Issue 61 Spring 2015 £2.75 County’s 2014 Tour de France legacy revealed By Josh Timlin YORKSHIRE'S Tour de France legacy has started to show, according to fig- ures. Newly-released figures for the first nine months of 2014 revealed a bumper period for the county – a time which saw the region host the annual race’s magnificent Grand Depart. The event, in July, saw the world’s eyes fall on the county. An estimated five million people lined the race’s route which was the culmination of four years of planning and created some of the most evocative images in the Tour’s 111-year history, includ- ing thousands of people attending notable climbs on the Yorkshire Dales’ Buttertubs Pass and the ascent of Holme Moss on the hills overlooking Holmfirth. From January to September over- seas visits to Yorkshire went up by 12 per cent to 1.08m and these tourists spent a total of £465m. The strongest growth in visits came from Australia, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain and USA. Holiday visits in particular, across the first nine months of 2014, saw a significant jump of 32 per cent and the amount spent by tourists while holidaying went up a massive 70 per cent. Strong holiday visit growth came from France, Italy, Netherlands, Ireland, Spain and USA. Patricia Yates, director of strategy and communications at VisitBritain, said: “Inbound tourism is one of Britain’s most successful export industries, generating jobs and growth across Britain. “Yorkshire plays a valuable role in that success and the legacy of its excellent hosting of the Tour de France is clear to see. Yorkshire's tourism has a strong future and the region will also feature heavily in our new 2015 Countryside is GREAT campaign.” Tourism minister Helen Grant added: “Yorkshire is playing a big part in helping to drive Britain’s record tourism boom. Last year’s Tour de France Grand Depart showcased the best of this wonderful region to the world and now it is about keeping up that momentum. “It is why we have launched a £10m fund to help strengthen tourism in the north and why the Nick Clegg and myself have met key stakeholders in Sheffield, including Welcome to Yorkshire's Gary Verity, to discuss what more can be done to help further growth in the region.” Gary Verity, chief executive of Welcome to Yorkshire, who led the winning bid to bring the Tour de France to the county, said that the county’s profile has “never been higher” following last year’s success. NEW analysis from VisitBritain has revealed more interna- tional tourists are starting to travel across the country than ever before. According to new figures from the Office for National Statistics, in the first nine months of 2014, overseas tourist spending reached new records in Wales (£303m), Scotland (£1.5b), London (£8.9b), East of England (£693m), North West (£849m) and the South East (£1.7b). Figures also showed that compared to the same period in 2013, from January to September 2014, overseas visits grew at a faster rate to Wales (14 per cent), Scotland (12 per cent) and Yorkshire (12 per cent) than they did to London (six per cent). Tourism minister Helen Grant added “Britain has so much to offer tourists and it’s fantastic that more of them are exploring the country and helping to drive growth out- side of London. “I want overseas visitors to experience the very best of Britain and with a record £22b expected to be spent this year the tourism sector is well placed to keep up this momentum, as part of the Government's long-term eco- nomic plan.” EMMY and Golden Globe award-winning actor Damian Lewis will return to the West End stage to star in a major new revival of David Mamet’s play American Buffalo. Directed by Daniel Evans, the production will open at Wyndham’s Theatre on April 16, for a limited run until June 27. Damian said: “David Mamet is one of our greatest living playwrights and I’m thrilled to be per- forming in his brilliant American Buffalo.” For more theatre news, see our Centre Stage section, starting on page 9. Spending smashes records in all regions

Destination UK Spring 2015

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Issue 61 Spring 2015 £2.75

County’s 2014Tour de Francelegacy revealedBy Josh Timlin

YORKSHIRE'S Tour de France legacyhas started to show, according to fig-ures.

Newly-released figures for the firstnine months of 2014 revealed abumper period for the county – atime which saw the region host theannual race’s magnificent GrandDepart.

The event, in July, saw the world’seyes fall on the county. An estimatedfive million people lined the race’sroute which was the culmination offour years of planning and createdsome of the most evocative imagesin the Tour’s 111-year history, includ-ing thousands of people attendingnotable climbs on the YorkshireDales’ Buttertubs Pass and theascent of Holme Moss on the hillsoverlooking Holmfirth.

From January to September over-seas visits to Yorkshire went up by12 per cent to 1.08m and thesetourists spent a total of £465m. Thestrongest growth in visits came fromAustralia, Germany, Italy,Netherlands, Spain and USA.

Holiday visits in particular, acrossthe first nine months of 2014, saw asignificant jump of 32 per cent andthe amount spent by tourists whileholidaying went up a massive 70 percent. Strong holiday visit growthcame from France, Italy, Netherlands,

Ireland, Spain and USA.Patricia Yates, director of strategy

and communications at VisitBritain,said: “Inbound tourism is one ofBritain’s most successful exportindustries, generating jobs andgrowth across Britain.

“Yorkshire plays a valuable role inthat success and the legacy of itsexcellent hosting of the Tour deFrance is clear to see. Yorkshire'stourism has a strong future and theregion will also feature heavily in ournew 2015 Countryside is GREATcampaign.”

Tourism minister Helen Grantadded: “Yorkshire is playing a big partin helping to drive Britain’s recordtourism boom. Last year’s Tour deFrance Grand Depart showcased thebest of this wonderful region to theworld and now it is about keeping upthat momentum.

“It is why we have launched a£10m fund to help strengthentourism in the north and why theNick Clegg and myself have met keystakeholders in Sheffield, includingWelcome to Yorkshire's Gary Verity, todiscuss what more can be done tohelp further growth in the region.”

Gary Verity, chief executive ofWelcome to Yorkshire, who led thewinning bid to bring the Tour deFrance to the county, said that thecounty’s profile has “never beenhigher” following last year’s success.

NEW analysis from VisitBritainhas revealed more interna-tional tourists are starting totravel across the country thanever before.

