Term Four has been busy as usual. We have farewelled our senior students and wish them well for their NCEA exams which commence this week. SPORTS AWARDS I would like to thank all the parents and family members who aended the Sports Awards evening. It was a very successful event. A special thanks to the work of Mrs Coe and her team of able helpers for their efforts in making it a memorable occasion. Once again, our congratulaons to the winners and a big thank you to all the coaches and parents whose support has ensured students can parcipate in a wide variety of sports. SENIOR PRIZEGIVING Thank you also to all those who took the me to celebrate the academic successes of our students at this years Senior Prizegiving. Our top prizewinners were: Dux - Finn Roberts-Craig Proxime Accessit - Peta Butler YEAR 13 LEAVERS DINNER This year the Leavers Dinner was held at the Waiuku Cosmopolitan Club. It was a very successful event aended by 200 students, staff and family members. YEAR END As we close out the year, the burning issue is the current teacher shortage. We have fared beer than other schools in the region in recent years, but this is changing rapidly. We hope the various reviews being currently undertaken in educaon will provide soluons to this looming problem. Nga Mihi Kia Koutou Mark Nickless, Acng Principal FACEBOOK SCHOOL PAGE We have been using the College Facebook page for over a year now. It is primarily intended to share news and events with our parent community. Along with the School App is it also useful for last mi- nute reminders or noficaon of changes to school acvies or the school day. The page is not moni- tored to answer quesons that parents or page followers have. Queries should be directed to the school office or by phone or by e-mail. 09 235-8139 or offi[email protected] COMMUNITY SURVEYS Thank you to all the parents and students who completed the Rongohia Te Hau surveys in Term 3. We obtained a lot of very valuable feedback which has been looked at by staff, school leadership and the Board of Trustees. This helps us review how effecvely we are meeng the needs of our students and our community and helps inform our strategic planning and goal seng for the next few years. EXAM TIMETABLE ON BACK PAGE TERM 4 2018 NCEA Exams 7-30 November Junior Exams 8-13 November Year 10 Camp 26-30 November Peer Support Training - Yr13 4 December Junior Prizegiving & Year End 7 December - 11.30am TERM 1 2019 Office open - sale of uniform 21 January—8.30am-4.30pm Anniversary Day - 28 January Yr 9 Powhiri & Orientaon 31 January Yr 9 Orientaon & Yr 12\13 opon confirmaon 1 February All Yr Levels in 4 February Waitangi Day 6 February Please note that the newsleer is emailed to parents\caregivers now, so please ensure we have your correct email address on file . The newsleer is also available on our website. Newsleer No. 9 9 November 2018 DATES TO REMEMBER Tom Vanderlaan Principal

DATES TO REMEM ER · 2018-11-08 · provide me with some advice for parents considering a first car for their kids. Choosing a car for your young driver If you have more than one

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Term Four has been busy as usual. We have farewelled our senior students and wish them well for their NCEA exams which commence this week.

SPORTS AWARDS I would like to thank all the parents and family members who attended the Sports Awards evening. It was a very successful event. A special thanks to the work of Mrs Coe and her team of able helpers for their efforts in making it a memorable occasion. Once again, our congratulations to the winners and a big thank you to all the coaches and parents whose support has ensured students can participate in a wide variety of sports.

SENIOR PRIZEGIVING Thank you also to all those who took the time to celebrate the academic successes of our students at this year’s Senior Prizegiving. Our top prizewinners were:

Dux - Finn Roberts-Craig Proxime Accessit - Peta Butler

YEAR 13 LEAVERS DINNER This year the Leavers Dinner was held at the Waiuku Cosmopolitan Club. It was a very successful event attended by 200 students, staff and family members.

YEAR END As we close out the year, the burning issue is the current teacher shortage. We have fared better than other schools in the region in recent years, but this is changing rapidly. We hope the various reviews being currently undertaken in education will provide solutions to this looming problem. Nga Mihi Kia Koutou Mark Nickless, Acting Principal

FACEBOOK SCHOOL PAGE We have been using the College Facebook page for over a year now. It is primarily intended to share news and events with our parent community. Along with the School App is it also useful for last mi-nute reminders or notification of changes to school activities or the school day. The page is not moni-tored to answer questions that parents or page followers have. Queries should be directed to the school office or by phone or by e-mail.

