DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE Name of the course: Mathematics Part III Code: FBsME16 Semester: 3 Type of teaching: Lectures, Tutorials Lessons per week: L 3 hours; Tut2 hours Number of credits: 6 LECTURERS: Prof. D. Sc. G. Stamov (Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy); email: [email protected] Assoc. Prof. D.Sc. P. Kelevedjiev (Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy); email: [email protected] Assoc. Prof. PhD N. Markova (Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy), email: [email protected] Technical University of Sofia COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for the students of all mechanical engineering specialties BEng programme in Technical University of Sofia. AIMS AND OBJECTIES OF THE COURSE: At the end of the course the students are expected to be able to work with function of a complex variable, to apply the methods of the operational calculus for certain class problems in ordinary differential equations, to work with basic concepts of the field theory, to solve problems from the following fields: Equations of the Mathematical physics, Operational calculus, Probability theory, Mathematical statistics. DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: The main topics concern: Elements of Field theory; Function of a complex variable, Equations of the Mathematical physics, Operational calculus, Probability theory, Mathematical statistics. PREREQUISITES: Mathematics part 1 and Mathematics part 2 (Differential and integral calculus of function of single and multiple real variables, Linear algebra, Analytical geometry, Ordinary differential equations). TEACHING METHODS: Traditional lectures and tutorials. METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: Two tests at the middle and the end of the term (20%) and written exam during the session (80%). INSTRUCTION LANGUAGE: Bulgarian BIBLIOGRAPHY: L. Garnevska, R. Petrova, J. Paneva-Konovska, Complex numbers, Function of a complex variable (Lectures and exercises), ДЕЛИКОМ, 2004, Sofia.(Bulgarian); L. Garnevska, Fourier series. Fourier integral. Fourier transformation. Equations of the Mathematical physics, РОМИНА, 2007, Sofia. (Bulgarian); L.Boiadjiev, O.Kamenov, Higher mathematics 4, CIELA, Sofia, 2002 (Bulgarian); Hr. Karapenev, Probability theory and Mathematical statistics, TU-Sofia,1997. (Bulgarian); FAMI collective, Selected mathematical chapters, Modulus V, TU-Sofia,1993 (Bulgarian); Marinov M.S., Analytical functions. Fourier series. Integral transformations, CIELA, Sofia, 1998. (Bulgarian) ; L. Boiadjiev, M. Todorov, Multiple, curved and surface integrals, TU-Sofia, 1992. (Bulgarian); Prodanova K., Lectures Notices in Statistics, TU-Sofia, 2008.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE - oldweb.tu-sofia.bgoldweb.tu-sofia.bg/eng_new/ECTS/ectas/ectas12-13/IPF-Sliven/2018/... · operational calculus for certain class problems in ordinary

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Name of the course:

Mathematics Part III

Code: FBsME16 Semester: 3

Type of teaching:



Lessons per week:

L – 3 hours;

Tut– 2 hours

Number of credits: 6


Prof. D. Sc. G. Stamov

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy); email: [email protected]

Assoc. Prof. D.Sc. P. Kelevedjiev

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy); email: [email protected]

Assoc. Prof. PhD N. Markova

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy), email: [email protected]

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for the students of all

mechanical engineering specialties BEng programme in Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIES OF THE COURSE: At the end of the course the students are

expected to be able to work with function of a complex variable, to apply the methods of the

operational calculus for certain class problems in ordinary differential equations, to work with

basic concepts of the field theory, to solve problems from the following fields: Equations of the

Mathematical physics, Operational calculus, Probability theory, Mathematical statistics.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: The main topics concern: Elements of Field theory;

Function of a complex variable, Equations of the Mathematical physics, Operational calculus,

Probability theory, Mathematical statistics.

PREREQUISITES: Mathematics part 1 and Mathematics part 2 (Differential and integral

calculus of function of single and multiple real variables, Linear algebra, Analytical geometry,

Ordinary differential equations).

TEACHING METHODS: Traditional lectures and tutorials.

METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: Two tests at the middle and the end of the term (20%) and

written exam during the session (80%).


BIBLIOGRAPHY: L. Garnevska, R. Petrova, J. Paneva-Konovska, Complex numbers,

Function of a complex variable (Lectures and exercises), ДЕЛИКОМ, 2004, Sofia.(Bulgarian); L.

Garnevska, Fourier series. Fourier integral. Fourier transformation. Equations of the

Mathematical physics, РОМИНА, 2007, Sofia. (Bulgarian); L.Boiadjiev, O.Kamenov, Higher

mathematics 4, CIELA, Sofia, 2002 (Bulgarian); Hr. Karapenev, Probability theory and

Mathematical statistics, TU-Sofia,1997. (Bulgarian); FAMI collective, Selected mathematical

chapters, Modulus V, TU-Sofia,1993 (Bulgarian); Marinov M.S., Analytical functions. Fourier

series. Integral transformations, CIELA, Sofia, 1998. (Bulgarian) ; L. Boiadjiev, M. Todorov,

Multiple, curved and surface integrals, TU-Sofia, 1992. (Bulgarian); Prodanova K., Lectures

Notices in Statistics, TU-Sofia, 2008.


