Respecting Your Inner Rebel Decode Your Cravings - Workbook

Decode Your Cravings - Workbook Respecting Your Inner Rebel · 2016. 7. 13. · Decode Your Cravings 1. Are there any tools or tactics that you didn’t feel comfortable dissociating

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Page 1: Decode Your Cravings - Workbook Respecting Your Inner Rebel · 2016. 7. 13. · Decode Your Cravings 1. Are there any tools or tactics that you didn’t feel comfortable dissociating

Respecting Your Inner RebelDecode Your Cravings - Workbook

Page 2: Decode Your Cravings - Workbook Respecting Your Inner Rebel · 2016. 7. 13. · Decode Your Cravings 1. Are there any tools or tactics that you didn’t feel comfortable dissociating

Decode Your Cravings

Your Inner Rebel is a personality sub-self that protects you

from oppression by psychologically antagonizing you and

manipulating your behavior when you are in oppressive


If the Inner Rebel is triggered by oppression then it makes

sense that we need to remove ourselves from all oppression in

order to stop triggering our Inner Rebel. So it’s very important

that if we are going to proceed we make an agreement with

ourselves to avoid oppressive strategies and tactics.

The hard part is in finding comfort in doing that. It can be very

scary to let go of the rules and restrictions and scales and

counting in tracking and weighing. We make up in our head

that without these external controls we will become out-of-

control. And that out-of-control behavior is going to lead to

massive weight gain and unhappiness.

But these fears are not rooted in reality. Many people have been

following these rules and restrictions and guidelines for many

years. Decades even. And there has been no semblance of

control whatsoever. All that has been achieved is a yo-yo cycle

of weight loss and weight gain and despair.

We know what the results of following these strategies is. There

is no reason to believe that it is going to be any different the

next time around. This is especially true when we know the

mechanisms for failure.

But that is logic. What you are experiencing with this fear is a

purely emotional response. The question is, can you trust the

process? You may not be in a place where you feel like you can

trust yourself, but you can trust that we have done this work

with hundreds of men and women around the world with great


You can also trust that the human body is extremely resilient

and it’s biological programming is sound. No other animal on

Earth needs scales, points systems, or food tracking apps. It’s

silly to believe that humans are the only ones who do.

So your goal for this module is to acknowledge that these

oppressive strategies and tactics have only resulted in failure

and unhappiness and to make a commitment that you are going

to ditch them. And to make a commitment to respect and listen

to your Inner Rebel, understanding that it is a very powerful,

guiding part of your psyche that deserves to be heard.


Remember: Your Inner Rebel is a good thing. We are not trying to silence it, we are listening to it and

addressing its needs.

Page 3: Decode Your Cravings - Workbook Respecting Your Inner Rebel · 2016. 7. 13. · Decode Your Cravings 1. Are there any tools or tactics that you didn’t feel comfortable dissociating

Decode Your Cravings

On the following page you will be presented with a list of classic

Dieting control tools and tactics. When these tools and tactics are

implemented in your life, it introduces a layer of restriction. A

layer of oppression.

The more layers you add, the more oppression there is. The more

oppression there is, the more you will be antagonized and

manipulated by your Inner Rebel.

Sign your name next to each control mechanism and tactic you

are willing to stop using for the next 90 days. If there are any

that we missed, we have left spaces for you to write them in.


Page 4: Decode Your Cravings - Workbook Respecting Your Inner Rebel · 2016. 7. 13. · Decode Your Cravings 1. Are there any tools or tactics that you didn’t feel comfortable dissociating

Decode Your Cravings

Control Tool or Tactic Signature Action StepWeighing Yourself Donate or throw away your scale. At the minimum, put it in storage.

Counting Calories or Points Do not use counting/tracking apps, points guides, or similar.

Consciously Restricting Calories / Portion Control Instead of trying to logically control your intake, work on listening to your hunger and satiety signals.

Weighing Food or Any Food Scale System Ditch all attempts to quantify your food intake.

Restricting Macros Do not adopt low fat or low carb strategies.

Branded Protcols Dissociate from all branded protocols as they all involve rules (Paleo, Vegan, Pescatarian, etc.)

Excessive Exercise Avoid exercise that’s chronic and excessive and that you don’t really enjoy.

Participating in “Challenges” Dissociate from all 21, 30, 60 day etc. diet or fitness challenges. Half marathon events, etc.

Perfectionism & Moralization Refuse to moralize eating and movement behavior. Stop labeling things as “good” and “bad.”

Willpower Dissociate with the strategy of using willpower when it comes to food and fitness.

Special Pills or Supplements Decline the use of all pills designed to affect weight, metabolism, etc.

Cleanses & Detoxes Dissociate with all “cleanse” and “detox” protocols.

Are You Doing Anything Else Oppressive? List It Below

Commitment Worksheet

Page 5: Decode Your Cravings - Workbook Respecting Your Inner Rebel · 2016. 7. 13. · Decode Your Cravings 1. Are there any tools or tactics that you didn’t feel comfortable dissociating

Decode Your Cravings

1. Are there any tools or tactics that you didn’t feel comfortable

dissociating wth? Head over to the Decode Your Cravings

private Facebook support group and ask for peer support in

these areas. If you want a deeper level of support from our

coaches, consider adding some one-on-one coaching credits

to your account.

2. Be on the lookout for signs of your Inner Rebel. While this

workbook focuses only on the eating and fitness side of taming

your Inner Rebel, it’s likely that you will feel its antagonizing

voice and its attempts to manipulate your behavior in other

areas of your life (think the 10 core cravings areas). Listen out

for this, journal it, and then address what it’s telling you just

as you have done here.

3. If you notice your Inner Rebel acting up in other areas of your

life, bring that to the support group as well (or to private

coaching). These support channels are not just for eating and

fitness related struggles. Success only comes from focusing on

body AND life simultaneously.

Follow Up Exercise

This workbook is not designed to totally tame your Inner Rebel in one

pass. Instead, it’s designed to give you the tools to notice and address

your Inner Rebel whenever and wherever it appears. Being aware of

your Inner Rebel and doing this taming exercise is critical for achieving

a body *and life* you love, and it’s an ongoing process.

Page 6: Decode Your Cravings - Workbook Respecting Your Inner Rebel · 2016. 7. 13. · Decode Your Cravings 1. Are there any tools or tactics that you didn’t feel comfortable dissociating

Well Done.