09 235-8139 or [email protected]

COMMUNITY SURVEYS Thank you to all the parents and students who completed the Rongohia Te Hau surveys in Term 3. We obtained a lot of very valuable feedback which has been looked at by staff, school leadership and the Board of Trustees. This helps us review how effectively we are meeting the needs of our students and our community and helps inform our strategic planning and goal setting for the next few years.


TERM 4 2018

NCEA Exams 7-30 November

Junior Exams 8-13 November

Year 10 Camp 26-30 November

Peer Support Training - Yr13 4 December

Junior Prizegiving & Year End 7 December - 11.30am

TERM 1 2019

Office open - sale of uniform 21 January—8.30am-4.30pm

Anniversary Day - 28 January

Yr 9 Powhiri & Orientation 31 January

Yr 9 Orientation & Yr 12\13 option confirmation 1 February

All Yr Levels in 4 February

Waitangi Day 6 February

Please note that the newsletter is emailed to parents\caregivers now, so please ensure we have your correct email address on file .

The newsletter is also available on our website.

Newsletter No. 9 9 November 2018


Tom Vanderlaan


BUYING THE FIRST CAR FOR YOUR CHILD? I sit on a mortality review group as a principal representative for Counties Manukau and one of the areas we review is car accident deaths involving under 25’s. Sadly the older, less safe types of cars that our students often have as their first vehicles, can be a major factor in the consequences of an accident after a youthful error of judgement behind the wheel. I asked our NZTA representative to provide me with some advice for parents considering a first car for their kids.

Choosing a car for your young driver If you have more than one car available, give them the safest car to drive whenever possible. They'll benefit the most from the enhanced safety features. It's best for them to use a family car while they build their experience so you can manage safe access to it, but if you're helping to choose a car for your young driver, go for the safest one you can afford. You can find more information on the RightCar website including used car safety ratings.

Make sure they know about basic car safety. It will be useful if anything goes wrong, but it will also help them build good safe habits around proactively looking after the car they drive.

Research from Monash University into crashes involving young New Zealand drivers suggests that if all teens drove the safest car available (of the same age as their current car), death and serious injury rates for teens could be reduced by more than 70 per cent.

New Zealand research by the University of Otago has found that while most parents have some say in the cars their teens choose, only one in five parents consider safety factors in the choice of vehicle for their teen - with most considering small engine and vehicle size as the most important factors.

Safer vehicle choices don’t have to be the newest, most expensive, or even the biggest models. The latest used car safety ratings show that there are a number of makes and models of used cars with 4 or 5-star safety ratings that could be affordable and appro-priate choices for young drivers.

Source NZTA Website

Driven.Co.NZ also recently published an article in the NZ Herald with advice similar to that given above. They also reported the Monash University findings that a driver of the worst rated vehicles for safety is more than 10 times more likely to be killed or seriously injured in the same crash as a driver in the best rated vehicle. Recent data showed that 40% of those killed were in cars 15 years or older, while only 15% were in cars less than 5 years old.

Food for thought? Do we allow our young inexperienced drivers to have their first year of driving in the least safe cars? Will their youthful mistakes be more heavily penalized than if we had made sure they were in a 4 or 5 star safety rated car.

Nga Mihi kia Koutou

Tom Vanderlaan, Principal


Head Boy Head Girl Deputy Head Boy Deputy Head Girl Liam Sargent Latesha Latu Hema Buchanan Cindy Nguyen

Introducing the rest of our Prefect team for 2019:

Abigail Baird, Natalie Campbell, Mikayla Capes, Pare Edwards, Colin French, Frances Good, Majenta Grant, Tyla Hackett, Faith Jepson, Mauriora Kaihau, Jeesoo Kim, Chloe Laker, Breanna Lieder, Phoebe Malcolm, Shameel Mohammed, Natalie Moore, Kadia Thornton & Katelyn Ying.


Key Points to Remember This year’s NCEA exams started on Wednesday 7th

November and will finish on Friday 30th November.