Name of the course:

Mechanics Part II

Code: FBsME17 Semester: 3

Type of teaching:


Laboratory Works,

Course work

Lessons per week:

L - 3 hours,

LW - 2 hours

Number of credits: 7

LECTURERS: Prof. DSc St. Karapetkov

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy), email: [email protected]

Assoc. Prof. PhD. Eng. M. Coneva

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy), email: [email protected]

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for the students of all

mechanical engineering specialties BEng programme in Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: To study common laws of mechanic

movements of material objects regarding forces acting on them.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: The course explores the third basic part of Theoretical

Mechanics – Dynamics. Dynamics is the scientific foundation of calculating, constructing and

creating different machines, devices and apparatus with high and granted quantities – reliability,

productivity, etc.

PREREQUISITES: Knowledge of Mathematics and Physics.

TEACHING METHODS: Lectures and tutorials.



BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Писарев, А., Ц. Парасков, С. Бъчваров. Курс по теоретична

механика І част. С., Техника, 1975; 2. Бъчваров, С., А. Джонджоров. Ръководство за

упражнения и решаване на задачи по теоретична механика ІІ част, С., Техника. 1991; 3.

Мешерский, И. Сборник задач по теоретической механике. М., Наука, 1986; 4. Яблонский,

А. Сборник заданий для курсовых работ по теоретической механике. М., Высшая школа,



Name of the course:

Strength of Materials Part I

Code: FBsME18 Semester: 3

Type of teaching:



Lessons per week:

L - 2 hours,

Tut - 2 hours

Number of credits: 5

LECTURER: Assoc. Prof. Ph D R. Petrova

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy); email: [email protected]

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for the students of all

mechanical engineering specialties BEng programme in Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: To provide students with knowledge of

calculating constructive machine elements and equipment.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: Basic issues included in the course are: deformations,

simple tense states, dangerous intersections, mechanical characteristics of materials, geometrical

characteristics of elements.

PREREQUISITES: Knowledge of Mathematics, Mechanics and Science of Materials.

TEACHING METHODS: Lectures and Tutorials.



BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Л. Лазов, Съпротивление на материалите - ч. 1, ТУ-София, 2008. 2.

Л. Лазов , Г. Стойчев, Вл. Василев, Таблици по съпротивление на материалите, София,

2007. 3. Л. Лазов и Г. Стойчев, Съпротивление на материалите в примери и

задачи,ч.1,София, 2008. 4. Л. Лазов и Г. Стойчев, Съпротивление на материалите в

примери и задачи,ч.2,София, 2006. 5. И. Кисъов. Съпротивление на материалите, Техника,

1980. 6. B. Ferdinand, E, Russell. Mechanics of Materials, SI Metric Edition, 2005. 7. Hibbeler,

R.C: Technische Mechanik 2 - Festigkeitslehre. 2005.


Name of the course:

Machine Elements Part I

Code: FBsME19 Semester: 3

Type of teaching:


Laboratory Works

Lessons per week:

L - 2 hours,

LW - 2 hours

Number of credits: 5


Assoc. Prof. Dimitrinka Slavova Dahterova, PhD

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy), email: [email protected]

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for the students of all

mechanical engineering specialties BEng programme in Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: Students must gain knowledge about the

applying of methodology for calculating and constructing of machine elements with general use.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: Basic themes: Basic requirements for the machine

elements. Joints. Worm-nut gearing . Gaskets- function and modes. Shafts function, strength

and deformation calculating. Bearings- character, functions and modes, criteria for working

capacity and calculating, spreading and congesting of knots of bearing.

TEACHING METHODS: Lectures with using slides and demo-programs, the laboratory works

with reports.

PREREQUISITES: Mathematics, Mechanics, Resistance of the materials, Bases of

constructing and CAD

METHOD FOR ASSESSMENT: Process of continuous assessment.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Лефтеров Л., Димитров И., Машинни елементи. С. Техника, 1994;

2.Арнаудов. К., Димитров.И., и др. Машинни елементи. С. Техника, 1980; 4. Димчев Г., К.

Захариев. Машинни елементи. Софттрейд. София, 2006. Николов Н. и др., “Ръководство

за конструктивни упражнения по машинни елементи”, С, Техника, 1992 г. Ралев Д.

”Машинни елементи I част” –електронно издание на WEB страницата на катедра МЕНК.

Ралев Д. “Лагерни възли” - електронно издание на WEB страницата на катедра МЕНК.


