I PAGKXKfltT > THE PADUCAH EVENING SUN 1OYnAYnrRT1 1 If TREASURE IN THE BANK IS SAYE Illinois Woman ExckiBgn FiiteeH Shots With Robber Explosion AwokollSnnl Wieojiwiri Fire on Man Leit1ltnntnu- bbcrM lade fivtuf c I WITH THR SHAUIl HOWKVRIt Panama IIIApril 19Attlredl r only In her night gown and grasping WIW with a bank robber at 3 oclock this morning while the marauder with two pistols was keeping a steady fire Ihrmigh her bedroom window where the stood concealed The heroic act on the part of Mrs Mitchell saved the bank of Panama JS 000 In paper money Three robbers lead entered the front of the bank and applied nitro ¬ glycerine to the outer comparament of the vault The explosion awakened Mrs Mitchell who went to her window CndSW tfcfr ouUWe man left as a ookou j tit rslars She r4t to her bureau takg Jmt her revolver and a box of call J ridges and concealing herself be ¬ hind the lace curtains opened fire allI the lookout without opening tho winI I dowMrs Mitchell quickly loaded her reI I Tower Sand moving quickly about so + that the flashes from her revolver would not betray her exact location kept up the fire The duel soon awakened the entire Sown but the robbers escaped with X700 In sliver which had been placed I In the outside compartment of the bank nloI I The inner sate which conthlned I 8400 in paper money had been unI touched through the early defense as- sumed ¬ by Mrs MlkhellI Lighting Ilnnt Contract Let Tho board ot public works Satur- day l afternoon rec mmended to the Hencral council Jlratfftie bid of the JMabcockVVilcox rcompnyr of PUU- Ipirg t furnishing a boiler for the alt tight plant company be accepted yhe bid of James Jewell Son ot Cincinnati for the erection of the Mick stack ftt thtf plant was recom- mended If the general council In torsos the bids the two firms will get the contracts The council appro printed 3000 for tho Improvements but to equip the plant properly the expense will be 11100 additional J f HEWS flint Report Plttsburg 6C 3C fal Cincinnati 248 59 rille Louisville 87 02 rl 1C- Evansvlllo i 173 2S Call Ml Vernon 182 23 tall Mt Carme J 4130 OC fal Nashville 115 11 fall Chattanooga J 70 11 rnll Florence t CQ 03 tel Johnsonvllle i v112 21 fal Cairo V 332 OC fal St Louis a84 05 rIPe Paducah 2 35 07 f1I River stage at 7 oclock this morn Ing 235 a fall ot 7 since yesterda y aatrUrday was 20 ot an Inch The Ohio ilt this placo will continue to tall ARRIVALS City of Saltillo fron Waterloo Ala yesterday mornlni with a large cargo of freight and t i a number of passengers for St Louts I Joe Fowler from Evansville and 11ft way landings yesterday morning do ood business She received wbarf1boat irday night with a lot of freight and lassengers for the upper Ohio Clyde rom Waterloo Ala today with sey 10WIrlOhio arges of ties Cot the Ayer Lord I rle company Duquesne from the pper Ohio yesterday morning with a I tllg tow of coal for the lower Missis lIlpl Joe DI Williams from New t gleans Sunday morning with a large tow of empty coajjbpata and barges Ick Fowler from Cairo and all way landings tonight at8 ociqck Sprague rom New Orleans Saturday evening with a big tow of empty clal boats J D Finley from Louisville ester lay morning with a tow of 35 loaded = Dal boats and barges Royal from olconda on time this morning doing good freight and passenger bus- ted Lyda from the Tennessee yes erday with a tow of several barges 01 I ties from Joppa E A Volght from Dyersburg Saturday evening with two barges heavily loaded with big cypress logs to be sawed Into arge timber for the West Kentucky Coal company Oeorgacowling iron letropotia this mornlng and this afj ernoon on her two regular trips doIng a good busines- sDEPARTURESDick Ii Fowler for Cairo and all way landings this morq ng at S oclock with a large freight arid passenger list Joe Fowler tor Jvansvllle and way