We have a large assortment of THE OEQCRATIC PRESS $1.15. -:- - Buy the Best, and Enjoy Living! DOffWIE--IHDARKNESS- ! RAV ENNA..-WEDNE9DA- July S6t'93 DRIED HMD FRUITS Masurie's R.S. Paint A soft hat fits a swelled head. WATER WHITE OIL So, PER GALLON. A 5 Gallon Can, with Pump, filled with Water White Oil for $1.00. H. F. Caris has just burned a kiln of 400.000 OYSTERS, CELERY, CANNED FRUITS, EVAPORATED " IMPORTED SARDINES, ORANGES, BANANAS, OLIVES, FINE CANDIES, NUTS, &c, &c. bricks. We offer one $7,50 Tricycle for $3.75. A good chance . Born, to Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Livingston, Mon TJADT'Q drug HilA 1 O STORE Opera House Block. to make a little girl's heart rejoice. day morning, a daughter. Which we are offering: at popu Superintendent Merrill and famiiy returned from tbe Exposition last Friday . lar prices. We have Bargains in some of these Goods, not to Mrs. E. Truman spent three days in Troy Veterinary Physician and Surgeon. office in store. be found elsewhere. Qeauga county, returning home Monday.; Furry & Seymour. Miss N, E. Powers, of Youngstown, is visiting We now have a full line oi the Mrs. F. P. Chapman. Wash Bowl and Pitcher, 65c. and up. Rockingham Pitchers, all sizes. MASON FRUIT JARS, both Flint and Common Glass. Extra Rubbers for same. We have Rubbers for Small Mouthed Pint Jars. Sealing Wax. JELLY GLASSES See them before you buy. Water Sets 65c. and up. Fruit Dishes Beauties at 24c. Covered, 29c. Engraved Spoon Holders, new pattern, 15c. Mrs. Ada Fisher, of Mansfield, is the guest of D T'TCTCa TsflG cm" od ee me. Mrs. A. N. Loveland. 9"without ccst. celebrated Chss I Mm Teas ! .Business at the Enapp Pump and Porch Col ladies SAJTlUEl, SIJT1PSON. Frazer Block. Ravexva. Ohio. Board of Health meets tonight. B. Howland, Esq,, is in Cleveland today. Miss Bose Morath is visiting in Pittsburgh. Chan Ting went to Allegheny yesterday. umn Works is reported brisker than usual. (1279-3- 6. W. Gockel and family have returned from their western trip. Prof. E. Truman was in Cleveland yesterday. B. & O. WRECK ! J. S. SMITH fc SON Mrs. Catharine Offioer. of Philadelphia. Pa., is LA51PS!-Regu- lar price, $4.00 or $5.00 Reduced to .SOI-Q- l Millinery D. E. Rogers, Esq.. of Alliance, is in Ravenna visiting with her nephew, E. P. Merts, this week, Grocers and Confectioners. on professional business. FOB TOUR Miss Pearl Myers, of Mogadore, is visiting her Spreading: Bails Cause a Terri Don't fail to get one J of those nice Ice Wool CALL OM sister. Miss Alice Myers. Shawls at Converse's, at cost. E. Enapp went to Garretteville yesterday, for Mrs. Mattie Bartlett Clements returned to Trimmed Hata and Bonnets Bold regardless of ble Accident to a Worlds Fair Excursion Train Yesterday Morning. a few days visit. GO S- E- her home in East Liverpool yesterday. Coat. Untrimmed Hats and Children's Sailors Miss Cora LeMoigne. of Garrettnville, is the LeinpellJ Holden All the latest things in SAILOR HATS TRIMMED HATS marked down. from ICo. pp. Shirt Waists in great variety. from Miss Jennette Geigar. of Pittsburgh, is visit - guest of Mr and Mrs J. C. Goodenough. Uo- - op. We have added to our large aasortm ent ing relatives and friends in Bavenna. A IiOnsr List of Vlctimn. Tii fab ii. fti Truman and family, of Garrettsville, of Cqyaeta the M.C.FRENCH WOVEN COR All Center Draft, and BEAUTIES! Everything in Tin Ware! AT LOWEST PRICES. Don't buy till you see our Goods, Eight Cup Gem Pans, 10c. Dinner Pails, Milk Pans, Oil Cans. Ten Quart Sprinklers 44c, with Patent Screw Zinc Founts. Tea and Coffee Pots from 10c. up. AGATE WARE. Six regular 30c. Brooms for $1.25. Picnic Plates, Pocket Knives. HAMMOCKS regular 90c.f $1.00, aud $1.10. at 69c 75c, 80c, and 90c. Woven Cotton Hammocks AT COST. Robert E. If you want tbe best Carpet Sweeper ever visited Kavenna friends over Sunday. made, go to Converse's this week. SET-- ; extra long waist. It will pay yon to see them. Don't forget we have those elegant Sum of Whom are Thought to be Fatally Injured, Is on top, as you can C ; Mrs. i A. VanNess.went to Galesburgh. B, M, Booerts is building a new residence on mien., last Friday. Makes suits that fit you like a T, mer Corset. MRS. A. H. PARSONS Regardless of Cost SILK GLOVES, PERFUMERY, 40. the Frazer lot. on Cleveland Avenue. SILK MITTS, HANDKERCHIEFS. Mrs. H.T.Clark and son Bert left last Friday Testerday morning an exoursion train of two Go to Converse's this week to get your Dry lor a visit in Rochester. N. Y.. and Canaua. And pants to order for a "V, Perfectly satisfied you will J3 By leaving your order with Robert E. Goods, and you will save money. Mrs. H. L. Bearl and son Frank returned from Arthur Smith is down with typhoid fever, at LEFFINGWELteHOLDEN A 40-Yea- rs M-t- baggage cars and nine heavy B.AO. day coaches loaded with World's Fair passengers was wrecked about one half mile east of Monroe Falls, a station about three miles east of Cuya- hoga Falls. The train, which was run) as the Lhicago Saturday evening, and Mr. and Mrs Morrow on Monday morning. his home, oorner of Prospect and Oak streets. ROBERT E. GOSE, The C, & P. will sell excursion tickets to TEAS-25- c. and up. Best assortment in Portage Co. to select from. COFFEES All grades. Try our choice Mocha and Java.. None Married, July 33rd. 1898. by Rev. Andrew Cleveland tomorrow, on account of the Carnival Willson. at his residence. Thomas I. Darrah THE POPULAR TAILOR. of Venice. REOPENED. and Miss Claudia A. Pike, both of Brimfleld better. We buy the best the market affords. Presents to purchasers of our Choice Teas. Satisfaction guaranteed. POE BLOCK. Two bicyclists wheeled into town yesterday It is certainly gratifying to almost Bev. and Mrs. Andrew Willson left Monday afternoon from Cle vel and. They left the Forest Above Rochester Clothing Co. morning for Chicago and the World's Fair, City at 9 a. m. I have reopened my meat market at the old T. B. Alcorn, Esq., of Pittsburgh, is spending A party of Bavenna bicyclists are arranging daily hear people say they regret we are going out of business. Well, we mast say we also regret it, but we are reconciled to the change Bimply be the week with the family of C. C. Canfleld, at WORLD'S PAIR stand on North Chestnut Street, where I will be pleased to wait upon all my old friends and cus- tomers, and supply them with the choicest meats for a moonlight run to Akron and return, to- morrow night, their cottage at Sandy Lake. Jeff. Thompson died at his residence in this the market affords. B. F. BINGHAM. The Cleveland Races are ;in progress this cause it is a duty. city last Saturday night, of paralysis, aged 67 The DODular Hotel at the Fair fJrnnnrta for J. H. FORD'S TEA' AND VARIETY STORE Bavenna. July 38th. 1893. week and are claiming the attention of horse Portage County people, is tbe years. men. Time brings all things to a close. Married, July 23 1893, by Bev. Andrew Will- - GILBERT & CRAFTS. Mrs.. Eli Booth, Mrs George Cowles and Miss Notice to Water Consumers. We are again compelled to call your at son, at his residence, Irvin Brown and Miss Humphrey, of Painesville, are guests of Mrs. Make arrangements now.and fix dates any time Call at D. U. GARDNER'S BOOK STORE Victoria A. Cook, both of Shalersville. Little Block. W. S Wright.. BAVENNA, O. tention to water waste. On July 25 we pumped and sent through the pipes 793,000 gallons of water. The record of the pump for particulars, or send for Circular. J. N. Sirdsall is filling the position of F. S. Others will take our place in all sta- tions in life. With this public notice, we desire to make our bow to our customers in The Disciple Picnic which was announced to Ccmstock at Furry & Seymour's, during his' three counter shows that from 7 a. m. to 12 m. take place lomorrow has been postponed until Friday. weeks vacation absence in New York. we pumped 190,400 gallons: from 2 p. m. Frank Moore, at the Turner Dye Mrs. Dr. Jos. Waggoner returned Tuesday to 7 p. m., 271,000 gallons ; average for 5 general, especially the many Farmers Works, has gone to England fora visit with rel hours a. m. of 38,000 gallons per hour: evening from a visit of a week with her mother and other relatives and friends in Deerfield. atives. in the County who have been so stead second section of No, 5, was hauled by two en gines. and passed through Bavenna at 4 AO a.m It was several hours ; behind its scheduled time and was running between 40 and 60 miles per hour While rounding a short, sharp curve just east of Menro'e'Falft, the tender of the second engine jumped the track, spreading the rails. The bag- gage ears and first two coaches, for some unex- plained reason, did not leave the track. The next