Name of the course:

Fluid Mechanics

Code: FBsME20 Semester: 3

Type of teaching:


Laboratory Works

Lessons per week:

L - 3 hours,

LW-2 hours

Number of credits: 7

LECTURER: Prof. DSc. Ivan Slaveikov Antonov

(EMF), e-mail: [email protected]

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for the students of all

mechanical engineering specialties BEng programme in Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: After completing the course students should

know basic concepts, equations and relationships, and can apply them in solving the engineering

problems associated with the movement and status of liquids and gases

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: Learn the basic laws of hydromechanics and quantitative

relationships: basic equation of hydrostatics, the equation of continuity, equation of Bernuli;

theorem for the quantity of movement. Learn basic problems with the application of these

relationships in engineering practice: pipe networks, hydraulic resistances - linear, local, general,

resistance obtecheno body jet streams. Acquire basic knowledge of the experimental study of

hydraulic devices and their characteristics.

PREREQUISITES: Knowledge of basic physical laws, knowledge of basic mathematical

methods (such as vector analysis, differential equations private, complex functions).

METHOD OF TEACHING: Lectures, using slides and tables, laboratory exercises with




BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Madzhirski V., Mechanics of fluids. S. Technology, 1991 2. C. Yankov,

Ivan Antonov. Methodological guidance on the mechanics of fluids. S., 1991 3. Yankov B.,

Mechanics of fluids. S., TU, 2004.


Name of the course

English Language

Code: FBsME21 Semester: 3

Type of teaching:


Lessons per week:

Tut - 2 hours

Number of credits: 0

LECTURER: Senior Lecturer: Kalina Ivanova Belcheva, PhD

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy)

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for the students of all

mechanical engineering specialties BEng programme in Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: To acquire knowledge and skills in the four

basic language skills: reading, speaking, listening and writing. To expand and ensure appropriate

use of basic engineering terminology in specific technical context. To master practical

communication skills.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: Main topics: Passive voice; Futurity; CV; Job

Application; Job interview; Integers; Properties; States of the matter; Technical terminology of

the specific field; Diagrams, charts and tables; Air Conditioning; Heating systems; Steam

boilers; Power stations; Safety Rules; Instructions.

PREREQUISITES: English language competence at level A1 based on European Framework

of Reference for Languages: basic knowledge of the language, familiar everyday expressions and

simple phrases.

TEACHING METHODS: Communicative language approach. Learning by doing.

Differentiated teaching. Group work. Independent study. Team projects.

METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: Current assessment. Project work. Two tests.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Danchev, A., N. Stoilova et al., English for Bulgarians, Book One,

Naoka I Izkustvo, S., 1983; 2. Liz Soars, John Soars, 2009, New Headway Elementary, Third

Edition: Student's Book, Oxford; 3. John Soars, Liz Soars, Sylvia Wheeldon, 2009, New

Headway Elementary: Workbook, OUP; 4. Митовска, Сн., Л. Левкова, Английски за

студенти от Машинно-електротехническите институти, ВМЕИ, 1983, София; 5.

Glendinning E. H., Oxford English for Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, OUP, 1995; 6. Brieger, N. & Pohl A., Technical English Vocabulary and Grammar, Oxford: Summertown,

2002; 7. Wikipedia.


Name of the course

German Language

Code: FBsME21 Semester: 3

Type of teaching:


Lessons per week:

Tut - 2 hours

Number of credits: 0

LECTURER: Senior Lecturer Nikolai Yankov Yankov

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy), email: [email protected]

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for the students of all

mechanical engineering specialties BEng programme in Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: The students will acquire knowledge and

skills to read, understand and freely use specific technical literature and documentation; it will

enlarge their technical usage of the language throughout attaining communicative, situational

and thematic minimum of it.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: How to present ourselves to our friends. Conditional

clause. How to present ourselves to our colleagues: actions, responsibilities. Distributing tasks.

The negation in German. Preparation for meeting. Guidelines for maintaining the office

technology. What we shouldn’t forget before we go on holidays. Reservations. Preparation. How

did you spend your holiday? Assessment: positive, negative. Ways to express agreement and

disagreement. How to make a report for the official event.

PREREQUISITES: Students previous knowledge in German from secondary and high school.

TEACHING METHODS: Workshops: discussions, tests, dialogues, rotation.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. N.Becker, J.Braunert, Allgag § Beruf 1, Hueber Verlag, 2010. 2.

N.Becker, J.Braunert, Allgag § Beruf 2, Hueber Verlag, 2010. 3. D.Niebisch, F.Specht,

Schritte international 1, Hueber Verlag, 2009. 4. D.Niebisch, F.Specht, Schritte international 2,

Hueber Verlag, 2010. 5. G.Bosch, Chr.Dahmen, Schritte international im Beruf, Hueber Verlag,

2010. 6. Zeffe.E., J.Jenssen, H.Mueller, Aus moderner Technik und Naturwissenschaft, Max

Hueber Verlag, 2002. 7. Христоматия по немски език за студентите от

машиностроителните специалности.


