Name: ___________________________ Date: ___________________ English 10 Descriptive Writing Directions: Fill in the blank to complete the simile. 1. A friend is like _________________________; in that, they know everything about you. 2. A friend is as ___________________________ as ___________________________. 3. I am as tired as ________________________________________________________. 4. Winning the baseball game felt like _____________________________________________. 5. The dog ran as fast as __________________________________________________. Directions: Highlight the sentences that utilize a simile, and underline the two objects that are compared. Bob runs a deer quickly. She is as sweet as candy. He is as thin as a rail. The willow’s music is like a soprano. She slept more than Rip van Winkle. Mornings are not my forte. Directions: Add more detail to these lacking sentences by utilizing a simile. Ex.: I ate dinner.

Descriptive Writing

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Page 1: Descriptive Writing

Name: ___________________________ Date: ___________________English 10Descriptive Writing

Directions: Fill in the blank to complete the simile.

1. A friend is like _________________________; in that, they know everything about you.

2. A friend is as ___________________________ as ___________________________.

3. I am as tired as ________________________________________________________.

4. Winning the baseball game felt like _____________________________________________.

5. The dog ran as fast as __________________________________________________.

Directions: Highlight the sentences that utilize a simile, and underline the two objects that are compared.

Bob runs a deer quickly. She is as sweet as candy.

He is as thin as a rail. The willow’s music is like a soprano.

She slept more than Rip van Winkle. Mornings are not my forte.

Directions: Add more detail to these lacking sentences by utilizing a simile.

Ex.: I ate dinner.

I was so hungry that I ate dinner like a man who had not eaten in days.

1. Martin runs fast.


2. The fence opened slowly.


3. The Romans are powerful.


4. The meeting in the library lasted a long time.


5. My classroom is cold.


Page 2: Descriptive Writing

Directions: Fill in the blank to complete the metaphor.

1. A friend is a ________________________________________________________________.

2. When Thomas stormed into the room, he was ______________________________________.

3. My dog was a ____________________________________ as he attacked the intruder.

4. He was a __________________________________________ through all their trouble.

5. Aaron _____________________________________________while jumping over the fence.

Directions: Highlight the sentences that utilize a metaphor, and underline the two objects that are compared.

My dad is a strong bear. Every child received a medal of honor.The painter felt ridiculed. The bar of soap was a slippery eel.The light was the sun during our test. The room was very crowded.

Directions: Add more detail to these lacking sentences by utilizing a simile.

Ex.: I ate dinner.

A starving beast, I devoured my dinner minutes after my mom served it.

1. Martin runs fast.


2. The fence opened slowly.


3. The Romans are powerful.


4. The meeting in the library lasted a long time.


5. My classroom is cold.


Page 3: Descriptive Writing

Identify the Words and Meaning of Metaphors and Similes

Directions: Label the sentence as a simile or metaphor by writing S or M. Next, highlight the words being compared in the sentence. Finally, write the meaning of the simile or metaphor based on the context of the sentence.

Ex.: The car drives like an airplane on autopilot. ____________________________________________________________________________

1. The baby was like an octopus, grabbing at all the cans on the grocery store shelves. ____


2. As the teacher entered the room she muttered under her breath, “This class is like a three-ring

circus!” ____


3. The giant’s steps were thunder as he ran toward Jack. ____


4. The pillow was a cloud when I put my head upon it after a long day. ____


5. I feel like a useless dishrag. ____


6. Those girls are like two peas in a pod. ____


7. When Dwayne Johnson arrived to the crime scene, he was the light at the end of the tunnel. ____


8. No one invites Harold to parties because he acts like a police officer. ____


9. The bar of soap was a slippery eel during the dog’s bath. ____


10. Ted was as nervous as a cat with a long tail in a room full of rocking chairs. ____


Page 4: Descriptive Writing

Song: ____________________________________

Similes and Meanings:

1. __________________________________________________________________________________



2. __________________________________________________________________________________



3. __________________________________________________________________________________



4. __________________________________________________________________________________



5. __________________________________________________________________________________



Metaphors and Meanings:

1. __________________________________________________________________________________



2. __________________________________________________________________________________



3. __________________________________________________________________________________



4. __________________________________________________________________________________



5. __________________________________________________________________________________



Page 5: Descriptive Writing

Song: ____________________________________

Similes and Meanings:

