171 Unit 3, Bible Truth 3 Visual Aids and Large Format Storyboard Pictures DEEP DOWN DETECTIVES

DEEP DOWN DETECTIVES · Story-telling Tips Ahead of time: 1. Read the Bible verses and story. Pray! 2. Choose story action cues and prepare storyboard figures/Story Scenes, if using

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Page 1: DEEP DOWN DETECTIVES · Story-telling Tips Ahead of time: 1. Read the Bible verses and story. Pray! 2. Choose story action cues and prepare storyboard figures/Story Scenes, if using


Unit 3,

Bible Truth 3

Visual Aids


Large Format Storyboard Pictures


Page 2: DEEP DOWN DETECTIVES · Story-telling Tips Ahead of time: 1. Read the Bible verses and story. Pray! 2. Choose story action cues and prepare storyboard figures/Story Scenes, if using


About Deep Down Detectives Visual Aids and Large Format Storyboard Pictures

HSKUnit 10

HSKUnit 2

HSKUnit 10

HSKUnit 4

HSKUnit 5

HSK 1 Big Question and Answer Sign Front

How Are They Used?

The Deep Down Detectives Visual Aids and Large Format Storyboard Pictures are companion resources to be used alongside the Deep Down Detectives Core Curriculum for each unit. These colorful pictures are used in presenting the key concepts, telling the Bible stories, and, in playing the Bible Story Review games. The storyboard pictures in this book are for flannelgraph boards at least 36” x 48.” (Choose Visual Aids with Small Format Storyboard Pictures for smaller boards.)

What Do They Include?

There are six, different resources included in this book: 1. Key Concept Visual Aids-- colorful signs of the Big Question and Answer, the Bible Truths taught in each unit, the Bible verses, and the Listening Assignments used with the curriculum for each Bible Truth taught in the unit.2. The Storyboard Picture Key-a who’s who of the pictures in thumbnail size.3. Storyboard Suggested Picture Placement page--how you can place your pictures up on your storyboard that works well with the story.4. The Storyboard Pictures, themselves. Notice that each picture is identified on the back for easy reference.5. Directions for how to make a homemade flannelgraph storyboard and sturdy storyboard pictures.6. Directions for making the Deep Down Detectives “Bible” Folder and the back/front images to paste in place when making it. (Larger back/front images are found online with the curriculum.)

Ready, Set, Rip It Out!

This book is meant to be ripped up and made into your visual aid. The key concept signs can be cut out and laminated or slipped into sheet protectors. Cut out around the storyboard images and ideally, laminate these. Some of the biggest pictures actually need to be stuck together, before laminating.

Store It!Deep Down Detectives is a curriculum that can be used over and over. Store your visual aids and storyboard pictures after using them and they will serve you for many years. We store ours in manilla envelopes and then put them (along with all the rest of the curriculum) in magazine files, labeled by unit. If you have multiple classes using the curriculum, store each set of resources in separate manilla envelopes. This will make prep much simpler, second time around.

Replacement Storyboard Pictures

You can always purchase this book again or simply go online to the praisefactory.org website (Deep Down Detectives section) and print out any pictures that go missing.

Page 3: DEEP DOWN DETECTIVES · Story-telling Tips Ahead of time: 1. Read the Bible verses and story. Pray! 2. Choose story action cues and prepare storyboard figures/Story Scenes, if using


Story-telling TipsAhead of time:1. Read the Bible verses and story. Pray!2. Choose story action cues and prepare storyboard figures/Story Scenes, if using. (In Visual Aids book)3. Practice telling story with the storyboard figures/Story Scenes, timing your presentation. Shorten, if necessary.

During your presentation:1. Maintain as much eye contact as possible as you tell the story. 2. Put up storyboard figures/add story action cues/hold up Story Scenes as you tell the story. Allow the children to help you put them on the board, if desired.3. Include the children in your story with a few questions about what they think will happen or words/concepts that might be new to them.4. Watch the kids for signs that their attention span has been reached. Shorten, if necessary.

Detective Dan’s Lesson #1 Listening Assignment:I need to know:1. Who was the Savior? 2. When did the promise of a Savior start? When did it finish?

Detective Dan’s Lesson #2 Listening Assignment:Our Bible Verse is Isaiah 53:5-6, ESV“He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all.”

