________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Deep Creek Friends Meeting February, 2015 Making an Impact “You are the salt of the earth…You are the light of the world” Mt. 5:13, 14 Jesus said that we were to be the “salt of the earth” and “the light of the world”. Countless sermons and studies have been made on this passage, but it deserves repeating, that the use of salt and light serve as images of the unavoidable influence of devoted Christ-followers on the world. Salt penetrates food and prevents decay, while light illuminates the darkness of a room. The Master here is describing people who affect the world for His Kingdom. How are we to impact our community, county, nation, and world for Jesus Christ? Consider these components of real I.M.P.A.C.T. INTENTIONAL. Jesus gave direct commands that required the willful motivation of his followers. He said that we were to “be witnesses”, “go into all the world”, and “make disciples”. These are specific commands that require intentional action. As the church, we must see the penetration of our world with the gospel of Christ’s love and sacrifice as our privilege and purpose, here and now. MISSIONAL. Salt affects nothing if left in the shaker, and light is of no consequence to the darkness if it is hidden. We are not called to “build it and they will come” but to “find them and they will be reached”. We should live our lives so that those around us are touched with the love of God in Christ. Early Friends knew this as they traveled near and far to proclaim the message that Jesus Christ could be known and experienced. So the question to be asked here is not “Does Deep Creek support missions?” but, “Is Deep Creek filled with missionaries?” PRAYERFUL. The longer I am in ministry, the more evident it becomes to me that prayer is indispensable to knowing God and fulfilling His will. The only time we see the command to “wait” in reference to our mission, is when Jesus told the disciples, “Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about. For John baptized you with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit” Acts 1:8. Pray with me that God will make a greater impact in this community through Deep Creek Friends, and that He would supply the power of the Holy Spirit to do just that. AUTHENTIC. Our society seems to become more cynical and distrusting of the church with each passing decade. Many have been disillusioned by the incongruence between what we Christians profess and what we possess. People have got to be able to make a connection between how we live, and Who we worship. We all fail at times, but even in our failures we can be transparent, and our allegiance to Christ and His amazing grace becomes visible. Authentic Christianity makes an impact on peoples’ lives. COMPASSIONATE. How often does our message about Jesus seem confusing to a person who is not following Him? They seem like garbled words, religious words, pious words, but not life-changing words… But there is one form of communication that transcends language and preconceived ideas…..compassion. Compassion is our connection with people who may reject our message, as long as our compassion is sincere. Every culture, every race, every person recognizes compassion. We will make an impact for Christ if we reach out in His love. TRANSFORMATIONAL. We must be experiencing transformation, in order to draw others to their own transformation in Christ. The “salt and light” language of Christ in the Sermon on the Mount is radical in its implications for change. Salt alters the taste and preservation of food, and light alters the ability to see. However, the conversion of individual souls, as vital as that may be, is not the only transformation we should be about. We should be agents of the Holy Spirit to change our community, our county, our country, and the world. We should pray for God’s will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. As we move forward, may Jesus Christ be glorified through our lives and message. Let’s rally around the interdenominational “Impact Yadkin” movement this year, and then let’s continue to impact Yadkin as the Friends of Deep Creek! Randy

Deep Creek Friends Meeting February, 2015 Making an Impactstorage.cloversites.com/deepcreekfriendsmeeting... · Deep Creek Friends Meeting February, 2015 Making an Impact “You are

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Deep Creek Friends Meeting February, 2015Making an Impact

“You are the salt of the earth…You are the light of the world” Mt. 5:13, 14 Jesus said that we were to be the “salt of the earth” and “the light of the world”. Countless sermons and studies have been made on this passage, but it deserves repeating, that the use of salt and light serve as images of the unavoidable influence of devoted Christ-followers on the world. Salt penetrates food and prevents decay, while light illuminates the darkness of a room. The Master here is describing people who affect the world for His Kingdom. How are we to impact our community, county, nation, and world for Jesus Christ? Consider these components of real I.M.P.A.C.T.

INTENTIONAL. Jesus gave direct commands that required the willful motivation of his followers. He said that we were to “be witnesses”, “go into all the world”, and “make disciples”. These are specific commands that require intentional action. As the church, we must see the penetration of our world with the gospel of Christ’s love and sacrifice as our privilege and purpose, here and now.

