Day 1 - s3.amazonaws.com · Day 1 Take a moment, go somewhere where you can observe the outdoors. Take 2 or 3 minutes and write down your observations just by looking around you at

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Page 1: Day 1 - s3.amazonaws.com · Day 1 Take a moment, go somewhere where you can observe the outdoors. Take 2 or 3 minutes and write down your observations just by looking around you at
Page 2: Day 1 - s3.amazonaws.com · Day 1 Take a moment, go somewhere where you can observe the outdoors. Take 2 or 3 minutes and write down your observations just by looking around you at

Day 1 Take a moment, go somewhere where you can observe the outdoors. Take 2 or 3 minutes and write down your observations just by looking around you at God’s creation. What are some things God has created that you take for granted? God is amazing. He spoke things into existence. That is power. He made the vegetation before there was even a sun to grow it. He set everything in its place and in its order. That should humble us. That should make us stand back with awe and wonder. Does it do that for you? Or have you taken this truth for granted? Ask that God would open your eyes to see his truths today. Read Genesis 1:1-25 As you read through this account of creation what are 3 observations you make about what God did? Next to each one, write why that observation is important.

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Page 3: Day 1 - s3.amazonaws.com · Day 1 Take a moment, go somewhere where you can observe the outdoors. Take 2 or 3 minutes and write down your observations just by looking around you at

What do we see about the power and character of God in this passage? Take a good look at God creating the animals. What are some key phrases that show us evolution is not the explanation for life on this earth? (Hint: 21, 25) What did God say about the things he created each day? What does that simple phrase mean? Explain it. What is one think you love that God created? Describe how that is good? Be thorough in your description. Prayer – Give thanks to God for 5 things he created for your enjoyment!

Page 4: Day 1 - s3.amazonaws.com · Day 1 Take a moment, go somewhere where you can observe the outdoors. Take 2 or 3 minutes and write down your observations just by looking around you at

Day 2 Take 3 minutes and describe yourself, inside and out. Give details. What are 2 observations you make about yourself form the list you created?

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“God does not make junk.” I have heard this phrase used by Christian musicians to encourage us to have a positive view of who we were created by God to be. I have heard this phrase used by a parent to encourage a child who doubts their abilities and existence on this planet. I have heard youth leaders share this to encourage teens that they are a valuable part of the Body of Christ. It is a great phrase that lets us know God created all of us with great purpose. As Psalm 139 says we are fearfully and wonderfully made, each day created for us even before a day came to be. “God does not make junk.” Do you believe that when you think of your life? Ask God to show you how special you are to Him as you read his word today. Read Genesis 1:26-31 How do you see man was created different than the rest of creation?

Page 5: Day 1 - s3.amazonaws.com · Day 1 Take a moment, go somewhere where you can observe the outdoors. Take 2 or 3 minutes and write down your observations just by looking around you at

How do you see that every person in the Trinity was engaged in the work of creation in verse 26? What does it mean that we are created in the image of God? How do we all reflect the character of God? In verse 31, God said man was very good after he created him. What does that mean that man was very good? What are things about how you are made that you really struggle with? How should reading these verses make you feel about those struggles? Prayer – Give thanks to God for 5 things in how He has made you personally.

Page 6: Day 1 - s3.amazonaws.com · Day 1 Take a moment, go somewhere where you can observe the outdoors. Take 2 or 3 minutes and write down your observations just by looking around you at

Day 3 How would you describe the Sabbath in your own words? Would you say you honor the Sabbath or dishonor the Sabbath in your own life? Explain your answer. God spent 6 days creating the world and all that fills it. He created the sun, moon and stars. He created the waters above and below. He created all the animals that fill the sky, sea and land. Lastly, He created man in his own image. He charged him with taking care of the earth and ruling it. This is the God we serve with our lives. Then God did something different on day 7, something that is to guide us in how we live and act as we serve Him. Ask God to teach you about honoring the Sabbath today. Read Genesis 2:1-3 What did God do on day 7? God does not get tired. What does it mean he rested? Why did he rest?

Page 7: Day 1 - s3.amazonaws.com · Day 1 Take a moment, go somewhere where you can observe the outdoors. Take 2 or 3 minutes and write down your observations just by looking around you at

God was setting an example for us, his creation and his chosen people. What example did God give us in resting? Why do we have a hard time resting? We make lots of excuses as to why we don’t honor the Sabbath day with rest. We forget these two verses that the God of the universe, who certainly doesn’t need rest took a rest, leaving us an example of how we are to live. What do the following verses say about how we are to honor the Sabbath day? Exodus 20:8-11 – Nehemiah 13:15-22 - Jeremiah 17:27 – How do you need to take more seriously the Sabbath day? PRAYER – Ask for help to rest and reflect on God and His Sabbath day.

Page 8: Day 1 - s3.amazonaws.com · Day 1 Take a moment, go somewhere where you can observe the outdoors. Take 2 or 3 minutes and write down your observations just by looking around you at

Day 4 In your opinion, what is one of the most amazing things that God has created? Why is it so amazing? What do you wish more people would understand about God as Creator? When you take time create something, you want people to honor, respect and take care of your creation. I can remember making a nice high tower with my special rods and blocks. It was a nice high structure. I told my sisters that nobody was to touch the tower or mess it up because it would fall. What do you think they did? That is right they wrecked it by touching it. I was mad and probably said and did some things I should not have. God made his creation special and he wanted it to be taken care of. Ask God to help you understand more and more His power and creativity. Read Genesis 2:4-17 Describe the creation of man in this chapter? What is amazing about this account? How do we see God providing everything the man would need?