According to new figuresfrom the Office for NationalStatistics, in the first ninemonths of 2014, overseastourist spending reached newrecords in Wales (£303m),Scotland (£1.5b), London(£8.9b), East of England(£693m), North West(£849m) and the South East(£1.7b).

Figures also showed thatcompared to the same periodin 2013, from January toSeptember 2014, overseasvisits grew at a faster rate toWales (14 per cent), Scotland(12 per cent) and Yorkshire(12 per cent) than they did toLondon (six per cent).

Tourism minister HelenGrant added “Britain has somuch to offer tourists and it’sfantastic that more of themare exploring the country andhelping to drive growth out-side of London.

“I want overseas visitors toexperience the very best ofBritain and with a record£22b expected to be spentthis year the tourism sector iswell placed to keep up thismomentum, as part of theGovernment's long-term eco-nomic plan.”

EMMY and Golden Globe award-winningactor Damian Lewis will return to theWest End stage to star in a major newrevival of David Mamet’s play AmericanBuffalo. Directed by Daniel Evans, theproduction will open at Wyndham’sTheatre on April 16, for a limited rununtil June 27. Damian said: “DavidMamet is one of our greatest livingplaywrights and I’m thrilled to be per-forming in his brilliant AmericanBuffalo.”� For more theatre news, see ourCentre Stage section, starting on page9.

Spendingsmashesrecords inall regions

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EDITORIALJudith Halkerston group editor 01226 734639 [email protected] Eccles reporter 01226 [email protected] Timlin reporter 01226 734715Olivia Taylor reporter [email protected]

PRODUCTIONStewart Holt – studio manager –[email protected] Blackburn – graphic [email protected] Firth – graphic [email protected]

ADVERTISINGTony Barrysales and marketing director01226 734605

CIRCULATIONKelly Tarff01226 734695 [email protected]: www.destination.uk.com




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Organisation aims to boost Indianvisits with new locations mapBy Josh Timlin

INDIAN visitors to Scotland are beingencouraged to dance in thefootsteps of their favouriteBollywood stars.

Ahead of its forthcoming 2015sales mission to India, VisitScotlandhas researched and created aspecial online map, BollywoodScotland, which highlights dozens ofScottish locations that providestunning backdrops for some ofBollywood’s best-loved stars andmost iconic musical sequences.

The map, along with a marketingtoolkit, will be made available to theIndian travel trade, while consumerscan also access it directly viavisitscotland.com/bollywood.

Producers of Bollywood films,which are famous for theirextravagant song and danceroutines, have been flocking toScotland since 1998, filming onlocation in places such as EdinburghCastle, Tantallon Castle, Glasgow’sGeorge Square and Glencoe.

A host of megastars, includingformer Miss World Aishwarya Rai,

Abhishek Bachchan, Shah RukhKhan and Salman Khan, have shotscenes in Scotland with StirlingCastle, Linlithgow Palace, CulzeanCastle and Traquair House amongmany locations to have appeared onthe big screen in both India andaround the world.

Vineet Lal, VisitScotland’s seniormarketing manager, said: “RomanticScotland and the age-old romance

of Bollywood are the perfect match. “Film-makers have an enduring

love affair with our cities, castles,lochs and glens making Scotland theperfect stage for their dreamy lovesongs and elaborate dancenumbers.

“This map will give prospectiveIndian visitors yet another reason tovisit Scotland and step into themagical world of Bollywood.”

Bollywood Scotland highlights dozens of locations that provide stunning backdrops.

03 13/2/15 09:24 Page 1

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POPULAR with visitors of all ages,Cadbury World is the perfectdestination for a day out with adifference.

Based in the historic village ofBournville just outside Birminghamcity centre, visitors can explore themagic and making of Cadburychocolate through the attraction’s14 zones.

Visitors can travel back over 1,000years through the Aztec Jungle andwatch a chocolatier in action in thepopular Chocolate Making zone,before taking a seat on the magicalCadabra ride and meeting theinfamous drumming gorilla inAdvertising Avenue.

The attraction is also home to the4D Chocolate Adventure zone, aninteractive cinema experience givingvisitors the opportunity to dive into a

pot of melted Cadbury Dairy Milkchocolate, ride the CrunchieRollercoaster and take to the skieswith the Caramel Bunny in aCadbury Creme Egg airship.

With lots more on offer, includingthe World’s Biggest Cadbury Shop,Cadbury World is the perfectdestination for a chocolate-themedday trip.

Special discounted entry rates forgroups of 15 or more apply with freecoach parking, admission and acomplimentary meal for one driveralso included.

Organisers of groups of 20 or morewill also receive free admission forthe group organiser.

For more information, or to book tickets, visit

www.cadburyworld.co.uk or call0844 880 7667.

Cadbury World ischoc-full of fun

A SPECIAL Tourism Question Time willtake place as part of Best of Britainand Ireland 2015, where leadingpolitical figures will come together todiscuss the future of UK tourism.

Sports and tourism minister HelenGrant; Lord Lee, Liberal Democratpeer and chair of the Tourism AllParty Parliamentary Group andWilliam Cash, UKIP Tourism andHeritage spokesman have allconfirmed their participation at thesession, taking place on March 11in the show’s Seminar Theatre.

The panel discussion, to bechaired by Bernard Donoghue, chairof the Association of Leading VisitorAttractions, will give each party theopportunity to outline their supportand plans for the future of the

domestic tourism industry – onethat is worth £127b to the UKeconomy.

Event director Simon Greenburysaid: “With just two months beforethe general election, our showprovides a fantastic opportunity toshowcase the best that the UK andIreland has to offer.

“The timing of the show gives theUK’s key political parties the chanceto champion their views and tooutline their policies for theindustry’s future development ifsuccessful in forming a government.

“It is a must attend, free event foranyone who has an interest in thedomestic tourism sector and thedevelopment of their businesses,whether an exhibitor or visitor.”

Political parties tohighlight futureplans at BOBI

Heritage tourism andindependent hotelsto take centre stageHERITAGE tourism and independenthotels will take centre stage at BOBI,in dedicated areas sponsored byHudson’s Media.

