responses, coupled

resonators, and modification of the coupling gap.

In [50] it is shown a sixth order UWB filter based on parallel coupled microstrip

Chebyshev filter that results into a large filter length and a complicated structure subject

to realistic manufacturing limits. In [55] it is described a UWB design based on increasing

some of those critical filter dimensions to overcome the fabrication challenges. Filters of

order up to nine with FBW of 30% or 40% are described in [59]. Different methods and

structures based on multiple-mode resonators (MMRs) have been used to develop new

UWB band-pass filters which have compact size, low insertion loss, good selectivity and

out-of-band rejection performance [60–65]. In [60], an initial MMR with stepped-

impedance configuration was originally reported where the first three resonant modes of

the MMR were utilized to design the filter. To achieve good filtering performance,


stepped-impedance-stub loaded resonator was used, and the designed five-mode UWB

filter had good filtering performance and sharp selectivity, but suffered from narrow

upper stop-band [61]. To improve the upper stop-band performance, an electromagnetic

band gap embedded MMR [62] and harmonic-suppressed MMR, such as stub-loaded

resonators [63] were applied to the design of UWB filters. The size and vertical dimension

of the UWB BPF can be significantly reduced by replacing the modified conventional

one quarter-wavelength parallel coupled lines with cross-shaped coupled lines [64] and

also by the use of radial stub loaded resonator [65], respectively.

Recently, various approaches to implement UWB filters employing distributed

quarter-wave short-circuited stubs have been designed and analyzed [48, 66, 67]. In [48],

compact filters were obtained by folding the connecting lines and using short-circuited

stubs, however the frequency selectivity achieved by these structures was not optimal. In

[66], short-circuited stubs were replaced by open-circuited stubs to accomplish high

selectivity, though the size was increased. In [49, 67], the source-load coupling technique

was used to obtain transmission zeros for a high selectivity and compact size. This

technique has been also applied to other filter types [68, 69].

This set of UWB techniques typically achieves over 100% of FBW with an

excessive complexity of the filter structure and enlarging the filter size. For microwave

wireless communication systems, MB filter design has been an attractive issue, and hence

different dual-band and tri-band filter techniques have been developed. In planar

circuitry, four basic approaches have been considered to add-in multi-frequency feature

in a filter response.

First, by switching between two separate filters at two different frequencies [1];

this approach increases size and cost. Second, by employing stubs to introduce

transmission zeros which separate pass bands [70]; as this is essentially a stop band

approach, far-out-of-band rejection is impossible to attain. Third, by using stepped

impedance resonators, that is [71]; however, it is often difficult to achieve proper coupling

coefficients for a simultaneous, yet independent control of both in-between frequencies

and full bandwidth. The fourth approach consists of coupled resonator pairs [72], however

it lacks an independent option to allocate the transmission zeros. Generally speaking, we

conclude that our approach offers an optimized MB and UWB BPF synthesis design with

good performance in terms of insertion and return losses, gap controllable rejection

performance, short dimensions, low order requirement, and flat group delay response.


2.1.5. Conclusions

This contributiion proposes a simple filter synthesis technique valid to design MB and

UWB BPF based on parallel coupled microstrip lines. This technique consists of

modifying the geometry of an initial classical Chebyshev filter by setting a very small or

null coupling gap between adjacent resonators so that a MB or an UWB responses are

obtained. As an example to validate the proposed synthesis approach, this technique has

been applied on two and three order initial Chebyshev filters centered at 5.78 GHz

designed and optimized according to [51,52].

A posteriori, the coupling gap between resonators was varied to reach the final

MB and UWB approaches. We introduced in Section a theoretical analysis based

on the closed forms given in [53,54] to demonstrate and explain the effect of the coupling

gap variation on the multiband and UWB response from the initial design. We also

discussed, for the MB design, how the rejection performance is controllable via the

coupling gap value.

In general, the simulation and measurement results of the filters proposed as

example indicate good agreement in term of S-parameters, insertion and return losses,

and group delay, hence validating the technique developed in Section 2. The synthesis

approach described in this work results in a simple structure very easy to manufacture

with a compact size due to the shorter dimensions and low filter order required, as well

as of low-cost due to the implementation in two-layer PCB technology.

We conclude that the excellent results meet the objective of this part. A good

overall performance is demonstrated for the proposed BPFs in terms of insertion and

return losses within the passbands, as well as FBW and delay group flatness, even

comparing with the requirements established by the FCC regulations. The characteristics

of the resulting filters cannot be extensively compared with those found in literature due

to the limited use of the gap reduction technique. We should note that this technique could

be applied as a complementary step for any design specification, taking as base any

parallel coupled BPF design.

Finally, as main disadvantage we can mention that the UWB filter does not show

good steep skirt selectivity and stopband. The attenuation slopes of the skirts selectivity

are not present in this design. The attenuation slopes of the skirts selectivity could be

improved by insertion of additional poles in the lower and upper stopbands.


2.2. Design of Compact Multi-band Bandpass Filter with Suppression of

Second Harmonic Spurious by Coupling Gap Reduction

In this second filter contribution, we describe a method to implement compact multi-band

bandpass filters with suppression of second harmonic frequency. This filter design

approach is based on decreasing the coupling gap between adjacent resonators of a

parallel coupled-line bandpass filter in order to achieve both the desired multi-band

frequency response and the spurious suppression. We present the theoretical analysis of

the proposed structure that consists of modeling the frequency dependence of the even-

and odd-mode characteristic impedances as well as due to the different phase velocities

of the parallel coupled microstrip lines. As an example, a compact tri-band parallel

coupled-line bandpass filter with suppression of second harmonic frequency was

implemented operating at 1.9/3.2/4.6 GHz to cover PCS1900, WiMAX and C-band

applications. A three-pole Chebyshev parallel coupled microstrip bandpass filter was

designed at a center frequency of 3.2 GHz and used as the basis to validate the gapping

effect on the filter response which also achieves a narrower bandwidth for the second

harmonic. Finally, the filter performance with minimized coupling gap is compared to a

filter enhanced by the insertion of apertures in the ground plane. Generally speaking, good

agreement was accomplished between simulated, calculated and measured results.

2.2.1. Introduction

With the progressive development of modern wireless communications, the

radiofrequency spectrum has become increasingly crowded. Wireless transceivers are

required to work in a no single number of bands in order to allow users to adapt a

terminal to achieve different services, and consequently the need for radiofrequency (RF)

multi-band filters has also increased [1,73]. Additionally, features of micro-package,

good performance, low cost and easy to use have been the parallel aim of miniaturization

of bandpass filters [1,2]. In planar circuitry, compact multi-band filters can be

implemented using different basic approaches [73,74]; however, RF filters present a

severe problem of spurious responses mainly due to the presence of the second harmonic

if such conventional designs are used. An undesired response with harmonics gives rise

to asymmetric passband feature that degrades the upper band properties of the filter [17].

The phenomenon of second harmonic spurious response is due to the unequal phase

velocities of the even and odd modes, creating different multiples of the half wavelength

λ0/2 corresponding to the fundamental frequency, for both modes. In a homogeneous


transmission line such as a strip line, these half wavelength frequencies are coincident

therefore creating a zero in the filter response at these harmonic frequencies values.

However, the inhomogeneous nature of microstrip does not allow the half wavelength

frequencies to coincide consequently leading to a nonzero response at multiple or

harmonics of the fundamental frequency considered for the filter design (2∙f0, 4∙f0 and so

on). Recently, diverse techniques have been reported and the set of approaches share the

idea of modifying the structure of the microstrip filter by some means, among which we

can mention the use of dielectric overlay, ground apertures insertion, by considering

PBG structures, substrate suppression, periodic grooves design, or use of wiggly line

techniques and filters using fractal shapes [18-20]. In this work, it is proposed an

approach valid to design multi-band parallel coupled bandpass filter with spurious

response suppression at 2∙f0, without changing the basic geometry of the filter structure.

The approach consists of creating small coupling gap between the coupled parallel

sections as a method to accomplish both a multi-band response as well as the second

harmonic reduction. Jointly to this solution, we introduced apertures in the ground plane

[18] and grooves in the substrate [20] in order to compare both techniques – coupling gap

reduction and ground apertures – in terms of suppression of the second harmonic present

in the bandpass filter response.

The theoretical analysis of the solution based on small coupling gap and its effect

on the filter response was detailed in Section 2.2.2. In Section 2.2.3, as an application

example of the proposed filter design technique, we implemented a multi-band filter

operating at the center frequencies of 1.9 GHz, 3.2 GHz and 4.6 GHz used for PCS1900

(Personal communications service), WiMAX (Worldwide interoperability Microwave

Access) and super-Extended C-band systems, respectively. The design procedure

consisted of three steps: from a basic bandpass filter structure to an optimal multi-band

response design with suppression of second harmonic spurious by sequentially integrating

the above indicated two techniques. To this aim, initially a conventional parallel coupled

bandpass filter at 3.2 GHz was designed, as described in Section; then, by

implementing a small and null spacing between resonators – coupling gap –, we obtained

a tri-band filter response with spurious minimization, as indicated in Section

Finally, the achieved second harmonic suppression was compared to the enhancement

due to the addition of ground plane apertures and substrate grooves, as shown in Section In Section, we discuss the effect of the resonator length on the center


resonant frequencies and then on the filter response. The proposed filter was simulated

and optimized using the commercial electromagnetic simulator CST MW. To validate

the performance of the design procedure, a comparison between theoretical and

measurement results is presented showing good agreement and proving that the size,

performance and characteristics of the accomplished multi-band filter have been


2.2.2. Theoretical analysis of multi-band filter design

As aforementioned, the approach valid to design parallel coupled bandpass filter with

multi-band response and spurious response suppression at 2∙f0, consists of two combined

techniques: (i) making small coupling gap between the coupled parallel sections to

accomplish the aimed multi-band response and minimize the spurious due to the second

harmonic; and (ii) introducing ground plane apertures and substrate grooves to enhance

the second harmonic suppression. Whilst the second solution has been widely analyzed

in literature, the effect of the first technique is following analyzed to explain its influence

on the filter response. Influence of the small coupling gap on the multiband feature of the filter response

A general layout of a parallel coupled microstrip band pass filter (BPF) is shown in Figure

11. The filter structure consists of open circuited coupled microstrip lines. These coupled

lines are quarter wavelength, (λ/4) long and are equivalent to shunt resonant circuits. The

coupling gaps correspond to the admittance inverters in the low-pass prototype circuit.

Even- and odd- mode characteristic impedances of parallel-coupled half-wave resonators

are computed using admittance inverters. These even- and odd- mode impedances are

then used to compute physical dimensions of the filter [75,51,52]. Designing equations

for the coupled line parameters such as space-gap between lines and line widths and

lengths, can be found in classical microwave books [5,56].

Closed-form expressions for modelling the frequency-dependency of the even-

and odd-mode characteristics of parallel coupled microstrip line were developed by

Hammerstad, Kirschning and Jansen [53,54,76]. Following this formulation, and

considering L the resonator length, W the width and S the coupling gap, the quasi static

even- and odd-mode characteristic impedance of a coupled line, Z0e and Z0o, are

respectively estimated as per (1) and (2):


Figure 11: General structure of parallel-coupled microstrip filter



( , ) ( , )( , )

( , )( , , )1 ( , , )

377 eff

reff r re

rreff e rr r

u Z uZ u g

Z uu gu g Q





( , ) ( , )( , )

( , )( , , )1 ( , , )



eff o


r r ro

rr rr r

u Z uZ u g

Z uu gu g Q


with Z0(u,g) is the static characteristic impedance of a single microstrip line of width W,

and εr,eff,e(u,g,εr) and εr,eff,o(u,g,εr) are the static odd- and even-mode effective relative

dielectric permittivity, obtained by (3), (4):


( ). ( )( , , ) 0.5( 1) 0.5( 1). 1 10 / e e r

eff e

a v b

r r r ru g v




0 0( , , ) [0.5( ) (u1 (0)].exp(c g ) (0, ) )eff or r r r ref


ref ffu g a (4)

with the pair (u=W/h, g=S/h) are the normalized strip width and line spacing for a single

microstrip line; ae, be, c0, d0 are the parameters related to the even and odd modes; and

εr,eff(0) is the effective dielectric constant of a single microstrip of null width W. More

details of the background formulas required to infer (1)–(4) can be found in [53,54,76].

As next step we can obtain the ABCD matrix of each section i of an Nth order

filter using formulas expressed in [77,78,58] as indicated in (5):


2 2 2 2


( )2( )


i i i i

i i

i i ii

jqS T q T S

A B sin

C D jTqS



θ is the electrical length, calculated by (6):

2 refffL



That seen, θ depends on the frequency (f) and on the coupled stage length (L). The

modal phase velocities of all coupled-lines are assumed identical. Detail of formulas q, Ti

and Si formulas are the following:

0 0 0 0

0 0

( ), , ei oi ei oieff i i

Z Z Z Zq cot S T



Note that (Z0ei, Z0oi) are the even- and odd-mode characteristic impedances of the

coupled lines previously calculated for each section i of an Nth order filter. The composite

ABCD matrix of an Nth-order filter can be obtained by successively multiplying the N+1

ABCD matrices calculated as per (5), as following:

1 11 1 2 2

1 11 1 2 2

...N N





Finally, the scattering parameters S11 and S21 are determined by (9)-(10):


















Then we conclude that the filter response represented by the S-parameters depends

on the coupling gap, and the smaller the coupling gap is higher the bandwidth filter is

achieved, therefore arising out the multi-band feature of the filter response. Influence of the small coupling gap on the second harmonic spurious suppression

As indicated in [79], for a microstrip edge coupled feature, the phase velocity of the either

even or odd mode, Vp,e and Vp,o, can be approximated by (11)-(12):



p even










with c the light speed in free space, and εeff the effective dielectric permittivity for even

and odd modes that can be expressed as a function of the various capacitances as in (13)-




eveneff even











'even p f fC C C C (15)

odd p f ga gdC C C C C (16)

where Ceven,air is the capacitance of the microstrip structure when air is used as the

substrate for the even mode, and the same nomenclature applies to the odd mode, Codd,air;

Cp is the parallel plate capacitance; Cf is the fringing capacitance; Cf’ is the fringing in the

even mode only at the magnetic wall; Cga is the gap capacitance due to the coupling in

air; and, Cgd is the gap capacitance in the dielectric substrate. When considering the odd

mode operation, it can be observed that the phase velocity will be affected by the coupled


strip lines as well as the capacitive coupling of the gap in the dielectric. It is evaluated by

the coupling gap value as a fellow [57]:

20 0.02ln coth( ) 0.65 1


rgd f r r


h S h


Thus, by considering a small coupling gap, we increase the gap capacitance Cgd,

subsequently decreasing the odd mode phase velocity Vp,o. A lower phase velocity implies

a larger attenuative medium that is translated into a larger attenuation that will be greater

the higher the frequency is.

Then, half wavelengths frequencies will undergo larger attenuation than the

fundamental frequency value, and therefore we determine that a small coupling gap will

reduce the amplitude of the second harmonic spurious in the filter response.

2.2.3. Design example: tri-band parallel-coupled microstrip bandpass filter with

spurious response suppression

On the basis of the general structure shown in Figure 11 for a parallel coupled microstrip

filter, we derived in a technique consisting of three steps to achieve as an outcome one

multi-band bandpass filter with suppressed second harmonic.

The following sections describe each one of the three steps: (i) an initial classical

Chebyshev filter is synthesized on the desired passband, and the initial filter design is

optimized by means of an ad-hoc tool in order to improve center frequency and fractional

bandwidth; (ii) by setting a very small or null spacing between coupled lines of the filter

design optimized in the first step, the multi-band frequency response is enhanced; (iii) by

inserting apertures in the ground plane, as described in [18], the second harmonic spurious

suppression of the filter response is achieved. Parallel coupled microstrip bandpass filter at 3.2 GHz: basic design

First, we designed a third order Chebyshev filter with center frequency of 3.2 GHz,

bandwidth of 10% and equal ripple in the pass-band of 0.1 dB. As substrate, ARLON

AD1000x is used due to its advantages of good thermal conductivity, high dielectric

constant and well-known processing technology. Then the filter was printed on ARLON

AD1000x substrate with a 10.2 dielectric constant and 1.27 mm of thickness


corresponding to a middle wafer size. The thickness of the metallic strip was 35 μm. All

the design procedures were with CST MS simulation software. The values of the

characteristic impedances for this initial design were [51,52]: Z0e=63.2863 Ω,

Z0o=41.4723 Ω for sections 1, 4 and Z0e=52.3577 Ω, Z0o=47.4858 Ω for sections 2.2.2,


Physical dimension values of the initial filter design as gap space (S), width

(W ) and length (L) are: S1−4=0.384 mm, W1−4=1.224 mm, L1−4=8.951 mm, S2−3=1.507

mm, W2−3=1.636 mm and L2−3=8.828 mm [51,52].

Figure 12 illustrates the simulated and measured electrical responses of this filter.

It was observed that the center frequency of the filter was deviated from the specified

frequency value of 3.2 GHz, and then an optimization of the geometrical parameters was

needed. An optimization procedure was applied to the filter design, as described in

[51,52], and the results obtained for the new simulation and measurements outcomes are

shown in Figure 13. It is observed that the center frequency was accurately fit to 3.2 GHz

and the aimed bandwidth of 10% was also attained.

The corresponding insertion loss of the optimized design is less than 1 dB with a

-18 dB of return loss in the desired frequency for simulated results, which indicates that

the design requirements were fully accomplished. Moreover, a good agreement between

simulation and measurement results was achieved.

The geometrical parameter values obtained for the optimized filter design at 3.2

GHz were: S1−4=0.5 mm, W1−4=1.204 mm, L1−4= 8.48 mm, S2−3=1.439 mm, W2−3=1.626

mm and L2−3= 8.361 mm. Photographs of the fabricated filters are shown in Figure 14.

For this first step of the three-steps technique proposed in this work, the physical

dimensions of the filter layout – space gap (S), width (W) and length (L) of each resonator

stage – were obtained using the transmission line theory approach that can be found in

textbooks as in [5]. In [52] a calculator is introduced to automate the calculation of these

design parameters. These values will become the input for the optimization design tool

subsequently used in this first step and indicated in [51,52].

The number of bands of the filter is related to the order of the filter; however, as

shown in Figure 13, the multiband feature of the initial filter is not remarkable. Then, the

following step of the proposed technique will consist of enhancing the multiband

frequency response.


Figure 12: S11 and S21 parameters of the initial design of the parallel-coupled microstrip bandpass filter

Figure 13: S11 and S21 parameters of the optimized bandpass filter

(a) (b)

Figure 14: Photographs of the fabricated filters: (a) initial basic design and (b) optimized basic design

44 Extension of the filter response to tri-band feature

Once obtained the conventional parallel coupled microstrip bandpass filter designed for

the center frequency of 3.2 GHz, the next step was to analyze the effect on the bandpass

filter response of decreasing the coupling gap between resonators. The main objective of

this step is to enhance the multi-band feature of the filter frequency response.

By means of the CST software we test the effect of different values of the spacing

gaps S1−4 and S2−3, for sections (1-4) and (2-3), in terms of return loss and frequency

resonances. Figure 15 and Figure 16 illustrates the parameters S11 and S21 for different

values of the spacing gaps S1−4 and S2−3, for sections (1-4) and (2-3), respectively. In

Figure 15, the curves corresponding to the return loss – |S11| in dB – demonstrate that the

bandpass filter is sensitive to decreases and increases of the values adopted for S1−4 and

S2−3. We observe that as a result of a coupling gap decrease, the middle band is slightly

affected and then the frequency resonances of other bands are up- or down-shifted.

Additionally, it can be observed that a significant multi-band response shows up and the

difference between the pass bands is more noticeable as the space gap S2−3 value

decreases. For very small values of the space gap S1−4, the impedance bandwidth is

severely affected.

The insertion loss curves – |S21| in dB – demonstrate that the undesired second

harmonic spurious is effectively suppressed due to the small coupling between adjacent

resonators of the filter.

We observed that a very small value of the space gap S2−3 facilitates the trade-off

between the frequency resonance shifting and the multi-band feature appearance.

However, such a value might result not implementable due to the fabrication accuracy

limits. Then, a null value of S2−3 alleviates the fabrication requirements simultaneously

enhancing the multi-band filter response. A resonance frequency shifting occurred due to

the null gap of sections 2.2.2 and 2.2.3, and then the resonator dimensions (length L2,3

and width W2,3) must be redesigned to obtain the aimed center frequency. For this redesign

we used the calculator described in [51,52]. For the coupling gap S1−4 we chose a value

that balances the fabrication accuracy and the impedance bandwidth.

Then we modified the physical dimensions of the optimized basic design given in

Section, as following: S1,4=0.15 mm, W1,4=0.604 mm, L1,4=8.38 mm, S2,3=0 mm,

W2,3=1.426 mm, L2,3=7.55 mm.


Figure 15: S11 and S21 parameters of bandpass filter for several coupling gap values (S1–4)

Figure 16: S11 and S21 parameters of bandpass filter for several coupling gap values (S2–3)

Figure 17: Simulated and measured frequency responses of the tri-band parallel-coupled microstrip

bandpass filter


(a) (b)

Figure 18: Photograph of the fabricated tri-band bandpass filter with reduced coupling gap: (a) top layer

and (b) bottom layer

Figure 19: Simulated, measured, and calculated frequency responses of the tri-band BPF with reduced

coupling gap

Figure 17 illustrates the measurement and simulation performance of this

modified tri-band parallel coupled bandpass filter. These plots demonstrate close match

between measured and simulated return loss S11 and the insertion loss S21. As a first result

of the coupling gap decrease, it is observed that the triple-band feature shows up: at 1.9

GHz, 3.2 GHz and 4.6 GHz, i.e. PCS-1900, WiMAX and C-band respectively. The

corresponding insertion loss and return loss for this triple-band bandpass filter were:

-0.05 dB and -32.29 dB at 1.9 GHz, -0.12 dB and - 47.24 dB at 3.2 GHz and -0.12 dB and

-47.11 dB at 4.6 GHz band. Consequently, we conclude that the aim of multi-band

response was accomplished. Photographs of the built filter are shown in Figure 18.

Once determined and tested the physical dimensions of the tri-band bandpass

filter, we calculated the static characteristic impedances for even- and odd mode as given

in (1)-(2): Z0e(u,g)=95.98 Ω, Z0o(u,g)=34.93 Ω for sections (1,4) and Z0e(u,g)=65.08 Ω,


Z0o(u,g)=2.7 Ω for sections (2,3). Note that in these calculations of the impedances, we

considered the coupling gap value of section (2, 3) as small as 10-21 instead of zero to

avoid the singularity. Now using these characteristic impedances values along with the

length of each microstrip line of the tri-band band pass filter, we calculated the matrix

ABCD as in (5) and (8). Finally, the S11 and S21 parameters of the tri-band filter were

calculated as in (9)-(10) and represented in Figure 19, showing reasonable agreement

between simulation in CST, measurement and numerical analysis by the formulation

given in Section 2.2.2, that was thus validated. Second harmonic suppression: ground plane apertures insertion

In order to likely enhance the performance of the tri-band bandpass filter obtained in the

previous step, we implemented the classical technique of spurious response suppression

described in [18] that consists of inserting apertures in the ground plane. The filter layout

is shown in Figure 20, and the physical dimensions used for the apertures were: Ws1 =

2∙W1-4 + S1-4 + 0.4 mm, Ws2 = 2∙W2-3 + S2-3 + 0.4 mm, Ls1 = L1-4 - 0.4 mm, Ls2 = L2-3 - 0.1


The filter performance achieved by adding apertures or slots in the ground plane

was plotted in Figure 21 also showing a comparison with the case without slots achieved

in Section (see Figure 17). It can be checked that the filter response was minimally

affected by comparison to the results presented by the filter without slots. In addition, it

is evident from the same comparison that the second harmonic was not affected by

the insertion of ground apertures. These results demonstrate that the structure introduced

to obtain the tri-band response based on small and null coupling gap was enough to

achieve not only a multi-band response but also a second harmonic suppression not worse

than the given by the classical technique of ground apertures.

As above explained in Section, the spurious response was eliminated by

compensating the difference between the phase velocities [79], given that a small

coupling decreases the odd-mode phase velocity. Following (13)-(17), the phase velocity

for the different segment was calculated and the set of single values averaged. The ratio

between odd and even phase velocities Vpo/Vpe was 1.22 for single band filter whilst it

was 0.956 for the triple-band filter so confirming that the decrease of phase velocity is

related to the second harmonic suppression. Photograph of the tri-band bandpass filter

with apertures is shown in Figure 22.


Figure 20: Layout: (a) coupled microstrip lines and (b) ground plane apertures

Figure 21: S11 and S21 parameters of the tri-band bandpass filter with and without ground plane apertures

Finally, in Figure 23 we compared the performance enhancement in term of S21

achieved for two of the filters proposed: the basic design described in Section, and

the optimized design of the present Section We observe that the spurious 2∙f0 was

significantly reduced in the response obtained with the use of low or null value of

coupling gap between microstrip lines. The original band around 2∙f0 was upshifted and

then the spurious reduction could be considered around -5dB if the upshifted peak is

considered, or around -15dB if it is strictly measured at 2∙f0. Furthermore, the bandwidth

of the tri-band filter using very low or null value of coupling gaps is wider and the 2∙f0

response shows narrower bandwidth compared to the initial basic filter designed in





Figure 22: Photograph of the fabricated tri-band bandpass filter with ground plane apertures: (a) top

view and (b) bottom view

Figure 23: Comparison of simulated and measured S21 for single-band filter, triple-band filter without

apertures, and triple-band filter with apertures Analysis of band center frequency and bandwidth control

According to the results presented previously, the technique shown in this work allows

obtaining an enhanced multi-band response with a number of bands related to the order


assumed for the initial parallel coupled bandpass filter design, and it suppresses the

undesirable second harmonic. By creating null gaping between resonators of the center

sections, the multi-band response is visibly enhanced. However we observed that two

main impairments crop up related to the coupling gap modification applied: (1) a

resonance frequency shifting occurs due to the null gap of sections 2.2.2 and 2.2.3, and

then the resonator dimensions (length L2,3 and width W2,3) must be redesigned to obtain

the aimed center frequency; (2) the coupling gap S1−4 controls the impedance bandwidth.

The center frequency of a filter band inversely depends on the lengths of the filter

resonators, especially the length of the extremity sections (L1). Then the variation of the

resonator length provides a great control of the center frequencies, as illustrated in Figure

24, applied to the filter of Section

The performance of the resulting multi-band filter can be optimized by adjusting

the length of the resonators and also varying the extremity coupling gaps (S1−4) in order

to achieve the desired bandwidth and center frequencies. Figure 25 demonstrates for the

case of the tri-band filter with null gapping between the central resonators presented in

Section, that the spacing gap between resonators of the extremity sections (S1−4)

controls the impedance bandwidth of the filter bands. Additionally, the impedance

bandwidth of each band decreases when S1-4 value increases. This fact also produces a

very small shifting in its corresponding center frequencies.

