Destiny's Divas - Read an Excerpt!

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  • 8/2/2019 Destiny's Divas - Read an Excerpt!

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  • 8/2/2019 Destiny's Divas - Read an Excerpt!


  • 8/2/2019 Destiny's Divas - Read an Excerpt!


    also by victoria christopher murray

    Sinners & Saints (with ReShonda Tate Billingsley)

    The Deal, the Dance, and the DevilSins o the Mother

    Lady Jasmine

    Too Little, Too Late

    The Ex Files

    A Sin and a Shame

    Grown Folks Business

    Truth Be ToldBlessed Assurance(contributor)


  • 8/2/2019 Destiny's Divas - Read an Excerpt!


    Detnys Diva

    victoria christopher


    a touchstone book

    published by simon & schuster

    new york london toronto sydney new delhi!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM
  • 8/2/2019 Destiny's Divas - Read an Excerpt!



    A Division o Simon & Schuster, Inc.

    1230 Avenue o the Americas

    New York, NY 10020

    This book is a work o ction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are

    products o the authors imagination or are used ctitiously. Any resemblance to

    actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    Copyright 2012 by Victoria Christopher Murray

    All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereoin any orm whatsoever. For inormation address Touchstone Subsidiary Rights

    Department, 1230 Avenue o the Americas, New York, NY 10020.

    First Touchstone trade paperback edition June 2012

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    Library o Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

    Murray, Victoria Christopher.

    Destinys Divas / Victoria Christopher Murray.1st Touchstone trade

    paperback ed.

    p. cm.

    1. Arican American gospel singersFiction. 2. Christian womenFiction.

    I. Title.

    PS3563.U795D47 2012



    ISBN 978-1-4516-5046-4

    ISBN 978-1-4516-5047-1 (ebook)!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM
  • 8/2/2019 Destiny's Divas - Read an Excerpt!



    toyota center, houston, texas

    april 1, 2011

    The Toyota Center rocked with thunderous applause as Des-

    tinys Divas, swathed in purple, sauntered onto the stage. Theypaused, held hands, raised their arms into the air, then strolled

    away rom one another, each to her own mark. Liza, with the

    elegance o royalty, moved stage let; Raines sister locks, wrapped

    high upon her head, bounced as she edged toward stage right.

    And the young one, the beautiul one, as Sierra was so oten

    called, held court at center stage.

    As the deaening ovation continued, the three singing evan-

    gelists peered into the darkened arena, seeing no one. But, o

    course, they were theretwenty thousand Texans had come to

    worship, praise, and celebrate with Destinys Divas.

    With a concerted, majestic raise o their hands, the Divas

    quieted the capacity crowd and the air thickened with antici-

    pation.Three chords on the keyboard, and then the rst three notes

    o their signature song. . . .

    Love the Lord . . .!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM
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    2 5 prologue

    That was all their ans needed. The men and the women

    whod paid ty, one hundred, up to two hundred dollars or a

    ticket rose to their eet and roared their approval. The audience

    sang and swayed with the melody o the song that had stayed at

    the top o the gospel and R & B charts or ve weeks.

    Ater the rst stanza, Raine and Liza pivoted, and with their

    sequined gowns owing behind them they sashayed to the cen-

    ter, joining Sierra.

    The people stayed with them, all those thousands obackup singers, worshipping and praising with one accord. At

    the end o the song, the lights on the stage slowly dimmed

    and the three posed, creating a Charlies Angelsesque silhou-

    ette as they held that last note or seconds that nearly turned

    into a minute.

    The thunderous cheering returned, vibrating the walls. The

    audience clapped, they stomped, they cheered. As the lightscame up once again, Sierra, Raine, and Liza bowed to the ova-

    tion, soaking in the adoration that came to them rom this: their

    rst night, in their rst city o their rst tour. For minutes, they

    let the crowd adore them, then Raine and Liza eased back and

    rested on the high stools behind them on the stage.

    All right, Houston, Sierra said. Hows everyone tonight?

    Her tenor tone reverberated through the arena.

    Great, Wonderul, Terric, blended together and oated

    back to the stage, sounding like a new song.

