Department of Computer Science and Technology, UTU 2014 Mr. Sapan Naik Page 1 Five Years Integrated M.Sc. (I.T.) (Semester 4) Teaching Schedule 060010405: Object Oriented Software Engineering Unit Sub Unit No. of Lecture(s) Topics Reference Chapter/ Additional Reading Teaching Methodology to be used Evaluation Parameters Unit 1 : Introduction to Software Engineering and Object-Oriented Concepts 1.1 2 Software Engineering: Program vs. software, complexity of software, characteristics of software YS #1 - Page No. 2 – 6 Power Point Presentation QUIZ –1 UNIT TEST – 1 1.2 3 Object-oriented basic concepts: classes and object, messages and attributes, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, responsibility and abstraction, object composition YS #1 – Page No. 6 – 15 MB #1 – Page No. 2 – 3, 1.3 1 Object-oriented methodologies: Coad and Yourdon, Booch, Rumbaugh and Jacobson methodology YS #1 - Page No. 16 – 20 1.4 1 Object-oriented modelling YS #1 - Page No. 20, PJ #3 – Page No. 88 1.5 Traditional approach and object-oriented approach YS #1 - Page No. 24 Unit 2 : Software Development Life Cycle Models 2.1 1 Conventional life cycle models YS #2 - Page No. 32 – 33 Power Point Presentation UNIT TEST – 1 2.2 1 Waterfall Model and Prototyping Model YS #2 - Page No. 34 – 37, RM # 2 – Page No. 33 – 34, RM # 2 – Page No. 43, PJ #2 – Page No. 32 - 36 2.3 1 Iterative Enhancement Model and Spiral Model YS #2 - Page No. 37 – 40, RM # 2 – Page No. 41, RM # 2 – Page No. 48, PJ #2 – Page No. 36 - 38 2.4 1 Agile model: Extreme programming YS #2 - Page No. 40 – 43 2.5 1 Object-oriented software life cycle model YS #2 - Page No. 43 – 44 2.6 1 Fountain model YS #2 - Page No. 44 – 46 2.7 1 Rational unified process YS #2 - Page No. 46 – 54 2.8 1 Selection of software life cycle model YS #2 - Page No. 54 – 56 Unit 3 : Software Requirement Elicitation and Analysis 3.1 3 Software requirement YS #3 - Page No. 63 – 65 Power Point Presentation Self Creation parameter (SRS 3.2 Overview of requirement elicitation techniques YS #3 - Page No. 65 – 71 3.3 1 Initial requirement document YS #3 - Page No. 71 – 72 3.4 2 Use case approach: creating use case diagram for requirement, use case description, scenario diagrams, scenario matrix YS #3 - Page No. 73 – 82, MB #8 – Page No. 147 – 151, RM # 7 – Page No. 245 Chalk and Talk

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Page 1: Department of Computer Science and Technology, UTUutu.ac.in/dcst/download/documents/LPMSCIT060010405.pdf · 2014-01-20 · Department of Computer Science and Technology, UTU 2014

Department of Computer Science and Technology, UTU 2014

Mr. Sapan Naik Page 1

Five Years Integrated M.Sc. (I.T.) (Semester 4)Teaching Schedule060010405: Object Oriented Software Engineering


No. ofLecture(s) Topics

Reference Chapter/Additional Reading


to be used


Unit 1 : Introduction to Software Engineering and Object-Oriented Concepts

1.1 2 Software Engineering: Programvs. software, complexity ofsoftware, characteristics ofsoftwareYS #1 - Page No. 2 – 6

Power PointPresentation



1.2 3 Object-oriented basic concepts:classes and object, messagesand attributes, encapsulation,inheritance, polymorphism,responsibility and abstraction,object compositionYS #1 – Page No. 6 – 15MB #1 – Page No. 2 – 3,

1.3 1 Object-oriented methodologies:Coad and Yourdon, Booch,Rumbaugh and JacobsonmethodologyYS #1 - Page No. 16 – 20


Object-oriented modelling YS #1 - Page No. 20,PJ #3 – Page No. 881.5 Traditional approach andobject-oriented approach YS #1 - Page No. 24