2.2.4. Conclusions

In this second filter contribution it is proposed and discussed a combination of two

techniques to design a multi-band parallel coupled bandpass filter with second harmonic

suppression. Firstly, a small coupling between adjacent coupled lines of the filter is used

to produce the multi-band filter response. It was theoretically analyzed that changing the

dimension of the spacing between the resonators – small or null coupling gap –

simultaneously allows the elimination of the second harmonic response and control the

multi-band frequencies.

After the coupling gap reduction, the insertion of apertures in the ground plane

did not show to enhance the filter response in terms of lesser insertion loss at 2∙f0 and its

effect was imperceptible. With the coupling gap reduction it was also observed narrower

bandwidth of the remaining second harmonic band that was upshifted.


Figure 24: Effect of extremity resonator length (L1) variation on the tri-band filter response proposed in


Figure 25: Effect of coupling gap (S1–4) reduction on the tri-band filter response proposed in Section (without apertures).

As an example of application a tri-band parallel coupled bandpass filter was

designed and measured for PCS-1900/WiMAX/C-band technologies. The implemented

filter shows a small profile, low cost, reasonable impedance matching and good electrical

response, becoming a good candidate for its use in multi-band communication systems.

The design parameters chosen for this filter example are merely illustrative of the

technique proposed in this paper.


2.3. Synthesis Design of Bandpass Filter for UWB Applications with

Improved Selectivity

This part presents the design of UWB three-pole modified parallel coupled line bandpass

filter with improved rejection in the out-of-band frequencies. To achieve the desired

UWB requirements using the conventional bandpass filter design, a physical dimension

optimization of space-gap between lines, line widths and lengths was applied. An

equivalent circuit model is also presented and demonstrates reasonable agreement with

simulation results. The optimized filter demonstrates an excellent UWB performance,

covering the Federal Communication Commission spectrum bandwidth with low

insertion loss and acceptable selectivity. However this resulting filter structure presents

very small gapping between adjacent resonators that means the filter is unmanufactured.

Then an example of an alternative filter structure is finally proposed with null gaping and

short-circuited stubs that yields to a fabricated prototype with selectivity improvement.

Generally speaking, reasonable agreement is achieved between measurement and

simulation results.

3.1.1. Introduction

The ultra-wideband (UWB) radio technology has been getting increasingly popular due

to the high-speed high-data wireless connectivity demand. There is a need to design ultra-

wideband bandpass filters covering the whole band permitted by the U.S. Federal

Communication Commission (FCC) that extends from 3.1 to 10.6 GHz [12]. The design

requirements of these circuits face new challenges among which are included an overall

good performance, compact size, wide bandwidth feature and multi-band operation.

Various approaches to implement UWB filters can be found through literature [14,15].

Among other microstrip line centered configurations, bandpass filters based on parallel-

coupled lines have been widely used in microwave systems, due to their good

performance, simple structure, low cost and ease of integration with other devices [50,51].

This work presents the design of a three-pole parallel coupled lines microstrip

bandpass filter (BPF) for UWB applications. The filter design was accomplished in three

steps. First, a filter is designed and optimized to cover the FCC band. The physical

parameter dimensions for this initial design are calculated by an ad-hoc tool [51] and then

optimized in a second design step to achieve a better UWB performance. However this

resulting filter cannot be fabricated due the small spacing between adjacent coupled lines.


To solve this limitation, a modified filter structure is proposed in a third design step, by

null gapping the space between all the filter parallel resonators, and incorporating short

circuited stubs.

This final design is manufactured and offers selectivity enhancement, covering

the FCC spectrum with lower insertion loss and group velocity flatness, along with

elimination of the transmission at low frequency. It also presents a size reduction, and it

can be implemented on low cost dielectric substrate of FR4.

3.1.2. UWB bandpass filter: design and results Edge-coupled bandpass filter for UWB applications

According to [52-54], the edge-coupled bandpass three-order filter is designed to cover

the FCC full band, with center frequency of 6.85 GHz, and passband ripple of 0.5. The

filter has been implemented on FR4 substrate with dielectric constant of 4.4 and thickness

of 1.6 mm. As a first step, we define the initial physical dimension values of a bandpass

filter – space gap (S), width (W) and length (L) of each stage –obtained using the

transmission line theory approach as in [51] for a Parallel coupled microstrip line (PCML)

design. These dimensions are, in mm: S1,4=0.1, W1,4=0.54, L1,4=6.34, S2,3=0.14 mm,

W2,3=0.46 and L2,3=6.36 (see Figure 26).

Figure 27a shows the simulated frequency response of the proposed bandpass

filter for both initial and optimized designs, using the CST MWs simulator. It can be

observed that the initial filter design only covers 85% of the FCC band with loss insertion

loss and good rejection; however, the optimized filter case presents a UWB response

working from 3.1 to 10.6 GHz with low insertion loss and relative good rejection. This

improved response is due to the small coupling gap between adjacent filter resonators.

In the next step, we updated the physical dimension values of the optimized filter

design, in mm: S1-4=0.05, W1-4=0.75, L1-4=5.6, S2-3=0.075, W2-3=0.55, L2-3=5.95. The

even- and odd-mode characteristic impedances are: Z0e=1147.33Ω, Z0o=37.41 Ω for

sections (1,4) and Z0e=165.56 Ω, Z0o=43.57 Ω for sections (2, 3).

To determine the equivalent circuit model of this filter type, the L-C components

for the serial and the parallel combination respectively are calculated using the Chebyshev

approximation as per (18)-(19):


Figure 26: Parameter calculation tool of the parallel coupled line bandpass filter at 6.85 GHz



Figure 27: UWB three-pole PCML bandpass filter: (a) Electrical response for presented cases. (b)

Equivalent circuit model



0 0 0

., C

. . .s s


Z g Z g



0 0 0

.Z, C

. FBW.Z .p p


g (19)

where g is the Chebyshev element and FBW is the fractional bandwidth, FBW= (ω1∙ω2)/

ω0, with ω0=(ω1∙ ω2)0.5.

Figure 27b shows the equivalent circuit model response for the optimized UWB

PCML bandpass filer. A good agreement between simulation and equivalent circuit

results is clearly observed. The calculated values of the L-C components for the circuit

illustrated in Figure 27b, are: C1=C3= 0.625 pF, C2= 0.545 pF, L1=L3= 1.225 nH, L2= 1.4

nH. The optimized filter was unmanufactured, due to the resulting very small coupling

gap between filter resonators. This geometrical parameter determines the impedance

bandwidth of this filter type [51]. In the following section, a modified PCML bandpass

filter with null gapping and integrated short-circuited stubs is described. Modified UWB bandpass filter with selectivity enhancement

The proposed filter structure consists of setting null gapping between all adjacent PCML

filter resonators and shifting the feed line position to achieve compact filter prototype.

Also two symmetrical short-circuited stubs are incorporated for improvement of rejection

in the out-of-band frequencies and elimination of the transmission at lower frequency

band. In Figure 28, we plotted the geometry of the proposed filter layout without stubs

and photograph of the fabricated prototype. The physical dimension values of this filter

are, in mm: W1=W4= 1.42, L1=L4= 5.8, W2=W3=0.7 and L2=L3= 6.

This prototype was measured using a N5222A Agilent Network Analyzer. The

simulated and measured return loss and insertion of this filter design is plotted in Figure

29. We note that the fabricated UWB bandpass filter demonstrates a low insertion loss

within the FFC band. However, a poor out-of-band rejection performances is seen, due to

the small gaps applied between PCML resonators.

Then an enhancement of filter selectivity is necessary. To solve the limitation of

poor selectivity, we added two symmetrical short-circuited stubs as shown in Figure 30a,

in order to create the desired rejection and eliminate the transmission at low frequency.




Figure 28: Modified UWB bandpass filter without stubs, (a) layout (b) fabricated prototype

Figure 29: Electrical response of the modified UWB bandpass filter without stubs

The photograph of the fabricated final filter prototype is shown in Figure 30b. For

this design, the length and width of the stubs determine the center frequency and

bandwidth of the rejected band. Whereas, the rejection level is controlled by the stub

positioning parameter, D. Figure 31a shows the insertion loss of the final modified filter

design, with respect to the previous proposed filter cases. The comparison indicates that

the modified bandpass filter presents a wider impedance bandwidth, lower insertion loss

and improved selectivity. The integrated symmetrical stubs offer a rejection peak at 12.5

GHz (-40 dB). A good agreement is achieved between measurements and simulation.




Figure 30: Modified UWB bandpass filter with stubs: (a) filter layout, (b) photograph of fabricated


By comparing to the conventional optimized filter previously presented, the

modified filter offers an enhancement in the UWB impedance bandwidth (5%) with

improved selectivity. However it presents a small increase of the insertion loss (about 1.5

dB), due to the integration of the stubs. Finally, we plotted in Figure 32, the simulated

group delay for the initial, the optimized and the modified filter designs. Within the UWB

passband, both of conventional and modified bandpass filters demonstrate flat values

(<0.2 ns) of group delay, that meet the requirements established by the FCC regulations

for the UWB devices. Results and discussion

Based on the conformal mapping method reported in [53], the even- and odd-mode

characteristic impedances of the coupled line depend on the width W and coupling gap S

of one stage parallel coupled line. When the dielectric constant εr and thickness h of the

substrate are known, the impedances Z0e and Z0o can be calculated as a function of the

strip line width and coupling gap for each stage of parallel coupled lines of the filter.




Figure 31: (a) Insertion loss of the UWB bandpass filter for all proposed cases. (b) Schematic of

distributed elements corresponding to the filter design with stubs

Figure 32: Group delay of UWB bandpass filter designs


Table 2: Variation of the calculated FBW in percentage with the small coupling gap values

Coupling gap

(S1,4; S2-3)


Sections (1-4; 2-3)


Sections (1-4; 2-3)



0.048; 0.709 75.45; 58.52 29.96; 37.74 17.52

0.03; 0.292 85.61; 66.86 27.47; 33.44 28.32

0.014; 0.04 100.82; 82.61 26.29; 28.04 43.8

0.0;13 0.015 113.27; 134.1 27.06; 26.29 58.39

Then by decreasing the coupling gap S values, the Z0e values increase, Z0o decrease

and consequently the bandwidth of the parallel coupled line bandpass filter increases.

Detailed analysis and corresponding graphs of the even- and odd-mode impedances are

depicted in [77].

Using the closed formulas developed by Hammerstad, Kirschning and Jansen for

modelling the frequency-dependency of the even- and odd-mode characteristics of a

parallel coupled microstrip line [53,54]. The variation of the static characteristic

impedances for even and odd modes is calculated easily, as well as the fractional

bandwidth (FBW) variation of the PCML filter type. Calculated FBWs in (%), for

different values of the coupling gaps S1-4 and S2-3 are presented in Table 2. This FBW is

obtained by determining the ABCD matrix and S-parameters as indicated in [58], based

on the design specification presented previously. The Three-pole Parallel coupled

microstrip line bandpass filter implements the FR4 substrate with center frequency of

6.85 GHz and passband ripple of 0.5.

However this filter configuration with very small coupling gap kept

unmanufactured. Then we modified our design by setting null spacing between filter

resonators. This resulting structure offers a relative poor selectivity which can be

improved using several techniques, such as the short-circuited stubs here described. This

latter allows eliminating the lower band frequency transmission.

The resonance frequency of the stub is given by (20):

0.52. .( )stub



L (20)


where L is the total length of the slot, εre is the effective dielectric constant and c is the

speed of light. The dimensions of the short-circuited stubs here used are: Lsl=6.5 mm,

Wsl= 0.4 mm and D=4.6 mm.

3.1.3. Conclusions

In this last chapter part, a modified Parallel coupled microstrip line bandpass filter for

UWB application is presented. Based on a classical design of the Parallel coupled

microstrip line filters, an UWB bandpass filter is first introduced and discussed. Later an

optimized design is obtained demonstrating an improved performance with respect to the

FCC requirements for UWB devices. A low insertion loss with relative good rejection

was obtained within the FCC passband. The equivalent circuit model was also calculated

and good agreement is seen with simulation. However the filter presents very small gap

values so demanding a high accuracy in the manufacturing process not achievable for our


A limit case is proposed with null gapping to yield a fabricated prototype. The

short-circuited stubs are integrated to improve the filter selectivity and eliminate the

transmission at low frequency. Measurements results demonstrate the validity of the

design method proposed in this contribution, achieving an improved performance in terms

of UWB bandwidth, low insertion loss and good rejection band without increasing the

complexity of the filter structure.

The proposed technique is a good candidate for UWB bandpass filter design, and

it can be generally applied to obtain UWB bandpass filters for any specifications. This

work can be extended to achieve a wider rejection in the out-of-band frequencies

regardless the used selectivity enhancement technique. As an example, an array of stubs

with multiple close resonances.

As set-off, the filter width dimension has grown, and as possible solution to this

disadvantage we propose the design of the stub in meander shape. A solution as replacing

stubs by stub-slots in the input feed line would affect the S21 parameter introducing a

larger insertion loss. Despite the disadvantage of the increasing width dimension, the

short-circuited stub is a solution valid to jointly achieve an improved selectivity and the

elimination of the low-frequency transmission.


Chapter 3: Band-stop Techniques

for UWB Monopole Antenna design



3.1. Compact Microstrip Omnidirectional Ultra-wideband Antenna with

Dual Broadband Nested U-shaped Slots and Flat Frequency Response

In this work we present a compact ultra-wideband antenna with dual broadband-notched

characteristics centred at 3.4 and 5.5GHz. The proposed antenna consists of a rectangular

patch with a modified ground plane structure and 50 Ω microstrip-fed line. By etching

two opposite U-shaped slots in the radiating patch, the notched bands of 3.375 – 3.945

GHz for WiMAX and 5.425 – 6.150 GHz for WLAN and HYPERLAN/2 were achieved.

The antenna also offers a flat frequency response so minimising the formation of spurs

and precursors that ensures optimal time domain performance for ultra-wideband radio

applications. The return loss was measured to better than −10 dB over the entire band

from 3.1 to 10.6 GHz. The antenna gain was larger than 2dBi all over the frequencies

with a flatness of 2.5dB and an omnidirectional radiation pattern in the H-plane.

3.1.1. Introduction

The antenna is one of the components which have experienced a significant research

increase in the recent years since that the United State Federal Communications

Commission (FCC) disclosure the ultrawideband (UWB) communication band from 3.1

to 10.6 GHz for commercial use. Besides many challenges related to the UWB antenna

design – from the impedance matching to the compact size and low cost – over the UWB

band there exist some narrowband wireless communication systems which might interfere

to the UWB systems: IEEE 802.16 WiMAX, operating at the 3.3 – 3.7 GHz band, and

IEEE 802.11a WLAN, operating at the 5.15 – 5.85 GHz band, and HYPERLAN/2 at the

5.425 – 6.150 GHz band. Several antenna design methods have been proposed to produce

the band-rejection in the UWB band. Among other approaches, providing UWB antennas

with band-notched characteristic is necessary to solve this emerging problem of

narrowband interference [80-82].

In this contribution, we propose a printed microstrip U-shaped UWB antenna with

dual band-notched configured for the bands of 3.375 – 3.945 GHz (WiMAX) and 5.425

– 6.150 GHz (HYPERLAN/2 and WLAN). The geometry of the achieved UWB antenna

design is simple with compact size and fewer critical parameters. This novel structure

consists of combining a rectangular patch with microstrip line feeding with a modified

ground plane. The dual band-notched operation is achieved by etching two nested U-

shaped slots in the rectangular metal radiating patch. By fine-tuning the width and the


total length of each U-shaped slot, the notch center frequency and bandwidth can be

respectively controlled. The dual-band notched design showed an omnidirectional

radiation pattern, and the antenna gain obtained a flatness of 2dB. Finally, the time

domain analysis of the antenna indicated a response which diminishes the formation of

precursor fields [83] superimposed to the transmitted signal.

3.1.2. Antenna design

In Figure 33a, it is shown the geometry and dimensions of the UWB antenna designed

with dual band-notch. In order to obtain a stop-band filtering property, a notch frequency

can be found as per (21):

0.52. .( )notch



L (21)

where L is the total length of the slot, εre is the effective dielectric constant and c is the

speed of light. For a dielectric substrate with thickness h, a microstrip line with width w,

and relative permittivity of εre, the effective permittivity can be found by (22):


0.5 1 – 1 1 12 /=re r r h w


Then, by embedding one U-shaped slot in the radiating patch, as shown in Figure

33a, a single stop band of 5.425–6.150 GHz was achieved. This notched band reduces the

interferences from both the IEEE 802.11a and HIPERLAN/2-WLAN systems. The

implemented opposite U-shaped slot, also observed in Figure 33a, produces the second

notched band from 3.375 to 3.945 GHz, for WiMAX systems rejection, without affecting

the first stop band.

Note that the width of the U-shaped slot determines the bandwidth of the rejected

band. The geometry parameters of the dual-band notched UWB antenna design are:

L1=13.5 mm, L2=9.5 mm, L3=3 mm, L4= 26 mm, W1=2.8 mm, W2=14 mm, W3=2.02 mm,

W4=28 mm, n1=0.96 mm, n2=0.74 mm, n3=0.45 mm, m1=3.96 mm, m2=3.19 mm, m3=3.02

mm, Ls1=4.5 mm, Ls2=6 mm, Ws1=7.3 mm, Ws2=13 mm and t=0.2 mm.




Figure 33: UWB antenna with dual band-notched characteristics: (a) Geometry of the antenna with

detail of ground plane. (b) Photo of the fabricated prototypes.

In Figure 33b, it is shown a photo of three built prototypes: without notched-

bands, single notched band and dual-notched bands, from left to right. The proposed

design approach was printed on low cost FR-4 substrate material with relative dielectric

constant of 4.4, loss tangent of 0.02 and thickness of 1.6 mm. The antenna physical

dimensions correspond to an electrical size of 0.25 λ. For measurements, a 50 Ω SMA

was connected to the feed line.

3.1.3. Measurement results

In Figure 34, we illustrate the measured and simulated values of VSWR for the three

antennas: without notch, single notch and dual notched, respectively. Relative good

agreement between simulation and measurement results can be observed.


Figure 34: Comparison of simulated and measured VSWR



Figure 35: Radiation pattern for double notched antenna design: (a) E-plane at 3.5 GHz, 6 GHz and 9

GHz. (b) H-plane at 3.5 GHz, 6 GHz and 9 GHz


Figure 36: Antenna gain comparison

From Figure 34 it can be seen that the WLAN band at 5.4 GHz is successfully

rejected by introducing the U-shaped slot in the radiating patch antenna. The antenna can

operate through an impedance bandwidth spreading from 3.6 to 11 GHz with a VSWR

less than 2 and with a good rejection at the frequency bands of both WiMAX at 3.4 GHz

and WLAN at 5.5 GHz. Even that not shown, the measured return loss was under −10 dB

over the entire band.

The measured radiation pattern of the antenna with dual band-notched

characteristic is presented in Figure 35. It is observed an omnidirectional performance in

the H-plane, and a like-small dipole in the E-plane.

Finally, in Figure 36 it is shown a comparison of the antenna gain for the three built

prototypes: the gain is over 2 dBi for the entire band with a deviation of 2.5 dB for the

three cases, so resulting in a flat frequency response, considering the ratio of gain flatness

vs bandwidth.

3.1.4. Time domain analysis

As described in [84], the S21(f) parameter of the antenna was estimated and used to

analyze the distortion on a transmitted pulse. The evolution of a signal x(t) transmitted

through the antenna can be evaluated in the frequency domain as in (23):

21 y t IFT S f X f (23)


where IFT denotes the Inverse Fourier Transform, and X(f) is the input signal in the

spectrum domain. The input signal consisted of a baseband pulse modulating a sine carrier

with frequency f0 = 7.5GHz. In Table 3 we show the value of the correlation factor in

percentage estimated between the original signals fed into the antenna and the signal

obtained after transmission calculated as in (21). Four different baseband pulses

commonly found in UWB applications have been analyzed for three durations of the pulse

time width Tb – inversely related to the pulse bandwidth -, measured in terms of 1/f0. The

ρ values are given in triplets corresponding to the three antenna cases. The larger input

pulse bandwidth, more critical becomes the effect of the frequency dispersion induced by

the antenna on the input pulse mainly due to the emergence of the precursor field, and

then the correlation factor ρ decreases considerably. The distortion undergone as a result

of the formation of precursor fields derived of the frequency dependence of the antenna

transfer function observed in the response S21(f).

Table 3: Variation of correlation factor in percentage with the transmitted pulse shape and setting

Pulse ρ(%), Tb=10/fc ρ(%), Tb=5/fc ρ(%), Tb=1/fc



93, 94, 95 80, 82, 83 22, 27, 32


δ(t-0.125 Tb)

<10, <10, <10 <10, <10, <10 <10, <10, <10


exp[-2 t/Tb]

74, 80, 85 55, 63, 70 21, 26, 31



81, 86, 89 66, 74, 80 33, 41, 49

The most favorable case, almost distortion free, is obtained for the Lorentz pulse

given to the lower amplitude level reached by the precursor field formed during the

transmission of this signal that can be explained by the smooth edges of the pulse. The

worst case was achieved for the impulse pulse – configured as a delta function – due to

present a frequency bandwidth as large as the entire band so emphasizing the effects of

the frequency dispersion induced by the antenna response and maximizing the precursor

field formation.


Figure 37: Rectangular pulse transmitted by each of three antennas with detection of the brillouin

precursor formation

The plot shown in Figure 37 better illustrates the Brillouin precursor formation.

We plotted the case of the sine carrier modulated rectangular pulse once propagated

through the antenna transfer function. The precursors appear superimposed on the leading

and trailing edges of the output pulse. We compared the performance for each of the three

antennas: as larger the precursor peak, more frequency dispersive results to be the

antenna; however, even that the dual-notch antenna shows frequency flatness, it

introduces a slight distortion in the intermediate cycles of the carrier due to the frequency

notches, as observed p.e. in the gain comparison of Figure 36.

3.1.5. Conclusions

In this part, a compact printed UWB antenna with dual-band notched characteristic has

been proposed. In order to produce dual-band rejection, two nested U-shaped slots are

embedded in the radiating patch antenna so creating two stop-band filters with center

frequencies of 3.4 GHz and 5.5 GHz. According to the results, the proposed antenna

achieves a performance similar to other results [85] in terms of antenna gain and VSWR;

however the proposed design obtains benefits in terms of flat-frequency response and

omnidirectional radiation pattern in the H-plane. The time domain analysis indicates

dependence with the transmitted pulse shape and its setting.


3.2. A Simple UWB Tapered Monopole Antenna with Dual Wideband-

Notched Performance by Using Single SRR-Slot and Single SRR-Shaped

Conductor Backed Plane

This paper presents the design of a compact UWB antenna with dual band-notch

characteristics in the 5 GHz band and X-band satellite communications. The proposed

antenna consists of a tapered antenna fed by a microstip feed-line presenting a modified

ground plane to achieve a wide impedance bandwidth, in the interval 2.8-12 GHz, with

VSWR<2. The electromagnetic coupling of the tapered patch with the rectangular split

ring resonator shaped parasitic conductor placed in the ground plane yields the first

frequency notch which ranges from 5.05 to 5.95 GHz, in order to eliminate the dedicated

short-range communications and wireless local area network interferences. The rejection

of the X-band from 7.25 to 8.4 GHz, is achieved by etching a single rectangular split ring

resonator slot in the radiator patch. Prototypes of the proposed antenna design were

measured and compared to simulations, and good agreement was obtained.

3.2.1. Introduction

In the last decades the ultra-wideband (UWB) technology has attracted a great interest

both in the industry and academia research field especially since the Federal

Communication Commission (FCC) allocated the spectrum portion from 3.1 to 10.6 GHz

to be used for commercial purpose of the UWB technology [12]. An enormous attention

has taken place for designing UWB microstrip antenna due to its attractive characteristics

of low profile, miniaturization, capability to be integrated with the design of other

devices, and low cost. Mitigating interference between UWB antennas and co-existing

narrow band systems have prompted the design of UWB antennas doted of frequency

notch filtering characteristics. Different configurations can be found in the scientific

literature proposing the use of planar monopole printed antennas with modified radiator

and/or ground plane in order to achieve a frequency notch characteristic [25-37]. Single,

dual or triple notched frequencies can be obtained by using parasitic elements [25,26],

inserting rod-shaped parasitic structures [27], utilizing a small resonant patch [28],

embedding a slot in the feed line, or cutting different shapes of slots in both the radiation

patch and the ground plane [29-31]. Other designs include split ring resonators (SRR),

and its complementary structure (CSRR), as shaped-slot and/or shaped-conductor, to

produce a desired frequency notch filtering property [32-39].


This contribution describes a novel and simple design of a UWB tapered

monopole antenna doted of a dual wideband frequency notch feature. The first notch is

generated at 5.5 GHz by introducing a single SRR-shaped parasitic conductor in the

ground plane to reject the interference due to the dedicated short-range communications

(DSRC) and wireless local area network (WLAN) systems that operate within the range

from 5.15 to 5.925 GHz. A single rectangular SSR-slot is etched in the tapered radiator

to eliminate the wideband interference (7.25-8.4 GHz) corresponding to the uplink and

downlink signals of the X-band satellite communication systems. The modified ground

plane is responsible of achieving the desired wider impedance bandwidth matching over

the entire UWB frequency range. This technique implemented in our design can be

employed on any UWB monopole antenna design doted of a partial ground plane to obtain

any frequency notch requisite with a necessary stopband impedance bandwidth. In the

following subsections we describe the experimental validation with discussion of

measurement results in order to demonstrate the performance of the proposed antenna


3.2.2. Antenna configuration

The geometrical configuration of the proposed UWB tapered monopole antenna is shown

in Figure 38. It consists of a tapered radiation patch with modified ground plane to achieve

the impedance bandwidth matching requisite over the UWB range. The tapered patch was

connected to the microstrip line providing a characteristic impedance of 50 Ω. The

antenna was printed on the Rogers ULTRALAM 2000 high performances substrate with

dielectric permittivity of 2.5, thickness of 0.762 mm and loss tangent of 0.0019. In order

to obtain the frequency notch filtering function and eliminate the undesired frequencies

so avoiding possible interference within the UWB band (3.1 GHz to 10.6 GHz), this

design introduces two additional simple structures in the basic antenna geometry. By

loading the SRR-shaped conductor in the ground plane, we achieve the lower notched-

band at 5-6 GHz. The suppression of the radiation at this notch frequency is due to the

effect of the electromagnetic coupling between the tapered radiator and the single SRR

embedded on the radiator backside. The higher notched-band 7.25-8.4 GHz is obtained

by embedding a single rectangular SRR-slot in the tapered patch. Moreover the stop-band

property can be controlled by adjusting the width and the length of the SRR element for

both cases [86,87].