The Britain’s Heritage areahighlights the importance heritagetourism plays in the Britisheconomy, accounting for over £26b,giving historical houses, gardens andattractions the opportunity to exhibitat the event, while Hotel Lobby isdedicated to the UK and Ireland’sgrowing independent hotel sector.

Publisher at Hudson’s Media SarahGreenwood said: “We are delightedto be able to sponsor a dedicatedheritage and hotels area at Best ofBritain and Ireland 2015.

“This will allow many of theindependent heritage attractions andour Signpost hoteliers to meet tour

operators face-to-face at thisimportant tourism event for the firsttime.

“The variety of independentattractions and hotels are whatmake Britain outstanding as adestination and so many regionsbeyond London and Edinburgh arejust waiting to be discovered.”

Event Director Simon Greenburyadded: “One of the key objectives ofBest of Britain and Ireland is to beat the forefront of industry trendsand to represent tourism areas thatare seeing continued growth.

“These two feature areas doexactly that.

“We are confident that they willprove a popular draw for visitorslooking for new experiences to offertheir clients.”

BUCCLEUCH will be among theexhibitors at BOBI, set toshowcase its group traveloffering to visitors at the show.

Buccleuch’s Estates includethree leading visitordestinations – Boughton Housein Northamptonshire,Drumlanrig Castle in Dumfries

and Galloway and BowhillHouse and Country Estate inSelkirk.

All three properties are alsohome to the internationallyrenowned Buccleuch Collection,regarded as the largest privateart collection, except that ofthe Royal Collection.

Buccleuch among exhibitors

04 13/2/15 09:24 Page 1

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Three-year campaignlaunched to increaseinternational visitorsBy Josh Timlin

THREE British beauty spots will soonbe competing with the world’s best ina campaign to boost thecountryside’s tourism.

The North York Moors, the ScottishHighlands and the Pembrokeshirecoast will go up against the likes ofthe Bavarian Alps and the GrandCanyon as VisitBritain looks to growinternational visits.

The campaign will position Britain’scountryside as a place to enjoymodern culture, top quality food andworld class accommodation in abeautiful landscape, with the storytold by third party enthusiasts.

VisitBritain, who have launched thethree-year ‘Countryside is GREAT’campaign, are aiming to generateextra visitor spend of £70 millionwhich would see the creation of1,296 new jobs by 2018.

Britain’s natural beauty has beenoverlooked compared to otherinternational destinations, currentlyranked an overall 20th out of 50countries for being ‘rich in naturalbeauty’ in the 2014 Anholt-GfkNation Brand Index.

The regions featuring in the firstyear of the campaign are theScottish Highlands, Peak District,Cotswolds, Cornwall, Pembrokeshire,North Wales, Warwickshire, LakeDistrict and Yorkshire.

The first year of Countryside isGREAT will focus on visitors from theUSA and Germany.

A 2013 multi-country studycommissioned by VisitBritain showsthat beautiful natural landscapes area very strong motivator forAmericans and Germans whenchoosing holiday destinations – themost important out of 40 attributes

for German respondents and thesecond most important forAmericans.

To deliver this campaign VisitBritainhas joined forces with The NationalParks, The Forestry Commission, TheCanal and River Trust and HertzCars, as well as DCMS, DEFRA andthe national tourist boards.

Sally Balcombe, chief executive ofVisitBritain, said: “We want toencourage our international visitorsto experience more of Britain andenjoying the beautiful landscape isone of the key drivers for holidaychoice.

“Britain has stunning nationalparks and world heritage sites torival our competitors but they arecurrently being overlooked by manyof our overseas visitors.

“Whether it is enjoying a luxuryboutique hotel, a sea planeexperience or a cookery course, wewant to package and sell ourcountryside to potential tourists sothey can envisage the type ofexperiences they would enjoy inthese areas.

“Our ambition for the campaign isto generate an extra £70 million ininternational visitor spend over threeyears.”

“Britain has stunningnational parks andworld heritage sites torival our competitorsbut they are currentlybeing overlooked bymany of our overseasvisitors.”

TYLNEY Hall Hotel and Gardens haswon the ‘Sustainable Business of theYear’ award in the 2014 NorthHampshire Inspire Awards.

The luxury hotel was chosen byjudges who were impressed with thevariety of different ways itcontributed to the community andthe environment including theirpollution prevention, wastemanagement and purchasingpolicies. The award is Tylney HallHotel’s fourth win in 2014, alongwith other accolades includingLateRooms Facebook Fans’ Hotel ofthe Year, OpenTable’s 2014 ‘Diner’sChoice’ list and TripAdvisor’sCertificate of Excellence 2014.

General manager Mark Robinsonsaid: “We are all absolutelydelighted to be presented with thisfantastic award – it means so muchto all of us here at the hotel.”

Four awardsuccessesfor retreat

A LAVISH Buckinghamshire house isgracing the silver screen once again.

Hedsor House – the award-winningcorporate events, wedding andfilming venue – was one of the UKlocations chosen for Mortdecai,which stars Johnny Depp, GwynethPaltrow, Ewan McGregor, OliviaMunn, Jeff Goldblum and PaulBettany.

Taking a break from part of themovie’s schedule at PinewoodStudios, the A-listers filmed scenesat the magnificent Georgian countryhouse where its boudoir and bridal

suite were transformed into keysets.

Jason Wheeler, supervising locationmanager on Mordecai, said: “HedsorHouse is a fabulous location.Architecturally and visually it wasexactly what we were looking forbut, also on a practical level, it is aprivate, film-friendly venue close toboth Pinewood Studios and London.

“The team are highly experiencedand understand the requirements ofa demanding feature film and alwaysdo whatever is needed to supportthe production.”

Georgian house appearson silver screen again

Hedsor House in Buckinghamshire.

05 13/2/15 09:24 Page 1

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The next generationBy Tim Manson MTS MTMI

AS I come to celebrate 40 yearsworking in the visitor economy,considerable changes to the sectorhave made me consider how it willoperate in the coming decades.

