Designing Programming Languages to Improve Software Quality David J. Pearce Software Quality New Zealand, August 2013 @whileydave http://whiley.org http://github.com/DavePearce

Designing Programming Languages to Improve Software Quality David J. Pearce Software Quality New Zealand, August 2013 @whileydave

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Designing Programming Languages to Improve Software Quality

David J. Pearce

Software Quality New Zealand, August 2013



Null Pointers

“I call it my billion-dollar mistake. It was the invention of the null reference in 1965”

-- Tony Hoare

“Of all the exceptions a Java programmer might encounter, the null-pointer exception is among the most dreaded, and for good reason: it is one of the least informative exceptions that a program can signal.”

-- Eric Allen

(from java/lang/String.java)

Experiences with Null Pointers


* …

* @throws NullPointerException if sb is

* null


boolean contentEquals(StringBuffer sb) {

synchronized(sb) { … }


(also from java/lang/String.java)


* Tests if this string starts with the

* specified prefix.


* @param prefix the prefix.

* @return true if the character sequence…


public boolean startsWith(String prefix) {

char pa[] = prefix.value;



* Tests if this string starts with the

* specified prefix.


* @param prefix the prefix.

* @return true if the character sequence…


public boolean startsWith(String prefix) {

char pa[] = prefix.value;


Found 83/1101 java.lang methods were misdocumented!


• Why is documentation bad?– Because programmers write it– Programmers have deadlines– Documentation doesn’t help meet deadlines

• When is documentation not bad?– Think about types in Java– Method types automatically documented!– Compiler ensures they are accurate

@NonNull Types

void f(@NonNull Integer x) {

x.toString(); // safe!


void g(Integer x) {

x.toString(); // Syntax Error


void h(Integer x) {

if(x != null) {

x.toString(); // Safe!

} }

JML Specifications

public class IntVec { private int data[];

private int length = 0;

//@ invariant data != null;

//@ invariant length >= 0;

//@ invariant length <= data.length;

//@ requires size > 0;

public IntVec(int size) { data = new int[size]; }

//@ ensures \result >= 0;

public int size() { return length; }

More JML Specifications

/*@ public normal_behavior

@ requires s1 != null && s2 != null;

@ {|

@ requires s2.length==0 && s1.length==0; ensures !\result;

@ ensures \result == (

@ (\exists int i; 0<=i && i<s1.length && i<s2.length;

@ s1[i]<s2[i] && equal(s1,0,s2,0,i))

@ ||

@ (s1.length<s2.length && equal(s1,0,s2,0,s1.length)));

@ |}

@*/ public static pure model boolean lessThan(char[] s1, char[] s2);

(from JML spec of java/lang/String.java)

So … ?

• PROBLEM: modern languages make compile-time verification unnecessarily hard…

• ANSWER: design a language to simplify verification:– Pure Functions vs Impure Methods– Value Semantics– Structural subtyping & Flow Typing– Unbound Integers and Rationals– First-class Collections (sets, lists, maps)– Strict Concurrency Model (e.g. non-reentrancy)



• What is Whiley?– Hybrid functional / imperative language– Designed specifically for verification– Compiles to JVM (also prototype C backend)

• Why another language?– Verification is really hard– Many features of Java it even harder!– I think it’s basically impossible for Java– See ESC/Java and JML as good efforts here

A Zoo of Unusual Types!

• Primitives:– e.g.

• Collections (lists, sets, maps):– e.g.

• Records and Tuples:– e.g.

• Unions and Intersections:– e.g.

• Negations– e.g.

[int] {string} {int=>string}


any int real charnull bool

{int x, int y} (int,int)

int|null int&null

Flow Typing

Flow Typing

• A flow-sensitive approach to type checking• Types declared only for parameters and returns• Variables can have different types!• Conditionals and/or assignments cause retyping

int sum([int] items):

r = 0

for item in items:

r = r + item

return r

Flow Typing

• Type tests automatically retype variables!– (even on the false branch)

define Circle as {int x, int y, int r} define Rect as {int x, int y, int w, int h}

define Shape as Circle | Rect

real area(Shape s):

if s is Circle:

return PI * s.r * s.r


return s.w * s.h

Flow Typing & Unions

• Cannot treat null|int like an int• Must distinguish cases by explicit type testing

null|int indexOf(string str, char c): …

[string] split(string str, char c): idx = indexOf(str,c) if idx is int: below = str[0..idx] above = str[idx..] return [below,above] else: return [str]

Can safely treat x as int here



• Function f():– Accepts an arbitrary integer …– Should return a natural number …– But, this implementation is broken!

define nat as int where $ >= 0

nat f(int x):

return x A compile time error!

define nat as int where $ >= 0

nat f(int x):

if x >= 0:

return x


return 0

• Function f():– Accepts an arbitrary integer …– Returns a natural number …– This implementation satisfies the spec!

OK, because x implicitly a nat


• Function g():– Accepts a positive number …– And returns a natural number …– But, how to know pos subtypes nat ?

define nat as int where $ >= 0

define pos as int where $ > 0

nat g(pos x):

return xOK, because pos

implies nat


• Function h():– Accepts a natural number …– And returns a positive number …– But, how to know nat+1 gives pos ?

define nat as int where $ >= 0

define pos as int where $ > 0

pos h(nat x):

return x + 1OK, because

nat+1 gives pos


• Function h1() and h2() are identical

define nat as int where $ >= 0

define pos as int where $ > 0

pos h1(nat x):

return x + 1

int h2(int x) requires x>=0, ensures $>0:

return x + 1


• Function sum():– Accepts a list of natural numbers …– Then adds them together …– And returns a natural number.

define nat as int where $ >= 0

nat sum([nat] list): r = 0 for x in list where r >= 0: r = r + x return r

Ok, because adding nat to nat gives nat


Compiler Overview

• Developed 2009 – present• 304 classes (80KLOC) with 934 end-end tests• Also, 133 verifier tests and 15178 type system unit tests


Eclipse Plugin

• Update Site: http://whiley.org/eclipse

