1 April 29, 2014 Hello Pala Employees, Tribal Members, and (Illegally) Dis-Enrolled Tribal Members, This communiqué is not filled with venomous rhetoric, nor is it an attempt to embarrass or harm anyone. As I stated before, please know that (even though my wife has not been treated fairly at Pala), she harbors no personal grudges against Robert Smith, Theresa Nieto, Howard Maxcey, nor their high- ranking Pala supporters. Cynthia understands that, at the end of the day, God will always have the final word, and justice will be done. The Father has commanded us to forgive those who trespass against us, and Cynthia intends to do just that! Many of you contacted me and desired to read the contents of my last communiqué for yourself. For your convenience, I have attached it to the bottom of this communiqué starting on Page 6. If you were not afforded the opportunity to read my last communiqué in its entirety, I would highly recommend doing so now, before reading any further. Do all of you recall how I told you Robert Smith, Theresa Nieto, and Howard Maxcey would likely respond to my last communiqué? Did we call it right? Robert Smith, Theresa Nieto, and Howard Maxcey did exactly what I suggested they would do; they ran down to the I.T. Department and tried their best to prevent you from hearing the truth about who they REALLY are. Did you take note of how they immediately tried to suppress the information about how they treated Cynthia L. Cross, who is battling breast cancer? Did you also notice how they tried their best to keep you from knowing the truth about how they unceremoniously and secretly fired Cynthia while she was out on medical leave (FMLA)? Let’s take a moment to further examine Robert Smith, Theresa Nieto, and Howard Maxcey’s response to my previous communiqué. In addition to immediately instructing Hamed Hemmati (the current Director of I.T. whom I hired), to block my email address, they sent out a mildly threatening email to all of you quoting Pala Company Policy regarding the illegality of “Forwarding Company Emails Home”. How absolutely dumb can Robert Smith, Theresa Nieto, and Howard Maxcey be? Don’t these miscreants realize that most of you have mobile devices with Pala email configured on them, and that you take these devices home (with Pala email on them) every single day? Are they really that naive? Why on earth would any of you need to forward a Pala email home, when you are already taking Pala emails home on your mobile devices? Do you really want to know exactly why Robert Smith, Theresa Nieto, and Howard Maxcey were trying to threaten you with Pala Company Policy regarding Emails? They instructed you “NOT TO FORWARD THE EMAIL TO ANYONE” because they didn’t want any of you or anyone else to know what true MONSTERS they are, and how disgustingly brutal and inhumane their treatment was of Cynthia L. Cross! In a desperate attempt to prevent all you from hearing the truth about how they treated Cynthia L. Cross while she was out on FMLA, Robert Smith, Theresa Nieto, and Howard Maxcey instructed all of you to change your network passwords! Their desperation was a complete disruption to conducting daily business for many of you, in addition to being an exercise in futility. Trust me, Robert Smith, Theresa Nieto and Howard Maxcey instructing all of you to change your network passwords was a complete waste of time, and Pala Finances! Many high-level I.T. members create “Back Doors” into their network infrastructure for emergency access. For the record, I am by no means suggesting that this is the case with the Pala Network.

David Cross 2nd Letter to Pala Apr 29 2014

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David Cross wrote a second letter to Pala Members and Employees

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    April 29, 2014 Hello Pala Employees, Tribal Members, and (Illegally) Dis-Enrolled Tribal Members,

    This communiqu is not filled with venomous rhetoric, nor is it an attempt to embarrass or harm anyone. As I stated before, please know that (even though my wife has not been treated fairly at Pala), she harbors no personal grudges against Robert Smith, Theresa Nieto, Howard Maxcey, nor their high-ranking Pala supporters. Cynthia understands that, at the end of the day, God will always have the final word, and justice will be done. The Father has commanded us to forgive those who trespass against us, and Cynthia intends to do just that!

    Many of you contacted me and desired to read the contents of my last communiqu for yourself. For your convenience, I have attached it to the bottom of this communiqu starting on Page 6. If you were not afforded the opportunity to read my last communiqu in its entirety, I would highly recommend doing so now, before reading any further.