MISSIONAL. Salt affects nothing if left in the shaker, and light is of no consequence to the darkness if it is hidden. We are not called to “build it and they will come” but to “find them and they will be reached”. We should live our lives so that those around us are touched with the love of God in Christ. Early Friends knew this as they traveled near and far to proclaim the message that Jesus Christ could be known and experienced. So the question to be asked here is not “Does Deep Creek support missions?” but, “Is Deep Creek filled with missionaries?” PRAYERFUL. The longer I am in ministry, the more evident it becomes to me that prayer is indispensable to knowing God and fulfilling His will. The only time we see the command to “wait” in reference to our mission, is when Jesus told the disciples, “Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about. For John baptized you with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit” Acts 1:8. Pray with me that God will make a greater impact in this community through Deep Creek Friends, and that He would supply the power of the Holy Spirit to do just that. AUTHENTIC. Our society seems to become more cynical and distrusting of the church with each passing decade. Many have been disillusioned by the incongruence between what we Christians profess and what we possess. People have got to be able to make a connection between how we live, and Who we worship. We all fail at times, but even in our failures we can be transparent, and our allegiance to Christ and His amazing grace becomes visible. Authentic Christianity makes an impact on peoples’ lives. COMPASSIONATE. How often does our message about Jesus seem confusing to a person who is not following Him? They seem like garbled words, religious words, pious words, but not life-changing words… But there is one form of communication that transcends language and preconceived ideas…..compassion. Compassion is our connection with people who may reject our message, as long as our compassion is sincere. Every culture, every race, every person recognizes compassion. We will make an impact for Christ if we reach out in His love.

TRANSFORMATIONAL. We must be experiencing transformation, in order to draw others to their own transformation in Christ. The “salt and light” language of Christ in the Sermon on the Mount is radical in its implications for change. Salt alters the taste and preservation of food, and light alters the ability to see. However, the conversion of individual souls, as vital as that may be, is not the only transformation we should be about. We should be agents of the Holy Spirit to change our community, our county, our country, and the world. We should pray for God’s will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. As we move forward, may Jesus Christ be glorified through our lives and message. Let’s rally around the interdenominational “Impact Yadkin” movement this year, and then let’s continue to impact Yadkin as the Friends of Deep Creek! Randy


Sunday, February 1 at 9:00 AM Monthly Meeting will meet in the

Fellowship Hall Come participate in the business of the meeting. Breakfast Refreshments will be provided by Ministry and Counsel member, Tommy Shore. February 7 – 10:00 AM at Cedar Square Meeting

Called Session of NCYM Representative Body To Consider a Recommendation from Executive and Personnel Committees that Don Farlow serve as Interim Superintendent. Information and resume may be found on Yearly Meeting website. Everyone is invited:

The Yadkin County Historical Society Presents THIRD PROGRAM ON

THE BOND SCHOOL HOUSE AFFAIR Sunday, February 8, 2015, 2:30 PM – 4:30 PM

Deep Creek Friends Meetinghouse. Meeting will begin in the Sanctuary

Participants in the 1863 Bond School House Affair will be discussed.

The Bond School House Affair occurred on the morning of February 12, 1863, when the Yadkin County militia tried to arrest Union sympathizers hiding inside the log school house and conscript them into the Confederate Army. Gunfire followed and four men were killed, two on each side. The affair revealed deep divisions over the Civil War in Yadkin County.

The purpose of the program is to reveal more biographical information about the participants on both sides, which included about 18 men of the militia and about 15 men inside the school house. For the past two years, the Yadkin County Historical Society and Deep Creek Friends Meeting collected and presented new information about the affair and its participants, many of whom were known to and related to each other. New biographical information, kinship, photographs, locations of their homes, military records, and burial places reveal the personal nature of the affair. The Society hopes to publish this information in its new Heritage of Yadkin County.

The event is free and open to the public. For more information, contact Andrew Mackie, (336) 428-8471 or [email protected].

The Bond School House was located at the top of the hill just across the little stream behind the church. John Bond was a recorded Friends minister.

