Design of Robust and Flexible On- chip Analog-to-Digital Conversion Architecture Ph. D. Dissertation Proposal Presentation of Daeik Kim Advisor : Prof. Martin Brooke School of Electrical and Computer Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology

Design of Robust and Flexible On-chip Analog-to-Digital Conversion Architecture Ph. D. Dissertation Proposal Presentation of Daeik Kim Advisor : Prof

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Design of Robust and Flexible On-chip Analog-to-Digital Conversion


Ph. D. Dissertation Proposal Presentationof Daeik Kim

Advisor : Prof. Martin Brooke

School of Electrical and Computer EngineeringGeorgia Institute of Technology



• Background• Literature review• Research proposal• Preliminary research• Future research• Conclusion


Background• Bio-optoelectronic

sensor system (BOSS)• System-on-chip (SoC)

integration of analog-to-digital converter (ADC) on Si-CMOS circuit

• Research question: How to evaluate, select, and design a flexible and robust ADC system?

• Investigate unified evaluation and design criteria for ADCs

Simplified view of sensor system


Literature Review

• Nyquist ADC• Delta-sigma oversampling ADC• Noise characterization• Signal modeling


Nyquist ADC• Nyquist sampling theorem: sampling

rate should be more than twice of maximum signal frequency for a lossless sampling

• Examples of Nyquist ADCs– Single-slope ADC– Dual-slope ADC– Iterative algorithmic ADC– Flash ADC

• Combinational ADC• Error in ADC


Single-Slope ADC• Simplest form of

ADC• Samples input• Add, compare, and

count until integrator output reaches input

• Subject to slope nonlinearity, integration error, and offset error

Single-slope ADC block diagram

Single-slope ADC integrator output waveform


Dual-Slope Converter• Uses up and down

slope to cancel slope nonlinearity, integration error, and offset error

• Takes twice time than single-slope converter

• Idea extends to triple-slope converter, etc.

Dual-slope ADC block diagram

Dual-slope ADC integrator output waveform


Iterative Algorithmic Converter

• Performs binary encoding algorithm

• Error in early stage propagates with multiplication

• Requires high-accuracy matched parasitic components

• Error– Offset and gain error in

comparator and op-amp– Reference– Inaccurate

multiplication and subtraction

Algorithmic ADC block diagram


Flash ADC• Performs parallel, high-

speed conversion• 2N-1 references and

comparators for N-bits resolution

• Large chip area• Error

– References– Clock and signal jitter– Comparator gain-

bandwidth and offset• To enforce linearity:

– Error correcting decoder– Delicate trimming of

references• Impractical for more than

16-bits resolution applications due to large circuit area

Flash ADC Block diagram


Combinational ADC• Mix of linear, binary, and flash conversion

with time and space multiplexing is used as a trade-off between power, speed, chip area, and resolution

• Examples– Successive approximation ADC– Single-bit iterative pipelined ADC– Multi-bit pipelined ADC– Interpolating ADC– Folding ADC– Time-interleaved ADC


Error in ADC• Static error

– Offset error– Gain error– Integral and

differential nonlinearity (monotonicity)

• Dynamic error– Non-ideal OP amp

and comparator: finite gain, offset, parasitic capacitor, gain-bandwidth, and slew rate

Offset and gain error



Delta-Sigma Oversampling ADC

• Frequency normalization• Quantization noise• Oversampling• Delta modulation• Noise shaping• Linear analysis• Filtering and downsampling• Issues• Variations


Frequency Normalization• Continuous-time frequency • Normalized frequency:

linear mapping of original signal spectrum

• Sampled frequency: replica of original spectrum are repeated in every integer multiple of sampling frequency

• Discrete-time frequency: mapping of sampled frequency spectrum to unit frequency by removing sampling period information in the sampled sequence

Continuous and discrete-time frequency






Quantization Noise• Quantization is a

nonlinear operation• Quantization error is

linearized and approximated as white noise when– Input signal is random– Quantization levels are


• Sine wave quantization example– Quantization error is

randomized as a white noise with larger number of quantization

Sine wave and quantization error

Quantization noise spectrum


Oversampling• Oversampling scheme

samples higher rate than Nyquist rate

• Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is improved by filtering out oversampled quantization error

