Defining Employee and Their Positions

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  • 8/12/2019 Defining Employee and Their Positions


    Defining Employee and their Positions-

    Oracle R12

    Creation of an Employee.

    Creating an employee for an organization is using the Oracle HRMS employee management

    approach we can organize our employees exactly as we want. we can record and manage

    information for different groups of people, as required. e can also enter, trac!, inquire andreport on people on a day to day "asis.

    Navigation :Hrms #$ Hrms manager #$ %eople #$&nter ' Maintain.

    (here are different types in actions they are)

    Create *pplicant )+f we want to store the details of an applicant who is applied for a

    position in our organization. Create &mployment ) Once the applicant got selected as an employee in our organization

    we hae to choose this action type.

    Create %lacement ) +f we want to store the details of a person as an temporary wor!er or

    contract wor!er we hae to select this action type.

    Others ) hich includes candidate , Contact ' &xternal, "ased on the needs or type of the

    persons we will "e using these action types.

    e can assign -o" , position , payroll , group and superisor lot more to an employee.
  • 8/12/2019 Defining Employee and Their Positions


    Creating a ne Position

    %ositions are used to define employee roles and we can define -o"s more specifically within

    Oracle Human Resources. +t is an Optional. (he %osition is lin!ed to an Organization, o" and

    /ocation. 0y using %ositions. ill "e useful for %osition hierarchies for security li!e for for %.O.*pproals1

    Navigation :HRMS #$ Hrms manager #$ or! structures #$%osition #$2escription.

    %osition 3ame will "e helpful in identifying the employee in clear manner "ased on his position

    name li!e assistant, principle consultant and senior principle consultant..

    (here are 4 types of position types are there , they are )

    Pooled: (his approach is ery good for organizations where many employees assigned to oneposition. (his approach allows multiple people to occupy a single position that has the same

    attri"utes and reporting relationship.

    !hared : +n some companies, an employee wor!s part#time 567 hours8 in one department and

    then part#time in another department. +n essence the company diides the employee anddistri"utes the cost across the two departments.

    !ingle "nc#m$ent : (his approach is usually needed for those positions, which will hae

    spending authority leels, and defined succession planning. (his approach assumes on position

    per person.
  • 8/12/2019 Defining Employee and Their Positions


    None : +t means there will "e no position type for the employee in the Organization.(op of

    9orm, 0ottom of 9orm,(op of 9orm,0ottom of 9orm.

    Chat on *pril 66, 67:4SCM#Supply Chain Management

    P#rchasing set#p in Oracle applications-R12

    *pril :;, 67:4SCM#Supply Chain Management&0S , 9inancial Options, +mportant setups for

    %urchasing in R:6, Oracle R:6, %urchasing, %urchasing options in R:6, Receiing Options,SCM module important Setup options, Setups for %urchasing +3 oracle applicationsHarini %

    (his /esson coers %urchasing Setups in Oracle *pplications

    :. 9inancial Options6. Receiing Options

    alues e enter in this window are shared "y Oracle%aya"les, Oracle %urchasing, and Oracle *ssets. e can define defaults this window to

    simplify supplier entry, requisition entry, purchase order entry, inoice entry, and

    automatic payments. 2epending on our application, e may not "e required to enter allfields.

    *lthough e only need to define these options and defaults once, e can update them at

    any time. +f e change an option and it is used as a default alue elsewhere in the

    system, it will only "e used as default for su"sequent transactions. 9or example, if echange the %ayment (erms for +mmediate to 3et

  • 8/12/2019 Defining Employee and Their Positions


    Receiving Options

    :. Receiing options coer some of the defaults that reflect the transactional controls for the

    receiing funtion. &en though the receiing function is truly an inentory transaction itis normally performed during the %rocurement process flow to receie material that has

    "een contracted to "e deliered ia a purchase order.6. (he decision to configure the following data elements affects how the receiing function


