MECANISME DE COMUNICARE ÎN SISTEMELE BIOLOGICE -de la semnal la Conștiință [email protected]

de la semnal la Conștiință - fiziologie.rofiziologie.ro/didactic/2018-2019/cns/Mecanisme de comunicare in sist... · ÎN SISTEMELE BIOLOGICE - ... energia necesară pentru a o

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-de la semnal la Conștiință

[email protected]


Human beings and the natural world are on a

collision course. Human activities inflict harshand often irreversible damage on environment and on critical resources.

If not checked, many of our currentpractices put at serious risk the future thatwe wish for human society and the plantand animal kingdoms.

•William J. Ripple et al. World Scientists’ Warning to Humanity: A Second Notice. BioScience, Vol 67, Issue 12, 1 December 2017.

BioScience, Volume 67, Issue 12, 13 November 2017, Pages 1026–1028, https://doi.org/10.1093/biosci/bix125

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"The stuff of the world is mind-stuff.”

The Nature of the Physical World.

Sir Arthur Eddington

It is necessary to keep reminding ourselves that all knowledge of our environment from which the world of physics is constructed, has entered in the form of messages transmitted along the nerves to the seat of consciousness...

”Istoric vorbind, specialiștii în neuroștiințe

au adoptat una din două abordări: abordarea reducționistă sau cea holistă. Abordările reducționiste sau de jos în sus încearcă să analizeze sistemul nervos prin prisma componentelor sale elementare, examinând una câte una moleculele, celulele sau circuitele…

Psihiatrie, psihanaliză și noua biologie a minții.

Eric R. Kandel. Ed. TREI. 2013

Abordările holiste sau de sus în jos se

concentrează asupra funcțiilor psihice la ființele umane vigile și active… Ambele abordări au limitări, însă ambele au înregistrat succese importante.…Gestaltiștii au constat că întregul perceptiv însemnă mai mult decât suma componentelor sale examinate izolat.

Psihiatrie, psihanaliză și noua biologie a minții.

Eric R. Kandel. Ed. TREI. 2013

Homo sapiens appears to be evolving into a new kind of species not seen before in organic evolution. This is HOMO HOLISTICUS, systems man, the first species in the earth’s history with a global reach, entailing global selective forces charting its evolutionary change.

Global change and human change: a prescription

for adaptive evolution from ecological network theory.B.C. Patten, International Journal of Ecodynamics. 2006

Informaţia este esenţială pentru viziunea ce se conturează despre lumea unitară.

În noua viziune despre natura realităţii integrale, existenţa umană nu este un produs secundar, acciden-tal, nu este rezultatul întâmplător al unei mutaţii genetice şi al selecţiei naturale, al strategiilor de conservare ale egoismului genetic

“CosMos” . Ervin Laszlo şi Jude Currivan. Ed. For You. 2010

”Întreaga viaţă evoluează prin supraveţuirea diferenţială a entităţilor replicante”-replicatori. Oriunde există viaţă trebuie să existe replicatori (meme)

“Memele se propagă în bazinul de meme sărind din creier în creier prin intermediul unui proces care, în sens larg poate fi numit imitaţie”. Ele concurează … pentru resurse limitate:

timp de creier sau lărgime de creier … mai ales pentru atenţie.R. Dawkins- Gena Egoistă. Ed. Publică. 2013

“...cred că un nou tip de replicator a apărut recent pe această “planetă”, ne priveşte în faţă. Este încă în copilărie, încă plutind în derivă, neîndemânatic, în supa sa primordială, însă deja realizează schimbări evoluţionare într-un ritm care lasă mult în urmă bătrâna genă.Acea “supă” este cultura umană; vectorul de transmitere este limbajul; iar spaţiul de împerechere este creierul

R. Dawkins- Gena Egoistă. Ed. Publică. 2013

It is not enough to teach man a specialty. Through it he may become a kind of useful machine but not a harmoniously developed personality. It is essential that the student acquire an understanding of and a lively feeling for values... Otherwise he-with his specialized knowledge-more closely resembles a well-trained dog than a harmoniously developed person.