Page 9: Day 1 - s3.amazonaws.com · Day 1 Take a moment, go somewhere where you can observe the outdoors. Take 2 or 3 minutes and write down your observations just by looking around you at

What were two things that were created special in the Garden? What was Adam told regarding these two trees? So there was only one tree that Adam could not eat from, but he could eat from everything else. How should this have been so freeing for Adam? What are ways this would be so tempting for Adam? What would happen if they ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil? What are things in this life that God has told you not to eat from, because that would be disastrous for you as a follower of God? PRAYER - Help to run away from sin and for strength in the face of temptation.

Page 10: Day 1 - s3.amazonaws.com · Day 1 Take a moment, go somewhere where you can observe the outdoors. Take 2 or 3 minutes and write down your observations just by looking around you at

Day 5 Who is a married couple that you think is amazing? Why are they amazing? Have we been created to be in relationships? Explain your answer. Most people hate to be alone. Even the shiest person craves human interaction to some degree. We have been created for relationships. Why? Because we are made in the image of God. God, as one of his attributes, is three in one. God is in relationship to Himself as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We are made in His image, so we are created to be in relationships. Today we look at a special relationship God would give to Adam. Ask God to open your eyes to His truths. Read Genesis 2:18-25 In verse 18, what does God say is not good regarding the man? What does God do in verses 19-20a? How could these help Adam in his loneliness?

Page 11: Day 1 - s3.amazonaws.com · Day 1 Take a moment, go somewhere where you can observe the outdoors. Take 2 or 3 minutes and write down your observations just by looking around you at

Yet in verse 20b we are told a helper fit for him was not found. How were animals not suitable helpers? What does God do in verses 21-22? What is Adam’s response when he wakes up and sees this beautiful woman? What is on his mind and in his heart as he looks at his wife? Verses 23 and 24 are popular verses used to encourage and challenge a couple that is about to get married. Why do you think they use these two verses? How would they challenge a couple as they look forward to their marriage? Think about everything up to this point in Genesis, how were things perfect for the man and woman in the Garden of Eden? PRAYER – Thank God for how he has created men and women in his image.

Page 12: Day 1 - s3.amazonaws.com · Day 1 Take a moment, go somewhere where you can observe the outdoors. Take 2 or 3 minutes and write down your observations just by looking around you at

Day 6 Describe your perfect place. What would you give it up for? Ask God to help you appreciate all you have been given as you read the Word. Read Genesis 3:1-13 Describe Satan from this passage. What big mistake did the woman make at first in verse 3? Compare her words with what God said in verse 2:16-17. What seeds of doubt was Satan planting in the mind and heart of Eve?

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What was the reason Even took the fruit in verse 6? How would this be an easy temptation to give in to? Adam, who heard the words of God before Eve was even created, didn’t stand up for what was true and right. He watched Even eat the fruit as Satan tempted her. He didn’t jump in. Why do you think he did nothing? What happened after they ate the fruit? How was their relationship with God impacted right away? What were the man and woman’s responses to their sin in verses 12 and 13? How do you blame others for your sin instead of taking ownership yourself? Prayer – Take time to confess your sin before the Lord. Be specific.

Page 14: Day 1 - s3.amazonaws.com · Day 1 Take a moment, go somewhere where you can observe the outdoors. Take 2 or 3 minutes and write down your observations just by looking around you at

Day 7 Name 3 sins that you have committed recently. Next to each sin write what the consequences of that sin were to you

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Why do we often not think about the consequences of our sin? As we are lying to save face, or surfing those inappropriate web sites, or listening to those trashy song lyrics, or talking dishonorably about our parents to our friends we are not thinking of the consequences of these sins. We are caught up in the moment, doing what we want and what feels good. It is not about God. It is all about us. We need to see that ALL our sin has consequences, either to ourselves or to the people in our lives. Yet many continue to live as if their sin does not matter because I “know” Jesus. It means we don’t have to think about our sin any more, right? Wrong! Ask God to open your eyes to your sin and help you grow in your faith as you read the Word today. Read Genesis 3:14-24 What were the consequences to Satan for his deceiving Eve in verses 14 to 15? How do we see Christ foreshadowed in verse 15?

Page 15: Day 1 - s3.amazonaws.com · Day 1 Take a moment, go somewhere where you can observe the outdoors. Take 2 or 3 minutes and write down your observations just by looking around you at

What were the consequences to Eve in verse 16? How is the 2nd consequence harder for women then and especially today? What were the consequences to Adam in verses 17 to 19? What do we see about God’s grace, mercy and provision in verse 21? How do these things foreshadow what Jesus would do for His people? What was the ultimate penalty for Adam and Eve in verses 22 to 24? How do we see in these last few verses that God takes man’s sin seriously? How does that make you think about your struggles with sin? Prayer – Confess your sin and ask for strength to not sin today.

