1 Deciding to Change If we are not constantly working to improve ourselves, we do not remain the same. Rather, we deteriorate in response to the laws of time. If we're not going forward, we're going backward. Staying the same isn't an option for us, though many live as though they have such an option and fight hard for it. (Hint: It doesn't work.) So, how do we begin to make these changes? How can we guarantee that the next year brings more pleasant circumstance and rewards than the last few? The answer is really basic and uncomplicated. Though there are uncommon exceptions, the choices we make in life determine the outcome. We reap what we sow. Start making better choices and forming bet ter habits…one day at a time. Remember to always consider the long-term implications, not just the immediate gratification. Keep in mind, every day we are forming habits. Periodically, all of us have had to deal with bad habits. It seems that once we acquire them, they take up shop and move into our subconscious mind on a permanent basis. We know that bad habits lead to no good, yet we continue to allow them to rule over our God-given decision-making abilities. Why is this so? Habits are formed within the neurological framework of the mind. Just as a stream of running water cuts pathways into the earth, habits shape neuronal paths within the nervous system. Once these paths have formed, it 's easier to follow the learned behavior than to change it. The good news is that all habits can be changed the same way they wer e created…one day at a time. It takes four to six weeks for these neuronal paths to form, and the same amount of time to revise or interrupt them. Can you take six weeks out of your approximately 4,160 weeks of life to break bad habits? You can if you know how to replace them with habits that bring results. Remember, you're more likely to continue something if the outcome brings pleasure and doubly so, if you are simultaneously removing pain. You must adopt one important behavior if you're to achieve continued success in letting go of nasty habits: DON'T FOCUS ON GETTING RID OF THEM! Don't make the mistake of thinking bad habits such as smoking, excessive coffee drinking, or frequent sugar infusions are friends or comforting partners in life. They are fickle friends that offer nothing to you except burdens that keep you from fulfilling your dreams. When giving them up, don't imagine yourself losing something. Rather, focus on the fact that you're gaining your freedom (and possibly some extra money in your pocket). Every bad habit that you drop

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Page 1: Deciding to Change - San Tan Natural Medicine · Deciding to Change If we are not constantly working to improve ourselves, we do not remain the ... but if you've ever tried to step


Deciding to Change

If we are not constantly working to improve ourselves, we do not remain the

same. Rather, we deteriorate in response to the laws of time. If we're not going

forward, we're going backward. Staying the same isn't an option for us, though

many live as though they have such an option and fight hard for it. (Hint: It

doesn't work.)

So, how do we begin to make these changes? How can we guarantee that the

next year brings more pleasant circumstance and rewards than the last few?

The answer is really basic and uncomplicated. Though there are uncommon

exceptions, the choices we make in life determine the outcome. We reap what

we sow. Start making better choices and forming better habits…one day at a

time. Remember to always consider the long-term implications, not just the

immediate gratification. Keep in mind, every day we are forming habits.

Periodically, all of us have had to deal with bad habits. It seems that once we

acquire them, they take up shop and move into our subconscious mind on a

permanent basis. We know that bad habits lead to no good, yet we continue

to allow them to rule over our God-given decision-making abilities. Why is this


Habits are formed within the neurological framework of the mind. Just as a

stream of running water cuts pathways into the earth, habits shape neuronal

paths within the nervous system. Once these paths have formed, it's easier to

follow the learned behavior than to change it. The good news is that all habits

can be changed the same way they were created…one day at a time. It takes

four to six weeks for these neuronal paths to form, and the same amount of

time to revise or interrupt them.

Can you take six weeks out of your approximately 4,160 weeks of life to break

bad habits? You can if you know how to replace them with habits that bring

results. Remember, you're more likely to continue something if the outcome

brings pleasure and doubly so, if you are simultaneously removing pain.

You must adopt one important behavior if you're to achieve continued success

in letting go of nasty habits: DON'T FOCUS ON GETTING RID OF THEM! Don't

make the mistake of thinking bad habits such as smoking, excessive coffee

drinking, or frequent sugar infusions are friends or comforting partners in life.

They are fickle friends that offer nothing to you except burdens that keep you

from fulfilling your dreams. When giving them up, don't imagine yourself losing

something. Rather, focus on the fact that you're gaining your freedom (and

possibly some extra money in your pocket). Every bad habit that you drop

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needs to have the void filled again, whether with a good habit or another bad

habit. The vacuum must be filled. You make the choice by where you place

your attention.

So, let's say you are now thinking about your negative habits and how you

can replace them. The first thing you need to do is make certain your friends

and family have a clear understanding that you've chosen to drop some of

your common habits. Unfortunately, misery likes company. Your friends and

family may not be so enthusiastic about your new choices, since your

choices may make them feel guilty about their own. Have you ever felt

guilty when a close friend of yours stepped up to the plate to make some

common-sense changes that you weren’t ready or willing to make yourself?