    Receipt delieries control

    Receipt transactional tolerances

    Receipt num"ering

    Controls on RM* receiing

    :. Receipt Routing, 5including RM* Receipt Routing8 is an important element to handle

    how functionality is controlled. (he options are as follows)

    Standard Receipt: First Material is receied into location then deliered into

    Su"inentories. On hand quantity will "e updated after the 2eliery

    Direct Delivery: e will directly 2elier the goods into Su"+nentory

    Inspection Required: (his is a three step process. 9+rst material will "e receied and then

    +nspected and finally deliered into Su" +nentory

    :. hen a receipt is performed the system performs two steps, reeipt and deliery to a

    location. (he two steps are performed together when we receie &xpense +tems, that is,items technically not stoc!ed. *ll inentory items need to hae the two#step process? the

    2irect 2eliery choice assumes receipt for an inentory item is perormed similar to an

    expense item, "ut we must specify information related to the deliery. e can also
  • 8/12/2019 Defining Employee and Their Positions


    choose to do the transaction in two steps5Standard Receipt8. (he +nspection Required

    option force an additional step for quality control "efore deliery.

    3aigation $ %urchasing $ Setup $ Organizations $ Receiing Options

    P#rchasing Options

    :. (he %urchasing Options form sets the "asis for multiple actiities that affect the creation

    and capture of data for purchase orders.6. (he %O print output can "e pdf or text. e can also control the size of attachment size

    and the attachment file name. (he following options assist with managing "usiness rules

    as part of our "usiness process.

    *llow +tem 2escription =pdate

    &nforce Supplier Hold

    0uyer 3ame

  • 8/12/2019 Defining Employee and Their Positions


    4. Receipt accounting options allow the accrual options to "e set for inentory and expense

    items. +deally the inentory accruals are online at receipt and the expense accruals are at

    period end. (his is the default and the way most companies manage the accruals. (hisregion also allows us to specify the expense accrual account and if we use multiple

    "alancing segment alues in one ledger we can choose to use *utomatic Offsets.

    ;. e also control the num"ering for our procurement transactions in this form.

    3aigation $ %urchasing $ Setup $ Organizations $ %urchasing Options

    /eae a comment

    RE'("!")"ON- R12 E*!

    *pril :;, 67:4SCM#Supply Chain Management&0S , OR*C/& %=RCH*S+3@, Requisition in

    Oracle &0SHarini %

    Define Reisition

    Requisition is nothing "ut a formal request to procure goods and serices "ased on internal

    requirements, which will "e used as input for the processing of the end product in anOrganization. (here are 6 types of requisitions are there. (hey are

    Purchase Requisition) %urchase Requisitions are used for requesting the material from


    Internal Requisition) +nternal Requisitions proide the mechanism for requesting and

    transferring material from one inentory to other inentory.

    Su"mit the Requisition for approal to the Superisor to get the Requisition *pproed.

    Navigation) %urchasing #$ Requisitions #$ Requisitions

    /eae a comment

    Re-Order point Planning Process +lo
  • 8/12/2019 Defining Employee and Their Positions


    *pril A, 67:4SCM#Supply Chain Management0usiness suite,+nentory, Orcale R:6, %lanning

    methods in inentory, re#order point planningHarini %

    %rocess flow for re#order point planning BB

    /eae a comment

    !(PER,"!OR "ERRC/ "N ORC0ER12

    (he approal routing structures are defined as you enter the superisors name. (his is a type of


    0elow are the required prerequisites


    2efine &mployee *ssign o" and %osition

    2efine Superisor

    Run DFill employee hierarchy concurrent programE

    9or superisor hierarchy one must hae the access of HRMS manager. +n worst case can assign

    through purchasing responsi"ility also.


    HRMS Manager#$ %eople#$ &nter and Maintain

    Create an employee with proper and correct details.

    #$ +f already an employee then find for it. Once the form is opened clic! on assignment ta".

