DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE HEADQUARTERS 509TH BOMB WING (AFGSC) WHITEMAN AIR FORCE BASE, MISSOURI Defend…Avenge! AFI21-101_WHITEMANAFBSUPGM2017_01 10 August 2017 MEMORANDUM FOR 509 BW AND ALL PERSONNEL ASSIGNED TO WHITEMAN AFB FROM: 509 BW/CC 509 Spirit Blvd, Suite 509 Whiteman AFB, MO 65305-5055 SUBJECT: Whiteman Air Force Base Guidance Memorandum to AFI21-101_WHITEMANAFB Supplement 31 Jan 2017, Aircraft and Equipment Maintenance Management. 1. This is a Guidance Memorandum immediately implementing changes to AFI 21-101 Whiteman AFB Supplement dated 31 Jan 2017. Compliance with this Memorandum is mandatory. To the extent its directions are inconsistent with other Air Force publications, the information herein prevails, in accordance with AFI 33-360, Publications and Forms Management. 2. To continue sustained FY17 Flying Hour Program operations, Whiteman Air Force Base hot pit procedures have been updated to allow increased refuel capability. The updated procedures allow for adjacent refueling of B-2 aircraft on hardstand 1-6 and conflict with current guidance in AFI 21-101 Whiteman AFB Supplement dated 31 Jan 2017. 3. A Site Certification Team was assembled on 11 May 2017 consisting of members from AMXS, Airfield Ops, QA, BW Safety, B-2 Fuels Mgmt, CE, and Fire Protection as required by AFI 21-101 AFGSCSUP dated 26 Oct 2015. All Site Certification Team members concurred on updating B-2 hot pit refuel operations to allow hot pit refueling on adjacent hard stands. Additionally, hot pad supervisor and hot pit supervisor checklist have been updated to reflect additional procedures required to ensure personnel and aircraft safety while performing adjacent hot pit refueling operations. 4. Current AFI 21-101 Whiteman AFB Supplement dated 31 Jan 2017 guidance is as follows: a. (Added) Ensure adjacent hardstands are not used during hot pit refueling operations. Example: If you are hot pit refueling on hardstand 2, you cannot park an aircraft on hardstands 1 or 3 for any reason. b. (Added) Supervisor will: c. (Added) Hot pit refuel on approved sites only. Simultaneous hot refueling on these sites does not require a pad supervisor according to additional instructions and site certification team. d. (Added) All hardstands will only be hot pit refueled using systems approved by the site certification team.

DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE HEADQUARTERS 509TH BOMB WING ...static.e-publishing.af.mil/production/1/whitemanafb/publication/... · department of the air force headquarters 509th bomb

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10 August 2017


FROM: 509 BW/CC 509 Spirit Blvd, Suite 509

Whiteman AFB, MO 65305-5055

SUBJECT: Whiteman Air Force Base Guidance Memorandum to AFI21-101_WHITEMANAFB Supplement 31 Jan 2017, Aircraft and Equipment Maintenance Management.

1. This is a Guidance Memorandum immediately implementing changes to AFI 21-101 WhitemanAFB Supplement dated 31 Jan 2017. Compliance with this Memorandum is mandatory. To the extent its directions are inconsistent with other Air Force publications, the information herein prevails, in accordance with AFI 33-360, Publications and Forms Management.

2. To continue sustained FY17 Flying Hour Program operations, Whiteman Air Force Base hot pitprocedures have been updated to allow increased refuel capability. The updated procedures allow for adjacent refueling of B-2 aircraft on hardstand 1-6 and conflict with current guidance in AFI 21-101 Whiteman AFB Supplement dated 31 Jan 2017.

3. A Site Certification Team was assembled on 11 May 2017 consisting of members from AMXS,Airfield Ops, QA, BW Safety, B-2 Fuels Mgmt, CE, and Fire Protection as required by AFI 21-101 AFGSCSUP dated 26 Oct 2015. All Site Certification Team members concurred on updating B-2 hot pit refuel operations to allow hot pit refueling on adjacent hard stands. Additionally, hot pad supervisor and hot pit supervisor checklist have been updated to reflect additional procedures required to ensure personnel and aircraft safety while performing adjacent hot pit refueling operations.

4. Current AFI 21-101 Whiteman AFB Supplement dated 31 Jan 2017 guidance is as follows:

a. (Added) Ensure adjacent hardstands are not used during hot pit refuelingoperations. Example: If you are hot pit refueling on hardstand 2, you cannot park an aircraft on hardstands 1 or 3 for any reason.

b. (Added) Supervisor will:

c. (Added) Hot pit refuel on approved sites only. Simultaneous hot refuelingon these sites does not require a pad supervisor according to additional instructions and site certification team.

d. (Added) All hardstands will only be hot pit refueled using systemsapproved by the site certification team.



e. (Added) Contact MOC, Fire Emergency Services (FES) and POL prior to hot refueling, and be responsible for overall safety of refueling operation and conduct of maintenance crew members. In addition, they will ensure individuals assigned to the hot pit crews are fully qualified and use the hot pit refuel supervisor checklist to brief all personnel assigned to hot pits.

f. (Added) The refuel supervisor is responsible for ensuring all equipment and personnel are in place 30 minutes prior to the first aircraft's scheduled arrival at the hot refueling area. Exception, the FES will be in place no later than 15 minutes prior to hot pit refueling operations.

g. (Added) Ensure locally developed checklist procedures are strictly adhered to. The refuel or pad supervisor must ensure that only qualified personnel are allowed in the refueling area. The refuel supervisor will coordinate with the FES supervisor concerning quantity of fuel on board, amount to be serviced and emergency fuel spill response. h. (Added) Ensure adequate lighting is available during hours of darkness. If ball park lights are inoperable, NF-2s (light carts), shall be positioned at the base of ball park lights forward of each wing tip ensuring proper clearance (normally 25 feet). The lights will be tilted so it will not impair the pilot's night vision. i. (Added) Ensure a spill response kit is at each site prior to hot pit refueling operation to divert spills from the storm drains in the immediate area.

. j. (Added) Will not start any hot pit refueling operation without the proper personnel and equipment. All shortfalls will be coordinated with Production Supervisor immediately. 5. This memorandum will replace the current guidance in AFI 21-101 Whiteman AFB Supplement dated 31 Jan 2017 as stated in paragraph 4 above with the following: a. (Added) Ensure adjacent hardstands are not used during hot pit refueling operations, except for adjacent hot pit refuel servicing. Example: If you are hot pit refueling on hardstand 2 hardstand 1 and 3 become a part of the Hot Pit pad area, you cannot park an aircraft on hardstands 1 or 3 for any reason other than hot pit refueling.

b. (Added) Aircraft will have current intent to hot pit before entering hot pad. Every attempt will be made to keep aircraft in a taxi configuration while in the hot pad area to ensure egress of aircraft is achievable. Red Balls will not be worked in hot pad area until all fueling operations are completed or adjacent hardstands are cleared. c. (Added) Refuel Supervisor and/or Pad supervisors will:

d. (Added) Hot pit refuel on approved sites only. Pad supervisor is only required when aircraft are to be hot pit refueled on adjacent hard stands. Example: aircraft hot pitting on hard stands 1 and 2. If open hard stand is between aircraft, pad supervisor is not required per sight certification.

e. (Added) All hardstands will only be hot pit refueled using R-11 or R-12 vehicles.

f. (Added) Contact MOC, Fire Emergency Services (FES) and POL prior to hot refueling, and be responsible for overall safety of refueling operation and conduct of maintenance



crew members. In addition, they will ensure individuals assigned to the hot pit crews are fully qualified and use the hot pit refuel supervisor/pad supervisor checklist to brief all personnel assigned to hot pits.

g. (Added) Refuel and pad supervisor are responsible for ensuring allequipment and personnel are in place 30 minutes prior to the first aircraft's scheduled arrival at the hot refueling area. Exception, the FES will be in place no later than 15 minutes prior to hot pit refueling operations.

h. (Added) Ensure locally developed checklist procedures are strictlyadhered to. The refuel or pad supervisor must ensure that only qualified personnel are allowed in the refueling area. The pad supervisor or refuel supervisor will coordinate with the FES supervisor concerning quantity of fuel on board, amount to be serviced and emergency fuel spill response.

i. (Added) Ensure adequate lighting is available during hours of darkness. Ifball park lights are inoperable, NF-2s (light carts), shall be positioned at the base of ball park lights forward of each wing tip ensuring proper clearance (normally 25 feet). The lights will be tilted so it will not impair the pilot's night vision.

j. (Added) Ensure a spill response kit is at each site prior to hot pit refuelingoperation to divert spills from the storm drains in the immediate area.

k. (Added) Will not start any hot pit refueling operation without the properpersonnel and equipment. All shortfalls will be coordinated with Pad Supervisor or Production Supervisor immediately.

l. (Added) Pad supervisors will be currently tasked with no other aircraftoperations production effort other than the responsibilities as a pad supervisor.

m. (Added) Pad supervisor will have 1 year hot pit A man experience onMDS.

6. This Memorandum becomes void after one-year has elapsed from the date of this Memorandum,or upon publication of an Interim Change or rewrite of AFI 21-101 Whiteman AFB Supplement, whichever is earlier. Any questions regarding this matter should be directed to 509 MXG/QA at DSN: 975-1485.

JOHN J. NICHOLS, Colonel, USAF Commander





21 MAY 2015



31 JANUARY 2017





ACCESSIBILITY: Publications and forms are available on the e-Publishing website at


RELEASABILITY: There are no releasability restrictions on this publication.


Certified by: 509 MXG/CC

(Col Molnar)

Pages: 45

This instruction supplements Air Force Instruction (AFI) 21-101 Air Force Global Strike

Command Supplement, Aerospace Equipment Maintenance Management and prescribes policies

and procedures for governing aircraft maintenance management at Whiteman Air Force Base to

include Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve. Ensure that all records created as a result of

processes prescribed in this publication are maintained in accordance with (IAW) Air Force

Manual (AFMAN) 33-363, Management of Records, and disposed of IAW Air Force Records

Information Management System (AFRIMS) Records Disposition Schedule (RDS). Refer

recommended changes and questions about this publication to the Office of Primary

Responsibility (OPR) using the AF Form 847, Recommendation for Change of Publication; route

AF Forms 847 from the field through the appropriate functional chain of command. (Added) All “Repeat”, “Recur” and “Could Not Duplicate (CND)” discrepancies

require increased supervisory involvement. The authorization to clear “Repeat”, “Recur” and

“CND” will be no lower than a system qualified 7-level. All “Repeat”, “Recur” and “CND”

discrepancies will be reviewed and presented by the AMU at the next daily 509 MXG

Maintenance Stand-Up briefing. (Added) It is not a CND if maintenance personnel fix the malfunction with reboot

and/or reload of software or power cycle. State in the corrective action block, “rebooted,


reloaded, recycled etc.” Use Action Taken L and How Malfunction code 949. This will separate

the CNDs from the duplicate discrepancies. (Added) 509 MXG Technical Order Distribution Office (TODO) will maintain

communication with the maintenance complex to ensure all units have sufficient eTools. If

eTools quantities require adjustment, the TODO will coordinate with lead command to ensure

needs are met.

2.4.53. (Added) All maintenance actions must be documented. Integrated Maintenance Data

System (IMDS) and aircraft forms entries will be completed by the end of each shift. Section

supervisors and production expeditors will review newly added and/or completed aircraft and

equipment forms entries during assigned shifts to ensure accuracy and documentation

completion. (Added) The AMXS and/or MXS Production Flights will validate aircraft/equipment

status at the beginning and end of each shift. All status changes will be coordinated with the

MOC. (Added) The respective AMXS production section will develop independent

recovery plans for aircraft under extensive maintenance events/down time. This plan will be

briefed daily at the 509 MXG Maintenance Stand-Up briefing. (Added) All aircraft document reviews will utilize a local 509 MXG Form. (Added) Functional Check Flight (FCF) requirements will be IAW the 1B-2A-6 or

specific technical guidance. Operational Check Flight (OCF) requirements will be IAW 1-1-300

or specific program guidance.

2.4.55. (Added) In lieu of a local Production Superintendent/Expediter Course, all assigned

Production Superintendents/Expediters shall complete the Advanced Distributed Learning

Service (ADLS) Production Superintendent Course and unit training plan/On the Job

Training(OJT). The course shall be completed within 90 days and training plan/OJT within 180

days from assumption of duties. (Added) Stamp or write “REPEAT” or “RECUR” in red in the discrepancy block and

enter “REPEAT” or “RECUR” at the beginning of the IMDS entry. (Added) If discrepancy is identified as repeat/recur more than once, the appropriate

number will be entered after the word “REPEAT” or “RECUR”.

3.7.12. (Added) All AMXS/MXS personnel and contractors performing any aircraft power-ups

or engine runs will bring the Maintenance Write Cartridge to AMXS/MXASD after task

completion for downloading and analysis.

3.7.13. (Added) Identify OBTS Ground Processor (OGP) software deficiencies through the

OGP Lab at Tinker AFB, OK.

3.7.14. (Added) Generate, retrieve, and analyze the debriefing report from the OGP in support

of each sortie debriefing. Provide 509 AMXS Debrief Section a list of any On Board Test

System (OBTS) reported aircraft malfunctions/faults to be entered into IMDS.

3.7.15. (Added) Ensure system backup and archives are accomplished.


3.7.16. (Added) Provide Comprehensive Engine Testing & Diagnostics Systems (CETADS)

data downloads to 509 MXS Engine Management Section after each flying day.

