Design and Value in Housing Delivery Nick Ebbs Chief Executive Blueprint

Design and Value in Housing Delivery Nick Ebbs Chief Executive Blueprint

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Design and Value in Housing Delivery

Nick EbbsChief Executive


“We won’t be getting Richard Rogers to design your

school, we won’t be getting any award winning architects

to design it…”

Michael Gove


• A property development company that is structure as a Public/Private Partnership

• Specifically set up by government to tackle the more complex regeneration projects in the East Midlands.

• Rationale - more projects than money and market failure

• Focus on projects where mainstream private sector might struggle to deliver desired outcomes (occupies grey area between mainstream private and public domains)

• Has similarities to other private sector Development Companies but different in structure, remit and approach.

Rationale for Footprint

“The landscape for investors is changing in unprecedented ways. Increasingly, environmental and social factors are moving to centre stage. Rising energy costs; climate change and associated regulation; environmental degradation; population growth and social instability are redefining the contours of the investment universe.

Astute investors have for some time recognised that competitive and financial success is inextricably linked to more sustainable ways of doing business. Since its inception igloo has both recognised the opportunities and risks associated with environmental and social change and, through its pioneering Footprint policy, ensures that sustainability principles shape all that it does.”

Jonathon Porritt

Chair of the igloo Sustainable Investment Committee Steering Group

Let’s dispell some myths

“All that we do, almost all the time, is design, for design is basic to all human activity. The planning and patterning of any act towards a desired, foreseeable end constitutes the design process”

“Design is the consensus and intuitive effort to compose meaningful order”

(Victor Papanek)

Urban Design Principles – Connectivity

Projects should be based on a recognisable hierarchy of streets that are well connected to the surrounding area and which are distinctive places in their own right (not just a highway)

Proximity and accessibility to local centres with a range of amenities

High level of public transport accessibility

Permeability of streets – east to get and through

A hierarchy of streets

Urban grain and block dimensions

Street character that surprises and delights

Urban Design Principles – Public Realm

Projects should shape streets and public spaces with an appropriate scale and proportion – providing visual enclosure and contributing to activity on the street.

A common building line without big gaps or indentations

Enclosure and urban character – scale of buildings relates to the context, function and importance of space enclosed

Access from the street – front doors and surveillance

Distinctive focal points for delight and diversity

Public realm strategy

Relaxation and play

Urban Design Principles – Compactness and Community

Buildings, blocks and masterplans should be urban in their nature, defined by the careful use of density and mix of uses to create animation – successful places with life and activity in the street and spaces.

Creating urban densities – density is good

Mixed use for variety and animation

Supporting the hierarchy of streets

Flexibility and adaption because building use will change

Resolving access requirements

Place tall buildings to create landmarks/mark vistas

Urban Design Principles – Diversity and Equality

Projects should create distinctive and diverse urban fabric that has its own unique character and which encourages new talent and design thinking.

Design diversity to support balanced communities and to avoid mono cultures/tenures/design

Value and reference heritage

Urban Design Principles – Green infrastructure

Projects should incorporate a natural edge, using green & blue infrastructure to improve the quality of the urban environment and reconnect people with nature

Green infrastructure plan

Natural benefits

Natural heritage

Edible landscape

Urban Design Principles – Community Engagement

Projects should engage with stakeholders and communities of interest in order to shape projects and to create a sense of belonging, understanding and identity



Identify opportunities for partnership working

Environmental Design – 6 Themes

Theme 1 – Low carbon energy –

“Igloo will expect it’s projects to deliver buildings that have a very low energy demand and which achieve, where the opportunities are available, net zero carbon emissions. This is to be achieved through a combination of leading edge design, specification and management to minimise carbon emissions during the construction, occupation and use of buildings and investment in low carbon energy supply technologies .

Theme 2 – Reducing car dependency –

“Igloo will expect it’s projects to achieve a substantial reduction in typical private car use for most journeys by reducing the need to travel and making low carbon forms of mobility the first choice”

Environmental Design – 6 Themes

Theme 3 – Minimising waste -

“Igloo will expect it’s projects to minimise waste and promote sustainable resource and at all stages in the project lifecycle – from design through to occupation”

Theme 4 – Thinking about food–

“Igloo will expect it’s projects to reconnect people with where and when their food comes from, promoting more sustainable practices and celebrating food as an important part of urban life”

Theme 5 – Construction materials -

“Igloo will expect it’s projects to minimise the environmental impacts of construction materials through careful design and sourcing and a precautionary approach”

Theme 6 – Water resources –

“Igloo will expect it’s projects to make efficient use of water resources, particularly in areas of scarcity and environmental sensitivity”

Green Street Meadows, Nottingham -Case Study

• 38 three and four bedroom low energy homes being developed as a catalyst for change within the wider Meadows

• Part of a larger Renewal Project.• The Meadows comprises predominantly low value housing with little

housing choice. Has some real challenges and is stigmatized but also great geographical attributes and strong community spirit.

• Our remit – broaden housing choice, build homes for market sale and deliver exemplar scheme as signifier of change and more promising future.

• Our response – careful attention to urban design and differentiated product with innovative design and strong green credentials. Includes roof terraces, timber frame structure, sustainable Homes Code 4, with fabric first approach

Does Excellence in Design Add Value

• Sold all houses off plan; values achieved were significantly ahead of initial appraisal numbers; strong customer satisfaction from a wide cross section of purchasers and profit targets met.

• Achieved premium values not previously seen in this location and enhancement attributable to wide range of factors of which urban and environmental design were key

• Quality and value complementary and mutually supportive – So put that in your top hat Mr Gove

Challenges – Intrinsic Nature of the Housing Market

• Top priority location, location, location (sense community/reputation/facilities and amenities/safety)

• House preference more variable – depends life stage but some constants across all categories for most external appearance, size rooms, smart kitchens, secure car parking take preference over environmental performance.

• Badly designed places and in excellent locations will sell well

• Excellently designed places and homes in a very poor locations might struggle

• Badly designed places and homes in a very poor location haven’t a prayer

Challenges – Cost

• Misnomer to equate excellence in design with extra cost but

• If extra over cost for achieving excellence and that extra over cost is not matched by proportionate value uplift then failure

• Challenge is to design to a cost that matches achievable value

“I want award winning architects to help me deliver excellent buildings for costs

we can afford.”

Michael Gove