    Do all of you recall how I told you Robert Smith, Theresa Nieto, and Howard Maxcey would likely respond to my last communiqu? Did we call it right? Robert Smith, Theresa Nieto, and Howard Maxcey did exactly what I suggested they would do; they ran down to the I.T. Department and tried their best to prevent you from hearing the truth about who they REALLY are. Did you take note of how they immediately tried to suppress the information about how they treated Cynthia L. Cross, who is battling breast cancer? Did you also notice how they tried their best to keep you from knowing the truth about how they unceremoniously and secretly fired Cynthia while she was out on medical leave (FMLA)?

    Lets take a moment to further examine Robert Smith, Theresa Nieto, and Howard Maxceys response to my previous communiqu. In addition to immediately instructing Hamed Hemmati (the current Director of I.T. whom I hired), to block my email address, they sent out a mildly threatening email to all of you quoting Pala Company Policy regarding the illegality of Forwarding Company Emails Home. How absolutely dumb can Robert Smith, Theresa Nieto, and Howard Maxcey be? Dont these miscreants realize that most of you have mobile devices with Pala email configured on them, and that you take these devices home (with Pala email on them) every single day? Are they really that naive? Why on earth would any of you need to forward a Pala email home, when you are already taking Pala emails home on your mobile devices? Do you really want to know exactly why Robert Smith, Theresa Nieto, and Howard Maxcey were trying to threaten you with Pala Company Policy regarding Emails? They instructed you NOT TO FORWARD THE EMAIL TO ANYONE because they didnt want any of you or anyone else to know what true MONSTERS they are, and how disgustingly brutal and inhumane their treatment was of Cynthia L. Cross!

    In a desperate attempt to prevent all you from hearing the truth about how they treated Cynthia L. Cross while she was out on FMLA, Robert Smith, Theresa Nieto, and Howard Maxcey instructed all of you to change your network passwords! Their desperation was a complete disruption to conducting daily business for many of you, in addition to being an exercise in futility. Trust me, Robert Smith, Theresa Nieto and Howard Maxcey instructing all of you to change your network passwords was a complete waste of time, and Pala Finances! Many high-level I.T. members create Back Doors into their network infrastructure for emergency access. For the record, I am by no means suggesting that this is the case with the Pala Network.

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    Notice how none of these un-Godly cowards denied the veracity of any of my proclamations regarding their treatment of Cynthia L. Cross? Instead of calmly and rationally addressing the facts about how they treated Cynthia, (who did so much for Pala as a whole), they ran away and hid, hoping no one would ever find out. They tried to use every tool at their disposal to preclude you from learning the truth about who they REALLY are! Robert Smith, Theresa Nieto, and Howard Maxcey, didnt deny anything I articulated regarding their treatment of Cynthia L. Cross, because it is the truth.

    Unfortunately, the truth is something that Robert Nieto*, Theresa Smith*, and Howard Maxcey appear to be allergic to! The next time one of you see Robert Smith, Theresa Nieto, or Howard Maxcey, gently pull one of them aside and ask how they felt justified in treating Cynthia L. Cross in the manner in which they did? Do you think theyll answer truthfully, or will they offer you a contrived answer, suggesting this is a Private Company Matter? This company matter is not private, Ive intentionally made it public, and they may speak freely about it at their leisure. Remember, it is always a much better option to closely observe what Robert Smith, Theresa Nieto, and Howard Maxcey actually DO; and less attention to what they actually SAY. Had I said nothing about how they've treated Cynthia L. Cross, most of you would not be the wiser.

    While a few of you may suggest I have a hidden agenda, please allow me a moment to reassure you that nothing could be further from the truth. I am not a tribal member, nor do I have any family members or close friends who are. I do not receive a monthly per capita; I do not live on Tribal land, and I am not currently seeking any legal action against Pala.

    My wife and I (collectively worked for Robert Smith and Theresa Nieto) for nearly 15 years, unfortunately, our positions made us privy, and witness to various unethical business practices by Robert Smith, Theresa Nieto, and Howard Maxcey. Our motive is fueled by a growing compulsion to expose who these cowards really are, so that their ultimate demise wont be such a shock to some of you! One of my goals is to inform you with information that will equip you with the unadulterated truth regarding your Tribal Leaders - Robert Smith, Theresa Nieto, and Howard Maxcey. Some of you may say why now David? Why didnt you say anything about these matters earlier? To that I will simply say: timing, accuracy, and truthfulness are everything!

