21-23 April 2015 | Liverpool Delegate Entitlement CD2

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21-23 April 2015 | Liverpool

Delegate Entitlement


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Delegate Entitlement

Purpose of this document

This is Conference Document (CD) 2 which gives the delegate entitlements to National Conference 2015. It outlines

the process and formula for setting the number of delegates you can send to National Conference, how you should

select them and how to challenge the rulings of the Democratic Procedures Committee (DPC)

This document also includes guidance on how to implement the new rule that conference delegations must include at

least 50% self-defining women (rounded down), as well as what to do if you represent students from both the Higher

and Further education sectors.

What you need to do

You should read this document, note your delegate entitlement and make arrangements to select them from your

members – usually by the process of cross campus ballot unless you have been made exempt by the Democratic

Procedures Committee.


I have identified how many delegates my union has

Our union has made arrangements for election of these delegates

I note the rules on delegate selection

We will be training delegates on their role at National Conference

If you require additional information please contact the following people:

For issues relating to the administration of conference, including registration, access needs, room bookings and stalls

contact the Events Team [email protected]

For issues about delegate entitlement, zone committees, reports and policy, amendments to zone policy proposals &

Cross Campus Ballots contact [email protected]

National Conference CD2

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Introduction from the DPC Chair

This document describes how many students your union can send to National Conference in order to

shape NUS policy, and also how you must choose them to ensure they are representative of your

students. It also explains:

How to relay your union’s views to conference How many of your students will be able to participate in the debates on conference floor and within

the fringes How many votes you will have to choose student leaders, trustees and councillors for your National

Union over the next twelve months. Your delegate entitlement is your voice to influence national policy. By reaching out to all your members

through elections - and by giving training to your delegation - you can ensure that your voice will be

diverse, strong and skilled.

Promote the opportunity widely and ensure that everyone – be they part time students on a satellite

campus or the undergraduate sabbatical officer – has a chance to be elected. This year, delegations to

National Conference will be required to have at least 50% reserved places for self-defining women

students. These changes are reflected in this document so please take time to read them. Give your students good opportunities to become delegates, give your delegates good training to become

policy makers and you give your union the best chance to make a difference. Best wishes, Hanif Leylabi Chair Democratic Procedures Committee

How is Delegate Entitlement Set?

Delegate entitlement is set through a process involving a number of bodies, but final responsibility rests with National


1. National Conference votes on the delegate entitlement for the next year’s event.

2. Democratic Procedures Committee uses this entitlement with a formula that calculates each unions

delegate numbers.

3. Each union gets 1 delegate per 3,500 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) students.

4. FTE is worked out by giving a value of 1 for each full time student at your institution and a value of

0.6 for each part time student.

So, 1,000 full time students plus 500 part time students would be 1,000 + (500 x 0.6) = 1,000 + 300 = 1,300 FTE


5. The numbers is then rounded up to the nearest whole number.

6. The full-time and part-time student numbers we use are the same as those used for your NUS

affiliation fee calculation. This year they are equivalent to your student numbers for the

2011/12 academic year.

7. DPC sends out the delegate entitlement for each union and in this document.

8. DPC looks at changes in student numbers and demographics and proposes a delegate entitlement

to conference.

9. National Conference votes on the delegate entitlement for the next year’s event.

Other notes

• All unions have at least one delegate.

• Delegate places are free and include accommodation for the 2 nights of National Conference.

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• In addition to voting delegates, each union can send up to 3 observers to National Conference.

• If you only have one delegate you can send one observer along too who is free.

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Fair representation of women

At National Conference 2014, delegates voted to change NUS’ rules, meaning that delegations to National Conference

now have to include at least 50% women, rounded down, in order to address the underrepresentation of women on

conference floor.

For example, if you had a delegation of four, two of your delegate spaces would be reserved for self-defining women

students. If you were unable to send enough women delegates (e.g. if not enough women stand in your election) you

will not be able to send a full delegation.

For example, if you have a delegate of four and only one woman stands for election, you cannot send a delegation

with three other men to fill up the places. There has to be at least 50% representation of women in your delegation,

which may reduce your delegation size if there are not enough women candidates.

How to select your delegation

Your delegation should represent the diversity and breadth of the students at your institution

1. In Higher Education Institutions they must be elected by cross campus ballot of all students. This must be for

a specific National Conference position on the ballot form.

2. If a HE Union constitution or other article of governance allows it, they may send up to one delegate ‘ex

officio’. For example, the union president may always be a delegate to conference. No more than one delegate

may be selected in this way.

3. Further Education Institutions are exempt from the need to hold cross campus ballots, but DPC encourages

that delegates are chosen by a means in the following order of preference.

By cross campus ballot of all students

By election at student council

By election at another body.