• 3dB gain per 2 times oversampling

• Nyquist sampling and oversampling comparison with ideal ADC– Quantization noise is

spread over sampled spectrum

– Less quantization noise is mapped into signal band with oversampling

Oversampling concept diagram


Delta Modulation• Oversampling

encoding scheme for digital communication channel

• Similar to single-slope ADC and differential PCM

• Performs staircase approximation

• Algorithmic error– Slope-overload

distortion– Granular effect

Delta modulation concept diagram

Delta modulation tracking behavior


Noise Shaping (1)• Feed-forward filter

shapes quantization noise to unused signal band

• 6n+3 dB gain per twice oversampling, with n-th order noise shaping

1st-order delta-sigma ADC signal flow graph

Shaped noise spectra


Noise Shaping (2)• Time-domain

observations of shaping of quantization noise– 1-bit quantizer and 1st

order delta-sigma ADC with 1-bit quantizer

– Down-sampling filter: 85-taps FIR Hanning window

• Quantization noise is modulated to higher-frequency region with noise shaping

• Noise-shaping quantizer provides better signal reconstruction with the same filtering

1-bit quantization of sine wave

1-bit noise-shaping quantization of sine wave


Linear Analysis• 1~6th order delta-sigma

modulators have been implemented based on linear approximation

• Linear analysis provides good performance estimation for higher oversampling ratio (OSR)

• In practice, OSR is above 64 since linear approximation does not hold for lower ratio

Theoretical SNR with linear model


Filtering and Downsampling

• Linear filters– Designed in frequency domain with linear approximation– 1~4th order comb (sinc) filters– Various sub-optimal filters

• Nonlinear dc level decoding schemes– Modeling of internal states and observation of time

domain behavior– Cyclic model decoding– Autocorrelation method– Zoomer algorithm– Viterbi decoding

• Nonlinear band-limited signal reconstruction algorithms– Based on projection on convex set (POCS) and singular

value decomposition (SVD)


Issues of Delta-Sigma ADC (1)

• Dc error– Dc level acquisition shows

uneven error pattern– Maximum error is at minimum

and maximum input, the next error is at around middle of input

– Error is reduced with increasing order

• Higher-order delta-sigma ADC with 1-bit quantizer suffers from instability, chaotic behavior, sub-audible tones, etc.– Limited range of input is

allowed for stability of higher-order ADC

– Additional noise (dithering) is helpful to mute sub-audible tones

– Multilevel quantizer can be a solution

Nonlinear tone behaviors

DC error pattern of 1st-order delta-sigma


Issues of Delta-Sigma ADC (2)

• Nonlinear state space representation is useful for modeling time domain behavior

• Nonlinear state space variable trajectories are useful for characterization of converter

• In spite of problems, 1-bit quantizer is preferred to avoid integral and differential nonlinearity error in feedback DAC







Linear state space representation

State space variable trajectory of2nd-order delta-sigma ADC







Nonlinear state space representation


Variations• Technology

– Switched-capacitor filter– Continuous-time filter

• Variations of low-pass signal delta-sigma ADC– Band-pass signal delta-

sigma ADC (band-reject noise shaping)

– High-pass signal delta-sigma ADC (low-pass noise shaping)Band-pass shaped quantization noise spectrum


Noise Characterization• Flat noise

– Thermal noise– Shot noise

• 1/f noise– Flicker noise– Pink noise– Low-frequency noise

• Shunt capacitor noise– kT/C noise– Special case of

thermal noise with low-pass filtering

1/f and flat noise spectrum

kT/C noise model and spectrum


Signal Modeling



















• Linear prediction coefficient (LPC) modeling performs better than filter bank modeling in general

• Auto-regressive moving-average (ARMA) modeling provides frequency-domain formulation with time-domain solution– Pade, Prony, Shank

• Levinson-(Durbin) recursion– Easy computation– Stable– Scalable– Equivalent to lattice filter– Less sensitive to coefficient

error introduced by quantization than canonic forms

ARMA signal modeling

Multi-pulse all-pole modeling of voice


Research Proposal (1)• Investigate unified evaluation and

design criteria for ADCs– Comparison on Nyquist sampling

and oversampling ADCs with regard to flexibility, robustness, and system-on-chip integration

• Analog front-end evaluation– FE Modeling– Performance estimation– Architectural comparison