Page 16: Day 1 - s3.amazonaws.com · Day 1 Take a moment, go somewhere where you can observe the outdoors. Take 2 or 3 minutes and write down your observations just by looking around you at

Day 8 What are three things you have done because you wanted to serve the Lord? What are three things you have done for God because you feel like you “have to do them”? There is a difference between the two. One is done almost for a reward while the other is done because we have a “real” relationship with God. Think about your home. How many times do you take out the trash, clean up your room, help with the dishes, shovel the snow, watch a brother or sister because you want to serve your mother and father because you love them? Everybody does, right? Sure! Most do these things because you must, often with a roll of the eyes, or a heavy sigh. Do you see the difference between the two? Often the things we do for God, we do with a roll of the eyes or a sigh. This should not be. We should do them because we love God. Ask Him to help you read and understand His Word as you read it today. Read Genesis 4 Describe Abel from this story. Describe Cain. Was the fruit Cain brought to the Lord bad? How do you know?

Page 17: Day 1 - s3.amazonaws.com · Day 1 Take a moment, go somewhere where you can observe the outdoors. Take 2 or 3 minutes and write down your observations just by looking around you at

What was wrong with Cain’s sacrifice? Cain had a wrong attitude. The sacrifice itself could have looked totally good, but he didn’t come with a humble and worshipful attitude. He came full of himself, his own pride and a sense of obligation and not worship. God called him out on it. When Cain gets angry because of what the Lord told him, what does God say to Cain in verses 6 and 7? How does Cain react to God’s words to just do well and you will be accepted? What was the penalty for Cain short term and long term? What wonderful thing happens to replace this tragedy to the first family in verses 25 and 26? What were Adam and Eve’s response? People started to call on the name of the Lord. Something Adam and Eve did in the Garden of Eden, something that hadn’t happened for a little while. What are ways you are calling on the name of the Lord? PRAYER – Take time to call on God’s name, praise him, thank him, and repent.

Page 18: Day 1 - s3.amazonaws.com · Day 1 Take a moment, go somewhere where you can observe the outdoors. Take 2 or 3 minutes and write down your observations just by looking around you at

Day 9 Describe the oldest person you have ever known? How old were they? How would you describe them physically, mentally, emotionally? If you were given 800 years to live what would you do with all that time? That would be a lot of vacations to go on. I might be able to do everything on my bucket list. But today we live considerably shorter lives, unlike the first generations of humans preceding the flood. It is hard enough for us to imagine living to be 100 let alone 800 or more years. Today we get a glimpse into the first generations of families that lived on the earth. Read Genesis 5 What important truths does God want to remind us about man in verses 1 and 2? Why are those important to always keep before us? What are some observations you make about the men listed in this family line?

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If you do the math, how many of his grandchildren do you think Adam got a chance to see and know? Why would that be incredible? What was different about the description and life of Enoch in verses 21-24? What are some things that set apart Enoch from everybody else? How do we see in Enoch’s life that God is in control in matters of life and death? What is Methuselah best known for? (Hint, has to do with age) Describe YOUR walk with God as it looks today. Be honest. PRAYER – God would show you how to walk closer with him.

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Day 10 If you were in charge, how would you deal with wickedness in the world? Explain your answer. Would you say you are patient or impatient with the evil around us? Why? If many of us were honest, we really want to go to a “nuclear” option in dealing with the wickedness of man. We would love to have them all be obliterated and let God separate them. We have no patience with wickedness. Now we are to hate evil but at the same time we need to be patient. Remember how you used to live in wickedness and you still do wicked things as a follower of Jesus and God is patient with you. Let that be the backdrop for our reading today. Men had grown in number and they were evil and engaging in evil activities. God had to do something. God would put an end to the creation that was made in His image. Ask for a heart of understanding as you read the Bible today. Read Genesis 6 In the previous chapter, we saw men lived to be as much as 969 years old. In the first three verses what does God say he is going to do about that and why? Look at verses 4 to 7 and 11 to 12. How did God describe mankind at that time?

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What does God want to do to man? What in verse 8 keeps him from following through on that action? How is Noah described in verses 9 and 10? In verse 13, God tells Noah what he is going to do? How do you think news like that might have impacted him at first? What does God ask Noah to do in verses 14 to 16? Why is this something that Noah would have done in faith, not trusting what he had seen or experienced? What promises does God make to Noah in verses 18 to 20? What does Noah do considering these promises according to verse 22? What is something you need to trust the Lord that he has asked or commanded you to do? PRAYER – For what you answered in the last question.

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Day 11 Describe the worst rain storm or flood that you have witnessed. How did that experience make you feel? From your knowledge of the flood account in Genesis, without reading it, how would you describe it to somebody? I can remember seeing pictures of a flood in New Jersey. A river near a used car lot had flooded. People were seen looking down at a bridge that had trees, garbage and a stack of cars slammed against that bridge. Floods are powerful. There is nothing man can do to stop them, only look helplessly as they destroy homes, property and sometimes even take lives. Today we continue to look at the account of the flood. Ask God to remind you of His important truths as you read the Word. Read Genesis 7 According to verse 1, why was Noah and his family saved when all other men would perish on the earth? We are saved because of righteousness. Are we saved because of our righteousness? Explain.