By other selection process

Delegations with FE and HE students1

1. Where a union has a mixture of FE and HE students, its delegation shall usually be identified by the

“Main Sector” that the institution falls into for the purposes of voting in the relevant Vice

President elections. Please see the list below of which category you have been placed into.

2. A union in this position union may choose to split its delegation into FE delegates and HE


3. Where a union chooses to take this option it must demonstrate to the DPC that it has taken steps

to ensure that the split has been carried out in a way that accurately reflects the numbers of FE

and HE students respectively.

4. It must also demonstrate that is has taken adequate steps to ensure that students of both sectors

have has a proper opportunity to participate in the election/selection for those places.

5. The DPC reserves the right to refuse or direct a CM in these issues as appropriate.

What to do if you disagree

If you disagree with your delegate entitlement – normally because your student numbers have dramatically changed

since 2012/3 – you should contact the DPC by email to [email protected] by Friday 28 November 2014

outlining why your delegate entitlement should change. DPC will make a ruling on your appeal.

1 The Democratic Procedures Committee are reviewing this section to make it clearer of what’s expected

of Students’ Unions with both HE and FE students.

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Ideas for your union

It’s not just about selection your delegation – there’s a whole range of things that unions can and should do with their

delegations to maximise their enjoyment and experience of National Conference.

Promote – You should widely promote the opportunities to be a National Conference delegate as part of your

elections. Make sure you consider satellite campuses, different types of student and, as noted, special reference to FE

and HE split.

Train – After being chosen you should consider what skills the delegates need. You could train them on public

speaking so they can contribute to motions as well as helping them critically analyse motions and amendments.

Inform – The delegation should represent the views of your students, so they should be informed of any policies

from your student council. You could debate big issues before the Conference and get the view of students so that

delegations can take that to the National stage.

Support – Conference days can be long and there’s a lot to do whilst in Liverpool. Delegations should look after each

other, making sure that everyone is happy, has enough sleep and understands what is being debated.

Feedback – After conference your delegation should report to your student council and students generally about how

they voted, what they did whilst at Conference and their thoughts on the event. Book time in your student media

publications now for early May!

Delegate Entitlement list

Below is a list of all Constituent Members (Member Unions of NUS), their student numbers both full time and part

time students, the calculated Full Time Equivalent (FTE) number and their NUS National Conference Delegate

Entitlement (DE). We have also listed how each organisation is categorised as by sector type. For the purpose of our

democratic events we will assume and give you the relevant voting credentials in the following way:


HE with FE provision


FE with HE provision

VI Form

As outlined above to you need to inform DPC in advance of conference how you will split your delegation if you have

both HE and FE students. If we are not notified in advance we issue credentials to the delegation according to the

category we have set in the list below.



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Frequently Asked Questions: We appreciate that a change to our rules will impact upon election counts within students’ unions – we’ve put

together some frequently asked questions to support you in implementing this change.

Why is NUS telling students’ unions how to run their elections?

National Conference voted to change NUS’ rules regarding the make-up of conference delegations; this change has

been democratically decided. We are not imposing any specific technical requirements – the only requirements are

that elections should be open and fair, conducted by cross-campus ballot wherever possible, and produce a

delegation with at least 50% women (rounded down).

What happens if we don’t register enough women to meet the requirement of 50% of our delegation (rounded


In this situation, DPC will not issue credentials to any member of your delegation. We need you to certify that by

the close of registration, at least 50% of your delegation (rounded down) are self-defining women. The only way

to avoid this is to apply in advance for an allowance or exemption (except in the case of force majeure, which DPC

will consider at Conference itself).

Note that DPC will not generally resolve this problem by refusing credentials to individual delegates who are not

women, until the delegation meets the requirements, because that would effectively mean that DPC is choosing

the makeup of your delegation (by exclusion).

What if some of our women delegates just don’t turn up on the day?

Registration at the event is individual, and provided that you register a delegation that meets the requirements,

absent delegates on the day will not affect you. Note also the allowance for force majeure if there is a good reason

for an absence, and you wish to replace a delegate.

We only have a delegate entitlement of one – does this mean that we will always have a woman delegate?

No – if you are only entitled to one delegate and a woman is not elected to that position, your free observer space

must be taken by a woman.

We have an odd numbered delegation, how many reserved spaces for women do we need?

The number is 50% rounded down so a delegation of five would need to have at least two women in their


We don’t have UnionCloud. Can I count electronically?

NUS has developed the ability for these elections to be counted electronically on Union Cloud – we do not believe

that other platforms can do this. We would recommend printing ballot papers and do the two counts manually.

We don’t have the capacity to do a paper count, what should we do?

Contact us for assistance in the first instance. We may be able to help you run a paper count, or arrange an

allowance or exemption.