A.Einstein. Ideas and Opinions. Crown Publishers, 1954.


Informația este componenta fundamen-tală a existentei. Însăşi conştiinţa este o forma de informaţie.

M. Drăgănescu, Societatea Conştiinţei 2007

Informateria este principiul creativ, care se exprimă în informaţiile profunde conţinute în materie, cum ar fi sarcinile electrice, leptonice, barionice, şarmul, stranietatea etc.

“…Conştiinţa îşi poate propune, pe termen foarte lung cu putinţă, crearea unui nou univers, al unui nou ciclu al materiei. Ea tinde, însă, cu sorţi de împlinire, către inovare şi creare de noi universuri sociale, culturale, artistice, ştiinţifice, tehnice, filosofice, care exprimă şi chiar însumează şi dorinţele omului şi ar putea să corespundă, într-un anumit fel, întregii realităţi”

( Mihai Drăgănescu in Medias Res. EA 2004)

A theory is proposed which considers information to be a basic property of the universe the way matter and energy are. Operationally -just as energy is defined in terms of its capacity to perform work - so is information defined in terms of its capacity to organize a system....that information is a basic property of the universe; ...information is an ontological category that exists independently of being

perceived.Tom Stonier. Information as a basic property of the universe. BioSystems 38 1996

• Axiomă- dacă un sistem este organizat conține informație”... o stare de dezordine mare, cu probabilitate ridicată este asociată cu entropie ridicată, în timp ce o stare organizată, înalt informațională este asociată cu nivel scăzut de entropie”

” Conținutul informațional al unui sistem poate fi, prin urmare, legat de travaliu/ energia necesară pentru a o crea.

Tom Stonier. Information as a basic property of the universe. BioSystems 38 1996

Pure energy can perform no ‘useful’ work without a concomitant input of information. Conversely, all expenditures of energy lead to a reorganization of the universe, hence to a change in its informa-tion status. Energy and information are interconvertible;

Every time we pick up a pencil from the floor and place it on the desk, we expend energy to alter the organization of the universe… hence we have increased the information content of the universe.

Tom Stonier. Information as a basic property of the universe. BioSystems 38 1996

Information, in some form, is embedded inevery equation of the physical sciences. Information is present in the form of time, distance, or direction (velocity, acceleration), or in terms of some constant. Such constants could not exist if the system were not organized.

Given the interconversion of matter and energy (E = mc2), the new conceptualiza-tion must include three parameters: what is conserved is the sum of the matter, energy, and informationcontained by a system

Tom Stonier. Information as a basic property of the universe. BioSystems 38 1996

That is, just as mass is a reflection of a system containing matter, and heat is a reflection of a system containing energy, so is organization the physical expression of a system containing information. By ‘organization’ is meant the existence of a nonrandom pattern of particles, energy fields, or other sub-units comprising thesystem.

Tom Stonier. Information as a basic property of the universe. BioSystems 38 1996

• -It is important to differentiate between the concept ‘information’ and the concept ‘message.’Information is the raw material which, wheninformation-processed, may yield a message. It does not matter whether this raw material consists of the letters of a written alphabet, the nucleotides of a strand of DNA, the atoms making up a crystal, or patterns of electro-magnetic radiation

Tom Stonier. Information as a basic property of the universe. BioSystems 38 1996

Actually, the speculations presented in the appendix go much deeper and, if correct, will require further paradigm shifts. Forexample, the implications of a theory of information for particle physics, suggest that the basic structure of the universe consists not only of fermions and bosons, but of infons as well.

Tom Stonier. Information and the Internal Structure of theUniverse. An Exploration into Information Physics. Springer-Verlag. 1990

To my students whose

questions made me

think new thoughts

“Nu există materie ca atare. Tot ceea cenumim materie îşi are originea şiexistă doar în virtutea unei forţe careface să vibreze particulele unui atom şicare menţine integritatea acestuiminuscul sistem solar al atomului…Suntem obligaţi să presupunem că înspatele acestei forţe există o minteconştientă şi inteligentă. Aceastăminte este matricea întregii materii.”