landings at 11 clock this morning doing a fine busIness City of Saltlllo for St Loul yesterday morning Peters Lea Cor Cincinnati and way landings Satur l C I We Are Installing Our I New Mess Soda Fountain And are badly torn up but we aro still serving the most delicious Ice Cream Sherbets and Soda Waters ever bandied over la counter Absolute purity clean workroom and service and the best materi ¬ als that money can buyJt Is on this we bund our fountain trade The Bookand > DTT WILSON Music Man 313 Broad war I Want t Anything in Fire Come to this hard ware store and get it We have screen wire chicken wire fencei i wire itove wire pic- ture ¬ wire and all sorts of wire utensils for every use You will find them all of the tame high character as our other hard ¬ ware and as moderately priced We shall be glad to sell you a lot or a little as your needs may be Remember that now is the time to Screen Your House before the flies get in We have the largest stock of SCREEN DOORS SCREEN WINDOWSand all izes of SCREEN WIRE both black and galvanized HAJISK BROS 22 IlxopvlwayBoth Phones 1 A r r4JlJl u day night Spraguo for Loitlsvlll Saturday tight with empties Joo p Williams for Louisville yesterda morning with empties Duquesn and J B Finley tot New Orleans yesterday with big tows ot coa Margaret for T2< ansvlllo yesterda after a tow of cross ties for tho Aye Lord Tlo company Lyda for Joppi with a tow ot Tennessee river ties Royal for Golconda this afternoon at 2 oclock with a lot of freight and a number of passengers Georgi Cowling for Metropolis this wornliif at 11 oclock and this afternoon atI 430 doing a good business on both trips Clyde for Tile lower Ohio this evening to unload and receive freight She will return to the Tennessee Wed- nesday night The John S Hopkins will be the Evansville packet tomorrow morning The IIw Buttorft will be In from Nashville and war landings tomorrow afternoon and return at G oclock t- Ithe evening On the trip of the Uut torft Saturday evening there were 30 roundtrip passengers from Nathvllli among whom were James R Love manager ot the St Bernard Mlnln company of Nashville and family A band of 60 gypsies with 25 horse and 8 wagons were turned loose InI this city oft the Duttorff The gypsies passengers rate IW ConJ 123450 C came here from Clarksvllle The passenger rate on the Buttorff hits been cut to compete with the Tyner line the J n Richardson The low rate has been the means of making passenger travel on the Cumberland irery Iarg0i ThQj n Richardson will be In fromNaslivllo andwai land ¬ ings tomorrow afternoon and return it C oclocw The J D has been do- Ing ¬ a heavy freight business out ot this port Doth the Cumberland river packets are fighting hard but It seems that business Is good enough to permit both boats to work the Cum berland The > ilglr gbSEr > cif1e eji bout 201 < GxcurslohlsliDtS OoltbuUa tSesterday and returned last evening at 030 oclock There was a good band aboard and the trip was most enjoy- able to all the excursionists The Fowler will confine to make Sunday excursions oU of this port The George Cowling carried several hundred oxcuwlonlst between Metrop ¬ oils and this city yesterday on three round trips from Metropolis The Reaper Is expected today from the mines at Caseyvllle with a tow of coal for the West Kentucky Coal company and on her arrival the Bar ¬ fester will make up a big tow of coal and leave for New Orleans The trip at the Harvester will be the first ship- ment of West Kentucky coal to New Orleans by river The Lyda came In port today from foppa and will tie up for several days The American will get away the latter part of this week for the Ten ¬ lessee after a tow of ties for Cairo She Is now having some light repair work done The Pavonla will return to the Cumberland tomorrow after a tow of ties for the Ayer Lord Tlo com- pany