How can we determine who is a woman?

You should never assume someone’s gender based on their name or appearance so this should be determined at the

nomination stage by asking candidates if they self-define as women. To conduct a fair representation election, you

need to identify women candidates in the election at the outset. It is very important that you ask candidates to define

their own gender identity at the point of nomination. You should never ‘work out’ who is a woman based on people’s

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names or their physical appearance. In particular, Trans* students may present physically as female but not identify

as women, and assumptions should not be made.

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Organisation Name No Of Full Time


No Of Part Time



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for wome



Abbey College Students' Union 84 0 1 0

Aberdeen University Students' Association 13180 2820 5 2

Aberystwyth University Students' Union 8380 6575 4 2

Abingdon and Witney College Students' Union 1700 2000 1 0

Academy of Contemporary Music 1200 300 1 0

Accrington & Rossendale College Students' Union 1000 3000 1 0

AECC Students' Union 595 0 1 0

Alton College Students' Union 1750 200 1 0

Amersham and Wycombe College 1500 3000 2 1

Anglia Ruskin Students' Union 13430 8335 6 3

Aquinas Students' Council 1800 0 1 0

Arts Educational London Schools Students' Union 282 60 1 0

Arts University Bournemouth Students' Union 2540 1870 1 0

Ashton VI Form College Students' Union 1275 0 1 0

Askham Bryan College Students' Union 899 4092 1 0

Aylesbury College Students' Union 2000 4000 2 1

B Six College Students' Union (Brooke House College) 0 0 1 0

Bangor University Students' Union 9195 9895 4 2

Barking & Dagenham College Student Union 337 7880 2 1

Barnfield College Students' Union 3500 8000 3 1

Barnsley Students' Union 5028 2731 2 1

Barrow Sixth Form College Students' Union 847 37 1 0

Barton Peveril College Student Committee 2233 1251 1 0

Basingstoke College of Technology Students' Union 1700 6000 2 1

Belfast Metropolitan College Students' Union 5651 29566 7 3

Bexley College Students' Union 1987 3853 2 1

Bilborough VI Form College Students' Union 1400 0 1 0

Bird College Students' Union 188 0 1 0

Birkbeck College Students' Union 1445 16375 4 2

Birkenhead VI Form College Students' Union 1200 1500 1 0

Birmingham City University Students' Union 17765 6560 6 3

Birmingham Metropolitan College SU 5175 9195 4 2

Birmingham Theatre School Students' Union 50 100 1 0

Bishop Auckland College Students' Union 600 0 1 0

Bishop Burton College Students' Association 1352 752 1 0

Bishop Grosseteste University Students' Union 1825 485 1 0

Blackburn College Students' Union 2756 11276 3 1

Blackpool and The Fylde College Students' Union 5161 3799 3 1

Blackpool Sixth Form College Student Council 0 0 1 0

Bolton College Students' Union 2236 9760 3 1

Bolton Students' Union 5055 4790 2 1

Boston College Students' Union 1400 2000 1 0

Bournemouth and Poole College of FE Students' Union 5000 11000 4 2

Bournemouth University Students' Union 14195 4595 5 2

Bournville College Students' Union 2000 1000 1 0

Bracknell & Wokingham College Students' Union 800 1000 1 0

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Bradford College Students' Union 4065 13642 5 2

