DELFT 3D 3D/2D modelling suite for integral water solutions Overview New Features

Delft3D version 4.01.00

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3D/2D modelling suite for integral water solutions

Overview New Features

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Delft3D version 4.01.00

Overview of new features

Version: 1.00

20 June 2014

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Delft3D version 4.01.00,

Published and printed by:DeltaresBoussinesqweg 12629 HV DelftP.O. Box 1772600 MH DelftThe Netherlands

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1 Overview new features 11.1 Delft3D-FLOW: Z-layer option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.2 Remapping of near-bottom layers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.3 Advanced techniques to run Delft3D-FLOW in parallel . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.4 Storm surge modelling: Wind Enhance Scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.5 Support of moving observation points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.6 Delft3D-PART: Support of cartesian Domain Decomposition models . . . . . 21.7 Delft3D-TIDE: Support of larger time-series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31.8 Plugins are running within ArcGIS10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31.9 Graded sediment transport formulations available . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

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Delft3D version 4.01.00,

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1 Overview new features

1.1 Delft3D-FLOW: Z-layer option

For modelling stratified flow above steep bottomslopes, the Z-layer option in Delft3D-FLOW is nowavailable. For these systems, this option offers amore accurate flow model than the standard σ-layeroption.

Please note: the Z-layer discretization results in astaircase representation of the bottom, which maygive thin cells near the bottom. These thin cellsare known to introduce inaccuracies and disconti-nuities in bottom shear stress and velocity profiles.To overcome this problem, encountered when ap-plying Z-layers, Delft3D-FLOW offers the function-ality of remapping the near-bottom layers. Usingthis functionality, thin cells no longer exist. Pleaseread the item "Remapping of near-bottom layers",below.

1.2 Remapping of near-bottom layers

Delft3D-FLOW offers the unique feature of remap-ping of the near-bottom layers to overcome issuesencountered when applying Z-layers. When thetransport of constituents (salinity, temperature, etc.)is involved, the concentrations of the constituents inthe cells that are remapped, are modified to main-tain mass conservation.








Remapped layering

(α = 0.5)

Original layering



1.3 Advanced techniques to run Delft3D-FLOW in parallel

To improve the simulation performance, Delft3D-FLOW offers several advanced techniques to run inparallel. These techniques include Domain Decom-position using multiple cores automatically whenavailable on the executing machine, and MPI-basedparallel by splitting the domain automatically in par-titions. An overview of all techniques is available inthe Delft3D-FLOW User Manual.

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Delft3D version 4.01.00,

1.4 Storm surge modelling: Wind Enhance Scheme

For storm surge simulations with Delft3D-FLOW, aWind Enhance Scheme (WES) following Holland(1980) has been devised to generate tropical cy-clone wind field. The programme computes surfacewinds and pressure around the specified locationof a tropical cyclone centre and given a number oftropical cyclone parameters. The tropical cyclonetrack data given by any Meteorological Agency canbe taken by WES.

1.5 Support of moving observation points

Support of moving observation points (Delft3D-FLOW, D-Water Quality, QUICKPLOT)

1.6 Delft3D-PART: Support of cartesian Domain Decomposition models

Delft3D-PART now supports domain decomposi-tion models for cartesian coordinates. Particles re-leased in a subdomain are transferred through a do-main decomposition boundary to the enclosing sub-domain, which can have a coarser or finer grid size.The coupling between Delft3D-FLOW and Delft3D-PART is performed by the utility programme ’ddcou-ple’.

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Overview new features

1.7 Delft3D-TIDE: Support of larger time-series

Delft3D-TIDE, the tool for tidal analysis and tidalprediction for various complicated situations, nowsupports larger time-series, for example one-yearobservation time-series with a time step of oneminute. On the right, the residual between obser-vations and hindcast is plotted.

1.8 Plugins are running within ArcGIS10

Support of ArcGIS10 for the plugins RGFGRID,QUICKIN, DIDO, GISVIEW and RemoteOLV.

1.9 Graded sediment transport formulations available

Graded sediment transport formulas are availablein Delft3D-FLOW.

The sediment transport model is based on theWilcock-Crowe transport model, which is a frac-tional surface based transport model for calculatingbedload transport of mixed sand and gravel sedi-ment.

Also the Gaeuman et al. sediment transport modelis added which is a modified form of the Wilcock-Crowe model. The Gaeuman et al. sediment trans-port model uses the variance of grain size distribu-tion on the phi scale (σ2φ) rather than the fraction ofsand on the bed surface (Fs) as a measure of thebed surface condition for use in the calculation ofreference shear stress.

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Delft3D version 4.01.00,

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