    #$@ie o" and %osition for the employee and chec! that details are gien in s#pervisor ta".
  • 8/12/2019 Defining Employee and Their Positions


    #$Sae the form

    #$Chec! whether the hierarchies ta" is chec!ed or not. +f chec!ed, then should (N-CECit

    Since it is an Superisor hierarchy, the hierarchies ta" must not "e chec!ed in purchasingresponsi"ility.


    %urchasing#$Setup#$Organizations#$9inancial Options

    #$=3 #Chec! "ox the (se approval ierarchies option.

    #$Run a concurrent program +ill employee hierarchy

    *s the changes are made this concurrent program should "e run so that the changes made to the

    form are updated.

    #$Create a purchase order

    #$hile approing the %O , it is must and should to chec! "ox forardfield and you can

    o"sere that the forwarded field is highlighted. Here the superisor name which is gien in the

    superisor ta" , HRMS manager is seen here. +t indicates for approal the %O is passed toparticular superisor.

    #$Clic! on OF

    Chec! for the purchase order summary


    %urchasing#$%urchase orders# %urchase order summary

    #$@ie the %O num"er and clic! on 9ind. Chec! for the *pproal status

    #$Once the %O is approed "y the superisor, the status shows as approed.

    Chat on March 6:, 67:4SCM#Supply Chain Management*pproal of superisor, 9unctional

    options in %urchasing responsi"ility,Hierarchies,o" and %osition for hierarchy,%O summary,
  • 8/12/2019 Defining Employee and Their Positions


    %re setup for superisor hierarchy, %urcahse order,%urchasing Responsi"ility, Superisor


    %O,E ORDER!-Oracle "nventory E*!

    March :G, 67:4SCM#Supply Chain Management&0S , +nentory,/ists, Moe orders, Moe

    transfers,notification for moe order trasfer,Organization items, Organization parameters for

    moe orders, %lanners, Su"#inetories, (ransfer goods through moe ordersHarini %

    %O,E ORDER!: Moe Orders are done to transfer goods "etween inentories.*pproals aredone to moe the stoc!.

    3*>+@*(+O3) +nentory#$ Setup#$Organizations#$%arameters

    (his is a pre setup.

    9or the field +nentory parameters gie the Moe Order (imeout %eriod and Moe Order (ime

    out action

    *pproe automatically and Re-ect automatically meansif the time out period is crossed thementioned action is done.
  • 8/12/2019 Defining Employee and Their Positions


    Sae the form.

    9or approing the moe orders planners are to "e defined

    3*>+@*(+O3) +nentory#$ Setup#$Receiing#$ %lanners

    2efine %lanner

    Chec! for the +tem

    3*>+@*(+O3) +nentory #$ +tems #$Organization items
  • 8/12/2019 Defining Employee and Their Positions


    9ind for the item

    @ie the planner name in field proided in @eneral %lanning (a" and sae the form.

    %re setups are done for the moe orders.

    3*>+@*(+O3) +nentory#$Moe orders#$Moe Orders
  • 8/12/2019 Defining Employee and Their Positions


    *s the cursor is clic!ed on the form moe order num"er is automatically generated. (ransactiontype, source su"#inentory and destination Su"#inentory must "e gien.

    +tem and required details li!e quantity must "e gien.

    Status will "e in incomplete.

    Clic! on approe "utton and the status changes to %ending approal.

    Chec! for the notification and chec! whether the planner approed your moe order requisition

    (o notify the source su"#inentory manager a"out the goods requested or approed for moe

    orders it requires a pre setup of notification list

    Create a list and assign an employee and sae the form

    Open the Su"#+nentories form.

    Select the source su"#inentory and clic! on Open

    @ie /ist name in notify colum and sae the form.
  • 8/12/2019 Defining Employee and Their Positions


    hen moe order is approed the notification goes to source person.

    /eae a comment

    %"N-%3 P0NN"N4-"N,EN)OR/P0NN"N4 5 ORC0E PP! R12

    %"N-%3 P0NN"N4

    9or maintaining the inentory leels we use min-ma6 planning.

    e can specify the minimum or maximum inentory leel for the items. hen the items atinentory leel, on hand quantity drops "elow the minimum, Oracle inentory suggests a new

    purchase requisition or other -o" to "ring "ac! to the maximum quantity again.