Bridge College Students' Council 0 0 1 0

Bridgend College Students' Union 3000 10000 3 1

Bridgwater College Students' Union 3320 7165 3 1

Brine Leas Sixth Form College 300 20 1 0

British School Of Osteopathy Students' Union 325 97 1 0

Brockenhurst College Students' Union 2500 500 1 0

Bromley College of FE & HE Students' Union 3386 4277 2 1

Brooksby Melton College Students' Union 800 3000 1 0

Bucks Students' Union 5580 3790 3 1

Burton and South Derbyshire College Students' Union 2376 6505 2 1

Bury College Students' Union 4498 9815 2 1

Calderdale College of F E Students' Union 3364 0 1 0

Cambridge Regional College Students' Union 3500 6000 3 1

Cambridge Tutors College 237 0 1 0

Cambridge University Students' Union 18475 1920 6 3

Canterbury Christ Church University Students' Union 10760 7425 5 2

Cardiff and Vale College SU 5493 11883 4 2

Cardiff University Students' Union 21170 9785 8 4

Cardinal Newman College Students' Union 990 5 1 0

Carlisle College Students' Union 1100 4000 1 0

Carmel College Students Council 1500 0 1 0

Carshalton College Students' Union 1300 2700 1 0

Central Bedfordshire College Students' Union 650 200 1 0

Central College Nottingham Students' Union 1279 0 2 1

Central School Of Ballet And National Centre For

Circus Arts Students' Union

170 0 1 0

Central School of Speech & Drama SU 855 55 1 0

Central Sussex College Students' Union 2346 400 1 0

Chester Students' Union 8445 6955 4 2

Chesterfield College Students' Union 4869 2210 2 1

Chichester College Students' Association 4350 7550 3 1

Christ the King Sixth Form College: Lewisham and St


1370 0 1 0

Cirencester College Students' Union 1714 200 1 0

City & Guilds of London Art School Students' Union 139 32 1 0

City and Islington College Students' Union 5500 12500 4 2

City College Coventry Students' Union 2500 12600 3 1

City College Norwich Students' Union 5385 19000 5 2

City College Plymouth Students' Union 2263 21350 5 2

City of Bath College Students' Union 2500 5500 2 1

City of Bristol College Students' Union 7000 38000 7 3

City of Glasgow College Students' Association 7301 4771 3 1

City Of Liverpool College Students Union 4603 16153 5 2

City of Oxford College Students' Union 3025 5995 2 1

City of Sunderland College Students' Union 4500 24000 6 3

City of Westminster College Students' Union 3048 5120 2 1

City of Wolverhampton College Students' Union 2450 3700 2 1

City University London Students' Union 12725 4780 5 2

Cleveland College of Art & Design Students' Union 900 100 1 0

Cleveland College of Art & Design Students' Union 900 100 1 0

Colchester Institute Students' Union 5806 0 3 1

Coleg Cambria 13970 3200 6 3

Coleg Ceredigion Students' Union 1625 645 1 0

Coleg Gwent Students' Union 17995 6500 7 3

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Coleg Sir Gâr Students' Union 5190 2625 2 1

College of Agriculture, Food & Rural Enterprise SU 960 65 1 0

College of Haringey, Enfield and North East London


4338 1030 2 1

College of North West London Students' Union 3002 9556 3 1

Cornwall College Students' Union 6500 38500 6 3

Coulsdon Sixth Form College 630 0 1 0

Coventry University Students' Union 18484 3323 7 3

Cranfield University Students' Association 3620 2110 1 0

Craven College Students' Union 1070 12000 3 1

Crossways Sixth Form Students' Union 650 0 1 0

Croydon College of FE & HE Students' Association 4000 4000 2 1

David Lewis College 83 0 1 0

Davies Laing and Dick College Students' Union 182 0 1 0

De Montfort University Students' Union 15249 1894 6 3

Dearne Valley College Students' Union 1200 5800 2 1

Derby College Students' Union 6000 20000 4 2

Derwen College Student Union 246 0 1 0

Doncaster College Students' Union 3701 23286 3 1

Drama Studio London 62 0 1 0

Dudley College Students' Union 3702 10564 3 1

Dumfries and Galloway College Students' Association 1750 780 1 0

Dundee and Angus College Students' Association 19603 3710 4 2

Durham Students' Union 14455 1905 5 2

Ealing, Hammersmith & West London College SU 3000 6000 2 1

East Berkshire College Students' Union 1833 1220 1 0

East Durham College 1500 3000 1 0

East Kent College Students' Union 1670 1447 1 0

East Norfolk Sixth Form College 0 0 1 0

East Riding College Students' Union 500 200 1 0

East Surrey College Students' Union 1400 3000 1 0

Eastleigh College Students' Union 1000 955 1 0

Edge Hill University Students' Union 9490 18465 5 2

Edinburgh College Students' Association 4055 11490 8 4

Edinburgh Napier University Students' Association 10770 3200 4 2

Edinburgh University Students' Association 22855 2845 8 4

European School of Osteopathy Students' Union 200 0 1 0

Farnborough College of Technology Students' Union 2220 5600 2 1

Fife College 3842 15383 7 3

Fircroft College Students' Union 29 0 1 0

Forth Valley College Students' Association 3148 6072 2 1

Freeman College Students' Union 89 5 1 0

Furness College of FE Students' Union 438 0 1 0

FXU (Falmouth & Exeter Students' Union) 2569 223 2 1

Gateshead College Students' Union 1000 13000 3 1

Gateway College Students' Union 2000 340 1 0

Glasgow Caledonian University Students' Association 12775 4560 5 2

Glasgow Clyde College 2000 3500 3 1

Gloucestershire College Students' Union 3218 33081 7 3

Glyndwr Students' Guild 4630 4325 2 1

Godalming College Students' Association 0 0 1 0

Goldsmiths Students' Union 6735 1515 3 1

Gower College Swansea Students' Union 9425 2255 4 2

Gower College Swansea Students' Union 9425 2255 4 2

Grantham College Student Union (GCSU) 196 2 1 0

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Great Yarmouth College Student Union 1400 2550 1 0