I need to know:Transgressions and iniquities are other words for sin.1. Whose transgressions and iniquities deserved God’s punishment in our story? 2. Who came to take God’s punishment for them?

Detective Dan’s Lesson #3 Listening Assignment:I found six clues, but two of them are NOT in the story.They are: a tree; a lamp; a garden; a cave grave; a bed; and, a man named Abraham.Hold each of them up for the children to see as you identify them.

I need to know:1. Which four belong in the story and which two don’t? 2. Which one did the Savior use to prove He had won? What do we thank Him for beating?

Read the assignment questions, THEN SAY, “Ok, Deep Down Detectives! Put on your best listening ears and see if you can hear the answers to Detective Dan’s questions. When I finish telling the story, we will see if we can answer all the questions.”

Read the Bible Truth story, answer questions, present the gospel and lead in prayer. Answers to questions; the gospel; and, ACTS prayer are included with the story text.


“Our story is called: The Case of the Savior, from Start to Finish. Here is your listening assignment... “ Read the assignment for your lesson using Detective Dan’s Listening Assignment sign or the text below:

Bible Story for Big Question 3, Bible Truth 3 P.1 The Case of the Savior, from Start to Finish

Genesis, The Gospels

use with all THREE lessons

?Big Question Briefcase?

of BQB

take outPlace story in



Page 4: DEEP DOWN DETECTIVES · Story-telling Tips Ahead of time: 1. Read the Bible verses and story. Pray! 2. Choose story action cues and prepare storyboard figures/Story Scenes, if using


Back in the very beginning, (SB1) God created our world.

Heavens and earth. Sky and seas,Mountains and valleys,Flowers and trees,Birds and fish and animals, too,And best of all, God made people, Like me and you.

And it was all good. VERY good.

But why were PEOPLE the best of all that God created, back in the very beginning? It’s because He created people with something that no other earth creature had: a (SB2) living spirit that could know and love Him. We could have a special closeness to God that no one else could enjoy!

I’m sure it’s very fine to be a fast horse galloping across a grassy field; or, a proud eagle soaring on the wind high up in the sky. I’m sure it would be marvelous to twist and spin like a dolphin in the ocean. And don’t we all enjoy looking up at the beautiful stars at night or gazing at tall, snowy mountains in the distance? But NONE of this is ANYTHING as great as knowing God and being close to Him. That is the BEST thing anyone can ever enjoy. And that’s why this spirit inside people makes us so very special, indeed!

God named the first man and woman, (SB3) Adam and Eve. He gave them a beautiful garden home with everything they needed—(SB4) perfect food to eat, perfect jobs to do, and perfect friendship to enjoy with each other.

But the best thing about life in the Garden, wasn’t anything that Adam and Eve could put in their mouths, or do with their hands or even enjoy with each other. The best thing that Adam and Eve had in that Garden was something that they couldn’t even see or touch. And it all had to do with that spirit God gave them.

Can you guess what that best thing was?

The best thing about life in the Garden was (SB5) the very special closeness that they had with God.

What was that very special closeness like? I like to call it (SB6) “Perfect Wonderfulness.” It was “Perfect”, because there was no sin in Adam and Eve’s hearts that blocked it. And it was “Wonderfulness,” because it was far better than ANYTHING we can imagine. “Perfect Wonderfulness”-- knowing, loving, trusting and obeying God completely. And God sharing His love and showing Himself to them in a way deeper and better than any of us has ever known. Yes, life with God in the Garden was “Perfect Wonderfulness.” And what made it even MORE wonderful was that it could go on this way forever and ever.

Doesn’t the life Adam and Eve had with God sound amazing? Perfect Wonderfulness, lasting forever!

But the “Perfect Wonderfulness” did NOT last forever. (SB7) Satan, God’s enemy, came into the Garden. He tempted Adam and Eve to doubt God and His goodness. His plan worked. Right there, in the middle of that beautiful Garden of love, Adam and Eve stopped trusting God and chose to rebel against Him instead.