    Robert Smith, Theresa Nieto, and Howard Maxcey also suggested that, not only was Cynthia L. Cross let go because of Absence From Work Precedence, but she was also let go because the Pala Tribe was facing Severe Financial Challenges. As you will observe by their actions outlined below, Robert Smith, Theresa Nieto, and Howard Maxcey must be considered some of the biggest liars and morally bankrupt individuals on the Pala Reservation. These big dumb-dumbs had the audacity to suggest that Cynthia was let go because Pala was suffering from Severe Financial Challenges? If Cynthia L. Cross was actually let go because Pala was experiencing Severe Financial Challenges, does it make any sense, or is there any logical reason for Robert Smith, Theresa Nieto, and Howard Maxcey to repeatedly squander, and use Tribal Funds for their own benefit, and personal pleasure?

    Unfortunately, my wife and I were recently summons to the office of the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) in Sorrento Valley; where we were compelled to tell the truth about what we KNOW concerning the (behind the scenes) illegal actions of Robert Smith, Theresa Nieto, Howard Maxcey, Dion Perez, and other high-ranking Pala supporters, and we did.

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    Our visit to the Office of the FBI was daunting to say the least; and was certainly not an enjoyable experience. I worked for Cox Communications Inc. in San Diego for 22 years, before retiring, and spending the last seven years at Pala. During my nearly thirty straight years of combined employment I have never been summons to appear at the Office of the FBI concerning the alleged illegal actions of superiors. Have any of you? Doesnt that in and of itself suggest something about the integrity of your Tribal Leaders Robert Smith, Theresa Nieto, Howard Maxcey, and Dion Perez?


    FBI DISCUSSION EXAMPLE ONE Can any of you make sense of why Robert Smith and Theresa Nieto would instruct me (the Director of I.T. at that time), NOT to grant Theressa Villa (Pala Tribal Executive Secretary) the same access to the Files and Folders on the Pala Computer Network her predecessor (Kilma Lattin) had access to? Could there possibly be some information Robert Smith, Theresa Nieto, and Howard Maxcey dont want Theressa Villa and others to stumble upon? Theressa, I would recommend that you personally question Robert Smith, Theresa Nieto, and Howard Maxcey about this matter. Lets see if Robert Smith, Theresa Nieto and Howard Maxcey will allow this matter to be placed on the agenda for discussion at your next monthly Tribal Meeting! Probably wont happen because theyll do everything to prevent it

    FBI DISCUSSION EXAMPLE TWO Ask yourself if there would be any plausible reason for Robert Smith, Theresa Nieto, and Howard Maxcey to instruct me to (covertly) search Theressa Villas computer to see which websites she may be visiting? Isnt Theressa Villa a part of the EC Team? Doesnt that request reek of bad motives? Why do Robert Smith, Theresa Nieto, and Howard Maxcey need to know which websites Theressa Villa visits? Does Theressa Villa get to know which websites Robert Smith, Theresa Nieto, and Howard Maxcey visit? Again, Theressa, I would recommend that you personally question Robert Smith, Theresa Nieto, and Howard Maxcey about this matter.

    FBI DISCUSSION EXAMPLE THREE Did Robert Smith and Theresa Nieto have a legitimate reason to ask me to search Theressa Villas emails to see if she was communicating with various (select) individuals associated with the Pala Raceway? Robert Smith and Theresa Nieto were not very transparent with information regarding the initial finances before the Pala Raceway opened, and have likely been even less transparent regarding the true essence of its closing. Do all of you REALLY believe that the recent closing of the Pala Raceway was by mere coincidence? Robert Smith, Theresa Nieto, and Howard Maxceys actions regarding the Pala Raceway, and the REAL finances associated with it should be thoroughly examined by all of you! Dont lose sight of the fact that, Theresa Nieto is the treasurer, and if she wanted to Cook the Books she could easily do so! Ask the right questions of Robert Smith, Theresa Nieto and Howard Maxcey regarding the Pala Raceway, and demand to see all the financials associated with its opening and closing! If they offer you an excuse, or exhibit any trepidation in allowing you to observe all of the documents, question their motives. They can be very sneaky, so watch them closely!