car and the last three were derailed, and it was in the rear cars that most of the people were injured. At the place of the accident there ii an em- bankment from 8 to 10 feet high, down which the last ear was rolled, badly orushing it. Two other ears were preoipitated on the bank, one of whieh was nearly on end, and both nearly in- verted. Fortunately, no timbers weresplintered and no fire broke out. otherwise, there would have been horror infinitely worse than the Erie wreck at this place in 1891. Willing hands liberated the imprisoned victims as soon as pos- sible, and they were all taken to Akron, where,' after having their wounds dressed, the majority of them resumed their journey on the train, the remnant of which was made np at that plaoe. The wreck train passed through Ravenna from New Castle, at 9:10 s. m., and the track was clear for traffio at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. The work train also went over from this plaoe, and Perry Shrop, day operator at this station, was sent over to out the lines for the purpose of sending and reoeiving dispatches at the scene of the wreok. It is said that the ties were very rotten and insecure at the plaoe of the wreok. and had reaohed the limit of their resistance to the heavy trains that were daily thundered over the rails. There were about thirty injured, three of the number thought to be fatally. They were most- ly from Washington and Baltimore. average for 5 hours p. m. of 54,000 gallons per hour. DAWSON'S 5 &10c STORE John F. and C. C. Byers went to Chieago last fast ; and more, they have been " the Volney Shader. a former resident of Ravenna, This is evidence conclusive that it is not Thursday night, to remain about one week at the Exposition. now of Jeannette, Pa . is visiting his friends here during the summer shut down of tbe glass works where he is employed. Mrs. Maria Jackson, of Johnsonville. Trum the ordinary use of water for domestic and manufacturing purposes that requires this unusual amount jfrom 2 to 5 p. m. of the day, but on the contrary it Is the use and waste permitted under the If your watch needs attention, call on D. H. bull county, is the guest of her sisters. Mesdames Whist on and Scott, G ABDNB. Twenty years experience, and all work fully guaranteed. English chain levers George S. Bell, agent of A. & L. E. Road at sprinkling privilege. It is not all consum Deerfield, was in town with a young lady friend. nd difficult work a specialty. Sunday, the guest of his sister, Mrs. E. P. Mertz. Mr, Dixon, a prominent railroad official of ers that permit this waste; but to those who do, we issue this note of warning, and it becomes necessary to issue the fol- lowing restrictive order: The sprinkling of yards and streets will be restricted to Chicago, accompanied his brother-in-la- Supt. Dust Robes and Buggy Whips half price. Screen Doors and Window Screens.Uammooks. F. A. Merrill, to Ravenna, on the return of the Wood Picnic Plates, at rednoed prioes. latter from the World's Fair. salt of the earth " to us. We can here only express our thanks, but shall always cherish them in memory. We shall be pleased to have all make us a call before August 1, and after that kindly call and make the acquain tance of our successor, Mr. J. C. Clark. N.CDNYEBSE&SDN. Closing Out Sale i AT AND BELOW COST. the hours between 5 and 6 a.m. and 6 and Has just received a line of Jardinieres, Rose Jars, Vases, China Goods, Glass Baskets, Barbentine Ware, Bisque Figures, Cracker Jars and Water Sets in the latest designs. Tinware and Queensware in great profusion. . Patent Steam Gooker,98c. Flour Cabinet ,'v: 1 F r;' $2.10 Just received a large line of Clothes Baskets, Clothes Hampers, Waste Baskets, Work Baskets, Lunch Baskets, all at popular prices. We are selling jelly glasses at 30o per doz. Mason's quart jars at 6c each. Don't forget the place. Dawson's 5 & 10c Store, Sontum's New Block, Ravenna From the number of hand organs which have Hora Novelty Stobk. Miss Ethel Holcomb has accepted and is now p. m. of each day. Permit to SDrinkle been heard in town recently one would Imagine does not include using hose in shape of the whole fraternity had taken in this place on filling a position as clerk in the advertising de- partment of tbe Cleveland Penny Press. their route. They all play " I wish I was in Dixie." and everyone who hears their horrible fountains, ana when parties are found so using they will be charged fountain rates. Neither is it allowed that parties sprinkle the grounds and streets of their neighbors. Bev. and Mrs. O, A, Richards were in Cuya discords wishes they were, too. hoga Fails Sunday night, where he delivered a Some prowling thief took one of Mrs. L. J. ims prevails to some extent, and must temperance lecture at a Union meeting held in tbe Congregational Church. Tibballs' choicest plants ono night this week Of all the petty criminals the flower thief de cease! Children must not be allowed to use hose for mere pleasure and waste of Thursday evening a party of campers frotp Pennsylvania Lines. serves the severest punishment, as they have Pippin Lake, made a torchlight parade- - Thei water, lhese restrictions must be heeded, as the present waste endangers the nec marched to the limiting music of fife and drams. not the plea of necessity to offer. What tbey steal is of very little real value, but is often highly prized by those who have take the pains essary dally supply to consumers. By order, water works trustees. Threshers commenced operations last week. to raise them. The Phrenologist will Read You like a Book. and report a large yield of wheat, several lots already "heard from which run from 81 to Sit Last Friday. Mrs. W. D. Armstrong, while bushels to the acre. Entire stock for sale, or will trade for good property. One of the best business enterprises in town. MRS. C. J.WOOD Curtiss Fairance, of Shalersville, was fined riding on a street ear in Cleveland, had the mis- fortune to break the end of her third left hand finger, caused by the sudden stopping of the car after she had arisen from her seat for the pur World's Fair Excursions to Chica- go Tia the Best Itoute-T- be Pennsylvania JLines. Commencing April 85th, World's Fair Ex- cursion Tickets to Chicago will be sold from all ticket nations on the Pennsylvania Lines. Consistent reductions in fare will be made and sale of tickets will continue daily nntii Octo-p-er 30th, inclusive. Return coupons will be valid until November 6th. Any Pennsylvania Line ticket agent will furnish,detalls upon pose of getting off. whereby she reached out her hand to steady herself, and was thrown so as to preoipitate her entire weight onto the injured finger. Business at the Globe Carbon Works contin ues steadily. The company are over 3,0J3,080 carbons behind their orders, and are working ight and day to catch up. A fores of over Owners, Builders. AND Users of Roofs fifty men is employed. The diffleul ties at first experienced from ' green help" have been over -- 3 o Ul o -- " CD P a come and ;the factory is now manned with a force of employes each one of whom thoroughly understands his business. We have something of interest for you concerning either (1 and costs by Mayor Cole, for being intoxi- cated last Saturday night. It was his first of- fense and the fine and costs were but a small part of his punishment. Kcnyoa Military Academy, Gambier. Ohio, is a select home school for boys. Great care is taken to exclude bad boys. It is much the old- est, largest and best equipped boarding schoo1 for boys In the State. Send for its catalegne. Hereafter, the band oonaerts at Brady Lake wUl be give n from 6:30 to 8 o'clock p. m.. every day except S unday. This will give our citizens an opportunity of enjoying an after supper treat that will be appreciated. The tax collections are about all in at the Treasurer's office. They will foot up to about $110,000. alower figure than usual. This indioatea a much larger delinquent list than last year. The gang of Italians employed on the P. & W. quit work Monday, on account of the failure of the Company to pay them. Affairs must be in anything but a prosperous condition, when a railroad company keeps the wages of its em- ployes three months in arrear. During the wef-- Boding July 14th. the State Board of Health reported 69 cases of diptheria and 11 deaths; soulet fever, 45 cases. 1 death; typhoid fever 2J cases. 8 deaths ; whooping cough, .31 cases, 1 death ; measlos 26 cases, 1 death. Halstead 3c Livingstone have placed behind Stiam IauAit Age&sy AT KAVENNA, NEWS DEPOT All who admire clean, white linen, should try it. FOB, SALE. House of 11 rooms. 