    (his tas! can "e performed in organization leel or su"#inentory leel.

    (&S( C*S& :) Organi7ation level)


    :. +tem Creation

    6. Organization items


    uery for the created +tem in organization items and clic! on find
  • 8/12/2019 Defining Employee and Their Positions


    +n the purchasing ta", gie list price

    *s we select the item, cost of the item will automatically appear.

    Select @eneral %lanning ta"
  • 8/12/2019 Defining Employee and Their Positions


    Select +nentory planning method as M+3#M*I

    Ma!e or "uy J 0uy

    Min#Max uantity) Minimum J 4, Maximum J 47 5when the on#hand quantity is less than 4 , we

    can run the planning method and purcahsethe goods. 8

    Order uantity) Minimum J :7, Maximum J :77

    Source type J Supplier

    Sae the form

    (hese are the main setups for the planning method.

    3*>+@*(+O3) +nentoryJ$%lanningJ$Min#Max planning

    Select min#max planning
  • 8/12/2019 Defining Employee and Their Positions


    @ie appropriate parameters li!e +(&M, R&S(OCF alues JK&S, +% supply J3O

    Clic! on OF

    Su"mit the request and clic! on 3O

    Chec! for the request

    Chec! for the output.
  • 8/12/2019 Defining Employee and Their Positions


    +t intimates that , when the quantity is less than the minimum quantity we acquire items "y

    running min#ma planning.

    (&S( C*S& 6) !#$-"nventory level:


    :. +tem Creation6. Organization items

  • 8/12/2019 Defining Employee and Their Positions


    +n the purchasing ta", gie list price

    *s we select the item minimum cost of the item will automatically appear.

    Select @eneral %lanning (a"

    Select +tem Su"#inentories from (ools

    @ie Su"#inentory, Minimum , maximum quantity
  • 8/12/2019 Defining Employee and Their Positions


    Min#Max uantity) Minimum J ;, Maximum J ;7 5when the on#hand quantity is less than 4 , we

    can run the planning method and purcahsethe goods. 8

    Can also gie order quantity in order modifiers.

    +n sourcing ta" select type as Supplier

    Sae the form

    3*>+@*(+O3) +nentoryJ$planningJ$Min#Max planning
  • 8/12/2019 Defining Employee and Their Positions


    Select min#max planning

    Select planning leel as Su"#+nentory

    @ie Su"#inentory

    Restoc!# K&S

    Clic! on OF
  • 8/12/2019 Defining Employee and Their Positions


    Su"mit the request and clic! on 3O

    Chec! for the output.

    (han!s BB

    Chat on March 4, 67:49unctional*ttri"utes setup for min#max planning, +nentory, +nentoryplanning, min#max planning,Oracle apps,Organization items for planning, Organization leel,

    %lanning methods,planning replenishment,R:6,Requests,Su" inentory leel min#max

    planning, >iew request for inentory planning

    "N,EN)OR/ CON)RO0! in "N,EN)OR/%OD(0E ORC0E PP!- R12

    9e"ruary 6G, 67:4SCM#Supply Chain ManagementConcurrent %rogram,generate Serial3um"er,+nentory, +nentory controls,/ot Control, /ot full control, /ot num"er,/otLSerial,

    Master +tems, Material wor!"ench, On hand aaila"ility, Organizatio parameters,reision

    control, Serial Control, Serial predefined, SetupHarini %
  • 8/12/2019 Defining Employee and Their Positions


    "N,EN)OR/ CON)RO0!

    Reision Control

    /ot Control

    Serial Control

    1. Revision Control:

    9or a particular ersion of item, to trac! item quantity in inentory.

    &xample) +tems can "e segregated and identified "y ersion changes or modifications etc.