Research Proposal (2)• Analog-to-digital encoder and decoder

– Modeling ADC as encoder and search process

– Optimality of encoding and decoding• Delta-sigma modulator

– Decoding algorithm performance– Multidimensional space-time

architecture– Stability analysis– Mixed-signal processing schemes


Preliminary Research:Analog Front-end Evaluation

• Analysis on front-end (FE) of Analog-to-digital Converter (ADC)

• Function block models• FE Performance evaluation


Analysis on Analog FE of ADC

• Definitions of analog FE• Problem statement• Proposed FE function blocks


Definitions of Analog FE

• ADC : A minimal algorithmic function block that translates analog signal to digital representation

• Analog FE of ADC : A set of functional blocks before ADC in signal flow

• ADC System (ADCS) : Analog FE + ADC

Analog-to-digital converter system


Problem Statement

• Analog FE – characterizes input signal and noise– limits performance of ADC– has been mixed with ADC– is overlooked in many ADC designs– has been assumed to be good enough

without quantitative analysis


Proposed FE Function Blocks

• Input buffer• Anti-alias low-pass

Filter (AA-LPF)• Sample-and-hold

(SH)• Some blocks are

left out in practice

Front-end function blocks


Function Block Models

• Input buffer• Anti-alias low-pass filter• Sample-and-hold• Input signal• Signal and circuit noise• Continuous-time delta-sigma ADC


Input Bufferk

bfkbf fjffH



• Input buffer is modeled as a LPF or all-pass filter

• Cut-off frequency of buffer should be in the order of system bandwidth for buffer functionality

• The order of buffer can be increased by cascading

Frequency response of cascade bufferscompared with butterworth filters

Frequency response of input buffer


Anti-alias Low-pass Filter









• Implementation Types– Butterworth– Chebyshev– Elliptic

• Butterworth– Minimum pass-band

ripples– Less sensitive to filter

coefficient error

• Optimal cut-off frequency for maximum SNR against signal aliasing can be obtained

Butterworth filter frequency response

SNR available for filter cut-off frequency


Sample-and-hold (1)




inin fCjR





onssw TkTtT


)()( ss


k s

onsw kffk






1. fSfI

fCjV swin


Voltage sample-and-hold model


Sample-and-hold (2)• SH works as a LPF

with cut-off frequency 1/2CHRH

• SH has integration gain in extreme low frequency – ignored for practical purpose

• Larger capacitance are preferred for low-noise sampling but circuit speed constraints the capacitor size.


1)(, sin



k s


Hshout kffIk






Voltage sample-and-hold frequency response


Input Signal Model• Model A : Flat• Model B : Band-

limited• Model C : 1st-order


ainain PfX ,, )(


binbinain ff



,,, ,0







cincin ff


Spectrum of signal models


Signal and Circuit Noise• Noise models for signal and circuit:

– Flat (Thermal and Shot) noise– Sampling (kT/C) noise– Signal aliasing

• Input signal noise : flat noise with power spectral density (PSD) N0=1x10-10

• Circuit noise : flat noise with PSD Nt=1x10-10

• Sampling noise : kT/C noise with noise power C=0.1nF, Nc~0.5x10-10


Delta-Sigma ADC (1)• Discrete-time model does

not reflect high-frequency behavior of delta-sigma ADC since it is an approximation in low-frequency region with a large oversampling ratio

• Continuous-time model is proposed to examine higher-frequency response

• Discrete-time and continuous-time models are equivalent with approximation

• Continuous-time model delta-sigma ADC has LPF property with regard to oversampling frequency

• Signal band is all-passed due to oversampling

Continuous-time delta-sigma ADC model

Frequency response of continuous-time model


Delta-Sigma ADC (2)• Comparison with

nonlinear state space model– Signal band spectrum is

compatible with continuous-time linear model

– Frequency response of nonlinear model is highly dependent on input signal probability distribution

– Signal and shaped quantization noise are observed at the same time in the nonlinear model output

Frequency response of nonlinear state space

model with random noise


FE Performance Evaluation

• Oversampling assumption• Simulation method• Traditional FE• Direct SH FE without AA-LPF• Direct ADC FE without AA-LPF and SH• Summary


Oversampling Assumption• Input signal is regarded as stationary, quasi-

static, or dc when it is oversampled with high oversampling ratio

• Attenuation of input signal is enough at NfM (half of oversampling frequency) when a simple 1st-order LPF is used as an AA-LPF for oversampling, and residual signal aliasing is ignorable when it is folded over NfM (half of oversampling frequency)

• Digital domain multirate signal processing is powerful enough to avoid any signal aliasing during downsampling process

• Nominal oversampling ratio is 26 (64) ~ 210 (1024).


