tTEWS EEPCETED." HASHED, SLASHED, ROLLED, MASHED, HATCH- ED, MATCHED AND DISPATCHED Next Monday is Labor Day. Court convenes Monday morn tog, E. E. Wager is a genuine tender foot. Remember, that school begins Monday. Ask E. E. Wager the price of SHOES IM No. 2 was several hours late on Wednesday. Have you noticed the increased site of The Dawn? Frank Jelden has been appoint- ed P. ML at CleElum. J, C. Lloyd went down to Yak- ima Wednesday on business. Peter McCallum, of Swank, was in town on business last Saturday. Chas. Thomas goes to Easton today to begin school Monday. Charley Edgington is mending slowly and is still confined to his room. Mose Emerson oame down from the Methow country this week on his wheel. Richard Morrison returned from s two weeks business trip on the Sound Sunday. Last week a stack of bones went down the street tied behind Windy Greene's buggy. Mrs. VanAlstine is still mend- ing gradually and will soon be able to be out again. Mrs. P. Laurendeau lectured on the temperance question in Ros- jyn a few days ago. Rev. F. B. Stevenson and Rev. A. Bard registered at the Chilberg, in Tacoma, this week. The Bell View House, at the head of CleElum Lake, was de- stroyed by fire Aug. 20. Chas. Bigney, of Meaghersville, was in town this week. He re- ports everything flourishing in the essap. Miss Aimee Porter, of Roslyn, has been employed as one of the teachers in the public school of that burg. Reports are to the effect that a hard rain fell out in the north- east portion of the vailey on Tues- day evening. E. T. Wilson was in town Fri- day and Saturday of last week, leaving Saturday evening for Hel- ena Montana. Judge Davidson, Col. E. E. Wa- ger and Capt. Pruyn left Saturday morning for a few days camping at Red Mountain. E. E. Wager is getting some- what extravagant to throw away a good pair of shoes in the moun- tains this week. W. H. Tate and family left this week for California. They go overland and expect to be on the road a couple of months. Oscar Sayles and family left for the hop fields of Yakima this week. They expect to spend a couple of weeks among the vines of "New Italy." The people of Roslyn are con- siderably worked up over the sohool directors of that city em- ploying a teacher of Port Town- send to teach their school. There was quite a frost Wednes- day morning, although we believe it did very little, if any harm. A very thin ice was formed in out- door vessels, tubs, pans and water troughs the same morning. Harry Bryant the enterprising merchant of Liberty, was in town thiß week looking after business. Mr. Bryant, so we are told, is doing » good business and it gives us pleasure to hear such reports. Prof. Roush left this week for Goldendale where he has been em- ployed as principal of the high echool. May success attend him through life and his light grow brighter and brighter. The Dawn will follow the Professor to his new home. I Mosss Peffer and family started for Yakima Sunday to pick hope. Mrs. D. W. Morgan is fixing to take a trip to lowa to pay a visit to relatives and friends for two or three months. W. H. Peterson, our genial and obliging postmaster, is the possess- or of a large boil on the back of his neck. Mr. P. says it is very pain- ful and gives him considerable trouble. If you have veal estate to *e!l list the same at Thk Dawn oflice and we will endeavor to find you a buyer. If you have a farm or town property to rent, place it in our charge. Chas. Finberg, Dr. Gray and Austin Mires, returned Monday evening from a weeks outing and prospecting at Glacier Peak. They report a good time, line scenery and a rough country. Richard Morrison and wife will leave for Seattle, their future home in a few days. They will be miss- ed very much in EUensburg, and it is the wish of their many friends that they may prosper in their new home. Thomas jJart».'« came in from the sheep camp Saturday after the mail and some family supplies. He reports the ladies in the camp as well satisfied and enjoying themselves in great shape. They expect to break camp about the Ist of October. Rev. Marvin by order of the M. E. Conference held in Pendell- ton, Ore., last week, will preach in this city for another year. We think the conference did a very wise thing in returning Bro. Mar- vin and no doubt the people of Ellensburg without regard to race, creed or color are happy to know that he ie returned. Mr. Horan of Wenatchee has put in a bucket elevator system to raise water from the river to irri- gate his farm. It works well. One of the most solid sections of the state is Kittitas valley. She leads in dairying, produces 75,000 tons of hay and her grain crops this year will bring her at least $125,000. Grass and giain are her staple crops, and they are making her farmers independent.?Raonh and Range. P. J. Flint, of Parker Bottom, Yakima county, will please accept our thanks for a box of very fine peaches. Bro. Flint wrote us last winter, as per letter in THK Dawn at that time, if we would correct a certain article in regard to his or- chard he would send ns a box of his finest peaches this summer He has paid the debt like a man, and we feel that we should publicly acknowledge the same. Editor Cummings is worried about the bad condition of the sidewalk above Ramsay's store. Why don't he catch on? The city dads havn't time to fix it and when it is not in use there is no need of fixing it and when it is in use they can't fix it, besides it will make a fine trap for him to fall into and get eiippled. Then he can have a real damage suit and a plausible excuse for "roasting" something or somebody. Certaiulv you don't want to suffer with dys- pepsia, constipation, sick headache, se low skiu, You have uever tried DeWitt's Little Karlv