Defending Genesis Newsletter Summer 2010 In This Issue “The “Days” of Creation were ordinary days in length. We must undertand that these days were actual days (veros dies), contrary to the opinion of the holy fathers. Whenever we observe that the opinions of the fathers disagree with Scripture, we reverently bear with them and acknowledge them to be our elders. Nevertheless, we do not depart from the authority of Scripture for their sake.” -- Martin Luther Redeeming the Time... Bringing Noah to Life Out of this World On the Web Prayer Needs A Ready Defense: “Are Evolutionists Card Cheats?” Redeeming the Time... A lot has been going on in the past several months and somewhere in the midst of things this newsletter was neglected. I apologize and will do my best to get you up to speed! Several events – the 8 th annual WV Creation Conference among them – have passed. I won't be able to cover them all in one issue. Nor I suspect should you want me to! In fact, in this issue I want to spotlight two separate ministry efforts I've been fortunate enough to be a part of: the Noah's Ark VBS program put on by Emmanuel Baptist and Gateway Church and the 2010 Creation Space Camp hosted by Sar Shalom Bible Center. Both events involve a dose of Provenance and a whole lot of hard work and creativity! The Bible warns us to be redeeming the time for the days are evil [Ephesians 5:16]. It means we're to make the most of every opportunity. I want you to be inspired to do just that as I tell you what these guys did for the glory of God. I've sang all my life and most folks think I'm pretty good at it. I came from a family of musicians and performers. When it came to singing, we had this unofficial motto: “If you're gonna make a mistake, make it loud one.” Now obviously we didn't want to make any mistakes if we could help it, but we also figured there was never a more wasted talent than one you never heard. So as you read what these guys did to get the truth of God's Word out to these kids, I hope it inspires you to do something awesome for Him. Do it bold. Do it big. Do it loud. And do it all for the glory of the God who never lies, never fails and loves to reward extravagant zeal! Bringing Noah to Life – A Very Special Noah's Ark VBS The Bible says that in the last days there will come scoffers who will be willfully ignorant of the fact of Creation, the historicity of the Genesis Flood and of coming judgment [2 Peter 3:3-7]. That's why I thank God for churches like Emmanuel Baptist [Pastor Ron Stoner - Charleston, WV] and Gateway Church [South Charleston, WV] who recently put on a very special Noah's Ark Vacation Bible School at Emmanuel's facilities. When my pastor, Ron McClung of Gateway, invited me to be a part of a Noah's Ark VBS in the local area, I wasn't sure what to expect. To receive this Newsletter in your email, join our group at:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/creationletter/

Defending Genesis Newsletter Summer 2010 · 2010. 8. 15. · loud one.” Now obviously we didn't want to make any mistakes if we could help it, but we also figured there was never

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Page 1: Defending Genesis Newsletter Summer 2010 · 2010. 8. 15. · loud one.” Now obviously we didn't want to make any mistakes if we could help it, but we also figured there was never

Defending Genesis Newsletter Summer 2010

In This Issue

“The “Days” of Creation were ordinary days in length. We must undertand that these days were actual days (veros dies), contrary to the opinion of the holy fathers. Whenever we observe that the opinions of the fathers disagree with Scripture, we reverently bear with them and acknowledge them to be our elders. Nevertheless, we do not depart from the authority of Scripture for their sake.” -- Martin Luther

Redeeming the Time...Bringing Noah to LifeOut of this WorldOn the WebPrayer NeedsA Ready Defense: “Are Evolutionists Card Cheats?”

Redeeming the Time...

A lot has been going on in the past several months and somewhere in the midst of things this newsletter was neglected. I apologize and will do my best to get you up to speed!

Several events – the 8th annual WV Creation Conference among them – have passed. I won't be able to cover them all in one issue. Nor I suspect should you want me to!

In fact, in this issue I want to spotlight two separate ministry efforts I've been fortunate enough to be a part of: the Noah's Ark VBS

program put on by Emmanuel Baptist and Gateway Church and the 2010 Creation Space Camp hosted by Sar Shalom Bible Center. Both events involve a dose of Provenance and a whole lot of hard work and creativity!

The Bible warns us to be redeeming the time for the days are evil [Ephesians 5:16]. It means we're to make the most of every opportunity. I want you to be inspired to do just that as I tell you what these guys did for the glory of God.

I've sang all my life and most folks think I'm pretty good at it. I came from a family of musicians and performers. When it came to singing, we had this unofficial motto: “If you're gonna make a mistake, make it loud one.” Now obviously we didn't want to make any mistakes if we could help it, but we also figured there was never a more wasted talent than one you never heard.

So as you read what these guys did to get the truth of God's Word out to these kids, I hope it inspires you to do something awesome for Him. Do it bold. Do it big. Do it loud. And do it all for the glory of the God who never lies, never fails and loves to reward extravagant zeal!

