Dear Parishioners, A Joyous and Blessed Pentecost to all of you! Today is traditionally considered the Birthday of the Church.Today, the Apostolic Mission had its kick off.And what a return on that first day, the Churchs birthday. The Acts of the Apostles tells us that Jews from all over the empire, hearing the Apostles preach after having received the Holy Spirit, each heard them speak in his own language! So many heard the Word of God, and were converted and received into His Infant Church. The Acts of the Apostles tells us that the converts numbered 3,000. It was also during that time, specifically, the time that the Apostles awaited the coming of the Holy Spirit, that the first Episcopal consecration happened. It was during that first novenathat Matthias was chosen to fill the void left by Judas Iscariot. Peter told the Apostles: Let their habitation become desolate, and let there be none to dwell therein. And his bishopric let another take.What an event! What a time! And we all can do this again and again, year in, year out. Holy Mother Church always provides a way for us to begin again, to renew ourselves, to take up our cross once again and, providing we cooperate with Gods Grace, make our way to salvation. Good news, right? Well, last weekend was a time for good news and so is this weekend. Last weekend, I told you that our new assistant would soon come to us. Father Gregory Bartholomew is due to arrive on July 15. I tell you, thats certainly good news for me. But heres a bit more good news for us: Next Sunday, a brand new priest will celebrate his firstMass here at 10AM. Actually, this will be one of a number of firstMasses for Father Daniel Powers, FSSP. You may remember that Deacon Powers visited us twice over the past year. Now, Father Powers makes his way into the rank of Presbyter, one who offers sacrifice to God, first for all of us and then also for himself. Every priest suffers the frailties of a fallen human nature, a fact Im sure youre all well aware of, my children and my friends. God bless you. Father Magiera Saint Joseph Catholic Church June 8/9, 2019 A Parish Apostolate of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter Fr. Michael W. Magiera, FSSP, KHS, ChLJ, Pastor 1329 Belleview Avenue Rockdale, IL 60436-2577 Phone: (815) 725-4469 FAX: (815) 725-1820 Rectory/Emergencies: (815) 725-1051 Email: [email protected] Website: www.fsspjoliet.wordpress.com Facebook: St. Joseph Catholic Church – Rockdale, Illinois Elizabeth Kelch, Co-DRE Denise Lonigro, Co-DRE Phone: (815) 729-9149 Phone: (708) 646-3834 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Office/Rectory Hours: Monday through Friday 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Dear Parishioners, Saint Joseph Catholic Church June 8/9, 2019 · 06/06/2019  · Matthias was chosen to fill the void left by Judas Iscariot. Peter told the Apostles: “Let their

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Page 1: Dear Parishioners, Saint Joseph Catholic Church June 8/9, 2019 · 06/06/2019  · Matthias was chosen to fill the void left by Judas Iscariot. Peter told the Apostles: “Let their

Dear Parishioners,

A Joyous and Blessed Pentecost to all of you! Today is

traditionally considered the “Birthday of the Church.”

Today, the Apostolic Mission had its “kick off.” And what a return

on that first day, the Church’s birthday. The Acts of the Apostles tells

us that Jews from all over the empire, hearing the Apostles preach

after having received the Holy Spirit, each heard them speak in his

own language! So many heard the Word of God, and were converted

and received into His Infant Church. The Acts of the Apostles tells us

that the converts numbered 3,000.

It was also during that time, specifically, the time that the Apostles

awaited the coming of the Holy Spirit, that the first Episcopal

consecration happened. It was during that first “novena” that

Matthias was chosen to fill the void left by Judas Iscariot. Peter told

the Apostles: “Let their habitation become desolate, and let there be

none to dwell therein. And his bishopric let another take.”

What an event! What a time! And we all can do this again and again,

year in, year out. Holy Mother Church always provides a way for us

to begin again, to renew ourselves, to take up our cross once again

and, providing we cooperate with God’s Grace, make our way to


Good news, right? Well, last weekend was a time for good news and

so is this weekend. Last weekend, I told you that our new assistant

would soon come to us. Father Gregory Bartholomew is due to

arrive on July 15. I tell you, that’s certainly good news for me.

But here’s a bit more good news for us: Next Sunday, a brand new

priest will celebrate his “first” Mass here at 10AM. Actually, this

will be one of a number of “first” Masses for Father Daniel Powers,

FSSP. You may remember that Deacon Powers visited us twice over

the past year. Now, Father Powers makes his way into the rank of

Presbyter, one who offers sacrifice to God, first for all of us and then

also for himself. Every priest suffers the frailties of a fallen human

nature, a fact I’m sure you’re all well aware of, my children and my

friends. God bless you.