Kisers for these complaints or you would have been cured. They arc small pills but great regulators.?Stephens & Elwood. The authorities in charge of the public school building certainly did a poor job in removing the fence from around the building. As it is now, it looks like there was no enterprise whatever in the board, to say nothing of the town. At a very small expense the fence could have been repaired and the yard set in trees which would soon grow up and make a fine shade and would be of much pleasure to the scholars as well as the pub- lic, and would also add much to tho appearance of the school grounds, building and town, , Sheriff Stinson Dead. A telegram announcing the death of Sheriff Stinson reached this city Monday morning. He died Thurs- day about 6 p. m. The announ- cement occassioned no surprise as such word has been expected daily for two months. Deputy Sheriff Palmer telegraphed at once for the Coroner to come down and take charge of th» office. W. H. Peterson is now a resi- dent of Sunnyside addition, hav- ing moved this week. Slowly but surely Sunnyside is filling up with the best of people. To lical the broken and diseased tissues, to soothe the irrilat <t tmrfaci's, lo instantly re- lieve BUd to permanently cure is the mission pf De Witrs Witch nasal Salve.?Stephen* & Blwood. W. P. Hiddlsson, wife and two daughters, all of Vancouver, at- tended the Institute last week. Mr. an Mrs. Hiddleson came over to see their two daughters located, as they are here to attend the corn- year of the state normal. Mr. Hiddleson made The Dawx a call while in our city v.nd informed us that he expected to become a resident of our county next spring. Married?August 26, 1897., Mr. John H. Jones to Miss. Myrtle Y. Devore, both of Kittitas county, Wash. Eider J. A. Woodyard officiating. STATU OF OHIO. CITY iV TOLEDO,* cc LUCAS COUNTY, < ss ' Frakk J. ChSKSY makes oath that he is the Motor partner ot the II rm ol P. J. Cheney & Co., dolug business in the city of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that Mid firm wilipav the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each end every oaan of 3ATARRII that cannot be cured by the use at Hall's Catarrh Cure. Sworn to beforo me and subscribed In mv presence, thistitb day of December. A, v. issb. " ,? ?\u25a0, A. W. OLSASON, IjJAM Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure ia taken internally, and acts directly upon the blood aud muciiou sur- faces of the system. Send for testlm m'als. free. P. J. CHENKY 4 Co., Toledo, O. Sold by (lriiKi/ists, 75c, IlallV Family I'illa are the beat. The Cheney Normal School Trouble Settled. The Supreme Court has rendered a decision in the case of State of Washington ex rel. J. J. Rippentoe, plaintiff* and petitioner, vs. Neal Cheetham, State Auditor. The act- ion was mandamus proceedings to compel the State Auditor to issue to the plaintiff, who is a member of the Cheney Norma! School, a ceitificate lor $200, the equivalent ol one month's salary. The state demurred upon the ground that there was no appropri- ation, the Governor having vetoed the bill appropriating money for this normal school. The object of the action was to determine whether this norma school was to be continued or closed, and the Supreme Court decides in favor of the demurrer, which closes the school up. No iiutn or woman can enjoy life or accom- plish Hindi in this world while si-Heriug from a torpid liver. Hewitt's Little Farh Risers, the gills that cl"ause that org.ui i.uickly.?Ste- phens & Elwood. Flaotosraplis, Crayons and Water Color Por- traits, Picture Frames, etc., etc. Pautzke art studio. In the famous suit of the city of Tacoma against the Tacoma Light and Water company, a decision has been handed down from the supreme court, on a rehearing which reverses the former decision. This allows the judgment of $785, 000 in lavor of the city to stand. Wool Soap does all that it is advertised to do, that is why you can not afford to do without it. You can get it at Bossong & Co. Wanted: ?A girl, enquire at Ell- ensburg National bank. W. J. Rummons, a Pomeroy butcher has been arrested lor sell- ing meat on Sunday. Rummons has been accommodating the ranch- ers by letting them have beef on the forbidden day, they being too busy with their work to come into town during the week. He was fined $25 and costs. It is in Ellensburg! What is in Ellensburg? Why, "Wool Soap." Fruit Inspector W. H. Brown at Seattle has been condemning a lot of bad fruit shipped lrom California. Over lour hundred boxes were con- demmed last Saturday. Most of the fruit was infected with the cod- dling moth and Sun Jose scale. Read our new and extraordinary offer of Thk Dawn and the Seattle Times one year for $I<oo, State USTe-ws Three rafts with i ,500,000 ieet ol log 6 were towed fiorr. shelton booms last week. Smith & Parr of Centralia, have bought out Osborne & Albrccht log- gers at Pluviers. S. A. Buck whose shingle mill near Snohomish burned August 7, with $6,000 loss has arranged to rebuild. Alvin Schmidt is rebuilding a $6,- --000 brewing plant with i,(kk) barrel? capacity at Colfax to replace burned last February. Nicholson Walters & Rockney will start their shingle mill at Cedar- home about Sept. Ist, with a oouble- block machine. E. J. Hudson, C. H. Walker, C. L. Ayerst and E. A. Ayerst have incor- porated the Globe mill company at Seattle with $5,000 capital. j The Crltax Gazette notes over $6,- --000 worth of laim buildings uoine up within a lew miles of town, and lum- ber trade is mure active than for five year;,. [ Spokane breweries have capitul- ated with the brewers and ma!lter's union, adjusted their various differ- ences and the boycott against their beer been raised. Leudinghaus