2011-12 School Development Day DERNSW Professional Learning Ideas 1 School Development Day Professional Learning Ideas, 2011 This document will give some suggestions for Professional learning activities both on School Development Days and for regular staff professional learning opportunities held during the school year. Building Collaborative Teams – using the Final Word Protocol for digital pedagogy discussions 1. Form cross-KLA groups of 4 to 5 2. Read the selected passage (link here to a really thought provoking passage on technology and pedagogy a. Fullan: Learning is the Work: http://bit.ly/fullanwork b. Extract from Why Peer Coaching? http://bit.ly/PCoverview 3. Follow the instructions as outlined in the Final Word protocol http://bit.ly/finalword which can be run off for the workshop or accessed if all teachers come with their laptops. 4. Once everyone has had their turn using this protocol, the group could debrief on the effectiveness of this protocol in surfacing deep thinking on ICT and teaching and learning; the group could also consider the ways in which a coaching model might enhance their professional learning and make one or more recommendations as to how the school could move forward here. 5. Bring your reflections back to the whole staff as a report. Allow 40-50 minutes for activity and 10 minutes for report with Q&A Leading change to strengthen digital learning opportunities This workshop will use the documents in this PDF portfolio: http://bit.ly/leadingdigitalchange Form groups (6 to 10) Using the Digital Education, Making Change Happen document: o Review the summaries of the first three elements in Digital Education, Making Change Happen Document o Divide group into 3 and assign each group one of the three elements listed below: Element 1: Personalising and extending student learning Element 2: Enabling leadership Element 3: Supporting professional learning Each smaller group should prepare a report or reflection for the whole group on the element they have been assigned. Report back to group the above reflection (10 minutes) As a Whole group: o You will need to appoint a facilitator from your group or a group leader to work through the actions. o Actions Complete the survey on the Individual reflection sheet to determine where you feel you/your school is at. This document can be located in the PDF Portfolio linked above Identify the gaps in your school digital pedagogy plan What actions/strategies could be put in place to move the school forward to accomplished/leading status? Use the column provided in the reflection sheet to complete this activity Prepare a report with recommendations and actions to be shared with the whole staff. Allow about an hour and a half for this activity

DERNSW Professional Learning suggestions for School Development Days, 2011

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Professional Learning Suggestions for DERNSW 1 to 1 Pedagogy Implemention on School Development Days, 2011

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Page 1: DERNSW Professional Learning suggestions for School Development Days, 2011

2011-12 School Development Day DERNSW Professional Learning Ideas 1

School Development Day Professional Learning Ideas, 2011

This document will give some suggestions for Professional learning activities both on School Development Days and

for regular staff professional learning opportunities held during the school year.

Building Collaborative Teams – using the Final Word Protocol for digital pedagogy discussions

1. Form cross-KLA groups of 4 to 5

2. Read the selected passage (link here to a really thought provoking passage on technology and pedagogy

a. Fullan: Learning is the Work: http://bit.ly/fullanwork

b. Extract from Why Peer Coaching? http://bit.ly/PCoverview

3. Follow the instructions as outlined in the Final Word protocol http://bit.ly/finalword which can be run off for

the workshop or accessed if all teachers come with their laptops.

4. Once everyone has had their turn using this protocol, the group could debrief on the effectiveness of this

protocol in surfacing deep thinking on ICT and teaching and learning; the group could also consider the ways

in which a coaching model might enhance their professional learning and make one or more

recommendations as to how the school could move forward here.

5. Bring your reflections back to the whole staff as a report.

Allow 40-50 minutes for activity and 10 minutes for report with Q&A

Leading change to strengthen digital learning opportunities

This workshop will use the documents in this PDF portfolio: http://bit.ly/leadingdigitalchange

Form groups (6 to 10)

Using the Digital Education, Making Change Happen document:

o Review the summaries of the first three elements in Digital Education, Making Change Happen


o Divide group into 3 and assign each group one of the three elements listed below:

Element 1: Personalising and extending student learning

Element 2: Enabling leadership

Element 3: Supporting professional learning

Each smaller group should prepare a report or reflection for the whole group on the element they have been


Report back to group the above reflection (10 minutes)

As a Whole group:

o You will need to appoint a facilitator from your group or a group leader to work through the actions.

o Actions

Complete the survey on the Individual reflection sheet to determine where you feel

you/your school is at. This document can be located in the PDF Portfolio linked above

Identify the gaps in your school digital pedagogy plan

What actions/strategies could be put in place to move the school forward to

accomplished/leading status? Use the column provided in the reflection sheet to complete

this activity

Prepare a report with recommendations and actions to be shared with the whole staff.