    It is so good to be here, deep in the heart o Texas! Sierra

    shouted as she sashayed to the let.

    More applause.

    So, yall ready or some real talk? she asked, this timeswinging to her right.

    Laughter mixed with their applausethe crowd loved to!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM
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    prologue 5 3

    hear the Divas sing, but theyd also come to hear their motivat-

    ing testimonies. This was the rst time the Divas were speaking

    in person and this crowd couldnt wait.

    Sierra strolled past the stool that had been placed in the cen-

    ter o the stage or her, but she never planned to sit. She would

    strut through her ten-minute testimony, hoping that would

    make her a little less nervous.

    Lets get down to it, right now, Sierra said. She paused,

    and even though just about everyone in the arena knew whatshe was going to say, they leaned orward with expectancy. Im

    saved . . . Im single . . . and Im celibate!

    And youre ne, a guy yelled out rom one o the ront


    Laughter rose rom those who were close enough to hear.

    Sierra laughed, too; she was used to the compliments.

    Thank you, she said. But, Im not here to talk about how Ilook on the outside; Im here to talk about whos living with

    me on the inside. And inside o me, right hereshe pressed

    her index nger on her chest, then raised her hand in the air

    is Jesus!

    The audience was on their eet once again, and behind Sierra,

    the other two in the trio applauded as well. As the crowd quieted,

    Raine reached or Lizas hand. This was the beginning o their

    twenty-city tour, and they were all ueled by the adrenaline that

    came with success. Two number one singles, their rst CD that

    had just dropped today, and now this. Did it get any better?

    Let me tell you how Jesus saved me, Sierra began as Raine

    and Liza settled back, both waiting or their turn to share.

    And they would share, but not one o them would have anyclue that their testimonies would end tonight. No one in the

    arena would have been able to predict that this would be the!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM
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    4 5 prologue

    rst and nal show. Because in just hours, every lie theyd ever

    spoken would be revealed, every secret they ever held would be

    exposed, and every one o their lives would be changed.

    Ater all, thats what happens with murderit changes ev-

  • 8/2/2019 Destiny's Divas - Read an Excerpt!


    february 2011

    chapter 1


    Five had become her lucky number!

    That was Sierras thought as she climbed into the back o thetaxi. She slammed the door shut beore she said, One Hundred

    Twenty-third and Morningside.

    The turbaned gentleman gave her a cautious glance, and Si-

    erra knew what he was thinkingshe hadnt given an address

    and she was going up to Harlem, so she must be a jumper. Just

    because she was young and she was black, he thought she was

    gonna jump out without paying.

    She wanted to roll her eyes when his glance stayed on her

    through the rearview mirror, but she smiled instead. He sighed

    as i it was too late to get rid o her, and edged the car away rom

    the curb in ront o Madison Square Garden where shed just

    had lunch at The Aternoon Martini.

    From the way the man mumbled, Sierra wondered i hewas praying or i he was cursing her out. Well, he didnt have to!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM
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    6 5 victoria christopher murray

    worry about her jumping; she had way too much class andshe

    was in a spectacular mood.

    It was the number ve that had her eeling this way.

    You ladies are still at the top o the gospel charts, Yvonne,

    Destinys Divas manager, had told her, Raine, and Liza over a

    celebratory lunch. Love Unlimited is hanging tough. Still

    number one.

    Thats ve weeks now, right? Raine had asked.

    Yup, Yvonne had nodded and then raised her martini glass ina toast to the women. And Ive just conrmed your tour schedule.

    Another city was addedWinston-Salemso twenty cities, ve

    weeks. Well start in Houston and end it right here in the Garden.

    For Sierra, that part was both exciting and disconcerting. She

    was looking orward to the pampering that came with staying in

    upscale hotels and being whisked rom one place to the next in

    limousines. But on the downside, she would be away rom Andreor a long time.

    As the cab rolled up Eighth Avenue, Sierra pulled out her

    phone to check to see i she had any messages rom him. Noth-

    ing, so she clicked over to her Twitter timeline. But as she

    scrolled through the updates that shed missed in the last ten

    minutes, her mind was on the love o her lie.

