Deliberation for the 12 International Meeting of Communist and Workers

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  • 7/29/2019 Deliberation for the 12 International Meeting of Communist and Workers


    Deliberation for the 12 International Meeting of Communist and Workers' Parties to be held

    in Johannesburg in South Africa From December 3-5, 2010.

    Dear Comrade Chairman,

    Delegate Comrades and Ladies and Gentlemen

    First of all, I would like to extend my sincere congratulation to the "South African Communist

    Party (SACP) for successfully organizing the "12th International Meeting of Communist and

    Workers' Parties (IMCWP) around the world in the nation of Nelson Mandela and in the

    place and work place of "U TATA MADIBA" i.e. Johannesburg in South Africa. I am here fromthe country of communists and workers upholding and flying their beloved red flag tirelessly

    on the top of the Mount Everest with greater enthusiasm to the country of the prisoner

    number 46664 once made confined to the Robben Island in order to plug the voices of

    millions of voiceless peoples in South Africa particularly and across the whole globe in

    general, but the prisoner number 46664 has proved to be the tremendous source of human

    inspiration for the human emancipation from the clutches of apartheid as well as all forms of

    discrimination and exploitation against the humanity in the 21st century. Dear Comrades,

    Let me go one step further and extend my greatest gratitude to SACP for inviting us to voice

    our common concerns for our common future with the common strategy to fight against

    global Imperialism which is the latest form of capitalism all over the world. "The deepening

    systemic crisis of capitalism. The tasks of Communists in defense of sovereignty, deepening

    social alliances, strengthening the anti-imperialist front in the struggle for peace, progress

    and Socialism" seemed to be timely tested, timely needed and timely demanded theme for

    forging social alliances among communist and workers' parties against global imperialism in

    the 21st century for the 12th International Meeting of Communist and Workers' Parties. The

    discourse, debate and discussion on such highly relevant theme are paramount in it and will

    spread a message of hope, expectation and aspiration to many millions of working classpeoples around the world. At the same time, this meeting should come up with a much

    stronger message to operate solidarity network with a view to inform the ideological cum

    political views as well as deepening social alliance network (solidarity network) of different

    Communist and Workers' Parties on national, regional and international issues.

    We cannot, but congratulate you, the SACP for huge responsibility borne and remarkable job

    done for organizing the 12th international meeting of communist and workers' parties in

    the heart of Johannesburg in South Africa.

  • 7/29/2019 Deliberation for the 12 International Meeting of Communist and Workers


    Dear Comrades,

    The world capitalism has been developing through many stages. According to Marx,

    capitalism was advented in 16th century in the form of simple capitalist cooperation. It wasthe first stage in the development of capitalist production which is a form of collectivization

    of labor in which the capitalist exploits a more or less significant number of simultaneously

    employed "wage workers" who perform the same work. Simple capitalist cooperation was

    based on manual labor without a division of labor at a capitalist enterprise which does not

    make radical changes in either the technology or methods of production. The further

    development of simple capitalist cooperation led to the cooperation based on the wide

    division of labor, according to Marx, it was the 2nd stage in the development of capitalism. It

    was called Grand Manufacture stage". It was continued from the middle of the 16th century

    to the 18th century. Greater manufacturing industries were set up during this period of time

    in many parts of Europe. According to Lenin when industrial revolution was occurred and

    modern productive machines were discovered then modern technology led to the

    emergence of the 3rd stage of world capitalist development. It was started from the middle

    of the 18 century to the middle of the 20 century. In that period world had gone tremendous

    changes. Capitalism developed into monopoly capitalism and imperialism. It created huge

    colonial impair all over the world which was completely divided among the world powers,

    since the second half of the 20th century the whole world is again realizing a new,

    comprehensive and modern technological revolution. The implementation of computer

    numerical control (CNC) technology very soon revolutionize the industries everywhere. The

    knowledge based industries are expanding rapidly all over the world. Furthermore, the

    innovation in the field of IT technology, genomic sciences, nanotechnology etc. will have

    inerasable impact on the further control of productions in the global markets. Because

    machine-tool makers worldwide typically sell their newest products close to home and

    began to control the market (monopoly) everywhere by the few industries and individuals.

