DAVP Presentation MAP_Mr. Deo Magbal

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COACH – DR. BONI COMANDANTE (Inventor of Sleeping Fish

for transport)


(Bureau of Agricultural Research (BAR) Patent Expert)


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Bell Siphon – when water reaches the

top of the bell siphon pipe, vacuum is

created and forces the water down

inside the pipe to the float tank and

fish tank.

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What is the importance of flooding and

draining the growbed?

Flooding means watering the roots of the

plants with nutrient-rich water from the

fish tank automatically every cycle

(example: every 10 minutes).

Draining means giving time to the roots to

breath air. This process prevents roots from

rotting (automatically every cycle too).

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VERMICULTURE - WORMS!!! Why add WORMS to your growbed? Worms have millions of bacterias in

their tummies. They eat the solid waste of your fish. By doing so, the bacteria

in worms biodegrades whatever they eat into minerals and elements such as:

iron, potassium, calcium, zinc, magnesium, etc.) and make it more absorbable

by plants. They speed up the conversion of waste to inorganic matters.

Amazingly, they only not live but multiply in the growbed even if your grow

media is gravel or lahar. You can just go ahead and add a handful of worms to

your growbed. The most popular kind is the AFRICAN NIGHT CRAWLER. ANCs

grow fast and eat a lot.

But if you want to raise lots of worms to feed your fish, you need to learn

VERMICULTURE. In the process, you will produce worms to feed your fish,

compost to fertilize your other plants or sell them. Make compost tea to spray

on your plants and add to your AVP water.

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Microorganisms® -

An Earth Saving


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The concept of "friendly microorganisms" was developed by

Professor Teruo Higa, from the University of the Ryukyus in

Okinawa, Japan. He reported in the 1980s that a combination of

approximately 80 different microorganisms is capable of

positively influencing decomposing organic matter such that it

reverts into a "life promoting" process. Higa invokes a

"dominance principle" to explain the effects of his "Effective

Microorganisms". He claims that three groups of

microorganisms exist: "positive microorganisms"

(regeneration), "negative microorganisms" (decomposition,

degeneration), "opportunist microorganisms". In every medium

(soil, water, air, the human intestine), the ratio of "positive" and

"negative" microorganisms is critical, since the opportunist

microorganisms follow the trend to regeneration or

degeneration. Therefore, Higa believes that it is possible to

positively influence the given media by supplementing with

"positive" microorganisms.

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Microorganisms are tiny units of life that are too

small to be seen with the naked eye and they exist

everywhere in nature. Microorganisms are crucial

for maintaining the ecological balance. They carry

out chemical processes that make it possible for all

other organisms including humans to live. There are

friendly guys of the microbial worlds known as

beneficial microorganisms and a not so friendly

group called pathogens that are harmful and capable

of producing disease, decay and pollution.

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Deo’s AquaVermiPonics

Homegrown Indigenous Bacteria (HIB)

(Probiotics for Plants)

It is very simple to prepare:

1. Put 50ml HIB in a 1.5L empy bottle

2. Put 5 tbsp brown sugar or equivalent


3. Shake and keep in a dark place.

After three days, slowly open the

cap to release air. Put back cap and

keep for another 4 days.

4. Put 25ml of the 1.5L bottle in

another 1.5L. Fill up with non-

chlorinated water. Spray underneath

the leaves of plants before sunrise.

5. Spray 1 or 2 times a week

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•Size/Capacity: Tank size is 1 meter wide by 1.16 meters long and 1 meter tall. Water tank capacity is 500 ltrs, growbed is 250 ltrs.