    This wasnt the best time to be leaving. Not with her birth-

    day coming up in a week. She was going to be twenty-ve ve

    days ater Valentines Day and Andre was about to propose to her,

    though Sierra wasnt sure i he was going to do it on Valentines

    Day or wait or her actual birthday. He hadnt exactly shared his

    plans, but he had given her a boatload o clues letting her know

    what was coming.Like the hint he gave her a ew weeks back. The two o them

    were bumping arms and shoulders and legs while they jockeyed!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM
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    destinys divas 5 7

    or position inside her bathroom, which had only enough square

    ootage or one and a hal people at a time.

    Baby, we need a house! hed said as he smiled at her

    through the cracked vanity mirror.

    Really? We? shed repeated, wanting to make sure shed

    heard him right.

    He nodded. Uh-huh. With lots o bedrooms and bath-

    rooms. He laughed.

    Sierras heart had almost stopped beating. The only time aman talked about a house was when he was ready or a wie

    thats what her mother had told her.

    Hint number two came a couple o days later when she was

    at his apartment and shed noticed that the pictures were down.

    Finally! The pictures that had been the bane o their relationship.

    The pictures o his ex-ance whod broken o their engage-

    ment just a ew days beore Sierra and Andre had met.How many ghts had they had about the photographs that

    Andre still had on the living room mantel? Whatever the num-

    ber, the conversation was always the same.

    Why do you still have pictures oher? Sierra would ask.

    I already told you; Im not taking down pictures o my


    Okay, trueAndres mother was in all the pictures with

    that girl, but there had to be a way to handle this. Sierra wanted

    Andre to either get new pictures o his mother or grab a pair o

    scissors and get to cutting out Ole Girla project she would

    happily take on i he wouldnt.

    Her nagging hadnt done much, though. At least not until the

    day shed met him at his 14th Street apartment or an aternoondelight. They were only going to be there or an hour or so, and

    as they made love on the soa, Sierra had rolled her head to the!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM
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    8 5 victoria christopher murray

    side. Her eyes uttered open and she noticed the empty man-

    televery picture rame gone.

    She had an instant orgasm.

    Andre hadnt said a word and she hadnt asked. But no words

    were needed. Sierra knew what this meantAndre was making

    room or her.

    Then there was the biggest clue o allAndres credit card

    bill. Shed just been wandering around his apartment wrapped

    in one o his sheets last Sunday morning while hed run to thecorner liquor store or a bottle o champagne so they could

    make mimosas. Shed gone into his ofce and there it wasa

    credit card bill was sitting right there, in plain view. Well, maybe

    not in plain view; shed had to jimmy the lock on his desk to get

    the drawer open and then . . . it was right there or her to see. A

    credit card bill with a charge or twenty-two thousand dollars!

    To a store that was amous or their engagement ringsTi-anys.

    Sierra hadnt been looking or anything in particular, but

    shed ound a treasure. Tianys. Twenty-two thousand dollars.

    She wasnt sure how he was going to pay or that on his salary as

    a sta writer or the National Intruder, but whatever, however, she

    was about to be united in matrimony with her soul mate; she

    was about to become Mrs. Andre Stevens.

    This was her rst done-right relationship. With Andre, shed

    done everything her mother had taught hershed always made

    it about him, she told him he was always right (whenever he

    was), and she always had an orgasmat least thats what he


    All o the above had helped her keep Andre, but then shedadded insurance. Something that guaranteed that he would never

    leave her. Something that her mother didnt know a thing about.!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM
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    destinys divas 5 9

    Thinking about that now, Sierra scrolled through the pic-

    tures on her phone until she ound the one shed taken about an

    hour ago in the bathroom. These were the shots Andre loved the

    mostthe ones she took in public and then sent to him. Not

    that the stall in The Aternoon Martini was public, but she knew

    this photo would get Andre going or real.

    Finding the picture, she typed the message: This will be waiting

    4 u when u get home. Im not going to work 2day so come early. xoxo.

    Then she pressed Send and imagined the smile this would bringto her mans ace.

    Yup, her mother didnt know a thing about this. Sexting was

    the, as her avorite reality star always said. Sending

    shots o her various body parts was what kept Andre. He couldnt

    get enough o her. Whenever she sent one o these pictures to him

    during the day, she was sure to have a abulous night.