Bringing Noah to Life – A Very Special Noah's Ark VBS

The Bible says that in the last days there will come scoffers who will be willfully ignorant of the fact of Creation, the historicity of the Genesis Flood and of coming judgment [2 Peter 3:3-7]. That's why I thank God for churches like Emmanuel Baptist [Pastor Ron Stoner - Charleston, WV] and Gateway Church [South Charleston, WV] who recently put on a very special Noah's Ark Vacation Bible School at Emmanuel's facilities.

When my pastor, Ron McClung of Gateway, invited me to be a part of a Noah's Ark VBS in the local area, I wasn't sure what to expect.

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Page 2: Defending Genesis Newsletter Summer 2010 · 2010. 8. 15. · loud one.” Now obviously we didn't want to make any mistakes if we could help it, but we also figured there was never

I was half afraid I'd find the usual presentation of an over-crowded bathtub toy of an Ark. I was pleasantly shocked to find that they had something much grander in mind.

Apparently last year these folks had got it into their heads that they were pretty sick of VBS-as-usual. You know the ones: pirate-themed games and crafts [and the like] with a spiritual varnish slapped on to Christianize them a bit. Instead they decided to take the Bible as their authority and to bring its true history alive for the kids. So last year they built the Tabernacle of Moses inside their church [Yes, you read that correctly and I think you can see where this is going].

This year, these same folks built a facade of the Ark in their vestibule. When the kids entered through the Ark door they found a sanctuary decked out with stalls and animals. They'd made the stage up to be the 2nd level of the Ark and their baptistry as the third floor living quarters. Each night, Noah [in full dress costume and aged with makeup] gave the kids a [and many adults as well] a lesson in the real history of the Ark and a Gosel invitation. Then the children headed off to crafts, games, food and fun.

I was originally scheduled to man the dinosaur stalls where the children made their own fossils out of plaster of Paris and discovered the truth about dinosaurs, fossils and the Genesis Flood. As it turned out, I ended up doing that and a whole lot more!

My pastor, who was supposed to play Noah [he's an excellent teacher!], got injured in a ball game and asked me to understudy in case he didn't recover in time for the event. Folks, never understudy for a fellow that's already injured. The long and short of it is that I got to play Noah. They even aged me 600 years give or take a decade or two!

On the last day, they placed a rainbow of balloons over the Ark and Noah led the children through the Ark doors. Outside, we released a live dove and I told them how the Ark came to rest and how God promised Noah that He would never again destroy the whole world by water and set a rainbow in the sky as a reminder of that promise to humanity.

It was wonderful! The kids came thinking that Noah's Ark was this little overcrowded tugboat, that the Flood lasted “40 days and 40 nights” and wondering how Noah fit all those animals on board. They left knowing just how big the historical Ark truly was, that the Flood lasted a year and 10 days and wondering why God had Noah build the Ark with so much extra room! Of course we didn't leave them wondering on that point; we told them of God' grace in leaving room for whoever was willing to enter and how there's still room for one more on our present-day Ark of Salvation, Jesus Christ!

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Page 3: Defending Genesis Newsletter Summer 2010 · 2010. 8. 15. · loud one.” Now obviously we didn't want to make any mistakes if we could help it, but we also figured there was never

Out of this World – 2010 Creation Space Camp

In Psalm 8, the Psalmist famously declares “O Lord our Lord... when I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained; what is man, that thou art mindful of him? And the son of man, that thou visiteth him?” It is impossible to look up into the night sky and not find yourself awed by the sheer magnitude and unmatched creativity of Christ the Creator.

Perhaps with that thought in mind, Sar Shalom Bible Center [Hurricane, WV] also put quite a bit of effort into their 2010 Creation Space Camp. It's ironic, but when Pastor Cheryl Hobba

was only calling to verify my address so she could send my kids an invitation to the VBS program when she realized I'm a Creation speaker. She told me that there is no Hebrew word for coincidence and she didn't think any of this was an accident.

I'm certainly glad she felt that way because the church went all-out with this Creation Space Camp. They made a mockup of a space control center that kids walked past to enter the sanctuary. Inside, the place was set with black lights and the stage was decked out with space rocks and planets. And of course there were awesome crafts, science experiments and the obligate Jupiter Jump. It was absolutely out of this world!

Each night began with a space-themed Creation presentation. We gave the kids reasons why they can trust the Bible's starting point rather than the Big Bang, evidence for a young universe and a young earth and how earth's special place in this universe points to their Creator. The universe makes a lot more sense when you see it through the truth of God's Word rather than through fallible man's many science fictions.

A Look at the September Issue

We'll introduce you to the Evanjugglist and take a look back at the 8th Annual WV Creation Conference. We'll also look ahead to the Answers for Pastors conference.

On the Web

► DefendingGenesis.org & CreationLetter.comJust a quick note of thanks to our supporters. DefendingGenesis.org recently attained 80,000 hits. CreationLetter.com has also rounded 18,000 visits. Thank you for letting folks know about this ministry!

In our last newsletter, we announced the addition of a new section on our Defending Genesis site, based on our ever-popular presentation, Noah's Ark: Beyond Flannelgraph. Well since then it grew until we had to move it to its own blogsite: http://beyondflannelgraph.wordpress.com.