3.7.17. (Added) Download, process and analyze OBTS data for all aircraft power-ups, engine

runs, and aircraft sorties. Provide timely feedback to maintainers and production on any aircraft

failures noted.

3.7.18. (Added) Submit Aircraft Structural Integrity Program (ASIP) data to OC-ALC on the

first duty day of the month or as requested.

3.7.19. (Added) Download and transmit OBTS data to OC ALC/LALRA Tinker AFB, OK

when required. (Added) Flight Operational Quality Assurance (FOQA), Reliability Centered

Maintenance (RCM) and Aircraft Structural Integrity Program (ASIP) programs will acquire

data as required from OC ALC/LALRA. (Added) Supply data to mishap investigations on media upon request. (Added) Cross-loading will not occur without prior coordination with the Munitions

Control. (Added) Fills out AFTO Form 350 tags, attaches to downloaded unserviceable

munitions, and notifies 509 MUNS Munitions Control. Ensures each form reflects the date,

aircraft tail number, lot number/serial number (if applicable), Weapon Stock Number, noted

discrepancies, quantity downloaded, rack serial number, position number and employee/crew

number. (Added) Appoint Test Measuring/Diagnostic Equipment (TMDE)/Precision

Measuring Equipment Laboratory (PMEL) Manager (Added) Using organizations are responsible to inspect gaseous and cryogenic

servicing carts prior to use. Also, users are responsible to ensure the quantity of the Liquid

Oxygen (LOX) or Liquid Nitrogen (LN2) in the aircraft servicing cart is not and does not fall

below minimum levels, IAW applicable equipment technical orders prior to, and during

servicing. (Added) Hangar One is the primary fuel systems maintenance facility. Alternate fuel

systems maintenance facilities are all B-2 maintenance (refueling) docks. The primary facility

shall be used for all tank/confined space entries and will be utilized prior to an alternate facility.

Hangar 27, T-9 and LO North/South may be used for externally mounted fuel system

components meeting the requirements of TO 1-1-3, Inspection and Repair of Aircraft Integral

Tanks and Fuel Cells. Fuel movement/transfer is not authorized in Hangar 27, T-9 and LO

North/South. (Added) Restrict aircraft in adjoining dock from engine/Auxiliary Power Unit (APU)

runs. No weapons will be loaded or stored in the building . (Added) Externally Mounted Fuel System Components. (Added) Cover openings from the removed components with locally manufactured

caps or plugs to prevent fuel vapors from escaping through the opening. Barrier material,

aluminum foil, plastic bags, etc., will not be used to cover openings.

4 AFI21-101_WHITEMANAFBSUP 31 JANUARY 2017 (Added) The Fuel Section NCOIC or his designated alternates will release the aircraft

for other maintenance once the repairs are complete or caps/plugs are in place. (Added) Prior to fuel system maintenance, the applicable AMXS Production

Superintendent/Flightline Expediter/ Crew Chief will: (Added) Verify the aircraft is defueled according to fuel load requirements in the

aircraft forms. Drain tanks prior to towing and after towing into the fuel systems maintenance

hangar to eliminate any excess fuel in tanks. Tank scavenge will be verified by a 7-level prior to

towing to Hangar 1. (Added) Coordinate with the fuel systems tank entry chief to hangar the aircraft IAW

applicable directives. (Added) Verify the aircraft is safe for fuel dock entry. (Added) Controlled Access. (Added) The designated fuel tank entry chief must approve all concurrent

maintenance activities during fuel systems maintenance before they may occur. (Added) All personnel requiring entry into the fuel systems maintenance hangar

during open fuel systems maintenance will coordinate with MXS Production Super. (Added) Restrictions. (Added) No other maintenance shall be performed on aircraft while inerting,

depuddling, purging and open fuel line operations are in work without entry authority approval. (Added) 509 MXG/CC, in coordination with the 509 OSS/OSW, will establish weather

warning and advisory procedures so that timely, precautionary measures may be taken to ensure

the safety of equipment and personnel. WAFBI 15-111, Base Weather Support Plan, provides

full guidance by which MOC is notified of any current surface weather observations, terminal

area forecast, weather warnings, weather advisories and weather watches. (Added) Components located in the main landing gear wheel-well blow-out area are

classified as permit-required confined spaces. (Added) Aerospace Ground Equipment (AGE) will maintain oil carts to support

AMXS and Transient Alert requirements. These carts will be signed out by the using

organization as required. When signed out, the user will service oil as required and both tanks

will be emptied prior to returning the cart to AGE for storage. They will be returned to the AGE

flight when no longer required by the user or whenever maintenance is required. (Added) Oil cart users will provide oil cart samples to Oil Analysis Program (OAP)

lab every Monday or on the first duty day of the week. Ensure properly annotated DD Form 2026

accompanies samples. Oil cart users will notify OAP lab on the first duty day of the week if any

carts have been turned in for maintenance or placed in mobility status. AGE Flight personnel will

ensure an OAP with satisfactory results is obtained after any maintenance is performed prior to

returning the oil cart to storage. (Added) When contamination is suspected, immediately remove the oil cart from

service. Take another sample and deliver to the OAP lab as soon as possible. Enter a Red X


indicating the possible contamination on AFTO Form 244, Industrial/Support Equipment

Record. (Added) If contamination is confirmed, dispose of contaminated oil and return the

empty cart to AGE Flight for service. AGE will deliver an oil sample to the OAP lab from the

serviced oil cart to ensure no contamination remains. (Added) Upon confirmation of oil cart contamination. (Added) OAP lab will notify MOC who will notify oil cart user. (Added) Oil cart user will immediately identify all engines serviced with

contaminated oil cart. (Added) Engines serviced by contaminated oil cart shall not be operated until

analysis results are known. Refer to applicable TO for oil-contaminated engines. (Added) Equipment issue/storage procedures (Added) The Armament Flight will notify the using units when equipment is

scheduled for inspection. Equipment will be returned to the Armament Flight no later than

Friday prior to the week it is scheduled. The Armament schedule will be sent to 509 MUNS

Plans Scheduling Development (PS&D) and is published in the flying schedule. (Added) All Smart Bomb Rack Assembly (SBRA) and associated support equipment

will be signed out from the Armament Flight by the using unit prior to installation. An AF Form

1297 must be completed. It is the responsibility of the individual signing for the equipment to

ensure all necessary items are accounted for each time equipment is transferred. Hand receipts

will be validated every 30 days. AMXS will be responsible for updating IMDS when loaded on

an aircraft and dock location when uninstalled. Upon removal from aircraft, Armament Flight

will account for all necessary items and return the AF Form 1297 to the user. (Added) Armament Flight will maintain and store all excess conventional equipment

and BRU-44s not installed on Rotary Launcher Assemblies (RLAs). (Added) Aircraft Wash. Hangar 27 is designated as the primary wash facility. (Added) Aircraft Wash Responsibilities. (Added) 509 MXS Structural Maintenance will train AMXS wash supervisors in the

proper use of the following areas: Hangar 27 control measures, soap dispenser, soap air pressure,

hi-volume water hoses, Hotsy universal portable aircraft washer and Personal Protective

Equipment (PPE). Additionally, they will ensure serviceability and replace PPE gear if necessary

(located in hangar 27), aircraft wheel covers, brightener, brushes, wing socks and plastic buckets.

Structures section is also responsible for providing enough aircraft soap to complete wash. (Added) Hangar 27 will be cleaned by the using organization and accepted by 509

MXS/MXMLS. (Added) Aircraft jacking is a shared responsibility between AMXS and MXS. (Added) While aircraft is on jacks in the maintenance dock, personnel will not enter

the jacking area (represented by the red boundary line painted on the floor) unless authorized by

the applicable production super

6 AFI21-101_WHITEMANAFBSUP 31 JANUARY 2017 (Added) Maintenance performed while aircraft is on jacks for landing gear

operational checks will be handled on a case by case basis by the jacking team supervisor and is

limited to maintenance that does not exceed the aircraft center of gravity as per TO 1B-2A-2-

05JG-80-1. Maintenance on top of the aircraft will not be permitted unless the aircraft was

jacked for that specific purpose, in which case, the number of personnel shall be kept to a

minimum. (Added) Maintenance performed while aircraft is on wing jacks will be handled on a

case-by-case basis by the jacking team supervisor. Maintenance on top of the aircraft will not be

permitted unless the aircraft was jacked for that specific purpose. Responsible authority while

aircraft is on wing jacks will be the applicable production super. (Added) Prior to Phase inspection, AMXS will: (Added) Remove Rotary Launch Assembly (RLA)s or SBRAs (Added) Tow aircraft to the aircraft wash location. (Added) A minimum of one dedicated crew chief for day shift and one crew chief for

swing shift is required. Crew chief duty hours during phase will mirror those of inspection

personnel for continuity purposes. (Added) The dedicated crew chief or assistant dedicated crew chief will ensure the

Phase paperless process procedures are followed, and all documents are retained in aircraft

historical files. (Added) Ensure all discrepancies are worked down to back-ordered parts until the

post-dock inspection meeting is complied with. Aircraft supervisory responsibility transfers back

to the AMXS at the post-dock inspection meeting. Provide a list of back ordered parts. (Added) AMXS will provide production superintendent for launch supervision (Added) Inspection Section will: (Added) Wash the aircraft prior to the inspection. Inspection Section personnel and

AMXS personnel (dependent on workload and flying schedule) will accomplish the wash. All

wash personnel will be present for pre-wash safety briefing by wash supervisor. (Added) With assistance from the assigned crew chiefs, tow the aircraft to Hangar T-

9 after the wash to start the depanel process and pre-phase preparation. (Added) Perform preflight and launch of the aircraft for first flight after phase. (Added) Assist affected AMXS personnel with recovery actions (i.e. recovery and

tow to dock). This particular process is entirely dependent on workload and phase schedules.

AMXS will resume responsibility in the event that inspection section cannot support first flight

after phase actions due to other aircraft undergoing phase (Added) Ensure all Phase Inspection work is identified in IMDS by entering “PI” into

the Activity Identifier (AI) field of the associated screen. Crew size documentation should be

limited to maintenance personnel directly contributing to the work involved (hands-on). Do not

use “PI” code for non-Phase related work. (i.e. CANN actions). However, maintenance to

facilitate Phase maintenance should be identified with the “PI” code

AFI21-101_WHITEMANAFBSUP 31 JANUARY 2017 7 (Added) Coordinate all “F” actions with the appropriate AMXS Production

Superintendent. (Added) With the Dedicated Crew Chief (DCC), ensure aircraft forms are compared

to IMDS daily to ensure they reflect the most current aircraft status. (Added) With the DCC, accomplish a documents review at the conclusion of the PE

inspection prior to the post-dock inspection meeting. Dock chief will accompany DCC during

dock review and ensure paperless process completion. (Added) Ensure all low observable (LO) restoration materials are ordered 10 working

days prior to phase and back-ordered 02/JA if necessary. Upgrade these back-ordered items to

1A 72 hours prior to the need date (Added) Treat all test cell sample as “Red Caps.” Place all test cell engines with

satisfactory oil analysis results on code F.

5.1.1. (Added) Additional section assigned to MO is Research and Engineering (RE.) (Added) Maintenance Operations (MO) OIC may be delegated administrative control

over the 509 MXG Staff elements (Maintenance Operations, Quality Assurance, and Weapons

Standardization) with regards to areas covered under MO Programs, Resources, and

Maintenance Training . Any additional responsibilities will be delegated from the 509

MXG/CC/CD/CCC.” (Added) For Hourly Post-flight (HPO) and Personnel Evaluations (PE)

inspections the sixth position of the Event ID will be an ALPHA character assigned IAW TO 00-

20-2, Maintenance Data Documentation figure 4, and the last three characters will be 001 (Added) When two like inspections for B-2 aircraft are programmed for the same

day, AMXS PS&D will ensure a unique Event ID is assigned by using different Julian dates. (Added) All maintenance activities will ensure the last three digits of the Event ID

for Fix Phase are 200-299. (Added) Manual Event IDs will consist of nine characters; the first five characters

are the year and Julian date; the last four characters consist of the sequence number. (Added) Coordinate all additions and deletions of manual Event IDs through

Wing Analysis prior to implementation. (Added) Use the following numbers as the last four digits for all Home Station

IMDS input Event IDs for assigned aircraft


Table 5.1. (Added) B-2 Aircraft

Table 5.2. (Added) T-38 Aircraft:









67-4831 2400 2401-2402 2403 2404 2405-2419

65-10361 2420 2421-2422 2423 2424 2425-2439

65-10324 2440 2441-2442 2443 2444 2445-2459

65-10418 2460 2461-2462 2463 2464 2465-2479

64-13268 2500 2501-2502 2503 2504 2505-2519


68-8179 6800 6801-6802 6803 6804 6805-6819

67-4845 6906 6907-6908 6909 6910 6911-6925

65-10442 6929 6927-6928 6929 6930 6931-6945

67-4826 6946 6947-6948 6949 6950 6951-6965

66-8402 7001 7002-7003 7004 7005 7006-7020

64-3206 7021 9022-7023 7024 7025 7026-7040

67-4920 7100 7102-7103 7104 7105 7106-7120

65-10419 7121 7122-7123 7124 7125 7126-7140

64-3265 7141 7142-7143 7144 7145 7146-7160

Table 5.3. (Added) Red Ball Maintenance.