Figure 38: Schematic of the proposed antenna design: (a) radiator tapered element; (b) modified ground

plane; (c) rectangular CSRR-shaped slot; (d) rectangular SRR-shaped parasitic conductor

Figure 39: Configuration of the antennas used for our study: top and bottom layers

Simulation results have been obtained with the CST MW StudioTM. Figure 39

illustrates the three stages of the antenna design. Initially, a reference UWB tapered

monopole antenna is designed without notch band characteristics (antenna#1). Later this


configuration is modified to introduce the rejection of a single band by loading a SRR-

shaped parasitic conductor in the ground plane (antenna#2). Finally, the dual-band

notched UWB antenna is achieved loading the SRR-shaped parasitic conductor in the

ground plane and etching the SRR-slot in the tapered patch, and it is presented as

antenna#3. The SRR and CSRR elements embedded within the antenna are designed by

considering the corresponding resonant frequency derived from their respective quasi-

static resonance [43]. The specific geometrical details of each element are provided in the

following section.

3.2.3. Measurement results

Following we compare the performance of the three stages of the antenna design: the

reference design case (antenna#1), single notched band case (antenna#2), and the dual-

band notched case (antenna#3). UWB tapered monopole antenna

Figure 40 shows the VSWR performance of the basic UWB tapered monopole antenna

without any embedded notch filtering element. As can be seen in the plot, the UWB

antenna operates from 2.8 to 12 GHz with a voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) lower

than 2. Good agreement between the measured and simulated plots is inferred from the

comparison. The parameters of the UWB reference antenna without notch function are,

in mm: L1=20, L2=10.8, L3=13, L4=20, L5=2, W1=30, W2=2.2, W3=8, W4=6, W5=2.5. UWB tapered monopole antenna with single band-notch

In order to reject the WLAN/DSRC frequencies (5.05-5.95 GHz), we loaded a single

SRR-shaped parasitic on the backside of the tapered patch, so obtaining the namely

antenna#2 case. This notch filtering property is due to the electromagnetic coupling

occurring between the radiating patch element and the resonant SRR-shaped parasitic

element. The selection of critical parameters of the SRR structure is related to important

effects arising on the antenna performance.

Figure 41 shows the VSWR of antenna#2 obtained for different values of the total

length of the SRR-shaped parasitic, given by Lt = Ls + Ws. It can be observed that when

the total length of the SRR structure increases, the center of the notch frequency decreases


without affecting the stop-band impedance bandwidth. Then, the notch frequency is

controllable by varying the total length Lt of the embedded SRR-shaped parasitic.

Furthermore, the band rejection is influenced by the width of the SRR-shaped parasitic,

Ds. This effect was investigated and shown in Figure 42. We observe that the notched

frequency depends of the SRR-shaped parasitic width Ds, in a similar way to that one due

to the influence of the total length Lt, as previously described.

The capacitive coupling between the introduced SRR-shaped parasitic and the

modified ground plane also affects the stop-band performance, as illustrated in Figure 43.

We can deduce that the impedance bandwidth of the stop-band increases as the distance

d1 between the ground plane and the SRR-shaped parasitic element decreases. Rejection

levels are enhanced when distance d1 decreases, corresponding to an intensification in

the effective capacitive value provided by the gap between the antenna and the SRR

loading element [43]. Thus the variation of the distance d1 introduces an easy way for

controlling both the stop-band impedance bandwidth and the corresponding maximum

value of VSWR. The values of the design parameters selected for the SRR-shaped parasitic

conductor backed-plane are as following, in mm: Ws=15.7, Ls=6.6, Gs=0.8, Ds=0.8 and


Figure 44 shows comparison between the simulated and measured VSWR

characteristics of the single- band-notched UWB antenna (antenna#2) and the reference

antenna (antenna#1). This plot clarifies that the achieved notched frequency bandwidth

is achieved from 5.05 to 5.95 GHz with a maximum VSWR higher than 10. Obviously,

the achieved notched bandwidth can suppress the DSRC and WLAN bands for UWB

communications. Dual band-notched UWB tapered monopole antenna

The next step was to achieve a dual band notched feature to reject the uplink and downlink

signals of the X-band satellite communications. Then, a SRR-slot was etched in the

tapered patch, as shown in Figure 39, so obtaining the namely antenna#3 case. The

proposed dual band-notched UWB antenna was fabricated and tested. The measured and

simulated VSWR of the antenna#3 are illustrated in Figure 45. It can be seen that for this

case the impedance bandwidth is 8.2 GHz, covering the band 2.8-11 GHz along to

achieving the required dual band-notched performance.


Figure 40: Simulated and measured VSWR for antenna#1

Figure 41: Simulated VSWR for antenna#2 with different values of Lt.

Figure 42: Simulated VSWR of antenna#2 for different values of Ds with Lt = 22.3 mm


Figure 43: Simulated VSWR for antenna#2 with different values of d1. Lt=22.3, Ds=0.8 (mm)

Figure 44: Simulated and measured VSWR of the proposed UWB antenna with single frequency notch

Figure 45: Simulated and measured VSWR of the proposed dual bad-notched UWB antenna



(b) Figure 46: Simulated surface current distribution of the dual band-notched case (antenna#3): (a) at 5.5

GHz, and (b) at 7.85 GHz

The simulated notched frequency bandwidth of the proposed antenna is achieved

from 4.95 GHz to 6.05 GHz and from 7.25 GHz to 8.45 GHz, while the measured stop-

band frequency ranges are from 4.95 GHz to 5.95 GHz and from 7.5 GHz to 8.9 GHz for

VSWR>2 with maximum VSWR of more than 10 and 4 respectively. The suppression of

the WLAN/DSRC and X-band narrow band systems was completely obtained. The

frequency shifting observed in the second frequency notch of measurement results is due

to the fabrication tolerance limit when etching the SRR-slot. The design parameters of

the etched SRR-slot are as following, in mm: Ws=7.2, Lcs=2.4, Gcs=0.6, Dcs=0.6 and d2=1.

For the case of antenna#3, we analyzed the surface current distribution. In Figure

46, we depicted at two frequencies of operation, (5.5 and 7.85 GHz), corresponding to

the center frequencies of the notched bands. It is visible that the quasi-static resonance

frequencies of the SRR/CSRR elements are located precisely at 5.5 GHz and 7.85 GHz.

For those frequencies the tapered monopole is then not excited and so resulting in the

radiation suppression.The radiation pattern of the proposed antenna#3 is presented in

Figure 47. The figure shows good directive pattern in the E-plane and omnidirectional

pattern for the H-plane. General good agreement is observed between measured and

simulated results.





Figure 47: Simulated and measured radiation patterns of the proposed antenna#3 case for E- and H-

planes. (a) 4.5 GHz, (b) 6.5 GHz, (c) 9.5 GHz

In Figure 48, we illustrate the variation of the peak gain with the frequency for the

single and dual frequency notched antennas #2 and #3 over the frequency range (2-12

GHz) along to the reference case (antenna#1). Sharp dips in the value of the far-field peak

gain are observed in the two desired notched bands, confirming the fact that loading the

basic antenna with single SRR-shaped parasitic and SRR-slot provides excellent intrinsic

notch filtering. Furthermore, it can be checked that, in the radiating band, the gain

variation is almost the same for the three antennas. Photographs of fabricated antenna

prototypes are shown in Figure 49.


Figure 48: Peak gain for the three cases of UWB tapered antennas

(a) (b)

Figure 49: Photograph of prototyped antennas: (a) Top later (b) bottom layer. Left: Antenna1. Center:

Antenna 2. Right: Antenna 3

3.2.4. Conclusions

A simple and symmetric tapered monopole UWB antenna with a single SRR-shaped

parasitic and single SRR-slot etched in the tapered patch, exhibiting dual-frequency notch

performance is presented in this work. The electromagnetic coupling between the tapered

patch and the SRR-shaped parasitic introduced on the back side of the tapered element,

yields the first notch at 5.5 GHz, with a large bandwidth, filtering the interferences due

to the co-existence of DSRC/WLAN systems. Moreover, the uplink and downlink signals

of the X-band satellite communication systems are rejected by embedding a single SRR-

slot on the radiation patch. The notched frequencies can be easy controlled by modifying

the dimensions of the SRR structures. Fabricated antennas demonstrate overall good

match between simulated and measured results. In summary, a simple design procedure,

valid to obtain a good omnidirectional radiation pattern, with relative stable gain and low

profile, as well as manufacturable at low cost make the proposed antenna a suitable

candidate for UWB systems needed of multiple frequencies notches.


3.3. Influence of Impairments due to Dispersive Propagation on the

Antenna Design for Body-based Applications

In this section of Thesis we analyze the frequency dependent feature of the human body

as radio propagation channel and the influence of that characteristic on the design of

antennas for body-based applications. We describe the main impairments due to the

frequency dispersion propagation through the body channel. First we describe the

formation of the electromagnetic fields called Brillouin precursors which are responsible

of another vital impairment: broadening of the time width of a transmitted signal. Later,

we show a theoretical radio channel characterization of a human tissue that is affected by

the frequency dispersion. Following, we describe three solutions to the described

problematic: optimal design of waveforms matched to the body channel, anti-dispersive

filtering and optimal antenna design.

We introduce two broadband antennas offering a flat frequency response so

minimizing the formation of precursors that ensures optimal time domain performance

for ultrawideband body-based applications. Finally, we discuss the relation between the

precursor formation and the parameters adopted to quantify the electromagnetic

absorption inside biological tissues in order to review its definition under the dispersive


3.3.1. Introduction

Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) communications, either on-body or intra-body,

have been designed for a specific environment for which it is commonly accepted that the

frequency dependence of the dielectric properties of the human body tissues can severely

affect the performance of the systems intended to accomplish these communications [88-


The frequency-dependent behavior of the biological media can result in the

formation of Sommerfeld and Brillouin precursor fields, an electromagnetic waveform

usually related to the lower frequency components of the propagated signal [88,93].

Oughstun in [88] concludes that the Brillouin precursor is the dominant electromagnetic

component of a signal propagating through most of dispersive materials below resonant

frequencies. The Brillouin precursor is characterized by an algebraically amplitude decay

in contradiction to the Bouger-Lambert-Beer law whereby each nonzero frequency

component of a propagating signal follows an exponentially decay trend with propagation


distance [93]. This feature implies that a travelling signal which can ensure the forerunner

formation could reach a larger propagation distance inside the medium of interest. Despite

becoming a known phenomenon [88,89,91-95], it has not been usual to relate the body-

based technologies and the precursor wave emergence which would be expectable

especially if a large frequency bandwidth or low-frequency EM waves are considered. It

is in the lower region of the spectrum where the precursor formation becomes stronger.

In Figure 50, we illustrate the concept of the precursor formation. We considered

a rectangular input pulse (in blue) modulating a sinusoidal carrier that once travels

through the human body undergoes the dispersive spread so leading to the precursor

formation which is visible as superimposed fields in the leading and trailing edges of the

red waveform.

The dispersive propagation undergone by the signal travelling through a medium

such as the body-channel can strongly condition the received signal due to produce

undesired effects, the main of which is the broadening of the time duration undergone by

the signal propagating through the dispersive media, so turning the frequency dispersion

into an extremely important impairment to be considered in the design of receiver systems

[91, 96], or in order to ensure the reliability of the propagation through this kind of media,

as the case of intra-body communications. e.g., for the case of a sequence of pulses, at a

given propagation distance, the broadening experienced by a travelling pulse in its time

width can lead to a destructive merge of the information which would make impossible

and totally erroneous the information retrieval [96]. This phenomenon depends on the

dielectric properties of the underlying medium as well as on other parameters or settings,

e.g. the input signal type and its configuration, as well as the involved transmitted and/or

received bandwidth [88,96].

In Section 3.4.3, we describe the main impairments due to the precursor formation

and their effects on the body-based applications, mainly from the point of view of intra-

body radio propagation. We also considered solutions to such problematic. In Section, we introduce the time domain analysis of two frequency-flat response antennas

designed to diminish the formation of precursor fields as well as to avoid distorting the

transmitted pulses. In Section 3.4.4, we discuss the power extinction decay trend for intra-

body radio channel and its relation to the specific absorption rate (SAR). Finally,

conclusions are offered in Section 3.4.5.


Figure 50: Illustration of the Brillouin precursor formation (in red) once a properly configured input

signal (in blue) propagates through the human body

3.3.2. Formulation of dispersive propagation

Here we reflect on the most important aspects and impairments related the frequency

dispersion and the precursor formation, as well as we describe three approaches valid to

solve the created problematic. Radio channel characterization for a dispersive medium

The frequency dispersive nature of the body channel alters the propagation of wideband

or low-frequency signals and therefore can reach distort the radio channel

characterization of intra-body radio propagation: the broadening and amplitude level

distortion undergone by the transmitted pulses will introduce uncertainty or noise, leading

to a larger degradation of the cross-correlation function (CCF), and consequently masking

the return echoes detection [92].

This fact especially affects broadband communications, for which multipath

interference can be difficult to characterize and control. Different solutions are following


83 Optimal transmitting waveform design

The evolution of an input signal x(t) was evaluated in the frequency domain in off-line

mode, just considering the frequency response of the dispersive medium H(z,f), and the

propagation distance travelled z inside the medium. Then, it is enough to multiply

Y(f)=X(f)∙H(f), where X(f) is the input signal in the spectrum domain, and then apply an

Inverse Fast Fourier Transform to observe the output signal in the time domain, y(t). The

estimation of the frequency response H(z,f) of the dispersive medium agrees a general

transmission coefficient definition as described in (24) [91,96]:

zfj mefzH)(



with γm(f) the medium propagation constant derived as in (25):


j (25)

The outcome H(z,f) contains information about the effects of attenuation and

phase for each frequency component of the signal travelling through the medium under

study. The result is then a frequency filter H(z,f) and is valid for analysis of precursor

evolution for any input signal x(z,t) propagating through the dispersive medium

characterized by H(z,f) for any penetration depth z. The model representing the complex

dielectric properties of the underlying dispersive media is of vital importance since it is

used to estimate the propagation constant γm(f) in (25). The dielectric properties will

fingerprint indeed the resulting Brillouin precursor.

In Figure 51 we show the theoretical evolution of a rectangular pulse provided of

a sine carrier with center frequency f0=6GHz, and time duration Tb=10/f0 through a single

layer of tissue N1 characterized by a Cole-Cole model [97]. We observe the large

waveform shape distortion, as well as the early extinction of the carrier component (cycles

within edges). This result is particularly important for intra-body communications. It

implies that a wideband transmission will be severely affected by the dispersive

propagation and robust input signals and proper spectrum frequency windows must be

chosen [96].


Figure 51: Theoretical evolution of a rectangular pulse after propagating through different distances

within a layer of tissue N1: at input (z=0), z=1∙zd, z=5∙zd and z=9∙zd, with zd=e-α, and α the propagation

constant of the tissue in Np

For intra-body communications, the form and shape of the information-bearing

transmitted signal is an important factor to consider [98,99]. Since the transmitted signal

influences the formation and performance of the resulting precursor, we can conclude that

a medium-matched signal can lead to optimal performance by combining the benefits of

the precursor formation (larger amplitude) with minor impairments (lesser time duration

broadening) [99]. Anti-dispersive filtering

As in radar technology, an anti-dispersive (AD) filtering can be implemented on the

receiver end to compensate the frequency dispersive effects [98]. However, this solution

requires the a priori knowledge of the propagation scenario, also in terms of multipath

characteristics. On the transmitter end, an AD element [100] could be also considered as

an element prior to the antenna or well embedded on it, in order to match the signal to a

specific medium and propagation scenario, so achieving a signal propagation in frequency

flat mode; however this solution is also a pulse shaping technique that does not prevent

the need to use an AD filtering on the receiver end. However, it should be noted that AD

elements are very sensitive to design errors and variations of the medium dielectric

properties. Solutions presented in [98] also accounts for the variation of the tissues

response with the distance propagated by the signal within them [100].

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10-1











time (t/Tb)








Input signal

Rect, Tissue N1, Cole-Cole, Tb=10/f

0, z=1z


Rect, Tissue N1, Cole-Cole, Tb=10/f

0, z=5z


Rect, Tissue N1, Cole-Cole, Tb=10/f

0, z=9z


85 Antenna design

The antenna can be also used as an AD element, or simply can be designed to show a flat-

frequency response in order to avoid worsening the impairments due to the frequency-

dependent body channel. Following we describe two antennas designed and built with

flat-frequency response and improved time domain performance (Figure 52). The first

antenna model selected to be implemented was a UWB ridged horn. Material selected

was a blend of copper and brass (40%, 60%), and in the waveguide-to-coaxial adaptor it

was used an N male connector. The UWB horn antenna dimensions are (in mm):

Ha=46.67, Wa=66.67, Lf=53.33, Hg=9.467, Wg=14.95, Lg=5.2, Wr=4.88, Sr=666.7,

Lsr=3.333, Hsr=473.3, Wc=0.976, Sf=1.017, θc=45°, Di=0.4167, Do=1.367. The relative

dielectric permittivity of the coaxial feeder was εr=2.05.

The UWB horn can operate in the range 3 to 11GHz, with a VSWR less than 1.5,

and the return loss was under -15dB. The antenna gain was 9.7 dBi (@7GHz) with a

deviation of 2.7 dBi. The antenna beam width was 56.81° (E-plane) and 52.72° (H-plane).

Both parameters were obtained from measurements in an anechoic chamber. For the

printed UWB antenna the geometry parameters were (in mm): L1=13.5, L2=9.5, L3=3, L4=

26, W1=2.8, W2=14, W3=2.02, W4=28, n1=0.96, n2=0.74, n3=0.45, m1=3.96, m2=3.19,

m3=3.02. The antenna was printed on low cost FR-4 substrate material with relative

dielectric constant of 4.4, loss tangent of 0.02 and thickness of 1.6 mm. The antenna

physical dimensions correspond to an electrical size of 0.25λ. The printed UWB antenna

can operate through an impedance bandwidth ranging from 3.6 to 11GHz, with a VSWR

less than 2, and a measured return loss was under −10 dB over the entire band. The

measured radiation pattern was omnidirectional performance in the H-plane, and a like-

small dipole in the E-plane. The antenna gain is over 2dBi for the entire band with a

deviation of 2.5dB, so resulting in a flat frequency response, in terms of gain flatness vs

bandwidth (Figure 53).As described in [101], the S21(f) parameter of the printed UWB

antenna was measured under free-space conditions inside an anechoic chamber, for the

maximum antenna gain direction, and later used to estimate the influence of the radiating

element on the transmitted pulse. The evolution of a signal x(t) transmitted through the

antenna can be evaluated in the frequency domain in off-line mode. It is enough to

multiply Y(f)=X(f)∙s21(f), where X(f) is the input signal in the spectrum domain, and then

apply an Inverse Fast Fourier Transform to observe the output signal in the time domain,



(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

Figure 52: Broadband horn antenna sketches: (a) side view, (b) bottom view, (c) feed detail (side), (d)

feed detail (back), (e) feed detail (bottom), (f) built prototype

The pulse generation is then not necessary in the transmitter end, and a

digitalization stage is neither needed in the receiver. Both generator and digitizer stages

could cause important inaccuracies due to the filtering effect introduced and the

digitalization error. The input signal x(t) consisted of a baseband pulse modulating a sine

carrier at f0 = 7.5GHz.

In Table 4 we show the value of the correlation factor in percentage estimated

between the signal originally fed into the antenna and the signal obtained after

transmission. Four different baseband pulses commonly found in UWB applications have

been analyzed for three durations of the pulse time width Tb – inversely related to the


pulse bandwidth – measured in terms of 1/f0. The ρ values are given in pairs corresponding

to the two UWB antennas: horn and printed.

The larger input pulse bandwidth, more critical becomes the effect of the

frequency dispersion induced by the antenna on the input pulse mainly due to the

emergence of the precursor field, and then the correlation factor ρ decreases considerably.

With this off-line method we have shown that the distortion undergone as a result of the

formation of precursor fields derived of the frequency dependence of the antenna transfer

function observed in the response s21(f), avoiding inaccuracies and errors due to the

measurement hardware.

3.3.3. Simulation results

Among other distinguished properties, once formed the precursors these superimposed

fields achieve an algebraically peak level decay that also implies a lower power extinction

trend within the medium [95,102]. From the dosimetric point of view, that larger power

level requires to review the exposure values under the circumstances of frequency

dispersive propagation [92,103]:

The magnitude of the reference parameter adopted for limiting the exposure to

electromagnetic fields, the specific absorption rate (SAR), was defined in the

near-field, only between 100 KHz and 10GHz, and only considers the time

variation of sinusoidal signals.

An effective and correct exposure for spread spectrum or ultra-wideband signals

is only achieved if all employed frequencies are used [92,103,104]. The time

integral of SAR is known as specific absorption (SA) could represent a valid

approach to obtain an effective exposure for multi-frequency signals.

A fully valid approach would be given in the frequency domain, considering the

definition of SA according to Parserval’s theorem [104]:


SA E d (26)

where σ(ω) is the conductivity and E(ω) is the Fourier transfer of the propagated electric

field E(t).


Figure 53: UWB antenna: geometry of the antenna with detail of ground plane and picture of the

fabricated prototype with a SMA connector

Table 4: Variation of correlation factor in percentage

Pulse ρ(%),


ρ(%), Tb=5/fc ρ(%),




98, 93 73, 80 20, 22


δ(t-0.125 Tb)

<10, <10 <10, <10 <10, <10



66, 74 50, 55 17, 21



80, 81 62, 66 29, 33

3.3.4. Conclusions

In this part we reflect on the key role that the frequency dispersive nature of the human

tissues can play in body-based applications. We discussed on the importance of the

precursor fields related to body-based applications and the further research needed in this

direction. Furthermore, we demonstrated that specific pulses and waveforms can be

designed to achieve an optimal propagation within the medium of interest, such as the

case of the Brillouin pulse. The precursor retains most of the energy of the travelling

signal and this energy also follows an algebraically decay trend [95,102]. This fact can


likely influence the estimation of the specific absorption rate (SAR) [92]. It is clear that

considering jointly multi-frequency component signals and the dispersive propagation

phenomenon the SA value would result more meaningful than the SAR single values. The

exposure limits would then require a review under the perspective herein exposed,

especially for the frequency band assigned by the FCC for ultrawideband medical

technologies or the lower portion of the spectrum both of which result inherently


We have also shown that the antenna design can control the effects of the

frequency dispersion induced by the antenna response and so fading the precursor field

formation. Regarding the novelty of the research here conducted we would like to notice

that it is the first time that precursor energy characteristics is considered jointly to the

SAR and SA estimation for wideband signals in order to analyze the impact on plausible

body based applications. A detailed discussion of the health and safety issues associated

with UWB electromagnetic radiation travelling through human tissues is presented in

[105], only theoretically derived.

Even when the paper presents an ideal analysis based on few assumptions, former

published evidences exist for validating this analysis and also practical examples are

available in literature. The theoretically achieved results presented here rely on

experimental results formerly published that demonstrated the benefits of considering the

dispersive analysis for propagation through water [106], vegetation [107,108] and soil


In last term we should notice that the practical applicability of the precursor

features has been reflected in a few patents, however only two of them applied to the

microwave region: in [110] it is claimed the use of a radar transmitting a Brillouin-like

pulse; and in [111] it is described a method to analyze the practical estimation of

dispersive propagation for any media. Further analysis should be conducted, mainly at

experimental level, even when involving human biology increases the complexity of the

measurement scenarios and implies a not negligible amount of legal considerations.



Chapter 4: Conclusions

and Future Works



4.1. Conclusions

This Thesis presents the development of improved techniques valid to design antennas

and filters for UWB and multi-frequency applications. First, we discussed the design of

MB and UWB bandpass filters by setting small or null coupling gap for parallel coupled

lines type of microstrip planar filters. Besides the NB and UWB features, this technique

provides large fractional bandwidth, low insertion loss within the passband, group delay

flatness, and compact aperture size. Moreover, it should be noted that the developed

technique eliminates the undesired second harmonics while offering a miniaturization in

the design of MB bandpass filters. The property of the second harmonics suppression is

achieved by compensating the difference between the phase velocities, given that a small

coupling leads to decreases the odd-mode phase velocity. Moreover the proposed

technique can approximate the design of UWB bandpass filters by setting null spacing

between adjacent resonators and incorporate other resonator types for selectivity and

rejection enhancement, such as stubs or CSRR/SRRs [CA6], [CA8]. According to the

[J2] presented in Chapter 1, the outcome of introducing two short-circuited stubs is the

improvement of rejection in the out-of-band frequencies and the elimination of the

transmission at lower frequency band.

This Thesis also investigates the modelling and application of metamaterial

transmission structure consisting of microstrip lines loaded with pair of coupled CSRRs

connected by a slot line. Typically, the line with a single CSRR etched beneath the

conductor strip provides a stopband in the vicinity of the CSRR resonance. However, by

loading two separated CSRRs far of the center avoids achieving that resonance. Then by

etching a slot line to connect these CSRRs elements makes possible to implement single

dual or multi epsilon-negative (ENG) metamaterial transmission lines, suitable to design

low pass and bandpass filters. This filtering configuration offers a high miniaturization

capability depending on the slot line and CSRR dimensions. An example of application

consist of designing LPF with wide rejection based on grounded array structure [CA3]

and implementation of multi-band filter with improved selectivity and wide rejection [J7].

These designs can adjusted to meet any required specifications.

In the second block of this Thesis, it is discussed two different band-stop

techniques to embed in UWB monopole antennas for rejection of the interference due the

co-existence of narrowband communication systems within the UWB range. The first of

these techniques is based on etching two opposite U-shaped slots in the radiator patch.


The resulting design offers high performance of the filtering operation in terms of

narrowband rejection and control of frequency notches, with supplementary benefits of

flat-frequency response and omnidirectional radiation pattern in the H-plane. The final

antenna has an impedance bandwidth spreading from 3.6 to 11 GHz with a VSWR less

than two, as well as an improved rejection in the frequency bands of WiMAX (3.375–

3.945 GHz) and HYPERLAN/2 and WLAN (5.425–6.150 GHz).

A second design technique proposed to achieve the notch operation in UWB

monopole tapered antenna consists of placing a single SRR-shaped parasitic conductor in

the ground plane. This configuration allows narrowband or wideband rejection,

depending on the capacitive coupling between the loaded SRR-shaped parasitic conductor

and the partial ground plane. This arrangement provides a noticeable control of the stop

band with the ability to reject one or multiple narrowband wireless communication

emissions interfering the UWB system. This stop-band technique has proved its validity

of combination with the previous described technique to yield dual frequency band


As final epigraph to this Thesis we introduce a piece of research in progress that

regards extended techniques for embedding filtering operation UWB antenna. Therefore,

according to the papers [J8], [J9] enumerated in Chapter 1, the use of the dynamic

resonance of the CSRRs leads to notch the unwanted bands. This method provides an

improvement in the rejection level and widen the stop-band, compared to the conventional

former designs based on the CSRR quasi-static resonance as found in the related work

existing in the literature. The combination of this method with etching a single SRR-

shaped parasitic conductor leads to obtain improved UWB antenna design provided with

dual wideband rejection performance. The next section of this Chapter contains an

overview of these two techniques and enumerates the three published papers regarding

this ongoing research line.