With cuts in public expenditurecontinuing, how will the nextgeneration of destination managerslearn their trade – and where willthe resources for the next evolutionof our destinations come from? Willthe private sector recognise theneed for place marketing?

Destinations evolve over a periodof time; who would have envisagedwhen I started at Clydebank Collegein 1974 that Glasgow would growinto the destination city it hasbecome?

My career then took me toLondon, York, Nottingham, Hull,Liverpool, Llandudno andBirmingham. These are alldestinations that have regeneratedand blossomed over the last 30years.

The visitor economy has made amajor impact on the prosperity ofeach of these cities or destinations.It has been key to their economicdevelopment – through the buildingof new hotels, investment inattractions to enable them to remainrelevant to today’s market, orlatterly, a focus on events and

festivals to broaden their seasonand appeal.

The outcome has been to attractmore visitors, increased spend and –most importantly – a rise inemployment across all areas of thisindustry.

Birmingham has attracted aconsistent rise in visitor numbers,with 34 million coming to the city in2013 – a 12 per cent rise from2006.

They spent £5.34billion in the city,an increase of £60million on 2012,creating an additional 2,100 jobs forthe city and its surrounding region.

The needs of time-poor visitors,increasingly able and willing to takeshort breaks, also puts the onus onus to combine and manageinformation that has traditionallycome from separate sources.

Visitors want to customise theirvisit, giving them a uniqueexperience to meet their needs.

The tools to gather and processthe information tourists require havebeen developed, but the will forDestination ManagementOrganisations (DMOs), travelauthorities, event organisers andaccommodation providers to workcollaboratively, when none has fullcontrol over the process and output,can remain elusive at times.

If destination management doesnot have the remit to work across

these areas, the thinking will remainfragmented.

Another benefit the visitor economyprovides to a destination is that ofplace maker. We as destinationmanagers and marketers are able toassist our colleagues on the qualityof life agenda, inward investment,and in many cases are called tooffer expertise because we have tosee the wider picture for a location.

We are the professionals who havethe overview of the visitor journey,from their first website touch,booking, arrival and orientation. Weshape their in-destinationexperience and encourage them toshare post-visit memories withfriends and future visitors.

It is crucial for our youngprofessionals to have a place wherethey can learn about partnershipworking, achieve an understandingof the organisations that deliverthese projects, and haveopportunities to learn the skills ofplace-making, project managementor regeneration.

Destination managers are also

well-placed to ask the rightquestions. The strategic decision-making process of a DMO can helpits local authority and otherstakeholders to ensure that they areshaping a destination’s future tomeet demand accurately.

In Birmingham, theaccommodation occupancy andrevpar statistics we providedemonstrates to the hotel industrywhat categories of rooms we havesufficient of, and where we need tofocus developers’ attention.

Using research is key to informingour decisions. We share ourexperiences and are open tolearning from our peers.

The Tourism Society, TourismManagement Institute and theDestination Management Forum aretestimony to this, with England andGreat Britain amongst the world’stop destinations.

Here in Birmingham we are seeingthe culmination of years of planningand partnership work as 2015 buildson the success in 2014.

We have 12 major organisationscelebrating anniversaries, five newdevelopments opening and 11redevelopments about to welcomethe public. Birmingham will behosting 10 international sportingfixtures and over 60 cultural eventsand festivals.

We have developed ourdestinations – and their economies– through working in partnership,listening to our customers andremaining focused on our visions.

As a result, I believe the role of thedestination manager is here to stay.It is by forging new partnerships andstrengthening our existingconnections that we must find theresources, whether public or private,to deliver. � Tim Manson is a Tourism SocietyBoard Member; Director, MarketingBirmingham; Director, TourismManagement Institute; Non-Executive Director Geese TheatreCompany.

Tim Manson MTS

Brindley Place, Birmingham.

06 13/2/15 09:25 Page 1

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Yorkshire to hostinaugural cyclingevent in MayBy Josh Timlin

THE route of the inaugural Tour deYorkshire cycling race has beenannounced.

Details of the three-day event -which covers 320 miles - wasannounced by Team Sky pro BenSwift and Brian Robinson, the firstBritish man to win a stage of theTour de France.

The race comes just a year afterthe world’s eyes fell on the area'sbeautiful rolling hills andbreathtaking countryside whenYorkshire staged the Grand Depart ofthe Tour de France in July.

Stage one on May 1 will start inthe seaside town of Bridlington andfinish further up the coast inScarborough. The riders, from allover the world, will pass throughspectacular coastal scenery and theiconic North Yorkshire Moors.

From the start line the riders willhead along the Flamborough Headcoast before veering through DalbyForest and towards Pickering.

They will then journey back to thecoast at Whitby, and then south toRobin Hood’s Bay with the ultimaterace to the finish line on theseafront at Scarborough.

The last section of this stage willbe particularly tough, especially theclimb out of Robin Hood’s Bay,which is 1.5km long and has anaverage gradient of 10.3 per cent.

Stage two on May 2 is one for thesprinters and will see the race startoutside the imposing Selby Abbey.

The route takes the pelotontowards Market Weighton, throughNorth Newbald and on to Beverley,where they will turn north to Maltonand Stamford Bridge.

Spectators will have the chance tosee a circuit of York and organisersare hoping for a dramatic finish inthe town, which of course witnessedincredible scenes during lastsummer’s Grand Depart.

The final day, starting in Wakefield,will see riders travel south toBarnsley before heading to Holmfirthwhere they pick up the GrandDepart’s route in reverse, racing toRipponden before riding the iconicCragg Vale, which in the Tour deFrance was the country's longestcontinual climb and now becomesthe longest continual descent.

The riders will then make their wayto Hebden Bridge, Oxenhope andthrough the famous cobbled streetsof Haworth before making their wayto what is expected to be a hugelypopular finish line at Roundhay Parkin Leeds.