•Float tank: 5 gal water container cut length wise and installed in the water tank directly under the auto-siphon downspout pipe. Dual micro switch

•Aquarium pump: 2 units 1500 liter per hour, 25 watts

•Auto-siphon: ½” PVC pipe, 3” dia. used water bottle, 4” dia. PVC pipe as housing

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FLOAT TANK: One of the problems in

common Flood and Drain Aquaponics

design is how to efficiently control the

auto-siphon. Too much flow does not

stop the auto-siphon; water in the grow

bed stays down and does not fill up. The

roots of the plants will not touch the

water at all and will die easily. Too little

flow will slowly fill up the water bed but

the time will be too long and the plants

will dry up and eventually die or the

plants will be soaked too long in the water

and die too. The essential flow rate

should be fast enough to fill the grow bed

and fast enough to drain it too.

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Deo’s AVP Twin Bell Siphon System (TM Reg# 042012008231)

Two bell siphon are attached with one single output.

Unlike conventional designs, this system helps each other (bell siphon to

finish off the siphon immediately once fully drained.

The most efficient design ever.

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At least 1 month, better 2 months to give time for nitrifying bacteria and

effective microorganisms (EM) to grow in the rocks and water.


Plant chinese kangkong, basil, oregano, etc.

4 tbsp of seaweeds extract

After 2 weeks

Put pangasius, catfish, mudfish

After maturity

Put tilapia, koi, etc.

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Clean growbed very 4 months or after harvest of plants.

Clean the pumps and the hoses.

Do not throw away the water!!! Use it to water potted or plants in soil.

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High in Protein

Save as much as 50% of your feeds

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Also introduces beneficial bacteria in new systems.

Adds nutrients in new systems.

Already used by Aquaponists in Australia and US.

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Worm Beds

Beds can be simple plastic storage containers, wooden boxes, etc. Ideally

it should be between 8 to 12 inches high. The container can be the size of

softdrink case or a little bigger which can be lifted easily by one person.

There should be a cover and kept in a cool place (not directly under the

sun). Worms should be harvested about every month.

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Worm Bedding

A good bedding material will hold moisture, not pack down, and should

not contain too much high-protein or organic nitrogen compounds. These

compounds will degrade quickly and release ammonia, which will raise

the pH of the bedding material. Shredded paper, organic material

including plant wastes, bulky animal manure or combinations of these are

suitable. Good cheap beddings available are: rice husks, sawdusts of

natural wood like coco lumber (not treated palochina which has


Bedding should be well fermented before introducing your mother

worms. Usually, it takes around 2 weeks to ferment.

Worms can be harvested about every month. But of course, you can catch

some every day to feed your fish

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Safe for fish & plants

For every 1.5 liter plastic bottle:

4 tbsp Tide

10 pcs Hot Pepper

1 tbsp Kerosene

1 tbsp Cooking Oil

Note: Spray on leaves

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Green tea is used to improve

mental alertness and thinking.

It is also used for weight loss

and to treat stomach disorders,

vomiting, diarrhea, headaches,

bone loss (osteoporosis), and

solid tumor cancers. Green tea

is also used for Crohn’s disease,

Parkinson’s disease, diseases of

the heart and blood vessels,

diabetes, low blood pressure,

chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS),

dental cavities (caries), kidney

stones, and skin damage.


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For nervous disorders, epilepsy,

senility and premature aging. As a

brain tonic, it is said to aid

intelligence and memory. It

strengthens the adrenal glands and

cleanses the blood to treat skin

impurities. It is said to combat stress

and depression, increase libido and

improve reflexes. It has also been

indicated for chronic venous

insufficiency, minor burns, scars,

scleroderma, skin ulcers, varicose

veins, wound healing, rheumatism,

blood diseases, congestive heart

failure, urinary tract infections,

venereal diseases, hepatitis and high

blood pressure.

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Basil is a well-known culinary

herb that's popular in many

Italian dishes. But did you

know that there are many

other uses of this herb,

including its use as a tonic to

aid in digestion? The most

common use of basil is for

cooking, such as in tomato

sauce, pesto, or vinegars. But

it also can be sprinkled over

salads and sliced tomatoes,

either whole or chopped.


