“a community based firmly on Christian principles” Ofsted “parental commitment and support are significant factors in the school’s success” Ofsted “the school’s extra curricular provision is particularly strong” Ofsted Davenant FOUNDATION SCHOOL Chester Road, Loughton, Essex IG10 2LD. Telephone: 020 8508 0404 Facsimile: 020 8508 9301 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.davenantschool.co.uk Produced by: The School Brochure Specialist, FM Litho Design and Print. Tel: 01787 479479 From Epping & M25 Debden Lane Rectory Lane A1168 From Debden & M11 Englands Lane Hillyfields Goldings Hill- A121 Willingale Rd. MAIN ENTRANCE Chester Road DAVENANT FOUNDATION SCHOOL

Davenant Prospectus 2013

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Davenant Prospectus 2013

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Page 1: Davenant Prospectus 2013

“a community based firmly on Christian principles”Ofsted

“parental commitment and support are significant factorsin the school’s success”Ofsted

“the school’s extra curricular provision is particularly strong”Ofsted


Chester Road, Loughton, Essex IG10 2LD.

Telephone: 020 8508 0404Facsimile: 020 8508 9301

E-mail: [email protected]: www.davenantschool.co.uk

Produced by: The School Brochure Specialist, FM Litho Design and Print. Tel: 01787 479479

From Epping & M25

Debden Lane


A1168 FromDebden & M11

Englands Lane


Goldings H

ill- A121 W




ter R




Page 2: Davenant Prospectus 2013

DavenantIt is fifty years since Davenant moved from Whitechapel to our present site, here in Loughton. The school has grown to be a highly regarded, Christian ecumenical school achieving excellent results for students of all abilities.

Students, staff and the wider community work very hard to make Davenant a successful school. We see ourselves as a community that promotes individual excellence and nurtures the God given potential within each one of us.

Our ethos is based firmly on the commitment to “nurture mind, body and spirit” and, therefore, we work hard to ensure each student not only achieves their academic potential but also has a range of opportunities to be enriched and to enjoy new experiences away from the classroom. Also, Davenant is highly regarded for the work done in training and developing teachers so that our students receive the high quality teaching they deserve. Our expectations of each other are high. We demand a great deal of our students-hard work, the desire to learn, a determination to succeed and a willingness to contribute fully to the life of the school. This is as important for our new Year 7 students (taken from over fifty primary schools) as it is for our three hundred and fifty sixth form students who play such an influential role in our community.

If you visit us, I am sure you will be impressed. Governors and staff have worked hard to ensure the best quality learning environment andto develop our facilities. Funding from various sources has enabled a

full programme of facilities development in recent years. This benefits both our own students and the wider community. There is so much to learn about our work in the school. If you would like to find out more about Davenant, please contact either myself or the appropriate member of staff.

I trust that you will conclude, like Ofsted, that this is an “outstanding school”.

Chris Seward - Headteacher

“a Christian school valuing the past with a vision of the future”

Page 3: Davenant Prospectus 2013


Arrangements for admission to Year 7

1. The agreed admission number for entry at Year 7 is 160. The school will accordingly admit 160 studentsif sufficient applications are received.

2. Applications for places at the school will be made in accordance with the Local Authority’s co-ordinated admission arrangements and will be made on the Common Application Form provided and administered by the Local Authority.

3. Applicants will be invited to complete a Supplementary Information Form (SIF) which can be obtainedfrom the school. The SIF requests parents to give details of the frequency of their attendance at a place of mainstream Christian or Jewish worship during the last seven years and to nominate referees who can confirm their record of attendance. Information provided in the SIF will be used to allocate places if there are more applications than there are places available. The completed SIF should be returned to the school.

4. Applications will be processed on the basis of the home address for the child at the time of application and determination. The home address is considered to be the address at which the child resides on a permanent basis and is generally the address of the parent/carer

5. The school will send reference requests to the nominated referees who will complete the references and return them to the school.

6. The school will follow the timetable below to process applications:

a) June/July – The school will publish in its prospectus, and on its website, information about the arrangements for admissions. An application pack consisting of the prospectus, a Supplementary Information Form and Notes for Guidance will be sent to applicants on request.

b) October – The school will arrange an open evening for applicants and provide other opportunities tovisit the school. Application packs will be available at the open evening.

c) October – Common Application Form to be completed and returned to the Local Authority. Supplementary Information Form to be completed and returned to the school.

d) November – Reference requests sent to nominated referees.e) December – Local Authority sends list of all parents who have expressed a preference for the school.f) January – School returns a list of all applications, in rank order based on admissions criteria, to the

Local Authority.g) February – Local Authority applies agreed admissions scheme for all local schools.h) 1st March – Offers made to parents.