In truth, bad habits are mutually shared amongst friends because we tend to

associate with people with similar interests, including some not-so-constructive

interests. We are relational beings and the typical ways we relate are through

common interests, hobbies, activities - and habits. The bottom-line question is

this: Are you going to allow your friends' lack of willpower or interest for

changing their lives to affect your decisions about changing yours?

At the outset, the impact of friends and family on your efforts at gaining fitness

may not seem like such a big deal, but if you've ever tried to step out of your

comfort zone, you know it's often friends and family who dampen your

enthusiasm the most. They may not want you to change or lose habits you have

in common with them because they don't want to let go of their own. Do you

want those kinds of friends to sabotage your efforts to reclaim your health?

It‘s truly a sad note about human nature that the average person will try to

discourage another's dream that strives to reach beyond the ordinary. This

attitude is the great social leveler. It's an attitude that vilifies excellence. Be

alert. It's happening all around you.

So, if a goal is important to you, only share it with one or two close, trusted

friends. Be sure they have given support to your past dreams and goals. Such

encouragement can help.

Now, I'm not suggesting you drop all your friends and start over, but

practicalities might require that you step back from those few who do not

support your efforts in achieving your fitness or wellness goals. Stepping back

from some non-supportive family members might be harder, of course, if not

totally unworkable. Life has its burdens. We need to fire up our creative

imaginations to handle those burdens.

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The Breath of Freedom! As you start to let go of old, worn-out habits that have kept you stagnant for

years, you begin to feel a sense of freedom. It's really quite beautiful to feel that

you're actually in control of your future. It's like waking up on a bright, fresh spring

morning after a good night's rest with no commitments for the day! When

you finally replace those negative habits with positive ones, nothing will keep

you from seizing and taking advantage of your wonderful life.

Aside from the obvious health benefits, what else have you been missing by

remaining the same? In your mind's eye, take a good look at what you've

been missing - since it's going to be one of the goals you're going to move

toward. Might it be a positive self-image? With an improved self-image come

self-respect and discipline. With self-respect and discipline comes the desire to

take on new challenges in life. As you take on new challenges, you gain

confidence. Then, along with confidence, arises the new habit of projecting your

positive best for the benefit of others. Positive thoughts and behavior toward

family, friends, and co-workers lead to others stepping out of their comfort zones

and taking control of their lives, as well as, supporting your efforts. It 's amazing

how all these benefits accrue and follow on the heels of each other just by

starting along a pathway that embraces a positive self-image!

Can Anyone Change? Do you wonder whether you really have it in you to make the necessary

changes? You may have given up years ago and convinced yourself that there

are other things in life to focus on besides your health and appearance. You

may comfort yourself by saying, focusing too much on myself is just selfish. My

family and job are my real responsibilities. I don't need to take time away from

those responsibilities.

Does that sound familiar? If it does, you’re simply attempting to convince

yourself that it's alright to neglect yourself. Now, whom in this world are you

possibly going to benefit by neglecting yourself, year after year, until your

health and emotional state deteriorate? As Zig Ziglar has often said, that is just

pure “stinking thinking.” Are you just settling into today's path of least

resistance without thinking of tomorrow's consequences? Do you not see how

tomorrow's barriers to health and fitness become simply awful, if not

insurmountable if you carelessly sidestep today's opportunities to smooth your

pathway into the future?

Okay. If you’re like most other people, you consider it a major problem to find the

time in your hectic schedule to change your behaviors. Here's a little secret. Time

is always a problem (real or imagined) no matter who you are or what you do

for a living!

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Lack of time is the flimsiest of all excuses, but it's the easiest, most convenient

one to use. Many people find time to take care of themselves and exercise

while working 40 hours per week. Others who work two jobs and 70 hours per

week also find the time. In truth, there is no time to find. There is only time to

allocate. And, we allocate based on our chosen priorities. This all boils down to

choice, simply choice. Don't fool yourself with the time excuse. You're the one

who loses.

I often hear my patients make statements that they would love to get into better

shape; however, there just simply isn't enough time in the day. When I ask them

to tell me the approximate number of hours of television they watch per week,

my question is met with silence.

Have you ever calculated this number for your own curiosity? Did you know the

average American spends nearly 30 hours per week glued to his or her screen?

The Masterpiece Health Workout requires a maximum of two hours per week

out of 112 total waking hours. I said a maximum of two hours, which means

substantial results can still be achieved in half that amount of time. Now, can

you honestly convince yourself that you cannot spare 1/50th to 1/100th of your

allocated time toward caring for yourself? A wise person once said, “Those who

think they have no time for exercise, sooner or later, have to find time for illness.”

You may have heard me say that health is our most valuable asset. Many well-

intentioned people would say that is a selfish position since your spouse and

children should be first in life. But, the fact is this: my family IS the reason I must

make my health my number one asset.