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What does 2 Corinthians 5:21 say regarding this issue? How many days was it going to rain in verse 4? What is significant about this number? (Read Matthew 4:1-2). There is a belief that it really didn’t rain on the earth up to that time. The earth produced a mist that watered the earth. So a rainstorm that would warrant a boat being built was inconceivable. According to verse 11, the flooding didn’t just come from the skies, but came also from under the earth. Both together caused the earth to be flooded. How do we see that it was God who was protecting Noah in verse 16? There are skeptics and even some “Christians” out there that try to say the Great flood was a localized flood and not over all the earth. When you read verses 17 to 23, how does this show that this was not just a localized flood? After 40 days of rain, how many days was there flooding? Why is that a “lot” of time to be on the boat? How does reading this story afresh encourage you in your faith and what new things have you learned? PRAYER – That God would enlarge your faith.

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Day 12 What are some things in life that you don’t get immediately but must wait for, but will be worth the wait? Write down 3 things. Why will they be worth the wait?

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What is my list of 3? It would be marring my wife. So many broken relationships and times when I thought I would be a bachelor forever. Yet after 20 years of marriage, I can honestly say she was worth the wait. Getting ordained as a pastor was a 17-year journey of seminary, written and oral exams. There were times when I doubted if I would become a pastor, but I can stand back now and say it was worth the wait. Then I look at my four awesome children. They did not come on the scene right away. We live in a day when people have children before they are married and there are so many messed up families and children because of it. I am glad I waited and had my kids in the order God wanted. They were worth the wait. Today we look at Noah as he waited. Ask God to help you see the ways you need to wait on Him as you read today. Read Genesis 8 What do we see about God in relation to Noah in verse 1? What does this show about God’s care and concern for His people? How did God provide for Noah and his family in their situation?

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How do we see God is in control of all things in this chapter? Noah was on the ark for close to a year. How did Noah show patience in waiting to leave the ark? In verses 15-17, what was the promise the Lord gave to Noah and his family when they came out of the ark? What is the first thing Noah did upon leaving the ark in verse 20? How does God respond in verse 21? Still, what does God say about the condition of man in verse 21? How do we see this intent of man in our world today? Man is totally sinful. We see that here and in Psalm 51 which says, we are sinful from birth. God knows this and He holds back from this kind of destruction. PRAYER – Praise God for his mercy and not giving us what we deserve.

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Day 13 What are some promises that people have made to you? How have they followed through on those promises? What is a promise that you have had a hard time keeping? Why is it hard? There are a lot of promises that are hard to keep. A parent who tells their child that they will always be there for them. A young couple who stands on the altar who makes a promise to each other and that there will never be any other as long as they both shall live. Or a person who tells God that they will never sin again. We make promises all the time. Promises are hard to keep. We struggle with being faithful to our word and our promise. Today we look at this in the life of Noah. Ask God for a heart of understanding as you read the Bible. Read Genesis 9:1-17 How do you know that men were vegetarians before the flood according to verses 1 to 3? Men were now permitted to eat meat. According to verses 1 to 3, how would that impact animals. What were the guidelines for eating meat in verses 4 and 5?

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Why should we value a man’s life according to verse 6? What are parts of the covenant God makes with Noah in verses 8 to 17? How long is this covenant to be in place? What is the sign of this covenant made with Noah? How has this symbol and sign been misused in our world and culture today? In verses 16 and 17, who is this covenant between? Name all parties. How does this covenant made with Noah point us forward to Jesus Christ? How is this ultimately fulfilled in the person of Jesus? PRAYER – Thank God for fulfilling the promises he has made to us.

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Day 14 What was the stupidest thing that you have ever done? What were the consequences of your action? The list of the stupidest things I have ever done is long. All of them come with some lofty consequences. When I first got my license, I got looking at some cute girls, while driving, and proceeded to take out a row of mailboxes and kept driving home. The cops were looking for my car all over the county. I did not get a ticket but the money to the fix the car was quite expensive. Then there was the time I got mad at my wife and I proceeded to call her “mom”. Ouch. That was not good. We say and do stupid things all the time. And usually we must deal with the consequences. Today we look at an incident of “stupidity” in the life of Noah. Ask God to help you see your “stupid” actions and words and to ask for help to stop doing or saying them. Read Genesis 9:18-29 Who were the men who came out of the ark? What thing did Noah do that was foolish in this passage? Why was it foolish? How did each of his boys react to the situation? Which ones acted admirably, and which one did not?

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Why do you think Shem and Japheth truly honored their father? What Ham did on the surface seems small and insignificant. How do we see that God saw this as a serious sin? How did God bless the two older brothers for their actions, immediately and for their descendants? How should this challenge your attitude regarding your own sin today? What do we learn about the character of God in this passage? PRAYER – Take time to confess your own sins before the Lord.

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Day 15 Trace your family line back as far as you know, name specific people and something about them. It is fascinating to look back on our family history. We find soldiers, painters, chiefs, pastors, criminals and the list goes on. And yet they are all part of our family history. They in a sense define who we are, at least as far as family name goes. Too many people don’t care about their history. They only care about the here and now. And we end up losing a piece of who we are, at least name wise. Today we look at a hard chapter to read, yet it is so important because God in his wisdom and plan decided he wanted this included in the pages of scripture. Ask God to challenge you in your faith as you read about the family of Noah.