Greenbank College 0 0 1 0

Greenwich Community College SU 2134 10755 3 1

Grimsby Institute of FE & HE Students' Association 3900 0 5 2

Grwp Llandrillo-Menai Student Union 16595 5425 8 4

Grwp NPTC Group 7645 3315 3 1

Guildford College of FE & HE Students' Union 2749 10000 3 1

Guildhall School of Music and Drama Students' Union 800 75 1 0

Hadlow College Students' Union 580 0 1 0

Halesowen College Students' Union 1850 315 1 0

Harlow College Students' Union 2200 3700 2 1

Harrow College Students' Union 2881 4283 2 1

Havant College Students' Union 1200 0 1 0

Havering College of FE & HE Students' Union 3717 10106 3 1

Henley College Coventry Students' Union 1180 5130 2 1

Hereford College of Art Students' Union 750 150 1 0

Hereford Sixth Form College Students' Representative


1500 0 1 0

Herefordshire and Ludlow College Students' Union 1528 4939 2 1

Hereward College Students' Union 200 150 1 0

Heriot-Watt University Student Union 7485 3690 3 1

Hertford Regional College Students' Union 2859 5504 2 1

Heythrop College Students' Union 630 415 1 0

Highbury College Students' Union 3000 5000 2 1

Hillcroft College Students' Union 40 0 1 0

Hills Road Sixth Form College Students' Union 1950 0 1 0

Hopwood Hall College Students' Council 680 0 1 0

Huddersfield New College Students' Union 1600 300 1 0

Hugh Baird College Students' Association 2808 3393 2 1

Hull College Students' Union 4000 20000 5 2

Hull College Students' Union 4000 20000 5 2

Huntingdonshire Regional College Students' Union 684 3601 1 0

Impact International College Students Union 470 0 1 0

Institute of Cancer Research Students' Association 105 170 1 0

Institute of Education Students' Union 2005 4325 2 1

International College of Oriental Medicine Students' Union

55 5 1 0

John Leggott College Students' Union 1700 0 1 0

Joseph Chamberlain VI Form College Students'


999 378 1 0

Keele University Students' Union 9195 2080 3 1

Kendal College Students' Union 732 850 1 0

Kent Union 15570 3380 6 3

Kidderminster College of FE Students' Union 386 0 1 0

King George V College Students' Council 1400 50 1 0

King's College London Students' Union 18135 7225 7 3

Kingsland College Student Union 100 15 1 0

Kingston College Students' Union 2500 4000 1 0

Kingston University Students' Union 22285 5460 7 3

Kirklees College 3150 17000 4 2

KSA Performing Arts 250 0 1 0

Lakes College West Cumbria Students' Association 708 3580 1 0

Lambeth College Students' Union 5000 10000 4 2

Lancaster & Morecambe College Students' Union 1800 1200 1 0

Lancaster University Students' Union 10635 1890 4 2

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Leeds Beckett University Students' Union 19700 7320 7 3

Leeds City College Students' Union 18442 9031 7 3

Leeds College of Art Students' Union 1758 59 1 0

Leeds College of Building Students' Union 570 0 1 0

Leeds College of Music Students' Union 715 5 1 0

Leeds Trinity Students' Union 2720 760 1 0

Leeds University Union 27890 4545 9 4

Leicester College Students' Union 14150 0 5 2

LeSoCo Students' Union 4543 10114 5 2

Lews Castle College Students' Association 302 1512 1 0

Lincoln College Students' Union 2593 6563 2 1

Liverpool Guild of Students 17060 3805 6 3

Liverpool Hope Students' Union 7323 1765 2 1

Liverpool Students' Union (LJMU) 18425 6260 6 3

London Academy Of Music & Dramatic Art Students'


250 0 1 0

London Contemporary Dance School Students' Union 250 0 1 0

London Metropolitan University Students' Union 15875 6960 5 2

London School of Economics and Political Science Students' Union

8925 605 3 1

London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine SRC 765 515 1 0

London School of Theology Student Committee 220 40 1 0

London South Bank University Students' Union 13520 12125 5 2

London Studio Centre Students' Union 320 0 1 0

Long Road Sixth Form College Students' Union 2103 0 1 0

Longcroft School and Performing Arts College 220 0 1 0

Loreto College Students' Union 1780 40 1 0

Loughborough Students' Union 14430 2370 5 2

Lowestoft College Students' Union 1450 1400 1 0

Macclesfield College Students' Union 900 200 1 0

Manchester Metropolitan Students' Union 27555 7415 9 4

Marjon Student Union 2335 1670 1 0

McTimoney College of Chiropractic Students' Union 0 0 1 0

Merthyr Tydfil Students' Union 635 0 1 0

Mid Cheshire College Students' Union 1979 4316 2 1

Middlesex University Students' Union 17175 6680 6 3

MidKent College Students' Union 6109 2887 2 1

Midlands Academy Of Dance & Drama Students'