B-2 Aircraft 3001-3039

T-38 Aircraft 3040-3079

B-2 Aircraft Generation 3080-3119

Table 5.4. (Added) Time Compliance Technical Orders for Aircraft:

509 MO PS&D 3320-3349

Quality Assurance 3500-3549

Reserved 3550-4199

Reserved 6700-6749

Table 5.5. (Added) Debrief:

Aircraft Scheduling Code 2 Code 3 Expediter Cannibalization OGP

B-2 4850-4949 4950-5049 5050-5149 5150-5249 5250-5349 6750-

6799 T-38 4200-4249 4250-4399 4400-4549 4550-4699 4700-4849 N/A (Added) All sections/shops use the following numbers for in- shop repair, test,

and inspection of off-equipment when IMDS is inoperative. Once the system is back on line,

record all manual events into the IMDS computer for historical purposes.

Table 5.6. (Added) Maintenance Operations (MXO):

Engine Management Element 2520-2599

Engine TCTO 2600-2659 (Added) Maintenance Squadron (MXS).


Table 5.7. (Added) Propulsion Flight:

Support 2660-2669

Jet Engine Intermediate Maintenance 2700-2739

Test Cell 2780-2819

Engine Support Equipment 3160-3199

Table 5.8. (Added) Avionics Flight:

Automatic Test Station 2380-3319

Table 5.9. (Added) Accessory Maintenance Flight:

Electro-Environmental 5390-5429

Egress 5430-5469

Fuels 5470-5509

Pneudraulics 5510-5549

Table 5.10. (Added) Aerospace Ground Equipment (AGE) Flight:

Production Support 5550-5599

AGE Mobility 8182-8282

MUNS AGE 5600-5649

AGE Servicing Section 5650-5699

AIR Team One 5700-5749

AIR Team Two 6650-6699

Table 5.11. (Added) Fabrication Flight:

Metals Technology 5750-5799

Structural Maintenance 5800-5849

Signature Diagnostics 7160-8160

Nondestructive Inspection (NDI) 5900-5949

Supply Support 6820-6899

Table 5.12. (Added) Maintenance Flight:

Repair and Reclamation 5950-5999

Wheel and Tire 6000-6049

Inspection/Support Section 6100-6149

Table 5.13. (Added) Test, Measurement, and Diagnostic Equipment (TMDE) Flight:

Type II 6500-6549

Type IV 6550-6599

Production Control 6600-6649


Table 5.14. (Added) LO Flight

Structural Maintenance 5800-5849 (Added) Munitions Squadron (MUNS).

Table 5.15. (Added) Armament Systems Flight:

Support 6150-6199

Alternate Mission Equipment (AME) 6200-6249

Combat Armament Support Teams 6250-6299

Table 5.16. (Added) Conventional Munitions Flight:

Munitions Materiel 6300-6349

Munitions Production 6350-6399

Munitions Accountable Systems 6450-6499

Table 5.17. (Added) Special Weapons Flight:

Strategic Weapons Maintenance 6400-6449 (Added) Air Force Repair and Enhancement Program (AFREP): 7031 – 7040 (Added) Maintenance Training Section: 7046 – 7100. (Added) B-2 Simulator: 8161 – 8181. (Added) Survival Equipment: 5850-5899 (Added) Deployment Package Manual Event IDs. The senior deployed

maintenance person ensures Event IDs listed in this instruction are utilized. Each aircraft is

assigned a block of numbers for use while it is deployed. Manual Event IDs may be delegated to

the 2R1X1, Maintenance Scheduling Specialist, or a Maintenance Operations Center (MOC)

representative. (Added) All IMDS subsystem managers are required to attend the IMDS Users

group meetings. (Added) Facilities manager assigned to MO Programs & Resources will have

overarching responsibility for 509 MXG Staff owned facilities only.

5.4.10. (Added) The IMDS personnel subsystem manager will be appointed by the 509 MO

OIC and will: (Added) Process all IMDS updates to the personnel subsystem after review by the

requesting unit’s applicable section NCOIC or higher authority.


5.4.11. (Added) The Programs and Resources Flight within each group is responsible for

coordinating with Maintenance Management Analysis (MMA) before adding, changing or

deleting a work center in IMDS. (Added) Requests for work center additions, changes and/or deletions will be routed

for processing in letter format through MMA and the respective group’s Programs Management

office. (Added) The MMA section will assign an IMDS mnemonic and work center code

IAW TO 00-20-2. (Added) The group’s Programs and Resources Flight will load the new work center

information into IMDS

5.5. (Added) 509 MXG/MXOR, Research Engineering will:

5.5.1. (Added) Serve as an engineering focal point for bomb wing modification proposals to

include reviewing and providing recommendations to approval authority.

5.5.2. (Added) Prepare modification proposal packages IAW with appropriate AFIs

5.5.3. (Added) Perform engineering studies as needed to determine technical feasibility, cost

effectiveness, mission capability enhancement and impact on reliability and maintainability.

5.5.4. (Added) Perform appropriate level of engineering design/review ranging from

conceptual to detailed, depending on level of modification proposal complexity.

6.2.10. (WHITEMAN) QA will review all maintenance group OIs. The OPR will ensure

proper routing through each applicable squadron as well as the 509 MXG/CCC, CD and CC per

AFI 33-360. Any OIs applicable to safety, weapons or nuclear certified equipment must be

routed through the 509 BW safety office. The OPR will ensure electronic or hardcopy of OI is

available at all times.

6.2.11. (Added) QA will oversee all maintenance group local forms. Units will design the form

in Word or Excel and send an electronic copy to QA. If approved, QA will assign a local

number, convert the file to Adobe PDF format and mark the bottom right hand corner with the

approval date and post the local form on the QA SharePoint. (Added) QA will monitor the Aircraft Structural Integrity Program (ASIP) and review

it annually. This will be accomplished through visits to the 509 AMXS/MXASD section to

ensure data is being sent in a timely manner and through discussion with OC-ALC personnel

involved with ASIP. Adjustments to the ASIP program will be made as necessary by the ASIP

project officer and the ASIP program administrator at OC-ALC.

6.3.21. (Added) Designate in writing a primary and alternate manager for the hot pit refuel


6.10.3. (Added) Configuration Management Program Responsibilities. (Added) Initiating Work center will: (Added) Provide complete description of proposed modification on AF Form 1067,

Modification Proposal. Indicate type of modification to be assigned (i.e. T-1, T- 2, or


AFI21-101_WHITEMANAFBSUP 31 JANUARY 2017 13 (Added) With assistance from 509 MXG/MXQP, 509 MXG/ MXOR and 509 MXG

Air Force Engineering and Technical Service (AFETS) Contractor Engineering and Technical

Services (CETS), complete modification directives on how work is to be accomplished. (Added) Present proposals to their respective supervision for concurrence. (Added) Submit proposal to 509 MXG/MXQP after review by their respective

supervision. (Added) 509 MXG/MXQP, Quality Assurance will: (Added) Evaluate and assist the originator with preparation of package and

modification directives as required. (Added) Assign a unit tracking number to all proposals prior to routing. (Added) Coordinate all proposals through 509 MXG/MXOR, 509


509 MXG/CC and 509 MXG/CD. For local modifications, obtain signature of approval from 509

MXG/CC (Block 21 AF FORM 1067). (Added) Submit modification proposal package to HQ AFGSC/ DRMM and

provide status to originator. (Added) Receive T-1/ T-2 Modification Directives from HQ AFGSC and distribute

these to applicable originator, 509 MXG/MXOR and 509 MXG/MXOP. (Added) 509 MXG/AFETS-CETS, Technical Support will: (Added) Provide technical guidance to originator and/or 509 MXG/MXQP in the

initial preparation of package. (Added) Review modification proposal packages for technical content. (Added) Provide recommendations to 509 MXG/MXOR on proposals that may affect

structural and or operational issues. (Added) MO PS&D will load and track all applicable modification directive data

codes in IMDS (Added) The OG/CC will forward the FCF OIC appointment letter to 509

MXG/MXQ (Added) OG/CC will select instructor pilots if they are available for each FCF. As a

minimum, 1 pilot will be an instructor pilot. (Added) 509 MXG/MXQI FCF Manager or representative will initiate the FCF

process sheet upon notification of a B-2 FCF. (Added) Hold debriefing for FCF missions immediately following the flight.

Debriefing delays to decipher onboard test data are authorized. The debriefing will include a

thorough discussion of all items under evaluation as well as any new aircraft discrepancies. A

QA representative will be present for B-2 aircraft and T-38 contractor COR (Contraction

Officer’s Representative) for T-38 aircraft.

6.13.4. (Added) For B-2 aircraft, a maximum fuel load of 100,000 pounds is acceptable for the

FCF. Fuel loads up to 160,000 pounds are permitted only when required to meet FCF mission


requirements. Use the lightest fuel load possible to meet mission objectives. All T-38 FCFs

require a full fuel load unless specific FCF objectives cannot be met. (Added) All FCFs on 509 BW assigned aircraft will be flown in a clean (no external

pods or internal RLAs, BRAs) configuration

6.13.5. (Added) Aircrews will ensure all required maintenance debriefing forms are completed.

When the aircraft is released for flight, initial over the RED DASH symbol for "FCF required"

discrepancy, enter time and date the aircraft was released in the corrective action block, and sign

the inspected by block.

6.13.6. (Added) For B-2 FCFs off-station, the 509 MXG/MXQI representative or Maintenance

Superintendent will notify Whiteman AFB Quality Assurance (QA). (Added) The 509 MXG/MXQI FCF Manager at Whiteman will fax or e- mail the

required process sheet, FCF checklist (available on the QA website) and 509 OG/OGV aircrew

temporary certification letter. (Added) After the FCF is complete; the off-station QA representative will inform the

Whiteman FCF Manager with the results. The FCF Manager will update the AF2400 at that time.

The off-station QA representative will hand carry all paperwork and checklists back to home-


6.13.7. (Added) The T-38 contractor will notify T-38 COR with as much advance notice as

possible when requesting FCF crews, if required. (Added) The T-38 contractor will maintain an information file for briefing FCF

aircrews on issues related to the condition of a FCF aircraft. (Added) All transient aircraft are handled by the transient alert section and will have

FCF procedures in place. (Added) Whiteman FCF pilots will only fly transient aircraft, if they are the same type

as flown by the 509 BW and approval between possessing commander and 509 BW/CC is

coordinated. However, the possessing commander and 509 BW/CC must mutually agree on the

flight. (Added) The T-38 contractor will maintain FCF checklists. (Added) The T-38 contractors will review the aircraft forms after completion of

maintenance actions following the flight to ensure adequacy of corrective actions. T-38 COR

will review aircraft forms following the completion of all contractor maintenance to ensure

adequacy of corrective actions

6.13.8. (Added) Local OCF Procedures: (Added) 509 MXG/MXQI FCF Manager or representative will initiate the OCF

program checklist upon notification of an OCF. (Added) There are no B-2 aircraft configuration restrictions for OCF. (Added) The B-2 is allowed to Engine Running Crew Change (ERCC) after an OCF

provided the OCF crew releases the aircraft.

AFI21-101_WHITEMANAFBSUP 31 JANUARY 2017 15 (Added) OCFs sorties are allowed to continue assigned mission requirements once

aircraft is determined airworthy by aircrew. (Added) OCFs shall be of sufficient duration to assure aircraft is airworthy and

capable of mission accomplishment, and is determined by the aircrew. (Added) OCF Release. An OCF release occurs upon the successful completion of all

requirements as determined by the OCF aircrew. The final decision to release rests solely with

the aircraft commander. An OCF conditional release may occur when the aircraft does not

successfully complete OCF requirements due to a specific system malfunction if the OCF

aircrew (in consultation with maintenance) determines the malfunction may be corrected without

generating another OCF. If on review of the corrective action the OCF aircrew accepts the

maintenance action as a satisfactory repair of the malfunction, they may release the aircraft from

OCF. Aircrews will ensure all required maintenance debriefing forms are completed. When the

aircraft is released for flight, initial over the RED DASH symbol for "OCF required"

discrepancy, enter time and date the aircraft was released in the corrective action block, and sign

the inspected by block. (Added) OCF aborts. A ground abort results in a non-release. An aircraft may be

released for flight if a malfunction occurs during an OCF, which is not related to the condition

generating the OCF, and the original condition checks good.

6.15.4. (Added) Local High Speed Taxi Check Procedures: (Added) 509 MXG/MXQI FCF Manager or representative will initiate the High

Speed Taxi checklist upon notification of a High Speed Taxi Check. (Added) Aircrews will ensure all required maintenance debriefing forms are

completed. When the aircraft is released for flight, initial over the RED DASH symbol for "

High Speed Taxi required" discrepancy, enter time and date the aircraft was released in the

corrective action block, and sign the inspected by block. (Added) After a change is made to the Chart C Basic Weight and Balance Record,

Aircraft Weighing Record Form B, AMXS PS&D will file a record in the historical weight and

balance file for each aircraft. (Added) QA will provide an inventory book with a current Chart A to show actual

aircraft configuration per Automated Weight and Balance System (AWBS). An accurate

inventory is mandatory to ensure weight and balance records are correct. (Added) Each flightline work center will accomplish aircraft inventory as

required. The individual who signs the inventory is responsible for its accuracy with the actual

aircraft configuration. If a shop inventory is inaccurate, notify the Weight and Balance Authority

so corrections can be made. (Added) When Time Compliance Technical Order (TCTO) modifications affect

weight and balance, PIM will coordinate with MOF PS&D to enter a WCE in IMDS against

LGQI stating “Weight and balance book requires update due to weight and balance change.” (Added) 509 MXG/MXQI weight and balance technicians will generate the Weight

and Balance Flight Clearance Form F.