Name of the course

French Language

Code: FBsME21 Semester: 3

Type of teaching:


Lessons per week:

Tut - 2 hours

Number of credits: 0

LECTURER: Senior Lecturer Snejana Stefanova Konsulova PhD

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy), [email protected]

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for the students of all

mechanical engineering specialties BEng programme in Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: The main topics concern: The course aims at

acquiring knowledge and skills in reading, understanding and using specific technical

phraseology, specific for their study course. It prepares students in reading and translating

technical literature and documents.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: The main topics concern: Energy is a richness.Technical

terminology. Solar batteries. Technical terminology. The computer and the flow of technical

information. Technical terminology. Presentation Power point. Pleading the individual translated


PREREQUISITES: Students previous knowledge in French from secondary and high school.

TEACHING METHODS: Workshops: discussions, tests, dialogues, rotation.

METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: Continuous assessment.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Учебник: “Френският и ние”, Издателство “Наука и изкуство”, С.,

1989; 2. Учебник по френски език и Христоматия - помагало, издание на Технически

университет; 3. Списание “ Изследвания” - Френско издателство.


Name of the course

Russian Language

Code: FBsME21 Semester: 3

Type of teaching:


Lessons per week:

Tut - 2 hours

Number of credits: 0


Senior Lecturer Natalia Dimitrova Dimitrova, PhD

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy), email: [email protected]

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for the students of all

mechanical engineering specialties BEng programme in Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: To introduce students to the specifics of

scientific style of speech and scientific literature; to the terminology, characteristic of every

specialty; to develop skills in reading and understanding literature; to gain knowledge of creating

minimal scientific texts, plan theses, summary, annotation; to assimilate minimum of

constructing a monologue; to learn to make a statement or give presentation.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: The course in Russian Language aims at preparing

students in assimilating the basic grammatical, lexical and phrasal elements from the general

Russian Language. On the basis of the mastered grid of scientific-technical lexical items, term

tests and presentation of self-prepared translation of technical text of 150 pages the final mark of

the student is formed.

PREREQUISITES: Knowledge and skills in Russian Language of the students from the

secondary school.

TEACHING METHODS: Lecture-seminar occupation, talks, tests, dialogues or role games.

METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: Continuous assessment.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Русский язык. Учебник для студентов высших машинно-

электротехнических институтов, Наука и искуство, С.,1978; 2. Русский язык. Учебник для

студентов машиностроительных специальностей, ВМЭИ, Наука и искуство, С.,1989; 3.

Учебник русского языка с элементами программирования, “Техника”, С., 1975; 4. Сборник

текстов по русскому языку для инженеров и техников, Наука и искуство, С.,1987.


Name of the course

Bulgarian Language

Code: FBsME21 Semester: 3

Type of teaching:


Lessons per week:

Tut – 3 hours,

Number of credits: 0


Senior Lecturer Natalia Dimitrova Dimitrova, PhD

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy), email: [email protected]

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for the students of all

mechanical engineering specialties BEng programme in Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: Students to know and use the lexical units of

scientific style of language, the typical scientific - technical literature syntactic and semantic

structures to read and understand texts of scientific and technical topic, have good language base

to continue self-learning language the specialty. After completing the course, students use

familiar syntactic and semantic structures in new contexts, operate with them in new situations,

understand and reproduce the content of texts on the subject, have developed written and oral

skills and habits, able to build monologue speech science and technology theme.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: The main topics concern: Heat insulation of houses

during their building. Generalization on phonetics. Exercises. Fluid resist. Generalization on

morphology - The sign language. The dolphins outperform the fastest ships. Why?

Generalization on lexicology. Designing shafts and axis. Materials and their a constructive

design. Рhrase. Products of the blast furnace. Types of simple sentences. In space. Principal parts

of the sentence. Mechanisms. Secondary parts of the sentence -object. Robot. Secondary parts of

the sentence -adjunct. PREREQUISITES: Bulgarian for foreigners - preparatory training. TEACHING METHODS: Lectures for the provision of specific theoretical knowledge of

grammar and stylistics and seminars with pithy center - text and learning system from exercises

large driving teaching character-type listening comprehension, reading comprehension, audirane,

writing, participate in discussions, dialogues, role games testing.

METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: continuous control during the semester testing and summarized

assessments for each academic year.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1.Атанасова М., М. Алмалех, К. Диамандиева. Пособие по български

език за чуждестранните студенти от ВМЕИ – първи курс., С., 1989. 2. Атанасова М.,

Учебник по български език за чуждестранни студенти от II курс при ТУ- София, С., 1994.

3. Кръстев Б. Граматика за всички, С., 1992.; 4. Манолова Л. Речник на лингвистичните

термини в българския език, С., 1999.; 5. Пашов П. Практическа българска граматика, С.,

1989.; 6. Артоболевский И. Политехнически тълковен речник, С., 1977. 7.Учебници и

лекции по специалните дисциплини; интернет-сайтове, обучаващи програми и речници.