Bros, will have a saw and shingle null in oneiation in Fe Ell in a lew weeks, Preliminary work has all ready commenced and the, machinery is ready to be moved on to the ground. The remaining assests of the first national bank of Whatcom, worth nominally $125,000 brought $3,900 at auction last week including Si, 126 paid for the bank building and ground. Bird & Hedges of Forest Center havo purchased Joseph Lapray's saw sawmill and machinery located on the Spokane river. They are now moving the mill to Lee Owen's ranch two miles northwest of Springdale. A. B. Leckeneby and A'J. Russell, representative of the laurt depart- ment of the Northern Pacific, are looking about the county with a view to selecting laud for a seed farm which will be operated by a son of Mr Leckenby for the railway com- pany. ?Yakima Herald, A three days' fruit fair will be held at Walla Walla just prior to sending the exibit of fruits irom that section to the Spokane fruit lair. Mis Bla- lock who has been chosen as "God- dess of plenty" for the Spokane ex- Ibit will also reign over Wada Walla during the three days' fair there. W. H. Ford has begun to rebuild the Hajier ahingle mill, which was recently destroyed by tire. New machinery with the exception of the boiler, will be purhased and the new plant will be an improvement oi the old one. It will be a double blocker with a capacity oi about 120,000 per day. Shingle cutting records don't count lor much these days when a champ- ion world's cut is broken about once a week. At Hennessy & Hudson's shingle mill at Geneva Lake What- com county, Henry Merritt a sawyer cnt 98,5*10 i6»inch shingles Thursday breaking the worlu's record by 1,500 in «t ten hour run with a hand mach- ine. Improvements now being made will raise the total storage capacity for grain at this place to 180,000 bu. distributed as follows: H. M. Hansen 50,000 bu.; M. E. Hay 50,000 Col- umbia river milling Co,, 50,000. and G. M. McAllister, 30,000 and that is for once all around. Tne probability is that each will be filled and emptied five or six times. ?Wilbur Register. 1 The yield of prunes in Thruston 1 county will be ten tons to sell and i\ considerable drying is not done the amount may reach fifteen tons Jmost wholly of the Italian variety, The the average age of the large number 1 of trees that have been put in is hard ly over five years, so that the or- chards in the county may be said to be just entering upon the bearing period, and that next year, under tavorable circumstances, the yield will of an amount to justify shipment The pear and apple crops there pi om ise well. Up to this time the loss of trees Thruston county, as a results of the last November freeze is by no- means up to what was expected early in the spring, The Blue and the Gray. Both men and women are apt to feel ? little blue, when the gray hairs begin so show. It* a Terr natural feeling. In the normal condition of thinge gray heirs belong; to advanced age. They Have ne business whitening the head of man or wesnexm, who has not begun to go down the slope of life. Ac a matter of fact, the heir tarsus gray regardless of age, or of life's seasons ; sometimes ft Is whitened br sickness, but more often from task of oars. When the hair fades as turns gray there's no need to resort to hair dyes. The normal color of the) hair is restored sad retained by the use of Ayer's Hair Vigor. Ayer Ccrcbook. " m at»ry of care* tolS by the cored." i«o yacee. Ire*. J. C. Ayer C«., Lewell, MAM. Whatcom county has a total debt of $472,159.05 Foreat fires are raging up in Skagit county. The coal miners' strike at Jssa- flush, i.s broker;. E. IJ.l J . Stahley, a young newspaper m.m suicided at Whatcom last week. The fruit and vegetable crop in the vicinity ol Aartford is excellent. The Soldier's Home at Orting has 124 members, all contented and hap- py under Dr. Newel's management. C. W. Sterrick, of Lake Paddon, and J. D. Johnson, of Fairhaven, had a terrific encounter last week in the woods .near the latter place. John Morrison, of New Whatcom, was seriously injured by the prema- ture explosion of a blast in a big !og at Morrison's sawmill last Thusday. The total valuation of Lewis coun- ty is $5,188,991, of which $4,432,6;8 is real and $756,3.3 personal. This is about $350,000 less than the '96 valuation, j The Board of Land Commission- ers has completed the list of school lands subject to lease in Walla Wal- la, Franklin and Kittitas. The amount in Walla Waila is 30,309 acres; Franklin 39,907 and Kittitas (54-9°9- ,\, ; ATTENTION I H. Kleinberg has opened an of- fice in the Gedflis Block where he can be found at any hour in the day. He can fit you out foi a little money with a fine tailor made suit. 500 samples to select from. septy Summons. In ttje Sur-eriflr Court of Kittitas coualy, state of Washington' Konuan <.;. Burroughs, Plaintiff", vs. Hozckiah 8. AfIAWMA. anil Clarence Anderson and Kfiie Anderson, minor heirs of I.uiel. An- derson, deceased; ( lay Xniltti anil Mamie Smith, Defetwlants. TSeSt*te*f Washington To the said Clarence Anderson end KIBe rtiirtajsiiii mliio' heirs oi .'