Morning exams start at 9:30 am and afternoon exams at 2:00 pm. Students should arrive 30 minutes before their first exam and 20 minutes before all other exams. Students who arrive more than 30 minutes after the start of the exam will not be allowed in.

Students must wear proper school uniform. If they are not in uniform they will not be allowed into the exams.

All senior students, except those who are not doing exams, were given a copy of their Admission Slip. This sets out the date and time of their exams. Students will be given their original Admission Slip when they attend their first exam. They must take great care of their Admission Slip because they will not be allowed to sit their exams without it. If they lose their slip they must see Mrs Everitt who can provide them with a replacement.

Students have also received a copy of the 2018 National External Assessment - Instructions and Information for Candidates. This leaflet provides more information about the exams and exam rules.

Derived Grades Under certain circumstances you can apply for a Derived Grade if you miss an exam. A Derived Grade is based on evidence, such as your Practice Exam results, and is awarded by NZQA for the standards you missed. You must complete a Derived Grade Application form and provided appropriate evidence. You can get a copy of the form from the school office or you can down-load it from the NZQA website (www.nzqa.govt.nz) If you miss an exam because you are unwell, you must get a doctor to complete Section B of the form. You can also apply for a derived grade if you believe your performance was affected because you were ill. Again, you will need to ask your doctor to fill in the relevant part of the form. Students can also apply if they are affected by a serious or traumatic event, e.g. being involved in a car accident on the way to the exam or the death of a close family member. All Derived Application forms must be handed to Mrs Everitt by 12 noon on Friday 7th December. For more information contact Mrs Everitt.

Results Exam results are released in mid-January. Students can either log into the NZQA website (www.nzqa.govt.nz) to view their results or they can order a Results Notice which will be posted to them. Students wanting to receive a Results Notice should order it online via the NZQA website before the end of December. Students who have paid their fees can also order one free copy of their Record of Achievement and NCEA Certificate.

CONGRATULATIONS! A huge congratulations to Jenni Smith for winning the Country Music Award for Entertainer of the Year – Best original song!

We are very proud of your achievement Jenni.

END OF YEAR We would like to wish the students all the best for their exams and to ask that upon the last day of their exam, or as soon as possible after their last exam has finished that students come into the student office to do their clearance. If they have no exams but have items at home that need returning, they may bring these to the office at any time.

Please return the following items if you have these at home:

Waiuku College library books.

Text books, which may have been borrowed during the year for study.

Any sports or borrowed school uniform items.

Check the school donation and any outstanding fees have been paid and collect the 2018 school magazine which will be available in the last week of school (after 4th December).

School magazines are available at $20 for those who have not paid the school donation.

Any queries can be made by phoning the school office on 235 8139.

We wish you all the best over the summer break from the team at Waiuku College.

PRIMARY INDUSTRIES Level one students gave the Horticulture unit a spring clean. The gardens are looking great with plenty of vegetables and flowers growing.




The Dux was awarded to Finn Roberts-Craig


The Proxime Accessit, the award for runner up to the Dux, was awarded to Peta Butler

TOP YEAR 12 SCHOLAR - Vanderlaan Cup

Our Top Scholar for Year 12 was Faith Jepson

TOP YEAR 11 SCHOLAR - Ranson Cup

Our Top Scholar for Year 11 was Georgia McLeish

SPECIAL AWARDS: Loretta Kerisiano - the Te Toa, the top Pasifika student who displays the values of Aroha, Manaakitanga, Wairua, Awhina and Tautoko

Waiohua Minhinnick - the Te Toa, the top Maori student who displays the values of Aroha, Manaakitanga, Wairua, Awhina and Tautoko, and the Pei Te Hurunui Jones trophy for Oratory in Maori

Lyzann Cecil-Tara - C F Brown Award for contribution to Taha Maori

Jayden Watts - the Dr P Hutchison Cup for the top Academic Maori or Pasifika student in the senior school

Hayden Foy - the top Sportsman for 2018

Emily Kitson - the top Sportswoman for 2018

Britney Cunningham-Lee - the Brett Donald trophy for Supreme Sporting Excellence

Shameel Mohammed - The Waiuku District High School Sheffield Public Speaking Cup

Awarua Leef-Dunn - The Waiuku Citizens Award for Best Public Performance in Drama