Name of the course


Code: FBsME22 Semester: 3

Type of teaching:


Lessons per week:

Tut - 3 hours

Number of credits: 0

LECTURERS: Senior Lecturer: Konstantin Ivanov Basanov

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy)

Senior Lecturer: Yurii Andonov Balev

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy)

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for the students of all

mechanical engineering specialties BEng programme in Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: To reach the main goal of physical education,

i.e. to sustain the teaching/learning process as well as the mental and physical abilities of

students. To improve the health state of students.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: An introductory course. Organization, norms and

requirements. Control tests. Preparation – warming-up-general developing and running

exercises, sports pedagogical tests. Cross-running and gymnast exercises. Low and high start.

Aerobics and exercises for agility, flexibility and general stamina. Relay games. Leaps, table

tennis and quiet games. Special warming-up exercises. Sports games – technical-and-tactics

methods. Combinations in defence and attack – basketball, volleyball, games. Fitness and

strength-building exercises – development of speed, strength and power. Exercises with different

equipment. Tourism – outings, trips. Walking technique, orientation.

PREREQUISITES: To acquire skills and habits for sports.

TEACHING METHODS: Adapted from Sofia TU, Sliven sports facilities and pitches.

METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: Sports and educational tests, medical and functional tests as a

means of evaluation of physical development. The course ends in IV semester.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Рачев, К. и колектив, ТМФВ, С., МФ, 1987. 2. Желязков, Цв. И

колектив, ТМСТ, С., МФ, 1986. 3. Бичев, К., Физиологични тестове, НСА.


Name of the course:

Strength of Materials Part II

Code: FBsME23 Semester: 4

Type of teaching:



Laboratory Works

Lessons per week:

L – 2 hours,

Tut - 1 hour,

LW – 1 hour.

Number of credits: 5

LECTURER: Assoc. Prof. PhD R. Petrova

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy); email: [email protected]

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for the students of all

mechanical engineering specialties BEng programme in Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: To provide students with knowledge of

calculating constructive machine elements and equipment taking into consideration exterior

factors and different physical-mechanical characteristics of materials.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: Basic issues included in the course are: toughness of

constructive elements; energy methods of defining displacement; solutions to static

constructions; methods of defining max constructions; reliability in exploitation.

PREREQUISITES: Knowledge of Mathematics, Mechanics and Science of Materials.

TEACHING METHODS: Lectures, Tutorials, Laboratory Exercises.



BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Л. Лазов, Съпротивление на материалите - ч. 1, ТУ-София, 2008. 2.

Л. Лазов , Г. Стойчев, Вл. Василев, Таблици по съпротивление на материалите, София,

2007. 3. Л. Лазов и Г. Стойчев, Съпротивление на материалите в примери и

задачи,ч.1,София, 2008. 4. Л. Лазов и Г. Стойчев, Съпротивление на материалите в

примери и задачи,ч.2,София, 2006. 5. И. Кисъов. Съпротивление на материалите, Техника,

1980. 6. B. Ferdinand, E, Russell. Mechanics of Materials, SI Metric Edition, 2005. 7. Hibbeler,

R.C: Technische Mechanik 2 - Festigkeitslehre. 2005.


Name of the course:

Machine Elements Part II

Code: FBsME24 Semester: 4

Type of teaching:



Laboratory Works,

Semester Project

Lessons per week:

L – 2 hours,

Tut - 1 hour,

LW – 1 hour,


Number of credits: 7


Assoc. Prof. Dimitrinka Slavova Dahterova, PhD,

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy), email: [email protected]

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for the students of all

mechanical engineering specialties BEng programme in Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE : Students must gain knowledge about the

applying of methodology for calculating and constructing of machine elements with general use.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: Basic themes: Coupling- function and modes, Gear-

character, function, modes, basic principle of gearing. Cylindrical gear. Rectification of

indented wheel- character and function. Worm gears- modes, geometric and kinematic

dependences, materials for production. Conical gears. Belt-driving. Chain gears- character,

function and modes, criteria for working capacity, calculating. Friction gears.

PREREQUISITES: Machine elements I, Mathematics, Mechanics, Resistance of the materials, Fundamentals of

design end CAD I

TEACHING METHODS: Lectures with using slides and demo-programs, the laboratory works

with reports.



BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Лефтеров Л., Димитров И., Машинни елементи. С. Техника, 1994;

2.Арнаудов. К., Димитров.И., и др. Машинни елементи. С. Техника, 1980; 4. Димчев Г., К.

Захариев. Машинни елементи. Софттрейд. София, 2006. Николов Н. и др., “Ръководство

за конструктивни упражнения по машинни елементи”, С, Техника, 1992 г.


