Denver School of the Arts Thespian Society 2013-2014 Presented to you by: The DSA Thespian Officers

Denver School of the Arts Thespian Society 2013-2014 Presented to you by: The DSA Thespian Officers

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Page 1: Denver School of the Arts Thespian Society 2013-2014 Presented to you by: The DSA Thespian Officers

Denver School of the Arts

Thespian Society2013-2014

Presented to you by: The DSA Thespian Officers

Page 2: Denver School of the Arts Thespian Society 2013-2014 Presented to you by: The DSA Thespian Officers

Officer Board: Who’s Who

President: Julia Hemp

Vice President: Andie Lerner

Secretary: Alessandra Bongiardina

Treasurer: Anna Zinanti

Publicist: Emma Meisel

Historians: Mitchell Lippitt,Amber Tanaka

Inreach: Sammie Piel

Outreach: Maia Brockbank

Freshman Rep: Lydia Thompson

Sponsor: Shawn Hann

Page 3: Denver School of the Arts Thespian Society 2013-2014 Presented to you by: The DSA Thespian Officers

What is a Thespian?

The International Thespian Society (ITS) is the Educational Theatre Association’s student honorary organization; it is an honor society for students who share a passion for theatre and the arts!

ITS recognizes the achievements of high school and middle school theatre students.

For high school students: Any 9-12th grade student from any major at DSA who is interested in delving deep into exploring all aspects of the arts of theatre, dance, vocal music, technical theatre, playwriting and more.

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Page 5: Denver School of the Arts Thespian Society 2013-2014 Presented to you by: The DSA Thespian Officers

What is a Thespian?

HISTORY: Inspired by Thespis, who was the first actor to set himself apart from the Greek Chorus onstage in 6th century B.C, the Thespian Society serves to provide students the opportunities to step into their fears and push artistic boundaries.

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What is a Thespian?

BENEFITS OF BEING A THESPIAN: Performance Opportunities, College Auditions, Scholarship Money; Powerful life skills preparing all Thespians for a bright future, like Leadership and Arts Advocacy.

ACTIVITIES: Cabarets, Playworks, Colorado and International Thespian Conventions, Fundraising, Ticket Exchanges, Drama Day, Advocacy, Theatre-related Community Service.

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What is a Thespian? GOALS FOR THIS YEAR:

CONNECTION: Outreach, Inreach WILLINGNESS: Grow as artists, Take Risks,

Lead SUPPORT: All members of Troupe, other

schools, community. Support for keeping arts programs in the DPS school system!

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Membership: How to Qualify

Granted to any high school student who has participated in arts or theatre-related activities for 100 hours, or a calculated 10 points as part of the ITS point system.

Attendance: Every member must attend the 5 meetings we have this year. If excessive tardies/absences, dismissal from Troupe.


Members MUST have a 2.5 GPA to be a member, officers must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher.

Following national standards and rules est. by ITS

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Point System

1 pt= 10 hours of Theatre/arts related activities

10 pts=100 hours; qualify as a member. 5 of 10 hours must be from school related event.

For JRT Conversion: 10-15 JRT=5 pts, 16-25 JRT=7 pts, 26-40 JRT=10 pts.

If NEW AND UNREGISTERED: OCTOBER 2ND: Must have 10 points to be admitted into

the Thespian Society.

If NEW BUT ALREADY REGISTERED: Must transfer membership to DSA Thespians. Must

contact prior sponsor/director and collaborate with Ms. Hann and Officers to sign up with DSA Thespians.

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Point System

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Point System

POINT CARDS/TOTALING: All RETURNING Thespians will fill our Point Card and hand it in at end of meeting. Personal info, Production/Work, Date, Responsibility/Role,

Venue. DO NOT mark in “No. of Points” column; this is reserved for Thespian Officers and the Troupe Sponsor ONLY. WRITE DOWN EVENTS FROM THIS PAST SUMMER.

FOR EVERYONE TODAY: Look at the sheet titled: “Thespian Online Point Card System”. CO Thespians is online as of this year. YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES: If returning, create an account

and practice using the online tracking system. If not yet registered, attempt to create an account. If access is denied, you will be granted access once you are a registered DSA Thespian.

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Point System

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Colorado Thespian Convention

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Colorado Thespian Convention

•Throughout the year, Thespians participate in chapter events with others from across their state. This is a three day event in Colorado: Thursday, December 5th- Saturday, December 7th. For more info: http://cothespians.com/

•Thespians see performances from some of the best Colorado high school theatre on the Festival main stage while also sampling a variety of

workshops in everything from dance to acting to mime to commedia. Also at the Festival are colleges and universities scouting potential students. EdTA also hands out many scholarships, grants, and awards to educators and students every year.

•IE’s/ Individual Events: Student performances ranging from monologues, duet/group scenes, solo/duet/group songs, and design. If they receive a score of two Superior ratings out of three ratings, they qualify for the National Convention, which takes place in June.

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ANNUAL DUES: $25 annual payment. Given to the Treasurer. MUST BE TURNED IN SEPTEMBER 18TH!

INDUCTION FEE: $15. October 17th.

COLORADO THESPIAN CONVENTION: $95 Convention Fee (Scholarships available) $60 Hotel Fee $20 per person, per IE $40 State College Audition paid via Getacceptd.com

LATE FEES: Vary depending on form/event, but a $10 late fee for late Convention Registration Forms. For most forms, however: $5 per day it is late.

NATIONAL THESPIAN CONVENTION: $650 Registration, $150 Transportation $40 College Auditions $25 College Auditions

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Broadway Cares/Equity Fights Aids: Committee!

NEW THIS YEAR! We are creating a committee run by the members of the Thespian Troupe who are willing to commit their time and energy into fundraising for Broadway Cares/Equity Fights Aids Organization.

PLANS SO FAR: Will create collecting buckets/jars and set these up in classrooms, or have students in the hallways collecting money. Spare change adds up! Also hope to have a conjoined fundraising event with other clubs at DSA, like JSU, Student Council, or NHS.

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Broadway Cares/Equity Fights Aids:

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Major Rep.’s

Want to represent/act as the voice of your major in the Thespian Society? Are you full of fresh and innovative ideas for the department? Are you looking for ways to help all majors at DSA become more connected? Then APPLY to be a Major Representative! DUE MON. SEPTEMBER 16TH.

HOW TO APPLY: Write a one to two paragraph essay detailing: Why you would like to be a major representative What you love most of the Thespian Society What your duties/responsibilities would be on the

board; how you would uphold them. Your goals for the Thespian Society / plans for this

year in involving your major more in Thespian activities.

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http://dsathespians.yolasite.com/contact-us.php Emailing the officers individually is

preferable. The DSA Thespians website will be utilized for

uploading documents, reminders about upcoming events/meetings, and blog updates.

Like “DSA Thespians 5869” on Facebook! Friend officers on Facebook and message us with questions.

Come talk to us in the hallways!

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THANK YOU! Next Meeting: September 18th!

Dues, State Convention, Point Collecting