Special Music for Worship Services – February 1st Deep Creek Quartet 8th Deep Creek Choir 15th Ginger Holt 22nd Deep Creek Choir Submitted by Vickie Warden

Greeting the People – February 1st Donna Hutchins 8th Clark & Brenda Shore 15th Jimmy & Vickie Warden 22nd James Smith Submitted by Teresa Welborn

Children’s Church Assistants – February 1st Trace Collins 15th Ashlyn Steelman Submitted by Angie Brendle

Nursery Workers for Worship – February 1st Michael and Sarah Ray 8th Don and Pam Steelman 15th Mark and Teresa Welborn 22nd Roger Holt and Audra Holt

Submitted by Vickie Warden

Sanctuary Flowers – February Whittier Sunday School Class This month, contact Angie Brendle to place flowers for a special occasion. Submitted by Donna Hutchins

Presiders for Worship – February 1st Wiley Shore 8th Tony Reece 15th Amie Brendle 22nd Libby Shore Submitted by Ministry and Counsel

Worship Message with the Children – February 8th Tracy Ray 22nd Taylor Jones Submitted by Ministry and Counsel

February Choir Practice: February 15 – 5:00 PM

Ministry and Counsel will meet February 22 6:00 PM – Church Lounge

Host & Devotions: Tommy Shore

February 8 – 6:30 PM – Fellowship Hall Deep Creek Friends Leadership Meeting Everyone is invited to attend.

Begin with Devotional and Time of Sharing Dreams for the future of the Meeting.

ALL Committees are asked to meet and make an outline/calendar plan for the year.

February 1 – SOUPer Bowl Sunday. Bring your Soup to place at the alter for Yadkin Christian Ministries.


Two new Sunday School Classes began last month – You can still join them.

Plan Now ……No cooking on March 1 Eat with Quaker Young Women for a Fund Raising Event

Randy is teaching …

Discovery Class for adults

10:00 AM each Sunday during the Sunday School hour Meet in Fellowship Hall

Anyone who would like to learn more about Quakerism, beliefs

and membership The class will last approximately eight more weeks.

TODDLER TIME (Ages 2 and under) One Sunday each month In the Church Nursery

Sunday, February 8th 10:00-10:45 AM Experiencing "The Creation"

BIBLE STORIES, Music, PRAYER, and Play For more information contact Angie Brendle.

Sunday, March 1st – Immediately after Worship Quaker Young Women will be sponsoring a "SIMPLE MEAL" – Fellowship Hall The menu will be Soups of all kinds, crackers and drink. All proceeds from this meal will be going to Right Sharing of World Resources. This is a Quaker micro-credit organization that supports grassroots income-generating projects in developing countries, led by women, many of whom are making less than a dollar a day. Your donation may help start a small vegetable farm which will provide food for an entire community as well as jobs for the neighborhood women. For our Simple Meal, we ask that you consider a donation in an amount equal to what you would pay for your Sunday lunch at a restaurant. For more information go to www.rswr.org. Please plan to stay and join us as we support this need.

NOTE: To everyone serving or who would like to serve as a Nursery Worker or Greeter:

The list for Nursery Workers has been updated; please remember to check The Encourager and the Bulletin as a reminder to see if you are scheduled to be in the nursery. If you have a conflict or are unable to be present the Sunday that you are scheduled to be in the Nursery, please ask someone to take your place or trade a date with you if possible. If you would like to be added to the list or be removed, contact Vickie Warden. (Nursery Workers provide a special service. They stay in the Nursery and care for “little ones” during the worship service in order to allow the child’s family more time to settle into the spirit of worship. If no one leaves a child for the day, the workers may slip in to the sanctuary themselves)

The list for Greeters has also been updated. Check The Encourager and the weekly Church Bulletin to find your scheduled time. If you have a conflict or are unable to be present to greet on your scheduled date, please ask someone to trade with you or take your place. If you would like to be added to the Greeters list or be removed, please let Teresa Welborn know. (Greeters have an important job to do. You may be the first person to speak to a member or visitor that day. Greet each person with a smile and handshake. Also be sure to hand them a bulletin, not just to assist during the service, but to have the list of people who need special prayer and to have announcements for upcoming events)

Mark Your Calendar

March 15-18 – Deep Creek Revival Sunday – Senior Citizen Appreciation Day

11:00 AM Worship with Randy Quate followed by Fellowship Meal

Sunday – Wednesday nights at 7:00 Guest Speaker, Robin Dixon

Special Music


Food for the Hungry

I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for Me." Matthew 25:40

Dear Friends,

As you know, "Souper" Bowl Sunday is February 1, and we want to do our part in celebrating by bringing cans of soup to the altar to dedicate for helping Yadkin Christian Ministries feed the needy.

During one week in January, 208 families were helped at East Bend and Yadkinville centers combined. The need continues to be great, and all that you do for the ministry as individuals and as a Meeting is very much appreciated. Thank you!