Regarding the block of contents related to the filer design, the techniques presented in

this Thesis provide the following main advantages with respect to the state of the art:

Simple design procedure, low profile and easy to manufacture.

Design of MB bandpass filters for any desired frequency bands.

Design of wideband and UWB bandpass filters with good control of covered band.

Miniaturization capability.


Integration feature.

Inclusion of other complementary methods to enhance the performance of the

optimized MB and UWB bandpass filters in terms of selectivity and rejection in

the out-of-band frequencies.

Suppression of second harmonics for MB bandbass filters.

From the point of view of antenna design, the presented techniques provide the following

main advantages with respect to the state of the art:

Good control of center frequency of the band notch.

Simple and low cost design easy to manufacture.

Omnidirectional pattern and relative stable gain benefits.

Improvement of notch performance.

Configurability to yield narrow or wideband rejection feature.

4.2. Research in Progress

4.2.1. Inter Coupled Complementary Split Ring Resonators for the

Implementation Enhanced Frequency Selective Devices in Planar Technology

This work describes a compact CSRR-loaded triple band bandpass filter (BPF) with

improved selectivity and wide rejection band. The filter is composed of one microstrip

line on the top side and two CSRRs connected by one slotted line in the bottom side,

offering the multi-frequency performance. The CSRRs radius and the slot length

determine the position of the selected passbands. Two additional grounded CSRRs are

etched in the ground plane to act as a low pass filter that controls the filter rejection

bandwidth. This approach of tri-band BPF was verified by the current distribution

analysis. The measured result of the fabricated filter agrees well the simulation so

demonstrating that the proposed technique is a good candidate to design filter for multi

frequency systems, due to its simplicity, ease of design, configurability and resulting high

performance. Moreover, it presents miniaturization capability without increasing the filter


4.2.2. Excitation of Quasi-static and Dynamic Resonances of Complementary Split

Ring Resonators to Enhance Frequency Selectivity in UWB Antenna Devices

In this contribution, we present an investigation of UWB monopole antenna with single

notched-band characteristics due to metamaterial particles. By inserting complementary


split ring resonators (CSRR) in the radiation patch, the bandstop filter properties centered

at 5.5GHz achieves a reduction of the interference from the narrow band systems co-

existing at these frequencies. Two configurations of CSRR are proposed in order to

enhance both the notched-band performance of the impedance bandwidth and the

rejection level while improving the high frequency response of the notch-antenna set. The

first option consists of optimizing the CSRR structure based on the study of its critical

parameters; the second option makes use of the dynamic CSRR resonance to notch the

WLAN, DSRC and C band operating frequencies (5.15-6.425GHz). This latter

configuration offers a wide stopband with good rejection level compared to the first one.

Additionally, this configuration shows an enhanced high frequency response without

appearance of the third resonance, compared to the antenna response provided of an

integrated complimentary spiral resonator (CSR). Two current nulls were observed due

to the notch function achieved by the CSRR dynamic resonance.

We measured an improvement in terms of wideband stopband bandwidth,

impedance bandwidth and rejection level. The radiation pattern presents a ripple due to

difficulties in measuring low gain antenna values. The final antenna design has an

impedance bandwidth covering the entire UWB range (3-11.6 GHz), along with single

notch-band in the WLAN/DSRC/C-band frequencies (4.9-6.5 GHz), as well as a rejection

peak of 2.65 dB at 5.65 GHz.

4.2.3. Hybrid Dynamic Resonance Response of CSRR and SSRR Resonators for

Radiation Enhancement in Planar Circuit Configurations

This work presents the design of dual wideband-notched UWB monopole antenna using

complementary split ring resonator (CSRR) and single split ring resonator (SSRR). The

CSRR is etched in the patch of the monopole antenna to achieve the first frequency notch

at 5.15-6.5 GHz by setting the second resonant frequency, whilst the SSRR-parasitic

loaded on the backside of the radiator element produces the second notch function, at

7.15-8.55 GHz. The dynamic resonance of CSRR drives the notched filtering bandwidth,

however the stopband provided by the SSRR does not affect the first one due to the CSRR,

and its impedance bandwidth depends of the capacitive coupling between the SSRR-

parasitic and the ground plane. The prototyped antenna was measured and the results

matched the simulations with good agreement. The design approach described in this

paper is valid for application to any UWB microstrip monopole antenna to achieve a


wideband filtering property at any unwanted bands and can be further extended to load

other metamaterials structures. It has been also demonstrated the possibility to yield a

very wide stopband of about 5 GHz of bandwidth, by increasing the coupling between

the SSRR parasitic and the partial ground place. A comparative study exhibits that the

reported notch techniques shows a wide rejection band, observing design complexity


4.3. Further works

The overall research work and outcomes collected in this Thesis can be extended to other

fields of application. For example, the property of miniaturization of the filter design

technique can be applied to design miniaturized bandpass filter using double layer.

Similarly, another application example of this technology would be its usage in the

substrate-integrated waveguide SIW suitable for wireless communications systems.

Another possibility to envisage in the short-coming future is moving to high

frequency bands, more especially the bands dedicated to THz and 5G communication

systems in which the design miniaturized filters and improved planar antennas would find

an enormous applicability.

Moreover, the techniques will be applied to leaky-wave antennas fabricated with

3D printer based on modulated metasurfaces thanks to a research collaboration initiated

with the department of Information Engineering and Mathematics of the University of

Siena (Italy).

Usage of novel materials, such as graphene, would possibly accept to apply the

design techniques here developed for the implementation of high frequency UWB




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The work presented in this thesis was carried out at the Radio Systems Group of the

Department of Signal theory and communications at the Higher Technical School of

Telecommunications Engineering, University of Vigo, Vigo, Spain. Financial support for

this research was provided by the Erasmus mundus Green IT program, Research Center

for Information and Communication Technologies AtlanTIC, and by the University of


Alhamdulillah. I praise and glorify be only to Allah SWT the Almighty, the Most

Beneficent and the Most Merciful, whose blessings and guidance have helped me to be

able to finish this thesis. Moreover, this work would not have been possible without the

assistance and the help of many people I would like to express my sincere gratitude to.

First of all, I would like to thank my supervisor Prof. Ana Vazquez Alejos and Prof.

Otman Aghzout for their guidance, support and encouragement, for giving me much

freedom in many decisions but bringing me back to the right track whenever I got stuck

in less relevant questions.

I am also very grateful to my present colleagues and friends in the Radio Systems

Group: to Isa for his skilful mechanics for measurement setups and other more or less

laboratory activities, to Diego, Ruben, Monica, Blanca, Edgar, Dani, David … for helping

with so many little problems which seem to be unsolvable for a foreigner, for introducing

me to the laboratory, for funny observations and comments on new countries and their

people and helping me with all my Spanish language, to Nacho from AtlanTIC for his

uncountable hints and tips in antennas-filters fabrica-tion and evaluation, for his

encouraging enthusiasm and for the funny and friendly atmosphere following him step

by step.

Many thanks to Prof. Manuel Garcia Sanchez, responsible of the Radio Systems

Group for his first acceptation and for helping me with preparing all official documents,

requesting all necessary research materials and for financing all my extra

conference/Course costs, collaborating together to with my Advisor Ana Vazquez Alejos.

Special thanks to Maria, Rebeca and all Erasmus mundus Green IT team for their best

communication, help and support during my period as a holder of this scholarship. Also

many thanks to all AtlanTIC team members for their very good communication and help.


Some parts of this work were carried out in cooperation with the Department of Electrical

and Electronic Engineering, Public university of Navarre, Spain and the Department of

Information Engineering and Mathematics University of Siena, Italy.

I would like to acknowledge the efforts Prof. Francisco Falcone for supervising

my research stage at the public University of Navarre during the second years, for

teaching me many things on planar Antennas-Filter with loaded metamaterial structures,

and for his guidance, concern and help at all stages of my study. Many Thanks for all

team members of Navarre, Eric, Gonzalo, Peo, Leire, Juan Carlos and all professors of

the Electrical and Electronic Engineering department, for the valuable technical and

scientific discussions, feasible advices and various kinds of help.

I am very thankful to Prof. Stefano Maci, my supervisor at the University of Siena

during mu international research, stage this year, who explained me the behavior of the

leaky-wave antennas and assisted me with the complicated metasurface antenna

calculation. Thank you to all University of Siena team (Mario, Marco, Gabriel, Enrica

…), for your support. A special Thanks to Mario and to all group mrembers, for their

fruitful cooperation in my project of in the University of Siena.

I am very grateful to all the people helping me with the housing problem in Vigo,

especially Erasmus Student Network volunteers, Otman and Fabien, for welcoming me

in your homes. I am sure I will always remember the many funny moments together with

you! To all my friends in Vigo I have been having a great time with, especially to Erasmus

students, for your efforts to making me feel home in Spain and for introducing me to

many interesting leisure time activities in the amazingly beautiful Galician nature,

Beaches, culture and delicious food.

To my mother, my father, my wife, my brothers, my sister, my niece NABILA

and her mother: thank you very much for being so patient during my long stays abroad,

for your support and for the good thoughts you have been sending me throughout all these

years I have been living so far away from home.



MB, Multi-Band

UWB, Ultra-Wideband

FCC, Federal Communications Commission

CPW-fed, Coplanar Waveguide fed

BPF, Bandpass Filter

LPF, Low Pass Filter

FBW, Fractional Bandwidth

PCML, Parallel Coupled Microstrip Line

SIR, Stepped-Impedance Resonator

CSRR, Complementary Split Ring Resonator

SRR, Split Ring Resonator

CSR, Complementary Spiral Resonator

SSRR, Single Split Ring Resonator

ENG, Epsilon-negative

TEM, Transverse Electromagnetic

VSWR, Voltage Standing Wave Ratio

EM, Electromagnetic Simulation

WiMAX, Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access

ISM, Industrial, Scientific and Medical

WLAN, Wireless Local Area Network

WBAN, Wireless Body Area Network

DSRC Dedicated Short-Range Communications

CCF, Cross Correlation Function

SAR, Specific Absorption Rate

AD, Anti-Dispersive


Participation in R&D Projects

The work developed in this thesis is financed by:

13/09/2013 – 15/02/2016: Erasmus Mundus Green IT Scholarship (Grant nº

2012-2625/001-001-EMA2), supported by the European Union

15/02/2016 – Present: Pre-doctoral Scholarship for Teaching and Research,

supported by the University of Vigo, Vigo, Spain.

13/09/2013 – 15/06/2015: Improved electromagnetic propagation using

waveforms Brillouin precursor and extraordinary transmission materials for

use in advanced systems in microwave band and THz (Grant nº 2012/138),

supported by Xunta de Galicia, Spain

16/06/2015 – 31/12/2016: Axuda a Consolidación de Grupos de Referencia

(Grant nº GRC1015/019), supported by Xunta de Galicia, Spain.

Research activities, conferences and international courses are funded by The Research

Center for Information & Communication Technologies AtlantTIC.

Research stays

10/01/2016 – 15/04/2016: Leaky Wave Antennas for 3D Printer Based on

Modulated Metasurface, Department of Information Engineering and

Mathematics, University of Siena, Siena, Italia.

Advisor: Prof. Stefano Maci

15/09/2014 – 30/03/2015: Advanced Antennas and Filter Design Techniques

Using Modified Metamaterial Structures, Department of Electrical and

Electronic Engineering, Public University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain.

Advisor: Prof. Francisco Falcone

Courses Attended

Distributed Doctoral School on Metamaterials, “Fundamentals of

Metamaterial Electromagnetics”, Aalto University and METAMORPHOSE VI

AISBL, December 7-11, Ruka, Finland, 2015


European School of Antennas ESoA,“Antenna Imaging Techniques”, Deft

University of Technology, July 6-10, Delft, Netherlands, 2015.

Symposium Nacional de la Union Cientifica Internacional de Radio URSI,

“International Workshop on THz Engineering”, Public University of Navarra,

September 2-4, Pamplona, Spain, 2015.

CST and ROHDE & SCHWARZ Workshop Tour, “From Simulation To

Measurement”, Polytechnic University of Madrid, June 23, Madrid, Spain, 2015.

IEEE International Symposium APS and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting,

“Ultra Wideband Phased Array and Transceivers”, July 19-25, Vancouver,

Canada, 2015.

KEYSIGHT Technologies, Measurement fundamentals, “Measurement

Challenges and Applications for new digital systems and RF/MW”, Public

University of Navarra, October 21, Pamplona, Spain, 2015.

IEEE International Symposium APS and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting,

“The Science and the art of UWB antennas”, July 6-12, Memphis, Tennessee,

USA, 2014.

Compendium Journal Papers


A Simple UWB Tapered Monopole Antenna with Dual Wideband-Notched

Performance by Using Single SRR-Slot and Single SRR-Shaped

Conductor-Backed Plane

A. Naghar 1,3, F. Falcone 2, A. Alejos 1, O. Aghzout 3,4, and D. Alvarez 1

1 Department of Teoría de la Señal y Comunicación

University of Vigo, Pontevedra, Vigo, 36310, Spain

[email protected], [email protected]

2 Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Public University of Navarre, Pamplona, 31500, Spain

[email protected]

3 Department of Physics, Faculty of Science 4 Department of TITM, National School of Applied Science

Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Tetouan, 93000, Morocco

[email protected], [email protected]

Abstract This paper presents the design of a compact

UWB antenna with dual band-notch characteristics in the

5 GHz band and X-band satellite communications. The

proposed antenna consists of a tapered antenna fed by a

microstip feed-line presenting a modified ground plane

to achieve a wide impedance bandwidth, in the interval

2.8-12 GHz, with VSWR<2. The electromagnetic coupling

of the tapered patch with the rectangular split ring

resonator shaped parasitic conductor placed in the

ground plane yields the first frequency notch which

ranges from 5.05 to 5.95 GHz, in order to eliminate the

dedicated short-range communications and wireless

local area network interferences. The rejection of the

X-band from 7.25 to 8.4 GHz, is achieved by etching a

single rectangular split ring resonator slot in the radiator

patch. Prototypes of the proposed antenna design were

measured and compared to simulations, and good

agreement was obtained.

Index Terms Antenna, filter, complementary split ring

resonator, notch, rectangular single split-ring resonators,

ultrawideband, X-band.

I. INTRODUCTION In the last decades the ultrawideband (UWB)

technology has attracted a great interest both in the

industry and academia research field especially since the

Federal Communication Commission (FCC) allocated

the spectrum portion from 3.1 to 10.6 GHz to be used for

commercial purpose of the UWB technology [1]. An

enormous attention has taken place for designing UWB

microstrip antenna due to its attractive characteristics of

low profile, miniaturization, capability to be integrated

with the design of other devices, and low cost. Mitigating

interference between UWB antennas and co-existing

narrow band systems have prompted the design of

UWB antennas doted of frequency notch filtering

characteristics. Different configurations can be found in

the scientific literature proposing the use of planar

monopole printed antennas with modified radiator

and/or ground plane in order to achieve a frequency

notch characteristic [2-14]. Single, dual or triple notched

frequencies can be obtained by using parasitic elements

[2], [3], inserting rod-shaped parasitic structures [4],

utilizing a small resonant patch [5], embedding a slot in

the feed line, or cutting different shapes of slots in both

the radiation patch and the ground plane [6-8]. Other

designs include split ring resonators (SRR), and its

complementary structure (CSRR), as shaped-slot and/or

shaped-conductor, to produce a desired frequency notch

filtering property [9-16].

This paper describes a novel and simple design of a

UWB tapered monopole antenna doted of a dual

wideband frequency notch feature. The first notch is

generated at 5.5 GHz by introducing a single SRR-

shaped parasitic conductor in the ground plane to

reject the interference due to the dedicated short-range

communications (DSRC) and wireless local area network

(WLAN) systems that operate within the range from 5.15

to 5.925 GHz. A single rectangular SSR-slot is etched in

the tapered radiator to eliminate the wideband interference

(7.25-8.4 GHz) corresponding to the uplink and downlink

ACES JOURNAL, Vol. 31, No.9, September 2016

1054-4887 © ACESSubmitted On: March 12, 2015 Accepted On: July 7, 2016


signals of the X-band satellite communication systems.

The modified ground plane is responsible of

achieving the desired wider impedance bandwidth

matching over the entire UWB frequency range. This

technique implemented in our design can be employed

on any UWB monopole antenna design doted of a partial

ground plane to obtain any frequency notch requisite

with a necessary stopband impedance bandwidth.

In the following sections we describe the

experimental validation with discussion of measurement

results in order to demonstrate the performance of the

proposed antenna design.

II. ANTENNA CONFIGURATIONThe geometrical configuration of the proposed

UWB tapered monopole antenna is shown in Fig. 1. It

consists of a tapered radiation patch with modified

ground plane to achieve the impedance bandwidth

matching requisite over the UWB range. The tapered

patch was connected to the microstrip line providing

a characteristic impedance of 50 Ω. The antenna

was printed on the Rogers ULTRALAM 2000 high

performances substrate with dielectric permittivity of

2.5, thickness of 0.762 mm and loss tangent of 0.0019.

In order to obtain the frequency notch filtering

function and eliminate the undesired frequencies so

avoiding possible interference within the UWB band

(3.1 GHz to 10.6 GHz), this design introduces two

additional simple structures in the basic antenna

geometry. By loading the SRR-shaped conductor in the

ground plane, we achieve the lower notched-band at

5-6 GHz. The suppression of the radiation at this notch

frequency is due to the effect of the electromagnetic

coupling between the tapered radiator and the single

SRR embedded on the radiator backside. The higher

notched-band 7.25-8.4 GHz is obtained by embedding

a single rectangular SRR-slot in the tapered patch.

Moreover the stop-band property can be controlled by

adjusting the width and the length of the SRR element

for both cases [18,19]. Simulation results have been

obtained with the CST MW StudioTM.

Figure 2 illustrates the three stages of the antenna

design. Initially, a reference UWB tapered monopole

antenna is designed without notch band characteristics

(antenna#1). Later this configuration is modified to

introduce the rejection of a single band by loading a

SRR-shaped parasitic conductor in the ground plane

(antenna#2). Finally, the dual-band notched UWB

antenna is achieved loading the SRR-shaped parasitic

conductor in the ground plane and etching the SRR-slot

in the tapered patch, and it is presented as antenna#3.

The SRR and CSRR elements embedded within the

antenna are designed by considering the corresponding

resonant frequency derived from their respective quasi-

static resonance [17]. The specific geometrical details of

each element are provided in the following section.

Fig. 1. Schematic of the proposed antenna design: (a)

radiator tapered element, (b) modified ground plane, (c)

rectangular CSRR-shaped slot, and (d) rectangular SRR-

shaped parasitic conductor.

Fig. 2. Configuration of the antennas used for our study:

top and bottom layers.


III. MEASUREMENT RESULTSFollowing we compare the performance of the three

stages of the antenna design: the reference design case

(antenna#1), single notched band case (antenna#2), and

the dual-band notched case (antenna#3).

A. UWB tapered monopole antenna

Figure 3 shows the VSWR performance of the basic

UWB tapered monopole antenna without any embedded

notch filtering element. As can be seen in the plot, the

UWB antenna operates from 2.8 to 12 GHz with a

voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) lower than 2. Good

agreement between the measured and simulated plots is

inferred from the comparison. The parameters of the

UWB reference antenna without notch function are as

follows, in mm: L1=20, L2=10.8, L3=13, L4=20, L5=2,

W1=30, W2=2.2, W3=8, W4=6 and W5=2.5.

Fig. 3. Simulated and measured VSWR for antenna#1.

B. UWB tapered monopole antenna with single band-


In order to reject the WLAN/DSRC frequencies

(5.05-5.95 GHz), we loaded a single SRR-shaped parasitic

on the backside of the tapered patch, so obtaining the

namely antenna#2 case. This notch filtering property is

due to the electromagnetic coupling occurring between

the radiating patch element and the resonant SRR-shaped

parasitic element. The selection of critical parameters of

the SRR structure is related to important effects arising

on the antenna performance.

Figure 4 shows the VSWR of antenna#2 obtained

for different values of the total length of the SRR-shaped

parasitic, given by Lt = Ls + Ws. It can be observed that

when the total length of the SRR structure increases, the

center of the notch frequency decreases without affecting

the stop-band impedance bandwidth. Then, the notch

frequency is controllable by varying the total length Lt of

the embedded SRR-shaped parasitic.

Furthermore, the band rejection is influenced by the

width of the SRR-shaped parasitic, Ds. This effect was

investigated and shown in Fig. 5. We observe that the

notched frequency depends of the SRR-shaped parasitic

width Ds, in a similar way to that one due to the influence

of the total length Lt, as previously described.

Fig. 4. Simulated VSWR for antenna#2 with different

values of Lt.

Fig. 5. Simulated VSWR of antenna#2 for different

values of Ds with Lt = 22.3 mm.

The capacitive coupling between the introduced

SRR-shaped parasitic and the modified ground plane

also affects the stop-band performance, as illustrated in

Fig. 6. We can deduce that the impedance bandwidth of

the stop-band increases as the distance d1 between the

ground plane and the SRR-shaped parasitic element

decreases. Rejection levels are enhanced when distance

d1 decreases, corresponding to an intensification in the

effective capacitive value provided by the gap between

the antenna and the SRR loading element [17]. Thus, the

variation of the distance d1 introduces an easy way for

ACES JOURNAL, Vol. 31, No.9, September 20161050

controlling both the stop-band impedance bandwidth and

the corresponding maximum value of VSWR.

The values of the design parameters selected for the

SRR-shaped parasitic conductor backed-plane are as

follows, in mm: Ws=15.7, Ls=6.6, Gs=0.8, Ds=0.8 and


Figure 7 shows comparison between the simulated

and measured VSWR characteristics of the single-band-

notched UWB antenna (antenna#2) and the reference

antenna (antenna#1). This plot clarifies that the achieved

notched frequency bandwidth is achieved from 5.05

to 5.95 GHz with a maximum VSWR higher than 10.

Obviously, the achieved notched bandwidth can suppress

the DSRC and WLAN bands for UWB communications.

Fig. 6. Simulated VSWR for antenna 2 with different

values of d1 (Lt = 22.3 mm, Ds = 0.8 mm).

Fig. 7. Simulated and measured VSWR of the proposed

UWB antenna with single frequency notch.

C. Dual band-notched UWB tapered monopole


The next step was to achieve a dual band notched

feature to reject the uplink and downlink signals of the

X-band satellite communications. Then, a SRR-slot was

etched in the tapered patch, as shown in Fig. 2, so

obtaining the namely antenna#3 case.

The proposed dual band-notched UWB antenna

with was fabricated and tested. The measured and

simulated VSWR of the antenna#3 are illustrated in

Fig. 8. It can be seen that for this case the impedance

bandwidth is 8.2 GHz, covering the band 2.8-11 GHz

along to achieving the required dual band-notched

performance. The simulated notched frequency

bandwidth of the proposed antenna is achieved from

4.95 GHz to 6.05 GHz and from 7.25 GHz to 8.45 GHz,

while the measured stop-band frequency ranges are from

4.95 GHz to 5.95 GHz and from 7.5 GHz to 8.9 GHz for

VSWR>2 with maximum VSWR of more than 10 and 4

respectively. The suppression of the WLAN/DSRC and

X-band narrow band systems was completely obtained.

The frequency shifting observed in the second frequency

notch of measurement results is due to the fabrication

tolerance limit when etching the SRR-slot.

Fig. 8. Simulated and measured VSWR of the proposed

dual bad-notched UWB antenna.

The design parameters of the etched SRR-slot are as

follows, in mm: Ws=7.2, Lcs=2.4, Gcs=0.6, Dcs=0.6 and


For the case of antenna#3, we analyzed the surface

current distribution. In Fig. 9, we depicted at two

frequencies of operation, (5.5 and 7.85 GHz, corresponding

to the center frequencies of the notched bands. It is

visible that the quasi-static resonance frequencies of the

SRR/CSRR elements are located precisely at 5.5 GHz

and 7.85 GHz. For those frequencies the tapered

monopole is then not excited and so resulting in the

radiation suppression.

The radiation pattern of the proposed antenna#3 is

presented in Fig. 10. The figure shows good directive

pattern in the E-plane and omnidirectional pattern for the

H-plane. General good agreement is observed between

measured and simulated results.




Fig. 9. Simulated surface current distribution of the dual

band-notched case (antenna#3): (a) at 5.5 GHz and (b) at

7.85 GHz.




Fig. 10. Simulated and measured radiation patterns of

the proposed antenna#3 case for E- and H-planes: (a)

4.5 GHz, (b) 6.5 GHz, and (c) 9.5 GHz.

In Fig. 11 we illustrate the variation of the peak gain

with the frequency for the single and dual frequency

notched antennas#2 and #3 over the frequency range (2-

12 GHz) along to the reference case (antenna#1). Sharp

dips in the value of the far-field peak gain are observed

in the two desired notched bands, confirming the fact that

loading the basic antenna with single SRR-shaped

parasitic and SRR-slot provides excellent intrinsic notch


Furthermore, it can be checked that, in the radiating

band, the gain variation is almost the same for the three

antennas. Photographs of fabricated antenna prototypes

are shown in Fig. 12.

Fig. 11. Peak gain for the three cases of UWB tapered




Fig. 12. Photograph of prototyped antennas: (a) top later

and (b) bottom layer. Left: Antenna1. Center: Antenna 2.

Right: Antenna 3.

ACES JOURNAL, Vol. 31, No.9, September 20161052

VI. CONCLUSIONA simple and symmetric tapered monopole UWB

antenna with a single SRR-shaped parasitic and single

SRR-slot etched in the tapered patch, exhibiting dual-

frequency notch performance is presented in this paper.

The electromagnetic coupling between the tapered patch

and the SRR-shaped parasitic introduced on the back side

of the tapered element, yields the first notch at 5.5 GHz,

with a large bandwidth, filtering the interferences due to

the co-existence of DSRC/WLAN systems. Moreover,

the uplink and downlink signals of the X-band satellite

communication systems are rejected by embedding a

single SRR-slot on the radiation patch. The notched

frequencies can be easy controlled by modifying the

dimensions of the SRR structures. Fabricated antennas

demonstrate overall good match between simulated and

measured results. In summary, a simple design procedure,

valid to obtain a good omnidirectional radiation pattern,

with relative stable gain and low profile, as well as

manufacturable at low cost make the proposed antenna a

suitable candidate for UWB systems needed of multiple

frequencies notches.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank the support given

under projects EMR2012/138 and GRC1015/019 funded

by Xunta de Galicia, and Erasmus Mundus Green IT

(Grant 2012-2625/001-001-EMA2).