16 AFI21-101_WHITEMANAFBSUP 31 JANUARY 2017 (Added) Verify weight and balance on all aircraft on the weekly flight schedule.

Check weapons loads and projected fuel loads to ensure gross weight limitations are not


6.16.5. (Added) Personnel will provide completed weight and balance worksheet to QA

whenever equipment is added to or removed from the aircraft. Additionally, QA will be notified

when aircraft parts are removed from aircraft and will not be installed before next aircraft

movement or operation which is affected by weight and balance.

6.17. (Added) Chafing Awareness Program. QA will monitor and track instances of wire,

harness and metal line/tube chafing. MXG/CC will approve a randomly selected 10 percent of

assigned aircraft are inspected when notification is received of a potential chafing problem

involving aircraft.

6.17.1. (Added) The chief inspector shall recommend initiating a One Time Inspection (OTI) if

the sampled aircraft indicates a chafing problem or the detected chafing is an operational safety


6.17.2. (Added) QA shall develop local chafing inspection work cards if there are no

requirements in the Dash -6 TOs, for periodic, pre-flight, thru-flight and basic post-flight

inspections. Ensure local work cards cover at least 50 percent of accessible areas, focusing on

known chafing areas. AFTO 22 will be submitted when reoccurrences of chaffing conditions


6.17.3. (Added) All key task listing (KTL) and follow up assessment inspections will include a

chafing inspection if applicable. QA inspectors will document the chafing inspection completion

in the corrective action block of the KTL. The corrective action block will include all IMDS job

control numbers of chafing discrepancies.

6.17.4. (Added) QA must utilize a database for the purpose of tracking wire and harness

chafing problems identified through OTIs and maintenance cross-tell reports. Consult the

database before expending man-hours performing inspections.

6.17.5. (Added) Chafing Awareness training will be conducted by the Military Training Flight

(MTF) during initial and annual block training.

7.5.12. (Added) Aircraft, engines, and equipment used in the servicing operation are known or

suspected of fuel, oil, hydraulic fluid, Liquid Oxygen (LOX), Gaseous Oxygen (GOX),

COOLANOL and Ethylene Glycol Water (EGW) contamination.

7.5.13. (Added) Aircraft contaminated with Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF) will be

impounded. Impoundment official will coordinate and supervise the clean-up operation in

accordance with local instructions.

7.6.2. (Added) Upon notification of aircraft/equipment impoundment, MOC will: (Added) Notify 509 BW/SE, QA, and/or T-38 COR of the impoundment. Provide type

aircraft/equipment, location, and name of impoundment authority/official. (Added) If aircraft is impounded for Foreign Object Damage (FOD), notify wing FOD

monitor. (Added) Notify the 509 MXG/CC.

AFI21-101_WHITEMANAFBSUP 31 JANUARY 2017 17 (Added) Enter impoundment into IMDS and confirm job control number. (Added) Notify MXS Production section for all aircraft engines removed for FOD. (Added) Notify all affected agencies that the aircraft or equipment is released from

impoundment and resume normal dispatch of personnel to the aircraft or equipment. (Added) Notify MOC that the aircraft/equipment is released from impoundment

7.6.11. (Added) Impoundment is transferred from the aircraft to the equipment after the

appointed investigating officer has collected all necessary evidence from the aircraft (at the

discretion of the impound official). All impound paper work to include AFTO Form 350,

Repairable Item Processing Tag, IMDS documentation, and Quality Assurance impoundment

record will accompany the equipment during the impoundment transfer.

7.6.12. (Added) Aircraft impounded for engine problems will be impounded until the engine in

question is removed and all aircraft related operational checks have been performed, isolating

fault to the removed engine. Transfer impound to the engine at the discretion of a release

authority. If the impoundment is transferred, the QA impoundment record will follow the engine

until the engine is repaired or sent off base.

7.6.13. (Added) Engines with foreign object damage (FOD) from an unknown source will be

impounded upon removal from the aircraft. All paperwork, to include 350 tags, IMDS

documentation, and a copy of Quality Assurance impoundment record will accompany the

engine. Propulsion flight impoundment official will make an entry in the 509 MXG engine work

package Form stating the engine is impounded.

7.6.14. (Added) Aircraft impounded for munitions problems will remain impounded while the

suspension equipment in question is removed from the aircraft and functionally checked. Aircraft

and suspension equipment will remain impounded until cause of fault is specifically isolated to

the aircraft or the suspension equipment. The aircraft may be released from impoundment by 509

MXG/CC or designative representative prior to completion of the suspension equipment

functional checks. Both the aircraft and the suspension equipment will be on separate

impoundments. The impoundment books will follow the aircraft/suspension equipment until the

impoundments are released.

7.6.15. (Added) Aircraft impounded for AGE equipment malfunctions will be impounded until

the unit is determined to be the sole cause of the malfunction and is removed from the aircraft.

Transfer the impoundment to the AGE. The binder and paperwork will follow until the

equipment is repaired.

7.6.16. (Added) Aircraft in transient at Whiteman AFB will only be impounded after contacting

the aircraft commander, and coordinating with the home station. Follow procedures outlined in

this supplement

7.6.17. (Added) The 509 MXG QA office will be the point of contact for all impounds on

transient aircraft. They will coordinate with home station on all issues.

7.6.18. (Added) T-38 impoundment. (Added) QA T-38 site supervisor will: (Added) Record all data provided by MOC.

18 AFI21-101_WHITEMANAFBSUP 31 JANUARY 2017 (Added) Dispatch an inspector to the aircraft/equipment location to assist the

Impoundment Official as necessary. (Added) Obtain completed Impoundment Checklists from Impoundment Official for

filing and future reporting/analysis. Forward copies to Wing flight safety and T-38 COR.

Forward copies of FOD/DOP to Wing flight safety and the Wing FOD NCO. T-38 COR will

forward all complete copies of FOD/DOP incident reports to Wing Flight Safety and the Wing

FOD NCO. (Added) Units may use a barcode system or manually annotate the AFGSC Form 140,

Composite Tool Kit (CTK) Inventory and Control Log. Refer to WAFBI 91-462 for security,

control, and accountability of Tamper Detection Indicators (TDI). Only qualified/certified

personnel can obtain engine borescope, blade blending equipment, and layout/blue dye for

marking damaged fan/compressor blades or marking dented tubing. AMXS Specialist Section

NCOIC and MXS Propulsion Flight Chief are responsible for providing a current list of

authorized personnel to the respective support section. Letters will be reviewed for currency

semi-annually. (Added) CTK custodians are responsible for the management of the warranted tool

program. Warranted tools that are broken will be de-etched and removed from service. CTK

custodians will maintain a contact information and order tracking log. CTK custodians will

contact the contractor representative to coordinate the tool order and exchange. Once the new

tool has been received it will be returned to service with any necessary etchings or markings

annotated on the tool. Annotate as required. (Added) Units may use Tool Accountability System (TAS), Facility Equipment

Maintenance Systems (FEMS), or a locally approved form for accountability and control of

expendable hand tools. Items may be placed in kits as required and issued in predetermined

quantities. Expendable items placed in kits and marked as consumable on the Master Inventory

List (MIL) are not required to be etched; however, the container will be labeled with the contents

(i.e. 10 widgets) and assigned an Equipment Identification Designator (EID). (Added) Razor blades will be etched if they are a high use item (tool room replaces

more than 10 a day); they may be pre-etched with first four of TAS Worldwide Identification

(WWID) and stored with spare tools. A running inventory does not need to be kept. (Added) For on-site transfers, a CTK/or support equipment inventory must be

accomplished at the beginning and end of each shift. For daily operations, the Unit Production

Superintendent must authorize all CTKs and support equipment transfers. The support section

personnel will ensure that all CTKs and support equipment transfers are verified/inventoried by a

supervisor (SSgt/7 skill-level or above or civilian equivalent). The supervisor accomplishes the

inventory with the in-coming and out-going personnel at the job site and prints and signs their

names on the automated barcode system inventory sheet, 509 Tool Cross Chit Authorization

Form. Support section personnel will inventory items upon expiration of the 24 hour period. (Added) During aircraft generations/contingencies the squadron maintenance

supervisor, superintendent, production superintendent or flight chief can extend the 24 hour

period to a maximum of 10 duty days. On-site transfer procedures will be strictly followed.

Support section personnel will inventory items upon expiration of the 10 day period.

AFI21-101_WHITEMANAFBSUP 31 JANUARY 2017 19 (Added) Specialty tools and support equipment IN USE for extended maintenance

tasks longer than a 24-hour period can be signed out using the automated barcode system or an

AF Form 1297, Temporary Issue Receipt. On shift Production personnel must approve tool and

equipment extension. Support section personnel will inventory items upon expiration of the duty

week. This inventory will be documented by support personnel then validated by a SNCO and

kept until the next inventory. Some examples of specialty tools include jack pads, caul plates,

and antenna handling fixtures etc. NOTE: Technical orders and dispatchable tools are not

considered specialty tools. EXCEPTION: Land mobile radios within individual organizations

using an AF Form 1297, Temporary Issue Receipt require verification/inventory every 30 days. (Added) Individually issued items (ie: reflective belts, hearing protectors, headsets)

will be marked with first initial, full last name and employee number

8.2.9. (Added) All CTKs will inventory rags in conjunction with shift inventories. The

inventory will include all issued, dirty and clean rags. Document the number of rags to maintain

positive accountability and control of rags. (Added) LO Flight place rymple cloth into kits (small kit is Rubbermaid container with

3 rolls, large kit is a pelican case with 6 rolls). (Added) LO Flight During check-out and check-in, verify contents and number of

items in kit (if you use all the rymple cloth on a roll, then you must have the cardboard sleeve

inside the kit in order to get a one for one swap for that roll). (Added) Only primary and alternate CTK custodians are authorized to procure tools at

home station. (Added) Contractors permanently assigned and utilizing tools on the flight line will

adhere to the tool control procedures outlined in AFI 21-101 and this supplement. Wing FOD

NCO representative will brief depot teams, factory representatives, and contract field teams on

tool control and FOD prevention. (Added) Contractors assigned temporarily to work on 509 BW aircraft or aircraft

equipment will provide Quality Assurance with their own tool position designator or with an

inventory list of all contractor owned tools/equipment that the contractor will bring into the

maintenance environment for the required maintenance. (Added) When only one individual is assigned to a shift or work center, a second

party supervisor from another work center or the squadron production superintendent will inspect

the tool kit.

8.3.6. (Added) All items contained within CTKs must match and be listed on the hardcopy

MIL, TC-MAX (or equivalent AFGSC-approved database). (Added) Ensure spare bulbs are removed from all flashlights. (Added) Designated equipment for docks 1 through 14 (ie: cones and ladders) will be

marked with the dock number and stored in its designated storage location when not in use. This

equipment must remain within the assigned dock. (Added) Composite tool kits will be made FOD free prior to leaving or being accepted

by the CTK monitor. As a minimum, CTK monitors will inspect tools for serviceability and


vacuum CTKs, including dispatchable CTKs, Vidmars, and storage units, on a 180 day basis.

This inspection will be documented in TCMax or equivalent. (Added) World Wide Identification (WWID) code. See Attachment 1 for the first

four characters.

8.6.7. (Added) Mark all sides of dispatchable CTKs with a 2" X 2" piece of reflective tape to

provide adequate visibility. The bottom of the CTK does not need to be marked when the box is

set in its normal manner.

8.7.4. (Added) Work center CTK personnel requesting new or modified tools/equipment will: (Added) Ensure all locally manufactured, developed, or modified tools and equipment

are coordinated through appropriate agencies utilizing the 509 MXG Tool and Equipment Local

Man Request Sheet (Added) For Weapons related request, owning work center shall be responsible for

MMHE focal point review, coordination and inclusion. (Added) Include drawings, manufacture specifications, and/or pictures of the item to be

manufactured. A brief description of the item and its use should also be provided. Coordinate

with supply (DMS) for any parts/hardware not normally stocked by primary

repair/manufacturing work centers. (Added) Ensure local manufacture documents are reviewed and signed by: all

applicable fabricating section chiefs, fabricating section supply Decentralized Materiel Support

(DMS), Quality Assurance, AFREP/AFETS, and the designated approval authority. After

routing is completed, a file copy of all documentation will be forwarded to Quality Assurance. (Added) The local manufacture request is not required if the T.O. contains the option to

locally manufacture a tool or piece of equipment.

8.7.5. (Added) Closely coordinate with AFETS personnel and local AFREP to justify

tool/equipment use and obtain drawings. Submit new local manufacture request accordingly; all

approved local manufacture request will be maintain within respective section and reviewed

biennially for applicability. (Added) MOC will initiate quick reaction checklist upon notification

9.20.3. (Added) The 509 MXS Operations Officer/Maintenance Superintendent are designated

as approval authorities for local manufacture request of aircraft parts. 509 MXS Production

Supervisors are delegated approval authority in the absence of Operations Officer/Maintenance

Superintendent for items identified as local manufacture in applicable technical orders.