1. __________________________________________________________________________________



2. __________________________________________________________________________________



3. __________________________________________________________________________________



4. __________________________________________________________________________________



5. __________________________________________________________________________________



Metaphors and Meanings:

1. __________________________________________________________________________________



2. __________________________________________________________________________________



3. __________________________________________________________________________________



4. __________________________________________________________________________________



5. __________________________________________________________________________________



Page 6: Descriptive Writing

Song: ____________________________________

Similes and Meanings:

1. __________________________________________________________________________________



2. __________________________________________________________________________________



3. __________________________________________________________________________________



4. __________________________________________________________________________________



5. __________________________________________________________________________________



Metaphors and Meanings:

1. __________________________________________________________________________________



2. __________________________________________________________________________________



3. __________________________________________________________________________________



4. __________________________________________________________________________________



5. __________________________________________________________________________________



Page 7: Descriptive Writing

Name: ______________________________________ Date: ____________________English 10Descriptive Writing

Directions: Transform the sentences below into vivid, descriptive sentences. Add detail to tell specifically when, why, where, how or with whom.

Ex.: I went to the park.After a long day, I went to the park by the river to play catch with my dog.

1. Anthony bought a car. _______________________________________________________________


2. Shaila saw a bright light. ______________________________________________________________


3. The computer is working slowly. _______________________________________________________


4. The basketball team won the game. _____________________________________________________


5. The speakers are loud. ________________________________________________________________


6. I took a picture. _____________________________________________________________________


7. The dog jumped over the fence. ________________________________________________________


8. The results for the competition were startling. ____________________________________________


9. The test was difficult. ________________________________________________________________


10. The song was good. _________________________________________________________________


Page 8: Descriptive Writing

Name: ______________________________________ Date: __________________Pre-AP English 10Descriptive Writing

Directions: The paragraph below is very bland and boring. Rewrite the paragraph to include vivid, descriptive language, specifically similes and metaphors; additionally, some sentences can even be combined. Be sure to also include sentence variety- don’t begin every sentence the same way (words and clauses).

Be sure to write your own paragraph (5-7 sentence) as well.

Highlight each metaphor and simile that you use in two different colors. Similes: ________________(color) Metaphors: _______________(color)

The hike up Mount Everest was difficult. I could barely make it to the top. When I finally made

it to the summit, I was really tired. The climb down was even tougher. I almost did not make it. I got to

the bottom of Mount Everest safely. It took me a month to climb down. My family was there to

congratulate me. They were excited to see me climb the mountain. I had achieved my goal. This gave

me inspiration. I was inspired to do more challenging activities.













Page 9: Descriptive Writing

Name: ___________________________ Date: ___________________Pre- AP English 10Descriptive Writing

Directions: Read the following passage. Write an analysis of the figurative language used. What effect does the imagery have? What image does the author create? Does the figurative language cause the reader to sympathize with the protagonist? What is the author’s purpose in writing this: to inform, to entertain, or to persuade? Explain. Examine and explain the meaning of the title and how it relates to the passage. Relate the protagonist to the flower.WRITE WITH COMPLEX SENTENCE STRUCTURE.

A Wilting Masterpiece

(1) The flowers wilted and gave way to the suffocating winter conditions. (2) With their

last breath, they bowed their heads to signify their end. (3) As winter's cold, harsh winds blew,

the flowers had no coffin to rest. (4) There was no ceremony for their loss; they left without a


    (5) Often, Hannah feels like those flowers. (6) Dying inside each time a winter- like

person suffocates her. (7) She walks through the halls as if she is a ghost; her peers are unable to

see her. (8) She is a blank space, a blank canvas waiting to be painted into a masterpiece.

(9) With each breath she takes, she feels pain, knives stabbing her in the abdomen. (10) Holding

on tight, it is hard for her to see the light.

Page 10: Descriptive Writing

Name: ___________________________ Date: ___________________English 10Descriptive Writing

Directions: Read the following passage. 1. Highlight and label the figurative language used. 2. Write a paragraph that analyzes the figurative language’s use and purpose.

a. What image does the author create? i. What is the purpose of the imagery?ii. What effect does the imagery have?iii. What figurative language/ literary devices are used to create the imagery?

1. What is their purpose in the passage?3. What is the author’s purpose in writing this: to inform, to entertain, or to persuade? Explain. 4. Examine and explain the meaning of the title and how it relates to the passage. 5. Relate the protagonist to the flower.WRITE WITH COMPLEX SENTENCE STRUCTURE.