REFERENCES [1] Federal Communications Commission, “Federal

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transmission system from 3.1 to 10.6 GHz,”

Washington, DC, USA, 2002.

[2] M. Rostamzadeh, S. Mohamadi, J. Nourinia, C.

Ghobadi, and M. Ojaroudi, “Square monopole

antenna for UWB applications with novel rod-

shaped parasitic structures and novel V-shaped

slots in the ground plane,” IEEE Antennas and

Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 11, pp. 446-449,


[3] N.-I. Jo, C.-Y. Kim, D.-O. Kim, and H.-A. Jang,

“Compact ultrawideband antenna with quadruple-

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[4] M. Rostamzadeh, S. Mohamadi, J. Nourinia, C.

Ghobadi, and M. Ojaroudi, “Square monopole

antenna for UWB applications with novel rod-

shaped parasitic structures and novel V-shaped

slots in the ground plane,” IEEE Antennas and

Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 11, pp. 446-449,


[5] K. G. Thomas and M. A. Sreenivasan, “A simple

ultrawideband planar rectangular printed antenna

with band dispensation,” IEEE Transactions on

Antennas and Propagation, vol. 58, no. 1, pp. 27-

34, 2010.

[6] R. Azim, M. T. Islam, J. S. Mandeep, and A. T.

Mobashsher, “A planar circular ring ultra-wideband

antenna with dual bandnotched characteristics,”

Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications,

vol. 26, no. 14-15, pp. 2022-2032, 2012.

[7] S. Mohammadi, J. Nourinia, C. Ghobadi, and M.

Majidzadeh, “Compact CPW-fed rotated square-

shaped patch slot antenna with band-notched

function for UWB applications,” Electronics Letters,

vol. 47, no. 24, pp. 1307-1308, 2011.

[8] H.-W. Liu, C.-H. Ku, T.-S. Wang, and C.-F. Yang,

“Compact monopole antenna with band-notched

characteristic for UWB applications,” IEEE

Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 9,

pp. 397-400, 2010.

[9] M. C. Tang, et al., “Compact UWB antenna with

multiple band-notches for WiMAX and WLAN,”

IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagation, vol. 59, no. 4,

pp. 1372-1376, Apr. 2001.

[10] J. Y. Siddiqui, C. Saha, and Y. M. M. Antar,

“Compact dual-SRR-loaded UWB monopole

antenna with dual frequency and wideband notch

characteristics,” IEEE Antennas and Wireless

Propagation Letters, vol. 14, pp. 100-103, 2015.

[11] D. Sarkar, K. V. Srivastava, and K. Saurav, “A

compact microstrip-fed triple band-notched ultra-

wideband monopole antenna,” IEEE Antennas and

Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 13, pp. 396-399,


[12] M. S. A. Rani, S. K. A. Rahim, M. R. Kamarudin,

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“Electromagnetic behaviors of thin film CPW-fed

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[18] P. Wang, “Compact dual band-reject monopole

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[19] J. Y. Siddiqui, C. Saha, and Y. M. M. Antar,

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Azzeddin Naghar was born in

Tetouan, Morroco. He received the

Engineer Degree in Telecommunic-

ation Engineering at the National

School of Applied Sciences from

Abdelmalek Essaadi University,

Tetouan, Morocco 2011. He is

currently working toward the Ph.D.

degree in Electrical Engineering with the Department of

Teoría de la Señal y Comunicación, University of Vigo,

Pontevedra, Vigo, Spain. His research interests include

UWB antenna design and RF filters.

Otman Aghzout was born in Tétouan,

Morocco. He received the Electronics

degree from Abdelmalek Essaadi

University, Tétouan, Morocco, in

1995, M. and Ph.D. degrees in

Telecommunications Engineering

at the High School of Telecomm-

unications Engineering (ETSITGC)

of Canary University, Spain in 2000 and January 2002,

respectively. He has also been a Researcher Student at

the Microwave Group of the Dept. of Electronics and

Electromagnetism, University of Seville (Seville, Spain)

from 1996 till 1999. In January 2002, he joined the

Medical Technology Center (CTM) of the University

Hospital of GC, where he worked in Medical Engineering

applications for two years. (2002-2004) has been a

Teacher Assistant on Telecommunications Engineering

and Postdoctoral Researcher at the Department of the

Signal Processing Engineering, High School of TE

(ETSITGC). Since 2009 he joined the Dept. Of

Engineering Technologies: Telecommunications and

Mecatronics (TITM) as an Associate Professor of

Telecommunications Engineering, National School of

applied Sciences, UAE, Tétouan, Morocco. Currently he

is interested on printed microwave passive and active

circuits, filters and antenna designs.

Ana Vazquez Alejos has been

working with the Department of

Signal Theory and Communications,

University of Vigo, as Research and

Teaching staff. She completed her

Ph.D. thesis on the radio channel

characterization for the millimeter

wave frequencies. In 2009 she was

granted with the Marie Curie International Outgoing

Fellowship, carrying out the outgoing phase in the New

Mexico State University (NM, USA), with a research

focused on propagation through dispersive media, and

radar waveform generation. In 2002, her M.S. thesis

received the Ericcson Award by the Spanish Association

of Electrical Engineers, as the best Multimedia Wireless

Project. Her research work includes radio propagation,

communication electronics, wideband radio channel

modeling, multimedia wireless systems, waveform and

noise code design, and radar.

Alejos is a Reviewer for several IEEE and IET

journals, and works for the IEEE TMC Spain Chapter.

Francisco Falcone received the

Telecomunication Engineering

degree and Ph.D. degrees from the

Universidad Publica de Navarra

(UPNA), Pamplona, Spain, in 1999

and 2005, respectively.

From 1999 to 2000, he was a

Microwave Commissioning Engineer

with Siemens–Italtel. From 2000 to 2008, he was a Radio

Network Engineer with Telefonica Moviles. In 2009, he

cofounded the spinoff Tafco Metawireless. From 2003

to 2009, he was an Assistant Lecturer with UPNA, and

since June 2009, has been an Associate Professor with

the same university. From 2005 to 2008, he was Internal

Instructor with Telefonica Moviles.

His research areas cover complex and artificial

electromagnetic media, EBG, metamaterials, enhanced

transmission and plasmonic guiding, as well mobile

system design and analysis.

Falcone works for the IEEE MTT-11 Committee,

IEEE ES Spain Chapter, and IEEE TMC Spain Chapter.

He was recipient of the CST Best Paper Award in 2003

and 2005, a Ph.D. Award in 2006 from the Colegio

Oficial de Ingenieros de Telecomunicacion, and a Ph.D.

Award at UPNA, in 2010.

ACES JOURNAL, Vol. 31, No.9, September 20161054

David Alvarez was born in Vigo,

Spain. He received the Engineer

degree in Telecommunication

Systems and Master in Industrial

Mathematics at the Higher Technical

School of Telecommunications

Engineering from University of

Vigo, Vigo, Morocco 2014. He is

currently Researcher with the Department of Teoría de

la Señal y Comunicación, University of Vigo, Pontevedra,

Vigo, Spain. His research interests include antenna and

sensor designs.


Synthesis Design of Bandpass Filter for UWB Applications with Improved


Azzeddin Naghar 1,2, Otman Aghzout 2, Ana V. Alejos 1, and Francisco Falcone 3

1 Department of Teoría de la Señal y Comunicación

University of Vigo, Vigo, 36310, Spain

[email protected], [email protected]

2 Department of TTIM

Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Tetouan, Morocco

[email protected]

3 Department of Ingeniería Electrical y Electrónica

University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain

[email protected]

Abstract This paper presents the design of UWB three-

pole modified parallel coupled line bandpass filter with

improved rejection in the out-of-band frequencies. To

achieve the desired UWB requirements using the

conventional bandpass filter design, a physical dimension

optimization of space-gap between lines, line widths and

lengths was applied. An equivalent circuit model is also

presented and demonstrates reasonable agreement with

simulation results. The optimized filter demonstrates an

excellent UWB performance, covering the Federal

Communication Commission spectrum bandwidth with

low insertion loss and acceptable selectivity. However,

this resulting filter structure presents very small gapping

between adjacent resonators; that means the filter is

unmanufactured. Then an example of an alternative filter

structure is finally proposed with null gaping and short-

circuited stubs that yields to a fabricated prototype with

selectivity improvement. Generally speaking, reasonable

agreement is achieved between measurement and

simulation results.

Index Terms Bandpass filter, coupling gap, parallel

coupled line, rejection band, stub, UWB.


The ultra-wideband (UWB) radio technology has

been getting increasingly popular due to the high-speed

high-data wireless connectivity demand. There is a need

to design ultra-wideband bandpass filters covering the

whole band permitted by the U.S. Federal Communication

Commission (FCC), that extends from 3.1 to 10.6 GHz

[1]. The design requirements of these circuits face new

challenges among which are included an overall good

performance, compact size, wide bandwidth feature and

multi-band operation. Various approaches to implement

UWB filters can be found through literature [2-4].

Among other microstrip line centered configurations,

bandpass filters based on parallel-coupled lines have

been widely used in microwave systems, due to their

good performance, simple structure, low cost and ease of

integration with other devices [5-6].

This paper presents the design of a three-pole

parallel coupled lines microstrip bandpass filter (BPF)

for UWB applications. The filter design was accomplished

in three steps. Firstly, a filter is designed and optimized

to cover the FCC band.

The physical parameter dimensions for this initial

design are calculated by an ad-hoc tool [6] and then

optimized in a second design step to achieve a better

UWB performance. However, this resulting filter cannot

be fabricated due to the small spacing between adjacent

coupled lines.

To solve this limitation, a modified filter structure is

proposed in a third design step, by null gapping the space

between all the filter parallel resonators, and incorporating

short circuited stubs. This final design is manufactured

and offers selectivity enhancement, covering the FCC

spectrum with lower insertion loss and group velocity

flatness, along with elimination of the transmission at

low frequency. It also presents a size reduction, and it

can be implemented on low cost dielectric substrate of




A. Edge-coupled bandpass filter for UWB applications

According to [7,8,9], the edge-coupled bandpass

three-order filter is designed to cover the FCC full band,

with center frequency of 6.85 GHz, and passband ripple

of 0.5. The filter has been implemented on FR4 substrate

with dielectric constant of 4.4 and thickness of 1.6 mm.

As a first step, we define the initial physical dimension

1054-4887 © 2016 ACES

Submitted On: January 1, 2015Accepted On: December 6, 2015

8 ACES JOURNAL, Vol. 31, No. 1, January 2016

values of a bandpass filter – space gap (S), width (W)

and length (L) of each stage – obtained using the

transmission line theory approach as in [6] for a parallel

coupled line microstrip (PCLM) design. These

dimensions are, in mm: S1,4 = 0.1, W1,4 = 0.54, L1,4 = 6.34,

S2,3=0.14 mm, W2,3=0.46 and L2,3=6.36 (see Fig.1).

Fig. 1. Parameter calculation tool of the parallel coupled

line bandpass filter at 6.85 GHz.

Figure 2 (a) shows the simulated frequency response

of the proposed bandpass filter for both initial and

optimized designs, using the CST MWs simulator. It can

be observed that the initial filter design only covers 85%

of the FCC band with low insertion loss and good

rejection; however, the optimized filter case presents a

UWB response working from 3.1 to 10.6 GHz with low

insertion loss and relative good rejection. This improved

response is due to the small coupling gap between

adjacent filter resonators.

In the next step, we updated the physical dimension

values of both filter designs, in mm: S1-4 = 0.05, W1-4 = 0.75,

L1-4 = 5.6, S2-3 = 0.075, W2-3 = 0.55, L2-3 = 5.95. The

even- and odd-mode characteristic impedances are:

Z0e = 1147.33 Ω, Z0o = 37.41 Ω for sections (1,4) and

Z0e = 165.56 Ω, Z0o = 43.57 Ω for sections (2,3).

To determine the equivalent circuit model of this

filter type, the L-C components for the serial and the

parallel combination respectively are calculated using

the Chebyshev approximation as per (1)-(2):


0 0 0

., C

. . .s s


Z g Z g

, (1)


0 0 0

.Z, C

. FBW.Z .p p


g , (2)

where g is the Chebyshev element and FBW is the fractional

bandwidth, FBW = (ω1·ω2)/ω0, with ω0 = (ω1·ω2)0.5.

Figure 2 (b) shows the equivalent circuit model

response for the optimized UWB PCLM bandpass filer.

A good agreement between simulation and equivalent

circuit results is clearly observed.

The calculated values of the L-C components for the

circuit illustrated in Fig. 2 (b) are: C1 = C3 = 0.625 pF,

C2 = 0.545 pF, L1 = L3 = 1.225 nH, L2 = 1.4 nH.



Fig. 2. UWB three-pole PCLM bandpass filter: (a)

electrical response for presented cases, and (b) equivalent

circuit model.

The optimized filter was unmanufactured, due to the

resulting very small coupling gap between filter

resonators. This geometrical parameter determines the

impedance bandwidth of this filter type [6,8]. In the

following section, a modified PCLM bandpass filter with

null gapping and integrated short-circuited stubs is


B. Modified UWB bandpass filter with selectivity


The proposed filter structure consists of setting null

gapping between all adjacent PCLM filter resonators and

shifting the feed line position to achieve compact filter


Also, two symmetrical short-circuited stubs are

incorporated for improvement of rejection in the out-of-

band frequencies and elimination of the transmission at

lower frequency band. In Fig. 3, we plotted the geometry

of the proposed filter layout without stubs and


photograph of the fabricated prototype. The physical

dimension values of this filter are, in mm: W1 = W4 = 1.42,

L1 = L4 = 5.8, W2 = W3 = 0.7 and L2 = L3 = 6.

This prototype was measured using a N5222A

Agilent Network Analyser. The simulated and measured

return loss and insertion of this filter design is plotted in

Fig. 4. We note that the fabricated UWB bandpass filter

demonstrates a low insertion loss within the FFC band.

However, a poor out-of-band rejection performances is

seen, due to the small gaps applied between PCLM

resonators. Then an enhancement of filter selectivity is




Fig. 3. Modified UWB bandpass filter without stubs: (a)

filter layout, and (b) photograph of fabricated prototype.

Fig. 4. Electrical response of the modified UWB bandpass

filter without stubs.

To solve the limitation of poor selectivity, we added

two symmetrical short-circuited as shown in Fig. 5 (a),

in order to create the desired rejection and eliminate the

transmission at low frequency.

The photograph of the fabricated final filter

prototype is shown in Fig. 5 (b). For this design, the

length and width of the stubs determine the center

frequency and bandwidth of the rejected band. Whereas,

the rejection level is controlled by the stub positioning

parameter, D.

Figure 6 (a) shows the insertion loss of the final

modified filter design, with respect to the previous

proposed filter cases. The comparison indicates that the

modified bandpass filter presents a wider impedance

bandwidth, lower insertion loss and improved selectivity.

The integrated symmetrical stubs offer a rejection peak

at 12.5 GHz (-40 dB). A good agreement is achieved

between measurements and simulation.

By comparing to the conventional optimized filter

previously presented, the modified filter offers an

enhancement in the UWB impedance bandwidth (5%)

with improved selectivity. However, it presents a small

increase of the insertion loss (about 1.5 dB), due to the

integration of the stubs.

Finally, we plotted in Fig. 7, the simulated group

delay for the initial, the optimized and the modified filter

designs. Within the UWB passband, both of conventional

and modified bandpass filters demonstrate flat values

(<0.2 ns) of group delay, that meet the requirements

established by the FCC regulations for the UWB devices.



Fig. 5. Modified UWB bandpass filter with stubs: (a)

filter layout, and (b) photograph of fabricated prototype.

10 ACES JOURNAL, Vol. 31, No. 1, January 2016



Fig. 6. (a) Insertion loss of the UWB bandpass filter for

all proposed cases. (b) Schematic of distributed elements

corresponding to the filter design with stubs.

Fig. 7. Parameter calculation tool of the parallel coupled

line bandpass filter at 6.85 GHz.

C. Results discussion

Based on the conformal mapping method reported

in [10], the even- and odd-mode characteristic impedances

of the coupled line depend on the width W and coupling

gap S of one stage parallel coupled line. When the

dielectric constant εr and thickness h of the substrate are

known, the impedances Z0e and Z0o can be calculated as

a function of the strip line width and coupling gap for

each stage of parallel coupled lines of the filter. Then by

decreasing the coupling gap S values, the Z0e values

increase, Z0o decrease and consequently the bandwidth

of the parallel coupled line bandpass filter increases.

Detailed analysis and corresponding graphs of the even-

and odd-mode impedances are depicted in [12].

Using the closed formulas developed by Hammerstad,

Kirschning and Jansen for modelling the frequency-

dependency of the even- and odd-mode characteristics of

a parallel coupled microstrip line [10,11]. The variation

of the static characteristic impedances for even- and odd-

modes is calculated easily, as well as the fractional

bandwidth (FBW) variation of the PCLM filter type.

Calculated FBWs in (%), for different values of the

coupling gaps S1-4 and S2-3 are presented in Table 1. This

FBW is obtained by determining the ABCD matrix and

S-parameters as indicated in [13], based on the design

specification presented previously. The three-pole parallel

coupled line microstrip bandpass filter implements the

FR4 substrate with center frequency of 6.85 GHz and

passband ripple of 0.5.

However, this filter configuration with very small

coupling gap kept unmanufactured. Then we modified

our design by setting null spacing between filter

resonators. This resulting structure offers a relative poor

selectivity which can be improved using several

techniques, such as the short-circuited stubs here

described. This latter allows eliminating the lower band

frequency transmission.

The resonance frequency of the stub is given by (3):

0.52. .( )




L , (3)

where L is the total length of the slot, εre is the effective

dielectric constant and c is the speed of light. The

dimensions of the short-circuited stubs here used are:

Lsl = 6.5 mm, Wsl = 0.4 mm and D = 4.6 mm.

Table 1: Variation of the calculated FBW in percentage

with the small coupling gap values


(S1-4, S2-3)


(1-4, 2-3)


(1-4, 2-3) FBW %

III. CONCLUSION In this paper a modified parallel coupled line

microstrip bandpass filter for UWB application is

presented. Based on a classical design of the parallel

coupled line microstrip filters, an UWB bandpass filter

is firstly introduced and discussed. Later an optimized

design is obtained demonstrating an improved performance

with respect to the FCC requirements for UWB devices.

A low insertion loss with relative good rejection was

obtained within the FCC passband. The equivalent

circuit model was also calculated and good agreement is

seen with simulation. However, the filter presents very


small gap values so demanding a high accuracy in the

manufacturing process not achievable for our capabilities.

A limit case is proposed with null gapping to yield a

fabricated prototype. The short-circuited stubs are

integrated to improve the filter selectivity and eliminate

the transmission at low frequency. Measurements results

demonstrate the validity of the design method proposed

in this paper, achieving an improved performance in

terms of UWB bandwidth, low insertion loss and good

rejection band without increasing the complexity of the

filter structure.

The proposed technique is a good candidate for

UWB bandpass filter design, and it can be generally

applied to obtain UWB bandpass filters for any


This work can be extended to achieve a wider

rejection in the out-of-band frequencies regardless the

used selectivity enhancement technique. As an example,

an array of stubs with multiple close resonances.

As set-off, the filter width dimension has grown, and

as possible solution to this disadvantage we propose the

design of the stub in meander shape. A solution as

replacing stubs by stub-slots in the input feedline would

affect the S21 parameter introducing a larger insertion

loss. Despite the disadvantage of the increasing width

dimension, the short-circuited stub is a solution valid to

jointly achieve an improved selectivity and the elimination

of the low-frequency transmission.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT Research supported by the Xunta de Galicia (Grant

EMR2012/238) and Erasmus Mundus Green IT (Grant


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[9] S. Akhtarzad, T. R. Rowbotham, and P. B. Johns,

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Azzedin Naghar was born in

Tetouan, Morroco. He received the

Engineer degree in Telecommunication

Engineering at the National School of

Applied Sciences from Abdelmalek

Essaadi University, Tetouan, Morocco

in 2011. He is currently working

toward the Ph.D. degree in Electrical

12 ACES JOURNAL, Vol. 31, No. 1, January 2016

Engineering with the Department of Teoría de la Señal y

comunicación, University of Vigo, Pontevedra, Vigo,

Spain. His research interests include UWB antenna

design and RF filters.

Otman Aghzout was born in

Tétouan, Morocco. He received the

Electronics degree from Abdelmalek

Essaadi University, Tétouan,

Morocco, in 1995, the M. and the

Ph.D. degrees in Telecommunications

Engineering at the High School of

Telecommunications Engineering

(ETSITGC) of Canary University, Spain in 2000 and

January 2002, respectively. He has also been a

Researcher Student at the Microwave Group of the Dept.

of Electronics and Electromagnetism, University of

Seville (Seville, Spain) from 1996 till 1999. In January

2002, he joined the Medical Technology Center (CTM)

of the University Hospital of GC, where he worked in

Medical Engineering applications for two years. From

2002-2004 he has been a Teacher Assistant on

Telecommunications Engineering and Postdoctoral

Researcher at the Department of the Signal Processing

Engineering, High School of TE (ETSITGC). Since 2009

he joined the Dept. of Engineering Technologies:

Telecommunications and Mecatronics (TITM) as an

Associate Professor of Telecommunications Engineering,

National School of Applied Sciences, UAE, Tétouan,

Morocco. Currently he is interested on printed microwave

passive and active circuits, filters and antenna designs.

Ana Vazquez Alejos has been

working with the Department of

Signal Theory and Communications,

University of Vigo, as Research and

Teaching Staff. She completed her

Ph.D. thesis on the radio channel

characterization for the millimeter

wave frequencies. In 2009 she was

granted with the Marie Curie International Outgoing

Fellowship, carrying out the outgoing phase in the New

Mexico State University (NM, USA), with a research

focused on propagation through dispersive media, and

radar waveform generation. In 2002, her M.S. thesis

received the Ericcson Award by the Spanish Association

of Electrical Engineers, as the best Multimedia Wireless

Project. Her research work includes radio propagation,

communication electronics, wideband radio channel

modeling, multimedia wireless systems, waveform and

noise code design, and radar.

Alejos is a Reviewer for several IEEE and IET

Journals, and works for the IEEE TMC Spain Chapter.

Francisco Falcone received the

Telecommunication Engineering

degree and Ph.D. degrees from the

Universidad Publica de Navarra

(UPNA), Pamplona, Spain, in 1999

and 2005, respectively.

From 1999 to 2000, he was a

Microwave Commissioning Engineer

with Siemens–Italtel. From 2000 to 2008, he was a Radio

Network Engineer with Telefonica Moviles. In 2009, he

cofounded the spinoff Tafco Metawireless. From 2003

to 2009, he was an Assistant Lecturer with UPNA, and

since June 2009, has been an Associate Professor with

the same university. From 2005 to 2008, he was Internal

Instructor with Telefonica Moviles.

His research areas cover complex and artificial

electromagnetic media, EBG, metamaterials, enhanced

transmission and plasmonic guiding, as well mobile

system design and analysis.

Falcone works for the IEEE MTT-11 committee,

IEEE ES Spain Chapter, and IEEE TMC Spain Chapter.

He was recipient of the CST Best Paper award in 2003

and 2005, a Ph.D. award in 2006 from the Colegio

Oficial de Ingenieros de Telecomunicacion, and a Ph.D.

award at UPNA, in 2010.


Design of compact wideband multi-band andultrawideband band pass filters based oncoupled half wave resonators with reducedcoupling gap

ISSN 1751-8725Received on 30th July 2014Revised on 27th May 2015Accepted on 2nd August 2015doi: 10.1049/iet-map.2015.0188www.ietdl.org

Azzedin Naghar1,2, Otman Aghzout3, Ana Vazquez Alejos1 , Manuel Garcia Sanchez1,

Mohamed Essaaidi4

1Department of Teoría de la Señal y comunicación, University of Vigo, Pontevedra, Vigo, Spain2Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Tetouan, Morocco3Department TITM, National School of Applied Sciences, Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Tetouan, Morocco4Department of ENSIAS, University of Mohamed V-Souissi, Rabat, Morocco

E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract: In this paper we propose a technique to design compact multi-band and UWB bandpass filters based on coupledhalf wave resonators. The proposed design consists of the modification of a conventional parallel coupled Chebyshevbandpass filter structure by setting a very small or null coupling gap between the resonators of the center sectionsjointly with a very small spacing between resonators of the extremity sections. This spacing determines theperformances of selected frequency bands. An ultrawideband response is accomplished by applying null spacingbetween all the adjacent resonators. We analysed the effect of the separation distance between the coupled lines onboth the fractional bandwidth and group velocity of the filter response. The effect of the order assumed for the initialChebyshev filter was also discussed. As an illustration of the proposed technique, we designed and measured a dualband and a tri-band filter for the frequencies covering the WiMAX/WLAN/X system bands demonstrating an excellentperformance, with a fractional bandwidth covering the 40% and 100% of the FCC bandwidth respectively. Theproposed technique alleviates the fabrication accuracy requirements. The designs show an optimal improvement interms of group velocity flatness.

1 Introduction

With the rapid development of wireless communications in recentyears, a demand for passive circuits has quickly increased, such asbandpass filters (BPFs). Multi-band (MB) and ultrawideband(UWB) operation is common target for today’s wirelesscommunication systems, and then balanced BPFs are highlydesired for such systems. The design requirements of these circuitsface new challenges among which are included an overall goodperformance, wide bandwidth operation feature, high frequencyselectivity, compact size and the use of a microstrip lineconfiguration. There are also standardised requirements to beaccomplished in the design of an UWB band pass filter coveringthe frequency band defined by the U.S. Federal CommunicationCommission (FCC) that extends from 3.1 to 10.6 GHz [1]. Amongthese requirements we can mention: meet the FCC spectrum muskregulation; low insertion loss (<0.5 dB); low ripples (<0.5 dB);mild group delay variation (<0.2 ns); transmission zeros above andbelow the passband which means good attenuation slopes of theskirts selectivity [2, 3].

Various approaches to implement MB and UWB filters have beendesigned and analysed through literature [4–9]. Among othermicrostrip line centred configurations, BPFs based onparallel-coupled stepped-impedance resonators (SIRs) have beenwidely used in microwave systems, due to their good performance,simple structure, low cost and ease of integration with otherdevices. A general layout of a parallel coupled microstrip BPF isshown in Fig. 1. The filter structure consists of a set of opencircuited coupled microstrip lines. The coupling gaps correspondto the admittance inverters in the low-pass prototype circuit. Even-and odd- mode characteristic impedances of parallel-coupled

half-wave resonators are computed using admittance inverters.These even- and odd- mode impedances are then used to computephysical dimensions of the filter, as described in [10, 11]. Theexpressions for the coupled line parameters, such as space-gapbetween lines, line widths and lengths, can be found in classicalmicrowave books [4, 5].