9.20.4. (Added) The requesting work center will: (Added) Determine the item’s Source, Maintenance, and Recoverability (SMR) code

requirements identified by the technical order Illustrated Parts Breakdown (IPB) and include a

copy of that page in the request (Added) If applicable technical order SMR code does not authorize the local

manufacture of an item and the unit has repair/manufacture capability, submit an AFTO Form 22

in accordance with T.O. 00-20-3, and T.O. 00-5-1

AFI21-101_WHITEMANAFBSUP 31 JANUARY 2017 21 (Added) Ensure proper documentation in applicable aircraft and equipment forms and

coordinate manufacture request with all applicable personnel on local manufacture request

worksheet to include (DMS), Fabricating Section Chiefs, Quality Assurance, and the designated

approval authority. (Added) AFTO Form 22 shall be included in parts Local Manufacture request. (Added) Approved local manufacture request worksheet shall be maintained until

AF Form 22 outcome is resolved if disapproved local manufacture request will stay on file with

applicable disapproval. (Added) Ensure necessary drawing, specification, and any parts/hardware not

normally stocked by primary work centers are provided along with completed AFTO Form 350. (Added) The repair and or manufacturing work center will: (Added) Evaluate local manufacture request and determine repair capabilities and

restrictions. If applicable technical order SMR code authorizes the local manufacture of the item

and the unit does not have repair capability, submit a SMR code change request or waiver for

T.O. repair restrictions in accordance with T.O. 00-25-195. (Added) Ensure proper documentation in applicable aircraft/equipment forms;

furthermore, ensure information, sample/drawings, and supplies are provided by requester prior

to starting work order. (Added) Notify requester upon completion of local manufacture request, ensure

repair actions are properly documented, and arrange for pickup or delivery. (Added) Applicable Fabrication Flight Supply or DMS will: (Added) Ensure all necessary signatures are on the Local Manufacture Request

worksheet and the DD Form 1348-6, DoD Single Line Item Requisition System Document is

correctly filled out prior to accepting. (Added) Process locally manufactured equipment as L-number or P- number items

through the Customer Support Liaison Element. (Added) Assign a local national stock number if applicable. (Added) Assign a control number and process the DD Form 1348-6 and AF Form

2005. Maintain a file of all information submitted. (Added) Notify the requester upon completion of the local manufacture and ensure

proper funds transfer. When organizational funds are not available, notify the requester to

contact their resource advisor for resolution. (Added) If item or part is needed to satisfy an internal maintenance requirement no

demand may be place on LRS/Material Management Activity, for such request 509 MXG/CC is

approval authority.

11.6.6. (Added) A Red Ball to assess, inspect, or determine if a repair is required will not

normally require the installation of blade seal protectors.


11.6.7. (Added) If the decision is made to perform maintenance, blade seal covers are required

for the affected area. Maintenance requiring installation of protective floor covers must have

sufficient flooring in place to protect the aircraft.

11.6.8. (Added) The AMXS Pro Super will ensure all Red X discrepancies discovered during

Red Ball maintenance are cleared from the aircraft forms prior to flight and from the MIS as

soon as possible.

11.6.9. (Added) All pilot identified discrepancies repaired during post sortie (recovery)

operations will be reported during aircrew debrief. Debrief will enter jobs into MIS to ensured

accurate tracking of aircraft historical data. Post sortie (recovery) operations and appropriate

follow-up actions will be properly documented on AFTO Form 781A and in MIS, including

supervisory inspections.

11.6.10. (Added) MOC will provide a manual red ball job control number for expeditious

repair see Ch. 5.2 of this instruction. The Job Control Number (JCN) will immediately be

entered into IMDS. In the event IMDS is down MOC will record the event and document the

Red Ball actions immediately when the system becomes available.

11.6.11. (Added) Since T-38 aircraft require engine shut down for maintenance, the aircraft

commander will return the aircraft to the point of origin (parking ramp). The aircraft commander

will contact the Supervisor of Flying using ground communications channels should a no-go

condition be discovered after taxi. (Added) Remove any loose items from pockets that may inadvertently fall out (i.e.,

pencils, coins, keys, etc.) prior to donning bunny suit. Inspect soles of shoes and protective

booties for FOD prior to using. (Added) If the cotton/nylon cord is used to secure the line badge, do not place it

around your neck (only the breakaway neck lanyard will be used with its built in clip as a means

to secure the line badge). Pay special attention to the serviceability of the metal clip lanyard. Tie

straps or other securing devices will not be allowed to attach the badge to the neckband. Jewelry

is not authorized to be attached to any part of a line badge lanyard. (Added) Wearing hats on the flight line or in work areas is not authorized. Security

Forces Personnel will comply with assigned guidance. T-38 maintainers will adhere to local

contractor guidance. Winter caps may be worn on the flightline during winter months, normally

1 November through 1 April. For clarification of where earrings and hats are permitted, the flight

line is defined as the area East of the North/South access road from ECP 1 to the Petroleum Oil

Lubricants (POL) maintenance facility including all other areas that are marked for aircraft taxi

or towing operations. (Added) Empty all FOD containers at the end of each shift or when full,

whichever comes first. (Added) Accomplish Intake Maintenance Checklist when maintenance is performed

in an engine intake or exhaust. The checklist will be completed on the job site and turned into

QA within 24 hours of repair completion. Enter a Red X on AFTO Form 781A stating,

“Maintenance being performed in or around engine inlets and exhausts. Note: Do not operate

affected systems.” Not required for engine inlet and exhaust inspections only. On uninstalled test


cell engines document prior to engine start/after engine shutdown engine inlet and exhaust FOD

inspection on the applicable test cell MXG worksheets (Added) Unit commanders/supervision will ensure all personnel actively

participate in foreign object debris (FOD) walks. FOD walks will be conducted in critical areas

prior to first sortie of the day and other areas on a scheduled basis following the FOD Walk Area

of Responsibility memorandum. Units owning a FOD Boss will use this equipment in

conjunction with their normal FOD walks to the greatest extent possible. (Added) 21 assigned to aircraft will be marked with applicable tail number. (Added) Vehicle operators will also perform a vehicle roll over check on all tires. (Added) Inspect tires after vehicle leaves any road surface while on the flight line. (Added) Hangars and back shops will remain FOD free. The organization owning

the hangar will accomplish a FOD walk daily and immediately following the removal of an

aircraft from the hangar. Maintainers within the hangar/back shop performing maintenance are

responsible to ensure the area remains FOD free. Fire suppression system receptacles will be

kept clean of debris at all times and should be high interest item during FOD walks and added to

housekeeping practices. As a minimum, all hangar and maintenance dock grates require

cleaning/vacuuming (pulling grates up and cleaning) semi-annually. Additionally, Centralized

Aircraft Support System (CASS), electrical, and hydraulic pits require cleaning in conjunction

with annual dock maintenance. Document this cleaning on a database or paper product. (Added) The clean-as-you-go concept will be adhered to. On the flight line and in

hangars it is important to stress that proactive housekeeping procedures will be included as a step

in every task. The work is not complete until the area is cleaned up. (Added) All areas where aircraft are towed , taxied, or parked; shops and

maintenance areas where equipment or components are worked on; and entry points to the flight

line will be kept free of debris, stones, hardware, etc. Additionally, support sections (tool rooms)

and hazardous storage areas will remain Foreign Objects (FO) free at all times due to the

potential for FO migrating to the flight line or maintenance areas. (Added) Identify items stored within the vehicle (ie: chocks, ice scrapers) with the

assigned vehicles registration number. (Added) Each applicable squadron (determined by 509 WG FOD Manager) will

appoint a primary and alternate FOD monitor. All appointments will be made by letter, signed by

the squadron commander, and a copy forwarded to the 509 WG FOD Monitor. (Added) The Quality Assurance representative attached to B-2 aircraft deployments

will be the acting FOD/ Dropped Object Prevention (DOP) representative at the deployed

location and will work closely with all investigation authorities involved to determine the root

cause of the incident. Upon initial discovery of a FOD or DOP incident, the deployed FOD/DOP

Monitor will be notified immediately and in turn will immediately notify home station (Added) Local FOD Prevention Awareness and Incentive Programs. (Added) The Golden Bolt is a small tag with a picture of a bolt on it. The tag is

randomly placed throughout the maintenance community primarily on the flight line. If found,

remove the tag and notify the wing FOD Monitor at extension 1465 or 1477 or return the tag to


the Quality Assurance office. Record the name and phone number of the person who found the

tag (Added) FOD Fighter Award. An award submitted by supervisors recognizing an

individual who has demonstrated outstanding FOD awareness for the entire quarter. A significant

one-time event may be considered (e.g. retrieval of an item that would have been ingested into an

aircraft engine and caused FOD had it gone undetected). Supervisors will submit a letter of

nomination in memorandum form stating in detail what the individual did to prevent foreign

objects from damaging aircraft or equipment. Give specific instances on why this individual

deserves to be recognized as a wing FOD fighter. All FOD award nominees will need to give

their full name, rank, office symbol, phone number and supervisor’s name to the Wing FOD

Monitor or Quality Assurance representative. (Added) FOD Poster (1 poster selected per quarter). Open to any person who wants

to draw and create a slogan pertaining to FOD prevention. The poster may be hand-drawn or

computer generated. Please limit the size of the poster to a maximum of 2 feet by 2 feet. (Added) The Eagle Eye Award is given to the flight that consistently excels on

weekly FOD walks and good housekeeping practices. All FOD collected will be turned in with

flight name and date to the wing FOD Monitor. Quarterly award will be presented to the flight

with the most pounds collected for the quarter. (Added) Ice Foreign Object Damage (e.g. 1st stage fan blades bent out of contour)

confirmed and verified by a qualified 2A6X1A 7-level. Ice FOD will not be a cause for aircraft

impoundment. See paragraph (Added) Bird Strike Procedures. (Added) Individual identifying bird strike will: (Added) Make a Red Diagonal entry on AFTO Form 781A identifying the bird

strike. (Added) Notify the Production Superintendent of the bird strike (Added) Production Superintendent will (Added) Notify MOC of bird strike. (Added) Contact structures personnel to evaluate the bird strike. (Added) Structures personnel will perform an assessment of the bird strike to

determine airworthiness of any damage IAW applicable technical orders. If the aircraft is

airworthy: (Added) Sign off the original write-up by stating, “Area inspected, No Defect

Noted” in the corrective action block and annotating the corrected by block. (Added) If required, make a Red Dash entry in the next available block on AFTO

Form 781A stating, “Bird strike, located (enter location of bird strike), due re-inspection by

structures after last flight of the week.” (Added) Debrief personnel will ensure that flight crews fill out Bird Strike report. (Added) MOC will:

AFI21-101_WHITEMANAFBSUP 31 JANUARY 2017 25 (Added) Notify Fire & Emergency Services (FES) if personnel are injured. (Added) Notify the Command Post. (Added) Notify Wing Safety. If Wing Safety needs a photographer, route request

through Command Post. (Added) Notify QA, Wing FOD NCO, and Jet Engine Intermediate Maintenance

(JEIM) Production Superintendent if engine damage is found. (Added) Notify 509 MXG/CD or designated representative (Added) Wing Safety will: (Added) Serve as the focal point for the Bird Aircraft Strike Hazard (BASH)

program. (Added) Comply with AF Form 853, Air Force Bird Strike Report and all

requirements of AFI 91-202, The US Air Force Mishap Prevention Program, AFI 91-204,

AFPAM 91-212, Bird Aircraft Strike Hazard (BASH) Management Techniques, and 509 BW

Plan 91-15, Bird Aircraft Strike Hazard (BASH) Reduction Program as they apply to bird strikes. (Added) Serve as the collection point for non-fleshy bird remains/ swabs. (Added) Quality Assurance will: (Added) Hold bird remains during non-duty hours for Wing Safety. (Added) Quality Assurance will remove and retain all non-fleshy bird remains (i.e.,

feathers, beaks, etc.) if possible. If no non-fleshy remains are present, wet the strike area with

water and swab with cotton cloth. Place the cotton cloth in a zip-lock bag and retain in QA office

for Wing Safety. (Added) Reporting. When a dropped object is discovered, notify MOC immediately.

MOC will notify QA, Wing Safety, and the Wing DOP monitor. Reports will be completed for

missing aft deck tiles but not for general LO materials. Obtain DOP Mishap Investigation

Worksheet from the QA SharePoint site. Wing DOP monitor will recommend corrective

measures to reduce future DOP incidents.

11.9.4. (Added) Prevention. When panels, doors, cowling, etc. are removed or opened for

maintenance, use a parts bag or applicable container to contain hardware (i.e., screws, bolts, nuts,

etc.). The parts bag or container will include aircraft tail number, component, panel or

component number, and total number of hardware/pieces

11.9.5. (Added) Training is accomplished during Mission Orientation Training and annual

Maintenance Refresher Training. T-38 site supervisor will ensure DOP training is accomplished

according to contractor maintenance operating instructions.

11.13.9. (Added) Additional authorization levels for cannibalization of parts: (Added) From Phase aircraft 509 MXG/CD or designated representative. (Added) From aircraft in Depot Status 509 MXG/CC or designated representative

and the Depot Team Chief will coordinate prior to seeking approval from AFGSC/A4.

11.13.10. (Added) Cannibalization actions.

26 AFI21-101_WHITEMANAFBSUP 31 JANUARY 2017 (Added) The AMXS Production Superintendent will coordinate cannibalization

actions with the MXS Production Superintendent and the Jet Engine Intermediate Maintenance

(JEIM) section NCOIC for engine to aircraft cannibalization. (Added) Coordinate all cannibalization procedures involving phase aircraft with the

AMXS Production Superintendent, the MXS Production Superintendent and the Phase Dock

Chief. (Added) MOC will report Category 3 Hangar Queen to include T-38 aircraft

physically located at Whiteman. (Added) An Operational Check Flight is required for Category 3 Hangar Queen

aircraft prior to release for Hangar Queen status.