7. Applications will be considered on the basis of a parent’s commitment to the Christian or Jewish faith. All applications will be graded according to the frequency and length of attendance at a place of worship, with the best attendance over the last 7 years of either the father or the mother or a legal guardian counting.

Each application is given an attendance score which is calculated by awarding:20 points for each year of confirmed weekly attendance10 points for each year of confirmed fortnightly attendance5 points for each year of confirmed monthly attendance, and1 point for each year of confirmed occasional attendance.The list of applications will be ranked in order of attendance score.

8. A place of mainstream Christian worship in the United Kingdom is defined as one which is a member of, or affiliated to, Churches Together in Britain and Ireland, the Evangelical Alliance or Affinity. Referees willbe asked to confirm, on the form which is sent to them, that the place of worship satisfies this definition.

9. The school will consider all applications for places. Where fewer than 160 applications are received, the school will offer places to all those who have applied.

10. Where the number of applications for admission is greater than 160, applications will be considered against the criteria set out below. After the admission of students with Statements of Special Educational Needs where the school is named on the Statement, the criteria will be applied in the order in which they are set out below:a) Children who are looked after, or children who were previously looked after but immediately after

being looked after became subject to an adoption, residence, or special guardianship order.b) Children of parents committed to the Christian or Jewish faith, determined by attendance at a place

of mainstream Christian or Jewish worship by at least one parent or legal guardian. Preference will be given to the greater number of years attended and frequency of attendance during the last seven years, as confirmed by referees. Where applicants have the same record of attendance, places will be allocated in the following order: Continues over ...


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Davenant1. Children of members of staff who have been employed at the school for two or more years at the

time at which application for admission is made, or who are recruited to fill vacant posts for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage

2. Children with siblings in the school who will still be in the school at the time of proposed admission; and3. Children living nearest to the school, measured in a straight line to the main gate of the school.

c) Other children, with places allocated in the following order:1. Children of members of staff who have been employed at the school for two or more years at the

time at which application for admission is made, or who are recruited to fill vacant posts for whichthere is a demonstrable skill shortage

2. Children with siblings in the school who will still be in the school at the time proposed admission; and3. Children living nearest to the school measured in a straight line to the main gate of the school.

A looked after child is a child who is in the care of a Local Authority or is being provided with accommodationby a Local authority in the exercise of their social services functions. Straight line distances are calculated electronically by the Local Authority using data provided jointly by the Post Office and Ordnance Survey.

11. The Admissions Committee may, in exceptional individual family circumstances which are fully supportedby independent evidence provided at the time of application, consider an application which does not meetthe criteria set out in paragraph 10 above.

12. A relevant sibling is a child who has a brother, sister, stepbrother or stepsister living in the same family unit in the same family household and address who attends Davenant in any year group excluding the final year. Biological siblings who attend Davenant in any year group excluding the final year will alsobe treated as siblings irrespective of place of residence. A sibling link to a child in Year 11 or Year 12 at the time of application and determination will be taken to exist where there is a reasonable expectation that the child will be returning to the school for a post 16 course of study. Children residing in the same household as part of an extended family, such as cousins, will not be treated as siblings.

13. Since residency is relevant to an application for a place at the school, applicants will be required to provide proof of their home address when they return their completed Supplementary Information Form (SIF). This must be a copy of each of the following:

• council tax notification• child benefit statement• two utility bills dated within the previous three months

Where there is reasonable doubt as to the validity of a home address, the school reserves the right to takeadditional checking measures. If a place at the school is secured through false information regarding a home address, the offer of a place may be withdrawn.

14. Following the allocation of places on 1st March, the Local Authority will operate a waiting list based on the rank ordered list until the start of the academic year in September. Places that become available will be allocated from the waiting list.

15. After the start of the academic year, the school will maintain the waiting list for the duration of the Autumnterm. Beyond this period, the school will continue to maintain a waiting list for children whose parents indicate in writing that they wish their child to remain on the list. When places become vacant, they will be allocated to children on the waiting list in accordance with the oversubscription criteria.

16. Repeat applications in relation to the same academic year of an unsuccessful application will be considered only if there has been a material change in circumstances.

