Desires -Its Nothing Personal An Article by Divyaa Kummar

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  • 7/31/2019 Desires -Its Nothing Personal An Article by Divyaa Kummar



    Hear these words deep within you; do not merely read them off the printed paper,

    but listen to their essence unfold wordlessly within you as message from Universal

    Consciousness, to you personalized consciousness :

    Dearest beloved,

    In every moment that 'you' yearn to be one with ME, in every moment 'you' long to

    merge with ME, I too long for that portion of Self that you call you, to Be All That Is

    .How do I convey to you, for yours words do not permit, that your longing- which youview as your desire- is inextricably one with My Divine impetus My Divine will to Be.

    Your longing, is seeded by My will indeed, thus your desire and longing is the universes

    very life force and vitality allowing - All That Is - to forever Be.

    So do not consider even for a moment that it is only you who desires. How can that

    be? If you have understood we are one, then understand that our quest is as one too.Eternallymoment to moment. Can your water be without its wetness, your sunlight

    without its warmth? We are one dearest beloved, we are one, and not only in some abstractsense or distant realm but in the reality of your very here and now. Through every heart

    beat, and every freshly drawn breath that seeks to be... it is I who wills... lives... and

    experiences.... through 'you'.

    So do not allow your desires to confuse and confound you; because what you look atwith such suspicion and distrust are in the larger picture only an expression of this Divine

    impetus to Be. Every life is a partial expression of the one life; every desire subservient to

    the purpose of creation itself.

    We hope that this understanding, this backdrop, may help you, better embrace what

    you view as your desires. Come now, all of you are spiritual adults! Seek to go beyond

    the obvious explanations! It is not so much a question of Is there free will or not? or

    Must desire be fulfilled or transcended? For Truth is not to be found in yes and noanswers. So of course, there is in your terms, freedom of will; but its deeper implication is

    in its tango with divine will! Whereby your free will and the larger divine will of which it

    is but an expression align in perfect harmony. Both one and the same, and yet to youseemingly independent! Your will; And mine; Contained in your desires! Fulfilling mine!

    Thus do both free will and divine will work in perfect tandem in your realm:

    through your so-called desires! Listen if you will at the master plan of divineintelligence that pervades all desire: Most of you are aware that in what you call thebeginning (We prefer to call this before the beginning, a paradox yes, which may

    intuitively help you grasp that there is no beginning! But we must speak in linear terms and

    so: in the beginning) - The one I chooses to experience (or more accurately Be) itself inevery which way: every nuance, every potential, every possibility, and their infinite

    probabilities that your minds cannot even conjure. And this I chooses willfully to

    individuate into its own myriad focuses - each focus- which you will call each self

  • 7/31/2019 Desires -Its Nothing Personal An Article by Divyaa Kummar


    thereafter- willfully choosing to view, express, experience ,expand an aspect of the

    wholefor the whole!And in that, what you view as individuality and its free will rises.

    As each focus further hones or narrows its focus, its desires get more defined; but alwaysin alignment with its larger (and of course original) Self, and thus in alignment with the

    Divine Will to be All That It Is!

    Now, when this larger Divine foray requires an individuation- you for example - to

    enter a physical venture then its or yours unique focus your purpose to Be

    in the highest of terms is encoded into your energy fields- your Dna- in ways

    beyond what you can imagine; because you know that as you further individuate and

    forget your source as the game demands, this information will be thus kept intact!And inevery life time you encode into your blue print (or what you call destiny) as your free will

    desires and individual purposes, aspects of this larger divine will! So that when you don the

    veils (again willfully) you will remember what part of I, you have chosen to express,experience, expand, disempower, contribute to andbe.

    And these then show up within you, in the here and now, as your desires! And bothyour will and Divine will; your desires and Divine desire become one and the same!

    How beautifully done yes? And thus when you feel within you a desire, it is only yourblue print kicking in my dears! It is the divine seeking expression through your current

    focus! Or how indeed, would you recall and activate your purposes- once the veils came

    on? So desires are your encodements to your soul purposes in every life! Your desiresare indeed your triggers, planned to activate in different times as reminders for your myriad

    soul plans and purposes! This is what you astrological charts show you. The time table you

    have set to explore diverse aspects, which will appear as the varied desires you hold over

    different times!

    And indeed it is only by exploring your desires that you may in your terms grow!They are what you have chosen to experience, expand or disempower in what you

    call this life for spirit indeed. You may do this as you usually do through the outer lifeexperiences these desires bring forth; or by going within and understanding their purpose

    and in that- fulfilling each purpose within and thus transcending desires! What you call the

    spiritual path! But you cannot suppress them, shun them ignore them! Through fulfillment

    of the purpose that each desire is there for, do you expand your desires back to a larger andlarger focusback to its original focusback to being creator who just wills to Be. What

    you call going beyond desire!

    Now may you better understand the subtle nuances of desire! In the larger picture,

    there is only divine desire, the divine will to be. As it individuates, as each focus becomesmore honed, or in your terms narrower, this desire is incorporated into each individuation

    as your current desires. Which you must fulfill, to expand it back into the larger and

    larger focus. Yes?

  • 7/31/2019 Desires -Its Nothing Personal An Article by Divyaa Kummar


    And for those who ask what about negative desires ( and negative only being

    whatever you consider negative for in the larger sense there is no good or bad) then

    understand that all desires have a purpose! But no, it does not mean you go out andharm the other, if you so desire! It does not mean indulging in what you perceive as a

    negative desire just because we have said it is part of your larger plannoit means - and

    listen carefully- it means become aware of the limiting feelings and thoughts, yes yourlimiting beliefs and impressions that give rise to this desire! It means becoming aware of

    the fears, subconscious conditioning and sankaras, that you have chosen to disempower

    through the effects of such desires.

    This is why they are part of your plan, blueprint! This is the purpose behind limitingdesires!To become aware of their futility through their effects and in that expand and

    remove them for self- and remove them for human consciousness! If you can do this, these

    so called negative desires have served their purpose well. Not by indulging in them, but inresolving their purpose to be in your blueprint. This can be done by viewing them within

    (self enquiry) and thus not needing to experience its effect on the outside that you call

    physical life. Or in learning from their external aftermath what you call problems andcrisis. Again no amount of suppression will help. You only postpone the inevitable

    So my dears- do not shun desires- understand them instead! And in this awareness

    use them optimally and productively: as a soul memory asking you to experience and

    expand an aspect for Spirit; Or a soul memory hinting to you that some inner resolution isrequired.! Go forth and look at your desires todaywhat are they conveying to you from

    beyond the veil? What soul energies are waiting to be acknowledged? Expressed?

    Fulfilled? Then do desires expand to larger and what you consider loftier purposes- but

    we shall speak about that in another now.!

    And you may do the same with fears. For your fears, if you explore them, are treasurehouses towards Knowing Thyself. What is needed, rather than running away or

    controlling or suppressing or offering resistanceis to understand your fears: watch them,learn about them, and come directly into contact with them. You are to learn from your

    fear, not to escape from it.

    So Yes, as you fulfill 'your' desires; you understand what consciousness chooses to

    experience or express through a 'you'...your 'desires' automatically expand and

    become finer...for you become a finer vehicle which can hold the finer desires of the

    universe...and through this you transcend personal desire...into becoming part of the

    cosmic play.....otherwise the desire to remove desire is a desire!

    Divyaa Kummar

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