If you have questions about Noah, the Ark or the Biblical Flood, come on over. We're answering new questions all the time!

► Facebook & Twitter

Our official Facebook Fan page continues to grow. This fan page features the latest information on DefendingGenesis.org, upcoming speaking engagements and our latest projects, like Creation Sunday & CreationLetter.com. Facebook members can simply search for us by name: "DefendingGenesis.org.” You can keep up with us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/creationletter.

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Page 4: Defending Genesis Newsletter Summer 2010 · 2010. 8. 15. · loud one.” Now obviously we didn't want to make any mistakes if we could help it, but we also figured there was never

Prayer NeedsWe certainly appreciate your prayers for wisdom, discernment and continued opportunities. Please also be in prayer about the following:

• We're putting the finishing touches on our up-coming science fiction novel, Johnny Came Home. Finally, superhero fiction without the assumption of human evolution!

• Our approaching Creation Sunday 2011 campaign

A Ready Defense: Are Evolutionists Card Cheats?

– Exposing the Myth of the Unbiased Scientist & How Natural Selection Produces Horizontal Changes Not Small Changes

Recently, Dr. Michael Zimmerman, the atheist founder of the Clergy Letter Project which now boasts more that 12,500 clergy signatures who affirm that evolution is true, while the first 11 chapters of the Bible are “teaching stories” like Aesop's fables, has begun writing for the admittedly liberal Huffington Post. At his invitation, I have commented upon his articles. Predictably, he offers some standard chestnuts that atheists have been parroting for quite some time. For example, in Creationism in Connecticut? Pushing Pseudoscience in the Name of Religion, Zimmerman claims:

“If the data were to pose problems, scientists would be compelled to leave evolutionary theory behind."

I diagree for the excellent reason that he is wrong on this count. Scientists are people with biases like the rest of us.

For example, the late evolutionist Stephen Jay Gould looked at the evidence of the fossil record and noted that "The history of most fossil species includes two features particularly inconsistent with gradualism: 1. Stasis. Most species exhibit no directional change during their tenure on earth. They appear in the fossil record looking much the same as when they disappear; morphological change is usually limited and directionless. 2. Sudden appearance. In any local area, a species does not arise gradually by the steady transformation of its ancestors; it appears all at once and 'fully formed.'" (Gould, Stephen J. The Panda's Thumb, 1980, p. 181-182). Did he abandon evolution because the facts do not support it? No, instead he held onto Darwinism and conveniently imagineered an extra saltation mechanism [punctuated equilibrium] wherein evolution occurs in big jumps rather than “gradually by the steady transformation of its ancestors.” Oddly, his argument's chief support comes from an absence of evidence and the continued assumption of the truth of evolution despite that lack.

In 1937, Theodosius Dobzhansky, one of the architects of the NeoDarwin Synthesis [read: evolutionary theory as it has been published in our public school textbooks for the past 60 years or so] wrote in Genetics and the Origin of Species: “There is no way toward an understanding of the mechanism of macroevolutionary changes, which require time on a geological scale, other than through a full comprehension of the microevolutionary processes observable within the human lifetime. For this reason we are compelled at the present level of knowledge reluctantly to put a sign of equality between the mechanisms of micro- and macroevolution, and proceeding on this assumption, to push our investigations as far ahead as this working hypothesis will permit.” [emphasis mine]

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Page 5: Defending Genesis Newsletter Summer 2010 · 2010. 8. 15. · loud one.” Now obviously we didn't want to make any mistakes if we could help it, but we also figured there was never

They can't confirm whether these “small” changes lead to “big” evolutionary changes. They have to assume it does. Creationists affirm observable natural selection and speciation, but we also observe there a limits to this variation so that it occurs within fixed kinds; be it a wolf, English bulldog or a weiner dog, a dog remains a dog and recognizably so. Gregor Mendel , the Father of Genetics, also came to this conclusion, that heredity has the potential for great but ultimately limited change. Therefore, Creationists do not typify observable natural selection and speciation as “small” change, but rather “horizontal” change.

It's a bit like shuffling a deck of cards. A deck of cards is a good analogy for genetics. DNA is based on the arrangement of four amino acids; a deck has 4 suits: clubs, spades, hearts and diamonds. Shuffle all you like: You may get straights, pairs, flushes, a full house or what have you, but you'll never get more than 52 cards. A lot of variation is possible, but no increase of information. We must keep in mind that the amount of genetic information in, say, a worm is far, far less than what is required for the human blueprint.

Some of you know that an evolutionist recently objected to my analogy.

He said that I was misleading folks, that it's really more like shuffling a deck of cards but occasionally adding new cards.

Reasonably, I asked him where the new cards came from?

His answer was tellingly priceless:

Why, from shuffling the deck!

A Ready Defense is a new feature of our Newsletter. Each time, we'll take a brief look at the contemporary issues that touch on Genesis and the Gospel and how the Biblical Creationist can respond.

In Christ the Creator,

*Rev Tony BreedenDefendingGenesis.org

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