    Sierra sighed with pleasure. Finally, she had her happily-ever-ater. Shed kissed more rogs than the law shouldve allowed. But

    now she had a prince. Having Andre in her lie was worth every

    lie shed been told, every wie shed discovered, every tear shed

    shed. Their relationship was so dierent rom all the others shed

    had since shed moved to the city over six years ago. Except or

    his exs pictures, they had no drama. No strange phone calls, no

    disappearing acts, no emales showing up in the middle o the

    night. She hadnt gone o once in all the months shed known

    him, proving that her other boyriends whod called her crazy

    didnt know what they were talking about.

    The cab stopped at the corner o her block, just as shed

    directed, and Sierra gave the driver a twenty and a ve, then

    scooted across the seat toward the door.Thank you, the cabbie said, giving her his rst clear words

    and rst smile.!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM
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    10 5 victoria christopher murray

    Yeah, he was happy now. Not only was she not a jumper, but

    she had tipped his racist behind well, so the next time he was

    asked to go to Harlem, hed make the trip without making as-


    Sierra slipped out o the car, pulled the aux ur collar o

    her coat tighter, but when the wind whipped up Morningside

    Drive, she almost turned back to the cab so that he could take

    her straight to her ront door. But this was a rule that shed lived

    byanother something that her mother had taught her beoreSierra had let Brooklyn and crossed the bridge to live in the

    big city.

    Dont be letting just anybody know where you liveshe

    could hear her mothers voice even now. Not even a cabdriver.

    Theyre the worst. Theyll memorize your address and come

    back in the middle o the night to rob you or rape you.

    It was that vivid picture that had Sierra trudging down thestreet in her stiletto boots past week-old, waist-high snow piles.


    Sierra heard a man call out, but she didnt turn around.


    She was so over these catcalls. Men shouted out to her all the

    time, as i that was really the way to get her attention.

    Arent you with that new girl group?

    Oh, wait . . . it was a an! She paused, turned around, and saw

    the gray-haired man standing in the cut o one o the buildings.

    He was bundled up against the cold, his hands stued deep in-

    side his pockets.

    He didnt look anything like she imagined her ans to be, but

    neither did he look like a robber or a rapist. So she answeredhimYesand smiled.

    He gave her a toothless grin back. I saw yall on TV. One o!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM
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    destinys divas 5 11

    those video channels. Yall girls are something else. Keep up the

    good work.

    Thank you, she said beore she turned back to her path.

    That was only the third time that shed been recognized. It hap-

    pened all the time when she was with Raine and Lizaprimar-

    ily because o Raine, o course.

    Raine. It was still hard or Sierra to believe that not only did

    she know Raine, not only was she a riend, but she was actually

    singing onstage next to her. Raineor Rainebow, as she wasknown when she blew up in the ninetieswas the reason or

    this being the best time in Sierras lie. She wouldnt have a ca-

    reer i she hadnt met Raine a ew weeks ater she joined one o

    the biggest churches in New York City.

    Im putting together a new group, Raine had told Sierra

    ater she pulled her aside one Wednesday night ater choir prac-

    tice. Not only do you have an amazing voice, but I was so im-pressed with your testimony.

    Sierra had tried not to be too starstruck as she stood in ront

    o the R & B icon. As casually as she could, she responded, You

    mean what I talked about last Sunday? About being celibate?

    Yes! Youre an amazing young woman. And more than sing-

    ing, I want the women in the group Im putting together to be

    examples o how to handle the challenges women ace today.

    You would be quite a mentor.

    There was no way or Sierra to tell Raine the truth. No

    way to explain that when Pastor Bush had stood at the altar and

    asked i anyone had any special testimony to share, Sierra had

    almost raced to the ront. That was the moment shed been wait-

    ing or ever since shed joined the church.The idea or what shed said that day had come rom Candy,

    one o the sales sta at the bookstore where Sierra worked.!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM
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    12 5 victoria christopher murray

    Guys are always trying to get with me because Im a virgin,

    Candy had told her.