.nit! I Aurfersou, deceased. Defendant*: You ere hereby tntntNotti 10 appear within sixty diiys after the dn'e at lit; first publication of this .summon*, to-wit: witbfti sixty days af- teir the idth day of August A, U. inn, and de- fend the above entitled action lv the above en- titled court, and aiusw.e.r the lomleiut of plain- lifT,*ndnerve a copy of your answer upon the tUtferMfflied attorney »or plaintiff at his office below I'.euied,aud iv ease ofyonr failnte so no, judgement will lie rendered .ayehist ycu, aecordfcw; to the demand of tho eofuplaint. whien tuts been Sled with the Clerk of said LOftft I'he object of this aeHon is to obtain a judg. went tganst the defendant Megckiab S. Ander- son for the sum vl Ten Hundred and Seventy- six iKKfi) Dollars wiih interest tlieron from the Ist. day of Attgert A. J). ik:i7 et V>% per anum, and for attorney a fees, e«.l for plaiuritTs cost of suit, and for One hundred and twenty five and 'JO-100 d>\u25a0linns taxes, duo and delinquent upon ar id proper tv, and that said judgment be declnred a lien upon certain premise* iv the eiMintyof Kittltiis, Statu of Wasainvtou, mort- gaged b Her.eklah S. Anderson anut l.vie J. Anderson, Ins wife, since deceased, on or about the ifltn day of November A. O. lsss, to The Oiiarautee Loan and Trust Company, and of which said mortgages wd the notes thereby .secured plaintiff*la iiow the owner and holder, uud which said mortgages an* j»ow of record in the oHVce of the County Auditor of Kittitas County, Slate of Washington, in Volume 1 ol Mortgages at **.:iand -IX7 respectively of the Mortgage Records ojl said county; and to ob- tain a decree of foreclosing said mortgag s as to t.'i,.' defendant herein named, and all persons claiming in. through, or by tfeeui, or either of them, mul for the sale of the prem- ises mortgaged, tn-vlt: the aouthwes'' one- quarter of Section ÜBiu I'awaahlp ?k north of raiitte IVoaacof the Willamette Merldiaai. con. taming one hundred and sixty acres, or so union, thereof »s may lie accessary to pay said judgment, interest, Attaruey'ii fe«s, costs, <ll.*b(irS|«v>eMtK and Jaxct. H. ,J. SwiVttT. frlaiutlffs Attorney, P. O. Address; Eller.sburg. Kittilas Co. Wash. Notice For Publication. Unit*h Static Land Qvv.ck, 7MBTII YAKIMA; Wn.. Aug. IS, 1887. Complaint huvlng ht-jsii entered *f this office by Peter Shows' against lutaee Constable for ehiiudouing Ills lloitiettcad Kntry Ho, 1997. dated November U, WW,lupon the s hi, N X & I-ots i and 'J of section f, Township Jti', < Range 17 X, in RUtiUis rounvy, Washington, with a view to the cancellation of aa(d entry, the said parties arc bewby attfamoned u> »«p*«r «t this offlee on the 25th day of September atiu o'clock a. ni. to respond «nd furnish testimony concerning alleged aUiudoiiment. A. F. Smxuxo, Kettister. What makes people want Wool Soap? Because it is the finest soap made, both for toilet aud family purposes. J. F, Webber & Co., shingle man- ufacturers at Snohomish, have as- signed their stock to pay labor claims. This firm was one ol the best known in the state Through the failure of the Dunniway lumber company in 1593 the mm lost $13,- --000, Who sells Wool Soap? Bossong & Co., the leading Grocers! They always have the best of everything in their line. I p. G. Windhusen, manager of the Medical Lake Salt com- pany, has purchased the plant of the Middaugh Salt Works and is jbusy consolidating the two plants, 1 intending to manufactrue salt and soap on a larger scale than hereto- fore. Wanted ?The Bank of Ellens burg will buy State, County and School District warrants. JI3I 4 The machinery of the new can- nery erected by the Everett Can ning company, at Stanwood, is all in place. It will have a capacity of 400 hundred cases a day, and be largest on the Sound, The .com- pany has a gasoline launch and ?Joes hs own Krwiofr BIOS I-08. BRIDUR ACROSS TIIK VAKIMA RKKR. Notice js borebv given that sealed bids will l>e ??eelved at theoilieeo! the Oonnty Auditor of Kittitas County, Wash., up to September 13:U 18H7 at the hour of 2 o'clock, p. in.,for a wooden bride across the vi kima river, near the town of Thorp, on the Hay ward wagon road, in accor. dance witn plaua and speoiticiitions prepared by County Surveyor, said picns hii<l speeiuca- lions / >r mid h Idgo - ill be open at the < :ounty Audib; 's office nu and after September eta 189* it the hour of S o'clock a. m.. Sa d bids .vill Ik, oniy for fhetvist r»f the wo/V aud Uhor hi construe lug said bridge us all ma' ferial Is now owned and will be furuish.dby tiie Conuiy of Kittitas. The rinht res»rved to reject any and «!! bids. By order of the Board of County Commis- sioners. John 1 . BROWN, Chairman Bo ird of County commissioners. County Auditor and Clerk of tins Hoard of County Commissioners 2o< Klttius county,. Washington, ?.jl Ml YOU WRITE LETTERS? Of course you do, and you ought never to send oil a Latter Without your uiun< and address on the envelope to prevent delavsand mistakes. Vie will furnish and prut you 100 good wbite envelopes with your ußine and ad- dress on upper left hand corner for 50 Ota.: for 11.00; 501) for*:.76: or 100 for?:.2S, All kinds of job printing executed neatly and promptly at reasonable prices. Address: THE DAWS, KllMMburff, Wash. IMPORTANT NOTICE. \u25a0'Pon'r mail your letter or valuable package without having your own address piloted upon the upper left hand corner, This wil, insure lis return to you if not delivered and will, prevent ts being sent to and opened at the Oca 4Letter Offee. ,; Pu . t this «*r " 1,1 yo»r office and call attention of your patrons to It, It la not obligatory upon tnem to comply with this request but It is to their interest to do so Frank 11. Jag at, ?. ?, first Assistant Postmaster General." ' °W "go t'je above notice in uearU every pos-ofli.. In the United d ates. The easiest way to comply with the suggestion is to send 26 cents to H. E. hHAKP. Pox 81.1, Ellensburg, Wash., mid receive in return a Hubber -tamp and Pad ..JVrito name and address pluinlvin two or three lipes as you wish it on the stamp. at»" Wease mention t«ePawh when answer- ing this advertiscmeut:~gn sept State Treasurer Young has issued another call lor, general state fund warrants irorn Nos. 17,166 to 17, 379 inclusive* amounting to $25,501. 43 and of military fund warrrnts trom Nos. 2018 to 2023 inclusive, sfltwurtting togfeootx