In truth, I find it selfish to languish in deceptively comfortable, old habits that

preclude adequately taking care of myself. Such self-abuse ultimately hurts my

loved ones. Does this make sense? Deny yourself proper care today, and both

you and your family pay the price of neglect tomorrow. But, there are many

health gamblers out there betting against the House of Pain and Anguish (run by

drug companies, negative medical practices, hospitals, and long-term care

facilities). In case you haven't noticed, the House is doing very well and

welcomes these gamblers with open arms! Follow the money and you 'll see

what I mean.

Over the past several years, I've had the opportunity to work with hundreds of

patients and have seen countless families devastated by serious illnesses and

debilitating diseases affecting their spouses, parents, or grandparents. Most of

these conditions have been brought on by inactivity and obesity and, therefore,

can usually be avoided. If you judge yourself a supportive human being and

you want to place your loved ones above everything, then you absolutely need

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to re-think your attitude toward reordering your time priorities and caring for

yourself. Remember, your time with the Masterpiece Health Program will be

well spent because it induces changes that bring a greater joy of life not only to

you but to your family as well. It's the joy of being able to be there, with full

personal resources, for those who you love and who depend on you!

And, what's another reason to take care of yourself? Renewed health brings

renewed energy. This means you soon find that you're accomplishing more

work, completing more activities, and catching up on past projects in less time

and with less stress. You'll be amazed to find how much you can do in a day

when you have enhanced energy and enthusiasm to work with. Just think, this

getting into shape thing might actually bring you more leisure time!

If you still question your ability to move into action and make something happen

with the time you have, here's something to consider. Imagine how much time

you'll have if you wait for a major catastrophic event to happen such as a heart

attack or stroke. If you're lucky enough to live, you'll have all the time in the

world because you CAN'T do anything… but then it might be too late.

Celebrate the gift of your body. And care for that gift wisely! Start by

developing good habits and crowding out the bad ones.

―Before joining the program, I wasn't active at all, and now I am very active! I

am now able to live a very active lifestyle! My wife is now very happy with my

energy level and how interactive I am with her. This is very healthy for our


―The education and the visits will benefit you long term if you just follow the

program. Listen to what they have to say. This is a great solution to any problem

that you are having. At least try it. Listen to what they have to say because it

does work!!!

Tim Spellman

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Wellness is 95% Self Care: Don’t Forget to Take Care of

You! There you go again, always taking care of someone else - your children,

your aging parents, a sick relative or friend, an out-of-work sibling. But,

what have you done for you lately?

While it's commendable to want to help others, charity begins at home

they say. “At home” here means taking care of you because, if you don't

do that, you certainly can't help anyone else.

A holistic approach to taking care of yourself incorporates caring for your

physical body, emotions, intellect, and spiritual self from a wellness

perspective. Here are some suggested behaviors for taking care of all

four areas to help you be the best you can be!

• Taking care of yourself physically means the ability to apply your

knowledge, motivation, commitment, behavior, self-management,

attitude, and skills toward achieving your personal fitness and health

goals. You can maintain physical wellness by applying the

knowledge and skills of sound nutrition, exercise, youth-extension

strategies, and safety to everyday life. Hobbies can even play a

large role! Physical wellness is characterized by high energy and

vitality; freedom from or high adaptability to pain, dysfunction, and

disability; a strong immune system; a body that feels light, balanced,

strong and flexible, and has good aerobic capacity; ability to meet

physical challenges; and full capacity of all five senses plus a healthy


• Taking care of yourself emotionally means the ability to meet your

emotional needs constructively. It involves a positive attitude and

the ability to respond resiliently to emotional states and the flow of

everyday life. When you have emotional wellness, you can deal

with a variety of situations realistically and learn more about yourself

and how the things you do affect your feelings. You take

responsibility for your own behavior and respond to challenges as

opportunities. Emotional wellness is characterized by self-

acceptance; capacity to identify, express, experience, and accept all

your feelings - painful, joyful, and everything in between; freedom

from guilt (replaced by self-responsibility); awareness of the intimate

connection between your physical and emotional selves; ability to

confront your greatest fears; and maintaining and fulfilling your

capacity to play.

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• Spiritual wellness is also characterized by the absence of fear, the ability

to love unconditionally, and holding a sense of purpose; gratitude for the

richness and meaningfulness of life, no matter what experiences it brings

(plus, gratitude for life, itself); and creation of a “sacred space” on a

regular basis through prayer, meditation, contemplation, walking in nature,

observing a Sabbath day, or other rituals that you consider sacred - rituals

that promote the relinquishment of lust, anger, greed, vanity, and

attachment to material things, and replace them with the virtues of

discrimination, forgiveness, contentment, and humility.

• Taking care of yourself intellectually means having a curiosity and strong

desire to learn. You value many experiences, stay stimulated with new

ideas, and share your discoveries with others when welcomed or when

invited. You respond to challenges and opportunities to grow, make

plans, develop strategies, and solve problems. You engage in clear

thinking and recall. Further, you think independently, creatively, and

critically. Intellectual wellness is characterized by optimism; the capacity

for peace of mind and contentment; loving what you do and doing what

you love; a sense of humor; financial well-being; and preparing and living

your life's vision.