Daniella Kriek - the Waiuku College Service to the Arts Cup, the Contribution to Contempary Music Award & the School Council Cup (awarded by Prefects to a Prefect) for con-tribution to the life of the school

Jenni Smith - the Conrad Horne Cup for Excellence in Musicianship and Performance

Jarem Cabamongan - the School Council Award (awarded by Prefects to someone who is not a Prefect) for most valued contribution to the life of the school

Jenni Smith - the Waiuku College Staff Trophy for exceptional endeavour over 5 years

Loretta Kerisiano - the S G Harrison Principal’s trophy for triumph over a range of obstacles

Peta Butler - the Aitken Cup for All-round Endeavour and Widest Contribution to the life of the school

James Hanna-Batty - the Waiuku Rotary Cup for Service before Self at school and in the wider community

House Trophy & Spirit Shield go to Matai

EXCELLENCE CREDITS IN INTERNAL STANDARDS We recognise those students with 40 Excellence Credits and above:

NCEA Level 1 - Year 11 Georgia McLeish 81 Oliver White 48

Aimee Te Kanawa 64 Allister Hamilton 47

Tara Lipscombe 60 Lily Sixsmith 47

Annalese Hagan 50 Logan Ying 46

Livy Jordan 50 Kian Sorensen-Smith 45

Jenna Matthews 50 Noah Bradley 42

Liam Vallesfin 48 Charlotte Cooper 41

NCEA Level 2 - Year 12 Faith Jepson 52 Katelyn Ying 45

Lisa Bui 49 Mikayla Capes 43

Latesha Latu 47

NCEA Level 3 - Year 13 Finn Roberts-Craig 64 Jenni Smith 44

Peta Butler 44

TROPHY RECIPIENTS Brooke Bruce-Hol High Wire Charitable Trust Top Student Trophy (Year 11)

Daniel Craig NZ Trade Academy Primary ITO Trophy (Year 11)

Ethan de Thierry High Wire Charitable Trust Top Student Trophy (Year 12)

Kadia Thornton NZ Trade Academy Primary ITO Trophy (Year 12)

Jarem Cabamongan Franklin Arts Festival Society Award for 1st in Photography (Year 13)

Jarrod Stewart John Robinson Memorial Trophy for best student in Technology (Year 13)

Latesha Latu Senior History Mahi A Nga Tupuna Trophy (Year 12 - 1st place)

Tara Lipscombe Stuart Kelly Trophy for top student in Year 11 English

Finn Roberts-Craig NZ Steel Cup for Top Year 13 Science student

Chloe Laker Davie Trophy for top student in Year 12 English Advanced

Finn Roberts-Craig Brett Donald Trophy for top student in Year 13 History

SCHOLARSHIPS Jade Walters New Frontiers Excellence Entrance Otago University Scholarship

Tony Lin New Frontiers Excellence Entrance Otago University Scholarship

Hannah McMillan Te Manu Kaewa Waiuku University Scholarship

Marius Jansen van Rensburg Te Manu Kaewa Waikato University Scholarship

Jayden Watts Victoria Tangiwai Scholarship

Hayden Foy Auckland University Technology Significant Student Scholarship’

Finn Roberts-Craig Highest University of Otago Scholarship for outstanding academic achievement

Year 11 Awards Beau Watson 3rd in Te Reo Maori Kaira Ito 3rd in English as a Second Language Kayley Kimber 3rd in Music Jayden Chitty 3rd in Primary Industries Raven Jimenez 3rd in Design & Visual Communication Craig Kelly 3rd in Drama Chloe Thompson 3rd in Visual Arts Louise Skinner 3rd in History Alix-Rose Hearn 3rd in Science Jack Newton 3rd in Home Economics Jade Partridge 3rd in Mathematics & Statistics Brody Roger 3rd in Materials Technology Katie Tucker 3rd in English Lily Sixsmith 3rd in Physical Education Charles Stephens 3rd in Mathematics & Stats Advanced