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    FBI DISCUSSION EXAMPLE FOUR How many times have Robert Smith, Theresa Nieto, and Howard Maxcey proclaimed to you in your monthly Tribal meetings that they ONLY use the Pala Corporate Jet for Official Pala Business? Even Stevie Wonder could see that this is an OUTRIGHT BOLDFACE LIE! I personally know this not to be true because I myself and my entire I.T. Department have flown on the Pala Corporate Jet, and were told by Robert Smith, Theresa Nieto, and Dion Perez not to tell anyone! My I.T. Department had an approved fiscal budget that included Commercial Coach Air Fares for a business trip to Las Vegas, which would have cost Pala less than $500. Im pretty sure it cost substantially more for us to fly Palas private company Jet to Las Vegas than it does to fly there on a commercial airliner. An approved blatant waste, and misuse of Tribal funds by Robert Smith, Theresa Nieto, and Dion Perez! In fact, Dion Perez flew on the Pala Corporate Jet with us to Las Vegas, and had absolutely no Official Pala Business in Las Vegas! Ask Theresa Nieto to show you the actual costs associated with that trip, and see if she offers the truth!

    Is there ANY reason for Robert Smith to use your Pala Corporate Jet to fly his family members and himself to Pittsburg Steelers Football games? Are you serious? Robert Smith gets to use the Pala Corporate Jet to fly his family and friends to various vacation spots? Is the Pala Corporate Jet Robert Smith, Theresa Nieto, and Howard Maxceys private personal air transportation system? Where is the transparency and accountability; are they at liberty to utilize your tribal resources at their leisure with impunity? Are your Tribal Leaders allowed to make your Tribal finances their personal playpen for the family, friends, and themselves right in front of your eyes?

    Ask Theresa Nieto and Robert Smith to tell you how many times Steve Eagleton and his family have flown on the Pala Corporate Jet; where they traveled, and why? It is highly likely that the Eagletons have flown on the Pala Corporate Jet more times than theyve actually flown on commercial airliners. Is there a legitimate reason for this? Are there legitimate reasons for Jim Goodpasture and Misty Harper to fly on the Pala Corporate Jet? Marco Orozco was recently hired as Cynthia L Cross replacement, and has already flown on the Pala Corporate Jet! Ask Robert Smith, Theresa Nieto and Howard Maxcey to show you the official flight logs, passenger lists, destinations, and costs associated with these flights to the Tribe! They apparently waste your money, while simultaneously illegally dis-enroll Tribal Members, and fire Cynthia L. Cross who was out on FMLA battling breast cancer, while they willingly and brazenly misappropriate your Tribal funds? When you require answers of them regarding this, prepare to experience a lot of resistance obtaining this information.

    FBI DISCUSSION EXAMPLE FIVE Do you believe that Hamed Hemmati and Rachel Graham have been complicit in assisting Robert Smith, Theresa Nieto, Howard Maxcey, or Dion Perez conceal or remove any possible improprieties by manipulating Pala network data and network backups? Why did Theresa Nieto push so hard to completely separate and segment the Pala Finance Server from all of the rest of the Pala Network Servers?

    The questioning from the agent at the offices of the Federal Bureau of Investigations was detailed and thorough. Definitely an experience I hope I never have to repeat anytime in the near future!

    Please remember that what you must know and understand is that: Theresa Nieto is of the Chairman, and should NOT be trusted at all. Robert Smith and Theresa Nieto often act in concert; and have proven to be very adept at frequently covering for each other. When youre in Theresas presence, she often acts as though she doesnt know what is going on regarding a certain matter, and may say to you I Need To Check With Rob. Dont believe this for a second; if there is money involved; chances are likely GREAT that Theresa already knows details about the matter.

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    While Robert Smith, Theresa Nieto, Howard Maxcey and their high-ranking supporters may be able to hide their apparent misappropriation of Pala Tribal Funds and other alleged illegal acts from most of us, thankfully they cannot hide them from God, and the Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigations. Justice will be served!

    Please open your eyes and hearts, and see the truth about these individuals! While it is very likely that Robert Smith, Theresa Nieto, Howard Maxcey, and their high-ranking supporters did not begin their journey as Pala Leaders as corrupt, misguided individuals, they appear to be ending their journey as Pala Leaders as morally bankrupt, non-God-fearing individuals. How can they proclaim their allegiance to Christianity, yet treat their fellow man worse than they would treat a stray animal?