Max Planck

La început

era Cuvântul Biblia. Evanghelia dupa Ioan, Cap.1


It from Bit

J. A.d Wheeler

Informația este ceea ce dă structură materiei…


Chris Mawson. The complete works of W. R. Bion. Karnac Books. 2014.

Mintea este Informația din Univers cuibărită în Ființa noastră.

It is a thought wandering around for some thinker to lodge itself in.


C. E. SHANNON C. E. A Mathematical Theory of Communication. 1948

Tipuri de mesaje: - fizice(semnale) -electromagnetice


- chimice-atomice-moleculare -supramoleculare

- cuantice-solitoni-infoni ?

Mesaje (semnale) fizice


Câmpul electromagnetic este realitatea fizică cu care suntem în contact permanent şi nemij-locit, deşi nu avem simţuri pentru a o percepe. În odaia în care stăm, în parcurile în care ne plimbăm, în noi înşine, totul este plin de câmp electromagnetic, în fiecare moment, datorită câmpului electromagnetic, fiecare cută a fiinţei noastre este pătrunsă de toate melodiile care se cântă pe Pământ, ba şi de şoapte din afara lui, rostite poate cu miliarde de ani în urmă.

A.Ţugulea- Câmpul electromagnetic? Ed. Agir, 2011

...electromagnetic fields normally serve as conveyors of information from the environment to the organism, within the organism, and among organisms.

...in the course of evolution organisms have come to employ these fields in conjunction with the well-known sensory, nervous, and endocrine systems in effecting coordination and integration.

Presman A. S. Electromagnetic Fields and Life. Springer Science+Business Media. 1970

The postulation that normal informationalroles are played by these fields for living systems at three levels is systematically developed as logical, plausible consequences and significances of the reported responsiveness of living systems to diverse experimentally applied fields, and characteristics of these responses.

A good case is made for the thesis that the capacities occur in their fullest state of development only in the organism as a whole, and are either not present, or not present in comparable form, at the molecular level

Presman A. S. Electromagnetic Fields and Life. Springer Science+Business Media. 1970

In the general case three kinds of activity are probable:

1. The effect of electromagnetic processes taking place in the environment on the functioning of living organisms.

Presman A. S. Electromagnetic Fields and Life. Springer Science+Business Media. 1970

2. Electromagnetic interconnections between organisms.

3. The role of electromagnetic processes taking place within organisms in the vital activity of organisms.

It has now been established that throughout the reviewable geological period the biosphere has been a region of electromagnetic fields and radiations of all the frequencies known to us - from slow periodic variations of the earth's magnetic and electric fields to gamma rays.

Presman A. S. Electromagnetic Fields and Life. Springer Science+Business Media. 1970

1. The effect of electromagnetic processes taking place in the environment on the functioning of living organisms.

Sustained life is a property of an ecological system rather than a single organism or species.

No individual organism can exist in isolation. Animals depend on the photosynthesis of plants for their energy needs; plants depend on the carbon dioxide produced by animals, as well as on the nitrogen fixed by the bacteria at their roots; and together plants, animals and microorganisms regulate the entire biosphere and maintain the conditions the bacteria at their roots

Fritjof Capra. The hidden connections: integrating thebiological, cognitive, and social dimensions of life into a science of sustainability. Random House. 2002.

•We know today that all higher forms of

•life have evolved from bacterial cells. The simplest of these belong to a family of tiny spherical bacteria known as mycoplasm,with diameters less than a thousandth of a millimeter and genomes consisting of a single closed loop of double-stranded DNA.

Fritjof Capra. The hidden connections: integrating thebiological, cognitive, and social dimensions of life into a science of sustainability. Random House. 2002.

•...the simplest bacteria are the cyanobacteria, the ancestors of blue-green algae, which are also among the oldest bacteria, their chemical traces being present in the earliest fossils. Some of these blue-green bacteria are able to build up their organic compounds entirely from carbon dioxide, water, nitrogen and pure minerals.