The Case of the Savior, from Start to Finish Genesis, The Gospels Bible Story for Big Question 3, Bible Truth 3 P.2 use with all THREE lessons

Story with lines separating paragraphs (text in bold, optional interaction cues in italics) Numbers correspond to storyboard pictures and placement upon the storyboard. Alway feel free to use less pictures, if it’s best for your kids. Simply black out the numbers next to pictures you do not plan to use. All pictures are found in the Visual Aids book. Put BG (background) pictures on storyboard ahead of time. SB pictures (listed below in story text) are added to board as you tell the story. These numbers are also found on the back of each picture. Tip: Stack pictures in numerical before telling story for easy use. Use sticky-back velcro to attach pictures to storyboard felt. Use sticky-tac putty to stick a picture on top of another picture.

Page 5: DEEP DOWN DETECTIVES · Story-telling Tips Ahead of time: 1. Read the Bible verses and story. Pray! 2. Choose story action cues and prepare storyboard figures/Story Scenes, if using


Story with lines separating paragraphs (text in bold, optional interaction cues in italics)

Bible Story for Big Question 3, Bible Truth 3 P.3

What would God do? Well, there was only one thing that He could do. You see, GOOD. He is HOLY. He (SB8) hates sin. It is BAD. So He did what He must do— He punished Adam and Eve for their disobeying.

(SB9) Life in God’s perfect world was broken. Now there would be sin and sadness, sickness and death. Life in the Garden was broken, too. Adam and Eve lost their perfect food and perfect jobs and perfect friendship with each other. Worst of all, (SB10) they lost their Perfect Wonderfulness, their very special closeness with God that would have gone on forever and ever.

Oh, what a lot Adam and Eve lost on that sad, sad day!

But there was something that Adam and Eve did NOT lose on that day.

Can you guess what it was?

They did NOT lose God’s love.

God, in His great love and mercy was not finished with them or His world. He had always known what would happen. And He had always planned for it. He would NOT lose His people. He would SAVE them from their sins, and He, Himself, would do it.

So on that very day, God gave Adam and Eve (SB11) a promise. He would send a Savior to crush the enemy. He would win back the Perfect Wonderfulness for them. He would win back the Forever Life with Him that He had created them to enjoy.

Yes, He would win it all back, through the Savior He would send. We know His name, don’t we?

Can you tell me the Savior’s name?

The Savior would be Jesus, God’s own Son.

Adam and Eve had a family. (SB12) Their children had children, too. They were just like Adam and Eve. They had two eyes, two ears, two legs, and two arms. One head with one nose and one mouth. They even had that special heart made to know and love God. But sadly, (SB13) their hearts were broken with sin, just like Adam and Eve’s. They ALL chose to disobey God and they ALL deserved His punishment. How sad!

But there was good news, too. Though they all disobeyed God and their hearts were broken with sin, (SB14)some remembered God’s promise to crush their enemy. They trusted in God and looked forward in faith to the day when the Savior would come.

Can you tell me the Savior’s name?

The Savior would be Jesus, God’s own Son.

God’s plan to send a Savior began to unfold. God chose (SB15) Abraham and his family to be the ones to prepare the world for the Savior. He gave them a special land to live in and His laws to live by. He gave them His special promises, too. God told them that all people would be blessed through someone who would be born into their family one day. (SB16) That someone would be the Savior.

Can you tell me the Savior’s name?

The Savior would be Jesus, God’s own Son.

use with all THREE lessons

Page 6: DEEP DOWN DETECTIVES · Story-telling Tips Ahead of time: 1. Read the Bible verses and story. Pray! 2. Choose story action cues and prepare storyboard figures/Story Scenes, if using


Bible Story for Big Question 3, Bible Truth 3 P.4 use with all THREE lessons

Story with lines separating paragraphs (text in bold, optional interaction cues in italics)

Many years passed. Abraham’s family grew (SB16) into thousands and thousands and thousands of people. A whole nation! Sometimes, they obeyed God, but many times they did not. They enjoyed God’s great blessings when they obeyed. They felt His loving discipline when they did not.

When they kept refusing to obey, God’s loving discipline becane more painful. How God loved His people! So He gave them what they needed to turn back to Him. He (SB17) sent them far away from their home to work for their enemies. They were so sad. They missed the good home and the good life He had given them. At last, their hearts changed. They were sorry they had disobeyed God. They wanted to turn back to Him. God sent them good news: one day He would bring them back home. And one day, (SB18) He would send a Savior.