Father Magiera

Saint Joseph Catholic Church

June 8/9, 2019

A Parish Apostolate of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter

Fr. Michael W. Magiera, FSSP, KHS, ChLJ, Pastor

1329 Belleview Avenue Rockdale, IL 60436-2577

Phone: (815) 725-4469 FAX: (815) 725-1820

Rectory/Emergencies: (815) 725-1051

Email: [email protected] Website: www.fsspjoliet.wordpress.com

Facebook: St. Joseph Catholic Church – Rockdale, Illinois

Elizabeth Kelch, Co-DRE Denise Lonigro, Co-DRE Phone: (815) 729-9149 Phone: (708) 646-3834 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Office/Rectory Hours: Monday through Friday

11:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Page 2: Dear Parishioners, Saint Joseph Catholic Church June 8/9, 2019 · 06/06/2019  · Matthias was chosen to fill the void left by Judas Iscariot. Peter told the Apostles: “Let their

2019 Liturgical Calendar and Mass Intentions

Sanctuary Lamp Intentions of

Sat., June 8tt Pentecost Sunday (OF)

4:15 pm John & Susan Karolik by Whitler Family

Sun., June 9th Pentecost Sunday (1st cl.)

10:00 am Pro Populo

Mon., June 10th Monday after Pentecost (1st cl.)

7:30am In repentance and reparation for the sins within our

Church and our World

Tues., June 11th Tuesday after Pentecost (1st cl.) 7:30 am + Roy Tornabene by Mr. & Mrs. Soluatore Rigitano

Wed., June 12th Ember Wednesday after Pentecost (1st cl.) Unscheduled + Diane Wolfe by Theresa Siefker

Thur., June 13th Thursday after Pentecoxt (1st cl.)

5:15 pm Triumph and Reign of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

by Brian Kelleher

Fri., June 14th Ember Friday after Pentecost (1st cl.)

7:30 am Monica Becker & Family by Richard Nicholas

Sat., June 15th Ember Saturday after Pentecost (1st cl.)

8:00 am

(Minooka) Maria Fairman by Bartuce Family

Sat., June 15th Trinity Sunday (OF)

4:15 pm + Rose E. Plut by Martin & Beverly Guidfra

Sun., June 16th Trinity Sunday (1st cl.)

10:00 am Pro Populo

+ means deceased

Our Lady of Fatima, Pray for Us. Please join us on Thursday, June 13th at 6:00 P.M. as

we pray the Holy Rosary in reparation for the sins

committed within Christ’s Church.

Mass Schedule

Ordinary Form

Saturday 4:15pm

Extraordinary Form

Sunday 10:00 am; 5:30 pm (Naperville) Monday, Tuesday, Friday: 7:30 am

Thursday 5:15 pm, followed by Holy Hour and Benediction

Saturday 8:00 am (3rd Saturday at Poor Clares in Minooka, Illinois)

Holy Days of Obligation

Ordinary Form: 5:15 p.m. anticipated Mass, if a priest is available Extraordinary Form: 7:00 am & 7:00 pm


30 minutes before Mass


Any weekday is possible, but Saturdays are preferred. To schedule your family’s Baptism, please call or email Fr. Magiera. Thank you very much!


For parishioners with faithful parish membership for at least one year. Please inquire at least 6 months prior to intended date.

WELCOME VISITORS! Worship Aides for both forms of the Mass are in the pew racks. We

welcome new parishioners. Census forms are in the back of the

church, either in racks or on the tables. Turn in your form to Fr.

Magiera or place your form in the collection basket. No need to

respond ‘Amen’ at Latin Mass Holy Communion.

Page 3: Dear Parishioners, Saint Joseph Catholic Church June 8/9, 2019 · 06/06/2019  · Matthias was chosen to fill the void left by Judas Iscariot. Peter told the Apostles: “Let their

Prayer Intentions for the living and deceased:

Christy Becker, Richard Blaskie, Jim Dernulc, Mark Evans, Cris

Galounis, Michael Kelly, Mary Lund, Kathleen Mary McNair, Ray

Tomanio, Merlin Melnarik, Fr. Vytas Memenas, Kaira Paramo,

Russler Family, Angie Schuman, Judy Splayt, Fr. Chris Steinle,

OSA, Jim Wright, Ken Zabel, Adele Stukas, Aldona Peciura, Nancy

Tomanio, Zita Stukas, Hellmann/Roman/Kasperek, Robert

Fearncombe, Jr., Isabella Goodrich, Bonnie Reichstadt, Ellen

McCague, Mary Mitchell, George Magee, Fr. Christopher Manuele,

Susanna Wheeler and James Wheeler, Ricardo Martinez.