Simulation Method

• Frequency domain computation with cascading of function blocks

• Frequency step: 2x10-3

• Frequency range: 2x102

• Signal and noise powers are obtained with numerical integration with extended and closed trapezoidal rule

• Performance measure: Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)


Traditional FE

Performance with input model A

Performance with input model B

• Filter and buffer cut-off frequency of Nyquist sampling should be strict, while that of oversampling can be loose

• Nyquist sampling is more vulnerable to signal aliasing

• Optimal filter specifications can be obtained with given input signal characteristics

Performance as a function of band limit and cut-off frequency


Direct SH FE• Buffer is essential

to avoid full signal aliasing with signal model A for Nyquist sampling

• Without AA LPF, organized low-pass filtering with buffer is necessary to avoid SNR degradation from signal aliasing for Nyquist sampling

Performance with input model A

Performance with input model B


Direct ADC FE• Buffer is essential

for signal model A• Input signal is not

quasi-static for Nyquist sampling without SH – ADC output can be very noisy, depending on the conversion algorithm

Performance with input model A

Performance with input model B


Summary• Signal aliasing is major

performance degradation mechanism

• Band-limitedness is critical for Nyquist sampling

• When Nyquist sampling gets more robust against aliasing, it will experience more noise with more FE circuits as a trade-off

• Oversampling requires less FE blocks to enforce band-limitedness

Performance with input model A

Performance with input model B


Future Research• Analog FE Evaluation

– Justification of oversampling assumption– Switched-capacitor filter noise modeling

• Analog-to-digital encoder and decoder– Modeling ADC as encoder and search process– Optimality of encoding and decoding

• Delta-sigma modulator– Decoding algorithm performance– Multidimensional space-time architecture– Stability analysis– Mixed-signal processing schemes


Research Publications• M. Thomas, J. Lillie, D. Kim, S. Ralph, N. Jokerst, M. Brooke, K. Dennis, B. Comeau, C.

Henderson, "An interferometric sensor for integration with Si CMOS signal processing circuitry: Sensor on a Chip", submitted to CLEO 2004

• Daeik D. Kim, Martin A. Brooke, "Modeling and Analysis of High-Pass Delta-Sigma Lock-In Analog-to-Digital Converter," submitted to ISCAS 2004

• Daeik D. Kim, Martin A. Brooke, "Comparison on the Performance of Decoding Schemes for Delta-Sigma Oversampling Converter," submitted to ISCAS 2004

• Daeik D. Kim, Martin A. Brooke, "Architectural Evaluation of Analog-to-Digital Converter Front-End Performance," submitted to ISCAS 2004

• Daeik D. Kim, Mikkel A. Thomas, Martin A. Brooke, Nan M. Jokerst, "Integration of Si-CMOS Embedded Photo Detector Array and Mixed Signal Processing System with Embedded Optical Waveguide Input", under preparation for SPIE Integrated Optoelectronic Devices 2004 Symposium

• Daeik D. Kim, Martin A. Brooke, "A 1.4G Samples/sec Comb Filter Design for Decimation of Sigma-Delta Modulator Output," Proc. 2003 IEEE ISCAS, pp.1009-1012

• N. Jokerst, M.A. Brooke, A.S. Brown, S.Y. Cho, R. Huang, S.W. Seo, M. Thomas, I. Song, S.H. Hyun, D.I. Kim, "Optoelectronic Microsystems integration for systems on a package and systems on chip applications," 2002 OSA Annual Meeting, TuV1, Orlando, Florida, Oct 2002 (Invited)

• J. Lillie, D. Kim, M. Thomas, M.A. Brooke, N.M. Jokerst, S.E. Ralph, "Highly multimode interferometric sensors," 2002 OSA Annual Meeting, TuL37, Orlando, Florida, Oct 2002

• Sang-Yeon Cho, Mikkel Thomas, Dae-Ik Kim, Nan M. Jokerst, Martin A. Brooke, “Polymer Waveguide Optical Interconnections on Si CMOS Circuits,” CtuF2, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Long Beach, CA, p.161, 2002



• Overview• Literature review• Research proposal• Analog FE modeling and performance

evaluation as a preliminary research• Future research

Questions ?Comments ?