11.14.5. (Added) Hangar Queen Aircraft Document Reviews (ADR) will be accomplished

every 14 days. Hangar Queen ADRs will be given 2 days to complete.

11.14.6. (Added) When an aircraft becomes Category 1 Hangar Queen initiate a Hangar Queen

Aircraft Document Review (ADR). (Added) Section NCOIC must monitor number of qualified engine run personnel

to allow early identification of individuals to enter in the EPRT (Engine Pre-Run Training).

Section NCOIC will verify that all individuals entered in to EPRT meet qualifications and

possess the maturity and technical skill to become engine run qualified. (Added) Individual will then complete Phase 1 and 2 training. Certification (Phase 3)

must be completed within 30 days of completion of Phase 2. (Added) Formal Pre-Run testing. This is accomplished prior to requesting an engine

run class. The test will be administered and maintained by the Military Training Section (MTS)

every Wednesday. If an individual does not receive a passing score, they may retest within five

days. A second-time fail will result in restarting EPRT or removal. (Added) After successful completion of the MTS pre-run test, the section NCOIC

will submit the individual for engine run class utilizing the training scheduling process. (Added) In addition, after successful pre-run test completion, individuals will be

authorized to sit right seat during actual engine runs. In this instance, this operation must be

approved by the production superintendent. The pro super and engine run supervisor are

responsible for ensuring only those in EPRT that have passed the pre-run test, are allowed to run

under these circumstances. This may be verified by proper documentation on the individuals

EPRT worksheet (Added) Although not an EPRT requirement, individuals passing the pre-run test

may also sit left seat on an actual engine run with an engine run certifier sitting in the right seat,

and Production Superintendent approval. Engine runs in this instance will exclude Maximum

Continuous Thrust (MCT)/Take Off Rated Thrust (TRT) operations. (Added) An Auxiliary Power Unit (APU)operator must: (Added) Be recommended by their immediate supervisor. (Added) Have six months experience on the B-2 aircraft.

AFI21-101_WHITEMANAFBSUP 31 JANUARY 2017 27 (Added) APU operators (only), must take an annual written test administered by

the MTS, and perform an annual emergency procedure evaluation in the simulator. (Added) Minimum fuel load requirements for engine operations are 20,000 LBS

for idle run, 50,000 LBS for runs above 85% core speed and 15,000 LBS for APU operation (Added) Idle to 85 (N2) percent power-setting runs may be accomplished in

normal aircraft parking spots, docks and taxiways, provided a safety check of the blast area has

been accomplished and the exhaust is not directed at the dock. (Added) The only authorized full power run-up areas are Hardstands 4 and 5

(facing east), Romeo spots 1 and 2, Alpha and Delta taxiways north and south of the

maintenance docks, and the Hot Cargo Pad. Hard stands 4 and 5 (facing east), and the Hot Cargo

Pad are the only authorized full power run spots for explosive loaded aircraft. (Added) If engine run time limit has been met, all engines will be shut down and

an Inlet Inspection will be performed prior to next engine start. (Added) Request MXG/CC approval for maintenance engine runs on explosive

loaded aircraft. (Added) Prior to a maintenance engine operation on explosive loaded aircraft

(Conventional munitions only) ensure that the weapons are placed in pre-maintenance status (Added) Notify the maintenance operations center (MOC) of engine run and

conditions pertaining to the engine run, its location, what engines will be run and what

percentage of engine power. In addition, provide MOC with employee number and name of

certified left seat engine qualified run individual for run clearance purposes. (Added) Ensure Whiteman Tower is contacted prior to engine run and maintain

contact with Whiteman Ground Control on (Ultra High Frequency (UHF) 275.8. For engine runs

above idle on hardstands, request temporary closure of Foxtrot taxi lane north. Notify tower

when complete. Engine run supervisor on explosive loaded aircraft (Conventional munitions

only) shall contact Whiteman tower to confirm temporary closure of taxiway FOXTROT during

full power run-up on hard stands. (Added) When the aircraft has been subjected to major/Depot maintenance and/or

phase back line, engine runs should be warm started (external electrical power and avionics

initialized). (Added) Upon completion of formal training, individuals will complete a minimum

of three supervised flexible borescope inspections, with a certified borescope technician, prior to

being evaluated by a certifying official. (Added) Responsibilities: (Added) QA will: (Added) Maintain a master hot pit refueling checklist for the refueling or pad

supervisor to use during single or multiple aircraft simultaneous hot pit refueling. (Added) Maintain a wing hot pit refuel manager continuity book with the

following guidelines: TAB A – Hot pit Manager/Evaluator appointment letter, TAB B –

QA/Squadron Hot Pit Certifier appointment letters, TAB C - Listing of hot pit refueling IMDS


course codes required for unit personnel, TAB D – Site certification info, TAB E – Copy of

current unit special certification roster (SCR), TAB F - General Information. NOTE: All

appointment letters will be forwarded to QA. All continuity books will contain as a minimum the

above information, but are not limited to Tabs A-F. (Added) Chief Inspector as directed by MAJCOM will perform initial (EPE) and

annual certification on SC and may certify pad supervisor, refuel team members (A, B & D

positions only) and annual recertification of personnel as required by applicable directives.

Reference table 11.2 (AFGSC SUP 26 OCT 2015) (Added) Initiate the appropriate documents to update qualified/certified

personnel in IMDS and SCR requirements. (Added) AMXS Operations Officer/Maintenance Superintendent will: (Added) Appoint a primary and alternate squadron hot pit refuel certifier in

writing and forward letter to QA (509 MXG/MXQ) wing hot pit refueling manager. (Added) Ensure AMXS schedulers provide a hot pit refueling schedule in the

weekly flying schedule. Dates and time should be annotated for all hot pit refueling operations. (Added) Ensure personnel assigned are qualified to perform hot pit refueling

duties and are familiar with the applicable directives. Reference Table 11.2 (Added) Squadron Hot Pit Refuel Certifier(s) will: (Added) Possess a 7-level or higher qualification in an aircraft maintenance

AFSC and 1 year flight line B-2 aircraft maintenance experience. (Added) Certify pad supervisor, refuel team members (A, B & D positions only)

and annual recertification of personnel as required by applicable directives. (Added) Initiate the appropriate documents to update qualified/certified

personnel in IMDS and SCR requirements. (Added) The AMXS Production Superintendent will: (Added) Ensure hot pits are manned 30 minutes prior to first scheduled land to

allow time for set up of hot pit refueling area, ensure safety briefing and all equipment is

inspected. (Added) Ensure no Engine Running Crew Change (ERCC) takes place during

hot pit refuel servicing. An ERCC shall only take place prior to or after hot pit refuel servicing. (Added) Ensure adjacent hardstands are not used during hot pit refueling

operations. Example: If you are hot pit refueling on hardstand 2, you cannot park an aircraft on

hardstands 1 or 3 for any reason. (Added) Supervisor will: (Added) Hot pit refuel on approved sites only. Simultaneous hot refueling on

these sites does not require a pad supervisor according to additional instructions and site

certification team. (Added) All hardstands will only be hot pit refueled using systems approved by

the site certification team.

AFI21-101_WHITEMANAFBSUP 31 JANUARY 2017 29 (Added) Contact MOC, Fire Emergency Services (FES) and POL prior to hot

refueling, and be responsible for overall safety of refueling operation and conduct of

maintenance crew members. In addition, they will ensure individuals assigned to the hot pit

crews are fully qualified and use the hot pit refuel supervisor checklist to brief all personnel

assigned to hot pits. (Added) The refuel supervisor is responsible for ensuring all equipment and

personnel are in place 30 minutes prior to the first aircraft's scheduled arrival at the hot refueling

area. Exception, the FES will be in place no later than 15 minutes prior to hot pit refueling

operations. (Added) Ensure locally developed checklist procedures are strictly adhered to.

The refuel or pad supervisor must ensure that only qualified personnel are allowed in the

refueling area. The refuel supervisor will coordinate with the FES supervisor concerning quantity

of fuel on board, amount to be serviced and emergency fuel spill response. (Added) Ensure adequate lighting is available during hours of darkness. If ball

park lights are inoperable, NF-2s (light carts), shall be positioned at the base of ball park lights

forward of each wing tip ensuring proper clearance (normally 25 feet). The lights will be tilted so

it will not impair the pilot's night vision. (Added) Ensure a spill response kit is at each site prior to hot pit refueling

operation to divert spills from the storm drains in the immediate area. (Added) Will not start any hot pit refueling operation without the proper

personnel and equipment. All shortfalls will be coordinated with Production Supervisor

immediately. (Added) 509 MXG/MXOT will assign and maintain IMDS Course Codes for

semiannual and annual proficiency certification. Not applicable to 509 LRS.

11.25.8. (Added) 509 MXG/ MXOT is responsible for initial Phase I and Phase II training.

Conduct all phases of training in a joint session including 2F0X1 (POL) personnel and all

maintenance AFSCs. 509 LRS/LGRF (POL) is responsible for all initial and re-certification of

hot pit refueling POL personnel. (Added) Phase 2: MTS will develop a two part test covering emergency

procedures (Part I) and normal hot pit procedures and limitations (Part II). Cold pit training may

be conducted on appropriate hardstand or in a dock. (Added) Personnel failing the written examination will receive additional

instruction before being re-tested. (Added) Students will not be given the same Part II test during re-testing efforts. (Added) After a second failure of either test, the SQ/CC (or equivalent) must

authorize personnel to retest and continue in the program.

11.25.12. (Added) Annual re-certification requires successful completion of Phase 2 test prior

to practical re-certification evaluation. Not applicable to 509 LRS (Added) Maintenance Operations Center (MOC) will:

30 AFI21-101_WHITEMANAFBSUP 31 JANUARY 2017 (Added) Upon notification from Command Post and/or secondary crash net

phone, will notify all applicable agencies identified in quick reaction checklist(s) of the nature of

In Flight Emergency (IFE) or ground emergency as soon as possible. (Added) Act as focal point to recall Viper Super (MXS Production

Superintendent); owning aircraft Production Superintendent or applicable POC and IFE or

ground emergency response teams during stand-by hours, weekends, and holidays. Viper Super

will provide MOC a weekend duty roster that identifies the lead Crash Damaged Disabled

Aircraft Recovery (CDDAR) person for Repair and Reclamation (R&R) shop. (Added) Fire Emergency Services (FES) will: (Added) The Senior Fire Officer (SFO)/IC is in charge until IFE or ground

emergency is terminated. (Added) Dispatch HAZMAT to contain/mitigate any large petroleum, oil or

lubricant spills that occur on the runway or taxiway IAW Emergency Action Response Plan.

Minor spills are the responsibility of the owning aircraft unit. Transient Alert will assume

responsibility for transient aircraft. (Added) Recovery of aircraft during ground emergencies involving hot brakes will

be the responsibility of FES and the aircraft owning agency. Aircraft with suspected hot brakes

will be parked/recovered at the north or south hammerhead in accordance with airfield operation

instructions. (Added) 509 MXS: (Added) Viper Super will respond to the rendezvous point and provide/coordinate

all MXS and external organization resource support. (Added) Recovery-1 (R&R shift supervisor) will only respond to rendezvous point

for hydraulic system and/or landing gear malfunctions. Recovery-1 will provide CDDAR

expertise (if required). Recovery-1 will stand ready to assist as outlined in the support agreement

involving tenant unit acft. (Added) R&R personnel will form up as the CDDAR team and use call sign

Recovery-2. Recovery-1 will determine if/when Recovery-2 reports to the crash response

equipment for dispatch. (Added) When notified, Viper Super and Recovery-1 will immediately proceed to

a hold point and await further direction from the IC. Recovery-1 will determine when the

CDDAR team will assemble and prepare CDDAR equipment for dispatch. If assembled, the

CDDAR team will stand by and await guidance from the IC. The CDDAR team’s primary

responsibility is during Phase III (Recovery of Aircraft and Site Restoration). (Added) Recovery-1 will maintain contact with the IC to coordinate all necessary

recovery actions. (Added) Recovery of mishap transient aircraft will be the responsibility of the 509

MXS R&R section. The transient alert aircraft maintenance contractor will be the “owning”

agency for transient aircraft involved in a mishap. The contractor will also provide technical

assistance throughout the recovery process and will coordinate as required with the home unit.