Thierry Gouvenou, who designedthe route, said: “Yorkshire offers somuch with its huge variety oflandscapes. For this first edition wehave three quite different stages,each with their own challenges.

“This first edition will suit a strongall-round rider. In the following yearswe will change the routes, taking innew places and offering somethingnew each time.”

Gary Verity, chief executive ofWelcome to Yorkshire, added: “TheTour de Yorkshire will bring backmany of the world’s top cyclingteams.

“This is a free event to watch sothere is an opportunity for everyonein the county to be part of it in oneway or another.”

The race will be shown on livetelevision in the UK and acrossEurope.

A TRAVEL exhibition has beenproclaimed a great success withnearly 1,250 visitors packing into theAlexandra Palace.

Following the Excursions show’ssuccessful move into the largerspace last year, many had notattended the exhibition before andwere genuinely keen to discoverwhat exhibitors had to offer.

The one-day group travel showattracted 306 tourism businessesincluding attractions, destinations,accommodation providers and touroperators.

There was also a significantincrease in European exhibitors fromFrance, Belgium, Ireland and for the

first time.Delighted with the show’s ongoing

success, Excursions 2015 co-organiser Joanne Channon said: “Wewere very pleased to welcome sucha large number of quality visitors atthe show.

“Many took advantage of theexclusive show-only offers and ournew London product familiarisationtrip for coach and tour operatorswas a great success.

“Exhibitors were also able to makeimportant new business contactsand even take bookings during theday. We look forward to welcomingboth visitors and exhibitors back in2016.”

Excursions 2015 attracted almost 1,250 visitors.

One-day travel exhibitionpulls in massive crowds

Continuum Attractions gearsup for Chinese touristsCHINA is first on the agenda forContinuum Attractions, whose sevenvisitor experiences are getting readyfor the projected influx of Chinesetourists in 2015.

Continuum attraction SpinnakerTower recently welcomed Chineseambassador for the United Kingdom,Liu Xiaoming, to Portsmouth asthree Chinese warships arrived inthe dockyard.

Sarah Webb, general manager ofthe Spinnaker Tower, said: “Inboundtourism from China is becomingincredibly important to Britain’seconomy and it was a pleasure todemonstrate to the ambassadorhow China ready the SpinnakerTower is.”

Meanwhile 200 miles north,Continuum's York Chocolate Storywas commended ‘the most popularattraction for Chinese tourists’ byApril Yang, VisitYork’s new Chinesetourism recruit.

Spinnaker Tower at GunwharfQuay, Portsmouth.Photo credit: Graham Prentice –


MARKETING campaigns to persuademore tourists to book a short breakor longer stay in the Peak District andDerbyshire are reaping the rewards.

More than £20million in extraspending has been generated and381 jobs have been created sinceofficial tourist board Visit PeakDistrict and Derbyshire launched itslatest major marketing push, TheWorld Away.

Almost half of the people surveyedsaid successive broadcast, onlineand print promotions since 2012had made them more likely toconsider the area for a holiday orshort break.

Research carried out on behalf ofVisitEngland reveals that theupsurge in interest in the PeakDistrict and Derbyshire has beenachieved thanks to Visit PeakDistrict and Derbyshire’s share in a

£19.8million pot of money from thegovernment’s Regional Growth Fund.

Businesses across the area andbeyond are being urged to make thecampaign even more successful bysharing the organisation’s multi-platform content on their websitesand social media.

Jo Dilley, destination managementorganisation director, said: ”We aredelighted that our involvement ispaying such high dividends for thePeak District and Derbyshire.

“This year we are concentrating ononline activity to further boost thenumbers of people we can reach,which is enabling us to publish morethan four million advertisements. Weare confident this will drive evenmore people to our website so theycan discover the huge variety ofthings they can do and see in thearea.”

Peak District reaps rewardsMore than £20million in extra spending has been generated sincethe launch of The World Away.

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By Olivia Taylor

BLACKPOOL has enjoyed one of itsbest tourism seasons for many years,a visitor research study hasconfirmed.

After a upsurge in visitor numbersand overnight stays during the peaksummer season, the latestindependent Omnibus researchshows that the resort saw furthergrowth in September and Octoberwith over 1m adult visits in each ofthe two months.

It means that, for 2014 as awhole, Blackpool experienced anincrease of more than 300,000adult visits – from 9.8m in 2013 to10.1m in 2014.

The latest research covering theSeptember to December periodconfirms the enduring appeal of the

Illuminations – with over half of the3.5m adult visits directly associatedwith the annual Lights show.

Visitor satisfaction levels in theautumn period rose to a record levelof 95 per cent compared to 88 percent in the same period the previousyear.

Councillor Graham Cain, cabinetmember for tourism and leisuresaid: “The latest research confirmsthat this has been one of the besttourism seasons for many a year.

“Much of that is due to theinvestment we have made in a high-quality events programme, thesummer-long run of Mamma Mia!,the Illuminations and, of course, theBlackpool's Back destinationmarketing campaign which hasshowcased the resort to thousandsof new visitors.”

Blackpool enjoys upsurgein visitors, research finds

More than half of the 3.5m adult visits were directly associatedwith the annual Illuminations.

Scottish golf tourism triojoin forces with the PGAMORE than 700 American golfprofessionals have become nationalambassadors for Scotland.

The major coup comes afterVisitScotland, Gleneagles andMachrihanish Dunes all signed up tosupport the innovative PGAMagazine Ambassador Programme.

With PGA professionals in Americaplaying an increasingly influentialrole in the travel destinations ofgolfers and club members, thescheme will see the ambassadorspromote Scotland as a must-visitdestination for golf enthusiasts.

The scheme was announced at therenowned PGA Merchandise Show inOrlando, which is attended by morethan 40,000 golf industryrepresentatives including PGAprofessionals, travel and touroperators and media.