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Dill leaves are aromatic and

are used to flavor many foods,

such as gravlax (cured salmon),

borscht and other soups, and


Dill is used in many traditional

medicines, including medicines

against jaundice, headache,

boils, lack of appetite,

stomach problems, nausea,

liver problems, and much

more. Dill seeds can also be

used to prepare herbal tea. .

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Oregano plant contains antioxidant, anti-

microbial and anti-parasitic compounds and

treatment forheart disease and muscular

degeneration. Oregano is used for the

treatment of flatulence, bloating and other

indigestion problems. It enhances the

secretion of saliva and serves in improving

digestion. It is also effective in overcoming

menstrual symptoms and promoting

menstruation. Some use it asnatural remedy

to treat cold and flu symptoms. Herbal tea

prepared with oregano helps in alleviation of

headache, urinary problems, lung disorders,

diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and jaundice.

Gargling with this water can help to prevent

tooth infection and sore throat. Oregano oil

applied directly to the infected tooth helps in

combating toothache. Ground oregano leaves

soothe arthritis pain, insect bites and other

skin problems. It is used to flavor food and


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Apple Mint or Yerba Buena is

more popular for its culinary

application because of its minty

flavor. Used in salads and as

flavor for cooking foods. Yerba

buena aroma is also used for

scents and fragrances. It is also

know for its medicinal properties

and is used as herbal medicine

for the treatment of many

ailments which has been

traditionally used since ancient

times. Studies have shown that it

contains pulegone, menthol,

menthene, menthenone and


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Spearmint is used for digestive disorders

including gas, indigestion, nausea, diarrhea,

upper gastrointestinal tract spasms,

irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), bile duct

and gallbladder swelling (inflammation),

and gallstones. It is also used for sore

throat, colds, headaches, toothaches,

cramps, cancer and inflammation of

respiratory tract. Some people use it as a

stimulant, germ-killer, local pain-killer, and

anti-spasm medication. Spearmint is

applied directly to the skin for swelling

inside the mouth, arthritis, local muscle and

nerve pain, and skin conditions including

pruritus and urticaria. In foods and

beverages, spearmint is used as a flavoring

agent. In manufacturing, spearmint is used

in health food products, cosmetics, and oral

hygiene products such as mouthwash and


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Peppermint is used for the common cold, cough,

inflammation of the mouth and throat, sinus

infections, and respiratory infections. It is also used

for digestive problems including heartburn, nausea,

vomiting, morning sickness, irritable bowel

syndrome (IBS), cramps of the upper gastrointestinal

(GI) tract and bile ducts, upset stomach, diarrhea,

bacterial overgrowth of the small intestine, and gas.

Some people also use peppermint for menstrual

problems, liver and gallbladder complaints,

preventing spasms during endoscopy procedures,

and as a stimulant. Peppermint oil is applied to the

skin for headache, muscle pain, nerve pain,

toothache, inflammation of the mouth, joint

conditions, itchiness, allergic rash, bacterial and viral

infections, relaxing the colon during barium enemas,

and for repelling mosquitoes. Some people inhale

peppermint oil for treating symptoms of cough and

colds, and as a painkiller. In foods and beverages,

peppermint is a common flavoring agent. In

manufacturing, peppermint oil is used as a fragrance

in soaps and cosmetics, and as a flavoring agent in



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Lemon mint infuses your

cooking with a light lemon

taste and scent. Lemon mint

historically treated depression,

colds, flus and digestive

problems, but today many use

lemon mint in cooking. Create

your own recipes using lemon

mint by adding it to dishes

which benefit from this herb's

lemony flavor.



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• Anti-Inflammatory

• Antihypertensive (eat 1 to 2

leaves in the morning)

• Glucose Lowering

• Nutritive / Antioxidative


• Medical Toothpaste

• Anti-Ulcerogenic

**Tastes live guava.


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Taheebo is widely used in

alternative cancer therapy

though without sufficient

scientific proof. It may be more

useful in antifungal applications.