2 good corner lots. Spring nd City water, all in good order, good location in Ravenna. Will sell on following terms: $250. eash; (150. per year. Will take horse and buggy or town lot as part pay. Price S1300. Farm of 45 acres, 2J4 miles south-eas- t of Brim-fiel- d, center. 10 acres first-clas- s oak saw timber and as good land as there is in County k Price $50. per re. Terms reasonable. Abstraot of title furnished with all sales. Will take lot or horse and buggy in part pay. J.R.BURNS, Kent. 0. BARGAINS -:- - ClimaxReaayRooDD their counters two fine meat blocks, that eclipse anything of the kind ever brought to Ravenna They were m ide in Chicago, and are so con strutted that with proper care there can never be any accumulation of dirt on them. They are always clean . The firm have also come out with a handsome new wagon. We are pleased to note their prosperity. lor tney are worthy daaiers and excellent citizens. o ffl a1 I p p. p Tbe largest crowd .of the season gatheredat Sandy Lake last Sunday. Early in the after We desire to inform the people of Ravenna and throughont the County, that the Livery and Feed Stables of the late R. B. Witter are under the care of J. Folet Sapf. who you will find a very reliable, pleasant gentleman to deal with, and with new Surreys, new Carriages, new Har- nesses, and good Horses, we solioit a continuance of the good patronage the Stable has always had. Feeding and Boarding will reoeive oareful at- tention. Our New Wagonette will be a much needed addition to our stock of Coaches and Carriages, and we hope to be able to fill any and all orders placed with us. satisfactorily. Mes. R. B. Witter. Teachers' Institute. The Portage County Teachers' Institute for 1893 will be held at the High School Bull ding in Kavenna. The Institute will open at 10 o'clock a m. on Monday August ft, and continue one week Instructors; Wm . M. Giffin, Cook County Normal School. Chicago. 111. ; F , E. 8anford. La Grange, III.; Miss Winnie: Waite, Kavenna. There will be at least four evening lectures Tue Executive Committee have spared no pains to make the coming Institute pleasant and profitable. If further information is de- sired, address the Secretary, W . S. Robinson, Pres.. Kent. O." Miss MambKnafp, Sec'y. Bavenna, O. in i List of Unclaimed .letters remaining In the Post Office at Bavenna, O., July 6,1893 for two weeks or more.: AnchorGlass Works. Miss Bartholomew (shoe factory), F.J. Burford. Charley Baker. Miss H. Champney. Mrs. Sella Dondson. Mr. H. Dan- iels, Miss Eliza Edwards, John uuerky, Mrs. W.H.Hall. Dora Holt (3). Miss Hettie Jones, Miss Sarah Porter. Miss J. W, Stephens. Miss Ida Sisley, Mrs. Chas. Tonny. J. C. Beattt. P.M. Some of the " knowing ones " among the Great Only Party are predicting a divided delegation from Ravenna on the Probate matter, to their County Convention. There is abundant materi- al for a " Holy Wax." which, from present indi- cations, is sure to break out soon. The Great Only seems to be blessed with too many patriots who wish to saorifioe themselves on the altar of a $3500 offioe. Philo Bieroe and S. J. Post, of this city, and A. Holcomb, of Springfield, 0. brother of Wan-z- er Holcomb with their families go into camp at West Twin Lake, Friday, to remain until August 12th. The gentlemen are members of Battery A, which holds its annual reunion at the lakes. August 9. 10, and 11. Thursday, the 10th-wi- be the great day of the camp, the festivities of whioh will conclude with a grand dance in noon the grounds were full and accommodations for teams were at a premium. Services were held in the pavilion, bev Andrew Wiilson de livering a very able discourse. The Brimfleld Universalis choir furnished excellent music For all kinds of new and old roofs. Ebonite Varnish For Tin and Metal Roofs, Crestings, Iron Bridges, Tanks, Boilers, Fences, Smoke Stacks, and any exposed metal surface. Also, Excelsior Slate Paint For making water tight and fire-pro- of Shingle and Felt Roofs. For prices and information, testi- monials, &c, call on or address OLIN & OLIN Elmira Roofing Co's Agents for Por- tage County. Office nearly opposite Opera House, (1284) Ravenna, O. -- IN- Alt er the services the Alliance City Band gave Deputy C. W. Brown, with a party of a dozen members of Ravenna Lodge I. O. O. F., went to Kent, Monday night, to install officers for the next term. The party made the trip in two ele concert, which entertainod the people until -:- - MILLINERY nearly six o'clock. gant new turnouts from the Livery of Mrs. R, Arrangements are being made .for a Furmers -- AT- B. Witter. - o Si 03 CD Bion Boosinger wishes to inform his patrons Pic e. to 1) held at Sandy Lake on Saturday Augu.i26i.li. The Brimfleld Grange have the matter in charge, and while tbe program is not and the public generally thit he has moved his shoeing forge from Meridian street to the alley in the rear of Kiddle block, and is nicely fitted yet arranged, their reputation of not doing any Mrs. E. Pols OA's W Call and get prices, and be con vinced we are selling goods cheap. thing by halves, makes it safe to predict an in. teresting. profitable and enjoyable occasion. It up and prepared to see his customers. Call on him at the new location. is expected that this will be in the nature of return" for the Merchants' Picnics held last Business at H. F. Caris Brick Wprks this year and the year before, and others, as well as season has been excellent thus far, with a larger trade than the average year. The establish farmers will fled any amount ot amusement on that occasion. ment gives employment to 15 hands and is in constant operation. Orders are now being filled for Niles. Newton Falls and Hudson, Messrs Biddle, Taylor and Beckley, who with party went to the World's Fair by way of tbe Lakes, leaving Cleveland Thursday evening. August Urban bas opened a shoemaking and stopping at various places of interest, and ar rived at Chicago Monday evening. Tbey had repairing shop on the alley in the rear of Brak low's restaurant. Although tbe location is a little outef the way, August will make it an object for ail in want of work in his line to look beautiful weather the entire trip and none of FIRE! FIRE! Insurance a Specialty. Hoi Good people of Portage Co. Do you want Be) i able Insurance? Then go to B. M. WALLER, who has just bought the M. A. King Fire Insurance Agency the largest in the Co. and is now giving bis entire time to the Insurance business. Seasonable rates and honest dealing ;ia the motto. Office over N. Convene & Bon's Dry Goods Store, Ravenna, Ohio. The KING of Phrenologists, PROF. G, 0. McMILLEN, tbe party were the least bit beaslck until the last day of the trip, when Lake Michigan proved him up. little too much for some oi the ladles. They Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Comstook left via the Erie Earenna, Four Days Only. Will be Having fitted up rooms for the man- ufacture of Ice Cream, with new Machinery of the latest style, I am prepared to furnish Ice Cream in Any Quantity ! By the Dish, Quart or Gallon, Call at the new Parlors, or send in orders. C. S. BROWN, Corner Main and Prospect St. yesterday morning, for Jamestown, N. Y. They July 27, 28, 29, 31. Etna House, all enjoyed the trip, and recommend their friends to take the Lake rouie, notwithstanding the difference in tbe time required.- the evening, the music for which will ha fn mi sh Thursday, Friday, Saturday, at ed by Mustill's famous orchestra, of Akron. expect to remain three weeks, visiting relatives in that city, Olean and Cuba. On their return, they will go from Jamestown to Niagara Falls. Stephen Q. and Fred. B. King reached Baven The nepublicans of this villaea had na last Wednesday evening, for a visit with their Friday night, and selected tha fnllnwinir ne whence they will resume their journey home- ward over the Lake Shore Railway. parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. King. The former gates to represent them at the Senatorial Con- vention to be held in Cleveland tomorrow : J is located on the Kauia Island, where he is en The employes of Mishlera' Tile Works took a CARRIAGES ! gaged with Col. Z. S. Spaulding on his sugar plantation. He went to Massillon yesterday, and next week goes to New York City for a visit. . Ueatty, William Grinnell. S. R. Freeman. A. !. Seaton, S. F. Hanselman. Orrin Harmon. They are solid for Friend Whittlesev. and an well earned vacation last Saturday, spending the day in the south part of the County, where they enjoyed themselves in the delightful pastime of one of them expressed it. We will try to retire The Professor has traveled in many parts of the civilized world; making a special study of Eth- nology, or the different races of