Phyllis Barnes …………………

Monday, February 9 at 6:30 PM Quaker Young Women Valentine Banquet

For all members and their spouses The meal will be provided by Kickback Catering

at a cost of $11.50 per person. Menu: Rocky Mountain Chicken or Chopped Steak with Peppers, Garden Salad, Broccoli and Cheese Loaded Potatoes, Sweet and Unsweet Tea ***Members MUST let Jean Hutchins know if you plan to attend. A number is needed for the caterer; we pay for that number. Deadline to sign up with Jean – Sunday, February 1

Heart sisters will be revealed; bring your gifts if you drew last year. Forms will be available for those who want to draw this year (2015-16).

***Children are invited; QYW will provide pizza and movie time.

Any questions see Angie or Jean Angie Brendle

Looking Ahead... Mark your calendars for the USFW Spring Conference to be held at Quaker Lake on May 2 at 10:00 AM. More information will follow.

Circle 1 will meet upstairs in the Church Library on February 9 at 6:00 PM. Brenda Adams will present the program and Shelby Shore will provide light refreshments. Remember to bring toothpaste, hand towels, or shampoo, which will be taken for hygiene kits to be assembled and dispersed by FEMAP as needed.

Phyllis Barnes

Its purpose is to impact the community and citizens around Yadkin County. "The goals of Impact Yadkin are to impact the community by working on (work) sites, impact the community financially by giving back our resources to local companies and businesses, and impact the students participating by bringing them together from across the county." We are requested to PRAY DAILY for the upcoming event in June.

Plans for Impact Yadkin are well underway. The prayer team urges you to pray each day for this endeavor. Be on the lookout in bulletins, newsletters, and on bulletin boards for specific needs for which to pray. Things to Collect and DONATE during February:

During the month of February, we are asked by the Impact Yadkin team to bring paint supplies (brushes, tape, pans, rollers, etc.) to donate. Please place these items in the box provided in the Foyer of the church. Let's pray, pray, pray! Let's thank God for what He is doing and is going to do! Phyllis Barnes

"God is bigger than all of us, beyond all of us. When I pray, I don’t really pray for anything, I just try to understand God’s will and do the best I can.” Harry Connick, Jr., who stars in the movie Dolphin Tale 2


You are invited:

Abraham Lincoln’s Signed copy of his devotional includes Texts of Scripture arranged for every day.

February 16 –President’s Day

The Fruits of the Spirit The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance; against such there is no law. Gal. v. 22, 23

Tis God himself the ground prepares, His Spirit sows the land;

And every pleasant fruit it bears, Is nurtur’d by his hand.

Patience Ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise. Heb. x 36.

I would submit to all thy will, For thou art good and wise;

Let every anxious thought be still, Nor one faint murmur rise.

Thy love can cheer the darksome gloom, And bid me wait serene,

Till hopes and joys immortal bloom And brighten all the scene.

Love to All Men The Lord make you to increase and abound in love one toward another and toward all men even as we do toward you. 1 Thess. iii. 12.

May love, that shining grace, O’er all my powers preside;

Direct my thoughts, suggest my words, And every action guide.

February 14 – Valentine’s Day


Farmer Needs to Sell Puppies

A farmer had some puppies he needed to sell. He painted a sign advertising the 4 pups and set about nailing it to a post on the edge of his yard.

As he was driving the last nail into the post, he felt a tug on his overalls. He looked down into the eyes of a little boy. "Mister," he said, "I want to buy one of your puppies."

"Well," said the farmer, as he rubbed the sweat off the back of his neck, "These puppies come from fine parents and cost a good deal of money.

"The boy dropped his head for a moment. Then reaching deep into his pocket, he pulled out a handful of change and held it up to the farmer. "I've got thirty-nine cents. Is that enough to take a look?"

"Sure," said the farmer. And with that he let out a whistle. "Here, Dolly!" he called. Out from the doghouse and down the ramp ran Dolly, followed by four little balls of

fur. The little boy pressed his face against the chain link fence. His eyes danced with

delight. As the dogs made their way to the fence, the little boy noticed something else stirring inside the doghouse. Slowly another little ball appeared this one noticeably smaller. Down the ramp it slid. Then in a somewhat awkward manner, the little pup began hobbling toward the others, doing its best to catch up.