Taiki Minhinnick 2nd in Te Reo Maori Oliver White 2nd in Spanish Nathan Lowe 2nd in Primary Industries Jack Warren 2nd in Drama Dharma Mealor 2nd in Mathematics & Statistics Caleb Wanhill 2nd in Materials Technology Kian Sorensen-Smith 2nd in Science Advanced Emily Smith 2nd in English

Zahntaye Brown-Heather 1st in Te Reo Maori Jessica McEvoy 1st in Spanish Daniel Craig 1st in Level 1 Primary Industries Academy Brooke Bruce-Hol 1st in Level 1 Services Academy Chantel Vaughan 1st in Drama Kanata Hirano 1st in Mathematics & Statistics Ashleigh Nicolson 1st in English Sebastian Webb 1st in Mathematics & Stats Advanced Livy Jordan 3rd equal in Geography 2nd in Physical Education William Vu 3rd in Design & Photography 2nd in English as a Second Language Charlotte Cooper 3rd in English Advanced 2nd in History Lexi Muir 2nd in Music & Design & Photography Caroline Pembridge 2nd in Visual Arts & Math & Stats Adv Maureen Ngo 2nd in Science & 1st in English as a Second Language Joshua Atamu-Watkinson 2nd in Digital Technology 1st in Materials Technology Tristin Palmer 1st in Music & Science Liam Vallesfin 1st in Digital Technology & Design & Photography Allister Hamilton 3rd in Digital Technology 2nd in Home Economics & Geography Aimee Te Kanawa 3rd in Spanish 2nd in Design & Visual Com 1st in Visual Arts Logan Ying 3rd in Mathematics & Stats Exten & 2nd in English Advanced & 1st in History Tara Lipscombe 3rd in Geography & Science Advanced 2nd in Mathematics & Stats Exten & 1st in Physical Education & English Advanced Georgia McLeish 1st in Home Economics, Design & Visual Com, Geography, Science Advanced & Math & Stats Exten


Year 12 Awards Brandon Pritchard 3rd in Music Natalie Campbell 3rd in Te Reo Maori Edrian Burnside 3rd in Design & Visual Comm Ethan Edwards 3rd in Digital Technology Matt Torpey 3rd in Primary Industries Zayn Young 3rd in Automotive Engineering Shameel Mohammed 3rd in Media Studies Tiaan Kriek 3rd in Drama Naomi Skerton 3rd in Photography Alexandra Creaser 3rd in History Tyla Hackett 3rd in Geography Rebekah Hambling 3rd in Tourism Sarah Fisher 3rd in Sport Breanna Lieder 3rd in Physical Education Chloe Stevenson 3rd in English Ethan Short 3rd in Mathematics & Stats Olivia Simnor 3rd in Mathematics & Stats Adv Monica Lusty 2nd in Spanish Gus Fredricson 2nd in Music Mauriora Kaihau 2nd in Te Reo Maori Awarua Leef-Dunn 2nd in Photography Sage Allen 2nd in Hospitality Cory Crouch 2nd in Mathematics & Stats Phoebe Malcolm 1st in Spanish Natalie Moore 1st in Music Waiora Minhinnick 1st in Te Reo Maori Ethan de Thierry 1st in Level 2 Services Academy Katelyn Ying 1st in Design & Visual Com Jacob Lucas 1st in Digital Technology Kadia Thornton 1st in Level 2 Primary Industries Academy Majenta Grant 1st in Drama Peta Martinovich-Harding 1st in Photography Nadia Whyte 1st in Sport Frances Good 1st in Physical Education Shannyn Eason 1st in English Megan van Winden 1st in Mathematics & Stats Colin French 3rd in Spanish & Physics Regan Evans 3rd in Materials Technology 2nd in Primary Industries Liam Sargent 3rd in Hospitality 2nd in Sport Amber Brear 3rd in Painting 2nd in English Shenay Fraser 2nd in Automotive Engineering & Design & Visual Com Samara Bloomfield 3rd in Design 1st in Tourism Dylan Reid 2nd in Materials Technology 1st in Automotive Engineering Gene Jeremic 2nd in Digital Technology 1st in Materials Technology Stephanie Baker 2nd in Tourism 1st in Hospitality Hannah Hewitt 1st in Media Studies & Geography Cindy Nguyen 2nd in Media Studies 1st in Design Latesha Latu 2nd in Design & Biology 1st in History Chloe Laker 2nd in Drama & History 1st in English Advanced

