Defenders of the Faith

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T H E S O U L O F E U R O P E ,

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Defenders of the Faith


In the early 1520’s there was a long line of important leaders waiting to be the next Holy Roman Emperor. The Roman Pope was a spiritual leader on the other hand the Holy Roman Emperor was Christianity’s secular leader. The king of France Francis I, was victorious over the Swiss at Marignano in Milan which was the wealthiest state in Italy. In 1518 a treaty was signed in London which was held by the lord Chancellor of Henry VIII. Al the powerful leaders in Europe attended the meeting, the agreement stated that no state would engage in war against one another. The Empire England, and France, were the only three major power in Europe.


The new emperor, Charles V signed a very important document that holds a very important document that holds a very significant promise. The promise states that the Holy Roman Empire can never send any accused person outside the borders of Germany proper for trial nor to punish a suspect without a fair hearing. The kings and catholic potentate were powerless to contain the virus of Lutheranism that spread all across Europe. The Faculty of Theologian in Paris at Sorbonne published blame of 104 Lutheran Propositions. Approximately 6 weeks later they made it a criminal offense to publish and also to sell any books that dealt or regarding any type of religion without any stamp of approval by the Faculty.


In 1523 Islam's main focus was Rome because of the Dutchman Adrian VI recent death that brought forward new risks and opportunities. Right after the Pope’s death, Francis I began to campaign in the military

to redeem his power of Lombardy. On the other hand the Frenchking set out a trip to Rome to supporter as a French candidate. The controller of Milan commanded the duke Bourbon, Charles to block

the King of France’s way. Guilio de’ Medici became the leading Candidate. There was nothing negative to say about Guilio de’ Medici ,he was the perfect one to be in the leadership position. Medici was very

wealthy because of his high income he gave his word to spread his wealth to all of his supporters..


As soon as Pope Leo had died, Guilio de Medici was very confident that he would be the next to be Pope. Medici was involved in the Vatican and also a military commander. By being sneaky and talented Medici had no doubt

that he qualified in Pope Leo’s replacement as the new Pope. Guilio de Medici never knew that a unknown foreigner from the Netherlands would

be a competition. His name was Adrian, Adrian was winning was votes from being intellectual, humble, frugal, and genuinely pious. After being

called a barbarian and a stranger Adrian was voted to be the next Pope. In June 1522 a horrible plague overtook Rome and spread extremely fast. People were dying, dead bodies were covering the streets. The plague

lasted up to 150 days. People were dying alone no one to help one another. Prayers were said and miracle were made.


Francis I was released out of jail on April 17, 1526 and was already stirring up trouble. He traveled to France and completely disregarded the terms

and regulations of the Treaty of Madrid. Francis I proclaimed that no king should ever be treated with such bleakness. The Pope and other authorities agreed and dropped all charges and consequences not even a month later

Francis I forged a anti-imperial alliance with the Vatican in Venice, Florence. The alliance was called the Holy League of Cognac. The alliance

Was made for Sulleyman the Magnificent and his Mighty Ottoman Empire. Just nine days after Francis was released his greatest alliance Suleyman

the Magnificent left Constantinople at the head of a great dependent of janissaries and proceeded to the north in the direction of Hungary. Suleyman ordered to the engineers to

build bridges across the dangerous rivers, Sava and Dava. The impulse toward central Europe has begun.


Pope Clement VII had become very powerful in his camp, and had a lot to deal with immediately when Francis I was let free from imprisonment in

Madrid he traversed over to France to take revenge on his enemy Charles V. The citizens of the north called out to the pope Clement VII for help becausethey were being abused and taken advantage of by the foreign bandits. It was time for

the campaign to release northern Italy from the Spanish residents who also owned a great deal of territory in Lombardy. The Spanish resident also had the episcopal

sees of Piacenza and Parma who endangered Milan. Clement Vii main priority wasto be there and take care of his own people in Italy, but he was also a great

spiritual leader for the Christians too.

ACT SEVEN:A lot was happening in the 1520’s, the pope was held captive, enemies of the Empire came together and set out to threaten the dominations of Hapsburg,

also France and England had formed a anti-imperial alliance under the cleverhand of Cardinal Wolsey. Rumors were buzzing and a lot was happening with Henry VIII and his wife Catherine Queen of Argon. The two were ending theirmarriage in divorce. They had 6 children and only one survived her name was Mary. Henry VIII and Catherine believed that their marriage and the deaths

of their children was punishment from God. Catherine was married to Henry VIIIolder brother Author prince of Wales, but he died 6 months later. Pope Julius IIgave permission for Henry VII and Catherine to marry but they felt as they were

living in sin. Pope Clement was VII was weak in power so England made the choice for Henry VII and Catherine's divorce. Henry VII was to marry Anne only of his original marriage with Catherine was establish to be prohibited under the

canon law. Henry VII started to fall hard for Anne, he would write in depth letters, send her expensive and lavish gifts, and he would hunt and send her the bestmeats. The Vatican caught word of what he was writing to Anne and took the

letters and locked them up in a cabinet the letters and still in the Vatican till this day. Through disease, deceit, and long years of pain Henry VIII was left to be the man

with no power and left on the out skirts.

ACT EIGHT:The Turkish army left Constantinople and became extremely large with a powerful

leader Sultan himself. His expedition was at a halt because of the treacherous weather. A month behind schedule Suleyman and his people arrived in Belgrade.

Janos and Zapolya brought 6,000 reinforcements that would help Suleyman. Zapolya was treated with high respect with the Ottoman tradition, but to

SuleymanZapolya meant nothing more than a overvalued slave. Ottoman soldiers had found the crown of St. Stephen that was stolen. Ferdinand's soldiers then tried sneaking the crown out of Hungary. Zapolya would not allow that to happen and received a solid iron crown which Suleyman or Ibrahim and Pasha attended or cared about

Zapolya. The weather did not let up and got worse at the end of Suleyman’s expedition. Nevertheless, on December 16Suleyman was victorious and was

welcomed and festivities were thrown for his victories over the infidels that had lasted

for five days,

ACT NINE:The victorious win in Vienna was seen as a miracle but was most likely temporary.

Clement VII was depressed and threatened over the situation of the Roman Catholicism. Finally in July 1529 the argument between Henry VII would not let upwith the pope and it was beginning to make him physically ill. The distractions with

Vienna, Bologna, and Augsburg, was a very good reason to ignore Henry VII demand for divorce and also Catherine’s demand as well. Henry’s adviser suggested to not get

a divorce, but to just add a second wife, bigamy. Since bigamy was in the Bible Martin Luther would look into it, but his answer was no. Henry VII would not stop there. He was relentless. On January 25, 1533 Henry VII married Anne in a secret


ACT TEN:Instead of central Europe being the traditional enemy of the Ottoman Empire it

was Persia. Suleyman’s father Selim I had dedicated the campaign to the east, whichwas far as the Persian Capital of Tabriz. His effort was to purify Islam under the

traditional doctrine of Sunnism. Shan Ismail I was Selims advisor which was the founder of the Safavia dynasty. Ismail I came to power in 1501 and immediately

protected Azerbaijan then captured Baghdad in 1508. In 1524 Ismail had died and his 10 year old son Tahmasp I was next in line. Suleyman was offended by the decision and began to threaten Tahmasp I. Suleyman felt as he was the one to complete what his father set out to do. In the first 10 years of Suleyman’s reign

he put his main focus on Christian Europe which became rival in Persia. Thegovernor of Baghdad promised Suleyman the keys to the city but then later was

assassinated and was switched by a Persian satrap.


Christiana Garretson

History 150

I really enjoyed this book