A Wilting Masterpiece

(1) The flowers wilted and gave way to the suffocating winter conditions. (2) With their

last breath, they bowed their heads to signify their end. (3) As winter's cold, harsh winds blew,

the flowers had no coffin to rest. (4) There was no ceremony for their loss; they left without a


    (5) Often, Hannah feels like those flowers. (6) Dying inside each time a winter- like

person suffocates her. (7) She walks through the halls as if she is a ghost; her peers are unable to

see her. (8) She is a blank space, a blank canvas waiting to be painted into a masterpiece.

(9) With each breath she takes, she feels pain, knives stabbing her in the abdomen. (10) Holding

on tight, it is hard for her to see the light.

Page 11: Descriptive Writing

Name: ____________________________________ Date: ____________________English 10Literature Jumpstart

Directions: Read the passage and answer the questions that correspond.

(1) The word “energy” can mean a whole lot of different things. (2) It comes in many

forms; however, they are all important. (3) Energy is the life and movement of many elements in

our world. (4) The term “energy” is used in many different forms of study, including the natural

sciences. (5) Energy is necessary in order to perform necessary functions in our everyday lives.

(6) On Earth, the sun is like a big ball of energy; in that, it is the major source for our

planet. (7) It allows plants to grow and also influences our ocean’s currents. (8) The sun loses

energy by emitting light, lending a small fraction of it to Earth. (9) This transfer allows for us to

have light, which travels on a variety of wavelengths like a speeding car.

(10) Solar energy is the life behind electricity and heat that we use in our houses and

other buildings. (11) Some believe that solar energy can eliminate the more harmful pollutants

on our earth resulting from energy powered by gas or coal. (12) There are ways to capture solar

energy with panels and use it for everyday tasks like cooking, heating water to shower, and


1 Which sentence expresses the main idea of the passage?

A On Earth, the sun is like a big ball of energy; in that, it is the major source for our planet.

B Solar energy is the life behind electricity and heat that we use in our houses and other buildings.

C There are ways to capture solar energy with panels and use it for everyday tasks like cooking,

heating water to shower, and driving.

D Energy is necessary in order to perform necessary functions in our everyday lives.

2 Which sentence needs revising for tone?

F The sun loses energy by emitting light, lending a small fraction of it to earth.

G The word “energy” can mean a whole lot of different things.

H Some believe that solar energy can eliminate the more harmful pollutants on our earth

resulting from energy powered by gas or coal.

J It comes in many forms; however, they are all important.

Page 12: Descriptive Writing

3 What is the meaning of the metaphor in sentence 3?

A It is used to show the reader the importance of energy.

B It is used to show the reader that energy gives life to objects surrounding it.

C It is used to show the reader that there are many sources of energy.

D It is used to show the reader the significance of the life and movement.

4 What is the purpose of the simile in sentence 9?

F It shows the reader that a speeding car moves like the light.

G It shows the reader that a car can develop energy fast.

H It shows the reader that light transfer happens quickly.

J It shows the reader that there is a possibility of a solar powered car.

5 Which sentence is a metaphor?

A The word “energy” can mean a whole lot of different things.

B Solar energy is the life behind electricity and heat that we use in our houses and other buildings.

C There are ways to capture solar energy with panels and use it for everyday tasks like cooking,

heating water to shower, and driving.

D Some believe that solar energy can eliminate the more harmful pollutants on our earth

resulting from energy powered by gas or coal.

Page 13: Descriptive Writing

Name: ____________________________________ Date: ____________________English 10Literature Jumpstart

Directions: Read the passage and answer the questions that correspond.

(1) Sixteen of the world's twenty most polluted cities are in China. (2) The air in some cities there

is so bad that it is impossible to see very far, traffic begins to crawl, and nearly everyone wears masks

over their noses and mouths. (3) In Harbin, a city that is busting at the seams, government officials

recently shut down roads, schools, and the airport when air pollution levels hit a dangerous limit. (4) In

Beijing earlier this year, the amount of particles floating around like birds in the air became a grave

concern for the government. (5) The smog was so thick in Beijing that a factory building burned for three

hours before anyone even noticed that it was in flames. (6) The government knows that the pollution

problem is an elephant in the room, and they are working to provide solutions to the problem.