17. Parents will have the right of appeal to an appeals panel, independent of the school, if they are dissatisfiedwith an admission decision of the school. The arrangements for appeals will be in line with the Code of Practice on School Admission Appeals published by the Department for Children, Schools and Families. The determination of the appeal panel is binding on all parties. Parents will be provided with information on appeals when they receive their offer of a school place.

Arrangements for admission to Year 121. The admission number for entry at Year 12 by students not previously on the school roll is 35. The school will

accordingly admit at least 35 students in addition to those existing school students wishing to enter Year 12.

2. The school will publish a prospectus for admission to Year 12 during the preceding Autumn term and will hold an open evening in November when would-be applicants can view the school.

3 In the event of oversubscription for the 35 places, applicants will be assessed on their suitability for the courses offered, commitment to the school’s Christian ethos and their likely involvement in the extensive extra-curricular programme.

Page 5: Davenant Prospectus 2013


All pupils - Plain navy blue or plain black coat - no motifs.Black blazer with school crest.School tie.White shirt with conventional collar (short- or long-sleeved).Plain grey or black V-neck pullover (optional).Plain black shoes with black laces (leather, not canvass or suede). Only school or plain black scarves may be worn.

Boys - Black trousers of suitable material (no jeans or thin cotton).Plain black boots with maximum eight holes may be worn.Black or dark grey socks.

Girls - Black regulation knee length school skirt. This must touch below the knee. (Please refer to suppliers or school for guidance).Trousers with the school badge embroidered, may be worn. However, only the regulationdesign from the School Outfitter is permitted.Boots may be worn to school but a changeof shoes must be brought.Shoes must not have high or pointed heels.White or black ankle socks or plain black tights must be worn. Natural coloured tights are permitted in the Summer Term.Make-up is not permitted. Only clear nail varnish allowed.

Jewellery - Jewellery is not permitted for Boys or Girls, except for watches and a single, small ear stud in each ear-lobe (plain gold or plain silver studs only).


Boys GirlsOUTDOOR WINTER GAMES - Rugby/Football OUTDOOR GAMES - Red rugby shirt Netball/Athletics/Rounders/TennisBlack shorts INDOOR GAMES - Red socks Gymnastics/Dance/TrampoliningFootball boots (studs must have kite mark) Red and black polo shirtShin Pads and Mouthguard (compulsory) Black fleece

Black skortTENNIS/ATHLETICS/STRIDING AND FIELD GAMES Red socksand INDOOR ACTIVITIES - White socks (with cuffs - summer)Gymnastics/Basketball/Badminton Laced white training shoesRed and black polo shirtBlack shorts SwimmingWhite socks (with cuffs) Plain black swimming costumeLaced white training shoes Red swimming hat

Goggles (optional)SwimmingPlain black swimming shortsRed swimming hatGoggles (optional)

Students may wear Davenant Black Joggers for outdoor games.

Separate regulations exist for Sixth Formers, who also wear uniform in the form of a suit. Details available from the school. Davenant

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Careers Education and Guidance and Work ExperienceStudents receive a structured programme of careers education and guidance throughout the school. This is mainly delivered through the Personal, Social and Health Education programme. There is a well-stocked Careers Library complete with the latest computer software, and the Head of Careersis available to give careers advice to individual students and groups. The school vigorously pursues partnership activities with industry and commerce and has developed good opportunities for work experience and other work related learning.

Special Educational Needs.Davenant values all students and their achievements are given equal weight. The school aims to providea rich, varied and challenging curriculum which enables every individual to achieve the highest possiblestandard. Davenant operates the National Code of Practice to identify, assess and support children withspecial educational needs. Class sizes for the less able are usually smaller especially in the core subjects;support is also provided by extra staffing. Regular use is made of outside agencies. Provision is alsomade for gifted and talented students and this includes a number of enrichment activities.

Sex and Relationship EducationSex education is taught within the wider context of moral education and the Christian family. The maincontent is delivered in science, R.E. and personal, social and health education lessons. The policy isbased on the premise that sex education should encourage the acquisition of knowledge, attitudes andskills allowing pupils to manage their relationships in a responsible and healthy manner.

SecurityThe school has in place, a number of measures to ensure the premises are secure. These include the provision of closed circuit television, exterior lighting, perimeter security fencing and advanced alarmsystems. All visitors are expected to sign in at reception and wear identification.