Name of the course


Code: BsHVAC25 Semester: 4

Type of teaching:


Laboratory Works

Lessons per week:

L – 3 hours

LW – 2 hours

Number of credits: 6

LECTURER: Prof. Ph.D, Eng. P. Kostov

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy), tel.: +359895586448,

e-mail: [email protected], TU- Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for students of Heating,

Ventilation and Air Conditioning Technology BEng programme in Sliven Faculty of

Engineering and Pedagogy at Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: To acquaint students with basic laws of

transformation, transportation and accumulation of heat; methods of thermodynamic analysis;

calculation of heat flows in different machinery and equipment.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: The course deals with basic laws of thermodynamics and

analyses thermodynamic processes and energy-transforming systems. It enriches students’

knowledge about transportation of heat (radiation, convection, conductivity). Basic types of heat

exchangers are studied.

PREREQUISITES: Physic, Mathematics and Chemistry.

TEACHING METHODS: Lectures, laboratory works.



BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Милчев, В. А. Термодинамика на необратимите процеси, С.,

Техника, 1988.; 2. Бродянский, В. М. Енергетический метод термодинамического анализа,

М., Енергия, 1978.; 3. Милчев ,В. А., Д. Узунов, В. Йорданов, Д. Палов, Топлотехника, С.,

Техника, 1989.; 4. Йорданов, В., Д. Палов, П. Костов, Термодинамика и топлопренасяне,

С., Изд. ТУ, 1998.; 5. Бэр ,Г. Д., Техническая термодинамика, М., Мир, 1977.


Name of the course

Heat and Mass Transfer

Code: BsHVAC26 Semester: 4

Type of teaching:



Laboratory Works

Lessons per week:

L – 3 hours,

Tut – 1 hour

LW – 1 hour

Number of credits: 6

LECTURER: Prof. Ph.D, Eng. P. Kostov

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy), tel.: +359895586448,

e-mail: [email protected], TU- Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for students of Heating,

Ventilation and Air Conditioning Technology BEng programme in Sliven Faculty of

Engineering and Pedagogy at Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: The objective of the course is to study

physical bases of heat diffusion through heat-conductivity, convection, radiation, as well as their

general action. Students get acquainted with engineering methods for calculation of different

types of heat-exchange.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: Students get acquainted with theoretical conditions of

heat diffusion and with physical basis of heat-exchange processes.

PREREQUISITES: Knowledge of Mathematics, Physics and Thermal Dynamics is required.

TEACHING METHODS: Lectures and laboratory works.



BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Сендов, С. Х. Топло- и масопренасяне, С., Техника, 1983.] 2.

Кожухаров , Ив. и др., Топлотехника, С., Земиздат, 1990.; 3. Милчев , В. и др.

Термодинамика и топлопренасяне, С., Техника, 1990.; 4. Йовчев , М. и др. Справочник по

енергетика. С., АВС Техника, 1999.; 5. Иванов, В. Топлопренасяне, Техника, С., 4969.; 6.

Костов, П. Топло- и масопренасяне, Печатница СТОЕВ, 2005 г.


Name of the course:

Electrical Engineering and Electronics

Code: FBsME27 Semester: 4

Type of teaching:


Laboratory Works

Lessons per week:

L – 3 hours,

LW – 2 hours

Number of credits: 6


Assoc. Prof. Ph.D Eng.Chervenkova Todorka Valeva,

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy), email: [email protected]

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for the students of all

mechanical engineering specialties BEng programme in Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: The students get theoretical knowledge of the

basic characteristics, symbols, units and law of linear electric circuits, sinusoidal steady-state

analysis, frequency analysis, electrical measurements, electric machines and electronics. They

develop skills for analysis of the given electric circuit, machines and electronic devices.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: linear electric circuits: time invariant circuits (DC);

sinusoidal steady-state analysis and frequency analysis (AC), energy and power, three-phase

circuits, electric measurements, electrical machines and electronics.

PREREQUISITES: Knowledge and skills in Mathematics and Physics.

TEACHING METHODS: Lectures illustrated with schemes, tables and photos and laboratory


METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: Written examination.


BIBLIOGRPHY: 1. Цветков Д., Цанов Д., Павлов Л., Ралчева П. Основи на

електротехниката и електрониката. С.Техника 1989; 2. Фархи С., Папазов С. Теоретична

електротехника, част I. С.Техника 1992; 3. Ангелов Н., Павликянов Е., Тодорова С.,

Георгиев Г. Основи на електротехниката и електрониката. Русе 1988; 4. Цочев Х.

Физически основи на електротехниката.С. 1992; 5. Начев Н и др. Промишлена

електроника. С.Техника 1988; 6. Шишков А. Полупроводникова техника,част I .С.Техника

1989; 7. А. Червенков, Хр. Цочев, Хр. Цибрански, Т. Червенкова. Ръководство за

лабораторни упражнения по Електротехника, ТУ-София 2003.


Name of the course

English Language

Code: FBsME28 Semester: 4

Type of teaching:


Lessons per week:

Tut - 2 hours

Number of credits: 0

LECTURER: Senior Lecturer: Kalina Ivanova Belcheva, PhD

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy),

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for the students of all

mechanical engineering specialties BEng programme in Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: To acquire knowledge and skills in the four

basic language skills: reading, speaking, listening and writing. To expand and ensure appropriate

use of basic engineering terminology in specific technical context. To master practical

communication skills.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: Main topics: Passive voice; Futurity; CV; Job

Application; Job interview; Integers; Properties; States of the matter; Technical terminology of

the specific field; Diagrams, charts and tables; Air Conditioning; Heating systems; Steam

boilers; Power stations; Safety Rules; Instructions.

