Developing with the Windows API Code Pack for .NET Framework Yochay Kiriaty Technical Evangelist Microsoft Corporation CL12

Developing with the Windows API Code Pack for .NET Framework

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CL12. Developing with the Windows API Code Pack for .NET Framework. Yochay Kiriaty Technical Evangelist Microsoft Corporation. Agenda. Why are we here? The Windows API Code Pack Introduction Demos Demos Demos … Roadmap. Why Are We Here? (Part I). - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Developing with the Windows API Code Pack for .NET Framework

Developing with the Windows API Code Pack for .NET FrameworkYochay KiriatyTechnical EvangelistMicrosoft Corporation


Page 2: Developing with the Windows API Code Pack for .NET Framework

Microsoft Confidential

Page 3: Developing with the Windows API Code Pack for .NET Framework
Page 4: Developing with the Windows API Code Pack for .NET Framework

Agenda> Why are we here?> The Windows API Code Pack

> Introduction> Demos Demos Demos…> Roadmap

Page 5: Developing with the Windows API Code Pack for .NET Framework

Why Are We Here? (Part I)> We all write Windows Client

applications > Windows 7 has some cool features

> Taskbar> Shell and Libraries> Sensor and Location > Multitouch> New DirectX> Etc…

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Great Windows Applications


Page 7: Developing with the Windows API Code Pack for .NET Framework

Why We Are Here? (Part II)> We all write Windows Client

applications > Windows 7 has some cool features> All these features expose a native

(win32) API> Today - there are no equivalent Managed

APIs available to developers in the .NET Framework

> “Interoping” with Unmanaged Code might be a little difficult sometimes

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Accessibility from managed code> Directly-callable using. NET interop

mechanisms> Example: RSS, Office

> C++/CLI or PInvoke signatures> Example: Application Recovery and Restart

> Raw Win32> Examples: Power Management, Windows

Vista Wizards> COM

> Examples: Search and Organize APIs> Extra difficult to call from managed code

> Examples: Common File Dialogs, Network Awareness



Page 9: Developing with the Windows API Code Pack for .NET Framework

What is Windows API Code Pack?> Managed class library to access to

Windows (7) features> Windows Shell namespace (supporting for Shell property

system)> Taskbar Jumplists, Icon Overlay, Progress bar, Thumbnail,

etc… > Windows Task Dialogs , Explorer Browser and other controls > Direct3D 11.0 and DXGI 1.0/1.1 APIs > Sensor Platform APIs > Extended Linguistic Services APIs > Windows Restart Manager> Power APIs> Other….

> http://code.msdn.com/windowsAPICodePack

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New Windows API Code Pack Version

Version 1.0.1


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Windows API Code packShell> Taskbar> Libraries> Explorer Browser> Known Folders> Task Dialogs > Shell Properties

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Main Features> Overlay icons & progress bars> Jump lists (destinations, tasks)> Thumbnail toolbars> Custom thumbnails> Tabbed thumbnails

Design Tip> Build a great Taskbar Icon> Forget about Quick Launch and the system tray

Windows Taskbar Features

Page 13: Developing with the Windows API Code Pack for .NET Framework

Customizing the Jump ListAdding tasks

IObjectCollection* poc = ...;IShellLink* task = ...;Poc->AddObject(task);ICustomDestinationList* pcdl = ...;Pcdl->BeginList(...);IObjectArray* poa = ... poc;Pcdl->AddUserTasks(poa);Pcdl->CommitList();

JumpList jl = ...;jl.AddUserTasks(params IJumpListTask[] tasks);

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Creating Thumbnail ToolbarsUINT wm_tbc = RegisterWindowMessage(

"TaskbarButtonCreated");MSG m; GetMessage(..., &m);if (m.message == wm_tbc) { ITaskbarList3* ptl = ...; THUMBBUTTON btn = {...}; ptl->ThumbBarAddButtons(m.hWnd, 1, &btn);}

WinForms: AddButtons(IntPtr windowHandle, params ThumbnailToolbarButton[] buttons)

WPF: AddButtons(UIElement control, params ThumbnailToolbarButton[] buttons)

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Customizing Live ThumbnailsDwmSetWindowAttribute( ...,DWMWA_HAS_ICONIC_BITMAP,...);DwmSetWindowAttribute(...,DWMWA_FORCE_ICONIC_REPRESENTATION,...);/* in the WndProc */case WM_DWMSENDICONICTHUMBNAIL: HBITMAP hbm = ...; DwmSetIconicThumbnail(hwnd, hbm, ...);

TabbedThumbnailManager ttm = ...;ttm. AddThumbnailPreview(TabbedThumbnail preview)

Page 16: Developing with the Windows API Code Pack for .NET Framework

Creating Thumbnail ToolbarsWinFormsAddButtons(IntPtr windowHandle,

params ThumbnailToolbarButton[]


WPF: AddButtons(UIElement control,

params ThumbnailToolbarButton[]


Page 17: Developing with the Windows API Code Pack for .NET Framework

Setting Overlay Icon

WinForms TaskbarManager.SetOverlayIcon(

IntPtr windowHandle,System.Drawing.Icon icon, string accessibilityText)

WPF TaskbarManager.SetOverlayIcon(

System.Windows.Window window,System.Drawing.Icon icon, string accessibilityText)