    The use of modem innovative technologies has given rise to the 4th stage of capitalist

    development- that is modern global capitalism or global imperialism. We are witnessing

    today a great change in every aspect of human life in the world. The days of colonial empire

    has already gone but global imperialism is trying to dominate the people, countries and

    nations of the world through new methods and tactic. The world market has been

    monopolizing and unifying by global capitalism through TIMCs/MNCs and few giantcompanies.

    Dear Comrades,

    Under such circumstances, all the people of all the continents should be united to wage

    national, regional, and global fight against such monopoly entertained by global capitalism

    through revitalization of self-strength and global networking of communist, and workers'parties. Because of the cut-through competition even within three capitalist centers,

  • 7/29/2019 Deliberation for the 12 International Meeting of Communist and Workers


    namely; USA, Europe and Japan, the world structure is changing. Being the fertile land of

    Communist movement and governments in the countries like China, Vietnam, Laos etc., and

    Asia-Pacific geography can be the new region of hope for the success of communist

    movement in a new paradigm in the 21st century.

    About 460 to 480 million out of 950 million people in the world today who are forced to live

    with hunger and deprived of access to health, education and sanitation are confined only to

    my own South Asian region. The figures are more astounding because the South Asian

    region accounts for 23% of the world's total population is the house of more than 43% of the

    world's poor. Fascinatingly, over the period of 10 years from 1999-2009, South Asian military

    expenditure has increased by 45% which is equivalent to U$ 37.3 billion. The defense

    spending is bigger than collective spending made in the sectors of transport,

    communication, health or public order of security. It is not only the threat to the peace, but

    also a perceived sense of threat to the national defense among member states which will

    lead to the deprivation of basic needs of people in the region.

    In a nutshell, the post cold-war globalization is benefiting to developed countries through

    mechanism of WTO principles and hardship of global rural population is more perpetuated

    by the presence of Multinational Corporations and their ruthless exploitation of resources.

    The role of UN in many areas in many ways has been undermined by the organizations like

    NATO. These trends of the globalization are cumulatively posing serious threats to the global

    peace, progress of people, building of socialism, the defense of sovereignty, nationalintegrity and independence of nations. The hew economic order nurtured by the developed

    countries is not only exploitative and discriminatory, but also treacherous to the poor and

    peace loving people of the world. All these problems resulted out of 'worse-functioning

    capitalism and its deepening crisis resulting in global recession' is posing a big threat to the

    international peace and security. Obviously, the massive population of the world is suffering

    from poverty and violence, the crisis of capitalism is looming in and around creating price

    rise of the food and proliferation of the arms.

    The trends after 1990 witnessed a unique situation of 'intensity and growth of internal

    conflicts and crisis governance'. IViany societies, including my own country Nepal, has had

    gone a terrible history of internal strife claiming the lives of more than 14,000 people in a

    decade. Tirelessly and fortunately, we have brought the conflict to an end through a

    peaceful negotiation resulting in the Comprehensive Peace Accord (CPA). This has been a

    unique moment in the history of the world peace where political conflict has skillfully been

    managed by 'national consensus among political parties. As a matter of great pride and

    glory, Nepal has made a remarkable history of eliminating the feudal autocratic monarchy

    through peaceful people movement. Nepal is a witness to the world that progressive

    revolution can be materialized without ruthless bloodshed. It has given an ample lesson to

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    the world community that the unprecedented mass political movement of people can

    remove any powerful "dictator" at a stretch.

    There is a silver lining in the clouds of South Asian Political conflicts and progress towardspeace and development. My own country is now seriously engaged in bringing logical

    conclusion of peace process and drafting a new constitution. My party "The Communist

    Party of Nepal (Unified Marxist - Leninist)" has played a crucial role in ending the 'decade-

    long-insurgency' and restoring the peace. My party has set examples of "pro-poor

    government" while running governments two times over the last two decades. The policies

    and programs introduced and implemented by my party have been widely acclaimed and

    admired by the people and have set standards of democratic performance of the

    government. We strongly believe that socialism is the only way out for liberation of the

    exploited, workers, peasants, peace loving and middle class people. The relevance of the

    Marxism and Leninism has now proved again in the wake of the monopoly of the global

    imperialism in the new world order. My party is firmly stood against all forms of domination

    and imperialism.