    Trust me when I tell you that Robert Smith, Theresa Nieto, Howard Maxcey, and their high-ranking supporters days are indeed numbered. If youre engaged in, or have been engaged in doing ANY business with them, or close to someone who is doing ANY kind of business with them, I would advise you to secure the services of an attorney as soon as humanly possible! You have to ask yourself if going to Federal Prison for Robert Smith, Theresa Nieto, Howard Maxcey, or any of their high-ranking supporters is worth it? The Feds do not play games, and they always win! If youre engaging in any phone, email, or text conversations with Robert Smith, Theresa Nieto, or Howard Maxcey BEWARE!

    Tribal and Non-Tribal Members, NOW may be the time for all of you to come together as a people, and start over. The Feds will very likely be intervening on your behalf in an attempt to rid your tribe of the corrupt leadership which is Robert Smith, Theresa Nieto, and Howard Maxcey. From my perspective, the dilemma the Pala Band of Mission Indians faces regarding Robert Smith, Theresa Nieto, and Howard Maxcey is both physical and spiritual. Physical because apparently they have allowed their money and Tribal power to corrupt them from the inside-out. Spiritual because when you lose your true love for God, you subject your spirit to all sorts of demonic influences. Demon possession is a serious thing, and should not be lightly regarded. While the demise of Robert Smith, Theresa Nieto, and Howard Maxceys leadership from Pala is eminent, someone from the Pala Tribe should consider calling a Tribal-Wide Prayer Meeting, and day of Fasting (2 Chronicles 7:14) for healing.

    Until next time, I pray for the healing and recovery of the Pala Tribe. I pray for the children and grandchildren of Robert Smith, Theresa Nieto, and Howard Maxcey, as they may be the recipients of retribution for the treachery of their parents and grandparents! Respectfully Yours, David M. Cross

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    April 9, 2014

    Hello Pala Employees, Tribal and Ex-Tribal Members,

    My name is David M. Cross, former Director of Information Technologies for the Pala Band of Mission Indians, and husband of nearly 30 years of Cynthia L. Cross. Ive experienced much trepidation, and originally was not going to

    send this communiqu to all of you. I considered fading quietly into the night allowing speculation, innuendo, and rumors regarding the circumstances of my wife Cynthia L. Cross (Executive Administrative Assistant to Pala Tribal Chairman Robert H. Smith) departure from employment at the Pala Band of Mission Indians run their course.

    After much consideration, reflection, and prayer, I concluded that it would be in the best interest of all for me to articulate some of the actions of Pala Tribal Chairman Robert Smith, Pala Treasure Theresa Nieto, Pala Vice Chairman Howard Maxcey, and their high-ranking supporters towards my wife. Actions that will outright shock and amaze many of you, while simultaneously confirming for some of you questions you pondered regarding their lack of character, ethics, and basic human decency.

    Before you read any further, please know that (even though my wife has not been treated fairly at Pala), she harbors no personal grudges against Robert Smith, Theresa Nieto, Howard Maxcey, nor their high-ranking Pala supporters, because she understands that, at the end of the day, God will always have the final word, and justice will be done. The Father has commanded us to forgive those who trespass against us, and Cynthia intends to do just that!

    The primary purpose of this initial communique to all of you is to illuminate the truth regarding my wifes (Cynthia L. Cross) unceremonious termination of employment from the Pala Band of Mission Indians by Robert Smith, Theresa Nieto, and Howard Maxcey. Cynthia worked for the Pala Band of Mission Indians for 7.5 years. Though many of you knew she was out on Medical Leave, most of you were not privy to the circumstances behind Cynthias dismissal from Pala by Chairman Robert Smith. As I previously mentioned, Cynthia L. Cross worked directly for Robert Smith for 7.5 years however, since Theresa Nieto is of the Chairman, Cynthia also worked (indirectly) for her as well. If there was anything Cynthia informed Robert Smith that she needed to help her perform her job better (and Theresa Nieto didnt agree), then Cynthias request was more often than not denied! Lets take a moment to explore this fact a little deeper with just one of MANY available examples - Heres one: Not only did Cynthia serve as Robert Smiths Executive Administrative Assistant, she was the direct supervisor for Ericka and Nona (front desk receptionists), the Pala Administration Building Security Guard, and for a few years also supervised 13-15 Pala Reservation Area Clean-up Crew Workers.

