Day 27 Checkerboard motif De’VIA 28 Day Challenge 2015 Day 27, CHECKERBOARD motif, resistance. Checkerboard symbolizes repetition, a pattern, can go crazy, nightmare, clone, seems to get lost abit, that sorta thing. Title: Missing link Brenda Boaz-Pond Digital art This checkerboard reminds me of Alice in wonderland. I had bad dream falling thru the tree hole and trying to escape from the Queen of hearts (Hearing people).

Day 27 Checkerboard motif e’VIA 28 ay hallenge 2015 · Day 27 Checkerboard motif e’VIA 28 ay ... on the checkered board also is a black silhouette of a figure with long ... Hands

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Day 27 Checkerboard motif De’VIA 28 Day Challenge 2015 Day 27, CHECKERBOARD motif, resistance. Checkerboard symbolizes repetition, a pattern, can go crazy, nightmare, clone, seems to get lost abit, that sorta thing.

Title: Missing link Brenda Boaz-Pond Digital art This checkerboard reminds me of Alice in wonderland. I had bad dream falling thru the tree hole and trying to escape from the Queen of hearts (Hearing people).

by .James Dugas

Isolation David Call Graphite James Dugas’ work gave me a vision of thousands of Deaf victims in isolation even though they are only few feet apart. Audiology/CI industrial complex made this happen. … Originally, I plan to draw checkerboard cells with my trademark Submission victims with their masks and gloves on but I saw James Dugas' artwork...wow! Powerful image of bland featureless figure...so his painting gave me an idea to do this way

King Me Karen Christie

The Strain of... P. Durr Assemblage Description - glass checkerboard over wooden box inside box sits a red haired doll with a sunflower dress on. Dolls hands are hidden in checkered pockets both eyes are closed. there is a light at the bottom and top of the box. There are small black and white copies pix of young girl with plaid patterned dress with hands in pocket on the checkered board also is a black silhouette of a figure with long wild hair with fists up running. In the box in the back on the left and right side there are report cards one highlights need to improve and the other highlights concentration problems may be due to the strain of listening being tiring.

Title: unknown Shawn Elfrink I felt I deserve to put this art becuz I feel that our BLOODY Green $$$$money$$$$$ to spend for CDC to accept the Mask Of Benovelence to damage our family by twisting and backstabbers by thru puppeting our minds to defend themselves. Possible we will have long hardship to recover in the deep ocean of orally waves.

"Untitled" Mixed Media 8x10 Also under TREE Motif day

"Repetition Hurts"

Bethaney Hall

8.5 by 11 drawing, black ink

These are words I hear everyday, not just to me but to the deaf community around me.

" Deaf Survivor in Genocide Oralism" Ellen Mansfield

"My Huge Pet Peeves" Laurie Monahan digital art Those two lines I HATE to "hear" from idiots!!! Yes, I am "borrowing" the "Scream" figure.


Roberta Rose

Which Identity by Nancy Rourke Checkerboard motif, resistance 18 inch by 24 inch oil on canvas This is a second series of Two Sides, the same girl with two different identities. The girl on the left has the Ear tokens. The girl on the right has the Eye tokens. Whoever wins, gets that identity. It is about the Deaf girl who is struggling or searching for her identity.


Tiffany Slieff

Color Pencils

around 3 feet by 2 feet


Description: Fire angelfishes are the repetition of me and my lifetime where I keep facing many different

common obstructs. The water partly symbolizes the mystery in the other world where I currently feel stuck,

and I am trying to keep fighting, keep swimming against the currents of life. I am still unsure whether or

not to listen to the river that it is actually time flow and learn how to ride the tide to new adventures.

I was challenged to do the tessellation assignment, and I poured my emotional feeling into this picture to

present in my class about the situation I had been going through.

Ironically, there are a lot of people finding this very beautiful enough to be blinded by the meaningful story

behind it, my mask. Perfect, it represents an abstract of blindness in my artwork.

'Hearing People' Later called Chatterbox Diane A. Squires Digital art

'Surrounded' Heidi Ren Storme Mixed media, digital overlay Atypical game board showing domination of the 'deaf power' by the medical perspective and sympathy. Ears on the kinged game pieces and a large mouth sucking in the eyes/opponents. Hands clinging are labeled culture and pride. Artist caveat, surrounded does not mean defeated smile emoticon fight the good fight!

"Deaf Shame" Darlene Weir Graphite pencil on sketch paper 9" X12" (Also under Day 19 mask) The title of this piece is "Deaf Shame". It shows the hardship of the Deaf having to hide who we really are. Being forced to communicate through speaking and signing with our hands. Suffering abuse if trying to go against what we are told to do. Making us feel shame for being Deaf and not fitting into what society considers "normal". No one see the tears and pain behind the mask. Alexander Graham Bell He was the biggest advocate to eliminate sign language. He only saw black and white and put the Deaf world on a confuse path.