"I want that one," the little boy said, pointing to the runt. The farmer knelt down at the boy's side and said, "Son, you don't want that puppy. He

will never be able to run and play with you like these other dogs would.” With that the little boy stepped back from the fence, reached down, and began rolling

up one leg of his trousers. In doing so he revealed a steel brace running down both sides of his leg attaching itself to a specially made shoe. Looking back up at the farmer, he said, "You see sir, I don't run too well myself, and he will need someone who understands."

With tears in his eyes, the farmer reached down and picked up the little pup. Holding it carefully he handed it to the little boy.

"How much?" asked the little boy. "No charge," answered the farmer, "There's no charge for love."

Rules to Live By: The Queries from North Carolina Yearly Meeting Faith and Practice for Christian Fellowship Do you love one another as becomes the followers of Christ?


Children’s Church at 11:00 AM

February 1 – "James" Volunteer – Trace Collins

February 15 – "Phillip" Volunteer – Ashlyn Steelman

FOJ Meetings: **Note time Extended February 8 4:00 – 6:00 PM – "John – The Beloved"

Snacks: Valentine Party See Flyer below

February 22- 5;00- 6:00pm – "Nathaniel" Snacks: Sarah Ray

Sunday, February 8th 4:00-6:00pm

Join in as we study

Join the fun as we celebrate with a special party

***A list will be sent out with calendars***

CHILDREN From Angie:

FOJ Learn about


January came fast and seemed to go away just as fast. As I reflect back over the month, my mind goes to this being the time of year for new beginnings. After a long year and a tiresome Christmas season (hopefully spent celebrating the birth of Christ), we look to January for a fresh start. It has become a time to wipe the slate clean and begin anew in many different areas of our lives. It has also been a time to cast vision and to dream "big" for the year ahead.

As the kids and I both start back to school and get back into our routines, my hope is that vision and dreams will come true this year. My vision is that we will become groups of DOGS & Youth that will grow closer to each other and more importantly, closer to God through our relationship with Christ. In doing this, it is a dream that we will reach others for Christ and become more passionate about spreading his name to the world around us.

As part of working toward this vision, we spent time in fellowship and in God's word in January. The Youth group went to the Winterjam Christian concert in Charlotte. We had a couple of minor setbacks, but ultimately, we were able to praise God for his goodness and for bringing us together as friends in his family. I'm amazed at how content the Youth group is to come together and spend time with each other in fellowship.

The DOGS group had our regular meeting. We looked at Jesus on his way to the cross. We studied the stories from Mark 5, where Jesus was interrupted to heal the daughter of Jairus and on the way to do that he is interrupted by the bleeding woman seeking healing. We first looked at how Jesus gathered some helpers (disciples) to him before doing the majority of his ministry. He not only called the first disciples, but he calls us also. While Christ had an end destination of the cross, our destination for our walk is eternity with him. Next, Christ showed his closest followers how to walk. He did this in his treatment of those who interrupted his cross walk. He would stop and meet folks where they were. He would avert his attention and go with them to meet their need out of his great love for those in need. In a large crowd or following, Jesus was willing to address individual needs and he taught the disciples (and us) to allow their (and our) lives to be interrupted by those in need. May we remember to allow folks in need to interrupt our lives and meet their needs. We also discussed that Christ made it to his destination on the cross and how he went there for us. May our lives reflect that truth and may we walk in his way until we reach our eternity with him.

Some youth and adults also attended the Impact Yadkin rally this month. This event is always a good time and a great chance to worship with other denominations as we all come together to serve the one true God. This is how the church is supposed to work! I'm excited to see what God is going to do through Impact Yadkin and may the end result be that his name is known more throughout his creation.

I am blessed to be saved by God through Jesus and blessed to serve him as the one true King!

Blessings, Jared Upcoming...

February 1st: @ 6:00: Super Bowl Party at Bill & Donna Terrell's house. Everyone bring a snack to share.

February 8th: DOGS @ 4:00 Youth @ 5:00 Snacks provided by Angie Brendle & Donna Raines Church-wide leadership meeting at 6:30

February 22nd: DOGS @ 5:00 Youth @ 6:30 Need Snack volunteers for both meetings.

February 28th: Youth/Young Adult Ski Trip to Winterplace, WV Meet at the church at 7:30am. We will return late that night. LET JARED KNOW BY FEBRUARY 15TH IF YOU ARE GOING!

Monday's at 7:00: Young Adult Bible Study has been moved to the home of Cathy Shore on Monday nights at 7:00.

Wednesday's at 7:00: Bible study for Youth & Adults! Everyone is welcome to attend!