1 Which sentence describes the main idea of the passage?

A The smog has crippled the city of Harbin.

B The smog has become a growing problem in Beijing.

C The government wants to resolve the smog problem in China.

D The government needs to research ways to prevent smog in the major cities.

2 What is a synonym for grave in sentence 4?

F important

G serious

H generous

J stagnant

3 What is the author’s purpose in writing this passage?

A To entertain the reader with the problem of smog in China

B To explain to the government the problem of smog in China

C To persuade the government to solve the smog problem in China

D To inform the reader about the growing problem of smog in China

Page 14: Descriptive Writing

Name: ____________________________________ Date: ____________________English 10Literature Jumpstart

Directions: Read the passage and answer the questions that correspond.

(1) Sixteen of the world's twenty most polluted cities are in China. (2) The air in some cities there

is so bad that it is impossible to see very far, traffic begins to crawl, and nearly everyone wears masks

over their noses and mouths. (3) In Harbin, a city that is busting at the seams, government officials

recently shut down roads, schools, and the airport when air pollution levels hit a dangerous limit. (4) In

Beijing earlier this year, the amount of particles floating around like birds in the air became a grave

concern for the government. (5) The smog was so thick in Beijing that a factory building burned for three

hours before anyone even noticed that it was in flames. (6) The government knows that the pollution

problem is an elephant in the room, and they are working to provide solutions to the problem.

1 This passage is an example of a(n) ____________________ essay.

A Descriptive

B Expository

C Narrative

D Persuasive

2 What can the reader infer about the author of the passage?

F The author is passionate about smog in the major cities of China.

G The author is expressing a sense the urgency in the major cities of China.

H The author is supportive of the government’s actions in China.

J The author is concerned about the government’s actions towards the major cities in China.

3 If the author wants to conduct a full research essay concerning the smog problem in China, which keyword

should not be used to search for sources because it is too broad?

A The major problem of smog

B How smog affects the human body

C The harmful smog in Harbin

D The causes of smog in Beijing

Page 15: Descriptive Writing

Name: ____________________________________ Date: ____________________

English 10Literature

Directions: Read and answer the questions that correspond with the passage below. Be sure to answer the

questions in complete sentences.

There is a famous expression in English: "Stop the world, I want to get off!" This expression refers to

a feeling of panic, or stress that makes a person want to stop whatever they are doing, try to relax, and

become calm again. 'Stress' means pressure or tension. Too much stress results in physical, emotional,

and mental health problems. It is one of the most common causes of health problems in modern life

which needs a remedy.

There are numerous physical effects of stress. Stress can affect the heart and turn it into a vegetable. It

can increase the pulse rate, make the heart miss beats, and can cause high blood pressure. Stress can affect

the respiratory system by leading to asthma. The heart becomes a race horse; it beats fast, resulting in a

loss of important carbon dioxide. Causing stomach aches and problems digesting food are additional

problems that result.

Emotions are also easily affected by stress. People suffering from stress often feel anxious. They

may have panic attacks, or they may feel tired all the time. When people are under stress, they often

overreact to little problems. For example, a normally gentle parent under a lot of stress at work may yell

at a child for dropping a glass of juice. Stress can make people angry, moody, or nervous. It can also

make their nerves become alive with passion.

Long-term stress can lead to a variety of serious mental illnesses. Depression, an extreme feeling of

sadness and hopelessness, can be the result of continued and increasing stress. Alcoholism and other

addictions often develop as a result of overuse of alcohol or drugs to try to relieve stress. Eating disorders,

such as anorexia, are sometimes caused by stress and are often made worse by stress. If stress is allowed

to continue, then one's mental health is put at risk.

It is obvious that stress is a serious problem that attacks the body and the emotions like a villain.

Untreated, it may eventually result in mental illness. Stress has a great influence on the health and well-

being of our bodies, our feelings, and our minds. In conclusion, stopping to rest your mind, body, and

soul often can reduce stress.

Page 16: Descriptive Writing

1. What is a common problem caused by stress?

2. According to the essay, which of the following parts of the body have physical problems caused by

stress? Explain.

3. Which emotion is affected by stress? Explain.

4. What is a long-term effect stress?

5. How does stress affect the respiratory system? Explain.

6. Explain the symptoms of emotional stress.

7. Examine and analyze the use of figurative language in the passage.