RIP: Ben Bazik, Glen Dykhuizen, Tahara Dykhuizen, Barbara

Schoenberger, Fran Nelli, Dale Bixenmann, Arthur Birsa, Mary Rose

Bucciarelli, Diane Wolfe, Bonnie Nagra, Corinne Bowers,

Dr.Stephanie Pavnica, George McCague.

Corpus Christi Sunday We would like to invite everyone to our Corpus Christi Mass and

Procession on Sunday, June 23rd, 2019. Mass will begin at 10:00

a.m. Our Eucharistic Procession will follow our Mass. We would

like to invite all First Holy Communion Communicants to walk in

the Eucharistic Procession. Our procession will walk through our

Village of Rockdale and we will be escorted by our Rockdale Police

Department. Transportation will be available for our parishioners

who are unable to walk with us.

Potluck Please join us for our potluck brunch following

our 10:00 AM Mass on June 23rd, 2019.

No potluck in July or August. Our scrumptious

potlucks will resume in September.

Volunteers Needed for OUR Church We have been blessed with our beautiful little

church of St. Joseph, a true treasure. But like

any treasure, it must be protected and

maintained so that all may see her beauty.

We are very much in need of volunteers from

our parish family to help with the upkeep of St.

Joseph’s Church both inside and outside. We are asking parishioners

and/or families to give of their time and talent. Please consider

helping with jobs or being on a team in cleaning our church or

helping with inside and outside maintenance.

A sign-up sheet can be found on the table in the back of our church.

Thank you, in advanced, for your assistance!

Regular Collection 4:15 PM $526.00

10:00 AM $2,218.00

5:30 PM $1,415.00

Special Needs (Bldg) 4:15 PM $255.00

10:00 AM $180.00

5:30 PM $60.00

Votive $55.00

Salt $5.00

Mass Intentions $335.00

Holy Hour Music $150.00

Ascension 4:15 PM $67.00

10:00 AM $798.00

5:30 PM $115.00

Sanctuary Lamp $20.00


Thank You !!!0

By the Numbers - June 2, 2019 Collection:

Page 4: Dear Parishioners, Saint Joseph Catholic Church June 8/9, 2019 · 06/06/2019  · Matthias was chosen to fill the void left by Judas Iscariot. Peter told the Apostles: “Let their



Join Flocknote our parish communication tool:

Text StJoes to 84576 or

sign up online with flocknote.com/StJoesRockdale

Facebook: St. Joseph Catholic Church – Rockdale, Illinois

CMAA Status as of June 3rd, 2019 Parish Goal: $18,800

Parish Pledged Amount to date: $18,992 ($192

in excess of goal a good sign!)

Pledges Paid: $14,895

Balance needed to reach our diocesan goal: $3,905

Balance needed to reach our pledged goal: $4,097

Preset rebate provided we meet our pledged amount: $134.40.

We’ve done so heroically well in the last two years and I’m

confident we will “deliver the goods again.” Let everyone see that

St. Joseph Church is a force to be dealt with!


Date Altar


Lector Eucharistic




June 8th

4:15 pm

Manuel G.

Brian O.

Delia Z. Jeanie P. Fr. Jeff Smialek


June 9th

10:00 am

David A.

Lou S.

Vincent H.

Michael R.

Dominic F.

Josh L.

Fr. Michael



June 10th

7:30 a.m.

David A. Fr. Michael



June 11th

7:30 a.m.

David A. Fr. Michael



June 13th

5:15 pm

Dominic F.

David A.

Josh L.

Fr. Michael



June 14th

7:30 am

Joe J. Fr. Michael



June 15th

8:00 am


Miguel P. Fr. Michael



June 15th


Erick G.

Angel J.

Rose S. Bob S. Fr. Jeff Smialek


June 16th

10:00 am

Cory L.

Miguel H.

John G.

Joseph G.

Peter G.

Joe J.

Fr. Michael

Magiera & Fr.

Daniel Powers


Page 5: Dear Parishioners, Saint Joseph Catholic Church June 8/9, 2019 · 06/06/2019  · Matthias was chosen to fill the void left by Judas Iscariot. Peter told the Apostles: “Let their

Bulletin Articles If you have an article that you would like to be included in our bulletin,

please type and email your announcement to [email protected] at

least 10 days in advance. Father Magiera must approve all articles. Thank

you very much!