Can you tell me the Savior’s name?

The Savior would be Jesus, God’s own Son.

God kept His promises. He (SB19) brought Abraham’s family back home. And then, at just the right time, God (SB20) sent the Savior to be born in Bethlehem--Jesus, God’s own Son.

Jesus grew up. He (SB21) taught about God and did many amazing things. He lived a perfect life—the life that Adam and Eve and all of us were supposed to live, but never did. He showed that He was God’s Son, the Savior.

But Jesus didn’t just come to show us that He was the Savior. He came to BE the Savior. He would make the way for us to have special closeness with God again. He would pay for our sins so that through Him we could once more enjoy Perfect Wonderfulness with God forever.

But, oh, what a terrible way it must all happen!

Sin couldn’t be paid for (SB22) with money. Sin even couldn’t be paid for by Jesus (SB23) living a perfect life in our place. No, sin could only be paid for with by Jesus living a perfect life, and then Him GIVING IT UP for us. He had to take our punishment. He had to die the death that we deserved! That was the only way!

So that’s what Jesus did. He (SB24) suffered and died on the cross as the perfect sacrifice for our sins. He was our substitute. He was our payment!

How Jesus hurt that day as He suffered and died for us! How much God loved us that He would pay for our sins, Himself, through His Son Jesus!

As Jesus died on the cross, His last words were, “It is finished.” But what was finished? What it just His life was finished? Or could it be something more?

What do you think Jesus finished?

Later that day, (SB25) some men took Jesus’ body to a cave grave in a garden. That looked like the end. But was it? No, it was not! What people had lost in their beautiful Garden long ago, Jesus was about to prove that He had won back in this garden.

On Day One and Two, Jesus’ body stayed in that cave grave, but (Remove BG5 from cave entrance.) then on Day Three, (SB26) Jesus rose up from the dead in victory. He was alive! Jesus had really beaten sin and death! That’s what He had finished that day He suffered and died on the cross. All those sins paid for. The way back to Perfect Wonderfulness with God forever was made!

Now, all who turn away from their sins and trust in Jesus as their Savior can (SB27) enjoy a bit of special closeness with God in their hearts now by God’s Holy Spirit. And one day, when they die, they (SB28) will go to enjoy full, Perfect Wonderfulness with God forever. Perfect Wonderfulness. Perfect Forever. All of that is ours, all because the Savior came, and that Savior was God’s Son, Jesus. Thank You, Jesus!

Page 7: DEEP DOWN DETECTIVES · Story-telling Tips Ahead of time: 1. Read the Bible verses and story. Pray! 2. Choose story action cues and prepare storyboard figures/Story Scenes, if using


Detective Dan’s Lesson 3 Listening Assignment:Our six clues were: a tree; a lamp; a garden; a cave grave; a bed; and, a man named Abraham.

1. Which four belong in our story? The tree, the garden, the cave grave, and Abraham.2. Which one did the Savior use to prove He had won? What do we thank Him for beating? The cave grave. On the third day Jesus rose from the dead, showing that He had beat sin and death for all who turn away from their sins and trust in Him as their Savior.

For You and Me:The promise of the Savior wasn’t just for Adam and Eve or all those people who lived long ago. It is for us, too. It is for all who turn away from their sins and trust in Jesus as their Savior. He beat sin and death for us. He came to give us special closeness with God. He came so we could know the Perfect Wonderfulness of life with God. Thank You, Jesus!

The Gospel (story wrap-up if NOT using Listening Assignments)

Our Bible Truth is: How Can I Know What God Is Like? It’s Salvation through Faith in Jesus Christ!God sent Jesus to pay for the sins of God’s people!

How merciful is God! How great is His love for sinners, like you and me! Though we have all chosen to disobey Him, He always planned to provide us with a Savior! And that Savior would be His own, dear Son! He choose to suffer and die on the cross and give up His perfect life and the full payment for sin that we needed. How can He be our Savior? By turning away from our sins and trusting in Him as our Savior. Ask Him to help you! He loves to answer this prayer!

Close in prayer.

Bible Story for Big Question 3, Bible Truth 3 P.5 use with all THREE lessons

Cracking the Case: (story wrap-up for Listening Assignments)

It’s time to see how we did with our Listening Assignment.