It is used in South America to

battle cancer and leukemia. It is

useful in aiding the body in

fighting and healing from all

chronic diseases,

immunodeficiency diseases,

diarrhea, and intestinal


It is also used for weight



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The leaves and the oil are used to

make medicine. It is used for treating

digestive tract spasms, stomachache,

high blood pressure, convulsions, pain,

vomiting, cough, achy joints

(rheumatism), fever, the common cold,

and exhaustion. It is also used to kill

germs and as a mild astringent.

Some people apply lemongrass and its

essential oil directly to the skin for

headache, stomach ache, abdominal

pain, and muscle pain. By inhalation,

the essential oil is used as

aromatherapy for muscle pain. In food

and beverages, lemongrass is used as a

flavoring. For example, lemongrass

leaves are commonly used as “lemon”

flavoring in herbal teas.


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Salad Pepperomia, Vietnamese Crab Claw

Herb (Rau Càng Cua) (Peperomia pellucida)


Culinary : A small plant with bright green

heart-shaped shiny succulent leaves used in

salad. The best salad plant ever! The whole

plant’s foliage (all leaves and branches) is

washed and tossed into salads. Goes well

with any of your favorite salad dressing.

Medicinal : The leaves contain antibacterial

activity against Bacillus subtilis,

Pseudomonas aeruginosa and

Staphylococcus aureus, and antifungal

activity. It can cure fever, headache,

stomach-ache and weak body. In the

Philippines, it is called PANSIT-PANSITAN

and used to cure Gout and Rheumatism.

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This shrubby perennial plant has

fan-shaped clusters of long,

narrow leaves that produce a

strong smell when wilted. Fresh

pandan leaves are used to flavor

rice. Herbal restaurants make

pandan together with coconut

tomake great juice. Pandan

leaves also contain compounds

that repel some species of

cockroaches and are a

traditional insect repellent.

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Tarragon’s aromatic blend

enhances the flavors of egg,

chicken and fish dishes, and is

also used as a basis for salad

dressings. When dried, it loses

its aroma and this may be one

reason it is so frequently

preserved in vinegar, which

captures tarragon's essence and

creates a tasty condiment that

can be used in dressings,

mayonnaise and as a zesty

deglazing alternative to wine.


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Used raw in salads or stir-fried with chicken, pork or beef.

Very low in calories (just 16 kcal/100g) and fats; nonetheless,

it is rich in dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

Purslane has the highest amount of heart-healthy omega-3

fats of any edible plant, according to researchers at the

University of Texas at San Antonio. The scientists also report

that this herb has 10 to 20 times more melatonin—an

antioxidant that may inhibit cancer growth—than any other

fruit or vegetable tested. Research studies show that

consumption of foods rich in ω-3 fatty acids may reduce the

risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, and help prevent the

development of ADHD, autism, and other developmental

differences in children.

It is an excellent source of Vitamin A, (1320 IU/100 g,

provides 44% of RDA) one of the highest among green leafy

vegetables. Purslane is also a rich source of vitamin C, and

some B-complex vitamins like riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine

and carotenoids, as well as dietary minerals, such as iron,

magnesium, calcium, potassium, and manganese.


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Italian Oregano is an important culinary herb, used

for the flavor of its leaves, which can be more

flavourful when dried than fresh. Oregano's most

prominent modern use is as the staple herb of

Italian-American cuisine. It is most frequently used

with roasted, fried or grilled vegetables, meat and

fish. Unlike most Italian herbs,oregano combines

well with spicy foods, which are popular in southern

Italy. In Turkish cuisine, oregano is mostly used for

flavoring meat, especially for mutton and lamb. In

barbecue and kebab restaurants, it can be usually

found on table, together with paprika, salt and

pepper. Oregano is also used by chefs in the

southern Philippines to eliminate the odor of

carabao or water buffalo when boiling it, while

simultaneously imparting flavor. Oregano is high in

antioxidant activity, due to a high content of

phenolic acids and flavonoids.In test-tube studies, it

also has shown antimicrobial activity against strains

of the food-borne pathogen Listeria


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AQUAVERMIPONICS (once a day watering)

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Once-A-Day Watering System – a timer is connected to a small

water pump that waters the growbed at 6:00 am for 15

minutes everyday.