Sometimes the dimensions resulting from the design process of aSIR filter turn the fabrication process into a challenge [9]. To solvethis problem, an option [12] has been increasing some of thosecritical filter dimensions. As a result, the minimum dimension ofthe coupling gaps between the adjacent SIRs needed to beenlarged, which alleviates the requirement on fabrication precision.The effect of this choice is the need to increase the filter order toachieve the aimed UWB feature, and consequently enlarging thephysical size of the filter. However, it has been proposed in [12,13] that by using a very small coupling gap the filtering structureresults particularly convenient for implementing filters with awider bandwidth.

This paper proposes a simple technique to design MB and UWBBPFs based on parallel coupled microstrip lines. The proposedmethodology consists of the following steps: (i) a classicalChebyshev filter is synthesised on the desired passband; (ii) theinitial filter design is optimised by means of an ad-hoc tool toimprove loss and rejection values; (iii) by properly setting a verysmall or null spacing between adjacent coupled lines of theoptimised filter design, a MB or UWB filter response is obtained.

As an illustration, the described technique has been applied to atwo order and a three order parallel coupled microstrip BPF. Byproperly setting the resonators coupling gaps, it was obtained dual-and tri-band filters for the desired frequency bands. With a suitableconfiguration, UWB filters resulted covering 40 and 100% of the

IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation

Research Article

IET Microw. Antennas Propag., 2015, Vol. 9, Iss. 15, pp. 1786–17921786 & The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2015

FCC band for the two- and three-order filters, respectively. Forthe MB design, the band rejection performance is controllable viathe coupling gap value.

The paper is organised as follows. In Section 2.2, we detail thebasic design of a two-pole parallel coupled band pass filter centredat 5.78 GHz. In Section 2.3 we optimise the previous design withan optimisation tool [10, 11]. In Section 2.4 we show thedual-band and UWB responses obtained by applying small or nullcoupling gap. In Section 2.5 we introduce the theoretical analysisto explain the variable effect of the spacing between coupled lineson the fractional bandwidth (FBW) of the filter response. InSection 2.6 we describe the effect of the coupling gap reductionon the group velocity. In Section 3, the same technique is appliedto approach the tri-band and UWB versions of a three-pole bandpass filter to discuss the advantage of increasing the filter order.An ample comparison is offered in Section 4 regarding theperformance results of this work. Conclusions are elaborated inSection 5.

2 Two-pole Chebyshev band pass filter design

In this section we describe and validate our synthesis theory. Thedesign goal is fabricate and measure one two-pole MB filter withtwo bands corresponding to WLAN/WiMAX frequency bands,and one UWB filter that achieves the greatest possible FBW tocover the FCC specifications.

2.1 Filter specifications

The design requirements for the initial two order Chebyshev filter area centre frequency of 5.78 GHz, bandwidth of 125 MHz andpassband insertion loss ripple of 0.1 dB, corresponding toWiMAX systems. The substrate ARLON AD1000x having apermittivity of 10.2, a substrate thickness of 1.27 mm, and ametallic strip thickness of 35 µm. The implementation requires twomicrostrip layer.

2.2 Initial step: two-pole Chebyshev BPF design

The first step of the proposed methodology consists of the classicaldesign of a Chebyshev parallel coupled band pass filter centred at5.78 GHz with a bandwidth of 12.5%, order of N = 2 and passband ripple of 0.1 dB, using dielectric substrate of ArlonAD1000x. This design required three sections with even- and oddmode characteristic impedances of ζ0e = 62.051 Ω, ζ0ο = 41.978 Ω(Sections 1 and 3), and ζ0e = 52.455 Ω, ζ0ο = 47.764 Ω (Section 2).

The initial physical dimension values – space gap (S), width (W)and length (L) of each stage – were obtained using the transmissionline theory approach developed in [12]. These values will becomethe input for the optimisation design tool used subsequently inSection 2.3.

2.3 Optimisation: two-pole Chebyshev BPF design

The filter designed in the initial step can be optimised to improve theMB feature of the filter response, the insertion loss, the rejectionbetween bands and the stopband. The optimal filter design wasaccomplished by using a previously developed parameteroptimisation tool [10, 11], which adjusts the physical dimensionvalues for an optimised fitting of the S-parameters, insertion andreturn loss. Once obtained the optimised design, the simulation ofits electrical response was performed with the electromagneticsimulator software CST. The theoretical analysis regarding thedesign to understand details such as the control resonant frequencyof each band tool, the number of the poles for each pass band, andthe rejection between bands can be found in [10–13].

Fig. 2 shows the electrical response of the two-poles (N = 2)optimised filter. It is observed that the centre frequency of thedesigned filter was fitted to 5.78 GHz and also the desiredbandwidth of 125 MHz was obtained. The corresponding insertionloss of the optimised design is <1 dB, with return loss of −33.95dB in the centred frequency, which indicates that the requiredinitial performance was accomplished. The number of bands of thefilter is related to the order of the filter; however, nor the MB orUWB feature of the initial filter is not remarkable. Then, thefollowing step of the proposed technique will consist of enhancingthe aimed frequency response, MB or UWB.

The physical dimension values of the optimised design, as perFig. 2, are: S1,3 = 0.555 mm, W1,3 = 1.346 mm and L1,3 = 4.513mm, for Sections 1 and 3; S2 = 1.655 mm, W2 = 1.657 mm and L2= 4.466 mm for Section 2.

2.4 Filter structure modification for multi-frequency andUWB performance

Taking as initial design the filter of Section 2.3, we reduced thespacing between adjacent resonators, S1–3 and S2, to obtain MBand UWB parallel coupled microstrip band pass versions of thefilter. By using a very small coupling, S→0, the filtering structureresults particularly convenient for implementing filters with awider bandwidth as can be found in the work given by [12, 14].

By means of the CST software we tested the effect of differentvalues of the spacing gaps in terms of bandwidth, return loss andfrequency resonances. The S-parameters S11 and S21 for threedifferent small values of spacing S for quarter-wavelength coupledSections 1 and 3 (S1–3), and the spacing of Section 2 (S2) areplotted in Figs. 3a and b to show the MB and UWB cases withtheir corresponding coupling gaps.

Fig. 2 Optimal electrical response of two-pole parallel coupled microstripband pass filter for two poles (Section 2) and three pole cases (Section 3)

Fig. 1 General layout of a parallel coupled microstrip BPF

a Microstrip transmission lineb General structure of parallel coupled band pass filter

IET Microw. Antennas Propag., 2015, Vol. 9, Iss. 15, pp. 1786–17921787& The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2015

For the MB case showed in Fig. 3a, it is observed that both themulti-frequency feature and the discrimination between bands aremore significant when S1–3 increases and S2 decreases. For theUWB case, shown in Fig. 3b, the wide bandwidth feature arisesout by using very small values of S1–3 more than diminishing thevalue of S2 which also must be small. Hence, if S1–3 decreases orS2 increases, the resulting bandwidth is larger. It is to be notedthat the rejection between bands is better when S1–3 increases,while it degrades if S2 decreases resulting into a bandwidth increase.

Despite the advantages, small coupling gaps valuesmight result notimplementable due to the fabrication precision limits. Then, a nullvalue of S2 alleviates the fabrication requirements simultaneouslyenhancing the MB filter response once S1–3 is properly set. For thesame reason, we set to null the coupling gap S1–3 and, in addition,we must choose a convenient value for S2 that balances thefabrication accuracy and the UWB response performance. Yetagain, a null value for S2 has proven to be the best option.

Based on this analysis, the outcome simulation of theS-parameters S11 and S21 for the dual band filter are illustrated inFig. 4 for different values of S1–3 with null values of S2. The MBmeasurement results of the built filter prototype are also shown inFig. 4. In Fig. 5, we presented the resulting simulated andmeasured UWB filter responses with null value of coupling gapS1–3 and S2.

For dual band filter, the corresponding geometrical parametersare: S1,3 = 0.15 mm, W1,3 = 1.18 mm, L1,3 = 5.513 mm, S2 = 0 mm,W2 = 1.945 mm, L2 = 5.466. For UWB filter, they are: S1,3 = 0 mm,W1,3 = 1.18 mm, L1,3 = 4.513 mm, S2 = 0 mm, W2 = 1.945 mm,

L2 = 4.466. Figs. 6a and b illustrates the photograph of thefabricated 2-pole filter prototypes.

For theMB case seen in Fig. 4, it can be observed that the measuredresults show good agreement with the simulation outcomes, with thecentre frequencies for the dual band filters at 3.4 and 5.5 GHzcovering WLAN and WiMAX bands, according to the designrequirement. From Fig. 4 it is noted that the rejection performanceis controllable via the coupling gap value: the passband bandwidthdecreases with enhancement of rejection between bands, when S1–3increases. The insertion loss of the first and second resonancefrequency are −0.49 and −0.34 dB, respectively. The return loss isbetter than −25 dB at both centre frequencies. The MB filter has acompact size of 24 mm as total length.

The UWB filter, plotted in Fig. 5 demonstrates an operationbandwidth extended from 3.18 to 6.62 GHz. This responserepresents a 40% of the amount of bandwidth defined by the FCCrequirements. Within the passband, the measured insertion loss ofthe filter is <0.35 dB ‒ in which 0.16 dB is contributed by the lossdue to the material simulated at 5.00 GHz [9] ‒ whereas the returnloss is larger than 10 dB.

2.5 Influence of coupling gap on the filter FBW

Closed form expressions for modelling the frequency-dependency ofeven- and odd-mode characteristics of parallel coupled microstripline were developed by Hammerstad, Kirschning and Jansen [12,13], to explain the variation of the calculated FBW for severalvalues of coupling gap.

For the filter designed in Section 2.3, Table 1 shows the variationof the FBW for different values of the coupling gaps S1–3 and S2. TheFBWwas achieved by calculating ABCD and Smatrixes indicated in[11]. It can be observed that by decreasing the values of bothcoupling gaps, S1–3 and S2, the even impedance characteristic Z0eincreases and its related value for odd-mode Z0o decreases, henceleading to a larger value of FBW. Therefore, by properlydecreasing the coupling gap values we can achieve a UWBresponse. Furthermore, the combination of parallel coupledresonators and small coupling gap becomes a technique that offersa great control to select a preferred working bandwidth: the lengthof each resonator section allows the shifting of the centrefrequency and thus the bandwidth can be re-allocated.

With the aim of achieving a MB response, we observed the effectof modifying the coupling gap values S1–3 and S2 on the frequencyresponse. For the case with FBW of 41.52% (S1–3 = 0.088 mm andS2 = 0.163 mm), the analysis is done by increasing the value of thecoupling gap S1–3 or decreasing S2, while the other gap valueremains constant, a dual band response shows up and thebandwidth increases. Figs. 7a and b show respectively thetheoretically calculated frequency responses of the filter fordifferent values of S2 and S1–3, while the other gap value remainsconstant. These figures demonstrate the analysis previously

Fig. 3 S-parameters of band pass filter for several space gap values (S1,3)

a Multiband filterb UWB filter Fig. 4 Electrical response of dual-band band pass filter

IET Microw. Antennas Propag., 2015, Vol. 9, Iss. 15, pp. 1786–17921788 & The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2015

presented regarding the coupling gap effect on the filter response toyield the MB and UWB features.

Frequency dispersion effect can be studied from [15, 16] thatmostly affects to the even-modes. Closed-form expressions formodelling the frequency-dependency of the even- and odd-modecharacteristics of parallel coupled microstrip line were developedby Hammerstad, Kirschning and Jansen [12, 13].

Thus, by considering a small coupling gap, we increase the gapcapacitance Cgd, subsequently decreasing the odd mode phasevelocity Vp,o. A lower phase velocity implies a larger attenuativemedium that is translated into a larger attenuation that will begreater the higher the frequency is.

2.6 Group delay

In Fig. 8 we plotted the simulated group delay for the two-pole filterdesigned in Section 2.3, before the space gap modification. We used

the same values of S1–3 used in Fig. 3, with S2 constant and equal to1.655 mm, to plot the effect of the space gap variation. The groupdelay of this filter significantly improves as S1–3 decreasesachieving the better performance for the case of S1–3 = 0.1 mm forwhich the group delay varies between 0.3 and 0.6 ns. Even whengroup delay flatness is not required for MB filter, it is undoubtedlyan additional advantage of the proposed approach.

One of the requisites established by the FCC regulations forthe UWB devices is a mild group delay variation, <0.2 ns,through the whole passband. The measured group delay of theUWB filter is also plotted in Fig. 8. Within the passband of theUWB filter, the measured group delay is flat with the value of0.24 + 0.01 ns.

From the comparison between the frequency response of theUWB filter and the FCC’s specifications for indoor/outdoorapplications, as aforementioned in Section 1, we can make someconclusions: (i) the filter presents a low insertion loss under 0.35 dB;(ii) the group delay of this filter is flat with the value of 0.24 + 0.01 nswithin the passband; (iii) the filter has a compact size of 27 mm astotal length.

We conclude that the technique based on small coupling gapvalues herein described allows obtaining both UWB and N-orderMB parallel coupled BPFs for any frequency band and filter order.

In the following Section 3 we applied this technique based on thesmall gapping effect to a 3-order parallel coupled band pass filter toobtain one tri-band banpass filter and one UWB band pass filterscovering the FCC band extending from 3.1 to 10.6 GHz.

Fig. 5 Electrical response of the implemented UWB band pass filter

Fig. 6 Photograph of the fabricated filters

a Dual-band band pass filterb UWB band pass filter for N = 2c Tri-band band pass filterd UWB band pass filter for N = 3

Table 1 (a) Microstrip transmission line. (b) General structure ofparallel coupled band pass filter

Coupling gap(S1–3, S2)

Z0e Sections(1-3, 2)

Z0o Sections(1-3, 2)


0.43, 1.47 63.94, 50.07 34.83, 39.48 6.920.145, 0.469 80.96, 62.79 30.75, 35.19 17.30.106, 0263 88.17, 70.91 29.96, 32.82 31.140.088, 0.163 93.9, 78.8 29.77, 31.1 41.52

IET Microw. Antennas Propag., 2015, Vol. 9, Iss. 15, pp. 1786–17921789& The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2015

3 Three-pole Chebyshev band pass filter design

As a second step to illustrate additional details of the synthesis theoryand the advantage of increasing the filter order, we haveimplemented as initial design a Δ = 10% bandwidth Chebyshev

BPF with centre frequency of 5.78 GHz, with order N = 3 andripple of 0.1. The classical design requires ζ0e = 60.72 Ω, ζ0ο =42.57 Ω for Sections 1 and 4, and ζ0e = 51.609 Ω, ζ0ο = 48.48 Ωfor Sections 2 and 3.

The resulting S-parameters of this initial three poles (N = 3) filterare also presented in Fig. 2. It is observed that the simulationperformance shows a very good agreement with the designspecifications. The centre frequency has been fitted to 5.78 GHzwith a bandwidth of about 10%. The corresponding insertion lossof the optimal results is <1 dB with −41.46 dB of return loss inthe desired frequency of 5.78 GHz. The geometrical parametersvalues of this optimised filter design obtained as indicated inSection 2.2, are: S1,4 = 0.608 mm, W1,4 = 1.375 mm, L1,4 = 4.351mm for Sections 1 and 4; S2,3 = 1.911 mm, W2,3 = 1.684 mm, L2,3= 4.306 mm for Sections 2 and 3.

Similarly to the technique described in Section 2.2, we studied theeffect of spacing between each symmetrical section to obtain MBand UWB responses. The performances of the measured andsimulated electrical responses of the resulting tri-band and UWBfilters are shown in Figs. 9 and 10, respectively. Fig. 9 shows thetri-band response for several values of S14, taking S23 as nullgaping. A relative good agreement between measurement andsimulations for the fabricated case, even that some deviations arepresent due to the fabrication tolerances, unideal experimentalconditions (not precise simulation of the connectors, cables,adapters…), and dispersion of the substrate characteristics withrespect to the manufacturer’s datasheet. Furthermore, the rejectionbetween bands and the impedance bandwidth of selectedfrequency pass bands result controllable by the S1–3 value.

According to the measured case outcomes shown in Fig. 9, threenarrow bands were formed with resonant frequencies centred at 3.2,5.78 GHz and 8 GHz covering WiMAX, WLANs and ITU Xfrequency band (from 7.0 to 11.2 GHz). The correspondinginsertion loss and return loss for the tri-band band pass filter wererespectively (−0.82, −20 dB) at 3.2 GHz, (−0.17, −49.16 dB) at5.78 GHz and (−0.17, −42.53 dB) at 8 GHz. It is observed anenhancement of the rejection band in the tri-band response, whenS1–4 increases, similarly to the dual-band analysis presented inSection 2.3.

From Fig. 10, it is apparent that the fabricated filter covers theentire UWB band defined by FCC (3.1–10.6 GHz) and goesbeyond 10.6 GHz, with an insertion loss less than −1 dB withinthe passband and an even better return less than −40 dB. Themeasured group delay of the UWB filter with order N = 3 is alsoplotted in Fig. 8. Within the passband of the UWB filter, themeasured group delay is flat with the value of 0.23 + 0.005 ns.

The physical dimension values of this three-pole Chebyshevparallel coupled band pass filter are: S1,4 = 0.15 mm, W1,4 = 0.98mm, L1,4 = 4.151 mm, S2,3 = 0 mm, W2,3 = 1.31 mm, L2,3 = 4.605mm for the tri-band filter; and S1,4 = 0 mm, W1,4 = 0.98 mm, L1,4 =2.85 mm, S2,3 = 0 mm, W2,3 = 1.31 mm, L2,3 = 3.34 for the UWB

Fig. 7 Calculated filter frequency response for

a Different values of S1,3 and with S2 = 0.088 mmb Different values of S2 and with S1–3 = 0.088 mm

Fig. 9 Electrical response of tri-band band pass filter

Fig. 8 Calculated group delay: for different values of S1–3 of the multiband(MB)l two-pole BPF (Section 2.3), for two-pole UWB filter (Section 2.4) andfor three-pole UWB filter (Section 3)

IET Microw. Antennas Propag., 2015, Vol. 9, Iss. 15, pp. 1786–17921790 & The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2015

case. Figs. 7c and d illustrates a photograph of fabricated filters. TheMB filter has a compact size of 27 mm as total length, and 24 mm forthe UWB case.

We concluded that by setting very small coupling betweenadjacent resonators in the geometry of parallel coupled band passfilter, we can easily approach the desired multi-frequency andUWB responses. By comparison with the few references to asimilar technique found in literature [17, 18], the present synthesistheory incorporates several advantages, such as obtaining MB andUWB band pass filters providing large FBW, low insertion losswithin the passband, delay group flatness, and compact aperturesize without complicating the filter structure. In addition, thepresent technique can be generally used to obtain the MB andUWB performance for any specified frequency band, filter orderand using any dielectric substrate. However, we should indicatethat increasing the filter order does not provide better responsefeatures and it would only increase the filter size withcomplication in controlling the desired frequency pass bands, dueto the presence of an important number of sections thatconsequently yields enlarging the value of critical coupling gaps.It would also require a significant precision in the manufacturingprocess, even more in the MB cases to accurately control thedesired centre frequency and impedance bandwidth.

4 Comparison with other band pass filter designtechniques

Many references found in literature describe works done related toMB and UWB filter design theory. However, among them we cancheck the limited use of the gap reduction technique. Therefore, itis not only possible to make a valid comparison if we considerworks done following different synthesis approaches. For suchcomparison, we decided to consider only techniques based onparallel coupled microstrip designs. Following we divided thecomparison between classical techniques, and other approaches.

First, we compared our synthesis approach proposed in this paperwith classical techniques. Hence, we started focusing on referencesthat work with Chebyshev filter responses, coupled resonators, andmodification of the coupling gap.

In [9] it is shown a sixth order UWB filter based on parallelcoupled microstrip Chebyshev filter that results into a large filterlength and a complicated structure subject to realisticmanufacturing limits. In [14] it is described a UWB design basedon increasing some of those critical filter dimensions to overcomethe fabrication challenges. Filters of order up to nine with FBW of30% or 40% are described in [18].

Different methods and structures based on multiple-moderesonators (MMRs) have been used to develop new UWBband-pass filters which have compact size, low insertion loss,

good selectivity and out-of-band rejection performance [19–24]. In[19], an initial MMR with stepped-impedance configuration wasoriginally reported where the first three resonant modes of theMMR were utilised to design the filter. To achieve good filteringperformance, stepped-impedance-stub loaded resonator was used,and the designed five-mode UWB filter had good filteringperformance and sharp selectivity, but suffered from narrow upperstop-band [20]. To improve the upper stop-band performance, anelectromagnetic band gap embedded MMR [21] andharmonic-suppressed MMR, such as stub-loaded resonators [22]were applied to the design of UWB filters. The size and verticaldimension of the UWB BPF can be significantly reduced byreplacing the modified conventional one quarter-wavelengthparallel coupled lines with cross-shaped coupled lines [23] andalso by the use of radial stub loaded resonator [24], respectively.

Recently, various approaches to implement UWB filtersemploying distributed quarter-wave short-circuited stubs have beendesigned and analysed [25–27]. In [25], compact filters wereobtained by folding the connecting lines and using short-circuitedstubs, however the frequency selectivity achieved by thesestructures was not optimal. In [26], short-circuited stubs werereplaced by open-circuited stubs to accomplish high selectivity,though the size was increased. In [8, 27], the source-load couplingtechnique was used to obtain transmission zeros for a highselectivity and compact size. This technique has been also appliedto other filter types [28, 29]. This set of UWB techniques typicallyachieves over 100% of FBW with an excessive complexity of thefilter structure and enlarging the filter size.

For microwave wireless communication systems, MB filter designhas been an attractive issue, and hence different dual-band andtri-band filter techniques have been developed. In planar circuitry,four basic approaches have been considered to add-inmulti-frequency feature in a filter response. Firstly, by switchingbetween two separate filters at two different frequencies [30]; thisapproach increases size and cost. Secondly, by employing stubs tointroduce transmission zeros which separate pass bands [31]; asthis is essentially a stop band approach, far-out-of-band rejection isimpossible to attain. Thirdly, by using stepped impedanceresonators, that is [32]; however, it is often difficult to achieveproper coupling coefficients for a simultaneous, yet independentcontrol of both in-between frequencies and full bandwidth. Thefourth approach consists of coupled resonator pairs [33], howeverit lacks an independent option to allocate the transmission zeros.

Generally speaking, we conclude that our approach offers anoptimised MB and UWB BPF synthesis design with goodperformance in terms of insertion and return losses, gapcontrollable rejection performance, short dimensions, low orderrequirement, and flat group delay response.

5 Conclusions

This paper proposes a simple filter synthesis technique valid todesign MB and UWB BPF based on parallel coupled microstriplines. This technique consists of modifying the geometry of aninitial classical Chebyshev filter by setting a very small or nullcoupling gap between adjacent resonators so that a MB or anUWB responses are obtained. As an example to validate theproposed synthesis approach, this technique has been applied ontwo and three order initial Chebyshev filters centred at 5.78 GHzdesigned and optimised according to [10, 11]. A posteriori, thecoupling gap between resonators was varied to reach the final MBand UWB approaches. We introduced in Section 2.5 a theoreticalanalysis based on the closed forms given in [12, 13] todemonstrate and explain the effect of the coupling gap variationon the multiband and UWB response from the initial design. Wealso discussed, for the MB design, how the rejection performanceis controllable via the coupling gap value.

In general, the simulation and measurement results of the filtersproposed as example indicate good agreement in term ofS-parameters, insertion and return losses, and group delay, hencevalidating the technique developed in Section 2. The synthesis

Fig. 10 Electrical response of UWB band pass filter

IET Microw. Antennas Propag., 2015, Vol. 9, Iss. 15, pp. 1786–17921791& The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2015

approach described in this work results in a simple structure veryeasy to manufacture with a compact size due to the shorterdimensions and low filter order required, as well as of low-costdue to the implementation in two-layer PCB technology.

We conclude that the excellent results meet the objective of thispaper. A good overall performance is demonstrated for theproposed BPFs in terms of insertion and return losses within thepassbands, as well as FBW and delay group flatness, evencomparing with the requirements established by the FCCregulations. The characteristics of the resulting filters cannot beextensively compared with those found in literature due to thelimited use of the gap reduction technique.

We should note that this technique could be applied as acomplementary step for any design specification, taking as baseany parallel coupled BPF design. Finally, as main disadvantage wecan mention that the UWB filter does not show good steep skirtselectivity and stopband. The attenuation slopes of the skirtsselectivity are not present in this design. The attenuation slopes ofthe skirts selectivity could be improved by insertion of additionalpoles in the lower and upper stopbands.

6 Acknowledgments

This work was funded by the Government of Xunta de Galicia,Spain, (grant no. EMR2012/238), the GreenIT Erasmus MundusProgramme (grant no. 2012-2625/001-001-EMA2), by AtlantiTICResearch Center, and the Spanish Government and the EuropeanRegional Development Fund (ERDF) under project TACTICA.

7 References

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IET Microw. Antennas Propag., 2015, Vol. 9, Iss. 15, pp. 1786–17921792 & The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2015

Influence of impairments due to dispersive propagation on theantenna design for body-based applications

Ana Vazquez Alejosa* , Muhammad Dawoodb, Erik Aguirrec, Francisco Falconec,David Alvarez Outereloa, Azzedin Naghard and Otman Agzhoutd

aTeoria de la Señal y Comunicaciones, University of Vigo, Vigo, Spain; bKlipsch School ofElectrical and Computer Engineering, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM, USA;

cElectrical and Electronic Engineering Department, Universidad Pública de Navarra, Pamplona,Spain; dFaculty of Science, Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Tetouan, Morocco

(Received 29 April 2015; accepted 28 September 2015)

In this paper, we analyze the frequency-dependent feature of the human body asradio propagation channel and the influence of that characteristic on the design ofantennas for body-based applications. We describe the main impairments due to thefrequency dispersion propagation through the body channel. Firstly, we describe theformation of the electromagnetic fields called Brillouin precursors which are respon-sible for another vital impairment: broadening of the time width of a transmitted sig-nal. Later, we show a theoretical radio channel characterization of a human tissuethat is affected by the frequency dispersion. Following, we describe three solutionsto the described problematic optimal design of waveforms matched to the bodychannel, anti-dispersive filtering, and optimal antenna design. We introduce twobroadband antennas offering a flat frequency response, minimizing the formation ofprecursors that ensures optimal time domain performance for ultrawideband body-based applications. Finally, we discuss the relation between the precursor formationand the parameters adopted to quantify the electromagnetic absorption inside biolog-ical tissues in order to review its definition under the dispersive perspective.