men, to qualify himself for the high position he occupies in the professional world. He consumed many years of valuable time and a large sum of money to procure a phrenological education second to none. In point of making examinations he is the peer of the late and learned Prof. O. S. Fowler. . The Professor will outline your character, blindfolded, from 8 to 9 a. m., FREE, as a test, to prove to you that Phrenology is not a mere illusion, but scientific truth. He tells you for what business you are best adapted, and how to make the most of life. That there are many persons today who are dragging out a miserable existence simply because they are not in theitj proper places, needs no argument. Some are in the work shop who should be in the counting room. There are others at the plow who should be in legislative halls. - He will tell you WHOM TO MARRY in order to be happy and contented, and whom to avoid a vnn would a Miserable Existence: for there are MENTAL AND PHYSICAL LAWS GOV- - and will again stop at Ravenna before returning to his Pacific home. His brother Fred, is located at Los Angeles, Cal. where he is learning the blackberrying. In order Jto secure the day to themselves, they were obliged to work from one the man with the long whiskers," meaning the present incumbent. Lamoson. who. for to four hours overtime the preceding five days jeweler's trade. His health at present is not eon. is more unpopular with the g. o. p. herea- - of the week. very robust.and he will remain here indefinitely bouts, than the most extreme PoDuliat. and m. For Sale or Exchange! FARM of 30 or 60 acres, near Bavenna. As nice a location as there is in tbe County; new noose of 7 rooss; bank barn, and several out- buildings: some good fruit; two good cisterns and never failing springs: fair fenees; fiacres timber. Will take house and lot worth $1,300 in Bavenna. Kent or Chagrin Fall. I Enquire of J. K. BURNS. Kent. 1233- - or H. L BEATIY. Bavenna. O. FOR SALE ! until he is recuperated. cites awful venom among the faithful, by the mere mention of his name. Work on the new park at Maple Grove Cem etery has been puthed along vigorously and rapidly under the management of Superintend ent King. Yesterday the water was drawn Marriage Licenses. William E. Adams and Grace Carlton, Hiram-Thoma- s T. Darrah and Claudia A. Pike, Brim- - Big Yellow Bananas 20o a dozen. Big Watermelons 25o each. Fresh Lemons 10c a pound. New Potatoes 28j a peck. California Oranges 30o a dozen. Chipped Dried Beef 18e a pound! Three Sheets Best Fly Paper for 10c Choice Peaches in any quantity. . Hops Novelty Store. m ING ADAPTATION IN MARRIAGE which must be recognized or Life is Almost a Failure, He from the two lakes into the. new one, which is field. tells HOW TO MANAGE CHILDREN and care for PRECOCIOUS (JnlLDKhN. Orvin Brown and Victoria A. Cook. now filled to its capacity. The basin of the two empty lakes will be cleaned and again filled Buggies and Wagons ! Excursion Kates to Chautauqua . rvTTT "DDTP170 Are very moderate: Thorough Verbal Examination, $1; children under 10, U U JTa X rvlL'IliD half price. Printed charts with descriptive cuts, $2, $3 and .$5. Call early, as our rooms are usually crowded. with water. It was an interesting sight to see the thousands of fish, great and small, that were Excursion tickets are now on sale at all A full line, of my own make, and the Cirocery and .Saloon Property of Peter King. Is now in the market and must be sold. For terms apply to BEV. FB. J. J. F ABBELL. Ba- venna, or I. H. PHELPS. Albert Hall Block Akron, Ohio. Chautauqua Lake Points via thn Erie Line Sunday evening, as the little two year old daughter iof Clement Linkey, living on the oorner of Lincoln Avenue and Day street, was playing with a dust broom, she brought it against a lamp either left on the ground or went with the cur- rent into tbe new lake. Sufficient change has already been made to give a very fair idea ol best Factory made work ever sold in Trains 8, 13. 10 and S all stop at Lakewood Excursion rate from Bavenna $3.25. Tickets Portage County, I will sell you a first elass job at a very low price. Come sold daily and good for return until Oct. 31st. what tbe groucds will look like when the plans are all executed. It will be ,a beautiiul park. on the table, upsetting and breaking it. Tbe blazing fluid rapidly Bpread, burning up the table cloth and napkins, and ran over a portion and see mv stock before you buy. It W. L DOUGLAS 03 SHOE noTOp. ' Do yon wear them? When next la netd try pair. Sett in the world. Wm. Holcomb, Esq., and Mrs. Maggie Bedell, Risdon & Taylor, will pay you. of the carpet, burning quite large patches, be- fore extinguished. Only by the presence of mind his grand-daughte- r, returned last evening from six weeks Eastern trip in New York, Massa and prompt aotion of the mother, whose first BEPAIBING done promptly chusetts, and Connecticut. Mr. Holcomb visited thought and effort was for the safety of her four his native town, Westfield, Mass., and other little children one a babe only two weeks old 2.50 places familiar to his boyhood days, which carry And in Workmanlike manner. JOHN HELT, .Ravenna, O. whom she hastily carried into the sard, and re him back a longer period in retrospective re turning, smothered the flames.were more serious 2.00 FOR LADIES membrance and experience than the allot - results prevented, ed years of man's earthly pilgrimage. He is in Among the speakers at Brady Bev, Dr W.W his 90th year; nevertheless, he has all the relish GROCERIES, Table Delicacies on THE SIDE. 42.25 , Important 00 75 I0YS 75 Hicks, of New York city, ranks among the best. for travel and stamina of the professional tourist His address last Sunday from ." Home." was in the prime of physioal and mental energy. Garfield Tea ss, rre8lckHeadache.KMtoRwComptellove3DMtor8' Bull. Sample tree. GABMmJTKaCo.,Sl W. 46tnSt.,.!L. Cures Constipation imiiwn em lAirnnPFiRST. masterpiece. In manner land matter of utter jiaie ana nearly, carrying into nis truly green ancebe ri minded Die hearers more nearly of old age " the genial soeiai traits, spiced with humor, characteristic of his social and business 4. Ralph Waldo Emerson than any speaker who ever appeared in this vicinity It is certainly PROYISMS, life, few there are upon whom the long acoumu lation of years rests so lightly as upon Mr. If AH I CU dUMUl I tifld CLASS, a privilege to listen to such speakers as be SSiSr-VO- nis word IV to their Intense criminality, profound logic and splendid Last Monday night little Arthur Smith, the 7 application. Every sentence is full of meat and protuseiy uiusirawia, uauuomiy uuuuu, aeun ax pop- ular price, pays Kood commissions. Everybody needs it just at this time and will buy it. Exclusive terri- tory jriven. Send for handsome descriptive circular. W. B. CONKEY CO. Publishers. Chicago, III. year old son of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Smith, was FAMILY SUPPLIES meaning. Aid is a fine exemplification of Jnul If you want I fine DRESS SHOE, mafe tatho latest styles, don't pay $6 to $8, try my $3, $3.50, $4.00 or $5 Shoe. They fit equal to custom made and look and wear as well. If you wish to economize In yoar footwear, do so by purchasing "W. L Douglas Shoes. Name and price stamped on the bottom, look for It when yoa buy W. X rOUGIA3. Srckton, If aaa. Sold by F. P. CHAPMAN, Agent. thrown from his pony, and had both bones of his Read our Announcement in next week'slissue. F. P. Chapman. Shoe Emporium. turn in parvo. right wrist broken. The little fellow was at his home in Atwater, and it was due to the aotion of another person in exciting the pony to a race. that the accident oocurred. The pony was given to the little boy on his 7th birthday, by his fath M. BIG- - SLICE -:- - OFF THE PKICE OF er, and is as gentle as need be, but his rider lost his stirrup and fell off, when the animal took a sudden turn on reaching the home premises. BABY CARRIAGES and BICYCLES "a Everything within bounds, and every thintrim Clean" Goods- - JVeatness. Promptness. TZ Kavenna, O The little fellow bore his suffering very man NOTICE OIT APPOINTMENT. Estate of Frank Keller, deceased. Tbe undersigned bas been appointed and qualified as Administrator of tbe estate .of rrank Keller, late of Sudield, Portage County. Ohio, deceased, Dated tbis 30th day of July. A. D. 1893. M. O. MARTIN. Adm'r. Attest: C. D. UbOill, Probate Judge. 1190 fully, although the fracture had to be reduced again in Ravenna, where he was brought by rea C. A. MYERS. If in need of either, you should call and learn what we can do for you, son of the absence of their family physioian in UUUiUUiUUUUUUIJiUUiUWUUUUUU Chicago. .