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JumpLists, Thumbnail Buttons, Clipping, and custom Preview


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Shell and Libraries IntegrationA library is a collection of folders

> Folders are grouped together for a purpose> They don’t have to share a physical root

Very useful and user-friendlyDeveloper guidelines:

> Use correct version of the Common File Dialog (CFD)

> CFD may return a “library” as the savedlocation

> A library has a default save location> There are APIs for syncing with libraries

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Customizing Live ThumbnailsIShellLibrary *pIShelLibrary;HRESULT hr = SHCreateLibrary( IID_PPV_ARGS(&pIShelLibrary));if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { IShellItem *pIShellItem; SHAddFolderPathToLibrary(pIShelLibrary, L"C:\\Users\\Public\\Documents"); hr = pIShelLibrary->SaveInKnownFolder(FOLDERID_Libraries, L"My New Library", LSF_MAKEUNIQUENAME, &pIShellItem); pIShellItem->Release(); pIShelLibrary->Release(); }

ShellLibrary library = new ShellLibrary(name, true)library.Add(folderPath);

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Page 22: Developing with the Windows API Code Pack for .NET Framework

Windows Sensor and Location PlatformDevelop better and more

productive user experiences > Enable environmentally

based applications

Uniform APIs for working with sensors > No need to target

vendor-specific APIs> Consistent interface for

sensors, extensions for location

> Access control and privacy


Sensor API

Sensor Device

UMDF Driver

Page 23: Developing with the Windows API Code Pack for .NET Framework

Ambient Light SensorOptimize for best user experience

> Change screen brightness> Out of the box with Windows 7

Drive adaptive user interface> LCD displays are difficult to read

outdoors in direct sunlight> Utilize knowledge of ambient

lighting conditions to improve PC usability

> Change contrast, color theme, and font size to be more readable in direct sunlight

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MSDN Reader

Light-Aware User Interface


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XNA Racing Game

Ambient Light and Accelerometer Sensors


Page 26: Developing with the Windows API Code Pack for .NET Framework

Many more topics > Managed class library to access to

Windows (7) features> Windows Shell namespace (supporting for Shell property

system)> Taskbar Jumplists, Icon Overlay, Progress bar, Thumbnail,

etc… > Windows Task Dialogs, Explorer Browser and other

controls > Direct3D 11.0 and DXGI 1.0/1.1 APIs > Sensor Platform APIs > Extended Linguistic Services APIs > Windows Restart Manager> Power APIs> Other….

> http://code.msdn.com/windowsAPICodePack

Page 27: Developing with the Windows API Code Pack for .NET Framework

Windows 7 Managed Roadmap

Today Tomorrow

Page 28: Developing with the Windows API Code Pack for .NET Framework

Q2 / Q32010

Ver 2.0Expanded Shell

API coverage

Ver 1.5Fundamentals


Ver – 1.0.1Bug-fixes


Ver - 1.0Initial release


Ver - 0.9Preview

June 2009

Windows API Code Pack Roadmap

Page 29: Developing with the Windows API Code Pack for .NET Framework

Call To Action > Windows 7 Application Compatibility> Optimize for Windows 7

> Use Windows 7 new Taskbar & jump lists> Become library aware

> Manage files & data with libraries> Create Amazing Expereinces:

> Enhance User Experience with Sensor and Location

> Adopt the new DirectX Graphic APIs > Develop for Multitouch

Page 30: Developing with the Windows API Code Pack for .NET Framework

Resources> Windows Developer Center (MSDN)

> http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/default.aspx

> Windows 7 Training Kit> Channel 9 -

http://channel9.msdn.com/learn/windows > Windows 7 Developers Blog

> http://windowsteamblog.com/blogs/developers/default.aspx

> Windows 7 on Channel 9 > http://channel9.msdn.com/windows

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Page 32: Developing with the Windows API Code Pack for .NET Framework

YOUR FEEDBACK IS IMPORTANT TO US! Please fill out session evaluation

forms online atMicrosoftPDC.com

Page 33: Developing with the Windows API Code Pack for .NET Framework

Learn More On Channel 9> Expand your PDC experience through

Channel 9

> Explore videos, hands-on labs, sample code and demos through the new Channel 9 training courses

channel9.msdn.com/learnBuilt by Developers for Developers….

Page 34: Developing with the Windows API Code Pack for .NET Framework

© 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries.The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

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Page 36: Developing with the Windows API Code Pack for .NET Framework

Windows 7 Taskbar and WPF 4> XAML support for JumpLists> Supported

> Overlay Icons and Progress Bar> JumpLists> Thumbnail Toolbars

> Not Supported> Custom thumbnail and thumbnail Preview> Thumbnail clipping

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Taskbar using XAML

<JumpList.JumpList> <JumpList> <JumpTask ApplicationPath="notepad.exe" CustomCategory="External Tools" Description="Take Notes" Title="Start Notepad" IconResourcePath="notepad.exe" IconResourceIndex="0" /> <JumpTask ApplicationPath="calc.exe" CustomCategory="External Tools" Description="Perform some calculations" Title="Start Calculator" IconResourcePath="calc.exe" IconResourceIndex="0" /> </JumpList></JumpList.JumpList>

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