Taking care of your whole person is an important component of living the

wellness lifestyle and enjoying a long, happy, and prosperous life to the best of

your ability. When you let one-part slide, you eventually suffer the consequences.

Often, people feel that they can just take care of their bodies and they will be

fine. Or, they ignore the spiritual and wonder why they are so miserable or can 't

hold things together in more challenging times.

What Is Naturopathic Medicine?

Naturopathic Medicine at one time was just called medicine. But after the rise

of Allopathic or Conventional medicine it nearly became extinct. Naturopathic

Medicine is based on the philosophy of supporting the individual and that each

person has an innate ability to heal.

Functional medicine is a modern approach attempting to return to old practices

with modern testing and evaluations. Functional medicine in the practice of

medicine that better addresses the healthcare needs of the 21st century. By

shifting the traditional disease-centered focus of medical practice to a more

patient-centered approach, Naturopathic and Functional medicine combine to

address the whole person, not just an isolated set of symptoms. Our

practitioners spend time with their patients, listening to their histories and

looking at the interactions among genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors

that can influence long-term health and complex, chronic disease. In this way,

we can support the unique expression of health and vitality for each individual.

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Why Do We Need Naturopathic and Functional


Our society is experiencing a sharp increase in the number of people who suffer

from complex, chronic diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer,

mental illness, and autoimmune disorders like rheumatoid arthritis.

The system of medicine practiced by most physicians is oriented toward acute

care, the diagnosis, and treatment of trauma, or illness that is of short duration

and in need of urgent care, such as appendicitis or a broken leg. Physicians

apply specific, prescribed treatments such as drugs or surgery, which aim to

treat the immediate problem.

Unfortunately, the acute-care approach to medicine lacks the proper

methodology and tools for preventing and treating complex, chronic disease.

In most cases, every single person is treated the same. It does not take into

account current health, the unique genetic makeup of each individual or factors

such as environmental exposures to toxins and the aspects of today's lifestyle

that have a direct influence on the rise in chronic disease in modern Western


There's a huge gap between research and the way doctors practice. The gap

between emerging research in basic sciences and integration into medical

practice is enormous – as long as 50 years – particularly in the area of complex,

chronic disease. Can you imagine doing any job properly with 50-year-old

technology? Unfortunately, this is what many conventional medical doctors are


Most physicians are not adequately trained to assess the underlying causes of

complex, chronic disease and to apply strategies such as nutrition, diet, and

exercise to both treat and prevent these illnesses in their patients. It’s not that

they don’t want to help, surely most do. But they literally do not know how to do

these things.

How are we Different?

Practicing real medicine involves understanding the origins, prevention, and

treatment of complex, chronic disease. Hallmarks of naturopathic and

functional medicine include:

Patient-centered care. The focus of what we do is on patient-centered care,

promoting health as a positive vitality, beyond just the absence of disease. By

listening to the patient and learning his or her story, the practitioner brings the

patient into the discovery process and tailors treatments that address the

individual's unique needs. We don’t worry about outdated and ineffective

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‘standards of care’ designed to turn you into a ‘number’ in the system.

An integrative, science-based healthcare approach. Our practitioners look

“upstream” to consider the complex web of interactions in the patient 's history,

physiology, and lifestyle that can lead to illness. The unique genetic makeup of

each patient is considered, along with both internal (mind, body, and spirit) and

external (physical and social environment) factors that affect total body


Integrating best medical practices. We are able to integrate traditional

Western medical practices with what are sometimes considered “alternative” or

“integrative” medicine, creating a focus on prevention through nutrition, diet,

and exercise; use of the latest laboratory testing and other diagnostic

techniques; and prescribed combinations of botanical medicines, supplements,

therapeutic diets, detoxification programs, or stress-management techniques.

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5 Pillars of Health

Optimized Living

Have you ever tried to improve through diet and exercise or by taking

hormone replacement therapy? Have you gotten some positive results

only to see your efforts stall, become stagnant, or maybe even turning in

the wrong direction? Did you wonder why this happened? Why, despite your

best efforts, you didn’t achieve your goals? Simply put, if you do not address

these 5 pillars of health together, your efforts will most likely fail.

A wise man once said, “If you fail to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” If you

only address a portion of the 5 pillars of health, you will only get a portion of

the results you are expecting to accomplish.

As we progress through the program we will cover each pillar and its role

in optimized health.