Dawn (Ellensburg, Wash.) (Ellensburg, Wash.) 1897-09-04 [p ]tTEWS EEPCETED." HASHED, SLASHED, ROLLED, MASHED, HATCH- ED, MATCHED AND DISPATCHED Next Monday is Labor Day. Court convenes

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Page 1: Dawn (Ellensburg, Wash.) (Ellensburg, Wash.) 1897-09-04 [p ]tTEWS EEPCETED." HASHED, SLASHED, ROLLED, MASHED, HATCH- ED, MATCHED AND DISPATCHED Next Monday is Labor Day. Court convenes


Next Monday is Labor Day.

Court convenes Monday morntog,

E. E. Wager is a genuine tenderfoot.

Remember, that school beginsMonday.

Ask E. E. Wager the price of


No. 2 was several hours late on


Have you noticed the increasedsite of The Dawn?

Frank Jelden has been appoint-ed P. MLat CleElum.

J, C. Lloyd went down to Yak-

ima Wednesday on business.Peter McCallum, of Swank, was

in town on business last Saturday.

Chas. Thomas goes to Eastontoday to begin school Monday.

Charley Edgington is mendingslowly and is still confined to hisroom.

Mose Emerson oame down from

the Methow country this week on

his wheel.Richard Morrison returned from

s two weeks business trip on theSound Sunday.

Last week a stack of bones went

down the street tied behind WindyGreene's buggy.

Mrs. VanAlstine is still mend-ing gradually and will soon beable to be out again.

Mrs. P. Laurendeau lectured onthe temperance question in Ros-jyn a few days ago.

Rev. F. B. Stevenson and Rev.A. Bard registered at the Chilberg,in Tacoma, this week.

The Bell View House, at thehead of CleElum Lake, was de-stroyed by fire Aug. 20.

Chas. Bigney, of Meaghersville,was in town this week. He re-

ports everything flourishing in theessap.

Miss Aimee Porter, of Roslyn,has been employed as one of theteachers in the public school ofthat burg.

Reports are to the effect that a

hard rain fell out in the north-east portion of the vailey on Tues-day evening.

E. T. Wilson was in town Fri-day and Saturday of last week,leaving Saturday evening for Hel-ena Montana.

Judge Davidson, Col. E. E. Wa-ger and Capt. Pruyn left Saturdaymorning for a few days camping atRed Mountain.

E. E. Wager is getting some-

what extravagant to throw awaya good pair of shoes in the moun-tains this week.

W. H. Tate and family left thisweek for California. They go

overland and expect to be on theroad a couple of months.

Oscar Sayles and family left forthe hop fields of Yakima this week.They expect to spend a couple ofweeks among the vines of "NewItaly."

The people of Roslyn are con-

siderably worked up over the

sohool directors of that city em-ploying a teacher of Port Town-send to teach their school.

There was quite a frost Wednes-day morning, although we believe itdid very little, if any harm. Avery thin ice was formed in out-door vessels, tubs, pans and water

troughs the same morning.Harry Bryant the enterprising

merchant of Liberty, was in town

thiß week looking after business.Mr. Bryant, so we are told, is doing» good business and it gives uspleasure to hear such reports.

Prof. Roush left this week forGoldendale where he has been em-ployed as principal of the highechool. May success attend himthrough life and his light grow

brighter and brighter. The Dawn

willfollow the Professor to his new


I Mosss Peffer and family startedfor Yakima Sunday to pick hope.

Mrs. D. W. Morgan is fixing totake a trip to lowa to pay a visitto relatives and friends for two orthree months.

W. H. Peterson, our genial andobliging postmaster, is the possess-or of a large boil on the back of hisneck. Mr. P. says it is very pain-ful and gives him considerabletrouble.

If you have veal estate to *e!llist the same at Thk Dawn ofliceand we will endeavor to find youa buyer. If you have a farm ortown property to rent, place it inour charge.

Chas. Finberg, Dr. Gray andAustin Mires, returned Mondayevening from a weeks outing andprospecting at Glacier Peak. Theyreport a good time, line sceneryand a rough country.

Richard Morrison and wife willleave for Seattle, their future homein a few days. They will be miss-ed very much in EUensburg, andit is the wish of their many friendsthat they may prosper in theirnew home.

Thomas jJart».'« came in fromthe sheep camp Saturday after themail and some family supplies.He reports the ladies in the campas well satisfied and enjoyingthemselves in great shape. Theyexpect to break camp about theIst of October.

Rev. Marvin by order of theM. E. Conference held in Pendell-ton, Ore., last week, will preachin this city for another year. Wethink the conference did a verywise thing in returning Bro. Mar-vin and no doubt the people ofEllensburg without regard to race,creed or color are happy to knowthat he ie returned.

Mr. Horan of Wenatchee hasput in a bucket elevator system toraise water from the river to irri-gate his farm. It works well.

One of the most solid sections ofthe state is Kittitas valley. Sheleads in dairying, produces 75,000tons of hay and her grain cropsthis year will bring her at least

$125,000. Grass and giain are herstaple crops, and they are makingher farmers independent.?Raonhand Range.

P. J. Flint, of Parker Bottom,Yakima county, will please acceptour thanks for a box of very finepeaches. Bro. Flint wrote us last

winter, as per letter in THK Dawnat that time, if we would correct a

certain article in regard to his or-

chard he would send ns a box ofhis finest peaches this summerHe has paid the debt like a man,and we feel that we should publiclyacknowledge the same.

Editor Cummings is worriedabout the bad condition of the

sidewalk above Ramsay's store.

Why don't he catch on? The citydads havn't time to fix it andwhen it is not in use there is noneed of fixing it and when it is in

use they can't fix it, besides it will

make a fine trap for him to fall

into and get eiippled. Then he

can have a real damage suit and a

plausible excuse for "roasting"

something or somebody.Certaiulv you don't want to suffer with dys-

pepsia, constipation, sick headache, se lowskiu, You have uever tried DeWitt's LittleKarlv Kisers for these complaints or you wouldhave been cured. They arc small pills but

great regulators.?Stephens & Elwood.

The authorities in charge of the

public school building certainly

did a poor job in removing the

fence from around the building.

As it is now, it looks like there

was no enterprise whatever in the

board, to say nothing of the town.