Unit 2 : Software Development Life Cycle Models

2.1 1 Conventional life cycle models YS #2 - Page No. 32 – 33

Power PointPresentation


2.2 1 Waterfall Model andPrototyping Model YS #2 - Page No. 34 – 37,RM # 2 – Page No. 33 –34, RM # 2 – Page No. 43,PJ #2 – Page No. 32 - 362.3 1 Iterative Enhancement Modeland Spiral Model YS #2 - Page No. 37 – 40,RM # 2 – Page No. 41,RM # 2 – Page No. 48,PJ #2 – Page No. 36 - 382.4 1 Agile model: Extremeprogramming YS #2 - Page No. 40 – 432.5 1 Object-oriented software lifecycle model YS #2 - Page No. 43 – 442.6 1 Fountain model YS #2 - Page No. 44 – 462.7 1 Rational unified process YS #2 - Page No. 46 – 542.8 1 Selection of software life cyclemodel YS #2 - Page No. 54 – 56

Unit 3 : Software Requirement Elicitation and Analysis


Software requirement YS #3 - Page No. 63 – 65Power PointPresentation

Self Creationparameter


3.2 Overview of requirementelicitation techniques YS #3 - Page No. 65 – 713.3 1 Initial requirement document YS #3 - Page No. 71 – 723.4

2Use case approach: creating usecase diagram for requirement,use case description, scenariodiagrams, scenario matrix

YS #3 - Page No. 73 – 82,MB #8 – Page No. 147 –151,RM # 7 – Page No. 245 Chalk andTalk

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Department of Computer Science and Technology, UTU 2014

Mr. Sapan Naik Page 2

3.5 1 Characteristics of goodrequirement YS #3 - Page No. 82 – 86Power PointPresentation


QUIZ – 23.6 1 Software requirementspecification document YS #3 - Page No. 86 –111,RM # 4 – Page No. 114,PJ #3 – Page No. 1073.7 1 Requirement changemanagement YS #3 - Page No. 111 –114

Unit 4 : Object-Oriented Analysis

4.1 1 Structured analysis versusobject-oriented analysis YS #5 - Page No. 174 –175 Power PointPresentation Self Creation



QUIZ - 2

4.2 1 Types of classes and itsidentification YS #5 - Page No. 175 –1794.3 2 Identification of relationship:Association, aggregation,multiplicity, composition,dependency, generalization

YS #5 - Page No. 180 –184Chalk and


Modeling relationships YS #5 - Page No. 184 –1864.5 Identifying state and behavior:attributes and operations YS #5 - Page No. 187 –189

Unit 5 : Object-Oriented Design

5.1 3 Steps of object-oriented design,Creating design diagrams:Interaction diagrams, Sequencediagrams, CollaborationdiagramsYS #6 - Page No. 203 –226,MB #7 – Page No. 136 –140,RM #7 – Page No. 254 -256

Chalk andTalk

Self Creationparameter



5.2 1 Refinement of use casedescription and classes andrelationships YS #6 - Page No. 226 –232Power PointPresentation

5.3 1 Identification of operations forimplementation YS #6 - Page No. 232 –2345.4 1 Detailed class diagram anddesign document, Generatingtest cases from use case YS #6 - Page No. 234 –2445.5 1 Object-oriented designprinciples for improvingsoftware quality YS #6 - Page No. 244 –2535.6 2 Moving towardsimplementation: activitydiagrams and state chartdiagrams, storing persistentdata in database

YS #7 - Page No. 260 –280,MB #5 – Page No. 95 –101, MB #7 – Page No.140 – 144RM # 7 – Page No. 256 –258Chalk and


5.7 1 Implementing the classes YS #7 - Page No. 280 –282 Power PointPresentation

Unit 6 : Software Testing

6.1 1 Verification and validation YS #9 - Page No. 348 –349Power PointPresentation

Self Creation

6.2 1 Software verification techniques:peer reviews, walkthroughs andinspections, verification tool:checklistYS #9 - Page No. 349 –356

6.3 5 Software validation techniques: YS #9 - Page No. 356 –

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Department of Computer Science and Technology, UTU 2014

Mr. Sapan Naik Page 3

functional testing-boundaryvalue analysis, equivalence classtesting and decision table-basedtesting, structural testing-pathtesting, class testing, state basedtesting, mutation testing403,PJ #10 – Page No. 411,PJ #10 – Page No. 424 parameter



6.4 1 Levels of testing: unit testing,integration testing, systemtesting and acceptance testing YS #9 - Page No. 403 –4056.5 1 Software testing tools: static,dynamic and processmanagement tools YS #9 - Page No. 405 –407

Text Book:1. Yogesh Singh, R. Malhotra, Object-oriented Software Engineering, PHI – [YS]

Reference Book1. Micheal R Blaha, James R Rumbaugh, Object-Oriented Modeling and Design with UML, Pearson – [MB]2. Rajib Mall, Fundamentals of Software Engineering, PHI – [RM]3. Pankaj Jalote, Am integrated Approach to Software Engineering, Narosa – [PJ]

Note : # denotes chapter number.