Mike Cantlay, chairman ofVisitScotland, said: “The PGA ofAmerica members are invaluable inhelping to grow the game across theUnited States but they are alsoplaying an increasingly importantrole in influencing the travel

dispositions for golfing tourists. “VisitScotland is delighted to

support the PGA alongside ourpartners. This is a fantastic way tofurther promote Scotland as thehome of golf to an audience ofgolfers across the United States andalongside the terrific pictures thatwill be beamed around the worldfrom our strong portfolio of events in2015.”

Golf tourism, worth £220million toScotland annually, supports 4,400jobs and attracts 220,000 visitors tothe country every year.

Brian Folino, executive vicepresident of PGA Magazine, added:“All of our ambassadors are active inescorting, influencing or booking golftravel for their members and iscomprised of mostly private clubsthroughout the US. We will behighlighting golf in Scotland acrossour print and digital outlets and willalso be informing and educating our700-plus ambassadors about thesport here, which will lead to higherinterest to book golf trips in thecoming months and years ahead.”

Tourism sector reportsa strong festive periodTHE results of VisitEngland’s latesttourism survey has shown that thesector had a strong Christmas period.

Increased bookings were noted forpeople visiting relatives and moreshort trips were taken over thefestive period compared to last year.

Half of all accommodationproviders in England and 62 percent of attractions received morevisitors this Christmas than in 2013.

VisitEngland’s survey also showsthat nearly nine out of tenaccommodation providers (88 percent) and 93 per cent of attractionswere satisfied with their businessperformance throughout the festiveperiod.

VisitEngland chief executive JamesBerresford said: “The year endedstrongly for many and that has beena confidence booster for much of

the industry as we go into 2015. “Short breaks are the biggest

growth area of tourism and haveincreased by five million over lastdecade.

“We now take around 30 millionshort trips in England each year,worth some £5.6 billion to theeconomy.

“Our research shows those tourismbusinesses that have gearedthemselves up for this market havedone well over Christmas.

“Looking ahead, the sector isfeeling confident about theunusually high number of milestoneevents this year such as RugbyWorld Cup 2015, the 800thanniversary of the Magna Carta and50 years since the death of WinstonChurchill which will undoubtedlydrive domestic tourism this year.”

St Pancras International is set to change the way consumersinteract with the station as it becomes the first UK train station tolaunch its own app. The new free app gives users a chance to delveinto the history of the Grade One listed building, pick up factsabout the area and even hear about special retail offers beforeanyone else based on their preferences. The first of its kind, theStP App brings together the station’s history, architecture anddesign as well as information on the art that is so synonymous withthe building.

New exhibition announcedat popular York attractionA POPULAR attraction in York hasannounced a new exhibition forspring 2015.

York’s Chocolate Story will launch‘Brilliant Brands: York ChocolateThrough the Ages’ on May 4, wherevisitors can delve into the history ofthe city’s most famous brands.

While other British cities were builton steel, coal or wool, York’s fameand fortune has rested on chocolatefor almost 300 years.

World famous brands includingKitKat, Aero and Terry’s ChocolateOrange all originated from thehistoric destination.

Visitors will be able to take ajourney through York’s much-lovedconfectionary – from the 1800s tothe modern day – and discover

which world famous chocolate barwas once called Chocolate Crisp,and which multi-coloured treatswere formerly known as ChocolateBeans. The exhibition will showcasea unique collection of packaging andartefacts, never before seentogether.

Nikki Jacobs, general manager,said: “The sense of nostalgiathroughout the tour is often thehighlight for our guests.

“We wanted to expand on thatfeeling by showcasing the nation’sfavourite chocolate brands and theirpackaging through time.

“The exhibition is sentimental andvisually appealing for all ages, asthey recollect their favourite sweettreats from days gone by.”

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By David Thomas

To rehearsal studios in Southwark tosee a couple of numbers fromBeautiful – The Carole KingMusical.

I loved the show when I saw it onBroadway – and hated the traditionalNew York chorus that alwaysaccompanies prospective transfers:“You’ll never find a strong enoughcast in the UK.”

Oh yeah? Judging from what wesaw in Southwark, the West Endcast, led by Katie Brayben and AlanMorrissey, will knock spots off theirNew York counterparts – just as theLondon casts of Hairspray, JerseyBoys, and Memphis The Musical(to name but three) have in thepast.

Like with Jersey Boys, younger UKtheatre-goers might not have heardof Carole King, but they will certainlyknow her through her classic songssuch as: “You’ve Got A Friend”, “WillYou Love Me Tomorrow?”, “It’s Too

late?” And I confidently predict that when

Beautiful opens in the UK later thismonth (at the Aldwych Theatre onthe February 24) Carole King will beas widely, and rightly, known here asshe is in the US.

One unique twist to thetransatlantic transfer season thisyear is The Audience by PeterMorgan. Dame Helen Mirren will bestarring in the show on Broadwayfrom February, while Dame KristinScot Thomas will be starring in thesame role at London’s ApolloTheatre from May 5.

The West End press night timing isparticularly apt (two days before theGeneral Election) as the play iscomprised of a series of fictionalisedmeetings between Queen Elizabeth IIand the various Prime Ministersacross her reign. It is also, I mustadd, one of the finest and funniestproductions to grace the West Endstage in many years.

Few shows, if any, can equal the

musical Kinky Boots forboomeranging across the Atlantic.

Based on the hilarious real-lifestory of a struggling Northampton

shoe factory that diversifies intodrag-queen footwear, the 2005movie was transformed into a smashhit Broadway show (with music andlyrics by Cyndi Lauper) which won sixTonys, including Best Musical ... andnow this week it has just beenannounced that the show will openat London’s Adelphi Theatre thiscoming September.

Last but by no means least, thisyear is the centenary year of one ofAmerica’s biggest exports: FrancisAlbert Sinatra.

65 years ago, Ol’ Blue Eyes’performed his first UK concert at theLondon Palladium – and this July toOctober the London Palladium hostsa phenomenal new multi-mediashow Sinatra – ‘The Man And HisMusic which combines state-of-the-art technology, never-before-seenperformance footage, a liveorchestra, singers and dancers, tocelebrate the life and times of NewJersey’s favourite son.