At a very small expense the fencecould have been repaired and the

yard set in trees which would soon

grow up and make a fine shadeand would be of much pleasure to

the scholars as well as the pub-

lic, and would also add much to

tho appearance of the schoolgrounds, building and town, ,

Sheriff Stinson Dead.A telegram announcing the death

of Sheriff Stinson reached this cityMonday morning. He died Thurs-day about 6 p. m. The announ-cement occassioned no surprise assuch word has been expected dailyfor two months. Deputy SheriffPalmer telegraphed at once for theCoroner to come down and takecharge of th» office.

W. H. Peterson is now a resi-dent of Sunnyside addition, hav-ing moved this week. Slowly butsurely Sunnyside is filling up withthe best of people.

To lical the broken and diseased tissues, tosoothe the irrilat <t tmrfaci's, lo instantly re-lieve BUd to permanently cure is the missionpf De Witrs Witch nasal Salve.?Stephen* &


W. P. Hiddlsson, wife and twodaughters, all of Vancouver, at-tended the Institute last week.Mr. an Mrs. Hiddleson came overto see their two daughters located,as they are here to attend the corn-

year of the state normal. Mr.Hiddleson made The Dawx acall while in our city v.nd informedus that he expected to become aresident of our county next spring.

Married?August 26, 1897., Mr.John H. Jones to Miss. MyrtleY. Devore, both ofKittitas county,Wash. Eider J. A. Woodyardofficiating.


Frakk J. ChSKSY makes oath that he is theMotor partner ot the IIrm ol P. J. Cheney & Co.,dolug business in the city of Toledo, Countyand State aforesaid, and that Mid firm wilipavthe sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for eachend every oaan of 3ATARRII that cannot becured by the use at Hall's Catarrh Cure.

Sworn to beforo me and subscribed In mvpresence, thistitb day of December. A, v. issb. ",? ?\u25a0, A. W. OLSASON,IjJAM Notary Public.Hall's Catarrh Cure ia taken internally, and

acts directly upon the blood aud muciiou sur-faces of the system. Send for testlm m'als.free. P. J. CHENKY 4 Co., Toledo, O.

Sold by (lriiKi/ists, 75c,

IlallVFamily I'illa are the beat.

The Cheney Normal SchoolTrouble Settled.

The Supreme Court has rendereda decision in the case of State ofWashington ex rel. J. J. Rippentoe,plaintiff* and petitioner, vs. NealCheetham, State Auditor. The act-ion was mandamus proceedings tocompel the State Auditor to issue tothe plaintiff, who is a member of theCheney Norma! School, a ceitificatelor $200, the equivalent ol onemonth's salary.

The state demurred upon theground that there was no appropri-ation, the Governor having vetoed

the bill appropriating money forthis normal school.

The object of the action was to

determine whether this normaschool was to be continued or closed,and the Supreme Court decides infavor of the demurrer, which closesthe school up.

No iiutn or woman can enjoy life or accom-plish Hindi in this world while si-Heriug froma torpid liver. Hewitt's Little Farh Risers,the gills that cl"ause that org.ui i.uickly.?Ste-phens & Elwood.

Flaotosraplis,Crayons and Water Color Por-traits, Picture Frames, etc., etc.Pautzke art studio.

In the famous suit of the city of

Tacoma against the Tacoma Lightand Water company, a decision hasbeen handed down from the supremecourt, on a rehearing which reversesthe former decision. This allowsthe judgment of $785, 000 in lavor

of the city to stand.

Wool Soap does all that itis advertised to do, that iswhy you can not afford to dowithout it. You can get it atBossong & Co.

Wanted: ?A girl, enquire at Ell-ensburg National bank.

W. J. Rummons, a Pomeroybutcher has been arrested lor sell-ing meat on Sunday. Rummonshas been accommodating the ranch-ers by letting them have beef on theforbidden day, they being too busywith their work to come into town

during the week. He was fined $25and costs.

It is in Ellensburg!What is in Ellensburg?

Why, "Wool Soap."Fruit Inspector W. H. Brown at

Seattle has been condemning a lotofbad fruit shipped lrom California.Over lour hundred boxes were con-

demmed last Saturday. Most ofthe fruit was infected with the cod-dling moth and Sun Jose scale.

Read our new and extraordinaryoffer of Thk Dawn and the SeattleTimes one year for $I<oo,

State USTe-wsThree rafts with i ,500,000 ieet ol

log6 were towed fiorr. shelton boomslast week.

Smith & Parr of Centralia, havebought out Osborne & Albrccht log-gers at Pluviers.

S. A. Buck whose shingle mill nearSnohomish burned August 7, with$6,000 loss has arranged to rebuild.

Alvin Schmidt is rebuilding a $6,---000 brewing plant with i,(kk) barrel?capacity at Colfax to replace burnedlast February.

Nicholson Walters & Rockneywill start their shingle mill at Cedar-home about Sept. Ist, with a oouble-block machine.

E. J. Hudson, C. H. Walker, C. L.Ayerst and E. A. Ayerst have incor-porated the Globe mill company at

Seattle with $5,000 capital. jThe Crltax Gazette notes over $6,-

--000 worth of laim buildings uoine upwithin a lew miles of town, and lum-ber trade is mure active than for fiveyear;,.

[ Spokane breweries have capitul-ated with the brewers and ma!lter'sunion, adjusted their various differ-ences and the boycott against theirbeer been raised.

Leudinghaus Bros, will have a sawand shingle null in oneiation in Fe

Ell in a lew weeks, Preliminary workhas all ready commenced and the,

machinery is ready to be moved onto the ground.

The remaining assests of the firstnational bank of Whatcom, worthnominally $125,000 brought $3,900at auction last week including Si, 126paid for the bank building andground.

Bird & Hedges of Forest Centerhavo purchased Joseph Lapray's sawsawmill and machinery located onthe Spokane river. They are now

moving the mill to Lee Owen's ranchtwo miles northwest of Springdale.