DAWSON'S 5 &10c STORE - Library of Congresschroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83035083/1893-07-26/ed... · 2013-10-08 · Woven Cotton Hammocks AT COST. visited Kavenna friends over

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Page 1: DAWSON'S 5 &10c STORE - Library of Congresschroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83035083/1893-07-26/ed... · 2013-10-08 · Woven Cotton Hammocks AT COST. visited Kavenna friends over

We have a large assortment ofTHE OEQCRATIC PRESS $1.15. -:- -Buy the Best, and Enjoy Living! DOffWIE--IHDARKNESS- !

RAV ENNA..-WEDNE9DA- July S6t'93



Masurie's R.S. PaintA soft hat fits a swelled head. WATER WHITE OIL So, PER GALLON. A 5 Gallon Can,

with Pump, filled with Water White Oil for $1.00.H. F. Caris has just burned a kiln of 400.000




bricks.We offer one $7,50 Tricycle for $3.75. A good chance .Born, to Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Livingston, Mon

TJADT'Q drugHilA 1 O STOREOpera House Block.

to make a little girl's heart rejoice.day morning, a daughter. Which we are offering: at popuSuperintendent Merrill and famiiy returned

from tbe Exposition last Friday . lar prices. We have Bargainsin some of these Goods, not toMrs. E. Truman spent three days in Troy Veterinary Physician and Surgeon.

office in store.be found elsewhere.Qeauga county, returning home Monday.; Furry & Seymour.Miss N, E. Powers, of Youngstown, is visiting We now have a full line oi theMrs. F. P. Chapman.

Wash Bowl and Pitcher, 65c. and up.Rockingham Pitchers, all sizes.MASON FRUIT JARS, both Flint and Common Glass.Extra Rubbers for same.We have Rubbers for Small Mouthed Pint Jars.Sealing Wax.JELLY GLASSES See them before you buy.Water Sets 65c. and up.Fruit Dishes Beauties at 24c. Covered, 29c.Engraved Spoon Holders, new pattern, 15c.

Mrs. Ada Fisher, of Mansfield, is the guest of DT'TCTCa TsflG cm" od ee me.Mrs. A. N. Loveland. 9"without ccst.


Chss I Mm Teas !.Business at the Enapp Pump and Porch Col ladies SAJTlUEl, SIJT1PSON.Frazer Block. Ravexva. Ohio.

Board of Health meets tonight.B. Howland, Esq,, is in Cleveland today.Miss Bose Morath is visiting in Pittsburgh.Chan Ting went to Allegheny yesterday.

umn Works is reported brisker than usual. (1279-3-

6. W. Gockel and family have returned fromtheir western trip.

Prof. E. Truman was in Cleveland yesterday. B. & O. WRECK ! J. S. SMITH fc SONMrs. Catharine Offioer. of Philadelphia. Pa., is LA51PS!-Regu- lar price, $4.00 or $5.00 Reduced to .SOI-Q- lMillineryD. E. Rogers, Esq.. of Alliance, is in Ravennavisiting with her nephew, E. P. Merts, this week, Grocers and Confectioners.on professional business. FOB TOURMiss Pearl Myers, of Mogadore, is visiting her Spreading: Bails Cause a TerriDon't fail to get one J of those nice Ice Wool CALL OMsister. Miss Alice Myers.Shawls at Converse's, at cost.E. Enapp went to Garretteville yesterday, for

Mrs. Mattie Bartlett Clements returned toTrimmed Hata and Bonnets Bold regardless of

ble Accident to a Worlds FairExcursion Train YesterdayMorning.

a few days visit. GO S- E-her home in East Liverpool yesterday.Coat. Untrimmed Hats and Children's Sailors Miss Cora LeMoigne. of Garrettnville, is the LeinpellJ HoldenAll the latest things in SAILOR HATSTRIMMED HATS marked down.

from ICo. pp. Shirt Waists in great variety. from Miss Jennette Geigar. of Pittsburgh, is visit -guest of Mr and Mrs J. C. Goodenough.Uo- - op. We have added to our large aasortment ing relatives and friends in Bavenna. A IiOnsr List of Vlctimn. Tii fabii. fti Truman and family, of Garrettsville,of Cqyaeta the M.C.FRENCH WOVEN COR

All Center Draft, and BEAUTIES!

Everything in Tin Ware!AT LOWEST PRICES. Don't buy till you see our Goods,Eight Cup Gem Pans, 10c. Dinner Pails, Milk Pans, Oil Cans.Ten Quart Sprinklers 44c, with Patent Screw Zinc Founts.Tea and Coffee Pots from 10c. up.AGATE WARE.Six regular 30c. Brooms for $1.25.Picnic Plates, Pocket Knives. HAMMOCKS regular 90c.f $1.00,aud $1.10. at 69c 75c, 80c, and 90c. Woven Cotton HammocksAT COST.

Robert E.If you want tbe best Carpet Sweeper evervisited Kavenna friends over Sunday.made, go to Converse's this week.SET-- ; extra long waist. It will pay yon to see

them. Don't forget we have those elegant Sumof Whom are Thought to beFatally Injured, Is on top, as you can C ;Mrs. i A. VanNess.went to Galesburgh.

B, M, Booerts is building a new residence onmien., last Friday. Makes suits that fit you like a T,mer Corset. MRS. A. H. PARSONSRegardless of Cost


the Frazer lot. on Cleveland Avenue. SILK MITTS,

HANDKERCHIEFS.Mrs. H.T.Clark and son Bert left last Friday Testerday morning an exoursion train of twoGo to Converse's this week to get your Drylor a visit in Rochester. N. Y.. and Canaua.And pants to order for a "V,Perfectly satisfied you will J3By leaving your order with Robert E.

Goods, and you will save money.Mrs. H. L. Bearl and son Frank returned from Arthur Smith is down with typhoid fever, at LEFFINGWELteHOLDENA 40-Yea- rs M-t-

baggage cars and nine heavy B.AO. day coachesloaded with World's Fair passengers waswrecked about one half mile east of MonroeFalls, a station about three miles east of Cuya-hoga Falls. The train, which was run) as the

Lhicago Saturday evening, and Mr. and MrsMorrow on Monday morning. his home, oorner of Prospect and Oak streets.

ROBERT E. GOSE,The C, & P. will sell excursion tickets to TEAS-25-c. and up. Best assortment in Portage Co. to select from.COFFEES All grades. Try our choice Mocha and Java.. None

Married, July 33rd. 1898. by Rev. Andrew Cleveland tomorrow, on account of the CarnivalWillson. at his residence. Thomas I. Darrah THE POPULAR TAILOR.of Venice. REOPENED.and Miss Claudia A. Pike, both of Brimfleld better. We buy the best the market affords.Presents to purchasers of our Choice Teas. Satisfaction guaranteed.POE BLOCK.Two bicyclists wheeled into town yesterdayIt is certainly gratifying to almost Bev. and Mrs. Andrew Willson left Monday afternoon from Cle vel and. They left the Forest Above Rochester Clothing Co.morning for Chicago and the World's Fair, City at 9 a. m. I have reopened my meat market at the oldT. B. Alcorn, Esq., of Pittsburgh, is spending A party of Bavenna bicyclists are arranging

daily hear people say they regret weare going out of business. Well, wemast say we also regret it, but we arereconciled to the change Bimply be

the week with the family of C. C. Canfleld, at WORLD'S PAIRstand on North Chestnut Street, where I will bepleased to wait upon all my old friends and cus-tomers, and supply them with the choicest meats

for a moonlight run to Akron and return, to-

morrow night,their cottage at Sandy Lake.Jeff. Thompson died at his residence in this the market affords. B. F. BINGHAM.The Cleveland Races are ;in progress thiscause it is a duty. city last Saturday night, of paralysis, aged 67 The DODular Hotel at the Fair fJrnnnrta for J. H. FORD'S

TEA' AND VARIETY STOREBavenna. July 38th. 1893.week and are claiming the attention of horse Portage County people, is tbeyears. men.

Time brings all things to a close. Married, July 23 1893, by Bev. Andrew Will- - GILBERT & CRAFTS.Mrs.. Eli Booth, Mrs George Cowles and Miss Notice to Water Consumers.We are again compelled to call your atson, at his residence, Irvin Brown and Miss Humphrey, of Painesville, are guests of Mrs. Make arrangements now.and fix dates any time

Call at D. U. GARDNER'S BOOK STOREVictoria A. Cook, both of Shalersville. Little Block.W. S Wright.. BAVENNA, O.tention to water waste. On July 25 wepumped and sent through the pipes 793,000gallons of water. The record of the pump

for particulars, or send for Circular.J. N. Sirdsall is filling the position of F. S.

Others will take our place in all sta-

tions in life.