Start spreadin’ the news!

David Thomas

News from around the theatres ...

On March 18 2015, Jersey Boys willcelebrate its seventh birthday.

This hugely popular musicalcontinues to be a key seller for shortbreak specialist SuperBreak, whopackage up overnightaccommodation in hotels all acrossLondon with a range of tickets tosee the show.

In 2014, Jersey Boys was theoperator’s second best selling showwith sales reaching a total of over£1m.

Graham Balmforth, national salesmanager at Superbreak, said:“Jersey Boys continues to go fromstrength to strength and it isfantastic that it is about to celebrateseven years in the West End.

“During this time it has been seenby more than three million peopleand I have no doubt that this willjust continue to grow.”

SuperBreak has packages availablethat cost from £99 per person.

Jersey Boys chronicles the journeyof Frankie Valli, Bob Gaudio, TommyDeVito and Nick Massi from thestreets of New Jersey to becomingone of the biggest bands of all time,being inducted in the Rock ‘n RollHall of Fame in 1990.

In the early days the Four Seasonswere a far cry from the clean cutimage that they grew into. Hauntedby debt, petty crime and violencethe band struggled through thebeginnings of their career.

With personal relationshipsstraining and the mafia keeping awatchful eye over them, the bandwere under constant pressure toreach success and pay back theirdebts.

Jersey Boys features many of thebands huge hits, recognisableacross generations.

Songs such as Beggin’, Can’t TakeMy Eyes Off You, Oh What A Night,Walk Like A Man, Bye Bye Baby(Baby Goodbye), Sherry, and BigGirls Don’t Cry keep the audiencespellbound.

For more information onSuperBreak visit


Happy Birthday Jersey Boys!

Graham Balmforth

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Emily Barber, Michael Benz, Philip Cumbus, Imogen Doel, MicheleDotrice and Richard O’Callaghan will join David Suchet – in the roleof Lady Bracknell – in Oscar Wilde’s much loved masterpiece, TheImportance of Being Earnest later this year. Directed by AdrianNoble, the new production will open at the Vaudeville Theatre onJuly 1, with previews from June 24.

OPERA North’s hit production ofthe classic American musical,Carousel is returning to UK stagesfor a new tour.

Set in a tight-knit fishingcommunity on the New Englandshoreline, Carousel revolvesaround the ill-fated affair betweenthe charismatic but troubled BillyBigelow and a young mill-worker,Julie Jordan.

When they fall in love, little dothey realise that Billy’s rebellious

ways will end in tragedy. Billy isgiven a chance to make good, butis it too little too late, or will alucky star save him and those heloves?

UK venues for the tour ofCarousel in 2015 include LeedsGrand Theatre, Theatre RoyalNorwich and Edinburgh FestivalTheatre, before the productiontravels to the Republic of Irelandfor further performances inDublin.

Carousel to tour again

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Celebrating its 13th sensational year in London, Stomp is still theWest End’s unstoppable smash-hit. Rhythm, theatre, comedy anddance come together in the multi-award winning stage sensationthat continues to astonish audiences across the globe. Eightperformers use everything from Zippo lighters, plastic bags, bin lidsand even the kitchen sink to hammer out an explosively feel goodbeat. With fresh new routines and mind-blowing new moves, expectto be amazed. ‘Pure Stage Magic’ – Sunday Telegraph, ‘Entrancing,Exhilarating...Terrific’ – Independent.

THE UK premiere of Kinky Boots,the feel-good multi award-winningmusical, will open in the West Endon September 15 at the AdelphiTheatre, with previews from August21.

With a book by four-time TonyAward-winner Harvey Fierstein,music and lyrics by pop icon CyndiLauper, and direction andchoreography by two-time TonyAward-winner Jerry Mitchell, KinkyBoots won the 2013 Tony Awardfor Best Musical, and the 2014Grammy Award for Best MusicalTheatre Album.

Inspired by a true story, KinkyBoots tells the story of Charlie

Price who has reluctantly inheritedhis father’s Northampton shoefactory. Trying to live up to hisfather’s legacy and save the familybusiness from bankruptcy, Charliefinds inspiration in the form ofLola.

A fabulous entertainer in need ofsome sturdy stilettos, Lola turnsout to be the one person who canhelp Charlie become the man he’smeant to be. As they work to turnthe factory around, this unlikelypair finds that they have more incommon than they ever dreamedpossible… and discovers thatwhen you change your mind, youcan change the world.

Kinky Boots set toopen in September

Previews for the multi award-winning musical at the AdelphiTheatre will begin on August 21.

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CRITICS and audiences are ravingabout the West End’s New ‘GreatBritish Musical’ (The Times).

The Kinks exploded onto the 60’smusic scene with a raw, energeticnew sound that rocked a nation. Buthow did that happen, where exactlydid they come from and whathappened next?

With music and lyrics by RayDavies, a new book by Joe Penhalland direction by Edward Hall, SunnyAfternoon depicts the rise tostardom of The Kinks.

Set against the backdrop of a

Britain caught mid-swing betweenthe conservative 50s and riotous60s, this production explores theeuphoric highs and agonising lows ofone of Britain’s most iconic bandsand the irresistible music thatinfluenced generations.

This “exhilarating, hugely enjoyablenew musical” (Financial Times)features many of the band’s hits,including: You Really Got Me,Waterloo Sunset, Dedicated Followerof Fashion, All Day And All Of TheNight, Lola, Sunny Afternoon andmany more.

Sunny Afternoon extendsbooking period again

Sunny Afternoon has announced a further extension to its West Endrun until October 24. Photo credit: Kevin Cummins

DISNEY’S award-winning musicalThe Lion King is now in its 16thtriumphant year at London’s LyceumTheatre.

Brilliantly re-imagined for the stageby Julie Taymor, The Lion King is setagainst the majesty of the SerengetiPlains to the evocative rhythms ofAfrica.