Cont. over

Year 12 Awards cont. Jeesoo Kim 1st in Chemistry, Physics and Math & Stat Advanced Lisa Bui 3rd Chemistry, Biology & English Advanced 1st in Painting Faith Jepson 2nd in Painting, Physics, English Advanced & Math & Stats Advanced & Bronze Cert from NZ Biology Olympiad awarded to the top 228 Biology students in the country Mikayla Capes 2nd in Physical Education, Geography Chemistry & 1st in Biology

Year 13 Awards Emily Kitson 3rd in Sport Sigourney Drewery 3rd in Music Marius Jansen van Rensburg 3rd in Design & Visual Com Hayley Jensen 3rd in Business Studies Anahera Tetley 3rd in Visual Arts Emily Longhurst-Lee 3rd in Biology Natasha Salter 2nd in Spanish Summer Sweeney 2nd in Sport Adeline Cox 2nd in English for academic purposes Lily Jameson 2nd in Media Studies Connor Rashleigh 2nd in Digital Technology Abigail Ditchburn 2nd in Drama Tyla Stokes 2nd in Design & Visual Com Tane O’Neil 2nd in Building & Construction Courtney Torpey 2nd in Geography Georgia Petersen 2nd in Hospitality Andrew Goodare 2nd in Statistics Britney Cunningham-Lee 2nd in Tourism Briana Carson 1st in Spanish Waiohua Minhinnick 1st in Te Reo Maori Loretta Ailepata 1st in Media Studies Simon Roberts 1st in Digital Technology Nai Samsuri 1st in Drama Jarrod Stewart 1st in Building & Construction Tony Lin 1st in Calculus Cody Ohms 1st in Business Studies Sidney McMillan 1st in Health Hayden Foy 1st in Physical Education Carenza Steele 1st in Tourism Daniella Kriek 3rd in Drama 2nd in Music Hannah Du’Nasement 3rd in Geography 2nd in Business Studies Jarem Cabamongan 3rd in Media Studies 2nd in Visual Arts Jade Walters 3rd in English Advanced 2nd in Biology Xxavier Willoughby-Ansell 3rd in Chemistry 2nd in Calculus Nathan Shackleton 3rd in Building & Construction 1st in Sport MacKenzie Roberts-Craig 3rd in Physical Education 1st in Hospitality Ziyan Huang 2nd in Physics 1st in English for academic purposes Stephanie Laurence 2nd in English Advanced 1st in Design & Visual Com Connor Baird 3rd in Digital Technology, Calculus & Physics


Ashley Green 3rd in Hospitality, Tourism 1st in Biology Peta Butler 2nd in Chemistry, Health & History Jenni Smith 2nd in Te Reo Maori 1st in Music & Geography Jayden Watts 3rd in Health, History, Statistics 2nd in Physical Education Finn Roberts-Craig 1st in Physics, Chemistry, History, Visual Arts, Statistics & English Adv

Finn Roberts-Craig Peta Butler Dux Proxime Accessit

Faith Jepson Georgia McLeish Top Year 12 Scholar Top Year 11 Scholar

Thank you to Sherilyn Fretton from Mike Pero Mortgage and Insurance Brokers, Waiuku who have sponsored the evening. We are so grateful for their sponsorship and hope it can continue.

The crowd was entertained by Ambush, the Hip Hop group with our very own student, Latesha Latu (Yr 12) who per-formed the routine that placed them 4th on the World Stage in America earlier this year.

Jack Laker (Yr 11) told of his achievement of being selected to go to the Reebok World Games in CrossFit, and coming away with a 7th placing in the World for his age group and taking the Title and 1st place for the Pasifika region.