Keywords: dispersive electromagnetic; Brillouin precursor; radio channel; bodycommunications; antenna; waveform design

1. Introduction

Wireless body area network (WBAN) communications, either on-body or intra-body,have been designed for a specific environment for which it is commonly accepted thatthe frequency dependence of the dielectric properties of the human body tissues canseverely affect the performance of the systems intended to accomplish these communi-cations.[1–5]

The frequency-dependent behavior of the biological media can result in the forma-tion of Sommerfeld and Brillouin precursor fields, an electromagnetic waveform usuallyrelated to the lower frequency components of the propagated signal.[1,6] Oughstun in[1] concludes that the Brillouin precursor is the dominant electromagnetic componentof a signal propagating through most of dispersive materials below resonant frequen-cies. The Brillouin precursor is characterized by an algebraically amplitude decay incontradiction to the Bouger–Lambert–Beer law, whereby each nonzero frequency

*Corresponding author. Email: [email protected]

© 2015 Taylor & Francis

Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 2015Vol. 29, No. 17, 2355–2364, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09205071.2015.1103667

component of a propagating signal follows an exponential decay trend with propagationdistance.[6] This feature implies that a traveling signal which can ensure the forerunnerformation could reach a larger propagation distance inside the medium of interest.

Despite becoming a known phenomenon,[1,2,4–8] it has not been usual to relatethe body-based technologies and the precursor wave emergence, which would beexpectable especially if a large frequency bandwidth or low-frequency EM waves areconsidered. It is in the lower region of the spectrum where the precursor formationbecomes stronger.

In Figure 1 we illustrate the concept of the precursor formation. We considered a rect-angular input pulse (in blue) modulating a sinusoidal carrier that once travels through thehuman body, undergoing the dispersive spread, thus leading to the precursor formation,

Figure 1. Illustration of the Brillouin precursor formation (in red) once a properly configuredinput signal (in blue) propagates through the human body.

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which is visible as superimposed fields in the leading and trailing edges of the red wave-form.

The dispersive propagation undergone by the signal traveling through a mediumsuch as the body channel can strongly condition the received signal due to the produc-tion of undesired effects, the main of which is the broadening of the time durationundergone by the signal propagating through the dispersive media, so turning the fre-quency dispersion into an extremely important impairment is to be considered in thedesign of receiver systems,[4,9] or in order to ensure the reliability of the propagationthrough this kind of media, as in the case of intra-body communications. E.g., for thecase of a sequence of pulses, at a given propagation distance, the broadening experi-enced by a traveling pulse in its time width can lead to a destructive merge of theinformation which would make impossible and totally erroneous the informationretrieval.[9]

This phenomenon depends on the dielectric properties of the underlying medium aswell as on other parameters or settings, e.g. the input signal type and its configuration,as well as the involved transmitted and/or received bandwidth.[1,9]

In Section 2, we describe the main impairments due to the precursor formation andtheir effects on the body-based applications, mainly from the point of view of intra-body radio propagation. We have also considered solutions to such problems. In Sec-tion 2.4, we introduce the time domain analysis of two frequency-flat response antennasdesigned to diminish the formation of precursor fields, as well as to avoid distortingthe transmitted pulses. In Section 3, we discuss the power extinction decay trend forintra-body radio channel and its relation to the specific absorption rate (SAR). Finally,conclusions are offered in Section 4.

2. Formulation of dispersive propagation

Here, we reflect on the most important aspects and impairments related to the fre-quency dispersion and the precursor formation, as well as we describe three approachesvalid to solve the created problematic.

2.1. Radio channel characterization for a dispersive medium

The frequency dispersive nature of the body channel alters the propagation of widebandor low-frequency signals and therefore can distort the radio channel characterization ofintra-body radio propagation: the broadening and amplitude level distortion undergoneby the transmitted pulses will introduce uncertainty or noise, leading to a larger degra-dation of the cross-correlation function (CCF), and consequently masking the returnechoes detection.[5]

This fact especially affects broadband communications, for which multipath interfer-ence can be difficult to characterize and control. Different solutions are described asfollows:

2.2. Optimal transmitting waveform design

The evolution of an input signal x(t) was evaluated in the frequency domain in off-linemode, just considering the frequency response of the dispersive medium H(z, f), andthe propagation distance travelled z inside the medium. Then, it is enough to multiplyY(f) = X(f)∙H(f), where X(f) is the input signal in the spectrum domain, and then apply

Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications 2357

an inverse fast Fourier transform to observe the output signal in the time domain, y(t).The estimation of the frequency response H(z, f) of the dispersive medium agrees witha general transmission coefficient definition as described in (1) [4,9]:

Hðz; f Þ ¼ ejcmðf Þz (1)

with γm(f) the medium propagation constant derived as in (2):

cm xð Þ ¼ a xð Þ þ j b xð Þ ¼ xc

ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffier xð Þ


The outcome H(z, f) contains information about the effects of attenuation and phase foreach frequency component of the signal traveling through the medium under study.The result is then a frequency filter H(z, f) and is valid for analysis of precursor evolu-tion for any input signal x(z, t) propagating through the dispersive medium character-ized by H(z, f ) for any penetration depth z. The model representing the complexdielectric properties of the underlying dispersive media is of vital importance since it isused to estimate the propagation constant γm(f ) in (2). The dielectric properties willfingerprint indeed the resulting Brillouin precursor.

In Figure 2, we show the theoretical evolution of a rectangular pulse provided with asine carrier of center frequency f0 = 6 GHz and time duration Tb = 10/f0 through a singlelayer of tissue N1 characterized by a Cole–Cole model.[10] We observe the largewaveform shape distortion, as well as the early extinction of the carrier component(cycles within edges). This result is particularly important for intra-body communica-tions. It implies that a wideband transmission will be severely affected by the dispersive

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10-1











time (t/Tb)






Input signalRect, Tissue N1, Cole-Cole, Tb=10/f0, z=1zdRect, Tissue N1, Cole-Cole, Tb=10/f0, z=5zdRect, Tissue N1, Cole-Cole, Tb=10/f0, z=9zd

Figure 2. Theoretical evolution of a rectangular pulse after propagating through different dis-tances within a layer of tissue N1: at input (z = 0), z = 1∙zd, z = 5∙zd and z = 9∙zd, with zd = e-α,and α the propagation constant of the tissue in Np.

2358 A.V. Alejos et al.

propagation and robust input signals and proper spectrum frequency windows must bechosen.[9]

For intra-body communications, the form and shape of the information-bearingtransmitted signal is an important factor to consider.[11,12] Since the transmitted signalinfluences the formation and performance of the resulting precursor, we can concludethat a medium-matched signal can lead to optimal performance by combining the bene-fits of the precursor formation (larger amplitude) with minor impairments (lesser timeduration broadening).[12]

2.3. Anti-dispersive filtering

As in radar technology, an anti-dispersive (AD) filtering can be implemented on thereceiver end to compensate the frequency dispersive effects.[11] However, this solutionrequires the a priori knowledge of the propagation scenario, also in terms of multipathcharacteristics. On the transmitter end, an AD element [13] could be also considered asan element prior to the antenna or well embedded on it, in order to match the signal toa specific medium and propagation scenario, so as to achieve a signal propagation infrequency flat mode; however, this solution is also a pulse shaping technique that doesnot prevent the need to use an AD filtering on the receiver end.

However, it should be noted that AD elements are very sensitive to design errorsand variations of the medium dielectric properties. Solutions presented in [11] alsoaccount for the variation in the tissues response with the distance propagated by thesignal within them.[13]

2.4. Antenna design

The antenna can be also used as an AD element, or simply can be designed to show aflat frequency response, in order to avoid worsening the impairments due to the fre-quency-dependent body channel. Following, we describe two antennas designed andbuilt with flat-frequency response and improved time domain performance (Figure 3).

The first antenna model selected to be implemented was a UWB ridged horn. Mate-rial selected was a blend of copper and brass (40%, 60%), and in the waveguide-to-coaxial adaptor, it was used an N male connector. The UWB horn antenna dimensionsare (in mm): Ha = 46.67, Wa = 66.67, Lf = 53.33, Hg = 9.467, Wg = 14.95, Lg = 5.2,Wr = 4.88, Sr = 666.7, Lsr = 3.333, Hsr = 473.3, Wc = 0.976, Sf = 1.017, θc = 45°,Di = 0.4167, Do = 1.367. The relative dielectric permittivity of the coaxial feeder wasεr = 2.05.

The UWB horn can operate in the range 3–11 GHz, with a VSWR less than 1.5,and the return loss was under −15 dB. The antenna gain was 9.7 dBi (@7 GHz) with adeviation of 2.7 dBi. The antenna beamwidth was 56.81° (E-plane) and 52.72°(H-plane). Both parameters were obtained from measurements in an anechoic chamber.

For the printed UWB antenna, the geometry parameters were (in mm): L1 = 13.5,L2 = 9.5, L3 = 3, L4 = 26, W1 = 2.8, W2 = 14, W3 = 2.02, W4 = 28, n1 = 0.96, n2 = 0.74,n3 = 0.45, m1 = 3.96, m2 = 3.19, m3 = 3.02. The antenna was printed on low-cost FR-4substrate material with relative dielectric constant of 4.4, loss tangent of 0.02, andthickness of 1.6 mm. The antenna physical dimensions correspond to an electrical sizeof 0.25λ.

The printed UWB antenna can operate through an impedance bandwidth rangingfrom 3.6 to 11 GHz, with a VSWR less than 2, and a measured return loss was under

Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications 2359

−10 dB over the entire band. The measured radiation pattern was omnidirectional inperformance in the H-plane, and a like small dipole in the E-plane. The antenna gain isover 2 dBi for the entire band with a deviation of 2.5 dB, so resulting in a flatfrequency response, in terms of gain flatness vs. bandwidth (Figure 4).

As described in [14], the s21(f) parameter of the printed UWB antenna was mea-sured under free-space conditions inside an anechoic chamber, for the maximumantenna gain direction, and later used to estimate the influence of the radiating elementon the transmitted pulse.

The evolution of a signal x(t) transmitted through the antenna can be evaluated inthe frequency domain in off-line mode. It is enough to multiply Y(f) = X(f)∙s21(f ),

Figure 3. Broadband horn antenna sketches: (a) side view, (b) bottom view, (c) feed detail(side), (d) feed detail (back), (e) feed detail (bottom), (f) built prototype.

2360 A.V. Alejos et al.

where X(f ) is the input signal in the spectrum domain, and then apply an inverse fastFourier transform to observe the output signal in the time domain, y(t). The pulse gen-eration is then not necessary in the transmitter end, and a digitalization stage is neitherneeded in the receiver. Both generator and digitizer stages could cause important inac-curacies due to the filtering effect introduced and the digitalization error. The input sig-nal x(t) consisted of a baseband pulse modulating a sine carrier at f0 = 7.5 GHz.

In Table 1, we show the value of the correlation factor in percentage estimatedbetween the signal originally fed into the antenna and the signal obtained after trans-mission. Four different baseband pulses commonly found in UWB applications havebeen analyzed for three durations of the pulse time width Tb – inversely related to thepulse bandwidth – measured in terms of 1/f0. The ρ values are given in pairs corre-sponding to the two UWB antennas: horn and printed.

Figure 4. UWB antenna: geometry of the antenna with detail of ground plane and picture of thefabricated prototype with a SMA connector.

Table 1. Variation of correlation factor in percentage.

Pulse ρ (%), Tb = 10/fc ρ (%), Tb = 5/fc ρ (%), Tb = 1/fc

Lorentz 0.5/[1 + (t/Tb)2] 98, 93 73, 80 20, 22

Impulse δ(t − 0.125Tb) <10, <10 <10, <10 <10, <10Exponential exp[−2t/Tb] 66, 74 50, 55 17, 21Rectangular ∏(t/Tb) 80, 81 62, 66 29, 33

Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications 2361

The larger the input pulse bandwidth, the more critical becomes the effect of thefrequency dispersion induced by the antenna on the input pulse mainly due to the emer-gence of the precursor field, and then the correlation factor ρ decreases considerably.With this off-line method, we have shown that the distortion undergone as a result ofthe formation of precursor fields, derived of the frequency dependence of the antennatransfer function observed in the response s21(f), avoided inaccuracies and errors due tothe measurement hardware.

3. Simulation results

Among other distinguished properties, once the precursors are formed, these superim-posed fields achieve an algebraically peak level decay that also implies a lower powerextinction trend within the medium.[8,15] From the dosimetric point of view, that largerpower level requires to review the exposure values under the circumstances of fre-quency dispersive propagation [5,16]:

• The magnitude of the reference parameter adopted for limiting the exposure toelectromagnetic fields, the specific absorption rate (SAR), was defined in thenear-field only between 100 kHz and 10 GHz, and only considers the time varia-tion of sinusoidal signals.

• An effective and correct exposure for spread spectrum or ultrawideband signals isonly achieved if all employed frequencies are used.[5,16,17] The time integral ofSAR is known as specific absorption (SA) and could represent a valid approachto obtain an effective exposure for multi-frequency signals.

• A fully valid approach would be given in the frequency domain, considering thedefinition of SA according to Parserval’s theorem [17]:


r xð Þ E xð Þj j2dx (3)

where σ(ω) is the conductivity and E(ω) is the Fourier transfer of the propagated elec-tric field E(t).

4. Conclusions

In this paper, we reflect on the key role that the frequency dispersive nature of thehuman tissues can play in body-based applications. We discussed on the importance ofthe precursor fields related to body-based applications and the further research neededin this direction. Furthermore, we demonstrated that specific pulses and waveforms canbe designed to achieve an optimal propagation within the medium of interest, such asthe case of the Brillouin pulse.

The precursor retains most of the energy of the traveling signal and this energy alsofollows an algebraically decay trend.[8,15] This fact can likely influence the estimationof the SAR.[5] It is clear that considering jointly multi-frequency component signalsand the dispersive propagation phenomenon, the SA value would result more meaning-ful than the SAR single values. The exposure limits would then require a review underthe perspective herein exposed, especially for the frequency band assigned by the FCCfor ultrawideband medical technologies or the lower portion of the spectrum, both ofwhich result inherently dispersive.

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We have also shown that the antenna design can control the effects of the frequencydispersion induced by the antenna response and so fading the precursor field formation.

Regarding the novelty of the research here conducted, we would like to notice thatit is the first time that precursor energy characteristics is considered jointly to the SARand SA estimation for wideband signals in order to analyze the impact on plausiblebody-based applications. A detailed discussion of the health and safety issues associ-ated with UWB electromagnetic radiation traveling through human tissues is presentedin [18], only theoretically derived.

Even when the paper presents an ideal analysis based on few assumptions, formerpublished evidences exist for validating this analysis and also practical examples areavailable in the literature.

The theoretically achieved results presented here rely on experimental results for-merly published that demonstrated the benefits of considering the dispersive analysisfor propagation through water,[19] vegetation [20,21], and soil.[22]

Finally, we notice that the practical applicability of the precursor features has beenreflected in a few patents; however, only two of them applied to the microwave region:in [23], it is claimed the use of a radar transmitting a Brillouin-like pulse and in [24], itis described a method to analyze the practical estimation of dispersive propagation forany media.

Further analysis should be conducted, mainly at experimental level, even wheninvolving human biology increases the complexity of the measurement scenarios andimplies a not negligible amount of legal considerations.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.

FundingThis work was supported by the Xunta de Galicia (Spain) [grant number EMR2012/138].


Ana Vazquez Alejos http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3426-2909Azzedin Naghar http://orcid.org/0000-0002-3706-2948

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2364 A.V. Alejos et al.

Design of compact multiband bandpass filter with suppression ofsecond harmonic spurious by coupling gap reduction

Azzedin Naghara , Otman Aghzouta, Ana Vazquez Alejosb* , Manuel GarciaSanchezb and Mohammed Essaaidic

aFaculty of Science, Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Tetouan, Morocco; bTeoria de la Señal yComunicaciones, University of Vigo, Vigo, Spain; cEcole Nationale Supérieure d’Informatique et

d’Analyses des Systemes (ENSIAS), Mohamed V-Souissi University, Rabat, Morocco

(Received 20 December 2014; accepted 7 April 2015)

In this paper, we describe a method to implement compact multiband bandpassfilters with suppression of second harmonic frequency. This filter design approach isbased on decreasing the coupling gap between adjacent resonators of a parallel-cou-pled-line bandpass filter in order to achieve both the desired multiband frequencyresponse and the spurious suppression. We present the theoretical analysis of theproposed structure that consists of modeling the frequency dependence of the even-and odd-mode characteristic impedances as well as due to the different phase veloci-ties of the parallel-coupled microstrip lines. As an example, a compact tri-bandparallel-coupled-line bandpass filter with suppression of second harmonic frequencywas implemented operating at 1.9/3.2/4.6 GHz to cover PCS1900, WiMAX, andC-band applications. A three-pole Chebyshev parallel-coupled microstrip bandpassfilter was designed at a center frequency of 3.2 GHz and used as the basis tovalidate the gapping effect on the filter response which also achieves a narrowerbandwidth for the second harmonic. Finally, the filter performance with minimizedcoupling gap is compared to a filter enhanced by the insertion of apertures in theground plane. Generally speaking, good agreement was accomplished betweensimulated, calculated, and measured results.

Keywords: parallel-coupled lines; microstrip bandpass filter; multiband; spurioussuppression

1. Introduction

With the progressive development of modern wireless communications, the radiofre-quency (RF) spectrum has become increasingly crowded. Wireless transceivers arerequired to work in a no single number of bands in order to allow users to adapt aterminal to achieve different services, and consequently the need for RF multibandfilters has also increased.[1–3] Additionally, features of micro-package, good perfor-mance, low cost and easy to use have been the parallel aim of miniaturization of band-pass filters.[1,2] In planar circuitry, compact multiband filters can be implementedusing different basic approaches [1–4]; however, RF filters present a severe problem ofspurious responses mainly due to the presence of the second harmonic if such conven-tional designs are used. An undesired response with harmonics gives rise to asymmetricpassband feature that degrades the upper band properties of the filter.[5] The

*Corresponding author. Email: [email protected]

© 2015 Taylor & Francis

Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 2015Vol. 29, No. 14, 1813–1828, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09205071.2015.1043029

phenomenon of second harmonic spurious response is due to the unequal phasevelocities of the even and odd modes, creating different multiples of the half wave-length λ0/2 corresponding to the fundamental frequency, for both modes. In a homoge-neous transmission line such as a strip line, these half wavelength frequencies arecoincident, therefore creating a zero in the filter response at these harmonic frequenciesvalues. However, the inhomogeneous nature of microstrip does not allow the halfwavelength frequencies to coincide, consequently leading to a nonzero response atmultiple or harmonics of the fundamental frequency considered for the filter design(2f0, 4f0, and so on).

Recently, diverse techniques have been reported and the set of approaches share theidea of modifying the structure of the microstrip filter by some means, among whichwe can mention the use of dielectric overlay, ground apertures insertion, by consideringPBG structures, substrate suppression, periodic grooves design, or use of wiggly linetechniques and filters using fractal shapes.[6–8] In this paper, an approach valid todesign multiband parallel-coupled bandpass filter with spurious response suppression at2f0, without changing the basic geometry of the filter structure is proposed. Theapproach consists of creating small coupling gap between the coupled parallel sectionsas a method to accomplish both a multiband response as well as the second harmonicreduction. Jointly to this solution, we introduced apertures in the ground plane [6] andgrooves in the substrate [8] in order to compare both techniques – coupling gap reduc-tion and ground apertures – in terms of suppression of the second harmonic present inthe bandpass filter response.

The theoretical analysis of the solution based on small coupling gap and its effect onthe filter response was detailed in Section 2. In Section 3, as an application example ofthe proposed filter design technique, we implemented a multiband filter operating at thecenter frequencies of 1.9, 3.2, and 4.6 GHz used for PCS1900 (Personal communica-tions service), WiMAX (Worldwide interoperability Microwave Access), and super-extended C-band systems, respectively. The design procedure consisted of three steps:from a basic bandpass filter structure to an optimal multiband response design with sup-pression of second harmonic spurious by sequentially integrating the above-indicatedtwo techniques. To this aim, initially a conventional parallel-coupled bandpass filter at3.2 GHz was designed, as described in Section 3.1; then, by implementing a small andnull spacing between resonators – coupling gap – we obtained a tri-band filter responsewith spurious minimization, as indicated in Section 3.2. Finally, the achieved secondharmonic suppression was compared to the enhancement due to the addition of groundplane apertures and substrate grooves, as shown in Section 3.3. In Section 3.4, we dis-cuss the effect of the resonator length on the center resonant frequencies and then on thefilter response. The proposed filter was simulated and optimized using the commercialelectromagnetic simulator CST MW. To validate the performance of the design proce-dure, a comparison between theoretical and measurement results is presented, showinggood agreement and proving that the size, performance, and characteristics of theaccomplished multiband filter have been optimized.

2. Theoretical analysis of multiband filter design

As aforementioned, the approach valid to design parallel-coupled bandpass filter withmultiband response and spurious response suppression at 2f0, consists of two combinedtechniques: (1) making small coupling gap between the coupled parallel sections toaccomplish the aimed multiband response and minimize the spurious due to the second

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harmonic; and (2) introducing ground plane apertures and substrate grooves to enhancethe second harmonic suppression. Whilst the second solution has been widely analyzedin the literature, the effect of the first technique in the following was analyzed toexplain its influence on the filter response.

2.1. Influence of the small coupling gap on the multiband feature of the filterresponse

A general layout of a parallel-coupled microstrip bandpass filter (BPF) is shown inFigure 1. The filter structure consists of open circuited coupled microstrip lines. Thesecoupled lines are quarter wavelength (λ/4) long and are equivalent to shunt resonant cir-cuits. The coupling gaps correspond to the admittance inverters in the low-pass proto-type circuit. Even and odd mode-coupled half-wave resonators are computed usingadmittance inverters. These even- and odd-mode impedances are then used to computephysical dimensions of the filter.[9–11] Designing equations for the coupled lineparameters such as space gap between lines and line widths and lengths, can be foundin classical microwave books.[12,13]

Closed-form expressions for modeling the frequency dependency of the even- andodd-mode characteristics of the parallel-coupled microstrip line were developed byHammerstad, Kirschning, and Jansen [14–16]. Following this formulation, and con-sidering L the resonator length, W the width, and S the coupling gap, the quasi staticeven- and odd-mode characteristic impedance of a coupled line, Z0e and Z0o, are,respectively, estimated as per (1) and (2):

Z0eðu; gÞ ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffier;eff ðu; erÞ

er;eff ;eðu; g; erÞ

sZ0ðu; erÞ

1 Z0ðu; erÞ377

ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffier;eff ðu; g; erÞ



Z0oðu; gÞ ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffier;eff ðu; erÞ

er;eff ;oðu; g; erÞ

sZ0ðu; erÞ

1 Z0ðu; erÞ377

ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffier;eff ðu; g; erÞ



Figure 1. General structure of parallel-coupled microstrip filter.

Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications 1815

with Z0(u, g) the static characteristic impedance of a single microstrip line of width W,and εr,eff,e(u, g, εr) and εr,eff,o(u, g, εr) the effective relative dielectric permittivity of theeven and odd modes that are obtained by (3) and (4):

er;eff ;eðu; g; erÞ ¼ 0:5ðer þ 1Þ þ 0:5ðer 1Þ 1þ 10=vð ÞaeðvÞbeðerÞ (3)

er;eff ;oðu; g; erÞ ¼ ½0:5ðer þ 1Þ þ a0ðu; erÞ er;eff ð0Þ expðc0gd0Þ þ er;eff ð0Þ (4)

with the pair (u = W/h, g = S/h) as the normalized strip width and line spacing for asingle microstrip line; ae, be, c0, and d0 the parameters related to the even and oddmodes; and εr,eff(0) the effective dielectric constant of a single microstrip of null widthW. More details of the background formulas required to infer (1)–(4) can be found in[14–16].

As next step, we can obtain the ABCD matrix of each section i of an Nth-orderfilter using formulas expressed in [17–19] as indicated in (5):

Ai Bi

Ci Di

¼ sinðhÞ


qSij2 T2

i þ q2ðT2i S2i Þ



" #(5)

θ is the effective dielectric length (6):

h ¼ 2pfffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffier;eff


L (6)

that depends on the frequency f, the phase velocity vf, and L the effective physicallength of the coupled stages. The modal phase velocities of all coupled lines areassumed to be identical. The functions q, Ti, and Si in (5) are calculated as in (7):

q ¼ cotðheff Þ; Si ¼ Z0ei þ Z0oiZ0

; Ti ¼ Z0ei Z0oiZ0


Note that (Z0ei, Z0oi) are the even- and odd-mode characteristic impedances of the cou-pled lines previously calculated for each section i of an Nth-order filter. The compositeABCD matrix of an Nth-order filter can be obtained by successively multiplying theN + 1 ABCD matrices calculated as per (5), as following:



¼ A1 B1

C1 D1

A2 B2

C2 D2


ANþ1 BNþ1

CNþ1 DNþ1


Finally, the scattering parameters S11 and S21 are determined by (9) and (10):

S11 ¼Aþ B

Z0 CZ0 D

Aþ BZ0þ CZ0 þ D


S21 ¼ 2

Aþ BZ0þ CZ0 þ D


Then we conclude that the filter response represented by the S parameters dependson the coupling gap, and the smaller the coupling gap, the higher the bandwidth filterachieved, therefore arising out the multiband feature of the filter response.

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2.2. Influence of the small coupling gap on the second harmonic spurioussuppression

As indicated in [20], for a microstrip edge-coupled feature, the phase velocity of eitherthe even or odd mode, Vp,e and Vp,o, can be approximated by (11) and (12):

Vp;even ¼ cffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffieeff ;even

p (11)

Vp;odd ¼ cffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffieeff ;odd

p (12)

with c the light speed in free space and εeff the effective dielectric permittivity for evenand odd modes that can be expressed as a function of the various capacitances as in(13)–(16):

eeff ;even ¼ Ceven


eeff ;odd ¼ Codd


Ceven ¼ Cp þ Cf þ Cf 0 (15)

Codd ¼ Cp þ Cf þ Cga þ Cgd (16)

where Ceven,air is the capacitance of the microstrip structure when air is used as the sub-strate for the even mode, and the same nomenclature applies to the odd mode, Codd,air;Cp is the parallel plate capacitance; Cf is the fringing capacitance; Cf′ is the fringing inthe even mode only at the magnetic wall; Cga is the gap capacitance due to thecoupling in air; and, Cgd is the gap capacitance in the dielectric substrate.