AFI21-101_WHITEMANAFBSUP 31 JANUARY 2017 31 (Added) Mishap aircraft that require rapid removal from the runway or taxiway

will only be performed after coordination with the IC. Recovery-1 will evaluate the mishap and

determine the most expedient method of removal. Care must be taken to ensure the integrity of

all evidence and to prevent secondary damage to the aircraft. (Added) Prior to any recovery action, coordinate with the IC to ensure all hazards,

including toxic materials, are eliminated and the aircraft is made safe for recovery and

investigation team activities. (Added) Evaluate the aircraft damage and prepare for the recovery operation. If

more recovery personnel are required, a recall of additional qualified personnel will be initiated. (Added) Recovery-1 will ensure all responding CDDAR personnel have hooded

Tyvex coveralls, leather gloves, nitrile gloves, steel toed boots, full face respirators and high

efficiency particulate air, and acid vapor filter cartridges. Recovery-1 will also ensure respirator

certifications are current. (Added) Recovery of mishap aircraft located both on-and off-base will follow the

same guidelines identified in the Whiteman AFB Mishap Response Plan 91, 509 BW Installation

Emergency Management Plan 10-2 and within this instruction. (Added) All CDDAR requirements for forward operating locations will be

coordinated with the host unit prior to each deployment. (Added) Agencies identified in the Whiteman AFB Mishap Response Plan 91,

Installation Emergency Management Plan WAFB 10-2 and this instruction will participate in the

Wing’s annual CDDAR exercises as scheduled by Wing Plans. (Added) The 509 MXS R&R section will maintain CDDAR equipment ready for

dispatch for local mishaps. The crane unit will be started and given a thorough inspection on a

weekly basis to ensure equipment readiness. (Added) After the aircraft is determined safe by the SFO/IC and the owning

Production Superintendent, the owning aircraft agency will assume control of the aircraft. (Added) The CDDAR team will maintain the following required equipment and

vehicles: 40 ft. flatbed trailer (with 26 Ton aircraft lifting bags & consoles), 24 ft. crash trailer

(with CDDAR equipment), skid loader, and a radio equipped four-wheel drive 6 passenger (Pax).

Each mishap is unique and may drive additional vehicles and equipment. (Added) The 509 MXS R&R section will provide CDDAR support equipment

training and personnel support to tenant unit aircraft as outlined in the support agreement. (Added) Coordinate with Maintenance Training to schedule the required

aircraft, date, and time for CDDAR training. Other training will be conducted in-house and will

consist of crane operations, trailer operations, CDDAR trailer equipment familiarization and

video refresher training. (Added) Specific training for CDDAR personnel on all transient aircraft is not

feasible due to the random nature of the incoming aircraft. CDDAR annual training covers

recovery of B-2 and T-38 aircraft. General aircraft recovery training from T.O 00-105E-9 will be

provided during the annual training class. (Added) 509 AMXS will:

32 AFI21-101_WHITEMANAFBSUP 31 JANUARY 2017 (Added) The 509 AMXS Operations Officer or designated representative within

Maintenance Supervision will coordinate requirements for personnel when notified by the MOC. (Added) The 509 AMXS will provide specialists as required to identify,

reclaim, and secure radio, radar, classified equipment and identify any LRUs containing

radiation for their respective systems when directed by the IC. (Added) The Production Superintendent will report to the SFO/IC and act as the

on-scene maintenance representative and will be the single point of contact for maintenance and

safety issues. (Added) Respond, when called, to rendezvous point with tow/recovery team, tow

vehicle with tow bar, subject matter experts and any other essential personnel to facilitate safe

recovery of aircraft. (Added) The Production Superintendent and/or subject matter experts will aid the

SFO/IC in determining the safety of the aircraft for maintenance. This includes installing

applicable down locks, protective covers, opening hatches/ doors, etc. (Added) The owning aircraft agency will maintain control of the aircraft once the

SFO/IC deems it fire safe. (Added) Vehicle Operations (509 LRS) will: (Added) Provide a tractor (at least 10 ton) and driver for the CDDAR team within

one hour of notification to the crash trailer located in hangar T-4. (Added) Provide a tractor (at least 10 ton) and driver, when requested, for all

CDDAR and Major Accident Response Exercise (MARE). (Added) Provide a weekly stand-by roster to the 509 LRS Fuels Service Center

(FSC) and 509 BW Command Post that identifies the lead vehicle operator(s) for tractor trailer

operation during non-duty hours including weekends. (Added) If required, provide a 30-40’ flatbed trailer to facilitate equipment

movement and removal of aircraft from runway. (Added) The IC must approve the transportation of the CDDAR trailer off-base in

support of military crash recovery operations (Added) Additional Agencies and Support: (Added) Additional personnel from the 509 AMXS, 509 MXS and 509 MO may

be required to perform Phase III CDDAR operations. These personnel will be requested and

trained as the situation dictates. (Added) Additional personnel and specialty equipment from 509 LRS may be

required to perform and complete CDDAR operations. These personnel and equipment

requirements will be requested as the situation dictates. All requirements and requests will be

channeled through the IC. (Added) Associate Units and Transient Aircraft: (Added) Associate Unit commanders and Transient Alert Superintendents or

designated representatives will provide personnel when notified by the MOC.

AFI21-101_WHITEMANAFBSUP 31 JANUARY 2017 33 (Added) Associate Unit commanders and Transient Alert Superintendents will

provide specialists as required to identify, reclaim, and secure radio, radar, classified equipment

and identify any LRUs containing radiation for their respective systems when directed by the IC. (Added) Additional personnel from the associate units and transient alert may be

required to augment Phase III CDDAR operations. These personnel will be requested for, and

trained, as the situation dictates. All requirements will be passed down from the IC, EOC or

designated representative through the MOC. (Added) The owning aircraft Production Superintendent or Transient Alert

contractor will report to the SFO/IC to act as the on-scene maintenance representative and will

be the single point of contact for maintenance and safety issues on their particular aircraft. (Added) The owning aircraft unit or Transient Alert Contractor will respond,

when called, to rendezvous point with tow/recovery team, tow vehicle with tow bar, subject

matter experts and any other essential personnel to facilitate safe recovery of aircraft. (Added) The Production Superintendent and/or subject matter experts will aid the

SFO/IC in determining the safety of the aircraft for maintenance. This includes installing

applicable down locks, protective covers, opening hatches/ doors, etc. (Added) The owning aircraft agency will maintain control of the aircraft once the

SFO/IC deems it fire safe.

11.34. (Added) Cold Weather Door Closure Procedures for B-2 Hangars

11.34.1. (Added) When temperatures fall to 40 degrees, MOC will issue a cold weather

advisory. Doors can remain open indefinitely without damage to fire suppression systems or

water supply lines. (Added) When temperatures are 32 degrees F / 0 degrees C and below MOC will

issue a cold weather warning. Doors on hangars 1-14, T-9, 27, 1 and LO facility shall remain

closed. During these temperatures doors are only to be opened to allow travel of aircraft and/or

equipment through the door opening then doors must be closed immediately. Prolonged

exposures longer than can cause freezing, rupture mechanical systems and cause activation of the

fire suppression circuitry, resulting in damage to assets and potential harm to inhabiting

personnel inside these hangars. (Added) Every effort must be made to keep hangar doors closed during extreme cold

weather warning conditions. (Added) Hangar doors in T-9 must remain closed as much as practical below 36

degrees due to mechanical equipment on the mezzanine. Open doors only as long as necessary to

move aircraft in or out of facility. If multiple aircraft movements are required, shut doors and

allow facility to warm between tows. (Added) Doors must remain closed for 1 hour after being fully opened for 4

continuous hours to allow facility systems to warm up, except in an emergency situation. (Added) Non-emergency situations requiring doors to be re-opened within the 1 hour

closed time after being fully opened for 4 continuous hours will be coordinated through the 509

MXG/CC or representative.

11.34.2. (Added) Doors opened for less than 4 continuous hours can be reopened at any time.

34 AFI21-101_WHITEMANAFBSUP 31 JANUARY 2017 (Added) MOC will develop quick reaction checklists for Cold Weather Door

Closure Advisory and Cold Weather Door Closure Warning notification. (Added) Squadrons or units will develop specific quick reaction checklists to

correspond with MOC for Cold Weather Door Closure Advisory and Cold Weather Door

Closure Warning Procedures for Hangars 1-14, T9, hangar 27, building 1 and the LO facility. (Added) Hangar and facility managers will inform maintenance personnel of heating

system limitations ie….heating system shuts off after doors are open 3-5 feet…etc and document

discrepancies on hangar and facility forms. (Added) Hangar and facility managers will inform CE CASS shop immediately of

any heating system malfunctions to ensure proper system operation during cold weather. (Added) Vertical opening doors must be opened a minimum of 10’ to prevent

personnel injury and equipment damage. Doors may be opened less than one foot from the fully

closed position to facilitate air hoses, electrical cords, etc passing through the doorway.

11.35. (Added) Establish Engineering Data Service Center (EDSC) Program, if required.

The B-2 EDSC (Research Engineering Flight) will:

11.35.1. (Added) Interface with maintenance personnel and act as a technical service agency

primarily for 509 MXG and 509 OG units or any Whiteman AFB organization as requested.

11.35.2. (Added) Review all 509 MXG local manufacture requests, make recommendations,

and provide engineering support for the realization of the locally manufactured item(s) not cover

by technical data.

11.35.3. (Added) Support local review of aircraft-related suggestions requiring technical

evaluations or feasibility studies

11.36. (Added) Establish Radiation Protection Program. RF hazard zone recognition is the

most important step in avoiding overexposure. Supervisors will ensure all personnel are familiar

and comply with procedures outlined in this supplement and applicable instructions for Radio

Frequency Radiation (RFR) Safety Program.

11.36.1. (Added) Specialists will: (Added) When radiating Offensive Radar or HF radio in the maintenance docks or

hangars the fire suppression system will be deactivated during system operation. (Added) Coordinate with the production superintendent and MOC to establish the

Aircraft radar RF hazard zone. (Added) MOC: Monitor RF operations, assist the Production Superintendent with

personnel notification and any other coordination as required.

11.36.2. (Added) Suspected Overexposures. (Added) When personnel suspect they have been overexposed to radiation, the

production superintendent will immediately notify MOC and ensure individual is transported to

the hospital. (Added) MOC will notify maintenance supervision, QA and the squadron safety

officer/NCO of any suspected overexposure to RF radiation.

AFI21-101_WHITEMANAFBSUP 31 JANUARY 2017 35 (Added) Report all suspected overexposure to RF radiation to the Base Radiation

Safety Officer (RSO), typically the senior Bioenvironmental Engineer (BE), for investigation

and documentation. Public Health will also document the results of the investigation.

11.36.3. (Added) Astroinertial Instrument (AI) handling. (Added) AI contains radioactive isotope Carbon-14. Personnel will not intentionally

break sealed integrity of the unit. If AI unit seal is inadvertently broken, take the following

actions: (Added) Close off area to ensure control. (Added) Notify unit's radiation protection officer, Base RSO and Base Civil

Engineer Squadron Readiness and Emergency Management Flight (CES/CEX, 7-6142). (Added) The permit Radiation Safety Office (RSO) (typically the senior BE) will

check area with swipes to verify the presence/absence of contamination. If source is not exposed,

enclose AI unit in plastic and return it to the manufacturer. If the source is exposed, an

accident/incident will be presumed and take action IAW AFI 40-201, Managing Radioactive

Materials in the US Air Force.

11.36.4. (Added) AMXS will: (Added) Appoint a custodian for the Squadron Radiation Protection Program. (Added) Control and account for all AI’s physically installed on assigned aircraft

and during transport to and from the aircraft. (Added) Provide 509 LRS a roster of personnel authorized to sign for, receive, and

turn-in AI assets. (Added) Report any and all incidents and/or accountability discrepancies to Base

RSO and CES/CEX. (Added) Provide technical support to Base RSO and CES/CEX personnel, as

required, to investigate suspected or alleged incidents involving the AI.

11.36.5. (Added) 509 LRS will: (Added) Assign a warehouse location for serviceable AI peace operating stock in the

Aircraft Parts Store. (Added) Physically inspect outgoing property to verify part and serial numbers for

unserviceable shipments. (Added) Report any and all incidents and/or accountability discrepancies to the Base

RSO. (Added) Flight Service Center will ensure supply documentation and property are

“married” prior to delivery to Traffic Management Office (TMO) for carrier receipt. (Added) Provide copies of documentation to Northrop Grumman Interim Contractor

Support personnel for outgoing unserviceable assets to ensure they are properly tracked through

the contractor's repair system

11.37. (Added) Engine oil consumption and oil analysis procedures


11.37.1. (Added) Check engine oil quantity reported by OBTS at shut down. (Added) Record the amount of oil serviced in IMDS no later than the end of each

duty day (not required for T-38’s). (Added) Determine amount of oil consumed by comparing amount in tank from

previous flight, block 16 of AFTO Form 781H or IMDS, to the amount of oil in tank after

current flight. (Added) Calculate the amount of oil consumed per engine operating time in OBTS. (Added) If the hourly amount consumed is less than the specified amount in

applicable technical orders, no further action is required. (Added) If the amount consumed and serviced is abnormal, notify Propulsion Flight

Chief or designated representative and investigate IAW applicable TO

11.37.2. (Added) For B-2 and T-38 document reviews, the 781 J may be faxed to the OAP lab.

If discrepancies are noted hand carry the AFTO Form 781 binder to the OAP lab.

11.37.3. (Added) Ensure a copy of the Oil Analysis Record or suitable automated form,

accompanies all deployed engines.

11.37.4. (Added) Ensure DD Form 2026, Oil Analysis Report indicating oil wetted

maintenance is identified with a red border in accordance with TO 33-1-37-1.

11.37.5. (Added) Deliver “Red Cap” samples taken after OAP lab duty hours through the 509

MXS Production Superintendent. Standby personnel will be called. Standby will not be called

for routine samples

11.37.6. (Added) B-2 aircraft “Red Cap” sample response time shall not exceed 3 hours and T-

38 “Red Cap” response time shall not exceed 90 minutes.

11.37.7. (Added) A properly filled out DD Form 2026 will accompany all transient aircraft


11.38. (Added) Documentation of Low Observable (LO) Maintenance.