The 2018 sporting winners are:

Swimming Beanie Rattrie Junior Girls Josh Lowe Junior Boys Shontelle Dally Intermediate Girls Finn Rattrie Intermediate Boys Danika Ryland-Higgins Senior Girls James Sixsmith Senior Boys Athletics Beanie Rattrie Junior Girls Brock Wheatley Junior Boys & winner of 800 metre Erikson Cup Frances Good Intermediate Girls & Top Athletic Squad Member Liam Cutler Intermediate Boys Emily Kitson Senior Girls Andrew Goodare Senior Boys Cross Country Nicole Kempthorne Junior Girls Liam Cutler Junior Boys Frances Good Intermediate Girls Theo Crawford Intermediate Boys Emily Kitson Senior Girls Hayden Foy Senior Boys Equestrian Crystal Hackett Junior Equestrian Rider Leah Kelly Most Promising Rider Tyla Hackett Senior Equestrian Rider Tennis Charlotte Cooper Junior Girls Josh Lowe Junior Boys Rebekah Hambling Senior Girls Keelan Schnell Senior Boys

SPORTS PRIZEGIVING MotoX Hunter Renall Up and Coming Rider Mason Borrell Rider of the Year Volleyball Nicole Kempthorne Most Improved Junior Girl Kennedy Baird Most Promising Junior Girl Brieana Mercer Most Dedicated Senior Girl Mere Asafo-Tavita Most Outstanding Senior Girl Archery Bronte Macks Most Improved Archer Michael Lord Most Promising Archer Waka Ama Waiora Minhinnick Most Promising Female Paddler Beau Watson Most Promising Male Paddler Cricket Harmony Allen Most Consistent Junior Girl Kieran McLeish Most Consistent Junior Boy Jade Walters Most Consistent Senior Girl Jack Newton Most Improved Boy Connor Rashleigh Abbott/Foy 1st XI Boys Best Senior Bowler Hayden Foy Abbott/Foy 1st XI Boys Best Senior Batsman & Most Valuable Senior Player Basketball Hayley Hickmore Most Improved Junior Girl Olivia Glenny Most Improved Senior Girl Waiora Minhinnick Best All-round Girl Cheyenne Beukman Junior Girls Player of the Year Amy Grimmond Senior Girls Player of the Year Timoti Karena Most Improved Junior Boy Noah Bradley Most Improved Senior Boy Cajun Butler Best All-round Boy in First Year of Playing Kyson Monteith Most Valuable Junior Boy Mitchell Hilton Player of the Year Senior Boys Kyson Monteith Junior Boys Best in Tournament Mitchell Hilton Senior Boys Best in Tournament Lyzann Cecil-Tara Senior Girls Best in Tournament Orienteering Millie Thompson Best All-round Junior Beanie Rattrie Most Conscientious & Consistent Beanie Rattrie, Millie Thompson & Best Overall Effort Junior Girls Charlize Aicken Team Claybird Shooting Josh Baird Most Improved Shooter Dylan Burns Most Team Spirited Shooter Matty Groot Most Consistent Shooter (Malcolm Doncaster Trophy) Daniel Craig Most Outstanding Shooter Netball Alicia Capes Most Improved Junior Lily Sixsmith Most Improved Senior Chantel Vaughan & Dedication and Excellence in Charlotte Cooper Umpiring MacKenzie Stratton Defender of the Year Mikayla Capes Mid Court Player of the Year Chantel Vaughan Shooter of the Year Nicole Kempthorne Junior Player of the Year Mikayla Capes Senior Player of the Year Che Harcombe Tournament Player of the Year Cont. over

