Dating Marriage and Spirituality

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  • 8/10/2019 Dating Marriage and Spirituality


    Dating Marriage and


    Rasaraj Das

  • 8/10/2019 Dating Marriage and Spirituality


  • 8/10/2019 Dating Marriage and Spirituality


    Dating : Socializing of potential lovers

    who have mutual interest in each other.

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    If milk is available in the market why buy

    a cow ?

    - Swami Prabhupada

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    There is a glimpse of love, but tendencyis to get carried away.

    Dating not limited to one person. No


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    Why does one look for a loving experience ?

    And what are the expressions of love that we

    find in a loving relationship ?

    Dating in one sense is looking for the perfect

    match, in an aspiration for love. And thisaspiration is common to all species of life

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  • 8/10/2019 Dating Marriage and Spirituality


    The Vedic perspective

    Love begins at the point when a child is born.

    Loving relationship is reciprocative. The form of love

    does not happen alone and is never passive. There

    is a subject and an object.

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    Forms of love

    Early in life there is the love of a child for the parents

    and vice versa.

    There are loving relationships shared among friends

    and teachers

    Conjugal love is separate as the propensity to love

    is focused on one person unlike those with parents

    friends or teachers.

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    Conjugal relationships

    Humans psychology is divided into animus

    (masculine) and anima (feminine).

    People complete the psyche with help from others,

    so that a balance is established.

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    Conjugal relationship

    When a suitable partner is established the

    following stages ensue to establish a mature


    - Admiration for the beloved

    - Service

    - Reciprocation

    - Care- Total Love

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  • 8/10/2019 Dating Marriage and Spirituality


    Love is blind

    When the partners in love have their own happiness

    as the primary guiding force for forging a relation

    then there is distress.

    Old Testament : Samsung

    King David

    Vishwamitra MuniThe President of the USA !

  • 8/10/2019 Dating Marriage and Spirituality


    Anger in Love ?

    If the person in whom ones love is reposed cheats

    of leaves, causes great distress.

    When love is frustrated, it blazes into the fire of

    anger. People kill each other due to violation of

    faithfulness or lack of satisfaction in a relation !

    There is no greater pain than frustrated love.

    - Leads to suicide, not seen even with the terminally ill

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    Law of Satiation

    Repeated interaction with the same individual

    changes ones perception of that individual.

    .. even in a mature relationship.

    One is looking always for unconditional love.

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    Why do we need this Love

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    The Spiritual perspective

    The body is known as a machine yantra and the

    passenger is the atma.

    Atma refers to body, mind or soul depending on the

    consciousness of the person.

    The body changes constantly and the mind is easily

    diverted like a butterfly flying on different flowers.

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    The Spiritual perspective

    The real person is the soul. When the soul or the

    spirit leaves there is no consciousness needed to

    operate the body and the mind.

    The soul is pleasure seeking. Anandamayo


    Its constitutional position is to experience ecstatic


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    The Spiritual perspective

    The person who loves and is loved is the soul.

    Even if you have the best body, the best intelligenceall the money and fame and power, without love

    there is only frustration !

    Our essential need is to love and to be loved.

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    The Spiritual perspective

    Depending on our free will we decide how to direct

    our propensity for pleasure.

    If we are selfish and egoistic then we come under

    the control of Mahamaya.. The all pervading

    powerful external energy.

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    The Spiritual perspective

    This energy is very powerful. We remain her

    prisoners since we cannot to escape her power of


    Infact we dont want to escape this power

    And in this endeavor we are constantly dissatisfied,

    constantly looking for love.

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    The Spiritual perspective

    We sometime reject the pleasures of the world

    looking for peace, who the spiritual masters call

    impersonal liberation, a genuine level of spiritual


    But in this state one cannot satisfy our loving

    aspirations (lacking the object of love) and

    constantly keep coming back

  • 8/10/2019 Dating Marriage and Spirituality


    The Spiritual perspective

    Beyond the impersonal aspect is a higher realm, the

    realm of Bhagavan or God !

    In this realm there is reciprocation at the purest

    conception of love.

    Which also frees us from the clutches of Maya.

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    The Spiritual perspective

    God is known in many ways

    As the maintainer controller and proprietor ofeverything that exists.

    The lawmaker and creator of all of creation.

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  • 8/10/2019 Dating Marriage and Spirituality


    The Spiritual perspective

    The souls original constitution is to engage in

    various loving relations with Krishna

    Looking for this love, one wanders through various

    life forms, getting frustrated and the carrying those

    desires to other life forms.

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    The Spiritual perspective

    When one reposes this love in the supreme Lord,

    one becomes completely satisfied.

    This is the natural position of the soul.

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    The Spiritual perspective

    One develops this love by desiring this relation

    .. and then working on the relation

    Following certain regimens to attract Krishna and to

    be attracted by him.

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    This requires that relationships are forged so that

    one helps one another in reaching this highest stage

    of love of God.

    By Date Flipping one is only increasing ones

    frustrations.. marriage helps in limiting this

    frustration and helps develop respect

    Which in turn helps us focus on God.

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    Perfection of Love

    By following these regimen we come to the ultimate

    state of unconditional loving relation with Krishna.

    By which even Krishna is conquered !

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    Purifying our Loving propensity

    Various process, but one that is recommended by all

    scriptures is the chanting on the holy names.

    Hare Krishna Hare Krishna

    Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

    Hare Rama Hare Rama

    Rama Rama Hare Hare

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    Every person has a tendency to love.

    When we measure others with respect to our ownegocentric view we create frustration.

    Unconditional love is required to truly connect with

    the other person.

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