• Detoxification

• Nutrition

• Fitness

• Mindset and Stress

• Hormones

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Here's What You Can Expect The first few weeks could be tough as your body heals and adjusts to this new way of eating and your brain wraps itself around going without all those sweet tastes and sugar-driven energy spikes. And, while you may start to feel better after a week or two… the healing process takes significantly longer. In addition, the mental addiction and emotional connections to sugary foods, large amounts of carbohydrates and over-the-top, chemically-altered flavors is going to take a lot longer to overcome. Stick with it and be patient with yourself. You cannot reasonably expect to completely reverse decades of poor eating habits in just 30 days. The good news, however, is that improvements are front- loaded and you will start to see significant benefits within the month. At some point, we promise you… the magic will happen. You'll go to sleep easier and sleep more soundly through the night. Your energy levels will increase and stabilize and you'll feel just as good first thing in the morning as you do at the peak of your day. Your body composition will start to change – your clothes will fit differently, and you'll feel less bloated at the end of your day. Your performance, whether it be in the gym, playing sports, or during a hike will improve. Your recovery after exercise, a game, or a hard days work will feel easier and more complete. Conditions, ailments, aches, and pains will miraculously start to improve. And, through all of it, you'll be eating delicious, fresh, natural, real food…food that tastes good, is physically satiating, and mentally satisfying.

It’s For Your Own Good

Here comes the tough love. This is for those of you who have started this life- changing program but aren't sure you can actually pull it off, cheat free, for at least 30 days. This is for the people who have tried this before, but who “slipped” or “fell off the wagon” or “just HAD to eat (fill in food here) because of this (fill in event here).” This is for you.

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Invigorator Drink

This mixture should be taken three times per day (three 8 oz glasses):

1.) First thing in the morning 2.) Before lunch 3.) Before dinner

Servings 1 6 12

Filtered Water 6 ounces ~1 liter ~2.2 liters

Organic Unsweetened Cranberry Juice

2 ounces 1.5 cups 3 cups

Organic Lemon Juice

1/3 fresh lemon 2 fresh lemons 4 fresh lemons

Organic Apple Cider Vinegar (w/ mother)

½-1 tsp 1-2 tbsp 2-4 tbsp

Chia Seeds (optional)

2 tbsp ¾ cup 1.5 cups

Fresh Ginger (optional)

2 slices (let sit in mixture)

Up to 6 slices Up to 10 slices

It is recommended that you mix the entire combination together in a container the night before and place it in the refrigerator. If you absolutely cannot stand this drink mixture, don’t force yourself to drink it. Some bodies just can’t tolerate the vinegar; so, there is some flexibility in drinking

the mixture without the vinegar or using less and building up.

The Purpose of the Ingredients: Organic Unsweetened Cranberry Juice

• Helps support normal kidney, bladder, and urinary tract functions – the body’s filtration


• Very high in potassium and low in sodium

Lemon Juice

• Supports normal immune function, detoxification and digestion

Apple Cider Vinegar

• Balances the pH of the body

• Eliminates waste acids

• Provides potassium

• Fortifies the friendly bacteria in your intestines

• Reduces water retention

• Promotes weight loss

Fresh Ginger:

• Strengthens digestion

• Increases immunity

• Promotes weight loss

• Anti-inflammatory (good for pain) • Helps Circulation

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Dietary Transitions: At a Glance

Week 1:

+ vegetable servings per meal (2) X caffeine

+bone broth X artificial sweeteners


+invigorator drink

Week 2:

Continue previous X fruit juice

X all sugar

Week 3 and 4:

Continue previous

+ vegetable servings per meal (3)

+ fermented veggies

Week 5:

Continue previous X Soy and Corn (read labels carefully)

Week 6:

Continue previous X Alcohol

Week 7:

Continue previous X Wheat

Week 8:

Continue previous X Dairy

Week 9:

Continue previous X Eggs, Nightshades (tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, etc.)

Week 10:

Continue previous X Shellfish,

X Legumes (beans, peanuts, lentils included- green beans are ok)

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Dependent on caffeine to get you through the day? Or do you experience any withdrawal symptoms if you don't get your fix?

First of all, why are we taking you off the caffeine? Those of us who rely on any caffeinated drinks at the beginning of or throughout the day may be suffering from an adrenal imbalance. When we consume caffeine, it makes it difficult to discern (via lab work and patient symptoms) what is going on with our cortisol levels and other hormones that affect metabolism, sleep, energy etc. Many will ask --> "Will I never be able to have a cup of coffee again?" The answer is that we will likely allow you that 1 cup in the morning – after all – coffee (organic) does have benefits when consumed in moderation and in otherwise healthy individuals (or other beneficial beverages that may contain caffeine like matcha or green tea). But first, let's ditch the caffeine for a while so we can address the root cause and resolve your symptoms in a clear manner. And to reassure you, according to a study conducted by American University, it only takes 1 week for your body to recover from caffeine addiction.