Football Fynn Steven Junior Boys Most Improved Cody Rack Junior Boys Player of the Year Aimee Te Kanawa Girls 2nd XI Most Consistent Player Kaitlyn Grinder Girls 2nd XI Most Improved Player Lilliarn Asafo Girls 2nd XI Player of the Year Logan Kempthorne Boys 1st XI Most Improved Player & Player of the Tournament Cory Crouch Boys 1st XI Player of the Year Shenay Fraser Girls 1st XI Most Improved Player Britney Cunningham-Lee Girls Top Goal Scorer Mereana Asafo-Tavita Girls Most Consistent Player Jayden Watts Girls Most Valuable Player & Girls 1st XI Firestone Award Player of the Year & Girls Player of the Tournament Hockey Holly McGillan 2nd XI Girls Most Improved Player Keely Lipscombe 2nd XI Girls Player of the Year Anna Williams 1st XI Girls Most Improved Player Brooklyn Hatton 1st XI Girls Most Team Spirited Player Kadia Thornton 1st XI Girls Services to Hockey & 1st XI Girls Player of the Year Dylan Burns Boys Most Improved Player (Gregory Lowe Cup) Hayden Foy Sportsperson by Team Choice (A. Massey Cup Clive Matheson 1st XI Boys Manager’s Team Man Cup (donated by Richard Kennedy) Hayden Foy 1st XI Player of the Year Emily Peet Girls Player of the Tournament Nathan Browne Boys Player of the Tournament Rugby Haziq Che Rose Most Improved Player Under 70kgs Brock Wheatley Player of the Year Under 70kgs Joshua Shapleski 1st XV Best Forward Reid Shackleton 1st XV Best Back Nathan Shackleton 1st XV Most Improved Player Hema Buchanan 1st XV Best & Fairest (Dave Buchanan Trophy) James Sixsmith 1st XV Player of the Year & Captain

The evening finished with students who received a Colours Award in their sport: Daniel Craig Colours in Claybird Shooting Emily Kitson Colours in Womens Rugby Britney Cunningham-Lee Colours in Womens Football Frances Good Colours in Athletics & Distance Running Jayden Watts Colours in Womens Football

Left to right - Frances, Emily, Daniel, Jayden, Britney


Our Supreme Award Winners are: Kadia Thornton Mike Pero Service to Sport Award Frances Good Coe Family Trophy for Dedication to Sport Beanie Rattrie Stephen Donald Junior Sports- woman Liam Cutler Stephen Donald Junior Sportsman Emily Kitson Overall Senior Sportswoman 2018 Hayden Foy Overall Senior Sportsman 2018 Britney Cunningham-Lee Brett Donald Supreme Award for Sporting Excellence

We congratulate all winners and look forward to 2019

Kadia Thornton Frances Good

Beanie Rattrie Liam Cutler

Emily Kitson Hayden Foy

Britney Cunningham-Lee

BOARD MEETING DATES 2018 (5.30pm in Boardroom)

Monday 12 November Monday 10 December



Waiuku College Facebook https/www.facebook.com/WaiukuCollege

Please like our page to keep up to date with

life at Waiuku College.

Second-hand uniform We would very much appreciate any second-hand uniform items that you no longer require. We are especially short of girls shirts and blouses.

Holiday Job at Seed Solutions Seed Solutions are based in Patumahoe. They produce sweet corn and maize seed for clients in the Northern Hemisphere and look to employ a number of school leavers each year to work in their fields. It’s a good opportunity to earn some money before heading off to Uni or starting their career.

Anyone interested can contact them at [email protected]

Waiuku College girls 1st XI trip to Rarotonga This year the Waiuku College 1st XI Girls Cricket team were lucky enough to tour the beautiful island of Rarotonga for six days.

The visit involved games against both invitational and Develop-ment teams, which allowed both groups to enrich their skills and knowledge of cricket. The games were challenging but also fun, valuable, and played in high spirits, including one that continued after dark.

The team also enjoyed the beautiful sights and sounds that Rarotonga had to offer, which included swimming in the crystal clear waters, snorkeling with the Captain Tamas Lagoon trip and tasting fresh local cuisine. The team were also fortunate to be invited to Takitumu Primary School, which enabled us to get a glimpse of Rarotonga education, including learning to drum and play the ukulele whilst giving back by teaching cricket skills. The team would like to thank the Cook Islands Government, Cricket Association and Pukekohe Toyota for all their efforts helping make this possible.


Name Email Address

Peter Attwood (Parent Rep) [email protected]

Phillippa Buchanan [email protected]

Doug Johnson (Staff Rep) [email protected]

Megan Lamont (Chair) [email protected]

Gareth Manning (Deputy Chair) [email protected]

Natalie Moore (Student Rep) [email protected]

Dick Parsons (Co-opted) [email protected]

Tom Vanderlaan (Principal) [email protected]

Colin Webb [email protected]










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We have a lot of uniform items handed in unnamed, which means they cannot be returned to their owners.

Photos from Senior Prizegiving