108 0 1 0

Milton Keynes College Students' Union 1315 1259 1 0

Moray College Students Association 810 236 1 0

Myerscough College Students' Union 800 0 1 0

Nash Further Education Centre Students' Association 65 0 1 0

National Construction College Students' Union 1500 0 1 0

National Film & TV School Students' Union 130 40 1 0

National Star College Students' Union 160 0 1 0

Nazarene Theological College Student Body 76 93 1 0

NESCOT Students' Union 1407 2992 1 0

NESCOT Students' Union 1407 2992 1 0

New College Lanarkshire - Cumbernauld Campus 300 1100 1 0

New College Nottingham Students' Union 6023 42073 5 2

New College Stamford Students' Association 1400 2500 1 0

New College Students' Assembly Pontefract 1182 271 1 0

New College Students' Union (Durham) 4260 1929 2 1

New College Swindon Students' Union 771 0 1 0

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New College Telford Students' Union 1234 500 1 0

Newcastle College Students' Union 8113 12006 4 2

Newcastle Under Lyme College Students' Union 2300 3000 2 1

Newcastle University Students' Union 19215 1730 6 3

Newham College of FE Students' Union 2857 8490 3 1

Newman University Students' Union 2100 650 1 0

NewVIc Student Union 2057 700 1 0

North Bristol Post 16 Centre SU 750 0 1 0

North East Scotland College Students' Association 6264 39110 9 4

North East Worcestershire college Redditch and


2200 18000 4 2

North Hertfordshire College Students' Union 3326 14240 4 2

North Nottinghamshire College Students' Association 650 2150 1 0

North Warwickshire & Hinckley College Students'


3000 6000 2 1

North West Kent College Students' Union 2450 4000 2 1

North West Regional College 4848 16103 5 2

Northampton College Students' Union 4461 3888 2 1

Northbrook College Sussex Students' Union 2700 6300 2 1

Northern Regional College 4529 15748 4 2

Northern School of Contemporary Dance Students' Union

150 0 1 0

Northumberland College Students' Union 1400 4500 2 1

Northumbria Students' Union 20765 8660 8 4

Northumbria Students' Union 20765 8660 8 4

Norton Radstock Association of Students 650 7500 2 1

Norwich University of the Arts Students' Union 1585 45 1 0

Nottingham Trent Students Union 22200 4640 8 4

Oasis College of Higher Education 74 7 1 0

Oldham VI Form College Students' Association 1360 0 1 0

Open College of the Arts 0 0 1 0

Orkney College Students' Association 220 150 1 0

Oxford Brookes Students' Union 13680 5015 5 2

Oxford University Students' Union 18690 6225 7 3

Pembrokeshire College Students' Union 6195 1570 3 1

Perth College Students' Association 1243 4081 1 0

Peter Symonds College Students' Union 2700 0 1 0

Peterborough Regional College Students' Union 5551 10000 3 1

Petroc Students' Union 3525 7889 2 1

Petroc Students' Union 3525 7889 2 1

Portsmouth College Students' Union 850 2000 1 0

Preston College of F E Students' Union 3000 11500 3 1

Priestley VI Form College 1053 650 1 0

Prior Pursglove College Students' Union 1300 500 1 0

Queen Alexandra College Students' Room 120 0 1 0

Queen Mary Students' Union University of London 13825 995 5 2

Queen Mary's College Students' Union 2000 500 1 0

Queen's University Belfast Students' Union 16770 5935 6 3

Ravensbourne Students' Union 1770 0 1 0

Ravensbourne Students' Union 1770 0 1 0

Reading College Students' Union 1895 4329 1 0

Reading University Students' Union 12200 4715 4 2

Redbridge College Students' Union 1500 1600 1 0

Redcar & Cleveland College Students' Union 582 274 1 0

Regent's Marylebone 1000 0 1 0

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Reigate College Students' Union 1600 0 1 0

Richard Huish College Student' Union 1554 233 1 0

Richmond The American International University 879 29 1 0

Richmond Upon Thames College Students' Union 3200 750 2 1

Robert Gordon University Students' Association 8745 4380 4 2

Roehampton Students' Union 7340 1800 3 1

Royal Academy of Dance Students' Union 52 0 1 0

Royal Botanic Gardens Kew Students' Union 40 0 1 0

Royal College of Art Students' Union 1190 45 1 0

Royal College of Art Students' Union 1190 45 1 0

Royal National College For The Blind Students' Union 140 0 1 0

Royal Northern College of Music Students' Union 730 5 1 0

Royal Veterinary College 1783 217 1 0

Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama SU 569 120 1 0

Runshaw College Students' Union 2600 5500 2 1

Rutland County College 206 10 1 0

Salford City College Students' Union 3159 9072 3 1

Sandwell College Students' Union 1900 3736 2 1

Scarborough VI Form College Students Council 1030 30 1 0

School Of Oriental and African Studies Students'