How to transition off of it: 1) If you are having multiple cups of coffee (or other caffeinated drinks) per day, start by substituting one of those cups with something milder like green tea or matcha. 2) Gradually replace each cup of coffee with green tea or matcha. 3) Then begin to substitute the caffeinated teas with herbal teas or other beverages that contain no caffeine (heads up! Decaf coffee does NOT count- it still contains some caffeine). 4) If you miss the aroma and taste of coffee, try Dandy Blend (a non-caffeinated beverage with similar taste, color and smell). 5) If you find that you have particularly uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms, try cutting down more slowly. Some individuals will begin by doing "half-caf" cups of coffee (meaning ½ regular and ½ decaf). This way they can gradually reduce their exposure to caffeine. 6) Other tips to combat withdrawal symptoms: exercise (just 15-20 min can release feel-good endorphins) and lots of water (maybe add in some of your favorite fresh fruit!)

Your goal is to be completely off caffeine within 1-2 weeks.

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Local Resources for Healthy Food

Farmer's Markets:

Gilbert Farmer's Market 8am-12pm Saturdays

Power Road Farmers Market – regular hours

Superstition Ranch Farmers Market – regular hours

Clark Park Farmer's Market 8am-12pm Saturdays


True Garden

The Farm at Agritopia

Locally Sourced Meat

AZ Grass Raised Beef Company

+ Check out Farmer's Markets

Grocery Stores


Fry's (Simple Truth Organic brand and other organic brands)

Natural Grocers

Albertson's, Safeway, etc. all carry organic products you can find after a thorough search

Whole Foods


Pick up your groceries + save time: Clicklist, Instacart

Help w/ Meal Planning + Prep: Real Plans

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List of Vegetables

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Bone Broth Guide + Recipe

Ingredients for homemade chicken bone broth

1 whole free-range chicken or 2 to 3 pounds of bony chicken parts, such as

necks, backs, breastbones, and wings

Gizzards from one chicken (optional)

2-4 chicken feet (optional)

4 quarts cold filtered water

2 tablespoons Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar

1 large onion, coarsely chopped

2 carrots, peeled and coarsely chopped

3 celery stalks, coarsely chopped

1 bunch parsley

Salt and pepper to taste

Cooking Directions

If you’re starting out with a whole chicken, you’ll, of course, have plenty of meat

as well, which can be added back into the broth later with extra herbs and

spices to make a chicken soup. I also use it on my salad.

1. Fill up a large stockpot (or large crock pot) with pure, filtered water. (A

crock pot is recommended for safety reasons, if you have to leave home

while it’s cooking.)

2. Add vinegar and all vegetables except parsley to the water.

3. Place the whole chicken or chicken carcass into the pot.

4. Bring to a boil and remove any scum that rises to the top.

5. Reduce the heat to the lowest setting and let simmer.

6. If cooking a whole chicken, the meat should start separating from the

bone after about 2 hours. Simply remove the chicken from the pot and

separate the meat from the bones. Place the carcass back into the pot

and continue simmering the bones for another 12-24 hours and follow with

step 8 and 9.

7. If cooking bones only, simply let them simmer for about 24 hours.

8. Fallon suggests adding the fresh parsley about 10 minutes before finishing

the stock, as this will add healthy mineral ions to your broth.

9. Remove remaining bones from the broth with a slotted spoon and strain

the rest through a strainer to remove any bone fragments.

place top on stock pot or crock pot

"Simmering bones over low heat for an entire day will create one of the most

nutritious and healing foods there is. You can use this broth for soups, stews, or

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drink it straight. The broth can also be frozen for future use. Keep in mind that the

"skin" that forms on the top is the best part. It contains valuable nutrients such as

sulfur, along with healthful fats, so just stir it back into the broth.

Bone broth used to be a dietary staple, as were fermented foods, and the

elimination of these foods from our modern diet is largely to blame for our

increasingly poor health and the need for dietary supplements.

Both broth and fermented foods, are simple and inexpensive to make at home

and both also allow you to make use of a wide variety of leftovers. When you

add all the benefits together, it’s hard to imagine a food that will give you more

bang for your buck.

*You can also use grass-fed organic beef bones (such as femur bones) to make a

beef bone broth using this same recipe.

Powdered Bone Broth Brands:

(less favorable- but good if you don't have time to make your own)

• Ancient Nutrition

• Left Coast Performance

Liquid Brands (frozen or shelf stable)

• Bonafide Provisions

• Pacific Foods

• Any grass-fed/organic brand

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Fermented Veggies Recipe

What you will need: 1 wide mouth quart jar (or several – see tips) and a plastic lid (or several). Never

use anything metal when fermenting.

Or check out these lids (on Amazon):

Enough veggies to fill up a wide mouth quart jar (or several of them) – cabbage, carrots, squash,

zucchini, radishes, collard greens, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, etc.

½ teaspoon of Himalayan pink salt or Celtic sea salt per quart jar.

1/2 capsules of probiotic powder (up to 200 billion CFUs total)

How to prepare:

1. Cut up veggies into very thin pieces or grate the hard ones like carrots, radishes, etc.

2. Put cut up veggies in a glass or plastic bowl and mix in the salt and ¼ capsule of probiotics.

3. With your hands, crush/grind the veggies well to start the juices flowing. Use some muscle and

work them hard to get the juices flowing.

