Condition and Processes Underlying the Emergence of New Zones of Economic Interactio : Desakota Given the diversity of these transition, it may well be argued that the desa kota have litle in c ommon. However, certain common conditions and processes occur in these regions. First, virtually all these region are characterized by densely population, small-holder cultivation agriculture, commonly wt-rice, that involves careful water management and groeconomic practices. Densities frequently approach one thousand person per square k ilometer of cultivated land. The organization of resources typical of a skill-oriented technology such as intensive rice farming dovetails very neatly with petty commodity production, which requires little capital to set up family enterprise and absorbs surplus labour without deepriving the farm of workers at times of peak demand. It can be expanded, diversified or contracted according to market demands, but the combination with thee rice farm guarantees thefamily subsistance. The products can be conveniently conveyed to local or national markets by merchants, who pay the villagers for their labour and often provide raw materials as well as information on the state of the market. Thus, it possible to argue that the labor force of these rice bowl areas was culturally prepared to commit its labor to various forms of new noagricultural activity. Second, in virtuslly sll the rice-bowl areas there were large cities or clusters of cities such as Calcuta, Shanghai, Bangkok that provided both opportunities for seasonal labor and important markets for rural rice and other products. The linkages with these cities were important for the surrounding rural areas for cultural and economic reasons. Third, these regions were frequently characterized by a well-developed infrastructure of roads and canals that allowed an intense movement of commodities and people. Fourth, by the early 1950 all these regions were large, cheap labor reservoirs waiting to be tapped by state, international, and privat capital investment. In other countries, these processes moved more slowly, partly because the institutional changes of the three tigers could not be implemented. The Philippines is an excellent example of initial succes and then slowdown because of bad government. Fifth, all the desakota regions were characterized by highly intregated transactive environtments in terms of movement of people and comodities, for example. In many cases the dense network of rural canals and waterways was central to this intregation in the pre-world war ii period. Finally, it is important to act knowledge the role of expansion of the global economy and international division of labor, which create a situation where national goverments responsible for gigantic, cheap labor pools have adopted different policies with respect to permitting or encouraging their countries labor to be tapped for national and international industrial growth. In this respect the location of desakota type 1 and 2 regions adjacent to large cities and transportation points has been particularly important. From the view point of many investors, investment in industry in these regions is cheaper for virtually all the factors of production, and they are able to avoid some of diseconomies that exist in the large urban zones. Thus, these regions are important areas of subcontracting for portion of the industrial produstion process. To summarize, the regions designated as desakota have six main features. (1) They have been or are characterixe by a large population engaged in small-holder cultivation of rice that in the pre-world

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war II period conducted considerable interaction through accesible transportation routes. (2) They

are generally characterized by an increase in agricultural activities in areas that have previously been

largely agricultural. (3) The desakota zones are generally characterized by extreme fluidity and

mobility of the population. (4) The desakota zones are characterized by an intense mixture of land

use with agriculture, cottage industry, industrial estates, suburban developments, and other use

existing side by side. (5) Another feature of desakota zone is increased participation of females innon agricultural labor. (6) Finally, desakota zone are some extent invisible or grey zone from the

viewpoint of the state authorities. Urban regulation may not apply in these rural areas, and it Is

difficult for the state to enforce them despite the rapidly changing economic strusture of the regions.

In essence, then, the central processes that shape these regions are the dynamic linkages between

agriculture and nonagriculture, and investment seeking to utilize cheap labor and land within a

distinctive agroecological setting.

In desakota regions that show the greatest increase of both agricultural and nonagricultural income,

there is general rise in household income. Depending on the expenditure decission of household

example saving/expenditure rasios, there may be an increase in demand for local supplies, goodsfrom urban centers, and imports.