With this public notice, we desireto make our bow to our customers in

The Disciple Picnic which was announced toCcmstock at Furry & Seymour's, during his' three counter shows that from 7 a. m. to 12 m.take place lomorrow has been postponed until

Friday.weeks vacation absence in New York. we pumped 190,400 gallons: from 2 p. m.Frank Moore, at the Turner Dye Mrs. Dr. Jos. Waggoner returned Tuesday to 7 p. m., 271,000 gallons ; average for 5general, especially the many Farmers Works, has gone to England fora visit with rel hours a. m. of 38,000 gallons per hour:evening from a visit of a week with her mother

and other relatives and friends in Deerfield.atives.in the County who have been so stead

second section of No, 5, was hauled by two engines. and passed through Bavenna at 4 AO a.mIt was several hours ; behind its scheduled timeand was running between 40 and 60 miles perhour

While rounding a short, sharp curve just eastof Menro'e'Falft, the tender of the second enginejumped the track, spreading the rails. The bag-gage ears and first two coaches, for some unex-plained reason, did not leave the track. Thenext car and the last three were derailed, and itwas in the rear cars that most of the people wereinjured.

At the place of the accident there ii an em-bankment from 8 to 10 feet high, down whichthe last ear was rolled, badly orushing it. Twoother ears were preoipitated on the bank, one ofwhieh was nearly on end, and both nearly in-verted. Fortunately, no timbers weresplinteredand no fire broke out. otherwise, there wouldhave been horror infinitely worse than theErie wreck at this place in 1891. Willing handsliberated the imprisoned victims as soon as pos-sible, and they were all taken to Akron, where,'after having their wounds dressed, the majorityof them resumed their journey on the train, theremnant of which was made np at that plaoe.

The wreck train passed through Ravenna fromNew Castle, at 9:10 s. m., and the track was clearfor traffio at 2 o'clock in the afternoon.

The work train also went over from this plaoe,and Perry Shrop, day operator at this station,was sent over to out the lines for the purpose ofsending and reoeiving dispatches at the scene ofthe wreok.

It is said that the ties were very rotten andinsecure at the plaoe of the wreok. and hadreaohed the limit of their resistance to the heavytrains that were daily thundered over the rails.

There were about thirty injured, three of thenumber thought to be fatally. They were most-ly from Washington and Baltimore.

average for 5 hours p. m. of 54,000 gallonsper hour. DAWSON'S 5 &10c STOREJohn F. and C. C. Byers went to Chieago lastfast ; and more, they have been " the Volney Shader. a former resident of Ravenna, This is evidence conclusive that it is notThursday night, to remain about one week at

the Exposition.now of Jeannette, Pa . is visiting his friendshere during the summer shut down of tbe glassworks where he is employed.Mrs. Maria Jackson, of Johnsonville. Trum

the ordinary use of water for domesticand manufacturing purposes that requiresthis unusual amount jfrom 2 to 5 p. m. ofthe day, but on the contrary it Is the useand waste permitted under the

If your watch needs attention, call on D. H.bull county, is the guest of her sisters. MesdamesWhist on and Scott, G ABDNB. Twenty years experience, and all

work fully guaranteed. English chain leversGeorge S. Bell, agent of A. & L. E. Road at sprinkling privilege. It is not all consumDeerfield, was in town with a young lady friend. nd difficult work a specialty.Sunday, the guest of his sister, Mrs. E. P. Mertz. Mr, Dixon, a prominent railroad official of

ers that permit this waste; but to thosewho do, we issue this note of warning,and it becomes necessary to issue the fol-lowing restrictive order: The sprinklingof yards and streets will be restricted to

Chicago, accompanied his brother-in-la- Supt.Dust Robes and Buggy Whips half price.Screen Doors and Window Screens.Uammooks. F. A. Merrill, to Ravenna, on the return of the

Wood Picnic Plates, at rednoed prioes. latter from the World's Fair.

salt of the earth " to us. We can hereonly express our thanks, but shallalways cherish them in memory.

We shall be pleased to have all makeus a call before August 1, and afterthat kindly call and make the acquaintance of our successor, Mr. J. C. Clark.


Closing Out Salei


the hours between 5 and 6 a.m. and 6 and

Has just received a line of Jardinieres, Rose Jars, Vases, China Goods,Glass Baskets, Barbentine Ware, Bisque Figures, Cracker Jars andWater Sets in the latest designs. Tinware and Queensware in greatprofusion. .

Patent Steam Gooker,98c. Flour Cabinet ,'v:1 F

r;' $2.10Just received a large line of Clothes Baskets, Clothes Hampers, WasteBaskets, Work Baskets, Lunch Baskets, all at popular prices.

We are selling jelly glasses at 30o per doz. Mason's quart jars at 6c each. Don't forget the place.

Dawson's 5 & 10c Store, Sontum's New Block, Ravenna

From the number of hand organs which haveHora Novelty Stobk.Miss Ethel Holcomb has accepted and is now

p. m. of each day. Permit to SDrinklebeen heard in town recently one would Imaginedoes not include using hose in shape ofthe whole fraternity had taken in this place onfilling a position as clerk in the advertising de-

partment of tbe Cleveland Penny Press. their route. They all play " I wish I was inDixie." and everyone who hears their horrible

fountains, ana when parties are found sousing they will be charged fountain rates.Neither is it allowed that parties sprinklethe grounds and streets of their neighbors.

Bev. and Mrs. O, A, Richards were in Cuyadiscords wishes they were, too.hoga Fails Sunday night, where he delivered a

Some prowling thief took one of Mrs. L. J. ims prevails to some extent, and musttemperance lecture at a Union meeting held intbe Congregational Church. Tibballs' choicest plants ono night this week

Of all the petty criminals the flower thief decease! Children must not be allowed touse hose for mere pleasure and waste ofThursday evening a party of campers frotp Pennsylvania

Lines.serves the severest punishment, as they havePippin Lake, made a torchlight parade- - Thei water, lhese restrictions must be heeded,as the present waste endangers the necmarched to the limiting music of fife and

drams.not the plea of necessity to offer. What tbeysteal is of very little real value, but is oftenhighly prized by those who have take the pains

essary dally supply to consumers. Byorder, water works trustees.Threshers commenced operations last week. to raise them. The Phrenologist will Read You like a Book.and report a large yield of wheat, several lots

already "heard from which run from 81 to Sit Last Friday. Mrs. W. D. Armstrong, whilebushels to the acre.

Entire stock for sale, or will trade for goodproperty. One of the best business enterprisesin town.

MRS. C. J.WOODCurtiss Fairance, of Shalersville, was fined

riding on a street ear in Cleveland, had the mis-

fortune to break the end of her third left handfinger, caused by the sudden stopping of the carafter she had arisen from her seat for the pur

World's Fair Excursions to Chica-go Tia the Best Itoute-T- be

Pennsylvania JLines.Commencing April 85th, World's Fair Ex-

cursion Tickets to Chicago will be sold fromall ticket nations on the Pennsylvania Lines.Consistent reductions in fare will be made andsale of tickets will continue daily nntii Octo-p-er

30th, inclusive. Return coupons will bevalid until November 6th. Any PennsylvaniaLine ticket agent will furnish,detalls upon

pose of getting off. whereby she reached out herhand to steady herself, and was thrown so as topreoipitate her entire weight onto the injuredfinger.

Business at the Globe Carbon Works continues steadily. The company are over 3,0J3,080carbons behind their orders, and are working

ight and day to catch up. A fores of overOwners,Builders. AND

Users of Roofsfifty men is employed. The diffleul ties at firstexperienced from ' green help" have been over






come and ;the factory is now manned with aforce of employes each one of whom thoroughlyunderstands his business. We have something of interest for you

concerning either

(1 and costs by Mayor Cole, for being intoxi-cated last Saturday night. It was his first of-fense and the fine and costs were but a smallpart of his punishment.

Kcnyoa Military Academy, Gambier. Ohio,is a select home school for boys. Great care istaken to exclude bad boys. It is much the old-est, largest and best equipped boarding schoo1for boys In the State. Send for its catalegne.

Hereafter, the band oonaerts at Brady LakewUl be give n from 6:30 to 8 o'clock p. m.. everyday except S unday. This will give our citizensan opportunity of enjoying an after supper treatthat will be appreciated.

The tax collections are about all in at theTreasurer's office. They will foot up to about$110,000. alower figure than usual. This indioateaa much larger delinquent list than last year.

The gang of Italians employed on the P. & W.quit work Monday, on account of the failure ofthe Company to pay them. Affairs must be inanything but a prosperous condition, when arailroad company keeps the wages of its em-ployes three months in arrear.

During the wef-- Boding July 14th. the StateBoard of Health reported 69 cases of diptheriaand 11 deaths; soulet fever, 45 cases. 1 death;typhoid fever 2J cases. 8 deaths ; whoopingcough, .31 cases, 1 death ; measlos 26 cases, 1


Halstead 3c Livingstone have placed behind

Stiam IauAit Age&sy


KAVENNA, NEWS DEPOTAll who admire clean, white linen,

should try it.