Detective Dan’s Lesson 1 Listening Assignment:1. Who was the Savior? God’s Son, Jesus.2. When did the promise of a Savior start? When did it finish? It started back in the beginning when Adam and Eve disobeyed God. It finished when Jesus died on the cross for the sins of God’s people and rose from the dead in victory.

For You and Me:The promise of the Savior wasn’t just for Adam and Eve or all those people who lived long ago. It is for us, too. It is for all who turn away from their sins and trust in Jesus as their Savior. He came to give us special closeness with God. He came so we could know the Perfect Wonderfulness of life with God. Thank You, Jesus!

Detective Dan’s Lesson 2 Listening Assignment:Our Bible Verse is Isaiah 53:5-6, ESV“He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all.”

I need to find out:Transgressions and iniquities are other words for sin.1. Whose transgressions and iniquities deserved God’s punishment in our story? All people.2. Who came to take God’s punishment for them?Jesus, God’s Son.

For You and Me:The promise of the Savior wasn’t just for Adam and Eve or all those people who lived long ago. It is for us, too. It is for all who turn away from their sins and trust in Jesus as their Savior. He came to give us special closeness with God. He came so we could know the Perfect Wonderfulness of life with God. He did this by paying for our sins, Himself! Thank You, Jesus!

Page 8: DEEP DOWN DETECTIVES · Story-telling Tips Ahead of time: 1. Read the Bible verses and story. Pray! 2. Choose story action cues and prepare storyboard figures/Story Scenes, if using


Bible Story for Big Question 3, Bible Truth 3 P.6 use with all THREE lessons

Closing ACTS Prayer

God, we praise You for being the good Creator and King of the world.

God, we confess rebelling against You and Your good ways. Too many times we choose to live life our own way instead of Yours. We need a Savior!

Thank You for being our good Creator and King. Thank You for making everything in the world for Your good purposes. Thank You for being so merciful to us! Thank You for offering us salvation through Jesus, when we repent of our sins and trust Jesus as our Savior.

God, work in our hearts, helping us to turn away from disobeying You. Help us to trust in Jesus as our Savior. Help us to joyfully obey You, as is best for us and brings You glory.

In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Go to Lesson Plan, p.9 for the script to the rest of the lesson.





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g Q





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Page 10: DEEP DOWN DETECTIVES · Story-telling Tips Ahead of time: 1. Read the Bible verses and story. Pray! 2. Choose story action cues and prepare storyboard figures/Story Scenes, if using


The Big Question H

old up the Big Question sign for all the children to see,

and say:

The Big Question w

e are investigating today isBig Q

uestion Num

ber 3:

What Is the G

ospel? and the A

nswer is:

It’s Salvation through Faith in Jesus Christ!


Gospel m

eans “good news.” In the Bible, the gospel is the

good news that G

od sent His Son Jesus to save sinners like

you and me from

the punishment w

e deserve for our sins. That salvation is ours w

hen we turn from

our sins and trust in Jesus as our ow

n Savior. Now

that is good news indeed!

Let’s sing our Big Question Song:

Big Q & A 3 Song



ESV Songs 3, track 12(adapted version of “O

h, My D

arlin’ Clementine”)

What’s the gospel?

What’s the gospel?

Can you tell me w

hat it is?It’s salvation through faith in Jesus,That’s w

hat the gospel is. (repeat)


D 3 Big Q

uestion Picture--Back

Page 11: DEEP DOWN DETECTIVES · Story-telling Tips Ahead of time: 1. Read the Bible verses and story. Pray! 2. Choose story action cues and prepare storyboard figures/Story Scenes, if using



g Q





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Page 12: DEEP DOWN DETECTIVES · Story-telling Tips Ahead of time: 1. Read the Bible verses and story. Pray! 2. Choose story action cues and prepare storyboard figures/Story Scenes, if using



D 3 U

nit All Bible Truths--Back

This Unit’s Bible Truths“It’s salvation through faith in Jesus Christ” is a good beginning, but there’s so m

ore to learn. So it’s time for us to

dig down even deeper for m

ore answers to our Big Q

uestion about G

od. We’re going to be learning FO

UR Bible truths

that all tell us more about the w

onderful good news of G

od--the gospel.