The new gasoline boat Thistle was given a try out yesterday and It t thought by tho owners that the Thistle will prove to be one of the attest pleasure crafts In tho local harbor Capt Young Taylor ot the Paducah Dry Dock completed his new country home four miles out on the Hlnkle vllle road Captain Taylor will move Into his home In about two weeks1 The house Is so arranged that It can- e thrown open on all sides and It has six large rooms 104 feet of porch rant and a large hall running the Cull length of the hou- seTlRBR BOYS nX AWAY FROM 1IOMB AND Cum TO IAUUCAII Iollrc AakrJA L plklor Youths Whom BtftofC LuiTlflirum f > Their VnfiHtH l The policeare on tho lookout for two boys who ran away from home- d are supposed to be In Paducah Irs T O Cassel Gil Hickory street St t Louis wrote to the police that her son Louis Casel 1C years old In company with Clyde Baker 17 ears old formerly of Paducah had run away from home Cassel Is de crlbed as weighing 104 pounds 5 feet 2 Inches bight fair complexion Cull face with Jewish nose and light hair L Clarence leTt 1C yeareold of Du quoin Jll another rnlbslng chap who dceording to his father HP Ford left home and started for la ucah He f is supposed to have left with tho intention of going to the borne of B Wheellj 1031 Clark street but the police have been unable to- ed the lad Holt wore n blue suit tan shoes and wore a cap Tits Evening SunbOc a Week SEASONS CYCLONIC SENSATION I Ii J i THE KENTUCKY The Theatre Beautiful M J FARNBAKEK Lessee and Manager Monday Apr IJ 1t to Saturday Apr 24 Afternoon and Evening 9 == Stellar Mastodonic Specialties == 9- 5Elite Vaudeville Acts5 2 ReelsMotion Pictures De Luxe Reels 2 1 Illustrated Soja == l ttlSpecial Vocal 1 Number1- Best i and Biggest Vaudeville Bill Ever in Paducah Y RROORAM THE KINO OF STRINGS t cl art j 1 > George Smedley Prince of Entertainer and Entertainer Princes in Classy Musical Solos and Funny Imitations fcf 10 k That Monologist and Premier Danseuse J x Cleone Pearl Fell A Dainty Come dicnnbVcry Swell and Elegantly Gowned and Coiffured in Songs and Dances L > yt- LAUGHTERMOSTLYLAUGHTER > f f1Jl Ai i KII Hazel and Hawkins I Taming a Title- A t Comedy Dramatic i Sketch l in Which a Few Tears Mingle With a Broadside of Laughter t r r THAT MONOLOGIST v i- f1 H r aUt c 5 cj wBert E Melbern 7 King Pin i of MinstrelsyA Chocolate Drop A Laughing IitM i > M ft t 4 1 Max = Rover and French Etta u 1 I w In Their Latest Humorous Skit uh t p Laffs a Johnnys Visit = Laffs- n Quito Recent and Different From the Rest Singing Talking Dancing t > Illustrated Song CIA Little Bits a Whole Lot Better Than Nothing At All r EDWIN J ALLEN fyl Y xf 4 Moving Picture De Luxe i 1 bjD TRVCTIOK OF POMPEII j J A Magnificent Spectacular Reproduction By Ambrosio of an Historical Event 1085tFeet v UL i r1t r ti i Vocal Number V > I IJtl M 1 Special IIeo h i i If I Had a t Thousand Lives to Live NETTIE S FARNBAKER r J t tI I l t Movingt Picture De Luxe r Z- t I VV OLIVER CROMWELL ° t r1j3- A 4 r Pathe Hand Colored Picture Depicting Incidents in the Career of tho Roundhead From the Battle of Neso by to the Execution of King Charles I Jan 30 1649 1000 Feet The Program of Motion Pictures De Luxe Illustrated and Special Vocal Numbers Will Bo Changed Daily While the Character of Acts Will Bo Changed Thursday AMATEUR CONTEST FRIDAY APRIL 23 Prices of Admission Adults lOc Childen 5c Seats in Boxes 25c < Regarding Children 1 The admission arms of 5 cents for children applies to those under 12 years of age the apparent ago and size being a matter that will be taken into consideration as the line of demarcation between Adultand Child All children that walk and talk or occupy seats must have tickets of admission the only exception being in case of Infants in Arms or Toddlers X TAYLOR COAL ii BRADLEYBROSw 11 11Bot Jk Y rvo t