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Sage is used for digestive problems,

including loss of appetite, gas

(flatulence), stomach pain (gastritis),

diarrhea, bloating, asthma, cold sores,

gum disease, painful nasal passages and

heartburn. It is also used for reducing

overproduction of perspiration and

saliva; and for depression, memory loss,

and Alzheimer's disease. Women use

sage for painful menstrual periods, to

correct excessive milk flow during

nursing, and to reduce hot flashes during

menopause. Sage leaves are a popular

poultry and meat seasoning. They can be

used both fresh and dried. Sage also

makes a nice tea. In manufacturing, sage

is used as a fragrance component in

soaps and cosmetics.

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The leaves, both fresh and dried,

are used to flavor foods while

barbecuing. Rosemary is high in

iron, calcium and vitamin B.

Rosemary has a very old

reputation for improving memory

and has been used as a symbol

for remembrance during

weddings, war commemorations.

A modern study lends some

credence to this reputation.

When the smell of rosemary was

pumped into cubicles where

people were working, they

showed improved memory,

though with slower recall.

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Take a marjoram infusion for

general health. Marjoram is an

antioxidant and has some mild

anti-fungal properties making

it useful in preventing some

infections. Make the infusion

by adding a teaspoon of diced

fresh marjoram or dried

marjoram to a cup of boiling

water. Add marjoram to

Italian cooking. Similar to

oregano, use marjoram as a

replacement in sauces that

include oregano such as pizza

and spaghetti sauce.

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The smell of oil of citronella

repels blood-feeding

mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas. As

a non-toxic substance, many

people prefer using it to using

other chemical repellants.

Some people were able to use

citronella is cooking.

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Catnip is used for trouble sleeping

(insomnia); anxiety; migraine and

other headaches; cold and other upper

respiratory infections; flu; swine flu;

fever; hives; worms; and

gastrointestinal (GI) upset, including

indigestion, colic, cramping, and gas

(flatulence). It is also used as a tonic,

for increasing urination, and for

starting menstrual periods in girls with

delayed onset of menstruation. Some

people apply catnip directly to the skin

for arthritis, hemorrhoids, and as a

compress to relieve swelling. Some

people also smoke catnip medicinally

for respiratory conditions and

recreationally for a “high.” In

manufacturing, catnip is used as a

pesticide and insecticide.


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The flowers, leaves, and oil are used as

medicine for bronchitis, whooping

cough, sore throat, colic, arthritis,

upset stomach, stomach pain, diarrhea,

bedwetting in children, intestinal gas,

parasitic worm infections, and skin

disorders. disinfect the urine, and as an

appetite stimulant, hoarseness

(laryngitis), swollen tonsils, sore

mouth, bad breath, baldness and bad

breath. It is used frequently in

Mediterranean, Italian and Provençal

French cuisines. It pairs well with lamb,

poultry and tomatoes, and is often

used in soups, stews, stocks and



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Lavender is used for restlessness, insomnia,

nervousness, and depression. It is also used for a

variety of digestive complaints including meteorism

(abdominal swelling from gas in the intestinal or

peritoneal cavity), loss of appetite, vomiting,

nausea, intestinal gas (flatulence), and upset

stomach. Some people use lavender for painful

conditions including migraine headaches,

toothaches, sprains, nerve pain, sores, and joint

pain. It is also used for acne and cancer, and to

promote menstruation. Lavender is applied to the

skin for hair loss (alopecia areata) and pain, and to

repel mosquitoes and other insects. Some people

add lavender to bathwater to treat circulation

disorders and improve mental well being. By

inhalation, lavender is used as aromatherapy for

insomnia, pain, and agitation related to dementia. In

foods and beverages, lavender is used as a flavor

component. In manufacturing, lavender is used in

pharmaceutical products and as a fragrance

ingredient in soaps, cosmetics, perfumes, potpourri,

and decorations.