Read Genesis 10 Why do we try to skip over chapters like this when reading the Bible? What attitudes does that reveal? As you read through this passage, who are some people or places that you recognize from your own knowledge? List them.

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How do you explain the fact that this chapter seems to say the people are spreading all over the world and are speaking different languages when the tower of Babel has not even happened yet? What is the author doing? What are we told about Nimrod in verses 8 and 9? What mighty nations descend from him in the following verses? This chapter is full of names of people we have no idea who they are or what they did. So why does God have them written down? What ways does this encourage us or challenge us in our faith? As God’s children we are significant even if nobody knows who we are. PRAYER – Thanks to God for making us a valuable part of his family.

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Day 16 What is something that you have accomplished in your life of which you are very proud? Why are you proud about that accomplishment? Did you give thanks to God for that accomplishment? Why or why not? I love the beginning scenes of Cars where Lightening McQueen ties in the final race because he does not get his tires changed. His crew chief is so mad at him. And when being interviewed, he does not acknowledge his pit crew at all, but he takes all the credit. In fact, he tells them in so many words, that all you do is give me gas. He can find that anywhere. He takes the credit and his pit crew quits. We often have that same attitude towards our accomplishments, leaving God out in the planning and execution and certainly with the finished product. This should not be. Today we look at the people at Babel. Ask God to open your eyes to see his truths and how to apply them today. Read Genesis 11 This chapter picks up after chapter 9 as far as the narrative is concerned. How would you describe man at this point in time? What was the idol of the people?

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What do we see here about the power of God? Who is the “us” in verse 7? What does this show us about the Trinity? Reread Genesis 1:28. How were the people going against what God wanted by building Babel? How is God fulfilling his own desire for man? Where is the curse of God confusing the languages of man reversed? (Hint: read Acts 2:1-4) How is it reversed? This list of names is interesting. The line of Christ is traced throughout scripture. It went through Adam to Abel to Noah to Shem and to Abram. What are some observations of this list of names? What is God’s purpose in including it? What is God setting up? PRAYER – Give thanks to God for his perfect plan and for His chosen people.

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Day 17 Describe how God called you to be His child? What is amazing to you as you think about your story? In every one of our stories of faith, we are faced with a God who pursued us, saved us, and who continues to work in our lives despite our weaknesses, many moments of rebellion. God did not wait until I had everything together and then he called me. No! He called me during my rebellion, when I was doing things to satisfy my sin. He inserted himself into my story and altered the ending. He gave me hope through faith in Jesus Christ. God did that work, not me. How humbling! How gracious! I did not get what I deserved. Today we look at the story of Abraham. Ask God to encourage you in your faith journey as you read about Abraham’s. Read Genesis 12 According to verse 1, how does God’s call to Abram require great sacrifice? What is God’s promise to Abram in verses 2 and 3? Armed with all this information, what did Abram do?

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Abram traveled in a foreign land, what promise did God give Abram in verse 7? What does Abram do upon hearing God’s promise? Abram was not perfect. He leaves for Canaan, but how do we see that he still feared men according to verses 10-20? What do we see about the power and character of God in this section of scripture especially when it comes to protecting his people and providing for their physical needs? In what ways have you seen God guide you, protect you and provide for you in your faith journey? Be specific. PRAYER – Give thanks for the things God has done in your life.

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Day 18 Would you consider yourself a selfish or selfless person? Explain your answer. Now we can all be a little bit selfish. What are some things you can be selfish about or better yet what are things in which you need to get your way in? What am I selfish about? Hmmmm! My time, desserts, using a fan when I sleep, keeping a clean house, eating the dark meat of the bird and the list goes on. I always like looking at the center letters of “sin” and “pride”. It is the letter “I”. True, true. It is about us, what we want, how we want, where we want. I, I, I, I. Ask God to help you think about and deal with your selfishness, and to live selflessly as you read the Word. Read Genesis 13 In the first few verses, what are ways in which we see God blessed Abram and his family? What started to happen between Abram and Lot?

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How does Abram show a humble and selfless attitude? How is Lot the opposite of Abram in verses 10 and 11? What kind of people were around Lot according to verses 12 and 13? How was this fitting for the attitude Lot showed? In verses 14 to 17, how does the Lord reaffirm his promise to Abram? What does he say to him? How does God show Abram this isn’t a far-fetched promise? How does he physically show him that his promise to Abram is real? What does Abram do as a result of getting God’s promise reaffirmed? How have you personally experienced God’s promises? PRAYER – Give thanks for God’s promises to His people.

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Day 19 If somebody was to ask you to describe war, how would you describe it? What is wrong with war? What is sometimes necessary about war? William Sherman a commander for the north during the Civil War coined the phrase, “War his hell”. There is no picture of hell that is positive. We see pictures of darkness, disaster, death, suffering and the list of feelings and emotions goes on. This is war. It is not good. It hurts people and relationships. It destroys many different things. Yet, sometimes war is necessary to stop evil and protect people. It is still horrible even in those situations. Today we look at the idea of war. Ask God to give you a teachable heart. Read Genesis 14 How has war touched the family of Abram? How would you summarize what is happening in verses 1 to 16? Again, how does Abram show a selfless attitude towards a selfish man?