Union (SOAS)

4570 605 2 1

School Of Oriental and African Studies Students' Union (SOAS)

4570 605 2 1

Selby College Students' Union 930 2800 1 0

Selby College Students' Union 930 2800 1 0

Sheffield College Students' Union 6950 16000 5 2

Sheffield Hallam Students Union 24750 11755 9 4

Shetland College Students' Union 120 130 1 0

Shipley College Students' Union 770 500 1 0

Shrewsbury College of Arts & Technology Students' Union

1634 0 1 0

Sir George Monoux VI Form Students' Union 1800 0 1 0

Solent Students' Union (Southampton Solent) 10305 8940 4 2

Solihull College Students' Union 2500 750 1 0

Somerset College of Arts Technology (SCAT)

Students' Union

1912 12601 3 1

South and City College Birmingham College Students' Union

3855 9371 4 2

South Devon College Students' Union 1900 5500 2 1

South Downs College Students' Union 5297 4880 3 1

South Eastern Regional College SU 4849 21774 6 3

South Gloucestershire and Stroud College Students'


2000 6000 2 1

South Leicestershire College Students' Union 600 3000 1 0

South Thames College Students' Union 2970 2539 2 1

South Tyneside College Students' Union 2300 9000 3 1

South West College 3212 17493 4 2

South Worcestershire College Students' Union 700 0 1 0

Southampton City College Students' Union 1192 6000 2 1

Southern Regional College Students' Union 5326 26326 7 3

Southport College Students' Union 1963 3365 2 1

SRUC Students' Association (SRUCSA) 2490 150 1 0

St David's Catholic Sixth Form College Students'


1700 0 1 0

St George's Students' Union 2435 1300 2 1

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St Helens College Students' Union 4956 14679 4 2

St John Rigby College Students' Council 1102 5 1 0

St John's College Students' Union 68 140 1 0

St Mary's University College Belfast Students' Union 890 110 1 0

St Mary's University College Students' Union 3520 1320 2 1

St Vincent College Students' Union 1252 1929 1 0

Stafford College Students' Union 2000 22000 5 2

Staffordshire University Students' Union 11620 10380 5 2

Stephenson College Students' Union 250 190 1 0

Stockton Riverside College Students' Union 1160 10000 3 1

Stockton VI Form Students' Council 1023 111 1 0

Stoke on Trent College Students' Union 2165 2000 3 1

Stranmillis University College Students' Union 0 0 1 0

Stratford Upon Avon College 1177 1828 1 0

Strode College Students' Association 1400 0 1 0

Strode's College Students' Council, Egham, Surrey 900 0 1 0

Students' Association of the University of the West of


10680 5970 4 2

Students' Union Blake Hall College 384 0 1 0

Students' Union Royal Holloway University of London 8400 1120 3 1

Students' Union University of Greenwich 16810 6947 7 3

Students' Union University of the Arts London 18875 5130 6 3

Sussex Coast College Hastings Students' Union 1339 4209 2 1

Sussex Downs College Students' Union 4600 14000 4 2

Swansea University Students' Union 12070 7255 5 2

Swindon College Students' Union 2000 10000 3 1

Tameside College Students' Union 3200 5000 2 1

Teesside University Students' Union 11000 16000 5 2

Telford College of Art & Technology Students' Union 1625 10275 3 1

The College of Richard Collyer Student Council 980 300 1 0

The College of West Anglia Students' Union 3412 10046 3 1

The Isle of Wight College 1200 10000 3 1

The Manchester College Students' Union 12450 24700 8 4

The North Highland College Students' Association 348 2352 1 0

The Oxford School of Drama Students' Union 105 0 1 0

The Students' Union, Queen Margaret University 3285 2180 2 1

The University of Huddersfield Students' Union 13740 7440 6 3

The University of Law 0 0 1 0

The University of Sheffield Students Union 23355 3605 7 3

The University of Wales, Trinity Saint David's

Students' Union

1350 1410 3 1

Thomas Rotherham College Students' Union 1500 500 1 0

Totton College Students' Council 1000 1000 1 0

Tower Hamlets College Students' Union 2816 2281 2 1

Trafford College 2834 6318 2 1

Treloars College Students' Union 170 5 1 0

Tresham College of Further and Higher Education Students' Union

3069 3999 2 1

Trinity Theological College Students' Union 65 15 1 0

Union of Brunel Students 9444 1556 5 2

University Campus Suffolk Students' Union 3495 2060 2 1

University College Birmingham 5155 6625 3 1

University College London Students' Union 20690 3995 8 4

University East Anglia Students' Union 13340 3955 5 2

University for the Creative Arts Students' Union 6560 535 2 1

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University of Abertay Dundee Students' Association 4520 455 2 1