    Sierra didnt even try to hide her shock when she asked,

    Youre kidding, right?

    Nope. Guys are always . . .

    I mean, youre kidding about being a virgin? Sierra had

    been so intrigued that anyone over twenty could still be a virgin,

    and her rst thought was, What a man magnet!

    Eric had just let her and she was so ready to nd The One.Ater a week o thought and research, shed joined City o

    Lights, the church with the highest number o single men in the

    city because they were inspired by Pastor Hosea Bush.

    So when she was given the chance, Sierra had stood beore

    the congregation and told her story o being a twenty-two-year-

    old virgin because she was living lie Gods way, she was waiting

    or the man that Hed chosen or her.Then shed returned to her seat, knowing that in the next

    week, or two or three, the men would ock to her because she

    was such a virtuous woman and would make a wonderul wie.

    She hadnt ound a husband, but her lie had led to her big

    break, and now her lie had become her lie. That was ne; it

    was easy enough to make her lie the truth. Sierra lived as two

    womenthe virtuous one and then the other, who wasnt so

    righteous. But that was all about to change. Shed be able to live

    completely honorably now that she was about to be Andres Mrs.

    Finally reaching her brownstone, she rushed into the build-

    ing and out o the 20-degree cold. She grabbed her mail rom

    her box beore she tackled the stairs. Seventy-two steps to her

    th-oor walk-up. Seventy-two steps that saved her a gymmembership.

    Turning the corner on the top landing, Sierra rowned when!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM
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    destinys divas 5 13

    she saw her door a bit ajar, and thoughts o a robber and/or a

    rapist jumped back into her mind. But quickly, she pushed those

    thoughts away. It was probably just the super busting into her

    apartment under the guise o xing something. That seemed to

    be the little mans avorite hobbyalways up in her apartment

    or one made-up reason or another. He was probably sneaking

    peeks in her underwear drawerat least thats what her mother

    told her.

    Still, she was cautious and stepped slowly, quietly on thewooden planks. She pressed her hand on the door, pushed it

    back, peeked inside, and then sighed.


    He jumped and turned around with wide eyes.

    You scared me, she said.

    That makes two o us.

    She dropped the mail onto the ront table and then wrappedher arms around her boyriends neck. What are you doing here,


    I thought you said you had a business lunch.

    She nodded. I did, but it was quick. All Yvonne wanted to

    do was tell us about the tour and lecture me about the impor-

    tance o staying . . . moral. She laughed. And Liza had some

    rst lady event she had to get to. Sierra stepped back. I sent

    you a text, she said, changing her tone. Did you get it? she


    Uh . . . I havent checked.

    Take a look, she whispered as she shrugged her coat rom

    her shoulders. I wasnt wearing any panties. She giggled as she

    watched Andres Adams apple rise then all in his throat.Uh . . . what about work? Youre not going in to the book-

    store? he asked.!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM
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    She shook her head. I told you this morning that I was o.

    Turning toward the closet, she asked, Whats up with you? I

    thought youd be at work digging up some dirt on that new

    player or the Knicks.

    When Andre stayed silent, Sierra spun around to ace him, and

    or the rst time she really noticed him. She noticed his blank

    stare as i he had no words to say. She noticed that he was dressed

    in an old jogging suit, as i he was about to do manual labor. And

    she noticed what was in his handsthe plug to the TV.Sierra squinted, conused by the picture in ront o her.

    Somethings wrong with the TV?

    Ah . . . nothing. The TVs ne. He lowered his eyes. Look,

    Sierra, I might as well just come out and say thisIm leaving.

    Sierra stood there, not moving, just blinking.

    He dropped the television cord and took a step closer to her.

    I didnt want to tell you because I didnt want to hurt you.Youre leavingas in breaking up with me? It was the

    shock that put the tremor in her voice.

    He nodded.

    All kinds o visions danced in her heado the day theyd

    met, o the hours theyd spent making love, o the wedding shed

    already plannedthe wedding, the ring! No, this was not over!

    So, you were gonna just walk out o here with your TV and

    not tell me, not try to work out whatever is wrong?

    Ah, come on, Sierra. You cant tell me you havent noticed

    that things havent been owing between us.