De 1 Illustrated takg - nyx.uky.edunyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7jm61bmj3h/data/0787.pdfI PAGKXKfltT> THE PADUCAH EVENING SUN 1OYnAYnrRT1 1 If TREASURE IN THE BANK IS SAYE Illinois Woman ExckiBgn

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Illinois Woman ExckiBgnFiiteeH Shots With Robber

Explosion AwokollSnnl WieojiwiriFire on Man Leit1ltnntnu-

bbcrM lade fivtufc



PanamaIIIApril 19Attlredl

r only In her night gown and graspingWIWwith a bank robber at 3 oclock thismorning while the marauder withtwo pistols was keeping a steady fireIhrmigh her bedroom window wherethe stood concealed

The heroic act on the part of MrsMitchell saved the bank of PanamaJS 000 In paper money

Three robbers lead entered thefront of the bank and applied nitro ¬

glycerine to the outer comparamentof the vault

The explosion awakened MrsMitchell who went to her windowCndSW tfcfr ouUWe man left as aookou j tit rslars

She r4t to her bureau takgJmt her revolver and a box of call J

ridges and concealing herself be ¬

hind the lace curtains opened fire allIthe lookout without opening tho winI


dowMrs Mitchell quickly loaded her reII

Tower Sand moving quickly about so+ that the flashes from her revolver

would not betray her exact locationkept up the fire

The duel soon awakened the entireSown but the robbers escaped withX700 In sliver which had been placed I

In the outside compartment of thebanknloII

The inner sate which conthlned I

8400 in paper money had been unItouched through the early defense as-


by Mrs MlkhellILighting Ilnnt Contract Let

Tho board ot public works Satur-dayl afternoon rec mmended to theHencral council Jlratfftie bid of theJMabcockVVilcox rcompnyr of PUU-

Ipirg t furnishing a boiler for thealt tight plant company be acceptedyhe bid of James Jewell Son otCincinnati for the erection of theMick stack ftt thtf plant was recom-mended If the general council Intorsos the bids the two firms will getthe contracts The council approprinted 3000 for tho Improvementsbut to equip the plant properly theexpense will be 11100 additional J


flint ReportPlttsburg 6C 3C falCincinnati 248 59 rilleLouisville 87 02 rl 1C-

Evansvlllo i 173 2S Call

Ml Vernon 182 23 tallMt Carme J 4130 OC falNashville 115 11 fallChattanooga J 70 11 rnll

Florence t CQ 03 telJohnsonvllle i v112 21 falCairo V 332 OC falSt Louis a84 05 rIPe

Paducah 2 35 07 f1I

River stage at 7 oclock this mornIng 235 a fall ot 7 since yesterda y

aatrUrdaywas 20 ot an Inch The Ohio iltthis placo will continue to tall

ARRIVALS City of Saltillo fronWaterloo Ala yesterday mornlniwith a large cargo of freight and tianumber of passengers for St LoutsIJoe Fowler from Evansville and 11ft

way landings yesterday morning doood business She received

wbarf1boatirday night with a lot of freight and

lassengers for the upper Ohio Clyderom Waterloo Ala today with sey

10WIrlOhioarges of ties Cot the Ayer Lord I

rle company Duquesne from thepper Ohio yesterday morning with a I

tllg tow of coal for the lower MissislIlpl Joe DI Williams from New

tgleans Sunday morning with a largetow of empty coajjbpata and bargesIck Fowler from Cairo and all way

landings tonight at8 ociqck Spraguerom New Orleans Saturday evening

with a big tow of empty clal boatsJ D Finley from Louisville esterlay morning with a tow of 35 loaded= Dal boats and barges Royal from

olconda on time this morning doinggood freight and passenger bus-

ted Lyda from the Tennessee yeserday with a tow of several barges01I ties from Joppa E A Volghtfrom Dyersburg Saturday eveningwith two barges heavily loaded withbig cypress logs to be sawed Into

arge timber for the West KentuckyCoal company Oeorgacowling iron

letropotia this mornlng and this afjernoon on her two regular trips

doIng a good busines-sDEPARTURESDick

IiFowler for

Cairo and all way landings this morqng at S oclock with a large freight

arid passenger list Joe Fowler torJvansvllle and way landings at 11

clock this morning doing a finebusIness City of Saltlllo for St

Loul yesterday morning Peters LeaCor Cincinnati and way landings Satur



We Are Installing Our

I New Mess Soda FountainAnd are badly torn up but we aro still serving the most delicious