March 20-22: "Worth" – NC Yearly Meeting event for Young Friends (7th-12th Grade) Quaker Lake Camp – Cost is $35 if registered before 2/20 and $45 after. See Jared if interested.


From Jared



Caroline Smitherman DeDiCateD

Sunday, January 25, during worship, Caroline Marie Smitherman, born November 25, 2014, was presented for dedication to the church by her parents Matt and Lacey Smitherman. Standing with them were Grandparents Marty and Angela Smitherman, Jimmy and Vickie Warden and Uncle Jared Warden. Pastor Randy Quate, held Caroline for a prayer of dedication and as he carried her down the aisle for presentation to the church. Caroline performed beautifully for the pastor and congregation.

Our StudentS On COllege dean’S liSt Several of our students made the Dean’s List for the 2014 Fall Semester. William Watson-Brendle – Senior at High Point University; Mason Winfrey – Senior at UNC Charlotte; Jake Shore – Junior at Appalachian State University; Shannon Shore – Sophomore at Appalachian State University; Hunter Welborn – Freshman at Appalachian State University. Some schools have not yet posted their lists.

Brock Moran celeBrates Birthday

Brock Moran celebrated his 5th birthday with an Angry Birds themed party. His classmates, friends from Sunday School, and his family had a great time playing with angry bird catapults, busting a piñata, and playing pin the snout on the bad piggy.

Kate Shore CelebrateS Special Birthday Kate Shore was born on January 12. She celebrated her 94th birthday at The Depot with her family. She was in worship at Deep Creek on January 18 and was all smiles as she stood for the Happy Birthday song. “And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart…”

Mark 12:30 .

“Dr. Michael DeBakey, world-renowned heart specialist from Houston, Texas, gave this assurance to seven-year-old Linda Criggs of Pittsburgh. The second grader wrote to DeBakey, when coal miner Marcel DeRudder, in whom a partial plastic heart had been inserted, died suddenly seven days after the operation. She said, ‘We are sorry that the man died and hope the next person will live longer.’ Then she asked: ‘Does a plastic heart have love in it?’ ‘A plastic heart does have love in it, a very great deal of love,’ Dr. DeBakey wrote back. ‘It isn’t the kind of love you’re thinking of. It isn’t Mr. DeRudder’s love. His own heart had that kind of love in it. Your heart and my heart have that kind of love in them. The love in the plastic heart is the love of many people who love other people and don’t want them to die just because their hearts are not strong enough to keep beating. So these people worked all day and often all night to build a heart that will help people live longer. They work hard and they worry. If you can think of how much love there would be in hundreds of hearts, then that is how much love there is in a plastic heart.’ DeBakey concluded: ‘When you grow up you will understand how very much love that is.’ ”

Dr. Debakey was an American cardiac surgeon who did more than 60,000 surgeries including presidents and famous people around the world, well into his 90’s, working 18-20 hours a day helping people. He died at age 99.

Does a Plastic Heart Have Love in It? From Thoughts Worth Thinking by Donald Wildmon


REMEMBER TO PRAY – Prayer changes things! The following information is included by request. Be specific when you pray and send notes.

This color indicates an addition or change from last month. Among those requesting prayer:

Pray for special needs of members, friends and relatives and celebrate God’s care. Contact the editor for information

You really shouldn’t say “I love you” unless you mean it.

But if you mean it, you should say it a lot. People forget. Jessica – Age 8


2324 Shore Rd. Yadkinville, NC 27055 Return Service Requested Deep Creek Friends Meeting

Do you have a friend or relative that would enjoy

The Encourager? Send address. Please send any change of address. Are you receiving The Encourager in error or you no

longer wish to receive it? If so, let us know. Send suggestions, news, information, announcements or

materials that you would like included in The Encourager.

Thanks to all who have contributed to this issue. Next issue – March, 2015 Deadline for news – February 22

Send Information and Materials to: e-mail: [email protected] Mailing address: 2324 Shore Rd, Yadkinville, NC 27055 Phone: 336 679 8466

Shelby Shore Published at Shore House, Ink

_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Church Address: 1140 Deep Creek Church Rd. Yadkinville, NC 27055 Phone: 336 961 4404 [email protected] Pastor: Randy Quate Clerk: Walter Shore Director of Children’s Ministries: Angie Brendle Director of Youth and Jr. Youth Ministries: Jared Warden




Come my young friends, and listen to me. Psalms 34:11 1