PREREQUISITES: English language competence at level A1 based on European Framework

of Reference for Languages: basic knowledge of the language, familiar everyday expressions and

simple phrases.

TEACHING METHODS: Communicative language approach. Learning by doing.

Differentiated teaching. Group work. Independent study. Team projects.

METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: Current assessment. Project work. Two tests.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Danchev, A., N. Stoilova et al., English for Bulgarians, Book One,

Naoka I Izkustvo, S., 1983; 2. Liz Soars, John Soars, 2009, New Headway Elementary, Third

Edition: Student's Book, Oxford; 3. John Soars, Liz Soars, Sylvia Wheeldon, 2009, New

Headway Elementary: Workbook, OUP; 4. Митовска, Сн., Л. Левкова, Английски за

студенти от Машинно-електротехническите институти, ВМЕИ, 1983, София; 5.

Glendinning E. H., Oxford English for Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, OUP, 1995; 6.

Brieger, N. & Pohl A., Technical English Vocabulary and Grammar, Oxford: Summertown,

2002; 7. Wikipedia.


Name of the course

German Language

Code: FBsME28 Semester: 4

Type of teaching:


Lessons per week:

Tut - 2 hours

Number of credits: 0

LECTURER: Senior Lecturer Nikolai Yankov Yankov

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy),

email: [email protected]

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for the students of all

mechanical engineering specialties BEng programme in Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: The students will acquire knowledge and

skills to read, understand and freely use specific technical literature and documentation; it will

enlarge their technical usage of the language throughout attaining communicative, situational

and thematic minimum of it.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: How are you? What do you complaint about? Past tenses

of the verb. Verbs with separable prefix. Experts. Regular and irregular verbs. Declension of the

noun. Let’s change housing. Prepositions with the dative and accusative. Let’s tidy up the office.

Rules and regulations. Modal Verbs. Invitation for a wedding. Question sentences. How and

where to get information from? Personal pronouns in accusative and dative. Where is he?

Prepositions with accusative and dative. Let’s agree on the next meeting.

PREREQUISITES: Students previous knowledge in German from secondary and high school.

TEACHING METHODS: Workshops: discussions, tests, dialogues, rotation.

METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: Continuous asessment.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. N.Becker, J.Braunert, Allgag § Beruf 1, Hueber Verlag, 2010. 2.

N.Becker, J.Braunert, Allgag § Beruf 2, Hueber Verlag, 2010. 3. D.Niebisch, F.Specht,

Schritte international 1, Hueber Verlag, 2009. 4. D.Niebisch, F.Specht, Schritte international 2,

Hueber Verlag, 2010. 5. G.Bosch, Chr.Dahmen, Schritte international im Beruf, Hueber Verlag,

2010. 6. Zeffe.E., J.Jenssen, H.Mueller, Aus moderner Technik und Naturwissenschaft, Max

Hueber Verlag, 2002. 7. Христоматия по немски език за студентите от

машиностроителните специалности


Name of the course

French Language

Code: FBsME28 Semester: 4

Type of teaching:


Lessons per week:

Tut - 2 hours

Number of credits: 0

LECTURER: Senior Lecturer Snejana Stefanova Konsulova PhD

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy), [email protected]

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for the students of all

mechanical engineering specialties BEng programme in Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: The course aims at acquiring knowledge and

skills in reading, understanding and using specific technical phraseology, specific for their study

course. It prepares students in reading and translating technical literature and documents.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: The main topics concern: The course prepares students in

acquiring and applying basic grammar and lexical units from the system of the French language.

It enlarges students’ knowledge and skills in their practical use of the language acquiring

communicative set of phrases and words. Students do a written translation of a scientific article

of 30 pages from French into Bulgarian at the end of the second term.

PREREQUISITES: Students previous knowledge in French from secondary and high school.

TEACHING METHODS: Workshops: discussions, tests, dialogues, rotation.

METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: Continuous assessment.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Учебник: “Френският и ние”, Издателство “Наука и изкуство”, С.,

1989; 2. Учебник по френски език и Христоматия - помагало, издание на Технически

университет; 3. Списание “ Изследвания” - Френско издателство.


Name of the course

Russian Language

Code: FBsME28 Semester: 4

Type of teaching:


Lessons per week:

Tut - 2 hours

Number of credits: 0


Senior Lecturer Natalia Dimitrova Dimitrova, PhD

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy), email: [email protected]

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for the students of all

mechanical engineering specialties BEng programme in Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: To introduce students to the specifics of

scientific style of speech and scientific literature; to the terminology, characteristic of every

specialty; to develop skills in reading and understanding literature; to gain knowledge of creating

minimal scientific texts, plan theses, summary, annotation; to assimilate minimum of

constructing a monologue; to learn to make a statement or give presentation.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: The course in Russian Language aims at preparing

students in assimilating the basic grammatical, lexical and phrasal elements from the general

Russian Language. On the basis of the mastered grid of scientific-technical lexical items, term

tests and presentation of self-prepared translation of technical text of 150 pages the final mark of

the student is formed.

