B IBLE S TORY Jesus Chose Matthew (Matthew 9:9-13) T HEME V ERSE I know that God started a good work in me and He will complete it. Philippians 1:6 (paraphrase) M OVE T OGETHER - Put on a hard hat and welcome kids to VBS. - Share that concrete is a mixture of cement, water, and gravel that hardens. Ask kids to stand in a circle. - Explain that kids should move and wiggle in place until you say "concrete," when kids should freeze in place. - Share that a crane is a machine with a swinging arm that raises and lowers heavy loads. - Invite kids to put one arm out as if it were a crane. Instruct kids to lift their arms if you put your thumb up and move them down if you put your thumb down. - Repeat the action several times. I NTRODUCE THE B IBLE S TORY - Invite kids to sit in a circle. - Show a bolt, washer, and nut. Explain that a washer is a round piece of metal that construction workers use in between a bolt and a nut. - Comment that the washer is round and thin like a coin. Say: "This washer reminds me of today's Bible story." - Distribute a washer to each child around the circle and explain that people use money to buy things. - Continue around the circle and give each child a second washer. - Say: "Once you have money, you also have to pay a tax. A tax is what pays for the government. So, now it is time to pay your tax." - Take one washer back from each child. B OTTOM L INE Jesus chooses to love me. I can't earn it. DAY 1 F OUNDATION OF L OVE

DAY 1 F OF LOVE...other people?" When Jesus heard this, He let them know that He came to show God's love for everyone. - Tell kids that the Bible story reminds us that God and Jesus

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Page 1: DAY 1 F OF LOVE...other people?" When Jesus heard this, He let them know that He came to show God's love for everyone. - Tell kids that the Bible story reminds us that God and Jesus

BIBLE STORYJesus Chose Mat thew (Mat thew 9:9-13)

THEME VERSEI know that God started a good work in me and He w ill complete it . Philipp ians 1:6 (paraphrase)

MOVE TOGETHER- Put on a hard hat and welcome kids to VBS.- Share that concrete is a mixture of cement , water, and gravel that hardens. Ask kids to

stand in a circle.- Explain that kids should move and w iggle in p lace unt il you say "concrete," w hen kids

should freeze in p lace.

- Share that a crane is a machine w ith a sw inging arm that raises and lowers heavy loads.- Invite kids to put one arm out as if it were a crane. Inst ruct kids to lif t t heir arms if you

put your thumb up and move them dow n if you put your thumb dow n.- Repeat the act ion several t imes.

INTRODUCE THE BIBLE STORY- Invite kids to sit in a circle. - Show a bolt , washer, and nut . Explain that a washer is a round p iece of metal that

const ruct ion workers use in between a bolt and a nut . - Comment that the washer is round and thin like a coin. Say: "This

washer reminds me of today's Bib le story." - Dist ribute a washer to each child around the circle and explain

that people use money to buy things.

- Cont inue around the circle and g ive each child a second washer. - Say: "Once you have money, you also have to pay a tax. A tax is

what pays for the government . So, now it is t ime to pay your tax."- Take one washer back from each child .

BOTTOM LINEJesus chooses to love me. I can't earn it .


Page 2: DAY 1 F OF LOVE...other people?" When Jesus heard this, He let them know that He came to show God's love for everyone. - Tell kids that the Bible story reminds us that God and Jesus

SUPPLIES & PREP- Bib le- Bib le Story Picture # 1 - Hard hat- Tool belt or apron- Marker- Masking tape- Bolt- Washer- Nut- Large washers (2 per


SAFETY ALERT- Use caut ion w ith

younger preschoolers when using the bolt , washer, and nut . These can present a choking hazard.

- Use large washers to d ist ribute to the kids.

TELL THE BIBLE STORY- Explain that today's Bib le story is about a tax collector, a man

who gathered money from the people to g ive to the

government . Share that some tax collectors were honest , but some of them took (or stole) ext ra money from the people.

- Ask kids to p lace their washers on the ground in front of them.

- Open the Bib le to Mat thew 9 and tell t he story.


Mat t hew 9:9-13

Jesus saw a man named Mat thew sit t ing at a tax booth. Mat thew

was a tax collector. Many people d id not like tax collectors because somet imes they would steal money. But Jesus loved Mat thew anyway.

He said to Mat thew, "Follow Me." So, Mat thew got up and followed Him.

W hile Jesus and His d iscip les (helpers) were eat ing at Mat thew 's house, many tax collectors, and other people w ho d id w rong things,

came to eat w ith them. W hen some teachers saw this, they asked Jesus' d iscip les, "W hy does Jesus eat w ith tax collectors and these

other people?"

W hen Jesus heard this, He let them know that He came to show God's love for everyone.

- Tell kids that the Bib le story reminds us that God and Jesus love everyone.

- Encourage the children to say the words w ith you.

- Say: "Jesus chooses to love me. He chooses to love you."

- Say: "Jesus loves_____? insert ing each child 's name in the statement .

REVIEW THE BIBLE STORY- Disp lay Bib le Story Picture # 1 and ask: "W hy d id Jesus eat at

Mat thew 's house?"

- Help kids understand that Jesus loved Mat thew.- Place the hard hat upside dow n in the middle of the circle.- Ask kids to take turns and name something from the story as

they toss a washer into the hat . If needed, allow kids to step closer and drop the washer in the hat .


Page 3: DAY 1 F OF LOVE...other people?" When Jesus heard this, He let them know that He came to show God's love for everyone. - Tell kids that the Bible story reminds us that God and Jesus

LEARN THE BIBLE VERSE - Open the Bib le to Philipp ians 1:6 and say the paraphrase: I know that

God started a good work in me and He w il l complete it . - Verse Mot ions

- ?I Know? (use pointer f inger and point to your b rain)

- ?That God" (point to t he sky)- ?Started a good work? (make a runners pose)

- ?In me? (point to yourself )- ?And he w ill complete it ? ( t humbs up) - Philipp ians 1:6 (hold your hands l ike a book)

BONUS ACTIVITY - NAME AND COUNT- Invite kids to stand in a circle.

- Stand in the middle and name something that can be counted in the circle, such as: g irls, boys, kids wearing b lue, kids w ith b lond hair, feet .

noses, eyes, shoelaces, p inkies, and so forth.- Point to each item and ask kids to count along w ith you. - Invite the f inal child counted to change p laces w ith you. A llow him to

stand in the middle and name another item to be counted. - Remind kids how Jesus chose to love a tax collector, a man w ho

counted money.- Share how Jesus chooses to love each child , no mat ter w hat she

wears or the color of her hair.