Ice Cream Sherbets and Soda Waters ever bandied over la counter

Absolute purity clean workroom and service and the best materi ¬

als that money can buyJt Is on this we bund our fountain


The Bookand>DTT WILSON Music Man313 Broad war


Wantt Anything

in FireCome to this hard

ware store and get itWe have screen wirechicken wire fencei i

wire itove wire pic-


wire and all sortsof wire utensils for every use You will find themall of the tame high character as our other hard ¬

ware and as moderately priced We shall be gladto sell you a lot or a little as your needs may beRemember that now is the time to

Screen Your Housebefore the flies get in We have the largest stock ofSCREEN DOORS SCREEN WINDOWSand all

izes of SCREEN WIRE both black and galvanized

HAJISK BROS22 IlxopvlwayBoth Phones 1 A

r r4JlJl


day night Spraguo for LoitlsvlllSaturday tight with empties Joo pWilliams for Louisville yesterdamorning with empties Duquesnand J B Finley tot New Orleans

yesterday with big tows ot coaMargaret for T2<ansvlllo yesterdaafter a tow of cross ties for tho Aye

Lord Tlo company Lyda for Joppiwith a tow ot Tennessee river tiesRoyal for Golconda this afternoon at2 oclock with a lot of freight anda number of passengers GeorgiCowling for Metropolis this wornliifat 11 oclock and this afternoon atI430 doing a good business on bothtrips Clyde for Tile lower Ohio thisevening to unload and receive freightShe will return to the Tennessee Wed-

nesday nightThe John S Hopkins will be the

Evansville packet tomorrow morningThe IIw Buttorft will be In from

Nashville and war landings tomorrowafternoon and return at G oclock t-

Ithe evening On the trip of the Uuttorft Saturday evening there were 30roundtrip passengers from Nathvllliamong whom were James R Lovemanager ot the St Bernard Mlnlncompany of Nashville and family A

band of 60 gypsies with 25 horseand 8 wagons were turned loose InIthis city oft the Duttorff The gypsiespassengers rate IW ConJ 123450 C

came here from Clarksvllle Thepassenger rate on the Buttorff hitsbeen cut to compete with the Tynerline the J n Richardson The lowrate has been the means of makingpassenger travel on the Cumberlandirery Iarg0i ThQj n Richardson willbe In fromNaslivllo andwai land ¬

ings tomorrow afternoon and returnit C oclocw The J D has been do-



a heavy freight business out otthis port Doth the Cumberlandriver packets are fighting hard but Itseems that business Is good enoughto permit both boats to work the Cumberland

The >ilglr gbSEr> cif1eeji bout 201<

GxcurslohlsliDtS OoltbuUa tSesterdayand returned last evening at 030oclock There was a good bandaboard and the trip was most enjoy-able to all the excursionists TheFowler will confine to make Sundayexcursions oU of this port

The George Cowling carried severalhundred oxcuwlonlst between Metrop¬

oils and this city yesterday on threeround trips from Metropolis

The Reaper Is expected today fromthe mines at Caseyvllle with a towof coal for the West Kentucky Coalcompany and on her arrival the Bar¬

fester will make up a big tow of coaland leave for New Orleans The tripat the Harvester will be the first ship-ment of West Kentucky coal to NewOrleans by river