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The most obvious use of the

mulberry tree is for its fruit.

The berries are loved by deer,

birds and small animals as well

as by people. They can be

eaten fresh or stored in a

number of ways, from canning

to freezing and dehydrating.

Mulberries are used to make

jams, jellies and wines.


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4” PIPES IN GROW BED, PLANTS IN Black Plastic Bags or

Scrap 1.5L Plastic Bottles

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1st Day

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1st Week

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2nd Week

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1st Day 1st Week

2nd Week

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12TH DAY 1st DAY

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NEW PROJECT in Process:


(started May 18, 2013)

FISH - seabass or apahap,

maliputo, samaral, saltwater

tilapia, etc.

SHELLFISH – Oysters, mussels,


PLANTS -Seaweeds

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Other good aquatic animals to raise:

If pangasius, it can only be sellable after 1 year when they are already around 30.48 cms or 1 foot and 500 gms in weight. Market price is P150

per kilo x 95 pcs na 500gms = P7,125.

If koi, selling price per piece is P150 x 100 = P15,000. Koi hobbyists/businessmen will have the opportunity to raise more kois in their small


***Indigenous fish, shrimps and crabs – getting rare***

In line with the “United Nations Millenium Goal No. 7, Target 7B: Reduce biodiversity loss, achieving, by 2010, a significant reduction in the

rate of loss. Proportion of species threatened with extinction” a good list of indigenous aquatic food to raise:

Local Name English Name Scientific Name

Biya Flathead Goby Glossogobius giurus

Ayungin Silver Perch Leiopotherapon plumbeus

Pauto(Dalag Pequeno) Snakehead Fish Channa striata

Yap-yap Paste Shrimp Acetes sp.

Ulang Giant Freshwater Prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii

Talangka Asian Shore Crab Hemigrapsus sanguineus

Other good plants to grow: Pechay (same yield as lettuce but cheaper market price at P5 per piece) It is not very profitable but still great to grow

and feed the family.

Herbs like Gotukola, Green Tea, Culantro, Sweet Basil, Lemon Grass and Mint are the fastest growing in the AVP

system. Selling price is P50 per plant but the market is not that big. However, herbs can be sold in large supermarkets

and organic stores.

The market price of AVP-grown vegetables can be 200% higher than ordinary because they can be marked as Organic.

AVP does not use chemical fertilizers.

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• IBC TANK MODEL (1 growbed)

• IBC TANK MODEL (3 growbeds)


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IBC TANK MODEL -1 GROWBED – P15,000 (2 water pumps, dual siphon, dual microswitch, lahar gravel, 100 fingerlings, 12 starting plants)

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-1 GROWBED – P20,000 (2 water pumps, dual siphon, dual microswitch, lahar gravel, 100 fingerlings, 42 pipes & plants)

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-3 GROWBEDS- P30,000 (2 water pumps, dual siphon, dual microswitch, lahar gravel, 100 fingerlings, 126 pipes & plants)

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-2 GROWBEDS- P8,000 (1 water pump, two siphon, dual microswitch, lahar gravel, 30 fingerlings, 30 pipes & plants)

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-1 GROWBED- P5,000 (1 water pump, 1 siphon, dual microswitch, lahar gravel, 10 fingerlings, 7 pipes & plants)

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�One of the top 10 Winners of BiD-PBSP Challenge – May 2012

�Shell Green Enterprise Award 2012

�Speaker and Exhibitor in the 25th anniversary of DA-BAR last Aug 9-12,


�Exhibitor in the UP Los Banos Dept of Human Ecology las Sept 15, 2012

�(last hour Speaker on AquaVermiPonics)

�Project with Pasay City Government

�Project with BFAR Dagupan

�Project with a Cebu Foundation (3 IBC tank system)

�Ongoing nego to partner with NESTLE Social Development Project.