Who w

ould like to hand me the picture w

ith our four Bible truths on it? It’s in the Big Q

uestion Box/Briefcase.“

Choose a child to get it and hand it to you, then hold it up and show

them the pictures of the four truths they w

ill be learning.

After everyone has had a good look say...

“Ok, w

e’ve learned two truths about the gospel. They are:

“God m

ade us and we should obey H

im” and, “W

e have all disobeyed G

od and deserve His punishm

ent” (point to pictures as you identify each Bible Truth). N

ow let’s look at

our Bible Truth Clue sign and see if we can figure out w

hich of these four truths w

e will be learning about today. W

ho w

ould like to get it out of the Big Question Briefcase for m


Choose a child to open the briefcase, take out the Bible Truth Clue sign and hand it to you.

Page 13: DEEP DOWN DETECTIVES · Story-telling Tips Ahead of time: 1. Read the Bible verses and story. Pray! 2. Choose story action cues and prepare storyboard figures/Story Scenes, if using



g Q





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.3 B



th 1



Page 14: DEEP DOWN DETECTIVES · Story-telling Tips Ahead of time: 1. Read the Bible verses and story. Pray! 2. Choose story action cues and prepare storyboard figures/Story Scenes, if using


Revealing the Bible Truth W

e Are Learning

Hold up the front side for the children to see. Cover up the

answer, w

ritten along the bottom, and say:

“What Is the G

ospel? It’s Salvation through Faith in Jesus Christ... G

od sent ___ to pay for the sins of God’s people!”

We’re m

issing one word. H

ere’s the hint to what the m

issing w

ord is. It says: “What’s the nam

e of God’s Son?”

Can you guess? It’s “Jesus.”

So the Bible Truth we are learning today is:

(uncover answer from

bottom of sign, show

it to them and say:)

“What Is the G

ospel? It’s Salvation through Faith in Jesus Christ! G

od sent JESUS to pay for the sins of G

od’s people!”

And here is w

hat this Bible Truth means:

(read the meaning off of the back of the sign, say:)

What a m

ess we have m

ade in God’s good w

orld! God is our

good Maker and King, yet w

e have all chosen to disobey Him

. Because G

od is good, He hates sin and H

e is right to punish our sins. W

e certainly deserve it! The punishment for sins

is death--being separated from G

od and all His goodness

forever. How


But God is not only good. H

e is also very merciful. H

e treats us better than w

e deserve. That’s why G

od, Him

self, made a

way for us to be forgiven our sins and to becom

e His people.

God sent H

is own, dear Son, Jesus to live the perfect life of

love and obedience that we should live, but never do. O

n the cross, Jesus offered H

is perfect life to God as the full

payment for sin for all w

ho turn away from

their sins and trust in H

im as their Savior. Jesus suffered and died in our

place. Then on the third day, Jesus rose up from the dead,

showing that H

e had really beaten sin and death! Jesus can be our Savior, too, w

hen we turn aw

ay from our sins and

trust in Him

as our Savior.

Page 15: DEEP DOWN DETECTIVES · Story-telling Tips Ahead of time: 1. Read the Bible verses and story. Pray! 2. Choose story action cues and prepare storyboard figures/Story Scenes, if using


DDD 3.3 Bible Verse Picture--front

?Big Question Briefcase?

of BQB

take outPlace verse in



Visual Aid

Page 16: DEEP DOWN DETECTIVES · Story-telling Tips Ahead of time: 1. Read the Bible verses and story. Pray! 2. Choose story action cues and prepare storyboard figures/Story Scenes, if using


Bible Truth 3 Bible VerseRemove the Bible Verse Picture from the “Bible” folder and hold it up for all the children to see, then say:

Isaiah 53:5-6 tells us:

Isaiah 53:5-6, ESV“He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all.”

Learn a Little: “The punishment that brought us peace was upon him.”

What does that mean? God is our good King and Creator and we should love and obey Him. But the sad news is that we all choose to disobey Him...and we all deserve His punishment.

Yes, we deserve His punishment, but God has loved us so much that He sent His Son, Jesus to take the pun-ishment that we deserve instead. Jesus lived a perfect life and chose to give it up to pay for our sins. On the cross He suffered and died. He was pierced with nails in His hands and feet. He was pierced in His side with a sword. He took all of the punishment that we deserve from God for our sins so that we could be forgiven. Jesus made the way for us to have peace with God by suffering in our place.