11.38.1. (Added) Identify all maintenance directly impacting LO characteristics of the aircraft

with the code “LO”, “ST” or “ER” in the Activity Identifier (AI) block. Do not use LO codes for

non-LO related work. However, maintenance to facilitate LO maintenance should be identified

with the LO codes. For example, use LO codes when removing/installing the tailpipe to facilitate

off aircraft LO repair. However, do not use LO codes if tailpipe was removed/installed to

facilitate non-LO maintenance. If LO man-hours are expended to facilitate other maintenance,

ensure annotation of appropriate No Defect and How Mal codes. Identify all structural

maintenance (nut plates, stuck screws, ducts, tubing, etc) with the code “ST” in the AI block and

“ER” for defects entered in error or duplicate write ups.

11.38.2. (Added) Maintenance work centers will identify all LO work in IMDS by entering

“LO”, “ST”, or “ER” into the AI field of the associated screen. This LO documentation includes

LO assessment/inspection, scheduled (HPO, Phase, etc.) and unscheduled maintenance actions.

Crew sizes should accurately reflect the number of maintenance personnel directly contributing

to the work involved (hands-on).


11.38.3. (Added) Aircraft Servicing Documentation. Hydraulic, oil, oxygen, EGW, and

Coolanol servicing units (servicing carts, de-aeration) and nitrogen servicing will be documented

in the aircraft forms as follows; each time servicing is performed an INFO/NOTE will be placed

in the AFTO IMT 781A stating what component was serviced with the servicing cart number. In

addition, units will develop a local tracking sheet for hydraulic, oil, oxygen, EGW, and Coolanol

servicing units (servicing carts, de-aeration) and nitrogen servicing docks/carts that will include,

as a minimum; the aircraft tail number, component serviced, date/time, servicing cart or de-

aeration unit number (including PAS purge and leak check) and employee number (this tracking

sheet will stay with the servicing cart) duplicated discrepancies.

11.39. (Added) B-2 Aircraft tow training

11.39.1. (Added) As a minimum, trainee(s) will complete the following: On-the-Job Training

for the position being qualified, successful completion of towing test given by MTF and

certification by qualified personnel (if applicable). All tow team members will complete annual

refresher training to include the tow test at the MTF. (Added) Decentralized scheduling activities will inspect automated 95’s annually

IAW 00-20-1. (Added) MUNS PS&D will track and schedule all Bomb Rack Unit BRU 44 5 fire

inspections. (Added) MO PS&D will: (Added) Schedule and chair a meeting to discuss items listed in part B of AFTO

103. Invite the Programed Depot Maintenance (PDM) Integration Manager (Contractor), B-2

PDM Program manager (Tinker AFB), B-2 Configuration Management (Contractor), and

AFGSC PDM Manager to attend the meeting. (Added) As a minimum the following sections will attend: AMXS supervision,

Dedicated Crew Chief or Assistant assigned to the input aircraft, 509 MXS Supervision, 509

MXS Egress, 509 MXS Structural Maintenance, 509 MXG Quality Assurance, and 509

OSS/AFE. (Added) Complete Part A and B of AFTO Form 103. Include next PE, TCIs,

TCTOs, AF Form 781K entries, landing gear serial numbers, and engine serial numbers, AF

Form 2410, Inspection/TCTO Planning Checklist, an Aircraft Special Inspection work sheet if

provide by contractor. Identify a Temporary Modifications that will not be removed prior to

PDM induction. (Added) If a Northrop Grumman Military Aircraft Systems Division Team arrives

to inspect the aircraft prior to release to the depot facility the following procedures apply. (Added) 509 AMXS and MXS supervision must be a part of the team and agree

on all additional write-ups. (Added) The 509 MXS LO Structural Maintenance section (MXMLP) will ensure

additional write-ups identified as structural/low observable in nature are entered into IMDS. If

any write-ups are identified as depot write-ups and/or are required to be accomplished by the

contractor while at depot, MXML will identify them to PS&D to ensure they are recorded on an

AFTO Form 103.

38 AFI21-101_WHITEMANAFBSUP 31 JANUARY 2017 (Added) The DCC will ensure additional write-ups identified for all other systems

are entered into IMDS. For any write-ups identified as depot write-ups and/or required to be

accomplished by the contractor while at depot, the crew chief will identify them to MOF PS&D

to ensure they are recorded on an AFTO Form 103 with valid supply document numbers. (Added) Schedule a time for the Maintenance Group Commander to review. (Added) Send the completed AFTO 103 to HQ AFGSC/A8A4 as soon as

completed, but no later than 55 days prior to depot input. PS&D will monitor the status and

coordinate any changes between HQ AFGSC and the AMXS. (Added) ADRs will be accomplished every 30 days due to combined automated

and manual AFTO Form 781-series use. (Added) Hold a pre/post dock inspection meeting for HPO, extended downtime for

major maintenance, Class II modifications, other major modifications. or -107 actions. MOF

PS&D will: (Added) Ensure the items on the AF Form 2410 are discussed thoroughly. List all job

control numbers for known maintenance tasks on the AF Form 2410. If additional tasks are

required, annotate these items and discuss them to insure minimum effect on workflow. (Added) MO PS&D will prepare a complete wrap-up package consisting of the AF

Form 2410 (original copy), IMDS Maintenance Snapshot, and any other items that would

provide information on the completion of maintenance being accomplished. (Added) When notified of an incident/accident/mishap PS&D will collect all

records and pulled forms pertaining to the aircraft and secure the records until further instructed.

Freeze all aircraft records when directed by Wing Safety or Impoundment Official. Control/ limit

access to the aircraft jacket file and historical records and comply with additional records

management as directed by impoundment officials. (Added) The performing work center will: (Added) Order and maintain all HAZMAT to accomplish Time Compliance

Inspection (TCI) requirements. (Added) Any organization wishing to establish or make changes to profile job

standards in IMDS will contact Quality Assurance (509 MXG/MXQ). Quality Assurance will

coordinate with PS&D to research the request and load the information into the database. The

requesting work center will load equipment items to the new job standard. (Added) Fifteen days prior to delivery, request PDM Data Delivery Package through

the Northrop/Grumman B-2 configuration manager (data package includes (a) CANN and Delta

CANN Reports, (b) Time Change Extensions (as appl.), (c) Resource Management Information

System (REMIS) GRP4050 “Missing/Excess Configuration To End Item Report”, (d) REMIS

GRP 4170 “Actual Configuration Operating Time Report”, (e) REMIS GRP4130 “End Item

Serial Number Detail TCTO Report”, (f) AFTO 781E and Inspections, (g) TCTO Matrix, and (h)

REMIS/IMDS PDM Air Vehicle Working File with Part/Serial Number Configuration,

Inspection, and Time Change Summary”). (Added) Upon acceptance of aircraft, inventory the aircraft jacket file and disperse

the decentralized records to the appropriate work centers. Ensure all aircraft inspections, time


change items, and TCTOs are loaded into IMDS, and schedule if required. Ensure all dash 21

equipment on AFTO Form 2692 has been inventoried, and report any shortages or overages by

letter to PS&D within five days of the aircraft arrival. (Added) Maintain the CETADS database and function as the host computer

operator (Added) Ensure all software upgrades to host and work center computers are

current and assist CETADS users with technical program support. (Added) Be the primary contact with software engineers to report all program

deficiencies and forward program change requests (PCR). (Added) Provide computer access to authorized propulsion personnel to perform

CETADS host and workstation operations. (Added) Ensure compliance with AFGSCI 21-152 and report all discrepancies to

appropriate supervision (Added) The Engine Health Monitoring (EHM) Manager will (Added) Manage and coordinate the EHM program IAW AFGSCI 21-152 and

applicable technical orders for the Maintenance Group commander. (Added) Ensure EHM computers are not modified or used for non- EHM

applications and ensure all software upgrades to host and work center computers are current. (Added) Ensure the primary and alternate EHM monitors are trained to use the

CETADS program. (Added) Monitor the CETADS host computer daily functions to ensure

downloads and alarm reviews are completed. (Added) Load B003.dat data file into host computer after receipt from OAP

laboratory. (Added) Maintain a register of EHM computer equipment location. (Added) Primary and Alternate EHM Monitors will (Added) Process OGP flight downloads and review alarms in the CETADS

computer the next flying day. (Added) Ensure corrective actions on “watch” or EHM problem engines are

accomplished as soon as possible. Enter the EHM discrepancy into IMDS in a timely manner. (Added) When the engine trend plot indicates maintenance or engine removal is

required, coordinate with PS&D to ensure the aircraft can be scheduled for maintenance when

practical. Notify Engine Health Management (EHM) Manager of maintenance performed to

correct EHM alarms. (Added) Ensure CETADS deployable laptops and trained monitors are sent on

all deployments to perform EHM. Ensure current send.dat file is processed into laptop before

departure. Perform daily downloading/alarm reviews and reconcile deployed laptops with host

computer after return from deployment.

40 AFI21-101_WHITEMANAFBSUP 31 JANUARY 2017 (Added) Assist with maintenance recommendations as required for trending and

diagnostics on operational engines to the AMXS.


Brigadier General, USAF

Commander, 509th Bomb Wing


Attachment 1



509 BW Plan 91-15, Bird Aircraft Strike Hazard Plan, 1 May 2014

509 BW Plan 10-2, Installation Emergency Management Plan, Sept 2015

AFGSI 21-152, Engine Trending & Diagnostic (ET&D) Program, 30 July 2012

AFI 21-101_AFGSCSUP, Aircraft and Equipment Maintenance Management, 26 Oct 2015

AFI 33-360, Publications and Forms Management, 1 Dec 2015

AFI 40-201, Radioactive Materials Management, 17 Sept 2014

AFI 91-202, Mishap Prevention Program, 24 June 2015

AFI 91-204, Safety Investigations and Reports, 12 Feb 2014

AFMAN 33-363, Management of Records, 01 Mar 2008

AFPAM 91-212, Bird/Wildlife Aircraft Strike Hazard (Bash) Mgmt Techniques, 1 Feb 2004

TO 00-5-1, Air Force Technical Order System, 1 Oct 2014

TO-00-20-1, Aerospace Equip Maint Insp, Documentation, Policy, and Procedures, 1 Apr 2016

TO 00-20-2, Maint Data Documentation, 15 Mar 2016

TO 00-20-3, Maint Processing Repair Property/Repair Cycle Asset Control Sys, 15 Aug 2015

TO 00-25-172, Ground Servicing of Aircraft and Static Grounding/Bonding, 9 Aug 2013

TO 00-25-195, TO Sys Source, Maint, Recoverability Coding Wpns, Sys, Equip, 1 Oct 2012

TO 00-105E-9, Aerospace Emergency Rescue and Mishap Response Information, 1 Feb 2006

TO 1-1-3, Inspection and Repair of Aircraft Integral Tanks and Fuel Cells, 21 Jun 2013

TO 1-1-300, Maintenance Operational Checks and Check Flights, 15 Mar 2012

TO 1B-2A-2-05JG-80-1, Aircraft Ground Handling and Safety Jacking, 5 Oct 2006

TO 1B-2A-6, Scheduled Inspections and Maintenance Requirements, 20 Dec 2013

TO 33-1-37-1, Joint Oil Analysis Program Manual, 15 Sep 2014

WAFBI 15-111, Base Weather Support Document, 16 Nov 2015

Prescribed Forms


Adopted Forms

AF Form 847, Recommendation for Change of Publication, 22 Sep 2009

AF Form 853, Air Force Wildlife Strike report, 15 Oct 2005


AF Form 1067, Modification Proposal, 01 Nov 1999

AF Form 1297, Temporary Issue receipt, 01 Jul 1987

AF Form 2005, Issue/Turn-In Request, 26 Aug 2008

AF Form 2410, Inspection/TCTO Planning Checklist, 01 Jun 1972

AF Form 2434, B-2 RLA Weapons Configuration and Expenditure Document, 01 Dec 1996

AFTO Form 2692, Aircraft/Missile Equipment Transfer/Shipping Listing, 01 May 1976

AFTO Form 22, Technical manual Change Recommendation and Reply, 31 Mar 2014

AFTO Form 103, Aircraft/Missile Condition Data, 20 Jun 2013

AFTO Form 244, Industrial Support Equipment Record, 29 May 2013

AFTO Form 350, Repairable Item Tag, 09 Nov 2012

AFTO Form 781A, Maintenance Discrepancy and Work Document, 11 Jul 2013

AFTO Form 781K, Aerospace Veh Insp, Eng Data, Calendar, Delay Discrepancy, 25 Mar 2016

AFGSC Form 140, CTK Inventory and Control Log, 06 Jul 2011

DD Form 1348-6, Single Line Item Requisition System Document, Feb 1985

DD Form 2026, Oil Analysis Request, Mar 1999

Abbreviations and Acronyms

ADLS—Advanced Distributed Learning System

ADR—Aircraft Document Review

AI—Astroinertial Instrument

AFFF—Aqueous Film Forming Foam

CETADS—Comprehensive Engine Testing and Diagnostics Systems

EPRT—Engine Run Pre Testing

ERRC—Engine Running Crew Change

FES—Fire Emergency Services

FOQA—Flight Operational Quality Assurance

IC—Incident Commander

MARE—Major Accident Response Exercise

MCT—Maximum Continuous Thrust

MTS—Military Training Section

P&R—Programs and Resources

QAE—Quality Assurance Evaluator

RE—Research Engineering


RLA—Rotary Launch Actuator

RSO—Radiation Safety Officer

SBRA—Smart Bomb Rack Assembly

SC—Special Certification

TRT—Take-off Rated Thrust


Attachment 2 (Added)