FOB, SALE.House of 11 rooms. 2 good corner lots. Spring

nd City water, all in good order, good locationin Ravenna. Will sell on following terms: $250.eash; (150. per year. Will take horse and buggyor town lot as part pay.

Price S1300.Farm of 45 acres, 2J4 miles south-eas- t of Brim-fiel- d,

center.10 acres first-clas- s oak saw timber and as good

land as there is in County k Price $50. per re.Terms reasonable. Abstraot of title furnished

with all sales. Will take lot or horse and buggyin part pay. J.R.BURNS,

Kent. 0.


ClimaxReaayRooDDtheir counters two fine meat blocks, that eclipseanything of the kind ever brought to RavennaThey were m ide in Chicago, and are so construtted that with proper care there can neverbe any accumulation of dirt on them. Theyare always clean . The firm have also come outwith a handsome new wagon. We are pleasedto note their prosperity. lor tney are worthydaaiers and excellent citizens.






Tbe largest crowd .of the season gatheredatSandy Lake last Sunday. Early in the after

We desire to inform the people of Ravennaand throughont the County, that the Livery andFeed Stables of the late R. B. Witter are underthe care of J. Folet Sapf. who you will find avery reliable, pleasant gentleman to deal with,and with new Surreys, new Carriages, new Har-nesses, and good Horses, we solioit a continuanceof the good patronage the Stable has always had.

Feeding and Boarding will reoeive oareful at-tention.

Our New Wagonette will be a much neededaddition to our stock of Coaches and Carriages,and we hope to be able to fill any and all ordersplaced with us. satisfactorily.

Mes. R. B. Witter.Teachers' Institute.

The Portage County Teachers' Institute for1893 will be held at the High School Bull ding inKavenna. The Institute will open at 10 o'clocka m . on Monday August ft, and continue oneweek

Instructors; Wm . M. Giffin, Cook CountyNormal School. Chicago. 111. ; F , E. 8anford. LaGrange, III.; Miss Winnie: Waite, Kavenna.

There will be at least four evening lecturesTue Executive Committee have spared no

pains to make the coming Institute pleasantand profitable. If further information is de-sired, address the Secretary,

W . S. Robinson, Pres.. Kent. O."Miss MambKnafp, Sec'y. Bavenna, O.

in i

List of Unclaimed .letters remaining Inthe Post Office at Bavenna, O., July 6,1893for two weeks or more.:

AnchorGlass Works. Miss Bartholomew (shoefactory), F.J. Burford. Charley Baker. Miss H.Champney. Mrs. Sella Dondson. Mr. H. Dan-iels, Miss Eliza Edwards, John uuerky, Mrs.W.H.Hall. Dora Holt (3). Miss Hettie Jones,Miss Sarah Porter. Miss J. W, Stephens. MissIda Sisley, Mrs. Chas. Tonny.

J. C. Beattt. P.M.Some of the " knowing ones " among the Great

Only Party are predicting a divided delegationfrom Ravenna on the Probate matter, to theirCounty Convention. There is abundant materi-al for a " Holy Wax." which, from present indi-cations, is sure to break out soon. The GreatOnly seems to be blessed with too many patriotswho wish to saorifioe themselves on the altar ofa $3500 offioe.

Philo Bieroe and S. J. Post, of this city, andA. Holcomb, of Springfield, 0. brother of Wan-z- er

Holcomb with their families go into campat West Twin Lake, Friday, to remain untilAugust 12th. The gentlemen are members ofBattery A, which holds its annual reunion at thelakes. August 9. 10, and 11. Thursday, the 10th-wi-

be the great day of the camp, the festivitiesof whioh will conclude with a grand dance in

noon the grounds were full and accommodationsfor teams were at a premium. Services wereheld in the pavilion, bev Andrew Wiilson delivering a very able discourse. The BrimfleldUniversalis choir furnished excellent music

For all kinds of new and old roofs.

Ebonite VarnishFor Tin and Metal Roofs, Crestings,Iron Bridges, Tanks, Boilers, Fences,Smoke Stacks, and any exposed metalsurface. Also,

Excelsior Slate PaintFor making water tight and fire-pro- of

Shingle and Felt Roofs.For prices and information, testi-

monials, &c, call on or address

OLIN & OLINElmira Roofing Co's Agents for Por-

tage County.Office nearly opposite Opera House,(1284) Ravenna, O.

-- IN-Alt er the services the Alliance City Band gave

Deputy C. W. Brown, with a party of a dozenmembers of Ravenna Lodge I. O. O. F., went toKent, Monday night, to install officers for thenext term. The party made the trip in two ele

concert, which entertainod the people until-:-- MILLINERY nearly six o'clock.gant new turnouts from the Livery of Mrs. R, Arrangements are being made .for a Furmers-- AT- B. Witter. -



Bion Boosinger wishes to inform his patronsPic e. to 1) held at Sandy Lake on SaturdayAugu.i26i.li. The Brimfleld Grange have thematter in charge, and while tbe program is notand the public generally thit he has moved his

shoeing forge from Meridian street to the alleyin the rear of Kiddle block, and is nicely fitted

yet arranged, their reputation of not doing anyMrs. E. Pols OA's

W Call and get prices, and be convinced we are selling goods cheap.

thing by halves, makes it safe to predict an in.teresting. profitable and enjoyable occasion. Itup and prepared to see his customers. Call on

him at the new location. is expected that this will be in the nature ofreturn" for the Merchants' Picnics held lastBusiness at H. F. Caris Brick Wprks this year and the year before, and others, as well asseason has been excellent thus far, with a larger

trade than the average year. The establish farmers will fled any amount ot amusement onthat occasion.ment gives employment to 15 hands and is in

constant operation. Orders are now beingfilled for Niles. Newton Falls and Hudson,

Messrs Biddle, Taylor and Beckley, who withparty went to the World's Fair by way of tbe

Lakes, leaving Cleveland Thursday evening.August Urban bas opened a shoemaking andstopping at various places of interest, and arrived at Chicago Monday evening. Tbey had

repairing shop on the alley in the rear of Braklow's restaurant. Although tbe location is alittle outef the way, August will make it anobject for ail in want of work in his line to look

beautiful weather the entire trip and none of

FIRE! FIRE!Insurance a Specialty.

Hoi Good people of Portage Co.Do you want Be) i able Insurance?Then go to B. M. WALLER, whohas just bought the M. A. King FireInsurance Agency the largest in theCo. and is now giving bis entire timeto the Insurance business.

Seasonable rates and honest dealing;ia the motto.

Office over N. Convene & Bon'sDry Goods Store, Ravenna, Ohio.

The KING of Phrenologists, PROF. G, 0. McMILLEN,tbe party were the least bit beaslck until thelast day of the trip, when Lake Michigan provedhim up.

little too much for some oi the ladles. TheyMr. and Mrs. F. S. Comstook left via the Erie Earenna, Four Days Only.Will be

Having fitted up rooms for the man-ufacture of Ice Cream, with newMachinery of the latest style, I amprepared to furnish

Ice Cream in Any Quantity !

By the Dish, Quart or Gallon, Callat the new Parlors, or send in orders.

C. S. BROWN,Corner Main and Prospect St.

yesterday morning, for Jamestown, N. Y. They July 27, 28, 29, 31.Etna House,all enjoyed the trip, and recommend theirfriends to take the Lake rouie, notwithstandingthe difference in tbe time required.-

the evening, the music for which will ha fn mi sh Thursday, Friday, Saturday,ated by Mustill's famous orchestra, of Akron.expect to remain three weeks, visiting relativesin that city, Olean and Cuba. On their return,they will go from Jamestown to Niagara Falls. Stephen Q. and Fred. B. King reached Baven The nepublicans of this villaea had

na last Wednesday evening, for a visit with their Friday night, and selected tha fnllnwinir newhence they will resume their journey home-ward over the Lake Shore Railway. parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. King. The former gates to represent them at the Senatorial Con-

vention to be held in Cleveland tomorrow : Jis located on the Kauia Island, where he is enThe employes of Mishlera' Tile Works took aCARRIAGES ! gaged with Col. Z. S. Spaulding on his sugar

plantation. He went to Massillon yesterday,and next week goes to New York City for a visit.

. Ueatty, William Grinnell. S. R. Freeman. A .!. Seaton, S. F. Hanselman. Orrin Harmon.They are solid for Friend Whittlesev. and an

well earned vacation last Saturday, spending theday in the south part of the County, where theyenjoyed themselves in the delightful pastime of one of them expressed it. We will try to retire

The Professor has traveled in many parts of the civilized world; making a special study of Eth-nology, or the different races of men, to qualify himself for the high position he occupies in theprofessional world. He consumed many years of valuable time and a large sum of money to procurea phrenological education second to none. In point of making examinations he is the peer of thelate and learned Prof. O. S. Fowler. .