When considering the odd-mode operation, it can be observed that the phase veloc-ity will be affected by the coupled striplines as well as the capacitive coupling of thegap in the dielectric. It is evaluated by the coupling gap value as a fellow [21]:

Cgd ¼ e0erp

ln cothp4



þ 0:65Cf




p þ 1 e2r


Thus, by considering a small coupling gap, we increase the gap capacitance Cgd,subsequently decreasing the odd-mode phase velocity Vp,o. A lower phase velocityimplies a larger attenuative medium that is translated into a larger attenuation that willbe greater, the higher the frequency is. Then, half wavelengths frequencies will undergolarger attenuation than the fundamental frequency value, and therefore we determinethat a small coupling gap will reduce the amplitude of the second harmonic spurious inthe filter response.

3. Design example: tri-band parallel-coupled microstrip bandpass filter withspurious response suppression

On the basis of the general structure shown in Figure 1, for a parallel-coupled micro-strip filter, we derived in a technique consisting of three steps to achieve as an outcomeone multiband bandpass filter with suppressed second harmonic. The following sections

Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications 1817

describe each one of the three steps: (1) an initial classical Chebyshev filter is synthe-sized on the desired passband, and the initial filter design is optimized by means of anad hoc tool in order to improve center frequency and fractional bandwidth; (2) by set-ting a very small or null spacing between coupled lines of the filter design optimizedin the first step, the multiband frequency response is enhanced; and (3) by insertingapertures in the ground plane, as described in [6], the second harmonic spurioussuppression of the filter response is achieved.

3.1. Parallel-coupled microstrip bandpass filter at 3.2 GHz: basic design

Firstly, we designed a third-order Chebyshev filter with center frequency of 3.2 GHz,bandwidth of 10%, and equal ripple in the passband of 0.1 dB. As substrate, ARLONAD1000× is used due to its advantages of good thermal conductivity, high dielectricconstant, and well-known processing technology. Then the filter was printed on ARLONAD1000× substrate with a 10.2 dielectric constant and 1.27 mm of thickness correspond-ing to a middle wafer size. The thickness of the metallic strip was 35 μm. All the designprocedures were with CST MS simulation software. The values of the characteristicimpedances for this initial design were [10,11]: Z0e = 63.2863 Ω, Z0o = 41.4723 Ω forsections 1, 4 and Z0e = 52.3577 Ω, Z0o = 47.4858 Ω for sections 2, 3. Physical dimensionvalues of the initial filter design as gap space (S), width (W), and length (L) areS1–4 = 0.384 mm, W1–4 = 1.224 mm, L1–4 = 8.951 mm,S2–3 = 1.507 mm, W2–3 = 1.636 mm, and L2–3 = 8.828 mm.[10,11]

Figure 2 illustrates the simulated and measured electrical responses of this filter. Itwas observed that the center frequency of the filter was deviated from the specified

2.8 2.85 2.9 2.95 3 3.05 3.1 3.15 3.2 3.25 3.3-40










frecuency (GHz)


|, |s

21| (


S11, simulatedS21, simulatedS11, measuredS21, measured

Figure 2. S11 and S21 parameters of the initial design of parallel-coupled microstrip bandpassfilter.

1818 A. Naghar et al.

frequency value of 3.2 GHz, and then an optimization of the geometrical parameterswas needed. An optimization procedure was applied to the filter design, as described in[10,11], and the results obtained for the new simulation and measurement outcomes areshown in Figure 3. It is observed that the center frequency was accurately fit to3.2 GHz and the aimed bandwidth of 10% was also attained. The corresponding inser-tion loss of the optimized design is less than 1 dB with a −18 dB of return loss in thedesired frequency for simulated results, which indicates that the design requirementswere fully accomplished. Moreover, a good agreement between simulation andmeasurement results was achieved. The geometrical parameter values obtained for theoptimized filter design at 3.2 GHz were S1–4 = 0.5 mm, W1–4 = 1.204 mm,

3 3.05 3.1 3.15 3.2 3.25 3.3 3.35 3.4-40










frecuency (GHz)


|, |s

21| (


S11, simulatedS21, simulatedS11, measuredS21, measured

Figure 3. S11 and S21 parameters of the optimized initial design of parallel-coupled microstripbandpass filter.

(a) (b)

Figure 4. Photographs of the fabricated filters: (a) initial basic design and (b) optimized basicdesign.

Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications 1819

L1–4 = 8.48 mm, S2–3 = 1.439 mm, W2–3 = 1.626 mm, and L2–3 = 8.361 mm.Photographs of the fabricated filters are shown in Figure 4.

For this first step of the three-steps technique proposed in this paper, the physicaldimensions of the filter layout – space gap (S), width (W), and length (L) of each res-onator stage – were obtained using the transmission line theory approach that can befound in textbooks as in [12]. In [11], a calculator is introduced to automate thecalculation of these design parameters. These values will become the input for the opti-mization design tool subsequently used in this first step and indicated in [10,11].

The number of bands of the filter is related to the order of the filter; however, asshown in Figure 3, the multiband feature of the initial filter is not remarkable. Then,the following step of the proposed technique will consist of enhancing the multibandfrequency response.

3.2. Extension of the filter response to tri-band feature

On obtaining the conventional parallel-coupled microstrip bandpass filter design for thecenter frequency of 3.2 GHz, the next step was to analyze the effect on the bandpassfilter response of decreasing the coupling gap between resonators. The main objectiveof this step is to enhance the multiband feature of the filter frequency response.

By means of the CST software, we test the effect of different values of the spacinggaps S1–4 and S2–3, for sections (1–4) and (2–3), in terms of return loss and frequencyresonances. Figures 5 and 6 illustrate the parameters S11 and S21 for different values ofthe spacing gaps S1–4 and S2–3, for sections (1–4) and (2–3), respectively. In Figure 5,the curves corresponding to the return loss – |S11| in dB – demonstrate that the band-pass filter is sensitive to decrease and increases of the values adopted for S1–4 and S2–3.We observe that as a result of a coupling gap decrease, the middle band is slightly

2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7-50












frequency (GHz)


|, |s

21| (


S1-4= 0.02 mmS1-4= 0.06 mmS1-4= 0.1 mm

Figure 5. S11 and S21 parameters of bandpass filter for several coupling gap values (S1–4).

1820 A. Naghar et al.

affected and then the frequency resonances of other bands are up- or down-shifted.Additionally, it can be observed that a significant multiband response shows up and thedifference between the passbands is more noticeable as the space gap S2–3 valuedecreases. For very small values of the space gap S1–4, the impedance bandwidth isseverely affected. The insertion loss curves – |S21| in dB – demonstrate that the unde-sired second harmonic spurious is effectively suppressed due to the small couplingbetween adjacent resonators of the filter.

We observed that a very small value of the space gap S2–3 facilitates the trade-offbetween the frequency resonance shifting and the multiband feature appearance.However, such a value might result not implementable due to the fabrication accuracylimits. Then, a null value of S2–3 alleviates the fabrication requirements, simultaneouslyenhancing the multiband filter response. A resonance frequency shifting occurred dueto the null gap of sections 2 and 3, and then the resonator dimensions (length L2,3 andwidth W2,3) must be redesigned to obtain the aimed center frequency. For this redesign,we used the calculator described in [10,11]. For the coupling gap S1–4, we chose avalue that balances the fabrication accuracy and the impedance bandwidth.

Then we modified the physical dimensions of the optimized basic design given inSection 3.1, as following: S1,4 = 0.15 mm, W1,4 = 0.604 mm, L1,4 = 8.38 mm,S2,3 = 0 mm, W2,3 = 1.426 mm, and L2,3 = 7.55 mm. Figure 7 illustrates the measure-ment and simulation performance of this modified tri-band parallel-coupled bandpassfilter. These plots demonstrate close match between measured and simulated return lossS11 and the insertion loss S21. As a first result of the coupling gap decrease, it isobserved that the triple-band feature shows up: at 1.9, 3.2, and 4.6 GHz, i.e. PCS-1900,WiMAX, and C-band, respectively. The corresponding insertion loss and return loss forthis triple-band bandpass filter were: −0.05 and −32.29 at 1.9 GHz, −0.12 and

2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7-50












frequency (GHz)


|, |s

21| (


S2-3=0.03 mm

S2-3=0.065 mm

S2-3=0.1 mm

Figure 6. S11 and S21 parameters of bandpass filter for several coupling gap values (S2–3).

Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications 1821

−47.24 dB at 3.2 GHz, and −0.12 and −47.11 dB at 4.6 GHz band. Consequently, weconclude that the aim of multiband response was accomplished. Photographs of thebuilt filter are shown in Figure 8.

On determining and testing the physical dimensions of the tri-band bandpass filter,we calculated the static characteristic impedances for even and odd mode as given in(1) and (2): Z0e(u, g) = 95.98 Ω, Z0o(u, g) = 34.93 Ω for sections (1, 4) and Z0e(u, g)= 65.08Ω, Z0o(u, g) = 2.7 Ω for sections (2, 3). Note that in these calculations of theimpedances, we considered the coupling gap value of section (2, 3) as small as 10−21

1 2 3 4 5 6 7-60







frequency (GHz)


|, |s

21| (


S11, simulatedS21, simulatedS11, measuredS21, measured

Figure 7. Simulated and measured frequency responses of the tri-band parallel-coupledmicrostrip bandpass filter.

Figure 8. Photograph of the fabricated tri-band bandpass filter with reduced coupling gap: (a)top layer and (b) bottom layer.

1822 A. Naghar et al.

instead of zero to avoid the singularity. Now using these characteristic impedancesvalues along with the length of each microstrip line of the tri-band BPF, we calculatedthe matrix ABCD as in (5) and (8). Finally, the S11 and S21 parameters of the tri-bandfilter were calculated as in (9) and (10) and represented in Figure 9, showing reason-able agreement between simulation in CST, measurement, and numerical analysis bythe formulation given in Section 2 that was thus validated.

3.3. Second harmonic suppression: ground plane apertures insertion

In order to likely enhance the performance of the tri-band bandpass filter obtained inthe previous step, we implemented the classical technique of spurious response suppres-sion described in [6] that consists of inserting apertures in the ground plane. The filterlayout is shown in Figure 10, and the physical dimensions used for the apertures wereWs1 = 2W1–4 + S1–4 + 0.4 mm, Ws2 = 2W2–3 + S2–3 + 0.4 mm, Ls1 = L1–4 − 0.4 mm, andLs2 = L2–3 − 0.1 mm.

The filter performance achieved by adding apertures or slots in the ground planewas plotted in Figure 11 also showing a comparison with the case without slotsachieved in Section 3.2 (see Figure 7). It can be checked that the filter response wasminimally affected by comparison to the results presented by the filter without slots. Inaddition, it is evident from the same comparison that the second harmonic was notaffected by the insertion of ground apertures. These results demonstrate that thestructure introduced to obtain the tri-band response based on small and null couplinggap was enough to achieve not only a multiband response but also a second harmonicsuppression not worse than that given by the classical technique of ground apertures.

As above explained in Section 2.2, the spurious response was eliminated by com-pensating the difference between the phase velocities,[20] given that a small coupling

1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6-70








frequency (GHz)


|, |s

21| (


S11 simulatedS21 simulatedS11 measuredS21 measuredS11 calculatedS21 calculated

Figure 9. Simulated, measured, and calculated frequency responses of the tri-band BPF withreduced coupling gap.

Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications 1823

decreases the odd-mode phase velocity. Following (13)–(17), the phase velocity fordifferent segments was calculated and the set of single values averaged. The ratiobetween odd and even phase velocities Vpo/Vpe was 1.22 for single-band filter, whilst itwas 0.956 for the triple-band filter, thus confirming that the decrease of phase velocityis related to the second harmonic suppression (Figure 12).

Finally, in Figure 13, we compared the performance enhancement in terms of S21achieved for two of the filters proposed: the basic design described in Section 3.1 andthe optimized design of the present Section 3.2. We observe that the spurious 2f0 wassignificantly reduced in the response obtained with the use of low or null value ofcoupling gap between microstrip lines. The original band around 2f0 was up-shiftedand then the spurious reduction could be considered around −5 dB, if the up-shiftedpeak is considered, or around −15 dB, if it is strictly measured at 2f0. Furthermore, the

Figure 10. Layout: (a) coupled microstrip lines and (b) ground plane apertures.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7-60







frequency (GHz)


|, |S

21| (


S11 simulated, with apertures

S21 simulated, with apertures

S11 measured, with apertures

S21 measured, with apertures

S11 measured, without apertures

S21 measured, without apertures

Figure 11. S11 and S21 parameters of the tri-band bandpass filter with and without ground planeapertures.

1824 A. Naghar et al.

bandwidth of the tri-band filter using very low or null value of coupling gaps is widerand the 2f0 response shows narrower bandwidth compared to the initial basic filterdesigned in Section 3.1.

3.4. Analysis of band center frequency and bandwidth control

According to the results presented previously, the technique shown in this work allowsobtaining an enhanced multiband response with a number of bands related to the orderassumed for the initial parallel-coupled bandpass filter design, and it suppresses theundesirable second harmonic. By creating null gaping between resonators of the centersections, the multiband response is visibly enhanced. However, we observed that two

(a) (b)

Figure 12. Photograph of the fabricated tri-band bandpass filter with ground plane apertures: (a)top layer and (b) bottom layer.

Figure 13. Comparison of simulated and measured S21 for single-band filter, triple-band filterwithout apertures, and triple-band filter with apertures.

Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications 1825

Figure 14. Effect of extremity resonator length (L1) variation on the tri-band filter responseproposed in Section 3.2 (without apertures).

Figure 15. Effect of coupling gap (S1–4) reduction on the tri-band filter response proposed inSection 3.2 (without apertures).

1826 A. Naghar et al.

main impairments crop up related to the coupling gap modification applied: (1) aresonance frequency shifting occurs due to the null gap of sections 2 and 3, and then theresonator dimensions (length L2,3 and width W2,3) must be redesigned to obtain the aimedcenter frequency; and (2) the coupling gap S1–4 controls the impedance bandwidth.

The center frequency of a filter band inversely depends on the lengths of the filterresonators, especially the length of the extremity sections (L1). Then the variation ofthe resonator length provides a great control of the center frequencies, as illustrated inFigure 14, applied to the filter of Section 3.2.

The performance of the resulting multiband filter can be optimized by adjusting thelength of the resonators and also varying the extremity coupling gaps (S1–4) in order toachieve the desired bandwidth and center frequencies. Figure 15 demonstrates for thecase of the tri-band filter with null gapping between the central resonators presented inSection 3.2, that the spacing gap between resonators of the extremity sections (S1–4)controls the impedance bandwidth of the filter bands. Additionally, the impedancebandwidth of each band decreases when S1–4 value increases. This fact also produces avery small shifting in its corresponding center frequencies.

4. Conclusions

In this paper, a combination of two techniques to design a multiband parallel-coupledbandpass filter with second harmonic suppression is proposed and discussed. Firstly, asmall coupling between adjacent coupled lines of the filter is used to produce the multi-band filter response. It was theoretically analyzed that changing the dimension of thespacing between the resonators – small or null coupling gap – simultaneously allowsthe elimination of the second harmonic response and controls the multiband frequen-cies. After the coupling gap reduction, the insertion of apertures in the ground planedid not show to enhance the filter response in terms of lesser insertion loss at 2f0 andits effect was imperceptible. With the coupling gap reduction, it was also observed thatthe narrower bandwidth of the remaining second harmonic band that was up-shifted.

As an example of application, a tri-band parallel-coupled bandpass filter wasdesigned and measured for PCS-1900/WiMAX/C-band technologies. The implementedfilter shows a small profile, low-cost, reasonable impedance matching and good electri-cal response, becoming a good candidate for its use in multiband communication sys-tems. The design parameters chosen for this filter example are merely illustrative of thetechnique proposed in this paper.

Disclosure statementNo potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.

FundingThis work was supported by the European Regional Development Fund [grant number TACTICA];AtlantTIC [grant number TACTICA]; Xunta de Galicia [grant number EMR2012/238].


Azzedin Naghar http://orcid.org/0000-0002-3706-2948Ana Vazquez Alejos http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3426-2909Manuel Garcia Sanchez http://orcid.org/0000-0003-1881-681XMohammed Essaaidi http://orcid.org/0000-0001-9215-3263

Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications 1827

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VC 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


A. Naghar,1 A. V. Alejos,2 O. Aghzout,1 and M. Essaidi31 Faculty of Science, Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Tetouan,Morocco2 Department of Teorıa De La Se~nal Y Comunicacion, University ofVigo, Pontevedra, Vigo, Spain; Corresponding author:[email protected] School of Computer Science and Systems Analysis, Mohamed V-Souissi University, Rabat, Morocco

Received 29 April 2015

ABSTRACT: In this article, we present a compact ultrawidebandantenna with dual broadband-notched characteristics centered at 3.4

and 5.5 GHz. The proposed antenna consists of a rectangular patch witha modified ground plane structure and 50 X microstrip-fed line. By etch-ing two opposite U-shaped slots in the radiating patch, the notched

bands of 3.375–3.945 GHz for WiMAX and 5.425–6.150 GHz for WLANand HYPERLAN/2 were achieved. The antenna also offers a flat fre-

quency response so minimizing the formation of spurs and precursorsthat ensures optimal time domain performance for ultrawideband radioapplications. The return loss was measured to better than 210 dB over

the entire band from 3.1 to 10.6 GHz. The antenna gain was larger than2 dBi all over the frequencies with a flatness of 2.5 dB and an omnidir-

ectional radiation pattern in the H-plane. VC 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

Microwave Opt Technol Lett 57:2854–2856, 2015; View this article

online at wileyonlinelibrary.com. DOI 10.1002/mop.29460

Key words: antenna; ultrawideband; notch; dispersive propagation


The antenna is one of the components which have experienced a

significant research increase in the recent years since that the

United State Federal Communications Commission disclosure the

ultrawideband (UWB) communication band from 3.1 to 10.6 GHz

for commercial use. Besides many challenges related to the UWB

antenna design—from the impedance matching to the compact

size and low cost—over the UWB band there exist some narrow-

band wireless communication systems which might interfere to

the UWB systems: IEEE 802.16 WiMAX, operating at the 3.3–

3.7 GHz band, and IEEE 802.11a WLAN, operating at the

5.15–5.85 GHz band, and HYPERLAN/2 at the 5.425–6.150 GHz


Several antenna design methods have been proposed to pro-

duce the band-rejection in the UWB band. Among other

approaches, providing UWB antennas with band-notched char-

acteristic is necessary to solve this emerging problem of nar-

rowband interference [1–3]. In this article, we propose a

printed microstrip U-shaped UWB antenna with dual band-

notched configured for the bands of 3.375–3.945 GHz

(WiMAX) and 5.425–6.150 GHz (HYPERLAN/2 and WLAN).

The geometry of the achieved UWB antenna design is simple

with compact size and fewer critical parameters. This novel

structure consists of combining a rectangular patch with micro-

strip line feeding with a modified ground plane. The dual

band-notched operation is achieved by etching two nested

U-shaped slots in the rectangular metal radiating patch. By

fine-tuning the width and the total length of each U-shaped

slot, the notch center frequency and bandwidth can be, respec-

tively, controlled.

The dual-band notched design showed an omnidirectional

radiation pattern, and the antenna gain obtained a flatness of 2

dB. Finally, the time domain analysis of the antenna indicated a

response which diminishes the formation of precursor fields [4]

superimposed to the transmitted signal.

Figure 1 UWB antenna with dual band-notched characteristics: (a)

Geometry of the antenna with detail of ground plane. (b) Photo of the

fabricated prototypes. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue,

which is available at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

2854 MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS / Vol. 57, No. 12, December 2015 DOI 10.1002/mop


In Figure 1(a), it is shown the geometry and dimensions of

the UWB antenna designed with dual band-notch. To obtain a

stop-band filtering property, a notch frequency can be found as

per (1):

fnotched5c=2L ereð Þ0:5 (1)

where L is the total length of the slot, ere is the effective dielec-

tric constant and c is the speed of light. For a dielectric sub-

strate with thickness h, a microstrip line with width w, and

relative permittivity of ere, the effective permittivity can be

found by (2):

ere 0:5 er1 1ð Þ 1 er– 1ð Þ 1 1 12h=wð Þ20:5h i


Then, by embedding one U-shaped slot in the radiating

patch, as shown in Figure 1(a), a single stop band of 5.425–

6.150 GHz was achieved. This notched band reduces the inter-

ferences from both the IEEE 802.11a and HIPERLAN/2-WLAN


The implemented opposite U-shaped slot, also observed in

Figure 1(a), produces the second notched band from 3.375 to

3.945 GHz, for WiMAX systems rejection, without affecting the

first stop band. Note that the width of the U-shaped slot deter-

mines the bandwidth of the rejected band.

The geometry parameters of the dual-band notched UWB

antenna design are: L1 5 13.5 mm, L2 5 9.5 mm, L3 5 3 mm,

L4 5 26 mm, W1 5 2.8 mm, W2 5 14 mm, W3 5 2.02 mm,

W4 5 28 mm, n1 5 0.96 mm, n2 5 0.74 mm, n3 5 0.45 mm,

m1 5 3.96 mm, m2 5 3.19 mm, m3 5 3.02 mm, Ls1 5 4.5 mm,

Ls2 5 6 mm, Ws1 5 7.3 mm, Ws2 5 13 mm, and t 5 0.2 mm.

In Figure 1(b), it is shown a photo of three built prototypes:

without notched-bands, single notched band, and dual-notched

bands, from left to right. The proposed design approach was

printed on low cost FR-4 substrate material with relative dielec-

tric constant of 4.4, loss tangent of 0.02, and thickness of

1.6 mm. The antenna physical dimensions correspond to an

electrical size of 0.25k. For measurements, a 50 X SMA was

connected to the feed line.


In Figure 2, we illustrate the measured and simulated values of

VSWR for the three antennas: without notch, single notch, and

dual notched, respectively. Relative good agreement between

simulation and measurement results can be observed. From Fig-

ure 2, it can be seen that the WLAN band at 5.4 GHz is suc-

cessfully rejected by introducing the U-shaped slot in the

radiating patch antenna. The antenna can operate through an

impedance bandwidth spreading from 3.6 to 11 GHz with a

VSWR less than two and with a good rejection at the frequency

bands of both WiMAX at 3.4 GHz and WLAN at 5.5 GHz.

Even that not shown, the measured return loss was under 210

dB over the entire band.

The measured radiation pattern of the antenna with dual

band-notched characteristic is presented in Figure 3. It is

Figure 3 Radiation pattern for double notched antenna design: (a) E-plane

at 3.5, 6, and 9 GHz. (b) H-plane at 3.5, 6, and 9 GHz. [Color figure can be

viewed in the online issue, which is available at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

Figure 4 Antenna gain comparison. [Color figure can be viewed in

the online issue, which is available at wileyonlinelibrary.com]Figure 2 Comparison of simulated and measured VSWR. [Color figure

can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at wileyonlinelibrary.


DOI 10.1002/mop MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS / Vol. 57, No. 12, December 2015 2855

observed an omnidirectional performance in the H-plane, and a

like-small dipole in the E-plane.

Finally, in Figure 4 it is shown a comparison of the antenna

gain for the three built prototypes: the gain is over 2 dBi for the

entire band with a deviation of 2.5 dB for the three cases, so

resulting in a flat frequency response, considering the ratio of

gain flatness versus bandwidth.


As described in [5], the S21(f) parameter of the antenna was esti-

mated and used to analyze the distortion on a transmitted pulse.

The evolution of a signal x(t) transmitted through the antenna

can be evaluated in the frequency domain as in (3):

yðtÞ5 IFT fs21ðf Þ X fð Þg (3)

where IFT denotes the inverse Fourier transform, and X(f) is the

input signal in the spectrum domain. The input signal consisted

of a baseband pulse modulating a sine carrier with frequency

f0 5 7.5 GHz.

In Table 1, we show the value of the correlation factor in

percentage estimated between the original signals fed into the

antenna and the signal obtained after transmission calculated as

in (1). Four different baseband pulses commonly found in UWB

applications have been analyzed for three durations of the pulse

time width Tb—inversely related to the pulse bandwidth—meas-

ured in terms of 1/f0. The q values are given in triplets corre-

sponding to the three antenna cases.

The larger input pulse bandwidth, more critical becomes the

effect of the frequency dispersion induced by the antenna on the

input pulse mainly due to the emergence of the precursor field,

and then the correlation factor q decreases considerably. The

distortion undergone as a result of the formation of precursor

fields derived of the frequency dependence of the antenna trans-

fer function observed in the response s21(f).The most favorable case, almost distortion free, is obtained

for the Lorentz pulse given to the lower amplitude level reached

by the precursor field formed during the transmission of this sig-

nal that can be explained by the smooth edges of the pulse. The

worst case was achieved for the impulse pulse—configured as a

delta function—due to present a frequency bandwidth as large

as the entire band so emphasizing the effects of the frequency

dispersion induced by the antenna response and maximizing the

precursor field formation.

The plot shown in Figure 5 better illustrates the Brillouin

precursor formation. We plotted the case of the sine carrier

modulated rectangular pulse once propagated through the

antenna transfer function. The precursors appear superimposed

on the leading and trailing edges of the output pulse. We com-

pared the performance for each of the three antennas: as larger

the precursor peak, more frequency dispersive results to be the

antenna; however, even that the dual-notch antenna shows fre-

quency flatness, it introduces a slight distortion in the intermedi-

ate cycles of the carrier due to the frequency notches, as

observed p.e. in the gain comparison of Figure 4.


In this article, a compact printed UWB antenna with dual-band

notched characteristic has been proposed. To produce dual-band

rejection, two nested U-shaped slots are embedded in the radiat-

ing patch antenna so creating two stop-band filters with center

frequencies of 3.4 and 5.5 GHz. According to the results, the

proposed antenna achieves a performance similar to other results

[6] in terms of antenna gain and VSWR; however the proposed

design obtains benefits in terms of flat-frequency response and

omnidirectional radiation pattern in the H-plane. The time

domain analysis indicates dependence with the transmitted pulse

shape and its setting.


Research supported by the Xunta de Galicia (Grant EMR2012/

138), Erasmus Mundus Green IT (Grant 2012-2625/001-001-

EMA2), AtlantTic Research Center and European Regional

Development Fund (ERDF).


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VC 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

TABLE 1 Variation of Correlation Factor in Percentage Withthe Transmitted Pulse Shape and Setting

Pulse q (%), Tb 5 10/fc q (%), Tb 5 5/fc q (%), Tb 5 1/fc



93, 94, 95 80, 82, 83 22, 27, 32


d(t20.125 Tb)

<10, <10, <10 <10, <10, <10 <10, <10, <10


exp[22 t/Tb]

74, 80, 85 55, 63, 70 21, 26, 31

Rectangular P(t/Tb) 81, 86, 89 66, 74, 80 33, 41, 49

Figure 5 Rectangular pulse transmitted by each of three antennas with

detection of the Brillouin precursor formation. [Color figure can be

viewed in the online issue, which is available at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

2856 MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS / Vol. 57, No. 12, December 2015 DOI 10.1002/mop