    Organization %arameters

    Organization items

    Miscellaneous Receipt

    +tem ) *"hiReision

    Su"#+nentory ) *"hi9@


    +nentory responsi"ility J $SetupJ$OrganizationsJ$ %arameters

    Reision, /ot, Serial ta" must "e selected.
  • 8/12/2019 Defining Employee and Their Positions


    (he selected Reision will "e displayed in Reision control.

    Search for item in Organization items,Clic! on inentory item attri"ute and CH&CF 0OI J

    R&>+S+O3 CO3(RO/.

    Clic! on Revisionswhich is located to left side in the form.

    +t can "e modified "y giing effectie dates. C Reision is created and sae the form.
  • 8/12/2019 Defining Employee and Their Positions


    Reision is created and for time "eing miscellaneous receipt is done

    3*>+@*(+O3) +nentoryJ$(ransactionsJ$Miscellaneous (ransaction

    @ie type J Miscellaneous receipt and Clic! on transaction lines.

    *fter giing the item name clic! the R&> ta" , select for the created Reision or any required.*s reision is used to trac! the items, each reision can "e used for arious set of items.

    uantity is gien as 6, it means (O items come under Reision#C


    Sae the form.
  • 8/12/2019 Defining Employee and Their Positions


    2. Lot Control:

    /ot is a specific "atch for an item which is receied and stored in Organization. (his mainlyena"les to trac! items in material transactions, which are moing out of inentory.


    Organization %arameters

    Organization items

    Miscellaneous Receipt

    /ot &ntry

    +tem) (est /ot +tem

    Su"#+nentory) 9@+


    +nentory responsi"ility J$ +temsJ$Master +tems

    Create an item

    *ssign to the Organization

    Set /ot control#9=// CO3(RO/

    Set Starting %refix

    Set Starting 3um"er and sae the form
  • 8/12/2019 Defining Employee and Their Positions


    /ot Control ) 9ull Control,

    Starting %refix )/ot

    Starting 3um"er#76

    *s the /ot control prerequisites are set, miscellaneous receipt is done.

    clic! on transaction lines.

    *s the +tem, Re, Su"#+nentory, *ccount and =*3(+(K is gien ,Clic! on 0ot8!erial"utton

    located to the right at the end of the form.
  • 8/12/2019 Defining Employee and Their Positions


    /ot entry form is opened.

    Clic! on 4ENER)E 0O)and gie quantity same as gien a"oe. Clic! on 2O3&.

    NO)E) J +f item should "e stored in created /ot then chec! for /O( in /ist of >alues.

    hen we close the form it will as! for decision.

    Clic! on Kes and later OF.

    (o chec! for the /O( on#hand quantity.
  • 8/12/2019 Defining Employee and Their Positions


    Search for +tem , @ie +tem name and Clic! on 9ind.

    Chec! for /O( item and its on#hand uantity
  • 8/12/2019 Defining Employee and Their Positions


    3. Serial Control:

    Serial num"er control is used to assign to indiidual unit of item. So trac!ing single item withSerial control is efficient.


    Organization %arameters

    Organization items

    Miscellaneous Receipt

    @enerate Serial 3um"ers

    Serial &ntry

    +tem) (est Serial +tem

    Su"#+nentory) 9@+


    +nentory responsi"ility J$ +temsJ$Master +tems

    Create an item

    *ssign to the Organization

    Set Serial generation as %R&2&9+3&2

    Set Starting %refix

    Set Starting 3um"er and sae the form

  • 8/12/2019 Defining Employee and Their Positions


    @eneration) %redefined

    Starting %refix) Serial, Starting 3um"er 67

    Sae the form.

    *s the generation is gien as D%redefinedE , we need to generate serial num"ers.

    3*>+@*(+O3) +nentoryJ$On#hand *aila"ilityJ$@enerate Serial 3um"ers

    Concurrent program names JSerial num"er generate will run.

    System +tems# @ie the created Serial +tem
  • 8/12/2019 Defining Employee and Their Positions


    /ater uantity must "e gien.