Fritjof Capra. The hidden connections: integrating thebiological, cognitive, and social dimensions of life into a science of sustainability. Random House. 2002.

A key insight of the new understanding of life has been that biological forms and functions are not simply determined by a genetic blueprint but are emergent properties of the entire epigenetic network.This view is quite different from the genetic determinism that is still very widespread among molecular biologists, biotechnology companies

and in the popular scientific pressThe new cell is not produced from naked DNA, but from an unbroken continuation of the entire autopoietic network

Fritjof Capra.

The definition of a living system as an autopoietic network means that the phenomenon of life has to be understood as a property of thesystem as a whole.

The theory of autopoiesis identifies the pattern of self-generating networks as a defining characteristic of life, but it does not provide a detailed description of the physics and chemistry that are involved in these networks.

... future life-formsFritjof Capra. The hidden connections: integrating thebiological, cognitive, and social dimensions of life into a science of sustainability. Random House. 2002.

Epigenetic mechanisms have been suggested to have roles in neuroplasticity, in particular with regard to learning and memory formation, and in a range of neural diseases. In addition to epigenetic marks, the human genome also contains large-scale compartmentalized structures that might also influence neuroplasticity and neural disease.

Watanabe Y et al. Epigenetic basis of neuronal plasticity: Association with

R/G-band boundaries on human chromosomes. Neuroepigenetics 7 (2016)

Epigenetic modifications, such as methylation, acetylation, or phospho-rylation of histone proteins or methylation of the DNA, can cause changes to chromatin structure. These changes in chromatin structure may alter the binding of transcription factors or enhancer element binding proteins to promoter sites, thereby modifying gene transcription patterns

Watanabe Y et al. Epigenetic basis of neuronal plasticity: Association with

R/G-band boundaries on human chromosomes. Neuroepigenetics 7 (2016)

We report the transfer of the activity of 4-phorbol-12-b-myristate-13-acetate (PMA) by electronic means.

Electronic transmission of the PMA activity was carried out using a simple amplifier configured to function as an oscillator when coupled to two electromagnetic coils.

Thomas Y. et al. Activation of human neutrophils byelectronically transmitted phorbol–myristate acetate. Medical Hypotheses (2000) 54(1), 33–39

Y.Thomas et al. Activation of human neutrophils by electronically transmitted phorbol–myristate acetate. Medical Hypotheses (2000) 54(1), 33–39

•...a growing number of observations suggest the susceptibility of biological systems to electric, magnetic and electromagnetic

•fields, with electric fields able to drive

•enzymes to do work, and cellular functions, including DNA and RNA synthesis, being modulated by lowfrequency electromagnetic fields

A novel property of DNA is described: the capacity of some bacterial DNA sequences to induceelectromagnetic waves at high aqueous dilutions.

Luc Montagnier et al. Electromagnetic Signals are Produced by Aqueous Nanostructures Derived from Bacterial DNA Sequences. Interdiscip Sci Comput Life Sci (2009) 1: 81–90

The genomic DNA of most pathogenic bacteriacontains sequences which are able to generate such signals.•...filtration of a culture supernatant of human lymphocytes infected with Mycoplasma pirum was able to regenerate the original mycoplasmawhen incubated with a mycoplasma negativeculture of human lymphocytes within 2 to 3 weeks.

The radiation-induced bystander effect is the phenomenon which non-irradiated cells exhibit effects along with their different levels as a result of signals received from nearby irradiated cells. Responses of non-irradiated cells may include changes in process of translation, gene expression, cell proliferation, apoptosis and cells death

Bystander effect

Najafi M et al. The Mechanisms of Radiation-Induced BystanderEffect . J Biomed Phys Eng 2014; 4(4)

Implicații ale câmpului electromagnetic

-comunicare la distanță

-investigații biomedicale-terapii medicale

-optogenetica -electro-/magnetostimulare

Optogenetics offers the ability to selectively manipulate individual neural circuit elements that underlie disease-relevant behaviors and is currently accelerating the pace of preclinical research into neurobiological mechanisms of disease.