A. B. Leckeneby and A'J. Russell,representative of the laurt depart-ment of the Northern Pacific, are

looking about the county with a viewto selecting laud for a seed farmwhich will be operated by a son ofMr Leckenby for the railway com-

pany. ?Yakima Herald,A three days' fruit fair will be held

at Walla Walla just prior to sendingthe exibit of fruits irom that sectionto the Spokane fruit lair. Mis Bla-lock who has been chosen as "God-dess of plenty" for the Spokane ex-

Ibit will also reign over Wada Walladuring the three days' fair there.

W. H. Ford has begun to rebuildthe Hajier ahingle mill, which was

recently destroyed by tire. Newmachinery with the exception of theboiler, will be purhased and the newplant will be an improvement oi theold one. It will be a double blockerwith a capacity oi about 120,000 perday.

Shingle cutting records don't count

lor much these days when a champ-ion world's cut is broken about oncea week. At Hennessy & Hudson'sshingle mill at Geneva Lake What-com county, Henry Merritt a sawyercnt 98,5*10 i6»inch shingles Thursdaybreaking the worlu's record by 1,500in «t ten hour run with a hand mach-ine.

Improvements now being madewill raise the total storage capacityfor grain at this place to 180,000 bu.distributed as follows: H. M. Hansen50,000 bu.; M. E. Hay 50,000 Col-umbia river milling Co,, 50,000. andG. M. McAllister, 30,000 and that isfor once all around. Tne probabilityis that each will be filled and emptiedfive or six times. ?Wilbur Register. 1

The yield of prunes in Thruston 1county will be ten tons to sell and i\considerable drying is not done theamount may reach fifteen tons Jmostwholly of the Italian variety, Thethe average age of the large number 1of trees that have been put in is hardly over five years, so that the or-

chards in the county may be said to

be just entering upon the bearingperiod, and that next year, undertavorable circumstances, the yieldwill of an amount to justify shipmentThe pear and apple crops there piom

ise well. Up to this time the loss oftrees Thruston county, as a resultsof the last November freeze is by no-means up to what was expected earlyin the spring,

The Blue and the Gray.Both men and women are apt to feel ? little

blue, when the gray hairs begin so show. It*a Terr natural feeling. In the normal conditionof thinge gray heirs belong; to advanced age.

They Have ne business whitening the head ofman or wesnexm, who has not begun to go

down the slope of life. Ac a matter of fact,

the heir tarsus gray regardless of age, or oflife's seasons ; sometimes ft Is whitened brsickness, but more often from task of oars.

When the hair fades as turns gray there's noneed to resort to hair dyes. The normal colorof the) hair is restored sad retained by the use of

Ayer's Hair Vigor.Ayer ?» Ccrcbook. "m at»ry of care* tolS by the cored."

i«o yacee. Ire*. J. C. Ayer C«., Lewell, MAM.

Whatcom county has a total debtof $472,159.05

Foreat fires are raging up inSkagit county.

The coal miners' strike at Jssa-flush, i.s broker;.

E. IJ.lJ . Stahley, a young newspaperm.m suicided at Whatcom last week.

The fruit and vegetable crop inthe vicinity ol Aartford is excellent.

The Soldier's Home at Orting has124 members, all contented and hap-py under Dr. Newel's management.

C. W. Sterrick, of Lake Paddon,and J. D. Johnson, of Fairhaven,had a terrific encounter last week inthe woods .near the latter place.

John Morrison, of New Whatcom,was seriously injured by the prema-ture explosion of a blast in a big !ogat Morrison's sawmill last Thusday.

The total valuation of Lewis coun-

ty is $5,188,991, of which $4,432,6;8is real and $756,3.3 personal. Thisis about $350,000 less than the '96valuation, j

The Board of Land Commission-ers has completed the list of schoollands subject to lease in Walla Wal-la, Franklin and Kittitas. Theamount in Walla Waila is 30,309acres; Franklin 39,907 and Kittitas

(54-9°9- ,\, ;

ATTENTION IH. Kleinberg has opened an of-

fice in the Gedflis Block where hecan be found at any hour in the day.He can fit you out foi a little moneywith a fine tailor made suit. 500samples to select from. septy

Summons.In ttje Sur-eriflr Court of Kittitas coualy, state

of Washington'Konuan <.;. Burroughs, Plaintiff",

vs.Hozckiah 8. AfIAWMA.anil Clarence Andersonand Kfiie Anderson, minor heirs of I.uiel. An-derson, deceased; ( lay Xniltti anil Mamie Smith,Defetwlants.

TSeSt*te*f Washington To the said ClarenceAnderson end KIBe rtiirtajsiiii mliio' heirs oi.'.nit! I Aurfersou, deceased. Defendant*:

You ere hereby tntntNotti 10 appear withinsixty diiys after the dn'e at lit; first publicationof this .summon*, to-wit: witbfti sixty days af-teir the idth day of August A, U. inn, and de-fend the above entitled action lv the above en-titled court, and aiusw.e.r the lomleiut of plain-lifT,*ndnerve a copy of your answer upon thetUtferMfflied attorney »or plaintiff at his officebelow I'.euied,aud iv ease ofyonr failnte so t»no, judgement will lie rendered .ayehist ycu,aecordfcw; to the demand of tho eofuplaint.whien tuts been Sled with the Clerk of saidLOftft