Allow about an hour and a half for this activity

Page 2: DERNSW Professional Learning suggestions for School Development Days, 2011

2011-12 School Development Day DERNSW Professional Learning Ideas 2

Use Acrobat Pro Extend to Develop PDF Comment Techniques

Commenting and using markup tools on PDF documents can be a great paperless, and time efficient feedback


Using student work samples converted into PDF documents explore these PDF comment techniques.

Discuss how these techniques could be used for

o Student self-reflection,

o Teacher feedback,

o Collaborative peer feedback

o Literacy integration.

Identify a learning or assessment experience that would be enhanced by using PDF comment techniques

then make the changes to integrate these strategies into the task.

Allow one hour for this activity

Find your own tool workshop – tools to enhance collaboration and digital learning

When using a webtool it is important to consider the pedagogical use of the technology. In this workshop you will

discover where to find new tools, and then to use a Web Tool Integration Guide to consider the implementation of

these tools. Allow one hour for this workshop.


Download, and print if required, the Web Tool Integration Guide at: http://bit.ly/webtoolintegration

Ensure all participants are able to access: http://bit.ly/webtoolworkshop


Look at the Web Tool Integration Guide to consider its use and applicability when finding new tools. (5 mins)

Look at the ‘Find Your Own Tool’ Scoop.it Page – as a group flick through the first presentation to discuss

some of the newer tools, discussing the use of any already seen or utilised in class. (15 mins)

In pairs, use the links to other Web Tool repository sites to discover some new tools. Use the Web Tool

Integration Guide to consider the implementation of tools into existing programs to foster more

collaboration within classrooms. (30 mins)

Come back together as a group and share the tools found and their use in teaching and learning programs.

(10 mins)

Allow 1 hour for this activity

Short Video Festival

In small cross faculty teams use the UCreate a video podcast or UCreate an audio podcast resource to create a

podcast film about “learning” (past, present, or future). Once the films are completed, and run a short video festival

of your productions.

Then in faculty teams, identify an assessment task or learning activity for which it would be suitable for students to

create podcasts. Once you have identified this task, redesign it to incorporate the podcast.

Allow two hours for this activity

Page 3: DERNSW Professional Learning suggestions for School Development Days, 2011

2011-12 School Development Day DERNSW Professional Learning Ideas 3

Design a rich assessment for learning task based on Claymation using DERNSW technology

Search Youtube for “Claymation” or “Legomation” for some ideas to discover stop-motion animation

Identify an assessment task in which students need to demonstrate understanding of a concept

Follow these 4 easy steps to create your first stop-motion animation:


Create a rubric that addresses curriculum content and design principles

Create the assessment task including requirements for a storyboard, limited time video and a reflection

Allow two hours for this activity

5 tools for online spaces Using online spaces is an important activity in digital learning. Use the document at: http://bit.ly/DERNSW5tools to guide your choice of online space in which you can easily share resources, collect resources, hold discussions, share student work or reflect. It is not a comprehensive list, rather a few sites for consideration.

Split group into 5 groups.

Each group take a tool and explore for 30 mins. Be prepared to report back on:

o Ideas for use

o Ease of use

o Ideas of existing activities that could work in that space

o In 5 star scale of intent to use it, how many stars?

Come back together and share findings as per the 4 dot points above.

As a whole group continue discussion into who is going to use each tool, and consider making buddies to support the development of the individual spaces.

1 hour activity

Previous Professional Learning Suggestions:

2009: http://bit.ly/sdd2009dernsw

2010: http://bit.ly/sdd2010ideas