Who did Jesus do this for? It is God’s free gift to all who put their trust in Jesus as their Savior and choose to live for Him. This gift can be for you, too! Ask God to help you. He loves to answer this prayer!

“Now it’s time to do a bit more deep down investigating. Let’s see what Detective Dan wants us to help him figure out. Would someone like to get it out for me?”

“We’ve said our Bible verse, now let’s sing it!”

He Was Pierced: Isaiah 53:5DDD ESV Songs 3, track 24

He was pierced, He was pierced,He was pierced because of our transgressions,He was crushed, He was crushed,He was crushed because of our iniquities.

Punishment for our peace was on Him, on Him,and by His wounds, we are healed, we are healed.

He was pierced, He was pierced,He was pierced because of our transgressions,He was crushed, He was crushed,He was crushed because of our iniquities.Isaiah Fifty-three, verse five.

“Now it’s time to do a bit more deep down investigating. Let’s see what Detective Dan wants us to help him figure out. Would someone like to get it out for me?”

DDD 3.3 Bible Verse Picture--Back

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Detective Dan’s Listening A

ssignment #1

Hi, Deep Down Detectives!

I‘m w

orking on a brand-new case called:

“The Case of the Savior, from Start to Finish.”

I need to find out:1. W

ho was the Savior?


2. When did the prom

ise of a Savior start? When did

it finish?

Can you help me? Listen carefully to the story and

you might just hear the answ


Thanks!Detective Dan

Then say, “Ok, D

eep Dow

n Detectives! Put on your best listening ears and

see if you can hear the answers to D

etective Dan’s questions. W

hen I finish telling the story, w

e will see if w

e can answer all of his questions.”

Read the Bible Truth story, putting up the storyboard pictures as you tell it. At the end of the story, repeat the questions and lead the children in answ

ering them

. Present the gospel and close in prayer.


ers to assignment questions, the gospel and AC

TS prayer are also included at the end of the story text.*


ers:1. W

ho was the Savior? G

od’s Son, Jesus.2. W

hen did the promise of a Savior start? W

hen did it finish? It started back in the beginning w

hen Adam and Eve disobeyed G

od. It finished when

Jesus died on the cross for the sins of God’s people and rose from

the dead in victory.

For You and Me

The promise of the Savior w

asn’t just for Adam and Eve or all those people

who lived long ago. It is for us, too. It is for all w

ho turn away from

their sins and trust in Jesus as their Savior. H

e came to give us special closeness w

ith G

od. He cam

e so we could know

the Perfect Wonderfulness of life w

ith God.

Thank You, Jesus!


D 3.3 Lesson 1 Listening A


Page 19: DEEP DOWN DETECTIVES · Story-telling Tips Ahead of time: 1. Read the Bible verses and story. Pray! 2. Choose story action cues and prepare storyboard figures/Story Scenes, if using



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Page 20: DEEP DOWN DETECTIVES · Story-telling Tips Ahead of time: 1. Read the Bible verses and story. Pray! 2. Choose story action cues and prepare storyboard figures/Story Scenes, if using


Detective Dan’s Listening A

ssignment #2

Hi, Deep Down Detectives!

I‘m still w

orking on the case called: “The Case of the Savior, from

Start to Finish.”

Our Bible Verse is Isaiah 53:5-6, ESV“He w

as pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed

for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace

was upon him

, and by his wounds w

e are healed. We all,

like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his ow

n way; and the LORD has laid on him

the iniquity of us all.” I need to find out:Transgressions and iniquities are other w

ords for sin.1. W

hose transgressions and iniquities deserved God’s punishm

ent in our story?A

ND2. W

ho came to take God’s punishm

ent for them?

Can you help me? Listen carefully to the story and you

might just hear the answ


Thanks for your help!Detective Dan

Then say, “Ok, D

eep Dow

n Detectives! Put on your best listening ears and

see if you can hear the answers to D

etective Dan’s questions. W

hen I finish telling the story, w

e will see if w

e can answer all of his questions.”