Design of Robust and Flexible On-chip Analog-to-Digital Conversion


Supplemental Slides forPh. D. Dissertation Proposal Presentation

of Daeik Kim

Advisor : Prof. Martin BrookeBOSS Team : Dr. N. Jokerst, Dr. S. Ralph

Dr. C. Henderson

School of Electrical and Computer EngineeringGeorgia Institute of Technology


Waveguide integration on Si-CMOS circuit

• Si-CMOS delta-sigma oversampling ADC with integrated PiN detector array chip

• Integration of BCB/Ultem waveguide on PD

Delta-sigma ADC with integrated PD array Integrated waveguide

Integrated waveguide on PD


Measurement of laser coupling with delta-sigma ADC

• Optical signal (He:Ne) is coupled into waveguide from Si CMOS chip edge

• Output of ADC is observed with increased optical power

Laser coupled into waveguide

Coupling measurement


1-Dimensional Si Photo Detector Array Sensor Chip

• Size: 4.6mm by 4.7mm• AMI 1.5um Si CMOS

process• BJT, PN, PiN detectors• Delta-sigma

oversampling ADC

Detector array and front-endSi PD + ADC sensor array chip

Delta-sigma oversampling ADC


Waveguide Integration on Si-CMOS Circuit

• Nitride/silicon dioxide Mach Zender interferometers are integrated and tested

Interferometer integrationInterferometer termination on PD array

Laser coupling into interferometer


Interference Patterns

• Interference pattern of sensor is verified by Mach Zender interferometer simulation and measurement with CCD imager

Simulated interference pattern Measured inteference pattern

Laser coupling into interferometer


Measurement of Vapor with Sensor Circuit (Preliminary)

• Controlled vapor is induced into chamber with humidity meter and sensor circuit

• Relative humidity and averaged circuit output with differential RMSE from initial output are compared

Relative humidity and normalized RMSE

Normalized Relative variation of pixel intensities


Work to be done

• Minimize side-effects from mechanical movement, light source drift, and chemical reaction of sensor set up

• De-correlate side-effects from measurement data

• Run sensor test with several active agents

• Integrate laser on the chip for a complete system and run sensor tests


High-pass Delta-Sigma Lock-in ADC

• Modulation of light source is necessary to avoid low-frequency noise in the light source and circuit front-end

• Noise corner frequency of CMOS process goes up to 100MHz

Concept diagram for lock-in ADC

Flat and 1/f Noise spectrum example


High-pass Delta-Sigma ADC• High-pass delta-

sigma ADC shapes quantization noise to low-pass region while preserve high-pass signal1st-order high-pass delta-sigma ADC

High-pass delta-sigma shaped noise spectrum


High-pass Delta-Sigma Simulation with Thermal and

1/f Noise• High-pass delta-sigma ADC with comb filter and sub-optimal filter successfully reject 1/f noise and detect optical channel gain variation

• Averaging and low-pass filtering of contaminated signal does not benefit much from oversampling

Simulation of ADCs with 1/f noise


Nonlinear Delta-Sigma ADC Decoding Algorithm

Performance• Traditional filter– Averaging– Triangular– Sub-optimal

• Nonlinear algorithms– Correlative– Recursive– Zoomer

• Decoding precision• Decoding time

Mathematical decoding performance

Decoding time comparison


Decoding Performance with Circuit Imperfections (1)

• Circuit imperfection model– DC offset in initial

condition– Leaky integration– Feedback error– Noisy input signal– Noisy quantizer

Circuit imperfection model

Performance with dc offset in quantizer


Decoding Performance with Circuit Imperfections (1)

• Circuit imperfection model– DC offset in initial

condition– Leaky integration– Feedback error– Noisy input signal– Noisy quantizer

Circuit imperfection model

Performance with dc offset in quantizer


Decoding Performance with Circuit Imperfections (2)

Performance with integrator leakage Performance with feedback error

Performance with noisy input Performance with noisy quantizer