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Melchizedek was an important person first mentioned here. What did he do for Abram that was so important? Melchizedek foreshadowed Jesus Christ. Read Hebrews 7:1-3, 15-19. How did this king who met Abram and blessed him and provided him foreshadow Jesus Christ and what he would do for his people? In verse 20 what was Abram doing by giving Melchizedek a tenth of everything? In verses 21 to 24, how did Abram show that he trusted the Lord and not the power and strength of man? How does he want to stay pure before the Lord? How are you trusting or tempted to put your trust in stuff or people? What do you need to do to gain victory over that temptation? PRAYER – Ask for strength in what you just wrote above.

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Day 20 What is the greatest promise somebody has ever made to you? Did they keep the promise or not? Explain. The greatest promise someone ever made to me was my wife when she said I would be the only man for her until death does us part. She chose me. I am not always nice, kind or selfless. I have major flaws. I don’t always love or care for her. And yet she stands by that promise. Amazing. Today we see a critical chapter in Genesis that deals with the promise God has been making all along to Abram. This promise was important for Abram, his family that came after him and us today. Let us consider carefully God’s Word. Ask Him to encourage you in your faith as you read the Bible today. Read Genesis 15 What promise does God give to Abram in verse 1? How do we see that Abram is beginning to doubt God’s promises to him in verses 2 to 3? How did God answer Abram’s doubt in verses 4 and 5? How does Abram respond to God’s promise even though he had no proof?

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What does it mean that God credited Abram’s belief as righteous? What was Abram showing in his belief? (See Hebrews 11:1) Abram had one other doubt. What was it? (See verses 7 and 8). Summarize how God answers this doubt in verses 9-19. What are the different events that God foreshadows in verses 13-16? Why is that so incredible when you think about it? What does it mean God made a covenant with Abram? In a covenant two parties make a pact with each other and both make sacrifices to keep that promise. God, in making this covenant with Abram does all the sacrificing. He assumes the responsibility of making this come to pass. What an incredible act of love for Abram and his future people. PRAYER – Give thanks for God’s promises in your life and how he has provided for your every need.

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Day 21 What would be some promises you would have a hard time believing or trusting? What is a promise or two of God that you have had a hard time trusting or believing in your life? Is that God’s fault or yours? Think carefully and explain. Sometimes it is hard to trust God’s promises to us. We don’t believe he will give us the words to say to the non-Christian who asks us about our faith. We don’t believe that he could forgive us of that horrible sin we committed. During a difficult situation we have a hard time believing he is there with us. Is that God’s fault? No! That is our own sinfulness, our own selfishness, our own inadequacies. God never wavered. We did. Ask God to strengthen your faith as you read his promises today. Read Genesis 16 Why did Abram start to doubt the promise God made that he would have a child? How did Abram give in to his wife’s doubts, thus showing his own doubt?

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What was the result for Abram’s family in verses 4 to 6 for not trusting the Lord? What does this show us about when we try to take things into our own hands and not trust the Lord? What is something you have tried taking into your own hands to “help” God along? How did it work out for you? How does God provide for Hagar and her future family? If Ishmael is not the promised son of Abraham, what does it mean that he would be great? Ishmael would be a great and wicked nation. He would represent the people that would oppose God’s people. Now Abram was 86 years old when Ishmael was born. He was not the child of promise. The child promised would come when Abram would be 100 years old, 14 years later. We will read more tomorrow. PRAYER – Ask God to help you to trust him in the areas in which you doubt Him.

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Day 22 How do you know you can trust somebody who makes a promise to you? What would be the qualities you would look for? 13 years have passed since Ishmael was born. Where was Abraham’s promised son? How was the promise going to be fulfilled? He was 99 years old, well past the prime for having children. Today we see God’s promise for many years begin to unfold. Ask God to remind you of important truths from His Word as you read it today. Read Genesis 17 In what ways does God reaffirm his promises to Abram in verses 1 to 8? What are some key words in this promise that show we were in mind when this promise was made to Abram? In verses 9 to 13, what would be the sign that you were one of God’s people? Who? When? For how long is it to be observed? Describe circumcision as a sign of being part of God’s family? What would be the penalty if a boy or man wasn’t circumcised according to verse 14? What does this show us about God?

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What does God do in verse 5 and 15 to Sarai and Abram? What do their new names signify according to the verses? What is Abraham’s reaction to God’s promise in verses 17-18? What does God say about Abraham’s 2 sons in verses 19 and 20? What does Abraham do in verses 23 to 27 to show that he and his whole household were God’s chosen people? Think about your own life. How do people know that you are one of God’s chosen people? PRAYER – Ask God to show you ways to live out your faith before the world.

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Day 23 What is something true somebody told you, but you couldn’t believe it because it was so unbelievable? Why couldn’t you believe it? Why do people doubt unbelievable things that are true? A child picking up a tractor to help a parent pinned underneath. A snake wrapping up and swallowing a water buffalo. Airplanes purposely flown into towers making them fall to the ground. All these are things that were true, and yet many people thought that they were unbelievable. Until they saw the video footage or heard the news report. As people we need to see to believe. That is just the way we are wired. Today we see an episode in the life of Abraham and Sarah that was hard for them to believe. Ask God to grow your faith as you read His word. Read Genesis 18:1-15 Describe the 3 men who appear to Abraham in this passage? What does Abraham do when these men appear? How does this challenge us on how we show hospitality to other people?