    In addition to our tremendous success in peaceful resolution of the conflict, announcing the

    democratic republic of Nepal along with the multiparty political system, there is still a long

    way to go ahead. Many factors like occasional failures in national consensus on PLA

    integration and management, modality of new constitution and failure to the election of

    prime minister are greatly hampering the ongoing peace process and constitution writing. Iam so firmed that there is no alternate to the national consensus politics among major

    political parties in Nepal. Dear Comrades,

    With those observations, perceptions, and analysis, once again, I would like to salute and

    appreciate the efforts of the South African Communist Party to organize this meeting in

    crucial juncture of history, when the capitalism is hard struggling to stand up from its

    collapse. But there are some questions for all of us to be answered. Should we let this brutal,

    systemically failed and anti-humanistic capitalism re-emerge again a system to attack

    international peace and order and defile socialism? Should we allow it emerge again to

    become a bedrock of imperialism? Should we allow it to be the cause of suffering of millions

    of poor people? Should we allow it a dominant power of the international exploitative

    market? I hope this meeting will pretty much engage in raising debate and discussion on

    these issues and thus will provide a new impetus for 'revolution' and 'liberation' of the

    working and peace loving people of the world.

    To my knowledge, this is a right time for evolving a common opinion of 'all communist and

    workers parties' towards 'solidarity and commitment' for working together for international

    peace and socialism. We have to deeply think of addressing the problems of 'ultra-leftist

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    extremism'. We have to definitely consider the progress made by some countries under

    leadership of communist party. Undoubtedly, 'the rescue and liberation of the millions of

    poor' from the world is a prime responsibility of the communist and workers' parties in the

    world today. The revitalization of the socialist revolution is dependent on our renewed

    commitment to 'Marxism and Leninism" and revitalization of our working type/performance

    for the poor. The development of the science and technology is boon for us if we properly

    use it for the sake of the revolution. The modern development of science and technology

    has strongly justified the 'scientific analysis of the society and its relations' made by the

    Marxism and Leninism. Therefore, I, on behalf my party and people, would like to propose

    the following resolutions:

    a. Considering that 'the imperialism seriously infected the revolution by penetrating

    poison of internal conflicts in all parts of the world in the name of racism, religious

    fanaticism and fundamentalism and regionalism, the Communist and Workers Parties of the

    world should denounce the deceptive move of the imperialism and promote a new

    international order based on secularism, democracy,peace and internationalism.

    b. The service to welfare and development of the exploited poor class of the society is

    the prime responsibility of the communist and left politics. Hence, we should firmly make a

    commitment to added and increased support to peasants and workers in raising their living

    standards and supporting their struggle for justice.

    The unlimited globalization with motive of 'monopolization' of the world resources by

    global capitalism through operation of Multinational Corporations should be condemned

    and the movement for reparation of damages and harms caused by them to the people and

    nations is raised and launched.

    d. The problems of environmental degradation and climate change affecting the lives of

    people all across the world, caused by unlimited use of chemical fuels by the developedcountries should be condemned and firm movement against it should be immediately

    developed and launched.

    e. To effectively fight against the 'widening impact of global imperialism', new efforts

    should be made to develop solidarity network with all who are working to fight against

    poverty, environmental degradation and climate change, and all forms of discrimination,

    exploitation and injustice.

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    Dear Comrades,

    At last, but not the least, I would like to urge all delegates to pay attention to my

    propositions and conduct discourse to revitalize the 'role of communist and workers' partiesto give the revolution a new dimension for the liberation of working class people in the


    Long live: Marxism and Leninism!

    Long live: The solidarity among the Communist and worker's parties of the world !!

    Long live: Our solidarity network from Chile to China, from Syria to Sicily and from the

    country of Mount Everest to the country of U TATA MADIBA!!!

    Thank you!

    Jhala Nath Khanal


    Communist Party of Nepal (Unified Marxist Leninist)