Elizabeth E Steinberg et al. Illuminating circuitry relevant to psychiatric disorders with optogenetics . Current Opinion in Neurobiology 2015, 30:9–16

By helping to parse the function of highly complex neural circuits that mediate disease-relevant behaviors, optogenetics has great potential to inform the rational development of therapeutic interventions for psychiatric disorders.

•Neurons are large colourless cells with wide arborisations, have an active metabolism generating photons, contain little pigment, and have a prominent cytoskeleton consisting of hollow microtubules.

•F. Grass. et all. Biophotons, microtubules and CNS, is our brain a

“Holographic computer”?. Medical Hypotheses (2004) 62, 169–172

•As brain and spinal cord are protected from environmental light by bone and connective tissue, the signal to noise ratio should be high for photons as signal.

•Spectral analyses revealed significant differences in peak frequencies of 7.2, 10.1, and 24.9 Hz in the amplitude modulation of the emitted biophoton•signal with respect to whether a peroxide injection occurred or not, and whether the species receiving the injection was E. coli or S. marcescens.

Tessaro Lucas W. E. et al. Bacterial biophotons as non‐local information carriers: Speciesspecificspectral characteristics of a stress response- MicrobiologyOpen. 2018;e761.

These and the subsequent results of discriminant functions suggest that bacteria may release biophotons as a non‐local communication system in response to stress, and that these biophotons are species specific.

Interacţiunea stimul - receptor - răspuns


e c

e p

t o


P r

o c

e s

o r



hidrofobe Subst.








Na+, H+, K+

Ca2+, Mg2+

HCO3-, Cl-








Tipuri de receptori /canale ionice





situs de



Când celula este alungită, proteina fibrilară

fixată pe situsul de ancorare deschide

poarta canalelor ionice





membrană celulară

intracelularsitus de ancorare

proteină fibrilară

Când distanța dintre două celule învecinate

crește, proteina fibrilară fixată pe situsul de

ancorare dintr-o celulă, deschide poarta

canalelor ionice din celula învecinată

timp (ms)


- 60




Variaţia potenţialului de membrană în raport cu

activitatea celulei nervoase





Celule miocardice embrionare izolate în cultură. Imediat după punerea în

cultură se observă contracția celulelor individuale, la diferite ritmuri,



Dupa 2-3 zile în vitro, miocitele se conectează prin joncțiuni gap, care asigură

activarea și contracția lor sincronă.

Transmiterea sinaptică


Principalele tipuri de sinapse

Sinapsa chimică






Sinapsă excitatorie

Sinapsă inhibitorie






de colina



vezicular de ACh






Sinapsa Colinergica

Sindr. M.Gravis...








Colina + Ac-Colina + Ac -





Nicotinici nn.


Nicotinici musc.


Nicotinici nn.


Nicotinici musc.


Peptide neuroactive

Un model tridimensionalal sinapsei electrice:

A. Secţiune prin sinapsă. Fiecare din cele două membrane conţine câte o jumătate din canalul sinaptic.

B.Conformaţia conexonului

variază cu starea închis/deschis.

Particularități functionale:-mecanism molecular-sens, durată-control

-voltaj membranar-Ca, pH,


- vezicule membranare de 30-100 nm (nanoparticule)

- acționează ca “organite de semnalizare

intercellulară” după eliberarea în mediul extracelular

- pot contacta celula țintă prin:

1. adeziune mediată de receptor membranar

urmată de endocitoză și internalizare

2. fuziune directă a membranei exozomale cu

membrana celulei țintă și eliberarea conținutului


- Veziculele exozomale au receptori membranari

specifici și conțin o combinație de lipide, metaboliți,

ARN codant și non-codant (micro-ARN), ADN,

enzime, factori de creștere, receptori și citokine.

Exozomii în sistemul


Zagrean et al., Front. Neurosci. 2018