Read the Bible Truth story, putting up the storyboard pictures as you tell it. At the end of the story, repeat the questions and lead the children in answ

ering them.

Present the gospel and close in prayer.*A

nswers to assignm

ent questions, the gospel and ACTS prayer are also

included at the end of the story text.*


ers: O

ur Bible Verse is Isaiah 53:5-6, ESV“H

e was pierced for our transgressions, he w

as crushed for our iniquities; the punishm

ent that brought us peace was upon him

, and by his wounds w

e are healed. W

e all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own

way; and the LO

RD has laid on him

the iniquity of us all.”

I need to find out:Transgressions and iniquities are other w

ords for sin.1. W

hose transgressions and iniquities deserved God’s punishm

ent in our story? All people.2. W

ho came to take G

od’s punishment for them

? Jesus, God’s Son.

For You and Me:

The promise of the Savior w

asn’t just for Adam and Eve or all those people

who lived long ago. It is for us, too. It is for all w

ho turn away from

their sins and trust in Jesus as their Savior. H

e came to give us special closeness w

ith G

od. He cam

e so we could know

the Perfect Wonderfulness of life w

ith God.

He did this by paying for our sins, H

imself! Thank You, Jesus!


D 3.3 Lesson 2 Listening A


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Page 22: DEEP DOWN DETECTIVES · Story-telling Tips Ahead of time: 1. Read the Bible verses and story. Pray! 2. Choose story action cues and prepare storyboard figures/Story Scenes, if using


Detective Dan’s Listening A

ssignment #3

Hi, Deep Down Detectives!

I‘m still w

orking on the case called: “The Case of the Savior, from

Start to Finish.”

I found SIX clues, but TWO of them

are NOT in the story.They are: a tree; a lam

p; a garden; a cave grave; a bed; and, a m

an named A


Hold up each of the six pictures for the children to see as you identify

them. Better yet, put them

up on your flannelgraph board, off to one side.

I need to know:

1. Which FOUR pictures belong in the story and w

hich TW

O do NOT? 2. W

hich one did the Savior use to prove He had won?

What do w

e thank Him for beating?

Can you help me? Listen carefully to the story and

you might just hear the answ


Thanks!Detective Dan

Then say, “Ok, D

eep Dow

n Detectives! Put on your best listening ears and

see if you can hear the answers to D

etective Dan’s questions. W

hen I finish telling the story, w

e will see if w

e can answer all of his questions.”

Read the Bible Truth story, putting up the storyboard pictures as you tell it. At the end of the story, repeat the questions and lead the children in answ

ering them.

Present the gospel and close in prayer.*A

nswers to assignm

ent questions, the gospel and ACTS prayer are also

included at the end of the story text.*


ers:1. W

hich four belong in our story? The tree, the garden, the cave grave, and A


2. Which one did the Savior use to prove H

e had won? W

hat do we thank


for beating? The cave grave. O

n the third day Jesus rose from the dead, show

ing that He

had beat sin and death for all who turn aw

ay from their sins and trust in H


as their Savior.

For You and Me:

The promise of the Savior w

asn’t just for Adam and Eve or all those people

who lived long ago. It is for us, too. It is for all w

ho turn away from

their sins and trust in Jesus as their Savior. H

e beat sin and death for us. He cam

e to give us special closeness w

ith God. H

e came so w

e could know the Perfect

Wonderfulness of life w

ith God. Thank You, Jesus!


D 3.3 Lesson 3 Listening A


Page 23: DEEP DOWN DETECTIVES · Story-telling Tips Ahead of time: 1. Read the Bible verses and story. Pray! 2. Choose story action cues and prepare storyboard figures/Story Scenes, if using


A Tree

A Lam


DDD 3.3 Lesson 3 Listening Assignment Clue Pictures, 1 and 2

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t Clu

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for k



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Page 25: DEEP DOWN DETECTIVES · Story-telling Tips Ahead of time: 1. Read the Bible verses and story. Pray! 2. Choose story action cues and prepare storyboard figures/Story Scenes, if using


A Garden

A Cave Grave

DDD 3.3 Lesson 3 Listening Assignment Clue Pictures, 3 and 4

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A Bed


an Named A


DDD 3.3 Lesson 3 Listening Assignment Clue Pictures, 5 and 6

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