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Kondisi Dan Proses Yang mendasari Kemunculan

Zone Baru Interkasi Ekonomi: Desakota

Dengan keanekaragaman transisi yang terjadi, dapat dikatakan bahwa adanya

desakota menjadi suatu hal yang umum. Pertama, hampir semua daerah memiliki populasi

yang tinggi dan pertanian dalam skala kecil yang menggunakan pengunaan air secara

bersama-sama dan penerapan agroekonomi. Kedua, hampir semua penghasil lumbung padi

yang ada di kota besar besar seperti Calcuta, Shanghai, dan Bangkok memberikan peluang

untuk tenaga kerja musiman dan pasar di pedesaan akan beras dan produk lainnya.

Keterkaitan dengan kota besar penting untuk melindungi budaya dan ekonomi pada area

pedesaan. Ketiga, desakota ditandai dengan infrastruktur berupa saluran dan jalan yang

dibangun dengan baik, yang memungkinkan pergerakan orang-orang maupun uang.

Keempat, pada awal 1950, hampir semua wilayah desakota penyedia tenaga kerja murah

diakui statusnya secara internasional maupun privat. Dengan ini, tenaga kerja ditempatkan

ke dalam kegiatan bukan pertanian dengan jelas atau legal dari negera satu ke negara lain

dan daerah satu ke daerah lain. Kelima, daerah desakota ditandai oleh transactive yang

sangat terintegrasi dengan lingkungan dalam kaitan dengan pergerakan tenaga kerja dan

akomodasi. Dalam banyak hal, banyaknya jaringan sungai pedesaan/jalan air menjadi

pendorong terjadinya integrasi pada akhir perang dunia ke dua. Pada akhirnya, penting

untuk bertindak sesuai peran dalam perluasan ekonomi global dan pembagian kerja

internasional, yang menciptakan suatu situasi dimana pemerintahan bertanggung jawab atas

tenaga kerja dengan mengadopsi kebijakan berbeda berkenaan dengan perijinan atau

memberi peluang kepada negara-negara tempat mereka bekerja untuk menciptakan

pertumbuhan industri internasional. Dalam hal ini, akses transportasi yang dimiliki desakota

ke kota-kota besar menjadi poin-poin yang sangat penting. Investasi dalam industri di

desakota lebih murah dalam hal faktor-faktor produksi, sehingga mereka dapat menghindari

kerugian apabila di kota besar. Oleh karena itu, desakota adalah area yang penting sebagai

bagian berlangsungnya kegiatan industri.Pada dasarnya, desakota mempunyai enam corak utama. (1) desakota memiliki populasi

besar serta memiliki pertanian dalam skala kecil dan telah memiliki akses transportasi yang

mudah. (2) desakota ditandai oleh peningkatan aktivitas bukan pertanian pada area yang

sebelumnya sebagian besar pertanian. (3) Desakota biasanya ditandai oleh mobilitas dan

ketidakstabilan populasi yang tinggi. (4) Desakota ditandai oleh suatu campuran

penggunaan lahan dengan pertanian, industri rakyat, pabrik, pengembangan di pinggiran

kota, dan penggunaan lain yang saling berdampingan. (5) Ciri desakota adalah peningkatan

partisipasi perempuan di dalam kegiatan bukan pertanian. (6) Terakhir, desakota merupakanperluasan ‘zona abu-abu’  dari sudut pandang kejelasan otoritas. Peraturan berkenaan

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dengan kota tidak berlaku pada area pedesaan ini, sulit untuk menguatkan desa kota karena

tingginya perubahan struktur ekonomi wilayah. Pada intinya, proses yang membentuk

daerah ini adalah keterkaitan dinamis antara pertanian dan non pertanian, dan investasi

untuk menggunakan tenaga kerja murah dan lahan di suatu wilayah agroecological.

Desakota menunjukkan peningkatan terbesar dalam pendapatan pertanian dan bukan

pertanian, sehingga terdapat kenaikan pada pendapatan rumah tangga. Tergantung pada

keputusan pembelanjaan pada rumah tangga apakah akan disimpan atau dibelanjakan,

sehingga dapat memungkinkan terjadinya peningkatan permintaan terhadap persediaan

barang-barang lokal, barang-barang dari pusat kota, maupun barang impor.