This spectacular productionexplodes with glorious colours,stunning effects and enchantingmusic to tell the timeless story ofSimba and his epic journey to fulfilhis destiny as King of thePridelands. A true globalphenomenon, the dazzle of The LionKing defies all expectation andclassification.

Julie Taymor, one of the world’smost innovative directors, brought avast array of disciplines to The LionKing, including extensive experiencestaging epic theatre and operaproductions, exploring classic mythsthrough ritualised puppetry, mask,and movement.

The Lion King was the first musicalshe directed in the commercialtheatre, and Taymor made Broadway

history by becoming the first womanto win the Tony Award for BestDirector of a Musical.

This internationally-celebratedstage adaptation of Disney’s belovedanimated film premiered onBroadway in 1997 and has nowbeen seen by over 75m peopleacross six continents.

Nine productions are runningconcurrently around the globe: Inaddition to the record-breakingproductions in London and on touraround the UK, The Lion King cancurrently be seen in New York,Hamburg, Madrid, Tokyo, Brisbaneand on tours of North America andJapan. Future productions are set toopen in Mexico City and ShanghaiDisney Resort.

Tickets are available at a groupdiscount on selected performancesfor groups of 15 or more, and startat £29.50. Full price tickets are alsoavailable for groups at weekends.Tickets for group bookers arecurrently on sale until December 172015.

For further information pleasevisit: www.thelionking.co.uk

The Lion Kingnow in its 16thyear at Lyceum

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LEAP into spring with ZSL LondonZoo’s new In with the Lemursexhibit.

Opening spring 2015, theinteractive exhibit will allow visitorsto get closer than ever before toZSL London Zoo’s ring-tailedLemurs.

The brand new enclosure, whichboasts no barriers between visitorsand our family of lemurs, willintroduce groups to sights andsounds of lemur life in Madagascar.

Find out how our lemurs use theirtails for communication, balancingand stink fighting, watch themsunbathing and learn more aboutthe plight of these incredibleanimals in the wild.

With fantastic group discounts,free entry plus a £5 meal voucherfor coach drivers, and one free adultticket for every 10 paying children,ZSL London Zoo is a great choicefor your next group day out.

You can also upgrade your visit toinclude a fascinating educationsession with our discovery andlearning officers.



IN the weeks before the generalelection, the Houses of Parliamentwill be running a couple of special artand architecture tours on selectedWednesdays, Thursdays and Fridaysthis April.

The Contemporary Portraiture inPortcullis House tour reveals a newexhibition, Women in Parliamentwhich highlights a number of firsts.

The exhibition features portraits ofMargaret Thatcher, Britain's firstfemale Prime Minister, and BettyBoothroyd, the first female speakerin the House of Commons, as wellas a bust of Nancy Astor, the firstfemale MP to take her seat in theCommons.

Royalty and Splendour in theHouse of Lords showcases the

artistry of leading Victoriansincluding Charles Barry, AugustusPugin, Daniel Maclise and WilliamDyce.

This early evening tour can berounded off in style with a glass ofchampagne in the Palace ofWestminster.

Parliament’s regular audio andguided tours through the Commons,Lords and medieval WestminsterHall are available on weekdaysbetween March 31 and May 6 andSaturdays through to the end ofJuly.

Group rates for groups of 10 ormore are offered on all tours.

Call 020 7219 4114 or seewww.parliament.uk/visiting for

more details.

Spring art tours at the Houses of Parliament

The Right Hon. Margaret Thatcher, oil on canvas by Henry Mee,1992 WOA 3634 (detail).

‘In with the Lemurs’ exhibitopens at ZSL London Zoo

The interactive exhibit will allowvisitors to get closer than everbefore to ring-tailed Lemurs.

New trail celebrates800th anniversaryof Magna CartaCELEBRATING the 800th anniversaryof Magna Carta, VisitWiltshire havelaunched a new Magna Carta trailwhich includes a visit to see thefinest preserved of four original 1215Magna Cartas, displayed in aspectacular medieval setting with anew exhibition at Salisbury Cathedral.

Only 20 minutes from Salisbury,the trail takes you to the famousWorld Heritage Site – Stonehenge –before travelling to Trowbridge, homeof one of the 25 barons.

There will be an exciting range ofMagna Carta-related events andactivities which will be taking placearound Wiltshire throughout theyear.

Whilst in the area… located in theCathedral Close within the shadowof the magnificent Cathedral,Arundells is a hidden gem, wherevisitors can tour the home of formerPrime Minster, Sir Edward Heath andfind out more about the man whowas an amazing musician, sailor and

art collector. A new joint ticket with the

Cathedral is available for groups of10 or more.

Wiltshire has many charmingmarket towns such as Bradford onAvon with its independent shops,colourful markets and plenty placesto eat and drink; plus Devizes, hometo Wadworth Brewery Visitor Centreand the informative WiltshireMuseum, making these ideal coachstop off points.

There is also all year-roundentertainment throughout the countyincluding arts and cultural festivalsand events.

The Wiltshire countryside alterswith the changing seasons andthat’s what makes you feel soconnected not just to nature but totime itself. Wiltshire is timelesswonders, timeless pleasures andtimeless places.

For further information visitwww.visitwiltshire.co.uk

Daffodils at Wiltshire attraction, Longleat.

Castle Howard will be transformed with stunning floralarrangements filling every room, with bursts of colour andfragrance, when its Flower Festival returns this summer, fromThursday June 25 to Sunday 28. The in-house florist, gardens’ teamand a number of local flower clubs will take inspiration from theornate interiors of Yorkshire’s finest stately home, to produce vividdisplays which will appeal to all tastes, from traditionalarrangements to more modern interpretations. Special offers in thegift shops and garden centre as well as an array of market stallsmake this the perfect time for your group to visit Castle Howard.Special rates apply for pre-booked groups of 12 or more. [email protected] or call 01653 648621 to book.

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