    Many of you know that some individuals at Pala have company cellphones who dont deserve or need them at all, wasting tribal funds. Someone in Cynthias position, serving as the Executive Administrative Assistant to Robert Smith, while simultaneously supervising nearly 20 employees should have a company cellphone. A no-brainer right? Well, guess what, Theresa Nieto didnt want Cynthia to have a company cellphone, so she instructed Robert Smith not to allow her to have one! HOW ABSOLUTELY ASININE AND ABSURD IS THAT? Theresa Nietos unfounded personal vendetta forced Cynthia to use her own personal cellphone and personal finances to help facilitate official Pala Business. Countless Tribal members, Vendors, Pala Employees, EC Members, and San Diego County Government Officials, etc. contacted Cynthia on her personal cellphone regarding Pala related business.

    What I am trying to communicate to all of you is this: Robert Smith has given most, if not all of us vary LEGITIMATE reasons not to trust him in any way. What you also must know and understand is that, since Theresa Nieto is of the Chairman, she should NOT be trusted either! By now, many of us have had enough personal experiences with Theresa Nieto to know that she is adept at throwing rocks and hiding her hand! DO NOT TRUST HER!

    Now, lets take a moment to examine and outline many of the things Cynthia did for Robert Smith, outside of her daily job responsibilities as Executive Administrative Assistant. Cynthia singlehandedly managed the entire


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    administrative office for a year, while Nikki was out on medical leave; only to be rewarded with a .23 raise at the end of the year by Robert Smith for her efforts; (.23 translates to approximately $480 annually before taxes).

    On several occasions Cynthia personally assisted Robert Smiths brother (Andrew Smith) with his personal and extremely private matters regarding his son Andrew Smith Jr. R.I.P., and daughter Shawnee Smith.

    During Cynthias work shifts and unpaid weekends, she physically helped facilitate two apartment moves for Robert Smiths niece - Kateria Sauls (R.I.P.) Cynthia also took Kateria to several doctor appointments and grocery shopping during work hours and weekends, when no one else on the reservation could, or would. Cynthia also personally cared for Kateria's son (Jonathan) when no one else on the reservation could, or would.

    Per Robert Smiths requests, Cynthia has personally handled the divorce paperwork for several tribal members. Cynthia also assisted numerous tribal members with other personal affairs, including paternity suits, domestic violence counseling/guidance, childcare, funeral/memorial programs, and notaries etc.

    Cynthia personally assisted Robert Smith with several of his personal family affairs including planning and facilitating various family vacations, and routinely assisted his children with various school projects etc.

    Cynthia also assisted Robert Smith with private investigative services for several individuals, including the acquisition of inmate information for incarcerated tribal members. Additionally, Cynthia (discreetly) assisted Robert Smith with travel arrangements when he had medical emergencies related to his leg injury while he was out of the country.

    Now, lets take a moment to contrast Cynthias professional work ethics, with Robert Smiths brutality, uncaring heart, and treachery towards her. Cynthia and I sat in Robert Smiths office and informed him of Cynthias condition (Breast Cancer) in May of 2013. We also informed Robert Smith that we expected Cynthia to be out for approximately one year while she battled this deadly disease. During the meeting, Robert Smith told Cynthia not to worry about a thing, take as much time as she needed for treatments, that her job was safe, and would be waiting for her when she returned, and that he would be praying for her.

    Six months into Cynthias tough battle with breast cancer, right in the middle of her chemotherapy treatments (3 days after her birthday), Robert Smith terminated Cynthias employment from Pala via a letter sent to the house siting reasons of Absence from work precedence. If you have been employed at the Pala Administration Building for any length of time, you already know that the Absence from work precedence was already well established, and it was well beyond a 6 month precedence. It was established by several employees (who will remain nameless for the sake of this discussion), but ALL OF US know who they are. Not only did Robert Smith terminate Cynthias employment from Pala 6 months into her brutal battle with breast cancer, he didnt even have the courtesy to personally contact her before doing so. But listen to this: Robert Smith terminated Cynthias employment from Pala while she was out on FMLA! The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA) is a United States federal law requiring covered employers to provide employees job-protected and unpaid leave for qualified medical and family reasons.