    NNote) (his quantity refers to the count of serial num"er which has to "e generated.

    Clic! on OF

    and 3O later

    Su"mit the request

    9ind for the Su"mitted request whether it is compiled properly.
  • 8/12/2019 Defining Employee and Their Positions


    Request is completed.

    3ow miscellaneous receipt is done , clic! on transaction lines.

    +tem, Su"#inentory, uantity5:78 and account is gien
  • 8/12/2019 Defining Employee and Their Positions


    Clic! on 0ot8!erialwhich is end of the form.

    Serial &ntry form is opened.

    @ie the start Serial num"er finding from list of alues

    Select the alues and Clic! on OF

    +f the serial num"ers are finalized, Clic! on 2O3&.
  • 8/12/2019 Defining Employee and Their Positions


    NNO)E) +f required any specific num"er opt fpr indiidual entry mode and can select the serial


    *lso if the uantity and uantity entered doesnPt match it will not allow you to sae the form.

    /ater chec! for serial item in on#hand aaila"ility.


    (o gie an item Specific reision, lot and unique serial num"ers.

    R&>+S+O3 CO3(RO/# Chec! "oxed

    /O( CO3(RO/# 9ull control

    S&R+*/ CO3(RO/# %redefined

    9or specific reision
  • 8/12/2019 Defining Employee and Their Positions


    hen miscellaneous receipt is done, *s item, reision , quantity5Q8 and account is gien.

    Clic! o! 0ot8!erial

    Clic! on @enerate /ot and /ot num"er has /7: as gien in %refix, gie quantity and clic! on


    Clic! on Serial.

    *s the serial num"ers are predefined, Serial num"ers must "e generated

    Select D@enerate Serial num"ersEand run the request and compile it.
  • 8/12/2019 Defining Employee and Their Positions


    *s the quantity is gien as Q, Serial num"ers Q are created with prefix.
  • 8/12/2019 Defining Employee and Their Positions


    @ie the serial num"er for +tem and clic! on sae.

    hen you are closing the form it as!s for decision .

    Clic! on K&S

    Clic! on OF

    Chec! for On hand *aila"ility of the +tem.

    (his 2ocument descri"es a"out the inentory controls indiidually and together also.
  • 8/12/2019 Defining Employee and Their Positions



    /eae a comment

    9*ill Of %aterials;*O%< Parameters in

    ORC0E PP!-R12

    (sing the *O% Parameters


    +n this procedure, youll learn how to naigate and use the 0OM %arameters


    Set up 0ills of Material Responsi"ility, assign profile options and gie the organization access

    *ccess in the System

    Navigation) 0ill Of Materials




    2efine "ill of material parameters for each organization in which you use "ills or routings. 2oing

    so ensures access to resource, outside processing, and oerhead cost information for certain cost

    management functions. =se "ill of material parameters to define modes of operation and default

    alues for an organization that affect functions such as "ill definition, "ill deletion, andassem"le#to#order configuration num"ering.

    (sing the *O% Parameters

    :. 3aigate to the %arameters window.
  • 8/12/2019 Defining Employee and Their Positions


    6. &nter the maximum "ill leels to explode. (he maximum is 7.

  • 8/12/2019 Defining Employee and Their Positions


    T Dynamic entry alloed:+nentory transactions within this organization require a locator

    for each item. Kou are allowed to choose a alid and predefined locator and also define a locator

    dynamically at the time of transaction.

    T Determined at s#$-inventory level:+nentory transactions use locator control

    information you define at the su"#inentory leel.

    )est case: 1

    (o create %re#Specified and 2ynamic locators.


    Organization# *0

    +tem# *"/ocater

    Su"#+nentory# *"/ocat

    ;Note:3one, %re#specified, 2ynamic entry allowed and determined at su"#inentory leel areone time setups. Here, in this test case D2etermined at su"#inentory leelE is considered.

    Changing the locator controls may iolate the setup or effect the material or!"ench