University of Bath Students' Union 11575 3745 4 2

University of Bedfordshire Students' Union 14185 6350 6 3

University of Bedfordshire Students' Union 14185 6350 6 3

University of Birmingham Guild of Students 24305 6355 9 4

University of Bradford Union 10295 3275 4 2

University of Brighton Students' Union 15530 5595 6 3

University of Buckingham Students' Union 1455 75 1 0

University of Central Lancashire Students' Union 20065 11980 8 4

University of Chichester Students' Union 4015 1695 2 1

University of Cumbria Students' Union 6765 4415 3 1

University of Derby Students' Union 11305 6295 5 2

University of East London Students' Union 17630 7290 6 3

University of Essex Students' Union 11615 3150 4 2

University of Exeter Students' Guild 16790 1240 6 3

University of Gloucestershire Students' Union 7130 2580 3 1

University of Hertfordshire Students' Union 20410 7290 7 3

University of Leicester Students' Union 12530 4045 5 2

University of Lincoln Students' Union 9480 5060 4 2

University of Manchester Students' Union 35370 5045 11 5

University of Northampton Students' Union 10180 4680 4 2

University of Nottingham Students' Union 29557 4387 10 5

University of Plymouth Students' Union 22250 10250 8 4

University of Portsmouth Students' Union 19010 4580 7 3

University of Salford Students' Union 16590 4985 6 3

University of South Wales Students Union 19495 10380 6 3

University of Stirling Students' Union 9200 2425 3 1

University of Strathclyde Students' Association 14955 5445 6 3

University of Sunderland Students' Union 16521 3384 4 2

University of Surrey Students' Union 13575 2690 4 2

University of Sussex Students' Union 10905 1325 4 2

University of the Highlands and Islands Students'


3881 3583 2 1

University of Ulster Students' Union 16950 9085 7 3

University of West London Students' Union 8495 5580 3 1

University of Westminster Students' Union 15890 6855 6 3

University of Wolverhampton Students' Union 14865 7310 6 3

University of Worcester Students' Union 6735 3355 3 1

University of York Students' Union 14510 2165 5 2

Uxbridge College Students' Union 1800 5000 2 1

Varndean Sixth Form College Students' Union 1162 565 1 0

Wakefield College Students' Union 2568 6000 2 1

Walford and North Shropshire College Students' Union 805 8544 2 1

Walsall College Students' Union 2794 12579 4 2

Waltham Forest College Students' Union 2431 3772 2 1

Warwick Students' Union 17630 10535 7 3

Warwickshire College Students' Association 2033 1533 1 0

Warwickshire College Students' Association 2033 1533 1 0

West Cheshire College Students' Union 2000 20000 4 2

West College Scotland 2200 6171 7 3

West Herts College Students' Union 3000 0 1 0

West Kent and Ashford College Students' Union 2500 1500 1 0

West Nottinghamshire College Students' Union 2020 0 1 0

West Thames College Students' Union 2000 5000 2 1

Westminster Kingsway College Students' Union 4000 17000 5 2

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Weston College Students' Union 3235 20000 5 2

Westwood College Students' Union 0 0 1 0

Weymouth College Students' Union 2000 8500 3 1

Wigan & Leigh College Students' Union 3 1

Wilberforce VI Form College Students' Council 820 470 1 0

William Morris Sixth Form 450 0 1 0

Wiltshire College Students' Union 3100 13000 4 2

Winchester Student Union 4640 2250 2 1

Winstanley College Students' Union 1500 0 1 0

Wirral Metropolitan College Students' Union 1526 11816 3 1

Women's Technology and Education Centre Students' Union

250 0 1 0

Woodhouse College Students' Union 842 6 1 0

Worcester College of Technology Students' Union 4070 3585 2 1

Workington Sixth Form College 250 0 1 0

Writtle College Students' Union 810 210 1 0

Wyggeston and Queen Elizabeth College SU 1840 0 1 0

Wyke College Students' Association 940 40 1 0

Xaverian Sixth Form College Students' Union 1200 0 1 0

Yeovil College Students' Union 1200 2800 1 0

YMCA George Williams College Students' Union 330 0 1 0

York College Students' Union 3000 10000 3 1

Yorkshire Coast College Students' Union 1100 5500 2 1

Zaskin College Students' Union 0 0 1 0

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