Charging and Remissions Policy - summary.Charges may be made for : • music tuition, except where it is provided to fulfil the requirements of a syllabus;• ‘finished products’ in subjects such as Technology, if parents indicate a desire to keep the product;• ‘optional extras’ (i.e. outside school hours) which are not fulfilling the compulsory requirements of

a syllabus;• public examinations for which a pupil enters but has not been prepared by the school, and in addition

where a student fails without good reason to complete the awarding body’s requirements for an examinationfor which the school has paid;

• damage to or loss of school property;

Voluntary contributions are also requested in support of other activities. In cases of genuine financialhardship, representation may be made to the Headteacher for charges to be waived. Every attempt will be made to view such cases sympathetically.

Arrangements for making complaints about the curriculumIn line with Government regulations, the Governing Body has approved a formal curriculum complaints procedure. If parents have any complaints about the curriculum, they should be addressed in the first instance to the Headteacher in writing.

Full copies of all school policies are available on demand. Davenant

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Years 7 - 11

All students follow the National Curriculum, with time allocations (in hours per week) as follows :Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10/11

English 3 3 3* 3.5 Mathematics 3 3 3 4Science 3 3 3 4.5/OptionFrench / Spanish 2 2.5 2.5 Option Design & Technology 1.5 2 1.5 OptionPhysical Education 2 2 2 2/OptionArt 1 1 1 OptionGeography 1.5 1.5 1.5 OptionHistory 1.5 1.5 1.5 OptionMusic 2 1 1 OptionReligious Education 1.5 1.5 1.5 1/OptionInformation Technology 1 1 1.5 Option Drama 1 1 1 OptionPersonal, Social, Health & Citizenship Education (PSHCE) 1 1 1Optional subjects 2.5 each

(* Dual Linguists)

Students may also be invited to take up a second foreign language in Year 8.

A wide range of teaching strategies is used to meet the needs of each individual. These will includewhole-class teaching, group work, pair work, individual research, role-play, drama, experiments,practicals, field work and use of Information and Communications Technology, including the Internet.

Years 12 and 13

The school offers a wide range of AS and A2 level courses. A separate Sixth Form brochure is issued to all prospective applicants and copies are available from the school.

There is an expectation that all students will follow a 4 AS curriculum in Year 12.

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A full analysis of the 2012 examination results is available on the school web-site.

The 2013 results will be published on the web-site in October. However, a summary of the main outcomes from 2012 is as follows:

Key Stage 4

167 students took a programme of examinations at Key Stage 4. 99% achieved 5 A* - G’s with 81% achieving this with English and Maths included.

Key Stage 5

153 students took A Level examinations in Year 13. They achieved a 99.6% pass rate with 61.6%grades A - B.

176 students took AS Level examinations in Year 12 with a 93.3% pass rate [A-E] and 37.3% achieving A or B grades.

In all of these categories, results exceeded the national average.

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8.30 Registration8.40 Assembly/Tutor time9.00 Lesson 110.00 Lesson 211.00 Break11.20 Lesson 312.20 Lunch1.20 Registration1.30 Lesson 42.30 Lesson 53.30 End of Day

Assembly, attended by all students and staff, and Religious Education form an important part of the life of the school. Parents who have asked for their son or daughter to attend Davenant must appreciate that all pupils participate in these aspects of the school’s provision.

The length of the teaching week is 25 hours plus registration and form time. Attendance is a legalrequirement and it is therefore essential that any absence is supported by a parental note.

We have not yet published the term dates for 2014/2015.These will be available to parents as soon as we are informed of the dates set by Essex L.A.

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Student destinations - Year 11 % Student destinations - Year 13 %Full time education 96 Higher Education 83Full time employment 2 Employment 15Unknown 2 Gap Year 2


Number of students of compulsory school age: 830Authorised absence as a percentage of total possible attendance: 4.9%Unauthorised absence as a percentage of total possible attendance: 0.1%

Page 11: Davenant Prospectus 2013



Davenant Foundation School is a Christian, ecumenical, 11-18 comprehensive school catering for pupils of all abilities. We became an Academy in April 2011 and have continued our work as a centre forteacher training and professional development.

Headteacher: Mr. Chris Seward, M.A..Chairman of Governors: Mrs. Pat Seager.

Parents should note that all information given refers to the academic year 2013/2014 unless specificdetails for 2014/2015 are known. We aim to give maximum notice to parents where changes areundertaken during the course of the year.

Davenant Foundation School, Chester Road, Loughton, Essex IG10 2LD.Telephone: 020 8508 0404 Fax: 020 8508 9301. Web-site: www.davenantschool.co.uke-mail: [email protected]