PREREQUISITES: Knowledge and skills in Russian Language of the students from the

secondary school.

TEACHING METHODS: Lecture-seminar occupation, talks, tests, dialogues or role games.

METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: Continuous assessment.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Русский язык. Учебник для студентов высших машинно-

электротехнических институтов, Наука и искуство, С.,1978; 2. Русский язык. Учебник для

студентов машиностроительных специальностей, ВМЭИ, Наука и искуство, С.,1989; 3.

Учебник русского языка с элементами программирования, “Техника”, С., 1975; 4. Сборник

текстов по русскому языку для инженеров и техников, Наука и искуство, С.,1987.


Name of the course

Bulgarian Language

Code: FBsME28 Semester: 4

Type of teaching:


Lessons per week:

Tut – 3 hours

Number of credits: 0


Senior Lecturer Natalia Dimitrova Dimitrova, PhD

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy), email: [email protected]

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for the students of all

mechanical engineering specialties BEng programme in Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: Students to know and use the lexical units of

scientific style of language, the typical scientific - technical literature syntactic and semantic

structures to read and understand texts of scientific and technical topic, have good language base

to continue self-learning language the specialty. After completing the course, students use

familiar syntactic and semantic structures in new contexts, operate with them in new situations,

understand and reproduce the content of texts on the subject, have developed written and oral

skills and habits, able to build monologue speech science and technology theme.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: The main topics concern: Standard of speech/ Language

culture./ Secondary parts of the sentence - attribute. Structure of the blast furnace and ancillary

equipment. More about the parts of a sentence. Loop and its main components. Syntactic words,

interposed words and expressions. Measurement parameters of electric circuits. Measurement of

angular and linear dimensions. Word order. Power sources. Complex sentences Exercises A, B.

Connectors. Stylistics-scientific style of the Bulgarian language. Counters. Generalization.

Control test. PREREQUISITES: Bulgarian for foreigners - preparatory training. TEACHING METHODS: Lectures for the provision of specific theoretical knowledge of

grammar and stylistics and seminars with pithy center - text and learning system from exercises

large driving teaching character-type listening comprehension, reading comprehension, audirane,

writing, participate in discussions, dialogues, role games testing.

METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: continuous control during the semester testing and summarized

assessments for each academic year.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1.Атанасова М., М. Алмалех, К. Диамандиева. Пособие по български

език за чуждестранните студенти от ВМЕИ – първи курс., С., 1989. 2. Атанасова М.,

Учебник по български език за чуждестранни студенти от II курс при ТУ- София, С., 1994.

3. Кръстев Б. Граматика за всички, С., 1992.; 4. Манолова Л. Речник на лингвистичните

термини в българския език, С., 1999.; 5. Пашов П. Практическа българска граматика, С.,

1989.;6. Артоболевский И. Политехнически тълковен речник, С., 1977. 7.Учебници и

лекции по специалните дисциплини; интернет-сайтове, обучаващи програми и речници.


Name of the course


Code: FBsME29 Semester: 4

Type of teaching:


Lessons per week:

Tut - 3 hours

Number of credits: 0

LECTURER: Senior Lecturer: Konstantin Ivanov Basanov

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy)

Senior Lecturer: Yurii Andonov Balev

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy)

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for the students of all

mechanical engineering specialties BEng programme in Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: To reach the main goal of physical education,

i.e. to sustain the teaching/learning process as well as the mental and physical abilities of

students. To improve the health state of students.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: An introductory course. Organization, norms and

requirements. Control tests. Preparation – warming-up-general developing and running

exercises, sports pedagogical tests. Cross-running and gymnast exercises. Low and high start.

Aerobics and exercises for agility, flexibility and general stamina. Relay games. Leaps, table

tennis and quiet games. Special warming-up exercises. Sports games – technical-and-tactics

methods. Combinations in defence and attack – basketball, volleyball, games. Fitness and

strength-building exercises – development of speed, strength and power. Exercises with different

equipment. Tourism – outings, trips. Walking technique, orientation.

PREREQUISITES: To acquire skills and habits for sports.

TEACHING METHODS: Adapted from Sofia TU, Sliven sports facilities and pitches.

METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: Sports and educational tests, medical and functional tests as a

means of evaluation of physical development. The course ends in IV semester.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Рачев, К. и колектив, ТМФВ, С., МФ, 1987. 2. Желязков, Цв. И

колектив, ТМСТ, С., МФ, 1986. 3. Бичев, К., Физиологични тестове, НСА.