4. Pack veggies into quart jar using your fists or other packing tool (wood or plastic only – no

metal). Juices from veggies should come to the top. Leave about ½” airspace at the top.

The juices from the veggies should be at the top of the veggies. If not, add a small amount of

non-chlorinated water. The water will not completely cover the veggies because they will

float, but it should be equal with the top of the veggies.

5. Put lid on and then back off a tiny bit to allow the pressure to escape during the fermentation


6. Leave jar in a dark place in a bowl (in case any liquid escapes) to ferment for 3 – 7 days.

Longer means more beneficial probiotic activity.

7. When ready, refrigerate. It will keep for months.

8. Eat ¼ - ½ cup, 1 – 3 times a day with meals to aid in digestion, detoxification, and gut



• It is ok to open the jar to check the status of the fermentation. Just make sure to put it back on

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all the way then back off a tiny bit to allow the pressure to escape.

• You might want to start several jars at once, in the beginning, so you can start eating the first one at 3 days and leave the others for 7 days. Remember, once you refrigerate it, it will keep for months so you can make enough to last a while in one batch. It may be easier to make a bigger batch less often.

• If you like ginger you can grate (finely) a little into the mix to add to the flavor. Plus, ginger is very good for you.

• ½ gallon wide mouth jars work well too. Just remember to double the salt and probiotics.

• Don’t forget to start a new batch 3 - 7 days before you run out.

• If you don't have time to make your own- you can find things like sauerkraut, curtido or kimchi at the grocery store. Just make sure that it is minimally pasteurized & that there are no chemicals/preservatives/added sugars/food colorings! And in a glass jar is best.

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Congrats! You've Finished Orientation!

Homework Assignment:

___ Begin Week 1 of Dietary Transitions, and start subsequent weeks accordingly

___ Make sure you have bloodwork done or scheduled

___Make sure you have scheduled your first acupuncture treatment

___ Schedule your first 1:1 visit w/ the doctor once your labs are back in

___ Review materials for "Brain Gone Insane" Class:

• Read “You are the Artist and the Masterpiece” • Read "Deciding to Change" • Read "Your Body is not your Masterpiece...Your Health is"

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You are the Artist and the Masterpiece Dr. Jarom Ipson, NMD

Be the artist and the masterpiece, the scientist and the subject, the programmer and the app, the accountant and the spreadsheet, the contractor and the house… there is an endless list of possible analogies we can come up with. The key point is that you are in control of you and what you will become. Without realizing it you have already shaped your life into exactly what it is today. This isn’t something that we can get away from. What we need to do is realize that we are the one in charge of this and take action. Starting this Masterpiece Health program was a tremendous first step. We look forward to being a key part of your team as you work along this journey of life and reach your health goals. Along the way we will be educating you about many components of your health. We will work with you to design your individual process and coach you along the way, but it all comes down to you. We also recommend that you take this time to not only make positive steps physically but also mentally, emotionally, spiritually and in your relationships. Really addressing every component is the only way to make true progress. Below we want to introduce four key points to help along the process. To become an expert in yourself and making the changes to progress toward mastery we need to have a plan and process. Without a plan, our chances of success drop tremendously. And when we make mistakes or slip up (because I guarantee that we all will) we have to be sure that we stumble forward not downward. The book “Change Anything” goes more in depth on each of theses topics with many examples.

1. Identify Crucial Moments – Not all our life moments are equally challenging. You only need to

focus on the small handful of moments when you are at the most risk. Look for the conditions that

create the greatest temptation for you. Consider certain times, places, people, physical or

emotional state. Only you can determine the conditions of greatest importance for you.

2. Create Vital Behaviors – Rules to follow in crucial moments. Establishing rules to follow in advance

helps you be far more likely to change your behavior in a crucial moment. You want these rules to

be specific, not vague to guide you to act in ways that lead to the behaviors you want. Preparing in

advance helps people be 80% more successful.

3. Engage all 6 sources of Influence – The 6 sources are your motivation and/or ability in 3 areas;

personal, social and structural. We will talk more about this area in the first class.

4. Turn Bad days into Good Data – It is important to know we are in a testing process, there will be

ups and downs, good days and bad days. If bad days happen don’t become depressed or

discouraged and blame yourself falling into a total binge. Step back, examine what went wrong

and adjust your plan. Turn your bad day into a good learning experience, use it for your benefit

and get back on track as soon as possible (even mid cookie, go ahead feed it to the garbage can, it

doesn’t even taste good anyway).

Some of the changes required will be easy and you will be able to integrate them without any issues, but some will take time, trial and effort. This is the process called life. In health, Dr. Jarom Ipson

Each of us is a work in progress, a Masterpiece in the making. – John A. Widtsoe

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Your Body Is Not Your Masterpiece

— Your Health Is By Hilary Achauer Recently, I came across this short article, Your Body Is Not Your Masterpiece.