    Robert Smith terminated Cynthias employment while she was out on FMLA battling breast cancer, forcing her into a position of having to search for an all new medical oncology team including doctors, nurses, physicians, pathologists surgeons, physiologists, nutritionist, and physical therapist right in the middle of chemotherapy treatments! Who on this earth would feel so comfortable doing such a thing to a dedicated and loyal employee who was battling for their very life? Robert Smith, the Tribal Chairman of the Pala Band of Mission Indians, thats who.

    If you believe that Robert Smiths termination of Cynthia while she was out on FMLA battling breast cancer was a brutal act of horrible human indecency, consider this: Since our meeting in Robert Smiths office back in May of 2013, he has NEVER ONCE reached out to inquire about Cynthias well-being. After all that Cynthia did for Robert Smith, his family, friends, and tribal members, dont you believe that she deserved better treatment than this from Robert Smith. This man/coward showed absolutely no sympathy, empathy, nor compassion for Cynthia, and her battle with breast cancer - NONE!

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    Can you believe and comprehend the fact that, during one of the most trying times of Cynthias life, Robert Smith terminated her employment, forcing her into a position requiring her to seek an entirely new oncology team, lying to her about Absence from work precedence, he didnt even possess the moral decency to offer her a fair and equitable severance package! He basically just cut her off and left her to die! Recently illegally dis-enrolled tribal members can uniquely identify with this feeling of hopelessness. Not only has Robert Smith demonstrated his blatant, reckless treachery by illegally dis-enrolling Pala Tribal Members, he treated Cynthia with distain and contempt! WHAT A MORALLY BANKRUPT MONSTER!

    Heres more, to this day, neither Robert Smith, nor any members of his family have contacted Cynthia to inquire about her well-being. Not a single phone call, not a single email, not a single text message, not a single card, personal note, or any form of communication whatsoever inquiring about Cynthias health! NOTHING! And this cowardly man is still your Tribal Chairman? Really?

    Cancer takes the lives of many people all over the world every minute of every day of every week, month, and year. Most, if not all of us have been personally affected by this dreadful disease in one form or another, or have a family member or friend who has been affected by it. We have all watched them suffer, through the pain and agony of this disease; my mother and father are deceased due to complications from cancer. Is Robert Smiths heart REALLY that black and cold? Is he actually devoid of the basic human decency to reach out to someone in Cynthias condition, who did so much for him and so many people of Pala as a whole? Unfortunately, the answer is a resounding unequivocal yes! Unfortunately, Robert Smith was not the only one involved with the brutality of Cynthias dismissal from Pala while she was battling breast cancer, and out on FMLA; Theresa Nieto and Howard Maxcey were complicit as well. In my next communique, I will outline Theresa Nieto and Howard Maxceys complicity in assisting Robert Smiths treachery against Cynthia; some of you will be astonished!

    In closing, please take a moment to honor Cynthia in this manner: The next time you're in the hallways or lobby at the Administration Building, the kitchen, the restroom, the upstairs break room, tribal hall, parking lot, the casino, grocery store, mass, the Pala Mini Mart, Walmart, the mall, the movie theater, or anywhere else, and you just happen to run into Robert Smith, Theresa Nieto, or Howard Maxcey, take a brief second to look them in the eye, and then recall the words of this letter. Remember how they treated one of your friends and coworkers Cynthia L. Cross. Remember how they unceremoniously fired her during one of the most trying times of her life, without articulating a SINGLE WORD TO HER! What type of ruthless, cutthroat, treacherous, cold-hearted persons could and would do such a thing? Robert Smith, Theresa Nieto, and Howard Maxcey, thats who; your elected Pala Tribal Leaders. All of you deserve to be officially represented by tribal members whose personal moral compasses are in fact functional. DO NOT REELECT ANY OF THEM!

    Thank You

    David M. Cross

    cc: Pala Tribal Members/Ex Pala Tribal Members Bureau of Indian Affairs President Barack Obama California Governor Jerry Brown San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer National Action Network KGTV Channel 10 KFMB Channel 8 KNBC Channel 7 KTLA Channel 5 KTTV Fox Channel 11 San Diego Reader Susan G. Komen - Breast Cancer