    I can tell you that cause I thought everything was ne.

    He looked at her as i he couldnt decide i she was joking.

    I mean, youre all right and everything, but we never meant orthis to be long-term.

    His words made her cross her arms.!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM
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    He cleared his throat. Well, look, thats why I came by this

    aternoon. I didnt want to go back and orth about this.

    No, you came by this aternoon cause you thought I was

    out and youre a coward.

    He was silent or a moment, as i he was contemplating her

    words. Then he shrugged. I just didnt want to hurt you.

    Hed said that twice now and it was those words that hurt

    her the most. How could he not hurt her? He was taking away

    her uture, her chance to be his wie.She needed to x this. She needed to back up and think

    about the best way to handle the situation. She didnt have the

    skills to win any kind o debate with Andre; her high school

    diploma was no matchup or his bachelors and masters degrees.

    But she could certainly use the gits that God had given her

    and with her looks, she was always the winner.

    So she tossed her bronze-colored curls over her shouldersand sucked in her cheeks. Baby, please, she whined. There was

    little space between them, but in the ve or so steps that it took

    to reach him, she put more sway into her stroll.

    The sudden switch o her approach startled Andre.

    I love you. She pressed up against him so that he would

    eel what hed be missing i he let. Whatever it is, we can work

    it out. Then she kissed him. But though she could eel the hard

    beat o his heart, he didnt part his lips. You really dont want to

    give up on us, do you?

    Andre took a couple o steps away rom her. I thought we

    were in the same place with this. I didnt know there was any


    The trembling started in her soles and was quickly rising. Butshe ought hard to press her anger down. She couldnt revert to

    past tactics. I just dont understand. Her voice was sot. She had!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM
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    to stay calm. She had to stay sultry. Motioning toward the couch,

    she said, Lets talk. She settled onto the soa and crossed her

    legs, making sure that the hem o her skirt rose high enough or

    him to see the top o her sheer thigh-high stockings.

    She watched Andre watch her and the way his eyes glazed as

    he stared at her legs. Inside, she smiled, but she kept the sorrow

    on her ace.

    Andres Adams apple shited again, but then he shook his

    head as i reeing himsel rom a trance. Talking wont do any-thing.

    Why wont you even give me, give us, a chance?

    Because theres no chance that needs to be given! he ex-

    claimed as i he couldnt believe that she didnt get it. Were not

    in a relationship.

    Sierra shook her head. What would you call it?

    Id call it a good time.She uncrossed her legs, then leaned to the let and crossed

    her legs the other way. Again, she watched him, pleased when

    he took an extra breath. Thats all I was to you? A good


    He lited his eyes rom her legs to her ace, but she didnt

    mind. Her ace was just as captivating. He said, Sierra, you knew

    the deal when we met. Id just broken up with Tamara.

    She cringed at the mention o Ole Girls name.

    He said, I told you that I wasnt ready to get involved with


    You told me that you couldnt wait to get me in bed.

    Yeah, well, look at you. Who wouldnt want to sleep with

    you?She was trying, trying hard to keep it together.

    Trying hard to stay sane.!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM
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    Look, you ound me at a bad time, Sierra, you know that.

    What else would you call meeting a man at a bar crying? I was

    crying over Tamara.

    That name was making her blood boil. You werent hardly


    I didnt mean it literally, but you know what Im saying. I

    thought wed just hang out or a ew nights.

    That turned intofve months.

    Longer than I expected.Well, do you know what I expected? She didnt wait or

    him to answer. I expected a ring. I thought we were going to

    get married.

    This time he took giant steps away rom her. Whoa! I never

    said anything about marrying you.

    You didnt have to. I know that you bought me a ring. From

    Tianys.He rowned or a moment, as i he was conused. Then his eyes

    widened with understanding. How did you know about that?

    Does it matter?

    Yeah, cause i you know about that then you need to be a

    reporter. But that necklace had nothing to do with you.

    Sierra blinked. Necklace?

    He nodded. For an expos were doing.

    Not a ring? Not my ring?

    No! I cant marry you.

    Why not?