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Abraham heard several times he was going to have descendants that were more numerous than the stars in the sky. Those descendants would come physically through him and Sarah, not Hagar’s child. As you read this passage would you say that Abraham and Sarah believed this promise or had their doubts? Why was the promise so unbelievable to them? When questioned on why she laughed Sarah lied and said she didn’t laugh. She was afraid. Why was she afraid? This is the pre-incarnate Christ that appears. How do you see this is Jesus? What are two promises in scripture you have a hard time believing or trusting? Why do you have a hard time believing them?

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PRAYER – Pray God would help you in your unbelief and strengthen your faith.

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Day 24 What is something that you have wanted, that you had to haggle or barter to get? (Think of teachers, parents, or shopping). What did you have to give up to get it? What did the other person have to sacrifice so you could get it? Why do these actions show us about us: our desires and hearts? When we really want something, we are willing to do lots of different things: take out the trash for a month, do dishes for a week, wash the dog, weed the garden for the summer, not fight with a sister or brother and the list goes on. We make these deals, bartering for something we really want. And if we really want it bad, we are willing to offer some big things. This shows what is important to us. How much would you be willing to give up to get something you really wanted? Today we look at Abraham bartering for the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. Ask God to teach you truth from the Bible today. Read Genesis 18:16-33 Think of how Abraham questioned the LORD, how did he show honor, respect and awe for who God is in his questioning? How did God respond to each of Abraham’s questions?

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Sodom and Gomorrah were very wicked, deserving to be wiped away. What do we see about Abraham’s compassion for people, even wicked people? What was Abraham really concerned about? Does God change His mind? It seems like it from this conversation. How do we explain this? God doesn’t change his mind. God knows the beginning from the end. He knew he was going to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. Abraham got to share his heart with God. God knew that there were not 10 righteous people in Sodom. How do you think Abraham’s faith grew through this exchange with the Lord? Do you pray often and for all things? How has that impacted your faith? If not, why? PRAYER – Pray for the wicked in your neighborhood, city, state and country.

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Day 25 List the wickedness we see in our society? Write all that comes to your mind. What do you observe about your list? Murder, rape, unnatural relationships and marriages, child abuse, cheating, manipulation, hatred, no compassion, disunity, distrust, and that is only from the last week. In the age of instant information and even pictures and videos we get to see the wickedness all around us at home and throughout the world. I know it really makes my heart grieve and sick. It often leaves me feeling powerless, overwhelmed and angry. I want to strike back at evil people at times. Other times I just want to sit back and ask God, “When? When are you going to come back and end it all?” This evil is not new though. Today we look at how wicked Sodom and Gomorrah had become. Ask God to impact your faith and life as you read His scriptures today. Read Genesis 19:1-29 How would you describe the people living in Sodom and Gomorrah? The two angels, who were with Abraham, arrived in the wicked city. What do we see about the power and authority of these messengers of the LORD?

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How many righteous people were found in this city? How did Lot and his family have a hard time leaving this wicked city? What got them to leave? What happened to Lot’s wife? How does this show us that we need to take seriously every word God gives to us? What are commands in the Bible you don’t take that seriously? Why not? God provided for faithful Abraham and selfish Lot? List the ways in which God has provided for you? PRAYER – Give thanks for God’s provision that you listed above.

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Day 26 What are 2 stories you have read in the Bible that make you go, “Yuck”? Why do you react that way?

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Yet, they are in the bible. Why do you think that is? David chopping off Goliath’s head and carrying it around for a time. Was it not enough to just bring back the sword, show it to the Philistines and Israelites and call it a day? Or the people as they were walled up in Jerusalem, their water and food supplies cut off and they start boiling their children and eating them. I can’t imagine. Those are just two that can make you a little squeamish. Yet, God in his wisdom and knowledge decided it was important to have those stories in the scriptures to teach his people for all time important truths about Him, us and what it means to follow Him. Today, we come to one of those hard stories. Ask God to help you see his truth in this story and how you can apply them to your life. Read Genesis 19:30-38 How would you summarize this story in your own words? What are words you would use to describe Lot and his daughters?

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Was there anything honorable in what they did? What and why? What was dishonorable or sinful? How did this act factor into God’s ultimate redemptive plan for his people? Look at verse 37 and take a guess. Read Ruth 1:3-5 and 4:9-10; 21-22. After reading these verses, what do we see about how God used the immoral, questionable act of Lot’s daughters? Who came about because of the Moabites? Now read Matthew 1:5-16. Why do we look at this genealogy while reading about Lot’s daughters? God’s plan is perfect. The oldest daughter’s son would be the father of the Moabites. Those people would give us Ruth who would marry Boaz and ultimately lead to King David who would bring us Christ. God is amazing! How does this encourage you about God and his plan for your life and our chaotic world? PRAYER – Give thanks for God’s perfect plan to redeem you and His people.