The Lyda came In port today fromfoppa and will tie up for several days

The American will get away thelatter part of this week for the Ten ¬

lessee after a tow of ties for CairoShe Is now having some light repairwork done

The Pavonla will return to theCumberland tomorrow after a tow ofties for the Ayer Lord Tlo com-

panyThe new gasoline boat Thistle

was given a try out yesterday and Itt thought by tho owners that theThistle will prove to be one of theattest pleasure crafts In tho local

harborCapt Young Taylor ot the Paducah

Dry Dock completed his new countryhome four miles out on the Hlnklevllle road Captain Taylor will moveInto his home In about two weeks1The house Is so arranged that It can-

e thrown open on all sides and Ithas six large rooms 104 feet of porch

rant and a large hall running theCull length of the hou-




Iollrc AakrJA Lplklor YouthsWhom BtftofC LuiTlflirumf >

Their VnfiHtHl

The policeare on tho lookout fortwo boys who ran away from home-

d are supposed to be In PaducahIrs T O Cassel Gil Hickory street

Stt Louis wrote to the police thather son Louis Casel 1C years oldIn company with Clyde Baker 17

ears old formerly of Paducah hadrun away from home Cassel Is de

crlbed as weighing 104 pounds 5

feet 2 Inches bight fair complexionCull face with Jewish nose and lighthair L

Clarence leTt 1C yeareold of Duquoin Jll another rnlbslng chapwho dceording to his father HPFord left home and started for la

ucah He fis supposed to have leftwith tho intention of going to theborne of B Wheellj 1031 Clark streetbut the police have been unable to-

ed the lad Holt wore n blue suittan shoes and wore a cap

Tits Evening SunbOc a Week


THE KENTUCKYThe Theatre Beautiful

M J FARNBAKEK Lessee and Manager

Monday Apr IJ1tto Saturday Apr 24

Afternoon and Evening

9 ==Stellar Mastodonic Specialties ==9-

5Elite Vaudeville Acts52 ReelsMotion Pictures De Luxe Reels 2

1 Illustrated Soja ==l ttlSpecial Vocal1 Number1-


and Biggest Vaudeville Bill Ever in Paducah



j1 >

George SmedleyPrince of Entertainer and Entertainer Princes in Classy Musical Solos and Funny Imitations

fcf 10k That Monologist and Premier Danseuse


x Cleone Pearl FellA Dainty Come dicnnbVcry Swell and Elegantly Gowned and Coiffured in Songs and Dances

L >yt-


AiiKII Hazel and HawkinsI Taming a Title-


Comedy Dramatici Sketchl in Which a Few Tears Mingle With a Broadside of Laughter




5 cj wBert E Melbern7 King Pini of MinstrelsyA Chocolate Drop A Laughing IitMi >Mftt

4 1 Max = Rover and French Etta u1 I w In Their Latest Humorous Skituht p

Laffs a Johnnys Visit = Laffs-n Quito Recent and Different From the Rest Singing Talking Dancing t


Illustrated SongCIA Little Bits a Whole Lot Better Than Nothing At All r EDWIN J ALLEN

fyl Y xf4 Moving Picture De Luxe

i 1 bjD TRVCTIOK OF POMPEIIj J A Magnificent Spectacular Reproduction By Ambrosio of an Historical Event 1085tFeetvUL ir1t r tii

Vocal Number V >IIJtl M1 SpecialIIeo h

ii i If I Had a tThousand Lives to Live NETTIE S FARNBAKERr



l t Movingt Picture De Luxe r Z-ttI VV OLIVER CROMWELL

° t r1j3-A


r Pathe Hand Colored Picture Depicting Incidents in the Career of tho Roundhead From the Battle of Nesoby to the Execution of King Charles I Jan 30 1649 1000 Feet

The Program of Motion Pictures De Luxe Illustrated and Special Vocal Numbers Will Bo Changed DailyWhile the Character of Acts Will Bo Changed Thursday


Prices of Admission Adults lOc Childen 5c Seats in Boxes 25c<

Regarding Children 1

The admission arms of 5 cents for children applies to those under 12 years of age the apparent ago and sizebeing a matter that will be taken into consideration as the line of demarcation between Adultand

Child All children that walk and talk or occupy seats must have tickets of admission the only exceptionbeing in case of Infants in Arms or Toddlers X




rvo t