Presented Deo’s AVP last Nov 27, 2013 during their National Meeting (5

Factory Managers and Officers) for possible community projects.

�Speaker at the Pilipinas Shell Foundation in Pililia Rizal last March 22, 2013

�Speaker at Toyota Philippines, Inc. in their monthly Environment meeting

last June 14, 2013

�Featured in the July 2013 issue of ENTERPRENEUR MAGAZINE published by


�Speaker at the Management Association of the Philippines (MAP) on July

18, 2013

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�Duckweeds at P100 per cup

�Herbs at P35 each or 3 for P100

�Indigenous Home-made Bacteria at P50 per

200ml bottle

�Hito Fingerlings at P5 each

�Black Tilapia (depends on size)

�Red Tilapia (depends on size)

�Pangasius or CreamDory (depends on size)


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Next Free Seminar on August 3, 2013 from 10am to 12nn

By that time, we will be able to sell the following:

a) Organic Garden Soil w/ vermicompost

b) Floating Pellets and Sinking Fry Pellets

c) More Duckweeds

d) Seedlings

e) Herbs (basil, mint, tarragon, tanglad, gotukola, culantro, citronella, pandan, etc.)

f) African Night Crawler Worms

g) Fingerlings and juvenile fish

a) Nile Tilapia

b) Red Tilapia (Kingfish)

c) Silver/Black Pangasius

d) African Hito /Local Hito

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Dr. Nick Savidov is a Canadian researcher that has been researching inorganic

hydroponics for 20 years. After hearing about aquaponics he decided to put it to the

test against normal inorganic hydroponics. In the first 6 months of production the

inorganic hydroponic growth was found to exceed aquaponic growth, this is

because an aquaponic system takes time to mature and build up the complex

ecosystem of bacteria and micro flora and fauna in the system. Further trials found

that after 12 months the aquaponic system growth rates began to outstrip the

growth of the inorganic hydroponics by almost double with many plant species.

After 2 years the aquaponic system was found to have matured even more, and had

reached it’s optimum production level, with some plant species outgrowing the

inorganic plants, at over double the growth rate. Unsure as to why this was

happening, and because he had been a skeptic of aquaponics with a firm grounding

of 20 years in inorganic hydroponics, he decided to really put things to the test. He

examined the aquaponic water for all of the macro and micro nutrients, and then

reproduced an inorganic hydroponic solution that had the exact same levels of

macro and micro nutrients as the aquaponics. Yet still aquaponic plant growth far

exceeded inorganic hydroponic growth.

Hydroponics versus Aquaponics

(excerpt from: Backyard Aauaponics Magazine – Issue 1 Summer 2007)

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Not only has the aquaponic plant growth been found to exceed inorganic plant growth,

fish in an aquaponic system suffer less from diseases than those in a sterile aquaculture

system. Many recirculating aquaculture systems sterilize the water to remove

pathogens from the system. In an aquaponic system you can’t sterilize the water

because you need the microbial activity to perform its job in the complex ecosystem.

For many conventional producers this may seem like a recipe for disaster, however,

studies have been finding that the fish become more resistant to disease in an

aquaponic system. These unknown growth factors in plants, and disease resistance in

fish in an aquaponic system, are only fairly newly discovered things in scientific circles,

and as yet the answers still haven’t been found as to exactly why it’s happening. More

research is going to be carried out into aquaponics and the ‘unknown factors’ in the

coming years. The only downfall of aquaponics is that it still relies on power to pump

the water, and commercial feed pellets for the fish. Power consumption in an

aquaponic system is reasonable, with large flood and drain system consuming less than

150W continuously. Smaller systems consume even less power and it’s quite feasible to

run a system on solar power.