“Stop spending all day obsessing, cursing, perfecting your body like it’s all you’ve got to offer the world, “Glennon Doyle Melton wrote in the piece. “Your body is not your offering. It’s just a really amazing instrument, which you can use to create your offering each day. Don’t curse your paintbrush. Don’t sit in a corner wishing you had a different paintbrush. You’re wasting time,” she wrote.

I read it, and then read it again, and then thought about it for a few days. I love the message, but I think it would be a mistake to read this and take it as a license to abandon taking care of your body. It’s true. Your body is not your masterpiece. Fighting against your body and obsessing about achieving a perfect shape is madness. It will drive you crazy. It will irritate those around you and make you a tedious companion.

However, focusing on your health, on moving your body and filling it with nutritious food, is a worthwhile pursuit.

Your body is not your masterpiece — but your health is.

Why Your Health Matters

In my twenties, I worked out almost entirely to change the shape of my paintbrush. I put on my gym clothes and tied my shoes fueled only by a desire to look better. It was just by accident I discovered the joy of learning a sport, first with boxing, then surfing and CrossFit.

Now I’m 43. While I still love learning new skills and I’m addicted to how regular exercise and healthy eating makes me feel, I’ve started to think more about the impact of these habits on my long-term health.

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A few weeks ago, I was stuck in an urgent care waiting room with my eight-year-old son, who had a stomach pain we thought might be appendicitis. (Thankfully, it wasn’t.) While we were waiting, a woman who looked to be in her eighties came out from the examining rooms into the waiting room — pushed in a wheelchair by a nurse over to the woman’s husband. The three conferred about the woman’s health, the

medications she needed to take, and how she was feeling. She had fallen and hurt herself and was in a considerable amount of pain. After the conversation was over, she sighed. “Getting old is a pain in the tush,” she said loudly, half to her husband and half to all of us in the room. Overhearing that conversation, I felt so grateful for my health and for the freedom to experience the joy of physical movement. I know eventually I’ll start to slow down and things will begin to ache, but I’m trying my best to delay that process as long as possible.

Staying healthy will not completely prevent the effects of aging, of course. But it can help. “Research shows that many of the changes attributed to aging are actually caused in large part by disuse,” reported Harvard Medical School in 2009. This year, a study published in the journal Neurology showed physical activity can slow brain aging by up to ten years, while other studies demonstrated the potential of exercise to improve cognitive function and even prevent dementia.

Waking up every day and exercising with the hope you might transform yourself into a different person is a frustrating task. I find it much easier, and more inspiring, to think about how my consistent good health habits will benefit me for years to come. It’s not about everyday perfection and impossible standards, it’s about living a vibrant, healthy life for as long as possible.

How to Focus on Your Health

If you’re having trouble taking the long view with regard to your health and fitness, here are some tips.

1. Don’t get sucked into nutrition fads or quick fixes.

A week or two of perfect eating will do nothing for your long-term health. This is why the Whole Life Challenge is focused on changes you can sustain for weeks, months, and years. There will always be some new superfood or meal plan that promises the moon, but if you can’t follow a diet consistently, it won’t have any long-term impact on your life. When you expect unrealistic weight-loss goals, you set yourself up for failure. Instead, think of each day as a chance to improve your health. And every day you eat well, and move is a success.

2. Move outside the gym. I am an admitted gym rat. I’m in the gym every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday at noon, like clockwork. I’ve been known to schedule appointments around my workout routine, I love it that much. I also understand the concept of too much of a good thing.

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The gym is not real life, and there’s so much more to health and fitness than how I perform at my CrossFit class. That’s why I surf on Thursdays and many Sundays and keep Saturday open to do some kind of activity with my kids, or maybe even nothing at all. It’s in those moments outside of the gym that I can most strongly feel the effect of my fitness habit—when I swim in the ocean with my daughter or bike around the neighborhood with my son.

3. Remember your between-the-ears health. Exercise is good for your brain, but it’s also important to keep the mind healthy and stimulated in other ways. For me, the challenge is not to occupy my mind but to calm it. I’m an over-thinker, a planner, and a worrier. These characteristics help me in some ways. I’m good at keeping my kids’ schedules straight and thinking ahead to what everyone needs to get through the day and the week. My over-thinking also helps me come up with article ideas and to think deeply about what I write.

However, all this thinking has a dark side. My mind spins about the silliest things. I imagine disastrous outcomes and get anxious about things that are ultimately meaningless. Meditation is the only thing I’ve found that calms my brain and trains me to slow down and focus on the present moment. I find it harder to make myself meditate than to go to the gym, but I keep working on incorporating it in my day, and I find I’m happier and calmer when I do.

Your Health Is Your Masterpiece

As you participate in this Masterpiece Health Program, keep your eye on the long view. It’s not about fighting against and hating your paintbrush but creating a masterpiece you can enjoy for years to come.