The Professor will outline your character, blindfolded, from 8 to 9 a. m., FREE, as a test, toprove to you that Phrenology is not a mere illusion, but scientific truth. He tells you for whatbusiness you are best adapted, and how to make the most of life. That there are many personstoday who are dragging out a miserable existence simply because they are not in theitj proper places,needs no argument. Some are in the work shop who should be in the counting room. There areothers at the plow who should be in legislative halls. -

He will tell you WHOM TO MARRY in order to be happy and contented, and whom to avoida vnn would a Miserable Existence: for there are MENTAL AND PHYSICAL LAWS GOV--

and will again stop at Ravenna before returningto his Pacific home. His brother Fred, is locatedat Los Angeles, Cal. where he is learning the

blackberrying. In order Jto secure the day tothemselves, they were obliged to work from one

the man with the long whiskers," meaning thepresent incumbent. Lamoson. who. forto four hours overtime the preceding five days jeweler's trade. His health at present is not eon. is more unpopular with the g. o. p. herea- -of the week. very robust.and he will remain here indefinitely bouts, than the most extreme PoDuliat. and m.

For Sale or Exchange!FARM of 30 or 60 acres, near Bavenna. As

nice a location as there is in tbe County; newnoose of 7 rooss; bank barn, and several out-buildings: some good fruit; two good cisternsand never failing springs: fair fenees; fiacrestimber. Will take house and lot worth $1,300in Bavenna. Kent or Chagrin Fall. I

Enquire of J. K. BURNS. Kent.1233- - or H. L BEATIY. Bavenna. O.


until he is recuperated. cites awful venom among the faithful, by themere mention of his name.Work on the new park at Maple Grove Cem

etery has been puthed along vigorously andrapidly under the management of Superintendent King. Yesterday the water was drawn

Marriage Licenses.William E. Adams and Grace Carlton, Hiram-Thoma- s

T. Darrah and Claudia A. Pike, Brim- -

Big Yellow Bananas 20o a dozen.Big Watermelons 25o each.Fresh Lemons 10c a pound.New Potatoes 28j a peck.California Oranges 30o a dozen.Chipped Dried Beef 18e a pound!Three Sheets Best Fly Paper for 10cChoice Peaches in any quantity.

. Hops Novelty Store.m

ING ADAPTATION IN MARRIAGE which must be recognized or Life is Almost a Failure, Hefrom the two lakes into the. new one, which is field. tells HOW TO MANAGE CHILDREN and care for PRECOCIOUS (JnlLDKhN.

Orvin Brown and Victoria A. Cook.now filled to its capacity. The basin of the twoempty lakes will be cleaned and again filledBuggies and Wagons !

Excursion Kates to Chautauqua .rvTTT "DDTP170 Are very moderate: Thorough Verbal Examination, $1; children under 10,U U JTa X rvlL'IliD half price. Printed charts with descriptive cuts, $2, $3 and .$5. Call early, as our

rooms are usually crowded.with water. It was an interesting sight to seethe thousands of fish, great and small, that were Excursion tickets are now on sale at all

A full line, of my own make, and the

Cirocery and .Saloon Propertyof Peter King.

Is now in the market and must be sold. Forterms apply to BEV. FB. J. J. F ABBELL. Ba-

venna, or I. H. PHELPS. Albert Hall BlockAkron, Ohio.

Chautauqua Lake Points via thn Erie Line

Sunday evening, as the little two year olddaughter iof Clement Linkey, living on the oornerof Lincoln Avenue and Day street, was playingwith a dust broom, she brought it against a lamp

either left on the ground or went with the cur-rent into tbe new lake. Sufficient change hasalready been made to give a very fair idea olbest Factory made work ever sold in Trains 8, 13. 10 and S all stop at Lakewood

Excursion rate from Bavenna $3.25. TicketsPortage County, I will sell you a firstelass job at a very low price. Come sold daily and good for return until Oct. 31st.what tbe groucds will look like when the plans

are all executed. It will be ,a beautiiul park.on the table, upsetting and breaking it. Tbeblazing fluid rapidly Bpread, burning up thetable cloth and napkins, and ran over a portionand see mv stock before you buy. It


Do yon wear them? When next la netd try pair.

Sett in the world.

Wm. Holcomb, Esq., and Mrs. Maggie Bedell, Risdon & Taylor,will pay you. of the carpet, burning quite large patches, be-

fore extinguished. Only by the presence of mindhis grand-daughte- r, returned last evening from

six weeks Eastern trip in New York, Massaand prompt aotion of the mother, whose firstBEPAIBING done promptly chusetts, and Connecticut. Mr. Holcomb visitedthought and effort was for the safety of her four his native town, Westfield, Mass., and otherlittle children one a babe only two weeks old 2.50places familiar to his boyhood days, which carryAnd in Workmanlike manner.

JOHN HELT,.Ravenna, O.

whom she hastily carried into the sard, and re him back a longer period in retrospective returning, smothered the flames.were more serious 2.00FOR LADIESmembrance and experience than the allot -results prevented,

ed years of man's earthly pilgrimage. He is inAmong the speakers at Brady Bev, Dr W.W his 90th year; nevertheless, he has all the relish GROCERIES, Table Delicacies

on THE SIDE.42.25 ,Important 00


Hicks, of New York city, ranks among the best. for travel and stamina of the professional touristHis address last Sunday from ." Home." was in the prime of physioal and mental energy.

Garfield Tea ss,rre8lckHeadache.KMtoRwComptellove3DMtor8'Bull. Sample tree. GABMmJTKaCo.,Sl W. 46tnSt.,.!L.

Cures Constipationimiiwn em lAirnnPFiRST.

masterpiece. In manner land matter of utter jiaie ana nearly, carrying into nis truly greenancebe ri minded Die hearers more nearly of old age " the genial soeiai traits, spiced with

humor, characteristic of his social and business 4.Ralph Waldo Emerson than any speaker whoever appeared in this vicinity It is certainly PROYISMS,life, few there are upon whom the long acoumu

lation of years rests so lightly as upon Mr.If AH I CU dUMUl I tifld CLASS, a privilege to listen to such speakers as beSSiSr-VO- nis word IV to their

Intense criminality, profound logic and splendid Last Monday night little Arthur Smith, the 7application. Every sentence is full of meat andprotuseiy uiusirawia, uauuomiy uuuuu, aeun ax pop-ular price, pays Kood commissions. Everybody needsit just at this time and will buy it. Exclusive terri-tory jriven. Send for handsome descriptive circular.W. B. CONKEY CO. Publishers. Chicago, III.

year old son of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Smith, was FAMILY SUPPLIESmeaning. Aid is a fine exemplification of Jnul

If you want I fine DRESS SHOE, mafe tatho lateststyles, don't pay $6 to $8, try my $3, $3.50, $4.00 or$5 Shoe. They fit equal to custom made and look andwear as well. Ifyou wish to economize In yoar footwear,do so by purchasing "W. L Douglas Shoes. Name andprice stamped on the bottom, look for It when yoa buyW. X rOUGIA3. Srckton, Ifaaa. Sold by

F. P. CHAPMAN, Agent.

thrown from his pony, and had both bones of his

Read our Announcement innext week'slissue.

F. P. Chapman.Shoe Emporium.

turn in parvo.right wrist broken. The little fellow was at hishome in Atwater, and it was due to the aotionof another person in exciting the pony to a race.that the accident oocurred. The pony was givento the little boy on his 7th birthday, by his fath

M. BIG-- SLICE -:--OFF THE PKICE OF er, and is as gentle as need be, but his rider lost

his stirrup and fell off, when the animal took asudden turn on reaching the home premises.BABY CARRIAGES and BICYCLES"a

Everything within bounds, and everythintrimClean" Goods- - JVeatness. Promptness.

TZ Kavenna, OThe little fellow bore his suffering very man

NOTICE OIT APPOINTMENT.Estate of Frank Keller, deceased.

Tbe undersigned bas been appointed andqualified as Administrator of tbe estate .ofrrank Keller, late of Sudield, Portage County.Ohio, deceased,

Dated tbis 30th day of July. A. D. 1893.M. O. MARTIN. Adm'r.

Attest: C. D. UbOill, Probate Judge. 1190

fully, although the fracture had to be reducedagain in Ravenna, where he was brought by reaC. A. MYERS.If in need of either, you should call

and learn what we can do for you,son of the absence of their family physioian in UUUiUUiUUUUUUIJiUUiUWUUUUUUChicago..