Wedding Anniversary Mass The Diocese of Joliet will hold its Forty-first Annual

Wedding Anniversary Mass on Sunday, August 18,

2019 at 2:00 p.m. at the Cathedral of St. Raymond in

Joliet. If you are celebrating either your 25th or 50th

anniversary this year, please contact our parish

office (815) 725-4469 so that we may submit your name to the

Diocese for a formal invitation. Those celebrating over 50 year

anniversaries do not receive a formal invitation, but will be able to

register to attend at a later date.

Religious Freedom Week 2019: Strength in Hope Religious Freedom Week takes place from

June 22 to 29. The Week begins with the

Feast of Sts. John Fisher and Thomas More,

ends with the Solemnity of Sts. Peter and

Paul, and includes the Feast of the Nativity of

St. John the Baptist.

During Religious Freedom Week, Catholics are encouraged to pray

and act each day for religious freedom. The Pray-Reflect-Act

series aims to help Catholics build solidarity with people of faith

who are persecuted abroad and find strength to carry out the mission

of the Church here in the United States.

Second Collection NEXT WEEKEND June 16th is Father’s Day. On June 15th and 16th a second collection

for Diocesan Infirm & Elderly Priests will be taken in the Diocese of


Job Available Full-Time Director of Faith Formation for High School and young

adult ministry (18-39). The DYYAM develops and coordinates dy-

namic and age-appropriate programming that is aligned with current

professional standards in ministry as well as parish goals, vision of

the pastor, Diocesan standards, and community input. Candidate

should collaborate well with other staff and exhibit strong communi-

cation skills. Previous experience with youth/young adult ministry

and some weekend and evening hours (including Sunday evening

liturgy) are required.

Applicant must be a practicing Catholic who lives a life consistent

with Catholic beliefs and values and possess a bachelor’s degree in

theology, religious studies or a related field, or some form of special-

ized studies in youth ministry (e.g. Certificate in Youth Ministry

Studies) strongly preferred. Ability to comply with diocesan safe en-

vironment policies (successful completion of a criminal background

check and ©VIRTUS: Protecting God’s Children training). Valid

driver’s license and reliable means of transportation.

To view a full job description, visit:


To apply send letter of introduction and résumé to Kathy Ferguson

at: [email protected]


Page 6: Dear Parishioners, Saint Joseph Catholic Church June 8/9, 2019 · 06/06/2019  · Matthias was chosen to fill the void left by Judas Iscariot. Peter told the Apostles: “Let their

Please Welcome Fr. Daniel Powers Please Welcome Father Daniel Powers to our church. Father Daniel

Powers will be our guest celebrant on Trinity Sunday, June 16th. He

will offer first blessings after Mass.

Abortion Legislation in Illinois General Assembly House Bill 2467 & Senate Bill 1594

Repeals Illinois Parental Notification of Abortion Act. This current lawrequires a parent or legal guardian be notified when a minor seeks an abortion.

House Bill 2495 & Senate Bill 1942

Repeals the current state ban on partial-birth abortions. Defines abortion as a fundamental right. Removes abortion clinics from regulations for serious

medical procedures. Removes the requirement that only doctors can perform


For more information please visit: https://www.elections.il.gov/districtlocator/addressfinder.aspx

St. Joseph’s Lending Library We have a lending library of spiritual books on shelves in

the northwest corner of the basement. Many beautiful

books waiting to be read.

Job Available The Diocese of Joliet is seeking to hire a Catholic Education

Foundation Executive Officer. The Executive Officer of the Catholic

Education Foundation will develop and pursue ideas, contacts and

strategies to raise funds from individuals, corporations and

foundations in the seven counties that make up the Diocese of Joliet

and elsewhere across the region. The Executive Officer will

separately and in tandem with the Superintendent of Schools and

other key Diocesan staff and volunteer leadership identify, cultivate

and solicit major donors for scholarship, operating, capital and

special school or religious education projects for the Catholic

Education Foundation.

The successful candidate will be a practicing Catholic and will

possess: Bachelor’s degree; Master’s degree preferred; CFRE and/or

CAP certification a plus, Bilingual speaking a plus; minimum of 5

years direct fundraising experience with proven track record and

success in major gift, annual fund, foundation and event fundraising

work; familiarity and appreciation of Catholic education; experience

working with the poor and economically disadvantaged; excellent

communications skills; successful experience in supervision of

personnel; proven ability to collaborate with people of diverse

cultures within a complex organization; strong organizational skills;

experience with budgeting, financial management and reporting;

responsible with confidential material.

This is a full-time position with benefits. Requires flexibility of

schedule, evening and weekend work as needed. To view a full job

description, visit: http://www.dioceseofjoliet.org/hr/listjobs.php

Applicants meeting the necessary qualifications please submit a

cover letter, resume and salary requirement to:

[email protected].