I'he object of this aeHon is to obtain a judg.went tganst the defendant Megckiab S. Ander-son for the sum vl Ten Hundred and Seventy-six iKKfi)Dollars wiih interest tlieron from theIst. day of Attgert A. J). ik:i7 et V>% per anum,and for attorney a fees, e«.l for plaiuritTs costof suit, and for One hundred and twenty fiveand 'JO-100 d>\u25a0linns taxes, duo and delinquentupon ar id proper tv, and that said judgment bedeclnred a lien upon certain premise* iv theeiMintyof Kittltiis, Statu of Wasainvtou, mort-gaged b Her.eklah S. Anderson anut l.vie J.Anderson, Ins wife, since deceased, on or aboutthe ifltn day of November A. O. lsss, to TheOiiarautee Loan and Trust Company, and ofwhich said mortgages wd the notes thereby.secured plaintiff*la iiow the owner and holder,uud which said mortgages an* j»ow of recordin the oHVce of the County Auditor of KittitasCounty, Slate of Washington, in Volume 1 olMortgages at **.:iand -IX7 respectively of theMortgage Records ojl said county; and to ob-tain a decree of foreclosing said mortgag s asto t.'i,.' defendant herein named, and allpersons claiming in. through, or by tfeeui, oreither of them, mul for the sale of the prem-ises mortgaged, tn-vlt: the aouthwes'' one-quarter of Section ÜBiu I'awaahlp ?k north ofraiitte IVoaacof the Willamette Merldiaai. con.taming one hundred and sixty acres, or sounion, thereof »s may lie accessary to paysaid judgment, interest, Attaruey'ii fe«s, costs,<ll.*b(irS|«v>eMtK and Jaxct.

H. ,J. SwiVttT.frlaiutlffs Attorney,

P. O. Address; Eller.sburg. Kittilas Co. Wash.

Notice For Publication.Unit*h Static Land Qvv.ck,

7MBTII YAKIMA;Wn.. Aug. IS, 1887.Complaint huvlng ht-jsii entered *f this officeby Peter Shows' against lutaee Constable for

ehiiudouing Ills lloitiettcad Kntry Ho, 1997.dated November U, WW,lupon the s hi, N X &I-ots i and 'J of section f, Township Jti', < Range17 X, in RUtiUis rounvy, Washington, with aview to the cancellation of aa(d entry, the saidparties arc bewby attfamoned u> »«p*«r «t thisofflee on the 25th day of September atiuo'clock a. ni. to respond «nd furnish testimonyconcerning alleged aUiudoiiment.

A. F. Smxuxo, Kettister.

What makes people wantWool Soap?

Because it is the finest soapmade, both for toilet audfamily purposes.

J. F, Webber & Co., shingle man-

ufacturers at Snohomish, have as-

signed their stock to pay laborclaims. This firm was one ol thebest known in the state Throughthe failure of the Dunniway lumbercompany in 1593 the mm lost $13,---000,

Who sells Wool Soap?Bossong & Co., the leadingGrocers! They always havethe best ofeverything in theirline.

I p. G. Windhusen, manager ofthe Medical Lake Salt com-

pany, has purchased the plant ofthe Middaugh Salt Works and is

jbusy consolidating the two plants,1 intending to manufactrue salt andsoap on a larger scale than hereto-fore.

Wanted ?The Bank of Ellensburg will buy State, County andSchool District warrants. JI3I 4

The machinery of the new can-

nery erected by the Everett Canning company, at Stanwood, is allin place. It willhave a capacity of400 hundred cases a day, and be

largest on the Sound, The .com-pany has a gasoline launch and?Joes hs own Krwiofr


Notice js borebv given that sealed bids willl>e ??eelved at theoilieeo! the Oonnty Auditorof Kittitas County, Wash., up to September 13:U18H7 at the hour of 2 o'clock, p. in.,for a woodenbride across the vi kima river, near the townof Thorp, on the Hay ward wagon road, in accor.dance witn plaua and speoiticiitions preparedby County Surveyor, said picns hii<l speeiuca-lions / >r mid h Idgo - ill be open at the < :ountyAudib; 's office nuand after September eta 189*it the hour of S o'clock a. m..

Sa d bids .villIk, oniy for fhetvist r»f the wo/Vaud Uhor hi construe lug said bridge us all ma'ferial Is now owned and will be furuish.dbytiieConuiy of Kittitas.

The rinht res»rved to reject any and «!!bids.By order of the Board of County Commis-sioners. John 1 . BROWN,

Chairman Bo ird of County commissioners.County Auditor and Clerk of tins Hoard ofCounty Commissioners 2o< Klttius county,.Washington, ?.jl Ml

YOU WRITE LETTERS?Of course you do, and you ought never tosend oil a Latter Without your uiun< and

address on the envelope to prevent delavsandmistakes. Vie will furnish and prut you 100good wbite envelopes with your ußine and ad-dress on upper left hand corner for 50 Ota.:for 11.00; 501) for*:.76: or 100 for?:.2S,All kinds of job printing executed neatly andpromptly at reasonable prices. Address:THE DAWS, KllMMburff,Wash.

IMPORTANT NOTICE.\u25a0'Pon'r mail your letter or valuable package

without having your own address piloted uponthe upper left hand corner, This wil,insure lisreturn to you if not delivered and will,preventts being sent to and opened at the Oca 4LetterOffee. ,;


t this «*r" 1,1 yo»r officeand call attention of your patrons to It, It lanot obligatory upon tnem to comply with thisrequest but It is to their interest to do so

Frank 11. Jag at,?. ?, first Assistant Postmaster General."' °W "go t'jeabove notice in uearU everypos-ofli.. In the United d ates. The easiest way

to comply with the suggestion is to send 26 centsto H. E. hHAKP. Pox 81.1, Ellensburg, Wash.,mid receive in return a Hubber -tamp and Pad..JVrito name and address pluinlvin two or threelipes as you wish it on the stamp.at»" Wease mention t«ePawh when answer-ing this advertiscmeut:~gn sept

State Treasurer Young has issuedanother call lor, general state fundwarrants irorn Nos. 17,166 to 17,379 inclusive* amounting to $25,501.43 and of military fund warrrntstrom Nos. 2018 to 2023 inclusive,sfltwurtting togfeootx