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Day 27 What is something that you might lie about out of fear? Why would you be afraid in that situation? What are ways you have a hard time trusting the Lord? If the lives of my wife or children were in danger and physical harm seemed imminent, I know I would struggle with trusting God in that situation and I might lie to save them. I know when I have sinned and that sin was found out, either as a youth or as an adult, I have conjured up a lie in my head to be ready to share to escape punishment and consequences. Gladly, I owned up to my mistake in most cases, but it was a struggle, because we don’t like to be punished. Today we look at yet another case in the life of Abraham where he had a hard time trusting the Lord. Ask God to show you your heart and faith as you read this account in the Bible. Read Genesis 20 How were Abraham and Sarah showing that they feared man in this passage? How did God show mercy to Abimelech and his family in verses 3 to 7?

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Why were Abimelech and his people afraid? How di Abraham try to justify his decision to lie? Why do we often try to justify our sin? What are some lies in history that seemed “okay” in the grand scheme of things? Were the lies okay? Explain. We need to trust God ALL THE TIME. Do you trust God to protect you or are you trying to take matters into our own hands? Abraham didn’t trust God, yet God used the situation to grow him in his faith. He learned God looked out for him, worked in and through Him. He needed to trust God in all things. What do we see about the power, justice and mercy of God in verses 17 and 18? What does this show us about God? PRAYER – Ask God to help you trust Him in difficult situations you are facing.

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Day 28 What are 2 of your favorite promises in the Bible? Next to each promise, write why it is meaningful to you.

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How have you seen God’s promises come true in your life? I love the promise of God that as we share God’s Word that it bears fruit and does not return empty and void. I have seen that so many times in my life and ministry. I have seen it in people who have come to faith in Jesus as they heard the life changing words of the scriptures. I have seen it as someone confesses a sin, they did not know was a sin, and then see them grow in their faith. I have seen it as people realized things they needed to do to serve Christ and His church. I have seen it in my life. Inevitably as I read God’s word, I get opportunities to share what I read with someone. It is awesome to see. Ask God to help you to read and understand His word today. Read Genesis 21 What is amazing about God’s promise to Abraham and Sarah as you read verses 1 to 7? What kinds of emotions and thoughts do you think Abraham and Sarah had to deal with in waiting for the Lord to give them their child of promise?

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What does this show us about their humanity and their faith in God? Abraham had a horrible decision to make regarding Hagar and Ismael. What made his decision easier according to verses 11 to 13? How did God follow through on the promise that he made to Abraham regarding Ishmael? What do reading these promises show you about the character, power and plan of God in the lives of his people and the people of the world? How do reading these promises give you hope in your own life? PRAYER – Ask for hope as you think about your future and God’s promises.

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Day 29 What is something valuable you have had to give up? Why did you have to give it up? It is hard giving up something that is dear to us? How can those things become idols? The movie Maleficent gives us a different picture of Aurora and the evil queen. We see her tragic back story. Aurora’s father befriended Maleficent and in his quest for power, to become king, he cuts her wings while she sleeps and has them locked up, an act that got him to become the next king. In his quest to keep his throne, he became obsessed with building a defense to keep Maleficent from coming and getting her wings back. This idol led to a bad relationship with Aurora, paranoia and ultimately led to his death. We need to deal with the idols of our lives, even the ones that seem so good. Abraham longed for a son. Isaac could have become an idol to Abraham. Today we see if that was the case or not. Ask God to reveal the idols of your heart as you read the Bible today. Read Genesis 22 What promise from the Lord did Abraham wait many years for? Several years later, what does God ask Abraham to do with his son? How does Abraham react to God’s request in verses 3 and 4?

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What are some things in verses 5 to 8 that indicate Abraham believed he would not have to kill his son or that somehow his son would be resurrected? What do we see about the obedience of Abraham, in this hard situation? How does God provide for Abraham? How does God reiterate his promise to Abraham in verses 15 to 18? There are many things in this story that point us to Jesus. What are at least 3 things that point us to Jesus in this account?

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It is neat to read in the Old Testament, in stories like Abraham, and see that God was pointing us to our need for Jesus Christ. Jesus would be the ram in the thicket hat would be sacrificed in our place. God’s plan is awesome! How does this story encourage you in your faith and walk with Jesus Christ? PRAYER – Praises for who Christ is. Think of his attributes and give thanks.

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Day 30 Where do you want to be buried when you die? Explain your ideal place. Why is this something you have or have not really thought about? I know such a morbid question. Who wants to think about death? There is a part of me that struggles with that question. Do I want to be buried near my family in New York, or does my family get a plot in Pennsylvania where I live? What if I am not in ministry in Pennsylvania the rest of my career then where will that family plot be? I think about those things. Then there is the other side of my that says bury me wherever because I am going to be in heaven, and I won’t care where my physical body is because I will be in the presence of the Lord. My wife and children can do whatever they want, just don’t put me in a jar on the mantel in the living room. That would be weird. Ask God to help you apply His Word to your life as you read today. Read Genesis 23 Sarah dies. Abraham’s wife. Abraham’s sister. Abraham’s partner. What does it say about him upon the death of his wife? Abraham didn’t have land of his own to bury his wife. What does he do to get property to properly bury her?

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How do we see even in the death of Sarah that God provided for every need of Abraham and his family? How do we see that Abraham built a good reputation among the people he had lived with as an alien and stranger? How would you summarize the life of Sarah based on all that you studied in the last several chapters of Genesis? How would you summarize the life of Abraham? What are 3 things you have learned in these first 25 chapters of Genesis that you need to apply to your life?

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PRAYER – Give thanks to God for those lessons you have learned.