    Because I dont even know you like that. And anyway, it

    wouldnt be good or me to get into a relationship. I need to put

    a little time and space between me and Tamara.There was that name again. Youve had ve months, she

    shouted, her voice rising as ast as her blood pressure. You!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM
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    werent saying anything about needing space every time you

    jumped into my bed.

    Well . . . you know . . .

    Sierra wanted to crack him upside his head, but she was not

    going to lose it and she was not going to lose him. So she in-

    haled deeply, then released it. Over and over, just like her best

    riend Denise, a psychologist who specialized in anger manage-

    ment, oten advised.

    She elt hersel calming, and Andre mustve elt it, too, be-cause he sat down next to her.

    Im sorry, Sierra, he said sotly. I thought you knew what

    this was or me and I thought it was the same or you. I mean,

    howre you really going to be in a relationship with me and then

    be in Destinys Divas talking about being celibate?

    He was asking her that question now? Ater all the mornings,

    noons, and nights that theyd sexed it up? Ater all the picturesshed sent him? Ater all the video recordings theyd made? All

    I ever say on the radio and all Im gonna say onstage is that celi-

    bacy is good.

    Yeah, but those olks think youre actually celibate. Thats

    why I didnt think youd want to make this long-term. Id g-

    ured by the time your tour began, youd be turning your back

    on me and living your lie real.

    Our relationship is real.

    Come on, Sierra. Stop calling it a relationship when we

    were just kicking it. When you were just my good-time girl.

    Good. Time. Girl!Those words exploded in her head. Are

    you calling me a ho?

    No . . . wha . . .Beore the word was out o his mouth, Sierra grabbed the!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM
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    red porcelain vase on the table with the single (just about dead)

    rose that Andre had given her last week and did exactly what

    shed been thinking just minutes beore. In one swoop, she

    crashed the vase upside his head.

    What the hell? He jumped up, pressing his hand against his

    temple. Girl, are you crazy?

    She leapt rom the couch and stood inches rom him. Oh,

    you aint seen crazy yet! You just called me a ho!

    He stared at her as i hed never seen her beore, then shookhis head. Im out. He pushed by her, but then turned around

    and almost moonwalked out o her apartment, as i he was araid

    to turn his back on her.

    Beore he got to the door, she said, Dont orget your TV.

    Isnt that why you came by?

    His ngertips were still pressed to his head, and Sierra saw a

    trickle o blood. Good!He paused or a second, then said, Nah, you keep it, as i he

    didnt trust getting anywhere near her.

    I dont want your stupid TV, she shouted. I dont want

    anything rom you.

    But he walked out the door, saying nothing more. As i he

    hadnt heard her, as i he didnt care.

    He was just gonna leave like that?

    Oh, no!

    She grabbed the thirty-two-inch at screen with a strength that

    she only had at moments like this. Racing through the door, she

    watched Andres ace stretch with shock, but he kept backing away

    toward the staircase. She waited until he had taken three steps down,

    then hoisted the TV over the railing, aiming at his head.Andre jumped back, barely escaping the crashing metal,!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM
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    crushing plastic, and splattering glass as the TV bounced, then

    tumbled down the stairs. When it nally landed on the oor

    below, Andre looked up at Sierra with wide, shocked eyes.

    She said, I told you I didnt want your sorry TV.

    He shook his head. His hand was down now and she could

    see the gash on his orehead. Good!Something to remember her


    You are one crazy ass.

    She shrugged. And now you know.Pivoting, she turned her back on him, even as he yelled,

    Crazy, crazy, crazy!

    As i those words would bother her. Please, shed been called

    much worse than crazy beore.

    The moment she stepped back into her apartment, she had

    another thought. Sierra dashed into the bathroom, grabbed what

    shed come looking or, then ran back into the hallway.Hey, Andre, she yelled, though he was on the second oor

    by now. Still, she tossed his toothbrush down the stairs and

    watched it tumble until it landed on top o the mangled steel

    mess that used to be his TV. Now she was rid o everything that

    hed let behind.

    Everything, except or her heart inside that had been cut

    wide open, once again. Maybe ve wasnt such a lucky number.

    Because Andre was the th man who had cut into her soul in

    as many years.!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM!/VictoriaECM